Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 06, 1918, Image 1

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Read Blanche Sloeum' expose of
internal conditions in Kaiser' j
domain in The Orejonian. start
ing Sunday.
"Germany Today." starting in
1 The Oregonian Sunday, tells of
I hunger of people and hatred for
I .... ....
uiiniHiKHnmunoNinniinu i m i i unmount Hiuiitfiitii wuHitninii i im n
VOL. LVIII. XO. 17,901.
Tillamook and Grant
German Legions Pay Big
Price for Little Gain.
Teutonic Attack Centers In
Desperate Effort to Reach
v Amiens-Paris Railway!
British Line Forced to Give
Ground When Huns Attack
on 9000-Yard Front.
By the Associated Press.)
In a battle which has lasted since
Thursday and which probably is still
continuing with utmost fury, the Ger
mans have been hurling massed di
visions against the British and French
lines from far north of Albert to a
short distance north of Montdidier.
Probably- there has not been a more
sanguinary battle fought since the
beginning of the Teutonic offensive,
March 21, than this, which has for its
objective the driving of a wedge be
tween the British and French armies,
the cutting of the Paris-Amiens rail
road south of Amiens and the capture
of that city.
Allied Defense- Dogged.
But in spite of the power of the at
tack and the desperation of the fight
ing, the entente allied legions have
stood firm over most of their front.
At only two points have they been
forced to give ground, and these seem,
on the map, to be only minor suc
cesses when compared with the sac
rifice of lives which they have cost.
Just to tSc southwest of Albert the
British have withdrawn a short dis
tance and the French have given up
the village of Castel, west of Moreuil,
which has been the storm center of
the German assaults for the last few
days. At this point the Teutons are
within three miles of the Paris-Amiens
German Claims Large.
The German official statement
claims that successes both north and
south of the Somme have been won
and that the number of prisoners
taken since the beginning of the drive
has increased to 90,000 and the guns
captured now total 1300.
It seems probable that the entente
allies have abandoned their Fabian
tactics and now are prepared to give
battle to the Germans. They have
fixed their lines about 12 miles east
of the city of Amiens, and it is evi
dent that here they have turned at bay
against the invaders.
The contour of the country back of
the allied lines lends itself to defensive
tactics. It is quite high and is of a
character which compels attacking
forces to expose themselves to con
centrations of fire from artillery and
Turning Movement Is Tried.
It is necessary for the Germans to
break through the British and French
lines in this region or to outflank the
allies by a drive to the north and south
of it. The fighting near Albert and
north of Montdidier seems to have for
its object the turning of the allied
positions. That the Albert and Moreuil
ectors are vital to the allied defense
i ho-n by the stern resistance main
tained there in the last two days.
The dawning of the first anni
versary of the entry of the United
States in the war finds General
Pershing's veterans somewhere in the
battle zone. How many are there,
what units have been chosen for the
ight and where they will make their
first appearance is not known. ' It is
probable, however, that an American
Army of some proportions either is
actually in the struggle or is held in
reserve immediately behind the lines.
The allies have struck back at the
Germans and have regained some
ground near Grivesnes, a short dis
tance northwest of Montdidier, and at
Noyon, near the village of Orvillers-
SoreL It is in this latter region that
the great allied counter attack has
been expected to be launched.
Ten-Dollar Kino rooks Better to
Heartless Judge Than Specious
Promise of $300.
CORVALLIS. Or, April 6. (Special)
W. W. Lunger. State Representative
of Tamhlll County, was arrested In this
county today charged with speeding.
Mr. Lunger Is lather of the Oregon
peed law, and when confronted with
his legislative child in Justice Court In
Corvallla he pleaded that hU sentence
should be suspended for the reason
that he was hurrying home from Eu
gene with his son. who had Just passed
the examination la Army ordnance
The reason for the speed, Mr. Lunger
aid, was that the young man had to
report back for duty and he needed
him to help get In aa much grain as
possible before returning to school. He
gave aa a further " reason why he
should not be sentenced the fact that
he needed the money to buy liberty
bonds, and assured the judge that if
he would let him go thia time If he
were ever caught violating the speed
law In thia county again ha would wil
lingly pay a fine of 1300.
The heartless Judge. E. D. Horgan.
declared he would rather have 110 and
costs In band than 1300 In the bush.
and he consequently fined the Tamhlll
statesman to that extent.
Status of Millions o
Registrants Hit.
Solution of Labor Problem in
U. S. Deemed Possible.
Gamblers, Bookmakers, Touts and
Others of Similar Callings Would
" Have to Get Cseful Employ
ment or Enter Array Service.
Polo Valley Man lie Id In Connection
W ith Poisoning of 37 Sheep.
(Special.) Loaaon Ross, a cattleman
of Poe Valley, has been arrested In
connection with the poisoning of the
27 sheep In the vicinity of Merrill a
few days ago. The sheep were found
poisoned at the homes of two prom
inent ranchers and a warning was left
to keep the animals away from Bryant
Mountain, which heretofore has been
used for cattle.
Fred StukeU of Poe Valley, and John
McFalL or Bonanza, have previously
been apprehended In connection with
thia affair. Ross will have a hearing
Alleged Sales of Diamonds to Ger
mans Brine Prosccntlon.
PARIS. April . Eighteen Parisian
dealers In diamonds are under prosecu
tion en charges of trading with the en
emy. Important quantities oi precious
stones. It is said, have been sold by
Parta dealers through Swiss agents to
Germans, the latter explaining their
extensive purchases of the gems by
saying that they were easier to hide
from the tax gatherers than other
Sergeant Potnani, 19, flakes Quick
Work of German Aviators.
WASHINGTON. April 5. An official
dispatch from France today says that
one of the American pilots recently
sent to the French front. Sergeant
Putnam, has already to bis credit four
victories and a fifth which has not yet
been certified.
Putnam's home is Newton, Mass. He
is 19 years old and a direct descendant
of General Israel Putnam. Revolution
ary War hero.
Thugs Waylay Saloonkeeper at Bank
Door and Get 9 17.
CHICAGO. April 5. Five automobile
bandits trailed P. A. Carrier, a. saloon
keeper, to a bank today, leaped out of
the car. beat their victim Into uncon
sciousness and lifted bira Into the car.
They overlooked 13000 carried In an
Inside pocket and, disappointed In get
ting only $17. they dumped Carrier Into
the street and emptied their revolvers
at him. None of the bullets struck
Supplies and Papers Destroyed
Blaze at Washington.
WASHINGTON. April 6. Fire of un
known origin tonight destroyed the
upper floor of a building near the great
State. War and Navy bulldinc. occn
pied by the Navy bureau of construc
tion and repair and the camouflage
Some supplies and papers were burned
but the damage is said to be" Insignificant.
FRANCE, April 5. (By the Asso-
iated Press.) Hard fighting took
place today north and south of Albert
tCeaeiaUMl em fas Caiuua
Bolshevik! Expresses Anxiety Over
Whereabouts of Black Sea Vessels.
LONDON. April 6. The Bolshevlkl
government is anxious to learn the
whereabouts of the Russian Black Sea
fleet, according to a wireless state
ment sent out from Petrograd Thursday.
WASHINGTON. - April 5. Drastic
modification of the draft classification
lists which would affect In one way or
another the status of every one- of the
millions of registered men Is proposed
In a plan submitted to President Wil
son today by officials of the Provost
Marshal-General's office and the De
partment of Labor'.
While the primary purpose of the
new programme is the "purification" of
the second, third and fourth classes of
registrants who are not engaged In
any productive Industry, attention also
would be given to lower sections of
Class 1.
Beneficial Resnlts Expected.
The effect. Its fratners believe, would
be to solve the Nation's labor problem
and largely Increase the output of the
necessities of life.
The proposal would utilise the draft
machinery for putting Industrial alack
era to work.
It Is purposed to make a most care
ful survey of the lower sections of
Class 1 and of other classes to Identify
those men who are Idlers or who are
gaining their living through unde
sirable or "harmful" pursuits.
Under the latter head, officials sug
gest, might be listed gamblers, book
makers for races, poolroom touts and
Formal Notice to Be Served.
Formal notification would be served
on tbfmen that unless within a speci
fied time they obtained, -employment In
some useful industry, they would have
their classified status changed so as
to send them Into military service Immediately.
The plan is not designed to interfere
In the slightest with the so-called non
essential Industries.
Administration officials declare that
the next step would be to obtain au
thority for the industrial classification
of the manpower of the country up to
the age of 50 years.
Job-Hunting; Neeesmary.
To make the programme fully ef
fective. It Is Intended to utilize the
existing local boards virtually as em
ployment agencies for their districts.
When a man was informed that he
must seek a useful occupation he
would be told where just such a man
as his questionnaire shows him to be
was needed.
That determined opposition to the
t Concluded on Paso 4. Column 1.)
"Is Tour Hnsband Alive?" One, of
Questions Asked Each Applicant
by .Women Examiners.
Sixty women of every description and
almost every age, from 25 to .70, flocked
to the Toung Women's Christian Asso
ciation yesterday seeking to be ap
pointed policewomen.
From 1 o'clock until after midnight
the committee of women, appointed by
Mayor Baker, sat In a private room on
the sixth floor and Interviewed each
and every applicant.
The committee will recommend to
the Mayor, who will make -the six ap
pointmenta soon.
Mrs, William MacMaster presided and
asked the principal questions, such as,
Have you had any experience In work'
ing with young girls?" "Is your'hus
band alive V All applicants had to
tell of their Interest in the cause of
young women; why they sought the
position, how old they were and how
many people were dependent upon
them. .It was a fair test foralL Every
one had a chance.
Mrs. G. J. Frankel, whose appoint
ment as head of the Women's Protect-,
lve Bureau was announced recently
and who will direct the work of the
six policewomen, was among those who
Interviewed the applicants. Mrs. George
W. McMath served as secretary. Other
members of the. committee were Mrs,
William C. Alvord, Mrs. John Manning,
Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, Mrs. N. F. John
son, Miss Valentine Prlchard, Miss Ida
V. Jontz and Mrs. N. F. Crounse.
. Lead Vanguard.
Marriage to Lieutenant William
Farley Takes Place at St. Paul,
MINNEAPOLIS. April 5. (Special.)
Miss Norma Hauser, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Eric V. Hauser, 81? Mound
street, St. Paul, and Lieutenant William
Farley, of Camp Dodge, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John L Farley, 1091 Grand avenue,
St. Paul, were married at 8 o'clock last
evening at the home of the bride's parents.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Farley left on a
short wedding trip after which they
will reside In Dea Moines.
The bride has many friends in Port
land as she has visited here often. Her
father, Eric V, Hauser, is one of the
owners of the Multnomah Hotel and
has spent most of his time In Portland
ince taking charge of the Multnomah.
Bay City Police Are ; Ranting for
Joseph J. Robinson.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 5. The local
police were requested today to institute
search for Joseph J. Robinson, pay
master at the Hotel St. Francis, who
went to a bank this morning to change
10,000 into bills of small denomina
tions, and lias not been seen since.
According to the hotel management.
Robinson went to the bank, changed
the checks and drafts Into currency of
small denominations and disappeared.
He has been cashier at the hotel for
the last six years and was a man of
irreproachable habits, hotel officials
said. The theory that he might have
met with foul play on his return from
the bank to the hotel was not enter
tained, they said. i
Wheeler District Pledges Sev
enfold Allotment.
Local Oregon Committees, With Full
Quotas' Assured, Put Forth All
Efforts to Pile l"p Over
whelming Total in Drive.
TILLAMOOK. Or.. April 5. (Special.
Tillamook County had raised on the
liberty loan by 9:S0 P. M. Friday, one
day before the drive was scheduled,
more than 1200,000. The mark set by
the liberty loan dr'.ve committee for
the county was 1105,000.
BAKER. Or.. April S. (Special.)
Granf County's quota of $74,000 in th
third liberty loan has been subscribed,
local officials reported this afternoon.
WHEELER, Or.. April 5. (Special.)
The Wheeler district, embracing
wheeler, Brighton and Nehalem already
has $68,000 pledged for the third lib
erty loan. Fifty-two thousand of the
amount is to be subscribed in Brighton,
$12,000 has been pledged at the Wheel
er Lumber Company plant, while Ne
halem has the balance to its credit.
This is something over 700 per cent
above the quota for this district and
the real soliciting work has not yet
begun. Citizens of this community are
much elated over the pre-campaign
DRAIN. Or., April 5. (Special.)
Drain's quota for the third liberty loan,
$9350, was fully subscribed tonight ,at
o'olook by volunteer subscribers.
This is the first town in Douglas
County to attain its quota, having gone
over the top for an honor fliji and by
the close of the 'campaign it is pre
dicted Drain will have a 100 per cent
star for oversubscription.
AM1TT, Or.. April 5. (Special.)
Amity's quota in the third liberty -loan
is reported to have been oversubscribed
from 50 to 80 per cent.
FOREST GROVE. Or April 6. (Spe-
lal.) Forest Grove went over the top
in its liberty loan quota at 12:01 this
morning. The quota was $80,850. At
the hour and minute named. Chairman
W. McCready. of the liberty loan
campaign committee, announced that
the subscriptions totaled $81,000.
Notwithstanding " that Forest Grove
has done her bit, when the campaign
opens it is expected the total of the
subscriptions will be considerably in
LAFAYETTE, Or.. April 5. (Special.)
This town attained its quota of $4600
in the third liberty loan today and tele
(Concluded on Page 4, Column 2.)
Anlversarr of America's Entry Into
War Causes Felicitations.
LONDON. April S. King George has
sent greetings to President Wilson on
the occasion of the anniversary of the
entry of the United States into the war.
New Flag of TJ. E. Shipping Board
for First Time Raised in 132
Plants of Country.
WASHINGTON. April 5. America's
first anniversary In the world war will
be celebrated tomorrow in every ship
yard where ships are being built to
prove that the German submarine is no
match for American industry and de
termination to carry the war through
to victory. As a symbol of the great
part ships are playing in the war and
of the service being rendered by the
men building ships, the new flag of the
United States Shipping Board wftl be
raised .for the first time in 132 yards
on the Atlantic. Pacific and Gulf
coasts and the great lakes.
Patriotic exercises will accompany
the flag-raisings. Officers of the ship
building companies will march with
their workmen to the yards, led by
bands. When the flag is flung aloft,
cheers will be given for the President
of the United States, for the Emergency
Fleet Corporation, which has charge
of all construction and for our sol
diers and sailors.
"America" then will be sung.
Chairman Hurley, of the Shipping
Board, has written a special message to
be read to the workmen, appealing to
them to dedicate their efforts to th
country's service. All will be asked to
pledge themselves to the flag by re
peating in unison. ,
pledge allegiance to my flag an
to the republic for which it stands
one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all."
Singing of the "Star-Spangled Ban
ner" will conclude the exercise. All
who attend will receive souvenirs.
Victory in Week Aim
of Oregonians.
STATE TO GIVE $18,495,000
Formidable Weapon Reported
Way From Essen.
AMSTERDAM, April 5. According to
Les Nouvelles of Maastricht, another
long-range gun similar to those already
bombarding Paris passed through Bel
gium from Essen on Monday.
The length of the barrel is from 20
meters (65.62 feet) to 25 meters (82
feet), and the caliben from 20 centi
meters (7.87 inches) to 25 centimeters
(9.84 inches).
Luxemburg Railway Station Dam'
, uged by British Bombs.
LorDOi, April 5. A large fire was
caused by bombs dropped on the rail
way station at Luxemburg today by
British aviators.
In' aerial fighting on the Somme
front Thursday six enemy aeroplanes
were brought down, says the official
statement on aviation, issued tonight.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 61
degrees; minimum, 38 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; light westerly winds.
Battle continues with undiminished fury and
Germans gain at two points. Page 1.
Norway's shipping losses from U-boats In
March amounted to $10,500,000. Page 3.
America, at end of year, only getting started
in war. Page 5.
Japanese, following Russian disorders, land
naval lorces at Vladivostok. Page 4,
Belief exists In Austrian parliamentary cir
cles that President vv lison and Czernln
are negotiating. Page 3.
German finance bared by Cyril Brown.
Page 4.x
Shipyards today celebrate first anniversary
or-orm war. rage i.
ation to enter with enthusiasm into third
liberty loan campaign today. Page 5.
Senate Bpeeds up legislation as need for new
sedition law increases. Page D.
Cabinet members urge American public to
support third liberty loan. Page 7.
Proposed draft revision contemplates put
ting many Idlers to work and solving the
Nation's labor problem. Page 1.
Girl saves troop train from disaster. Page
10. '
Lynching of German at Collinsville, III.,
warning to Nation to speed up sedition
legislation. Pace 4
Oregon may lose opportunity to buiJd fleet
" of 150 wooden ships for private interests.
Page 10.
War Industries Board fixes maximum prices
for logs and lumber on f ederal or allied
orders. Page
Portland recruits fail to impress Manager
Fisher. Page 20.
Muff Branson trains for Ingle bout. Page 20.
Shipbuilders League parade to start at 7:30
tonight. Page 20.
More than 600 fans attend Multnomah Club
smoker. Page 20.
Pacific Northwest.
Seven more candidates file with Secretary of
State. Page 8.
Father of Oregon speed law fined 10 for
speeding. Page 1.
Spokane police make wholesale arrests of I.
W. W. and members of branch unions.
Page 9.
Tillamook and Grant counties report full
quotas In liberty loan drive. --Page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
Higher prices asked for grain bags for later
delivery. Page 21.
Stock trade smallest for any day In nearly
three years. Page 21.
Oregon shipyard record fine, says Division
Manager Heyworth. Page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
Liberty loan campaign starts today with
Oregon workers confident oi victory
Page 1.
Monster military parade today opens liberty
loan campaign. Page tt.
Shipyard workers of Portland district to
stage big parade tonight. Page i.
Friends lndorseJ. W. Ganong for Federal
position vacated by death of T. Is. Wil
cox. Page 14.
Special city election called on date of com
ing primary election, page
City to establish free clinic for treatment of
social diseases, page u.
England will fight to bitter end. Lieutenant
MacUuarrie tells loan worKera, rag j.d.
Sixty women applicants for police jobs ex
amlned by committee. Page x.
R. X. Stanfleld offers 1.000.000 pounds of
wool to Government. Page .
Canadian soldiers here to participate In lib
erty loan campaign. Page d.
Weather report,-data nd forecast. Page 21.
Great Parade Will Feature
Opening Day in Portland.
City Divided Into 200 Districts and
Personal Solicitation Will Be Em
ployed to Raise Portland's
Quota of $10,085,000.
Parade will form on Fourteenth
street south of Yamhill, moving
north on Fourteenth to Morrison,
east on Morrison to Twelfth, north
on Twelfth to Alder, east on Al
der to Broadway, north on Broad
way to Pine, east on Pine to
Sixth, south on Sixth to , Alder. I
east on Alder to Fourth, south on
Fourth to Jefferson, west on Jef-
ferson to Fifth, north on Fifth
to Morrison, west on Morrison to
Broadway, south on Broadway
to Main, and disband. J
Up. spake old Father Oregon, beneath his '
apple tree
'I sent my stripling sons across, and they
are dear to me.
In Plcardy the turf Is torn, but never with a
Where they shall sow for liberty nor may
I fail them now.
Send word to every gallant lad who laugbsd
and strode away.
That Oregon, old Oregon, goes o'er the top
- today!"
Twelve thousand and more workers.
animated by a single purpose, and re
cruited from every walk of life in Ore
gon affairs, take the field this morning
for the third liDerty loan, pledging
their every effort to the success of the
issue in Portland and the state, and
determined to carry the campaign to
conclusion within the week.
Theirs is a giant task, the raisin?
of a liberty loan quota of 818,495,000
for OregonT but so comprehensive is the
system of headquarters and field or
ganization that both leaders and rank
ers express nothing save high confi
dence. Portlands share in the total
quota Is 810,085,000. Like every other
community in Oregon the city takes up
her task with vigorous confidence.
Liberty Spirit Pervades All.
Throughout Oregon today the open
ing of the campaign will be signalized
by special demonstrations, as well as
by the initial thrust against the wallets
of wage-earner and employer. Many
communities havo announced special
exercises and patriotic pageants sym
bolic of the spirit with which they en
ter upon the drive.
It is so with Portland, for the city's
campaign leaders will open the drive
for loyal dollars with a tremendous
pageant, the "war activities parade,"
which Is to march through the down
town district at 2 o'clock, bands play-
ng, heels clicking, heads up and flags
flying. Every unit of the parade, an
nounces W. J. Hofmann, chairman of
the committee, will represent some
phase of local war progress, some in-
ustry that backs the sons who have
sailed for France.
Grand marshal of the war activitiea
parade is Colonel Brice P. Disque, com
mander of the spruce division. In the
long line that follows will appear Gov
ernor Wlthycombe and Mayor Baker,'
representatives of labor, of the liberty
loan, floats depicting war work, de
picting the progress of spruce in the
airplane cutup plant, and rank after
rank of uniformed soldiers of the
spruce division and of the 318th En
gineers, from Vancouver Barracks.
Slosan Announced Today.
At 3:30 this afternoon, when the
parade shall have completed its route,
ceremonies will be held at Liberty
Temple, where the official recording
device of the third liberty loan here
tofore a shrouded mystery to all save
the inner circte will be unveiled, to
gether with the slogan which is to lead
Oregon. The winning competitors will
be announced and introduced, and for
mal presentation of awards will be
made. Miss Alvina Larsen, as the
Goddess of Liberty, will unfurl the
slogan and unveil the recording device.
Tonight approximately 10,000 ship-
concluded on Page C Column X.)
free: service and infor
The Oregonian has established
a bureau of Information and serv
ice at Washington City fo- the
benefit of Its readers. No charge
Is made for a reply to any ques
tion relating to Governmental af
fairs or for procuring any avail
able Government publication. For
reply send 2-cent stamp. Address
Frederic J. Haikln, director
Oregonian Information Bureau.
Washington, P. C Do NOT write
to The Oregonian at Portland.
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