12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, APRIL' 8, 1918. LOCAL SHIP PLANT WINNERS OF LIBERTY LOAN CONTESTS AND THE DEVICE CHOSEN TO RECORD OREGON'S PROGRESS LEVIS. COUNTY FAR IN THE DRIVE. You don't have to suffer BEYOND ITS QUOTA BAUM Grant Smith-Porter Workers On Allotment of $289,000, Pledge $301,000 to Third ' Liberty Loan Bonds. $332,900 Is Raised and More Coming. REACHES IE w GOA E ESIQUE! 5400,000 IS LATEST QUOTA ; itn teiy .- . - . f ' - , - ' L ?-.' f -.-it - - 0""'V'S'""- - CtrV S - . -v f ; -- - 'a-i: x Sm -It'-vU' A v. , ;.ir--l I -; f'fi ii 1 . k - j fit 4 : ' t ? J I - -'i.-i-V f: - W . - ---.,lv -' J j HALF MILLION IS EXPECTED 7foah ZcdrW Talmud Torah Con. (rrcatloa SalMtcrlbrs S 10,000 at Morning SerTlce Patriotic Sunday Is ObMrrrd. P.lT!rr btw?n ahlpballdtnK fnnl of th city (or the ailver lovtnc cup, to t clvcn by city olfirlala to the hlpyard piling up th highest per capita of liberty loan auDscrlptiona, waa atlrred to keenest Intanalty yea- terday when the Orant Smith-Porter Ship Company reported attainment of Ita oriatnal aoal. Employes of th Arm had pledged ' to take 1301.000 of the liberty bonds, accordlnr to tabulations of Saturday night. They had been working for two weeks, forming a campaign organixa tlon lust such aa covers any city dls trlct. and highly effective results wer achieved when th solicitation began. Th campaign Is not completed, but continues with 1 400.000 aa th newly set a-oal. Day time-checkers of the plant set a noteworthy record In making sun. acrtptlona which averaged K-s per man. liberty loan day will b celebrated t th notary littD at in wmhij luncheon on Tuesday at th Hotel Ben nn. Dr. Mark A. Matthews, pa -tor of tha First Presbyterian Church. Seattle, will b the speakor of th day. Simon Benson will ba chairman of the day. Happy waa Captain John T. P'aga mann. of district 136. Lleutnant-Gen eral Meier's division, when yesterday afternoon he was handed the S-'S.OOO subscription of Multnomah Camp. No. "!. Woodmen of th world, cy j. u. Wilson, th camp secretary. Th sub scription la on of th largest reported thus far. and should serve to further stimulate th seal of fraternal organ- tally each strld of the state toward lta quota In th third liberty loan, tut ton a- which are In keen competition I land, winner of a liberty bond award aaralnst acores of comDetltors. aa liberty loan Inveatora. I Liberty Is seen sinking In a gray sea. with a foundering ship on the horizon. Toward the outstretched hand of e I the goddess floats a life-preserver the third liberty loan. "Save Me!" Is the appeal. At the right appears the Ore- Thlrtv.three stars haa the service flag I gn quota, with an arrow indicator to mark its progress. As loyal citizens swell the liberty bond purchases, the h.t h.nra In the iTDiroctia of Novah I rescuing medium drifts nearer and nearer. Impelled by th same vital force, to th clutching hand. When the atate V..4.V t.i,,, T..rh at sixth and Hall I announces victory tne preserver will b crrlnoed bv tha hand of Liberty. .r..t on. .r h smallest of the city's I Mr. Allies, the de.iiKner. resides at SS Sixth street, and has been a citizen of Portland for eight years. He Is i 4.w v.t wh its I designer and sign writer by profession, and is a eraduatx of tha Kansas Citv School of Art ....mk.ra .ufmblid vesterdar they I "Tls Freedom's Call. Lend Your All!" the Impulsive, busle-note slogan which leads Oregon In the liberty bond cam - ..j n..i. .m.. in Hiimnnii .nb. I paiajn. waa written by Mra. Florence B. Hovt. a Portland mnnln teacher, who has been awarded a liberty bond. Of the scribing f tO 000 to th liberty loan. Thl many thousands of slogans submitted In competition th judges were agreed that Mrs. Hoyt's offering best expressed subscription waa taken by Cantata A- I themotlve andurgency of th liberty loan. 'Mrs. Hoyt has been a resident of Portland for five years. I'pper Left Mrs. Florence B. Hyt, t hose fllogaB, Wm Awarded First Prix aad Officially Adopted. Lower Left L. C. Miles. 'Winner of Prise for Re- eordlnar Device. At Right Th Winning Recording Device of Oregon's Campaign. t Rxpressivo of the fundamental truth that Impelled America to war against City of Chehalis Alone Has Put Cp Practically District's Portion. Biggest Parade Seen In Town Marks Opening. CHEHALIS, Wash.. April 7. Chehalis and Lewis County went over the top yesterday and last night with flying colora In the sale or tmra uoeny joan hnnda. a total of S332.000 being report ed for the county on an allotment of $269,000. with hundreds of subscribers yet to be heard from within the honor period ending next Friday. The Chehalis banking district report ed last night a total of 1146.350 from 507 subscribers: Centralia district, 1135.000 from 715 subscribers: Winlock, $8350 from 77 subscribers: Napavine. $3000 from 11 subscribers; Pe Ell, $5150 from 62 subscribers; Vader, $8700 from 90 subscribers; Toledo, $10,950 from 91 subscribers; Morton, $9750 from 67 sub scribers. A total of $5650 was reported from 32 subscribers who were not clas sified as to banking districts. N. B. Coffman, Lewis County chair man .In charge of the drive, reported that in Chehalis yesterday, ' with an allotment of $118,000 for the Chehalis banking district, a total of $118,550 was actually subscribed for at the three banks here. The city of Chehalis alone up to last night had subscribed prac tically the district allotment. It Is ex pected that the total for Lewis County w',11 reach approximately half a mil lion dollars before the drive Is com pleted. Chehalis held the biggest street parade last night ever known In the history of the city. The Grand Army of the Republic, the Chehalis Military Band, liberty loan campaign officials, city officials and citizens of the'town and surrounding country formed a pro cession many blocks long. There was DENGUE relieves pain of headache, neuralgia, sciatica, rheu matism helps colds and catarrh but be sure you get this original French product as recommended by your physician. Obtainable at all druggists m spite of war conditions, Send for free sample tube. THOS. LEEMING & COMPANY 2515 Wool worth Bldg New York. an address wherein justice rather than maudlin- mercy was advocated. "The man from foreign lands who accepts our hospitality and sneaks in here to undermine the Government deserves to die the death of a sheep-killing dog," he said. Mayor Toney called eight of the local Boy Scouts, Wesley Asbury, Ralph Gunning, Leon Huddle, Joe Knight, Carl Meisner, Barney HcPhilllps, Will iam Rebum and Gale Slater, to the stage and presented each with a medal from the Government as an award for the sale of liberty bonds of the former issues. th Hun. Is the recording devlc which flanks Liberty Place and which will Dut one vehicle In the parade, the city It was designed by L. C. Miles,, of Port- auto fire truck, which had been beau tifully decorated for the occasion. bearing on either side a huge sign reading: "Help Put Out the Fire Over There. WAR MEANING FELT Koseusteln, commander for the dis trict. Kev. A. Kosencrants Is rabbi oi th congregation. All dar yesterday citizens of Port land observed Patriotic Sunday by climbing the steps of Liberty Temple, and announcing their subscriptions to th clertral force. Though th day waa not counted upon as one of active so licitation, many thousands of volunteer dollars found their way to th edifice that Is dedicated to th cause of liberty. Last night, to swell th staff of mill tary speakers assembled from th vet erans of Franc and England, by the speakers bureau, there arrived Major Sturrock and Lieutenant Warren, of th British army, both f whom saw serv ice on th fields of Franc. They com to Portland through ar- . Kw K . l.r ' committee, of which E. B. Piper Is I iifrra" " rt.cuw chairman, and will b assigned to city I f c,i ri.ir. for dS of Promi. Standing Room Only Available When Programme Begins. VESTED CHOIR OF 300 SINGS speaking dates by Milton R- Klepper, manager of the bureau. They will speak at th Ad Club's liberty loan luncheon on Wednesday. Th success of their Initial drive, and th certainty that Portland citizens are with them, leads th city's liberty loan salesmen forth today high-heart edly. Tbey go with orders to sneak so decisively, to seek so determinedly, that Wednesday's sunset may mark the ultimate dollar of Portland's quota In full subscription. By general orders Issued yesterday, all colonels will take th field this morning with their captains and will circulate among th districts under nent Churches of Portland, Many Christians Kn rolled. (Continued From Firs' Pf ) stars; Church of Evangelical Associa tion. 1 stars: Lents Evangelical, S3 stars: Church of the Holy Keaeemer, 10 stars: First German Baptist, Is stars: Second German Baptist, 10 stars Evangelical. 33 stars; St. Paul Luth eran. 13 stars: Marshall-Street Fres, bvterian. 13 stars; Centenary Church. their command, aiding with actual o- I j stars: Sunnyslda Congregational, 44 citation when needed, ana directing I . Trinltv EolacoDal. S7 stars ana aavising wner in wora is unaer way. Also this morning there will enter th campaign a flying squadron at ataned to special duty, that of persua znon in th Instances where citizens nav failed to subscribe their proper ouotas. They will not call them "slackers." as yet, for it Is held that Westminster Presbyterian, : stars. First Methodist. 6S stars; First Con- .r...ilnniiL 43 stars: T. M. C. A., 47 .t.r.- St. David's Episcopal. 66 stars; First Presbyterian. 14 atars: nurcn or uur r ainer. t,imiiH, w " i-..r Knntist. 33 stars: M. James Lutheran. 28 stars: St. alary s t,atne- .n.T." V--r wlll'-b." abl. to dralV .25 stars; Stephen's ProCathe demonstr.,. ,h. plain duty of each. dnjU 21 ars; ltl without friction or rancor. Tm Hum- "'"r ' .m. u.,hi.,. 72 stirs: bers will comprise th organization, all of them Investment bankers and bond dealers, schooled In the work of bond salesmanship. Moeter sent word thnt lat Saturday nlicht her quota waa 120 per rent over subscribed and still going. Mosler also cairns to be the first town to win blue atar. which honor Is also claimed by Powers. In Coos County, which has now earned Its second star. The time Is so close between th two towns that It will be Impossible to de termine definitely, according to Robert K. Smith, state manager. Just which one should be credited with the honor, until word la received from San Fran cisco regarding th decision of such cases. Hoth towns ar to be highly com mended, however, said Mr. Smith, for the splendid work they ar doing, as well as other towns in the state, which. " ""' , hT,Mv. nlthoUK-h not the first to win honor as being now '""""flily tars, have now oversubscribed as much and of one mind In th de aa 4" per cent. Cloverdale. la Tillamook County, Is th ftrt town In the state to win the right ti sew three blue stars upon its honor flag, having subscribed $23.S00. whea Its quota was but $5230. .more than four, tirats Its allotment, accord ing to word received at stal liberty loan he.-tdquartrrs. i.y City, in Tillamook County. 1 the second town entitled to two blue stars and the third town to go over 20 per rent, bavins raised $17. too, vh'u Its quota waa $750. The.. blue stars ar won by over subscriptions, on star to be placed In tne white field of the honor flag for very l'tl per cent the town raises above Its assigned quota. Harrisburg reports having raised Jll.ee on the first day of the drive. From iatcn romes word that subscrip tions tolal $10.&. $5S more than the quota. Bend, with a quoia of $91. sod. raised more than S.0 In 10 hours, and experts to contplei Its quota Mon day. All the sections of leschutes Conntr are exceeding their quota. Wallowa Is "over the top'" and still comma Seaside raa subscribed $?4. . with a quota of only $14.70. Mll wi'ikt. SS persona subscribed $17,300. $tee above Its quota. Th llal(way district of Baker County reports sub scriptions of i::.00. exceeding Its quota. .i.e.- Kunnvside Methodist. 73 stars St. Patrlck'a Church. 22 stars; Temple Beth Israel. 7 stars; Woodlawn Bap .1., n .tnm! East Side Christian. 19 stars; University Park Congregational, 10 stars, and First bpiniuauai. itiuu. F.sglaeera Can Slag. rn of tne bl hits of the gathering was the sppearance of the liberty loan chorus of the ltn engineers, irora Vancouver Barracks, who received an ovation, with patriotic and liberty loan songs. Later th boy, who wer in their khaki uniforms, sang their engi neers song, and this, too, won a warm welcome from th big audience. An effort Is to be made to keep tms glee club In Portland all th rest oi th week to belp along the liberty loan campaign. -- KinhoD Sumner spoke on the duty of patrlotio Americans today, ana ne spoae of the religious bodies of th Nation iv organized determination to win th war. It behooves us to do everything in our power to win the war and to do It oulcklv." h said. "There can be no peace until Kalserlsm and militarism are killed forever. Thos flags today represent men who. like you. have stood for organized religion in the past, but when to stand for peace longer would b to be false to their country, they took up arma Th Christian church Is represented by every man who carries on In France today. "The cause for which they fight Is. In the sight of God. a Just and right eous cause and it has his approval. Huy bonds, buy thrift stamps, stop sedi tious talk and useless criticism. Let us go forward aa soldiers of Christ." Chaplain C. A. Rex ford. First Lieu tenant, stationed at Camp Lewla. made th chief address of th afternoon. He had for his subject, "America, a Na tion United." He spoke of th In famies of German Intrigue and the atrocities practiced by the Hun host In Belgium and France. He pledged the Nation to a determined, continuous effort until the Prussian rule is over thrown. "Th tlins has passed." be said, "when agnation called Christian Is ready to make peace at any time and with any thing. And. thank Uod. It haa gone forever. A mushy Internationalism, mad In Germany and taught In the past, haa been used to mask th deeds of th greatest murderer In the world's history. "People may scorn the right at times, but, like truth, it Is certain to rise again and rise triumphant over all that can be brought against it. We are not victorious yet, there will be many hardships and many sacrifices yet to be met, but we are In time to help the right In the battl with th great wrong that the Huns seek to bring upon the world. "We did all In our power to keep out of tha war and It la no time now to talk of peace. If the supposed Chris tians, or L W. W., or pacifists have any peace to urge, save an honest peace, let them go to Germany and preach it there. "Do not think that the boys In khaki in going to war are leaving God be hind. They are led by Godly men and never before have they turned to their Bibles as they are doing today. And I want to assure you that there la no city in America where they ar safer than at Camp Lewis. Pray, Work, Fight and Pay." "Never since Christ died on the cross havs men died more truly for righteous ness and In the spirit of sacrifice than those who fall In resisting the Hun tide on the west front- Christians must fight In this war because we are fight ing for right, for justice and for humanity. "The time has corns when not only the boys In khaki must fight, but all must get behind them and support tnem. Buy nonds and win the mar. Pray and work and fight and nav." Tne meeting closed with the elnalnsr of "The Star-Spangled Banner by the audience. The opinion was expressed mat necause or its. enthusiastic, charac ter, tne mass meeting win bav a pro nounced effect in furthering the liberty loan cause. Arrangements for the rally were per fected by a committee consisting; of O. V. Badley, chairman; Dr. E. H. Pence, Robert Krobn. C B. Porter and Milton tL Kahn. EASTERN" WASHINGTON" EAGER Subscriptions in Many Towns Are Large on First Day. SPOKANE, Wash- April 7 (Special.) -Pen d'Oreille County went over the top of Its minimum liberty bond quota before 5 o clock P. M. yesterday. The minimum is $45,000. and the bonds sub scribed totaled $49,100. In Colfax In three and one-half hours $136,460 in bonds were subscribed for. The Colfax National Bank sold $56,750 worth, the Farmers National, $50,000 worth; the Colfax State Bank, $20,000 worth, and the First Trust & Savings Bank. $9000 worth. In Pullman $85,000 of the $126,000 apportionment, or more than 67 per cent, had been raised when the banks closed. At Sprague in three hours 150.000 was raised for the third libertv HIGH WAGES ARE CONCEDED yw two took $10,500 worth of the bonds. George Creighton, in California, tele graphed for $000 worth and N. Will iamson bought $5500 worth through the Moscow State Bank. The city of Coeur d'Alene subscribed $50,000 to the third liberty loan to day. The quota for Kootenai County Is $240,000. At Mullan, Idaho, $50,000 was sub scribed. The apportionment was $32, 000. - At Garfield, Wash., the campaign SEINERS GIVE DAIA Alaskan Fishermen Figure in Salmon Price-Setting. HENRY 8. THIELSEN DIES PROMINENT SALEM MAN PASSES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS. Railroad , Wh Owaed BeaatlTnl Dairy Orchard la Polk Conaty, Sur vived by Wife and Chlldresu SALEM, Or.. April 1. (Special.) Henry B. Thlelsen, prominent resident of Salem, died at his home here today, after an Illness of several months. He was born at Marshall, Mich., March 1850, attending school at Burlington, la. He had the unique distinction of becoming operator and train dispatcher on the C B. & Q. at the age of 13 years. He railroaded from then until 1802. He came to Portland In 1870. He constructed the Portland Roseburg di vision of the Southern Pacific and was chief engineer of the O. R. A N. under Ben Holladay when that road was con structed. He wss married In 1872 at Cheek towago, N. Y-, to Miss Jennie Bennett, who survives him. He Is also sur vived by three sons, H. William. Rick real; Fred t., Salem, and Edward W., San Francisco, and one daughter. Miss Ellen B.. of Salem. - He was one of the leading members of the Masonic Order In the state, be ing a Knight Templar and member of the Mystic Shrine. He had held all the offices In the Oregon grand lodge, the commandery and the local lodges. Mr. Thlelsen was owner of the beau tiful Dairy Orchards at Thlelsen sta tion, one of th finest ranches In Polk County. Funeral arrangements have not been completed, although the in terment will be in Rivervlew Ceme tery. Portland. Liberty Talks Stir Salrm. SALEM. Or.. April 7. (Special.) W. C Robinson. Deputy United States Marshal, of Portland, delivered a stir ring liberty loan address before a great audience at the Methodist Church here today. Judge Bond, of Leaven worth. Kan., also spoke. Roth ad dresses wer warmly received. S500 Per Month Not Considered Abnormal for Men on Fishing ' Banks; High Cost of Operating Boats Cited In Flea for Rise. SEATTLE. Wash.. April 7. (Special.) earnings oi iu per uj. u ""l" opened with $10,000 subscriptions taken per month by fishermen in Southeast- by both banks other towns' subscrip- ern ? "-". ""'-" tions yeserday were: Hatton district. $10,000. and Quincv. $11,800. men at the hearing before Judge koji A. Gunnison. Food Administrator tor ri tvGKFIFT t wrvs wnvori rr .xn. UC1U l,ri O two. " v..w J nose of arriving at basic facts regard. Ing salmon prices for tne season oi Clarke county 1 own "exceeds Quota l'8- . .... . Seiners emphasized the point mat ai- ueiore rnci oi r irsi ua y oi urive ... w I. I U1UUKU W1W m "wy J I V 4 TCrrTTT7TT'T? TXT. ct, A 1 1 T T thrf , n'!' 1"- ?;LE; cl.D-Rldeeid is the first town in vVlTr: . v Z S' I Clark County to get its quota of lib aaaiuonni preytviuiB .- iv -. j i :i ti' IJ UU1IUO LHt. A.IOle UUj" an Li Will get EUGENE CHURCHES AID DRIVE Lane County's Liberty Subscriptions Nearlng $44 7,000 Goal. EUGENE, Or., April 7. (Special.) Eugene and Lane County churches to day rallied to the support of the liberty loan with special war services. The Lane County total for the loan Is near- ing the- $447,000 goal. The subscrip tions in Eugene alone yesterday amounted to $125,000. Many towns and districts have not yet reported. ' L. Gerum, of Lakota, a German American, made a subscription yester day through a Eugene bank. His letter follows: "While present high prices make a man's Income look like the proverbial 30 cents, yet I feel that In case of need you would help me out. Therefore, will you buy for me, on cash basis, one liberty bond of $50 for each of my three children John, Gerum, Kather ina and Elizabeth Gerum charging same to my account? "I trust the fact that I am a German American citizen will not prevent you from being able o secure the bonds for me." Seaside is resting from its labors to day, but Monday it is expected that further subscriptions will be reported. Members of the committee say they did not have to pull so very hard. Tha subscriptions just came in naturally. Halsey Quickly Over the Top. HALSET. Or., April 7. (Special.) Halsey's quota for the liberty loan is $19,500. A rally was held Saturday night, and within half an hour sub scriptions of $20,000 were reported. The committee in charge was confident to day that $30,000 will have been sub scribed before the close of the cam paign. 4 Halsey Raises $19,500 Quickly. ALBANY, Or., April 7. (Special.) Another Linn County district is in the clear on its liberty loan quota. Fol lowing a patriotic meeting at Halsey last evening that district's quota of $19,500 was raised in a few minutes. This amount will be Increased this week. additional preparing gear and in time expended In going to and fsom the fishing banks. The plea of tha fishermen, on account of In creased cost of materials and the dif ficulty of securing crews, was for high er prices this season than last. To this the much coveted honor flag. Her quota was $9000 and before 9 o'clock last night $8900 had been sold and the quota was exceeded before the pa trlotic citizens went to bed. Arthur W. Calder, county chairman of the cannery men and packers objected, and tfc jrd Ubert' loan campaign was there offered records of earnings of the seln- . ,, . --, t ,, ers to show that higher prices would not be justified. In the G. M. Standifer Construction Judge Gunnison pointed, out that war corporation shipyards here yesterday, oondltions are abnormal and that in b!anks were passed out at a meeting self-defense the Government had been wnen the united States Shipping compelled to play a strong hand In Board-s IlaK was unfurled, and many order to conserve food and prevent In- thousand of dollers' of bonds were sold, but It will be several days before the tabulations will be available. Encouraging reports have been heard from all of the country precincts and it Is predicted that every one will make Its quota -long before the campaign YOUR EYE ON" PASCO flatina- of prices. Judge Gunnison questioned the selpers as to operating costs, the ex pense of outfitting boats, depreciation and the Individual earnings of seiners under various conditions. The seiners generally held that the average per ends. canita was $300 per month, and facts were offered to show that up to $1000 KEEP per man for three montns oi iisnmg - ,,nMmmon Tt WAS Admitted by fishermen and canners that the cost Drive for Third Liberty Loan Is Well of gas boats and seines tnis year naa Started risen from 75 to 100 per cent. There was a dliterence oi opinion i pasco. Wash.. April 7. (Soeclak) between seiners and canners as to the I starting off the big drive for the third cost of equipment, boats and nets for I liberty loan a meeting was held at crews of eight men, tne nsnermeu i which Attorneys J. w. Johnson, placing it at $11,000 to $12,000 for boats ward A. Davis and C. M. O'Brien spoke, and $2000 for nets, while th cahnery- Dr. j. b. Craln, chairman of the county men estimated it at $6000 to $8000 for I committee, presided. Considerable en- boats. A thusiasm was manifested. Thursday the big military band of RA nUi-. frfltn t , ITnlt.H fital,, TCaval WINE FOODS SHOW GLASS Training School will visit this city and " - - - I L. . hi. -.aw W CnAalm W ic.ii L.io we, faAU. h an did J I LiumLL ivpuiaiiua a.va uvea Bccurcu A 11 D 1 U AO UUl (.UV DllgUlBlil UOUUL 1 11 ft L Pasco will go over the top with her quota with flying colors. XEWBERG CLOSE TO THE TOP $70,000 or $75,000 Quota Raised by Voluntary Subscription. NEWBERG, Or., April 7. (Special.) The third liberty loan campaign opened in New.berg with a rousing speech by Hon. Milton. A. Miller, of Portland, and a short address by James Montgomery delivered at the City Park to an immense crowd. A mammoth automobile parade extended 30 blocks and featured Uncle Sam, the Red Cross and service flags. Business houses in town were closed during the afternoon. The banks kept open until late and a continual stream of buyers were go ing and coming. Of the $7o,000 to be raised by this district $70,000 was cov ered by voluntary subscriptions by 9 o'clock. A canvass for the small de nominations will be started Monday morning and the quota will doubtless be greatly oversubscribed. CAMPAIGN" STARTS IN" LIN'X Soliciting Committees Expect to Be gin Active Work Today. ALBANY. Or.. April 7. (Special.) One subscription for $10,000 and an other for $6000 opened the liberty loan drive camnaicn in this city, me lor- mer was made by Fred Aidricn ana ir.e latter by the Oregon Power Company. Both were announced at the meeting held yesterday afternoon to inaugurate the drive. Local soliciting committees will not begin work until tomorrow morning, but all day yesterday people appeared at the local banks and asked to buy bonds. So well organized are the com mittees and so enthusiastic are the people in support of the bond iBsue that It is believed Linn County's quota will be fully subscribed. HOOD RIVER RALLY TOXIGHT Plans Made to Hold Celebration of Patriotic Xature. HOOD RIVER, Or., April 7. (Spe cial.) One of the biggest patriotic ral lies of the year for Hood River County Is expected tomorrow night, when ad dresses will be delivered by Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portland, and Lieutenant Ar thur Murphy, of the National Army. Members of the local Grand Army post will attend the meeting In a body, and delegations from different communities will march to the big hall bearing their service flags. The Boy Scouts of the country who are taking a prominent part in tne bond campaign will hold a patrlotio pa rade tomorrow. Banks Oversubscribes .90 Per Cent. - BANKS, Or.. April 7. (Special.) At closing hour Saturday the Banks quota of $11,900 is oversubscribed 90 per cent. A great crowd attended the rally in the evening and gave an enthusiastic greet ing to the speakers. Judge Coldwcll, of Portland, and W. G. Hare, of Hills boro. C. M. Hutchins presided. Average $70 Per Capita. KAMELA, Or., April 7. (Special.) Kamela, Union County, population 60, subscribed to the liberty loan in 24 hours $3500. A few workers are un heard from. Fifty Cases of Illness Reported Texas Camp. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., April 7. Proof PARADE OPEXS YAMHILL DRIVE of the presence of ground glass In nine different articles of food shipped to xhree- Thousand McMlnnvllle Resl- the 19th Division commissary at camp Travis was announced tonight by Major Noel Gaines, in charge of the military. police of the 90th Division. Fifty members of officers- families and enlisted men ar 111, he said. dents Join in Patriotic Rally. McMINNVILLE, Or.. April 7. (Spe cial.) Three thousand persons joined in a parade here this afternoon and listened to a patriotic programme at the auditorium, marking the opening of the third liberty, loan campaign in Yamhill County. Chairman Apperson reported a sys tematic organization throughout the Red Cross Auction In Colorado Town I county for soliciting subscriptions to the county's $400,000 quota. Lafayette, T. R. PICTURE BRINGS $740 N'ets Good Sum. CANON CITY, Colo., April 7. At a Red Cross auction here last night at which members of the political parties and several nationalities participated In the bidding, a cheap color print of Theodora Roosevelt was seld for $740. Amity and Yamhill already have re ported their quota as oversubscribed. A. L. Mills, of Portland, told In a force ful way why we were In the war and described the duty of every patriot. "There is no half-way place In this war, aaid Mr. Mills. "Every person is out for Uncle Sam or the Kaiser." Judge Burnett, of Salem, followed in IRRIGOJT NEEDS ON'LY ON"E DAY North End of Morrow County Quick ly Raises Quota of $4000. IRRIGON. Or., April 7. (Special.) The north end of Morrow County goes over the top first day. Irrigon dis trict, including Boardman and Irrigon, had more than enough to cover the quota of $4000 before evening. Ninety-five per cent of the people In this district are new settlers, with practically no means, but a majority of them insist upon the honor of hav ing at least one swat at the Kaiser. N. Seaman, agent of the O.-W. R. & N. Commpany. chairman of the district, says he is proud of the record made. SEASIDE DOUBLES ITS QUOTA One Day Enough for Famous Resort Town to Go Dashing Over Top. SEASIDE, Or., April 7. (Special.) One day was enough, and more than enough, for Seaside. With a quota of $14,700 in the liberty loan, this town yesterday subscribed $30,750, thus more than doubling its quota in a day. -ei CotTllion MALLv I DANCING ACAE 14TH. OFF VASHlHdON ST. 4 Monday Classes we offer you Four 1-Hour, Lessons for $1.00 All popular dances taught. Orchestral music for classes, unlike any other academy in the city. You can learn to dance easily and most satisfac torily by joining one of Professor Montrose Ring ler's classes. Private lessons and Fri day night classes, too, un der his personal supervi sion. Call Broadway 3380 for appointment. RINGLER'S DANCING ACADEMY 14th, near Washington. Stork and Cupid Cunning Plotters Many a Nevr Home will Have a Lillle Sunbeam to Brighten it. W(- r yfc.-..,;, latumiin-ji. Cupid and the stork are held up to ven eration; they are rated aa cunning plotters to herald the coming of tha little sunbeam to gladden the hearts and brighten the homes of a host of happy families. There la a most remarkable preparation. known aa Mother's Friend, which has been used by women for over half a century be fore the arrival of the stork. This 1a a pen etrating external application for the abdo men and breast. By dully use throughout the waiting months, strain and tension is re lieved. The muscles are made elastic and pliable bo that when baby cornea they ex pand with ease and the pain and danger at the crisis la naturally less. Then, too, the nerves are not torn and drawn with that usual wrenching strain. and many distresses, such as nervousness, nausea, bearing down and stretching pains, are among the discomforts and debilitating experiences women who have used Mother's Friend sav they have entirely escaped by the application of this time-honored remedy. 1 nousanas ox women navo uau wouior ttViAni-i una rnnv from exoerlence that it Is one of the greatest contributions to healthy. happy motiiernooo. Write to the Bradfield Regulator Co., B 83 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Go., for their "3Ioth erhood Book." There is a wealth of lnstruc- lon and comfort to De aerivea irom re&a-. lug this little book. It is plainly written just what svprv woman wants to know. Get a bottle of Mother's Friend from the druggist today, and thus fortify yourself against pam and discomfort. Adv. - For Infants and Children In Use For Oyer 30 Years Always bears the DANCING All dances guaranteed In eight lessons, ladies $4, gents T5 at DeHoney's beautiful academy, Twenty-third and Washington. New classes start Monday. Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The only school teaching one lesson, 8 to 11. Plenty of practice. You will not become embarrassed. A real school of dan cing, with professional teachers Private lessons all hours. Normal instructions for teachers. Select dancing parties every Saturday evening. Phone Main 7656. Avoid inferior teachers. Call day or evening-- . Signature ef