Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 08, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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other band. Field Marshal Hale's rsv
port say that a German attack on the
British lines opposite Albert Saturday
Buy Your Liberty Bond Today
was repulsed and that British counter
attacks tn ATeluy wood placed the
British In positions formerly held by
Official War Report.
War Department Asserts That
British and French Tenac
. ity Spoiled Hun Schedule.
2oiUoa of Allied Armies Is He-
da red to Be Improved Strategic
fctandpolnt, bat Farther Enemy
. Attacks Are Expected Soon.
f OXDON. April 7. The War Office
I tonight Issued the following; state
a ment concernlns; operations
"Counter attacks carried out by us
yesterday successfully re-established
oar former positions in Aveluy wood
and resulted In the capture of more
than 120 prisoners and several machine
"Later In the day the enemy aa-al
attacked our positions opposite Albert,
but was repulsed. Another attack at
tempted early In the night south
Hebuterne was completely broken
by our artillery fire.
'By a successful minor operation
carried on by us early this mornln
south of the river Somme. we Improved
our position and captured prisoners.'
WASHINGTON. April 7. French and I p.Rl3. April 7. The War Office
British tenacity baa the ambl- ,tatement tonight says:
tious plans of the German Mrs com- "Last evening the French repulsed
rnd for the battle of Flcardv. says a German attack in the region of
lie war ixptrtment s weekly m'mrT I Grlvns.
r.view tonignu ana now ine enemy -In the eourBe ot the Kht the ar
cVtermT.ed to ret la some sort of sue- I ttllrry of both sides displayed great
cs at any cost. Is throwing fresh I activity between ilontdldler and Noyon.
forces Into the battle In an effort to I -"West of Noyon a German detach
'Kin ltmltrt objectives. Because of this, I ment which had succeeded In getting
the situation Is expected to remain un-I a foothold In the advanced trenches
certain for soma time to come. I was Immediately ejected by a counter
Ooeral Improvement In the strategic I attack.
position of the alll'a Is noted, and the I "On the Olse front the Germans re
icvl.w declares thai under General I newed their assaults in the region of
'och the allied military machinery ulchauny and Barisls.
working smoothly and efficiently In I "A German attempt to raid th
stemming the German assault. I French lines north ot the Chemla des
There is no mention whatever of the I Dame was unsuccessful.
American troops reported hurrying to I -Khelms was violently bombarded !n
the front to join tne nnusn ana r rencn. the course of the night.
though th Department again men- "Our artillery checked attempts of
Hons that several American transport tBe anemr to attack la the region of
sections have taken an active part la Hangard-en-Santerre and took under
the battle and that the American aria- (t, tlT9 troop concentrations at various
lion service is co-operating wua me points on the front north of Montdldler.
Kritiea artillery. "On the right bank of the Mouse a
Haas Behind Seaedale strong German attack northeast of
-At the opening of the third week Hill S44 waa repulsed after a aplrlted
f the German offensive, we find that engagement, the enemy suffering serl-
the in.nt Is still far short of attain- ous losses and leaving In our hands
Isg his principal objectives." says the about 19 prisoners, three of them of
rolew. fleers.
-i .r evidence that the German I "Raids against our small posts In
high command contemplated over- I the Argonne and in the sector of Vaux-
h.lmh. t ha Hrltl.h at tha outset be-I les-Palamelx brought no result.
weea the OHe and the Senses, and drlv. I "On April seven German airplanes
log a wedge Into the Franco-British and two captive balloons wera brought
nira I down by our pilots. Our bombers
The enemy fully espected to achieve dropped S000 kilos of projectiles oj.en
a decision la the field in the course ot I emy stations and cantonments,
one nut Battle. I "Eastern theater There were skirm
"Kvldence of prisoners tends to eon- I lehes between patrols south of Demlr
flrm that the enemy hoped to gain thelHtssar and near Lunila and artillery
line of the Somme by the evening of tne I duels west oi uoiran ana west oi jion
first day of the offensive. As a matter I astir.
ot fact. It took the Germans Je aays to
cover the ground they expected to over
run within 41 hours.
"L'nder the leadership of General
Forh. the allied military machine Is
functioning with precise smoothness In
juring greatest economy, harmony and
.fM'i.n.-. I. ih. ni. nf all the forces
. now united In stemming the German violent artillery duels developed In the
ssaultsi The morale of the allied troops afternoon, followed by strong British
lattacaa on tne Ancre ana jivre. i"t
British forces, storming In thick
BERLIN, via London. April 7. The
official communication from general
headquarters reads:
Western theater On the battle front
remains high.
aitaatloa Yet Vaeertalsv
masses, collapsed north of Beaumont'
-The German offensive has not spent Hmmel and before our bridgehead po-
ana in. situation -i.i vuui.u. I .mans on Albert.
uncertain for some time to come. How.
"South of Vlllers-Bretonneaux an
ever, the gen-ral strategic position of ,ctlon by enemy storming troops which
uo .4.. ... ., i Vi I had assembled did not develop on ac
" ' " .J" ri I count of our fire.
-French divisions which had been
In the week, during which the enemy
... . . . r rvuvu Ull IH4UU. kuh.ii mu WCOl
w.s busy riD'n h".i! i brought up from other fronts stormed
and i repairing the wastaa-a J , vain on the western bank of the
replacing lirea UnilS IU1 ir.lU UW V. ...... n fmmtml mrA MalMv mt
another powerful attack was launched V ,l end Vtvl
alone the segment of the line now held ,f Thory. near Cantlgnj. and five
' ,th tr'l"': ill UthihMh "Tte-t loss... their at-
-. mas. he;r. cj;:rn: -hahirng"- "t"r
way. Fierce fichfng continues. Allied df.Jf' " Jr.. , ,h. .vr.n.ral
force, ar. massed to check th. Invader. f '
In this area. .. .. I iin.lil.iii n fha nnlhrn hank
eepTion oYaf." "?." ora In." In th- " "ear Am.gny. While some
Vkraln. or In th. we.Em area.
Bow la th. Italian theater.
Strong Points Held on Meuse
Heights Within Sound of
Guns of Verdun.
Fourth American Organization to
Strike on Western . Front Takes
Over Sector That Had Been
Held by the French.
took by storm the suburbs of Chsuny,
Vliirr iiuvua ill an .u.l. 11 uiii o ran k ------- - ( i
.b nniinn. i,..p imi... ...i rain of socks and shirts drying
In the northeastern portion of Coucy the breezes mat Diew oil no
wood. They reached the line of Blchan
court. Autreville and the northern bor
der of Barisls.
"As a result of the overpowering fire
Cntlnud From riret Pai-e.r
it wns possible with the naked eye to
ee them forming for the attack, and of our artillery and mine throwers, the
in every case the British artillery and LTa?a '""a Tr "nuin?r "
. . . , , ., I To the present more than 1400 prtson-
macfiine guns piayea navoc among me er, have been brought in.
assembling troops. I "By way of reprisal for the continu-
. . f I ous bombardment of our dugouts in
Near Hebuterne German concentra- Uon th. bombardment of Rheims was
tions were caught in machine gun bar-1 continued.
t,. nH ru.rnl t eastern bank of the Me use a
' I reconnoitering thrust near Beaumont
mashed. I yielded .0 prisoners and 10 machine
TV. a RWtisr! artillerv continues tnlaunm-
. , . I "In aerial battles IS enemy airplanes
pouaq m vriuwua an w were enot down yeMerdav.
FRANCE, April 7. (Special.) The
fourth American organization to strike
on the western front is stationed
within sound of the guns of Verdun
It holds strong points on the heights
of the Meuse and has the advantage of
good observation positions overlooking
the enemy's entrenchments on the
brosd plains of the Woevre.
i ne occupation or this sector was
sccomplished without incident. Iso
lated machine gun posts In hidden po
sitions in advance of our first line
were taken over from the French. We
relieved our allies during two nights
some time berore the events In Flcardy
Tha usual heavy artillery fire has
prevailed In the sector since. On the
second day of occupation. I visited the
front line trenches on the side of a
hilL A guide conducted me down the
long, dark passageway of steps slop
ing forward. W. finally came upon
the underground chambers. timbered
and gas-proofed and the tenders of
several machine units wera housed
Gerssaa Trench la Sight.
I waa directed upon another flight
or dark steps and after a considerable
climb emerged In a camouflaged post,
where the guard stood by his machine
gun. Looking through the aperture in
front of the muzzle, I was able to see
one full section of the German trench
on the small hill opposite.
Tk a slant along the sights," the
gunner advised. "See where that trench
Joins up with the big shell crater?
Well, we get quite a few of them at
that corner. They have to be speedy
when they pass that spot. We keep
this baby trained on It night and day.
They ain't got the chance of a China
man's ghost If we see them first.
We must have been bothering them
eonsiderable this morning, because
they wasted a couple of million dol
lars' worth of shells trying to locate
this Invisible post of ours. I'm telling I 04
you that nothing but a chance shot
can get us here. e are absolutely
On our return trip through the
trenches around the top of this hill
we passed several places where trench
Ide-signs and adviotj of our conduct'
lng officers caused us to hurry past in
stooping position.
Teuton Ganaers Alert.
There are spots where the Germans
from the heights opposite commanded
the American line and drenched it with
machine-gun bullets whenever a head
is shown.
In another position where the enemy
occupies well-wired entrenchments o
flat plain not far from the base
he hill, he retains under almost con
Injal fire from our snipers and, by
reason of our superoir location, has bu
noor means of replying.
At this point, our wire entangle
mints run through trees and brus
where the hill slopes to the plain. Such
security is enjoyed here that some of
ur men even use tne wire entangle
ments for wash lines. I saw numerou
Ijind. -
t luncheon In the American battal
Ion commander's dugout, I remarked
on the excellence of the salad served,
and he informed me that the dish was
one that could not be purchased for
love or money In any hotel or restau
rant in the world.
I Inquired for the recipe and learned
that the salad was composed princi
pally of dandelion stems picicea in no
Man's Land by nignt patrois.
Noted Geographer Is Dead.
PARIS April 7. The death of Vldal
de la Blanche, the noted geographer, is
reported. He was 73 years old.
i By the AaeocUted Frees.)
Tha second phase ot the great battle
along the Somme which the Germans
b'.-in on Thursday last has died down.
It lasted le.os thsn three days and the
ScMtng has resolved Itself Into more
cr less Isolated encacements In which
the French and British allies have more
than held their own.
.'he attention of the Germans for
the present Is mainly directed at the
lower end of the battle Bone, which ap
parently they are attempting to en
larc. for the purpos. of getting elbow
room In which to move their masses of
Meanwhile General Foch. the com-sn-inder-tn-chlef
of the allies. Is biding
hts time, meeting the German assaults
with powerful resletsnce. snd here and
there conforming his lines to the neces
sities of th. battle. It Is confidently
stated at 1'arts that Foch will not be
drawn Into any false move where each
move Is of such vttsl Importance but
will strike with his reserves at the
ntcnent chosen by him.
There may be some slgntricsnc. In
the report that the German Emperor,
a'ter a conference on the western front
on Saturday with his chiefs, Vwn Hin
ienbur and Ludendorff. intends to
proceed to Kouinania. At th. outset of
the great German offensive, when It
was sweeping the allied forces before
1:. notwithstanding their tenacious re
siatanre. Emperor William. It waa an
nounced officially from Berlin, was in
supreme command. That announce
runt was regarded at the time as evi
dence that the Kmperor expected a
corr plete and decisive victory.
The British on Sunday engaged la
sharp local fighting at various points
and repulsed German counter attacks.
They also drove off by artillery fire
two German attacks launched in the
neighborhood of Bucquoy.
Umm Attacks Kepwlaed.
West of Noyon. a German detachment
that had gained a foothold In th.
French lines was forced out by a counter-attack.
Another attack at Grivesnea
was repulsed but the German efforts
along the Oise to enlarge their previous
gains were continued is the sector be
tween Chauny and Barms. Her. the
French commander deemed It advis
able to withdraw to positions previ
ously prepared and these ar. being
held strongly.
Th. German official communication
drals with the events of Saturday, when
strong British Infantry forces stormed
the German positions around Beau-mont-Hamel
and Albert, and French di
vision "brought np from other fronts
attacked the Germans on th. western
bank of the Avre. These engagements,
according to th. German report, re
sulted la failure for tha allies. On the
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