Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 08, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Statement Regarding Senator
ship Promised by ex-Gov-
ernor Not Yet Here.
tf Former Executive Dors Not In
tend to Ran Member of Parly
Can Act Accordingly
Matter of Registration.
Saturday was the fateful day April
. Testerday was April 7. Still no
answer or Intimation of any kind from
Oswald West as to bis reported Sena
trrUl aspirations, although the Ex
Oofernor. when, ho and his friends
Importuned Judge Samuefc White, chair,
man of the Democratic State Central
Committee, who thought he had a right
to seek his party's nomination for
Senator, to withhold his announcement
until after April C. said on that date
lis would decide as to whether or not
he would become a candidate for the
Xemocratlc nomination. In the mean
time. Judge White has been eliminated
as a possible candidate by acceptance
of a Majority in the Reserve Corps
which was tendered him through ad
ministration channels,
rteraocxats, particularly West's friends,
Xvho are generally registered as He-
fubllcans. are really anxious, to be
Jvi.eJ of West's Intention.. If he
l.i actually going to enter the Sena
torial content, they want n oppor
tunity to change thtlr registration
from Republican to Democrat in order
to give him their support In the Demo
cratic primary. If the Ex-Governor
does not Intend to run. they will be
satisfied to allow their questionable
registration to stand and give their
support to McNary and Olcott. as per
their original intention. Rut with
them It Is always a cae of West first,
ttood Excuse Is Offered.
There is a perfectly good excuse for
tVesfs delayed answer. It is explained.
Jte left rortland last Tuesday night,
ostensibly for Washington direct, but
it is reported that, instead, he went
first to San Francisco, where, as re
ceiver for the Home Telephone Com
pany, be devoted at least a day. possi
bly two. to his efforts to effect a
merger of the Home with the Bell
stystem. Necessarily that would delay
Sits arrival at Washington until today
and possibly tomorrow, and a definite
announcement from him with reference
to bis designs on the Senatorship could
not be expected until he has had an
opportunity to confer with his poll
tlcal god-father. Senator Chamberlain,
and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo.
Behind the whole situation. Demo
cratically speaking, is the apparen
Intrusion of the national admlnistra
.tion Into the Oregon Senatorial sttua
tlon. The friends of Judge Will R.
Xmg. who already has come out in the
open and announced his candidacy for
Senator on the Democratic ticket, re-
aent the possible Intrusion of Wes
feeartni; the stamp of the Administra
tion candidate.
Jadse'a Frieads Concerned.
King's supporters maintain that In-.
asmuch as he already is a member of
th Democratic official family, being
eMef counsel of the Reclamation Serv
ice, he has a priority claim to any ad
vantage that might accrue from the
Indorsement of the Administration
Krlends of King- feel that his friend
Secretary Lane, of the Drpartment of
the Interior, has as much right as
Secretary McAdoo Is to be heard In the
a lection of an Administration candi
date to run for the Senate from this
The main purpose and Interest of the
administration In bringing about the
lection of a satisfactory Senatorial
candidate from this state, it is appar
cnt. Is to hoot the tentative candidacy
of Secretary .McAdoo for the Presidency
In l:o.
Chicago last month, when it effected
a merger with the Prohibition party,
Not all of the Oregon prohibitionists,
however, have affiliated with the new
organization, many of them bavins re
turned to the Republican or Democratic,
party, the platform of the new party
being a little too radical lor mem.
Aside from Prohibitionists, the mem
bershlp of the National party Is made
up largely of Socialists and single-tax
advocates, with a scattering 01 iormc
Some Disposed to Walt.
"Many Oregon prohibitionists are
full sympathy with the purposes of the
National party." said J. Sanger Fox.
executive secretary of the Prohibition
party, yesterday, "but they will wait
and see how successfully the new or
ganization progresses before they ac
tively become affiliated with the tjew
"in the meantime, we will maintain
our own party organization In . this
state. I am satisfied that ventually
the prohibttionists will either abandon
their party and unite with the Nation
al party or those forming the new
party will leave It and Join the pro
Circuit Judge John S. Coke, of Marsh-
field, was in Portland yesterday con
ferring with friends relative to his can
didacy for the Republican nomination
for Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court on the Republican ticket.
K. K. Kubll. who represented Mult
nomah County in the House at the 1917
session of the legislature, will this
week announce his candidacy for re
election. At the last session Mr. Kubll
was an active member of the House.
serving as chairman of the committee
on ways and means.
After three weeks in Central and
Eastern Oregon L. J. Simpson will be In
Portland today, temporarily calling a
halt In his campaign for the Rcpubli
can nomination for Governor until the
third liberty loan is safely floated.
He was the principal speaker at three
enthusiastic meetings which marked
the opening of the drive in Malheur
County. Malheur. Judging by the start
It made, will have no trouble making
Its quota and everywhere the drive is
rousing more enthusiasm than either
of the previous two.
Temporary orxnnlxation of tht Na
tloniU partr In this Mat was formed
hnturdiAT nlcht t a. metlnir at Central
library. Professor Kobrt LsHch. of
Krd Collr. ws )rtl chairman,
and itimn NVIli Ma Ra.nk.ln. atno of
this ctty. waa fhwn Mretnry-treaa
urr. An executive committee was
immert. conntstlnu of George I. Cleaver,
.Mrs. raul II. iHiusias and Frederick K.
('TiUi Be Called.
Tha executive commute waa cm-
powered to call a state convention
ahortly after the primaries on May 17
lor the purpose of ef fee tins; a perma
xient stata orranlzatton and el ec tins;
officers. At the same time the matter
of nominating candidates for office
will also bo considered.
"Between now and tha time of hold
Jnr the state convention." said Pro
fessor LetKh. "the party will carry on
viiiorooi campaign for members. It alo
rlana to nominate candidates for some
of the state and National offices, and
we fully expect to elect one member
of Concresa In the com in election.
"National organizers of the party
lieve offered to come to Oregon for a
special campaicn this Summer.
The Nation purtv ws Torn. nt
ti .Deep Carve Leaee
'.Trademark Registered)
Eyes carefully examined
and properly fitted with
glasses without the use of
Complete lens grinding factory
on the premises.
atoit:H. b:t EmirraD
KlILltltb OP I it AO.
UUBUUaL.T. cnRKETT nrtLnixc,
Origlaal Coat Was About f2.TO.0OO, and
It la Reported to Have Changed
Hda at 1(10,000. .
The deal for the sale of the Lumber
men's building, at the northwest cor
ner of Fifth and Stark streets, negoti
ations for which have been under way
for several weeks, was closed Friday.
A. Cohn. president of the Northern
Grain & Warehouse Company, has pur
chased the building from William F.
Humphrey, of San Francisco. Mr.
Humphrey soma time ago, it was said
by Mr. Cohn, purchased the interest in
the building held by Gay Lombard, for
mer Portland capitalist, who built it.
The original cost of the building to
Mr. Lombard was about $230,000. W hlle
Mr. Cohn declined to give the purchase
price, it is understood that he obtained
the building for a figure in the neigh
borhood of 1160.000.
Mr. Cohn purchased the building,'
which Is used for office purposes, as an
Investment. He has much confidence In
the future of Portland down-town
realty, and says that real estate values
have been at rock-bottom for some
time, are now on the up trend and are
certain to increase- very considerably
in value in the near future.
Distinguished British Soldier
Who Has Seen 25 Years'
Service Is Touring West.
German Successes of Past Fortnight
Declared Purchased at Such Enor
mous Cost of Life aa Will
Hasten Inevitable Collapse.
Approximately BOOS Pooada af Halibut,
Black Cod, Rel Snappers and Una;
t od Are Coaxed From Sea.
With about 9000 pounds of halibut.
black cod. red snappers and ling cod,
the city's fish boat Joseph Pulitzer
pulled Into the Wash in k ton-street dock
yesterday afternoon from its second
fishing expedition. The boat had been
out IT days. The catch, while not un
usual, is considered satisfactory for
this season.
The fish will be weighed out today
and will be put on sale at the Municipal
Fish Market. Third and Tamhtll streets.
While the price has nut been deter
mined, the supply probably will knock
considerable of a hole in the retail
price of halibut and fresh cod. Not
until the fish is unloaded and It is
seen just what quantity was caught
will the price be fixed.
The PullUer left Portland Much 21
and headed at once for the Newport
halibut banks. No luck was had for
some little time, but a small run of
fish developed later and from this the
000 pounds was taken.
Colonel Murray, Earl of Dunmore, V.
C. M. V. O., D. S. O.. distinguished Brit
ish soldier who has fought In every
British war for the past 25 years,
reached Portland last night for a short
visit on a tour of the West, and al
though d-tsquleting dispatches hav
come from the west front while he has
been in the United States, he gave it
as his opinion last night that the Brit
lsh line will hold fast and check the
Hun advance before the Boches win
farther Into France.
Paris, he believes, is safe, and Amiens
too. Taking it by and large, he regards
the German thrust In the west as bein
failure, judged by tremendous con
and meager results.
Lord Dunmore himself left the west
front after two years of fighting, dur
ing which he was twice wounded. He
was gassed before Ypres In December,
191o, and was again wounded lust Oc
tober fn the battle of Flanders at th
capture of the Passchendaele Ridge. It
is to recover from this wound that h
is now In the United States. He has
been thrice mentioned in dispatches
during the present war ana last year
was awarded the Distinguished Service
Success Gained at Great Cost.
The German push on the west front
can be claimed as a success for German
arms," he said last night, "because the
Germans succeeded in getting through
tnree fines of defense and penetrating
su miles.
'But In my opinion the advance was
purchased at such an enormous cost in
numan life that It will hasten the in
vitable collapse of Germany.
io Dreak a line is nothing unless the
attackers have sufficient superiority to
ioiiow tne aavantage up and cither to
eteat tne opposing armies or to Brain
possession of some point of real strate
gic or political Importance.
"Up to now, the Germans have gained
nothing in this push that will compen
sate intra ior tneir fosses.
"The position is grave, in my opin
ion, Dut 1 am confident, mvself. that
we shall hold them back. The defection
or iiussia has probably augmented the
German forces by 1,600,000 men, but
mat increase, in my opinion. Is not suf-
iicient to enaoie the Germans to
acnteve what they are aiming for.
which is the real, crushing defeat of
the allies before the American Army is
over mere.
Amiens Captare Not Expected.
Lord Dunmore was asked if
thought Amiens will be taken.
"I do not think so." he said. "If thav
do capture Amiens, it will be a great
mow to tne allies, but it will not in
any way affect the final issue of the
Lord Dunraore's tour of the country
is under the auspices of the Chamber
of Commerce of the United States and
his public appearance in Portland next
Wednesday night at the Auditorium la
sponsored by the local Chamber. He
will also appear at the members' coun
cil of the Chamber at noon today.
ixra Dunmore was met at the Union
Depot last night upon the arrival of
the Shasta from San Francisco by
narry I nerwooo, British Consul; H.
U Corbett. W. D. Wheelwright, Mayor
Baker. L. C. Uilman. J. D. Farrell and
John M. Scott, and officially welcomed
to Oregon.
Loory Knoll Claims to Have Process
for Transmutation of Metals.
WASHINGTON. April 7. Special.)
The police are holding for investigation
a resident of South Bend. Wash., who
says his right name is Looey Knoll,
but who usually goes by the name of
Albert Cornell. Knoll, or Cornell, ar
rived this morning to lay before the
Government a process of transmutation
of metals, by which he claims to be
able to make any metal except tungsten
for J2S a ton. Knoll went direct to po
lice headquarters to report.
His talk aroused suspicion and he
waa turned over to the District Attor
ney, whose subsequent Investigation
proved that Knoll had been enrolled
at South Bend as an alien enemy. He
Eoanved so wood fot A. D. Ktnchbium Co.a
r H HERE is only one degree
of all-wool there
are a hundred degrees of cotton adulteration
Once cotton is admitted, you never know
whether the adulteration stops, at 5 per cent or
s goes to 50 per cent . . . .To keep on sure ground,
look for the Kirschbaum label a label which
stands for all-wool, always and without com
promise . Kirschbaum Clothes - $20 to $40
says this is an error. Knoll will be
etalned while the District Attorney
makes Inquiry of the authorities at
South Bend.
If he is an alien enemy he Is by exec
utlve order barred from the District of
Washington Total Large.
SEATTLE. Wash.. April T. Accord-
ncr to estimates made tonight at local
liberty loan headquarters, Seattle and
Kin it County have subscribed nearly
$7,000,000 of the $11, 61)0,000 quota for
the city and county, while probably
14.000,000 of the 129,391,000 quota ior
the state has been raised.
State campaign officials said tonight
reports from the various districts al'
most assured the state's quota being
attained within the honor week.
' - - ' V 4 ? "I V f ' t
- r.r.A-. 'f . ri f h y
' I "S . x x '
V -": "i -S ' 7 ' -'L
til . 9. Klasery. far State Repmeatattvel 3 George T. t UTett. for State Representative (Re-eleetloa)l 3) W. TV.
Baaka, for Jotat State senator From MaJtaosaaa. Clackamas aad Colombia Counties! (4) Captain O. W. Hosford,
for State Repmeatativet (3) Joka II. Holatoa. (or Labor Commissioner) 6 Panl M. Long, for State Representative)
T) Elsie . (cttUscU (oc SUta BcprcacataUTe .1S tfark W. fetexaoa, for Coaataalo .tBc-lectloa, .
Congress Works This Week on
Important Legislation.
Pro-German Utterances and At'
tempts to Obstruct Army Draft
or Iilherty Bond Sales '
Will Be Penalized.
WASHINGTON, April 7. With the
Nation entering the second year of the
war. Congress works this week on im
portant legislation designed to make
its powers more effective at tho battle
front and at home, wnue me Mouse
gives right of way to bills extending
the draft law ana otner Army legisla
tion, the Senate's schedule tnciuaes
final disDosition of several bills aimed
at German spies and agents, to curb
mob law against disloyalists and to
stamp out propaganda.
Further consideration also win oe
riven the Overman Mil, increasing
President Wilson's authority. The se
dition bill, penalizing pro-German ut
terances and attempts to obstruct the
Army draft, and liberty bonds sales,
temporarily has right of way in the
Senate, which will resume detate to
morrow. Its passage, probably with
some modifying amendments is ex
pected within a few days.
Other bills which probably will go
to the President early this week are
the measures extending espionage laws
to enemy alien women, and providing
$10,000 fine and 30 years' imprison
ment for destruction of war material
or acts of propaganda curtailing its
production. Conference reports on
both bills were approved yesterday by
the House and now await action in the
Renewal of Senate debate on the
Overman bill is promised tomorrow.
The discussion is expected to continue
intermittently throughout the week.
Beginning tomorrow, military bills will
have the right of way in the House.
The principal fight is scheduled for
Because He Saw so Clearly, He
Write no Truly.
By Hngk Gibson, First SeCy of le
gation. wet, $2.50.
Thursday over the bill changing the
draft quota from state populations to
the number of men in Class 1. Another
Senate bill to follow, to which there is
less opposition, is that requiring reg
istration of youths reaching 21 years
of age since June 6, 1917.
A vote by the House on the Senate
amendment to the agricultural appro
priation bill increasing to $2. B0 per
bushel the Government minimum guar
antee for wheat also is expected during
the week. A close vote is predicted.
St. Johns Hears Patriotic Address.
Residents of the St. Johns district
assembled In such force last night to
hear the patriotic address of Chaplain come to pass.
A. C. Rexroad, in the regular Army
service at Camp Lewis, that the James
John High School auditorium was in
adequate to house the throng. Tho
meeting was highly enthusiastic. C. C.
Halloas a Wberty loan representative,
spoke briefly, and special music was
Pennsylvania is creating a forestry
reserve. The planting of trees is pro
gressing In a way that has proved most
gratifying to those taking a special in
terest in the work. Some years ago it
was said that there was danger of
Pennsylvania becoming a treeless state.
Recent developments show that such a
deplorable state of affairs will never
on the subject of Nature's
corruption in the grave, will
surely convince every thinker
that CREMATION is the most
humane, the most esthetic and
the most reverent method, for
the disposal of the remains of
the departed.
Write, Phone or Call for Booklet
Sellwood Car to f
Fourteenth and Bybee
9 to 5
Rich and Brown
Ham and Eggs 30
Hamb'rg Steak 20e
Rib Steak 250
Plain Steak 20i
Wood's Quick Lunch