LIBERTY BONDS I hmJ. cWf to' iU aarvicaa. ? SA m'JS-Hfi S" VK SSgZk and ston vour name to a tcg But A 7 TAKE your spare cash -cramp your extravagances-Hjuy a Third Liberty Loan Bond. Stake;your cash on our Khaki boys who are staking their lives to crush the Kaiser and all he represents. " , Billions must be raised to biast forever, this menace to our liberty and safety. Our Government needs the aid and support of every one in this war loan. Every bond you buy helps. This is everybody's war and everybody's1 money can and must help: You certainly want to see this warj end quickly. Then back up yourj sentiment with your subscription today j and get your neighbor to do likewise. "This war," said President Wilson to American laboring men, "must be won, not by government but by the strength of the American people." That means your duty and my duty to put our savings into war bonds. The Third Liberty Loan button is a badge of service to your country. Buy a bond and wear the button. The war is coming closer, closer, closer! What do the casualty lists mean to you? Every day the roll of honor in the newspapers carries a sorrowful message to some community. TJiese men are sacrificing their lives. You, too, must sacrifice something. Yourl cash invested in Liberty Bonds will help to crush the Kaiser.". Do your duty there's no time to lose! Go to your banker or bond house and sign your name to a Liberty Bond purchase. Act now and avoid the memory that you failed in the hour of test Remem ber If s a loan your Gov ernment asks not a gift. This space is contributed to the cause of country, com munity and city. EASTERN-WESTERN LUMBER CO. 1 and ! PACIFIC BRIDGE CO. dvertijemeitt writttn ' tad designtd by Dan C. fnauan PtrtUnJ, On.