Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 08, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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April 11. at 11 A. M. Lunch will be I
served promptly st 1 P. SI. All resident I
Liberty Bond Headquarters, District 43 Ask for Liberty Bond Booth
and sojourning; Royal Neighbors and I
friends are welcome.
. e
Executive Leaves for Seat o
I. VV. W. Disturbance Pre-
. pared for Action.
Intention, It Is Said, I to Declare
iLa to Police Authority Over
City and County Mar
, Ual Liw Possible.
CLTMriA. Wash, April 7. (Special.)
-Governor Lister will leave Tscoma
for pokans at midnight, resolved. It
la understood, to declare atata police
authority over both elty and county.
Ha mill ba accompanied by li. J. Moss,
wno. aa Aajulant-Uenaral or atata
forces, will execute the Governor's
Moss has a tnlllUa forca of 17 con
panlea la tha state, which was oriran
Ixed since the National Guard was ed
eraliaed and sent to France. Spokane
has a stronir company of this militia.
wmca wiu ta directly under the Gov
ernor's charge jf reeded for policing.
Whether troops will actually be used,
the Governor has atated. will depend
upon tha attitude of Spokane city and
county officials.
Shetiff Oeorere I Reld baa been
quoted aa declaring- that he would not
surrender his force to state authority.
If resistance of thia kind la encoun
tered Governor Lister's recourse will
be a full declaration of martial law.
The state mllltla companies organized
under the military service statute are
solely under the Governor'a command,
riaaa Are Worked Oat.
Governor Lister worked today oa
plans for deailns; with the Spokane sit
uation and in conference with state
military officers. The writ of state
police authority be Issued Saturday
will not become effective until person
ally promulgated by the Governor in
Spokane tomorrow, unless some other
settlement is reached before his ar
rival there, which will ba la the after-'
looming- riotous is reported from
Fpokane today and the Governor said
mm na naa received no alarminx- re.
ports on the I. W. w. situation or other
uiurouM mere prior to the city and
county appeal for state intervention.
It Is on this appeal, which several
Spokane officials who sinned It have
since aoua-ht to nullify, that tha Gov.
era or claims to be acting.
"airrtfra Authority Limited.
C. B. Reed, chief of tha state secret
service, will go to Spokane tonight,
and also E. F. Blaine, chairman of the
Public Service Commission and the
Governor'a private counselor in L W.
. mufra
Governor Lister says Sheriff Reid's
published declarations of refusal to
state authority have not been verified
and amount to nothing; if made, as
euuioniy is Indisputable when
Invoked. Jtia present intention la to
prweea witn the police Droerimm .
outlined, but he declines to declare it
until on the (round and
iu eoxorre ic
.Effort of Governor to Take Charge
to Be Resisted.
"'ll-'. April 7 City officials
were nrra tonight in their determi
i"n not io surrender voluntarily to
".u-reruor i.ister their police authority
to permit him to assume charge of the
"""" nrre in an errort to curb al
tered activities of the 1. W. W.
I Believe we have the I. W. W. sit
uation well In band, and I can see no
"r state interference." said
Commissioner John H. Tilsley, of the
department of Dublin safrtv nirt,.
-I would not think of glrlnic over my
-umoruj umcsa tne Governor declares
martial law."
Commissioner Tilsley said be bad re
ceived no notification of the coming
"t the Governor and had heard of no
developments In the situation since he
sent the Governor a telearam last
nlcht. withdrawing: on behalf of the
city and county governments a re
quest made by them last week that he
end state troops to assist in control
ling the I. W. W. situation. Twenty
sli alleaed 1. W. W. organizers and
agitators are held by the police on
vagrancy snd as beinr aliens
" lrafi evaders. They were arrested
with ii others on Friday, after the
tSovernor had formally declined the
request of the city and county officials
to send guardsmen and had announced
bis intention of assuming- charge of
the police authority here nnless their
renuei-t was withdrawn. The prelim
inary hearings of the prisoners are set
for Wednesday in municipal court.
"If the Guvemor ran accomplish
anything more than we have already
lone, we will welcome him." said
Mayor C M. Fassett. -If he finds we
hare done everything possible, he will
be a welcome visitor anyway."
On Thursday evening;, at the manse
of the Piedmont Presbyterian Church,
Oliver It. Harher and Miss Pearl C
Konkel were united In mtrrlag-e by
Rev. A. L. Hutchison. They will be at
home to their hosts of friends at 391
Simpson avenue after April 10. The
wedding: waa a complete surprise to the
friends of both bride and bridegroom.
aa no announcement of the plans for
approaching; nuptials had been made.
Miss Marie anlels. of Portland, who
has been vlslrtng Mrs. Joseph Wood at
the Nautilus, Long Beach, CaL, for a
period of six weeks, returned on Satur
day. Several social gatherings were
given for Miss Daniels while she was
sojourning at the attractive resort.
The Wisconsin Society will hold Its
monthly meeting at the Portland Social
Turnverefn Hall, Thirteenth and Main
streets, Thursday evening, April 11.
The evenlng'a entertainment will be
cards and dancing, after a short pro
gramme. All former Wlsronslnltes and
soldiers and sailors from Wisconsin are
cordially Invited.
Ths Cadet Club of Artisan Assembly
N'o. 1 will hold a party on Thursday
night In Woodmen of the World Hall.
12 Eleventh atreet.
Miss Esther Allen. Ell East Market
street, will entertain the V. L A. Club
of the White Temple. Friday evening.
HOOD RIVER, Or, April T. (Spe
clal) Mrs. C H. Caatner, president of
the Oregn State Federation of Women's
Clubs and chairman of the woman's
committee of the Oregon Council of De
fense. will leave April 15 for Hot
Springs. Ark., to attend the biennial
convention oi luo muohu f euanuvu. h
Following the convention. Mrs. Cast- U
net will go to Washington, D. C to a o
conference of ths woman s committee
of the National Council of Defense.
Mrs. Csstner is organizing the women
of the stats for the aale of war savings
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. G. Baxter ars be
ing congratulated on the arrival of a
son. born on Liberty baturaay. xne
baby's father la In tha United States
engineering service.
Misses Burnett and Carmel Sheas-
green entertained about to of their)
friends Saturday night with a dancing I
party at 13S Nebraska avenue. The
residence waa beautifully decorated
1th yellow and white flowers and
Spring greenery. Miss Beatrice Con
way gave a solo dance during the I
Those present were Misses Freada I
ATATRIOTIC DANCE" will be given
at the Rose City Tark ctubhouse
tontcht. one-third of the net proceeds
to be tendered to the war fund.
This win not be a regular club
event, but wt'.l be given as an indirect
means of helping win the war. Re.
freshments will be served and Mrs. W.
I Cornell has volunteered to sing a
few patriotic vena's.
The club last week elected an entire
new board of directors who. with their
wives, will constitute the reception
committee for tonight, as follows: Dr..
Arthur I-tM'.aw. president. J. H.
Lothrop, vice-prerldrnt; Ruosell Ste
phens, secretary: C H. Thompson,
treasurer: W. R. Boyle, R. E. Dennlson.
J. K Owen. Norman C. Taylor. J. H
Dunlap. F. N. Higby. W. L. Cornell and
V. R. Crun, directors. From to
o'clock a reception will be given the
new directors and their wives.
Marguerite Camp. Coterie Club, wl'.l
meet at the residence of Mrs. 1L M.
Gray. : 4 Ilv street. Thurndar,
A few days ago a well-known
actor died. Hla company had to
be disbanded and sent home. His
death waa the result of pneumo
nia, following a common cold.
The same day a great engineer
died. Interrupting research work
of the first importance. Ills death
was the result of pneumonia, fol
lowing a common cold.
You cannot look at a newspa
per without seeing the record of
some death from Illness follow
ing a common cold.
The United States Public Health
Service calls the common cold
one of the most dangeroua dis
eases to which Americans are
exposed. Colds come in epidem
ics, spreading through whole
families, crippling whole office
forces. Colds are contagious.
Tou should understand tha na
ture of colds, and know a few
simple rules for avoiding them.
The Public Health Service offers
you free a small paper that tells
all about colds and how to avoid
You owe It to yourself, to your
family, to your employer, to get
a copy of thta paper, to study it,
and follow the advice It gives.
A copy will be sent to you free
If you send your name and a
S-cent stamp for return postage.
Address The Portland Oregonlan
Information Bureau, Fredoric J.
Httskin. director, Washington.
D. C.
Goodrioh. Lucille Wascher, Bernics I
Alstock. Helen Mayo. Rose Deery, Mae
Uennessy, Agnes Wascher, Marie Dris-
coll. Genevieve Clancy. Elcena Greene,
Clare Ryan. Mildred Dunlap, Beatrice
Conway. Frances McGUI. Naomi Golson,
Violet Dwyer, Leila McCabe, Katheleen
Coffey, Helen Alstock. Klizabeth
Hulmes, Messrs. Lester McKernan, I
George Royer. Cornelius Murphy, John I
iVDonnelU Ruben Smith, Robert Tucker.
Fred Jacobsen. Curtlss Phillip. Harold
Terwllliaor. Richard Clancy, Francis I
Kern. Gerald Conway. L. Corklns.
George Mayo, Ted Mtillins. Norbet I
Korkle. Percy White. Ralph Thayer,
Frank lirennan. William Driscoli.
James Denen. William Collins and the
-V m m
I like them
instead of toast for
breakfast- fioCr&g
In compliment to Sirs. J. Wilbur!
Chapman, a luncheon will be given I
next Thursday at the University Club I
with prominent Presbyterian women I
of the city hostesses. Mrs. Chapman
will be In Portland, arriving Wednes
day with her husband. Dr. Chapman,
who Is Moderator of the General As
sembly of the Presbyterian Church.
For Dr. Chapman and Dr. W. It.
Foulkes. former pastor of the church,
there will be a banquet at which men
only will be present. Wednesday at
:1 la tha First Presbyterian Church.
A mass meeting in tha evening at the
church will be lor men and. women.
Wlnslow Meade Circle N'o. T. Ladles I
of the Grand Army of the Republic, I
will give a 6D0 party thia afternoon in I
their hall, i2i Courthouse.
CHEHALTS. Wash, April 7 fSpe-
cl.iL) William L Reeves, of Tacoma, I
and Miss Marguerits Sloan, of this city. I
were married at o'clock yesterday
morning at the Catholio Church by
Rev. Father F. A. Moena. Mr. and Mra
Reeves will make their home In Taco
ma. Both are well known locally, the
I rlde having been a resident of Che-1
halls since her parents came here In I
the early 90a
CEVTRALIA. Wash.. April 7. (Spe
cial.) The encasement has been an
nounced of Lieutenant Warren Grimm
and Miss Verna Harstad. The Lieuten
ant is a former University of Washing
ton athlete and was a practicing attor
ney here until he won a commission In
the officers reserve. He Is now sta
tioned In California. Miss Barstsd has
Just resigned as local librarian and will
leave Tuesday for her home In Spokane
to spend the Summer.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. April 7. (Spe
cial.) Miss Una Rowland, daughter
of Mr. and Mra James Bowland. of Cos
mopolls, and Eugene MrGillicuddy, both
well-known young people of thta city,
were wedded here Friday afternoon.
They have gone to Puget Sound for
their honeymoon.
Se &H. Green Trading StampsGivenonAUChargeAccountsif Paid in Full on orBeforethelOth
Special 25c Lunch Served Daily in the Basement Soda Foundtain and Ice Cream Parlors in Basement Model Grocery, Fourth Floor
Filet Collars
At $3.19
Main Floor Women's real Filet
Lace Collars in newest Tuxedo
style for Spring- Coats. (PO " Q
Priced very special for iDJaX
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Today's Good News of Great Economies
Worth WliileSavingson Dependable, Wanted Merchandise Read and Profit!
Government Sends Agent to Searcli
Nebraska. Records.
OMAHA. April 7. To aearch out
alien enemy property in Nebraska,
Harry; O'Neill. apacU) representative.
V, s-a.. '
Invest Your
Idle Dollars
Put your money to work in
Freedom's name and dont let
it be said that YOU failed your
country in its hour of trial.
Remember, every Idle dollar
is an ally of our enemies.
Buy That
Liberty Bond
Table Damask
At 68c Yd.
Main Floor Extra special offering for today 72
inch mercerized damask of good heavy quality that
will wear and launder to your entire satisfac-IjO.
tion. Shown in assorted patterns. The yard vJOC
Bed Spreads $1.75
Main Floor Hemmed Crochet Bedspreads in at
tractive patterns. Only a limited number of these,
so be prompt. Good wearing quality. CI rjpr
Buy these Spreads today at only. ........ OXe I J
Bed Spreads $2.75
Main Floor Beautiful raised Marseilles patterns in
assorted designs. Full double bed size, cut corners
and scalloped. Good heavy grade. While PO I7P
they last you may buy them special at DA J
Madeira Linen Sets
Main Floor Real Madeira hand-embroidered and
hand-scalloped Linen Sets, consisting of centerpiece
and 12 doilies to match. $7.20, $8.10, $9, $10.80 set.
Remnant Sale
Wash Goods Reduced
Remnants of Dress Ginghams Remnants Percales,
Devonshire Cloth and Japanese Crepes Remnants
of Outing Flannels, White Goods, Table Linens and
Crashes hundreds of pieces on sale today at
SPECIAL LOW PRICES. Near Alder-st. Entrance.
Semi-Silk Crepe de Chine 58c
Main Floor A dainty part-silk material for Sum
mer dresses and waists. Plain colors and dainty
printed effects. Specially priced today, yard 58
Sale of New Coats
At $18.50
Second Floor The Garment Store offers for today Women's
and Misses' new Spring Coats of high-grade wool velour good
full model with belt, large collar and fancy buttons P"J Q CA
stylish and serviceable for all occasions. Special D-LOeJU
OTHER NEW SPRING COATS at $20, $22.50 TO $115
Silk Dresses $22.50
Of excellent quality taffeta in many of the newest shades.
Slightly fitted waistline, large satin collar, fancy pockets. Skirt
and belt trimmed with rows of piping. Attractive model $22.50
Women's Suits $25.00
Smart new Spring model, full flare peplum, two-piece belt,
fancy collar. Smartly trimmed with small bone buttons. Skirt
is of medium width with fullness at back. Wool serge in black
or navy. .Suits of exceptional quality and workmanship.
Dress Skirts at $6.00
Beautiful new street Skirts in the bright wool plaids so much
in demand at the present moment. Large patch QjP Art
pockets, novelty belts. Priced special . at only DUeUU
National Baby Week
April 6th to 12th
ALL THIS WEEK the Infants' Shop will feature
special offerings in wearables for the baby. Dresses,
Slips, Bootees, Arnold Knit Goods, Reuben's Shirts,
Blankets, etc, are priced to afford splendid savings.
priced special, pair, 29
BLANKETS in good
quality priced at 440
the Baby Week sale, 59
INFANTS' Shirts of
cotton priced at 19(S
15c Kerchiefs
At 10c
Main Floor Women's Handker
chiefs with white or colored em
broidery design in corner. Sheer
linen finish material. A large
variety of pretty patterns to se
lect from. Handkerchiefs
worth 15c. Priced at
Don't forget your Stamps.
Buy Fruit Jars Now!
Don t Wait Until the canning reason Begins.
The Government urges everyone to put up
all fruits and vegetables possible. Manufac
turers will not accept any more orders for
Fruit Jara and in all probability prices will
be higher later in the season. Fortunately
we placed our orders many months ago and
now have four carloads ready for distribu
Dozen Pts, $1.15; qts., $1.25; Vt gal. $1.50
Dozen Pts., $1.15; qts., $1.25; gal., $1.50
Dozen Pint size, 90c; dozen quarts, $1.00
With genuine zinc covers, porcelain lined.
Pints, 00c; quarts, $1.00; half gallon, $1.25
These have glass lids and are very attractive.
il oKo, nml 1 fiK: nuarts. $1.15.
Fruit Jar Accessories: Lids, Clamps, Rubbers
Mason zinc porcelain -lined I Kerr large-size Lids, dozen, 250
covers, priced at, the dozen, 30 Economy Caps, a dozen 30
Kerr Lids priced at, dozen, 20 Mason Rubbers, the dozen, 3 Op
New etyle Jelly Glasses, dozen, H pints at 40c; pints at 45c
Sale of Marquisette and Scrim Curtains
With Valances to Match
$7.50 Curtains $4.95
$2.50 Grade $1.25
Third Floor A sale you cannot afford to miss, for the
savings are most unusual. Marquisette and Scrim
Curtains in many pleasing designs with fancy and
medallion corners, fancy borders and edges. See them.
a. Qpr Finest grade Marquisette Curtains
Tat Orteit) with valances. White, cream and ecru
colors. Regular price $7.50 pair. Special $4.95 pair.
a J-1 fir Daintv White Scrim Curtains with
trSX valances. $2.50 Curtains $1.25 pair, h'
A a. rrCT White Scrim Curtains with valance tfe
formerly $1.25 pair.
75c Madras
48c Yard
Third Floor Colored madras
very appropriate for over
drapes. Good selection of col
ors. 75c grade, special- AQn
ly priced in this sale, yd.'
Special 750 pair.
Drapery Department, 3d Floor jif
Single Pairs Lace Curtains Price
Nets, Voiles, Scrims and Filet
Laces good assortment patterns.
$1.00 Curtains at, the pair 500
$2.00 Curtains, the pair $1.00
$2.75 Curtains, the pair $1.38
$3.00 Curtains, the pair $1.50
$3.50 Curtains, the pair $1,75
$4.00 Curtains, the pair $2.0O
$5.00 Curtains, the pair $2.50
$6.00 Curtains, the pair $3.00
300 UntrimmedHats $5 Values Today $2.5
Women's HighBoots
Special $7.98
r.ln Flnnr At thia rjrice todav only.
Fashionable new Spring last, laced
style with plain pointed toe, 2-inch
Cuban heel with aluminum plate,
welted soles. Havana brown kid, 9
inch tops. Sizes 3 to 8. Widths B
and C. Priced special for Qn QO
y only, the pair iti.u
New Oxfords
Dark brown kid, point
ed toe and military heel.
On sale now for $7.50
Black vici kid with
narrow toe, with tip, 1
inch heel, now $5.50
Patent leather Ox
fords with full Louis
heels, the pair at $7.00
I e 1 toda
L 4
1 I )d
Lengths 1 to VA Yds.
Main Floor Good range of the
wanted colors and meshes. Veil
ings such as usually sell at 50c
to 75c by the yard. These
lengths make excellent veils at
a very small cost. r.acn c
Trading Stamps Given With Purchases
$2.50 J
For $30 to $5
Hat Shapes
Milan hemps, hemps, 5-end
Milans, lisere and novelty
straws. Turbans, sailors, pokes
and dozens of other good styles.
Black and the leading colors.
' in the very latest shapes black
and colors Special $1.50, $3
Millinery Salons
2d Floor.
m t fc- v.
15c to 35c Laces
Special, at the Yard
Main YT1nm WKIB QTtA V.fllt B 1
Cluny Laces for curtains, dress
er scarfs and underwear. Also
Val. Laces, widths 1 to 3 inches,
and narrow Venise Laces. 15c
to 35c values on sale, yard 100
bu E m 5 1 sr aaaV
Knit Underwear
For Women
Bargain Circle, First Floor A
special showing of new Spring
Vests and Union Suits at low
prices. Now is a good time to buy.
Swiss ribbed Vests, low neck, no
sleeves, plain or fancy yoke. ' Sizes
36 and 38 only. Priced, each 250
Spring needle ribbed and Swiss
ribbed sleeveless Vests. Plain or
trimmed, special now at only 350
Union Suits
Women's low neck white cotton
Union Suits with lace-trimmed!
knee, on sale now at low price 650
Fine lisle and cotton Union Suits
trimmed and band-top style. 750
At 25c Yd.
Main Floor 17-inch cambric and
swiss Corset Cover, Embroidery in
many attractive patterns. OKf
Specially priced, the yard aitJC
for the alien property custodian of the
United Statea Government, reached
Omaha last night for a two weeks
hunt. .
Although but one Instance of enemy
owned property has been reported from
Omaha. It la known there are numerous
estates In this slate which, are owned
lnj fiermanrj .
Movement for Conservation Started
on Western Railroads.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 7. Co-ordina-tloa
yaaseneec ud) relent Jrafilc
and the readjustment to new methods
of operation to meet National require
ments are the purposss behind a plan
for the curtailment of freight and pas
sengrer schedules on Western terminal
railroads, it was announced here to
nleht. t
This curtailment plan, which is to
conform! wltl the- reorganized transpor
tation system throughout the United
States, was adopted here today by
freight and passenger agents of all
Pacific Coast lines after a series of
The plan. It was said, is to be sub
mitted to the presidents of the differ
ent lines affected. Under the plan
cSaoapa) ar recommended, .that Joolt to
the conservation of fuel, labor and
equipment and the adoption of sched
ules that shall meet the call for the
highest efficiency and economy in
Compressed peat, formed into sheets,
has been invented in Europe for inaulu
tion against heat and pold