Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 04, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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1 1 I Younger- i
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Ton.trs niM featxres.
rool" MArr Cardea. TT
Columbia Kill Hart and Robert
IMnon. Tb bandit and to
Etar Vtrlan frt!n. "A Petti
coat Pilot"; EU1 Hart. "Ererr
Inch a Man."
Kuul "Kamona."
liberty Norma Ta1maditk By
KlKht of purrhaae"; Fatty Ar
bockle. "Tha Bellboy."
Majeatlc TbeJa Uara, "Dn Bar
Globe Wallaea Reid, "Prison
Without WaJla."
rpHT3 Bandit and tha Preacher."
I that famous old Thomas 1L
Ince plctura with a cast In
eTadlnar Bill Hart. Robert Edemn. Rhea
Uitrhell and "Shorty" llamiltoo, will
fc shown at tho Columbia Theater for
threa days, commencing today.
A terrific barroom fisht, with Hart
attempting to clean out the place, and
the preacher (Kdenn) coming- to his
rrx-ua. Is on of the features of this
Rhea Mit-tielt former Portland itlrt.
plars he rots of the dance ball las
ourht by the bandit and also the
preacher. Toa lttr win hr ka
and by his uiport of the bandit when
ra I obvlounly the "under do" In a
flirht earns the r-n-t and Rratltude
of ths htd man. Thi. aratuutl caueea
the bandit to re the nreachere wife
from a rompfomHlrn eitua'lon later.
" Po ' I y - W o 1 1 y - T Kjo' ! ) . " that famous
o!d sonar Introduced by Manager lluff-
ner. via allil as "A dmaer from the
o.d rhoi; ud by lcwis and Clarit
to charm tha Indians: try your lurk."
la a lauch hit a the oM'rl ot aulien.
Vocal assaults this week.
A plctura or two like The Splendid
Pinner." wr.tcn la starring Mary tiar
dn at tiia Tropica Tliater. would
naka ths operatic luminary a d'lled
film favorite. It's Intenarly dramati
ffrra unuM'at hietrmnla. has a time
ly appeal and la rich In human Interest.
Harrlnr lacelit-k comedy. It pnes-sers
niot vf the ingredients of th succesa
ful filma.
New lork'ard tha battlefield of
Franca. th say world of Gotham's
bh-mt and the hiapitals "oyer there"
form the hackfrrounda for th llfa
drama un'oMe.1 in "T"ha Splendid Sin
ner." in which Mis O'ard-n Is supported
hr Hamilton ke voile and Anders Ru-d-lph.
n Saturday tha Peoples will offer
that onusual and mnch-talked-of Jewel
production. "Kalaer. Beaat of Ilerlln."
Never has a picture recelred hlkrher
praiM frirti critics, or b-en accorded a
mor enthneiaaflc New York reception
than this tlsualtxatloa of ths chief of
tha Uuna.
human: neyer In all Jjer career baa she
risen to auch heia-hts. It Is a revelation,
her ability to brrln with tha happiest
mood, and ahow before the completion
of the play the finest bit of tragedy
that even she la capable of.
The splendor that surrounds erery
detail of the play has been talked about,
and the support that Miss Bara baa la
of the very finest sort. Certainly the
costuming- appeals even to those to
whom this phase of dramatic work la
usually least interesting-.
VlTian Martin, the quaint little lass
who hss contributed so many charm-
ins; photoplays to the Paramount pro
Kramme during the past yar. is tnakins;
new friends at the Star Theater, where
she is appearing In "The Petticoat
Pilot." Bis; Bill Hart. In hi two-reel
Western play of rapid-fire action.
"Erery Inch a Man." Is another feature
which is attracting much attention.
A waif and a pair of old sea does
who volunteer to educate her are the
leading characters In "The Petticoat
Pilot." Theodore Roberta and James
Nelll portraying; the old sailormen In
wonderful manner. The picture Is full
of human Interest, quaint charm and
delirious comedy.
Thia bill closes tomorrow nlcht with
Ann Penninrton In "Sunshine Nan" and
Fatty Arburkle in "Ills livlne Beauty."
scheduled for Saturday.
fcorccn Goslp.
Shades of Kit Carson. Bnffalo Bill
and other expnm-nt of pialrie life!
Imagine Polly Moran appearing in her
next picture as a lady in curls and
tig hts:
a a a! A rtny which was stolen
from the ftns?-r of one of the four
hand of the Hindu triple rod. Shiva.
Viehra and Brahma, has been sent
mysteriously to Francis X. Uiiffhman.
Mr. Bjsnman has written the priests of
the temple offering to return the ring.
a a
Cecil Da MITte has completed bis pro
duction of "The WhUperlna- Chorus"
and mill atart Immediately upon a ptc
turuallnn of David Graham Phillips
novel. "New Wives for Old."
a a
Wallace Reld Is bn-lly enraged In
studying the art of camouflage so ha
can pa'nt Ma nw khaki-rofored eeed
I ( Mf- who appreciate the finer
S - A rl 1 Br li A Ihh ju our new Spring clones
f " I W ' mucn to your liking.
f f l i ' 1 y It has been gratifying to
I ' y ' I .' I j j sS I ijl note the enthusiastic spirit
i v'&i 114 I 11 fll" our yuner patrons have
; - .. i 1 1 J j ill displayed over these new
' ; j 111 I models.
. . ..;r,- ' What has been their pleas-
. v;y ' ' v j I - . ure, we would like to be yours.
, f w 1 yaaKL-a Drop in and try on some new
. -I styles. We'll be pleased to
Jfft& -. 4 ' show you, ... .
: j y f U . The Prices
A i $20toi$45 Math?
I' r- r' :f f- VI VA ,1.
A?i$J 's ' : 'Wf&Si A OUR PRICES -
, : - h lUCMats- DCAnyTime ISCSundays
.'.'.-".'. ".'VT Tm i laanii . . ' ... i , n r1" ' ' 1. 1 f
'-C " , . iC'5mfP$g$&J'' I New York Prices Were $2.00
A'-':7 ' V . ' ' - ' rvS VOSa3?'V X j I ' Heilig Prices Were 75c and 50c
fciSS : " I '
both Viola Dana and EM 1th Storey are I two male members In the cast. The f J . -r Z&faf&k f ffjf f&l&.PI T 1 El
working Indoors. I other roles are all taken by members 1.1 XVeIS .ZZjLi3, - Jfk.7A.s :I IvCeiS I I
of the -famous Sennett "Beauty Squad." V iWiyy'O X-V: " r, J J
(Tired huainemer, take notice!, . J MfT ' I
A Wonderful
Now Playing
demon In such a manner that he can
dash down the boulevard without being
seen by the ever-watchful eye of the
speed cop.
In the cast supporting Resale Love
In "How Could Tou. Bessie?" is Oeorge
Honey, grandson of the celebrated
stage star a nice combination, natural
and sweet.
Metro stages In Hollywood, CaX, are
belnr enlHre-d owing to the fact that
Just for a change of scenery Enid
Markey Is playing Ingenue leads in
stock at San Diego, Cal.
Theda Bara's sets were all Inclosed
from prying eyes while she was at
work In "Salome."
Mack Sennett has completed a two
rel comedy In which there are only
Hotel men at Santa Barbara don't
know which to recommend as the most
beautiful view the Pacific at sunset
or Mary Miles Minter coming from the
studio. The Chamber of Commerce as
serts that 10 persons watch for Mary
every night in comparison to one who
looks toward the setting sun.
Tarron." that vlvij and colorful
Vtcturisation of tbe likn Hunt Jack
sen etorr of eartr California, has heen
T'lartng to plea-.l crowds at th Sun--l
Theater this wek. It will be
Siiown until Saturday night.
Kcrran-. spectacle and the scenic
are blen1d together in this taie of
the eld Mi!on Indians, th padrea and
the early Yankee settlors of Southern
t'alifornla. with romance Its dominant
Monroe Sallfbnry. MaSel Van TJnren.
Adda Glesaon and Hlchard r-terMng are
a few of the plavrra Kho lend life to
the well-known character of the Jack
son noieL Miea Van Huren. Mies t.tea
a and l'ttl Anna I.ehr all contribute
t the characterisation of Kamona.
wh- ?(nrr ?a carried throughout th
took from infancy to old lie
Vorma Ts!madge anJ Fatty Arbnrkle.
who have bern rrletrlng an unueual
sncreea at the 11 erly Theater this
Wffc, will contin'i as the entertntn
tuent hadiinr tlirouKho-it the week.
A appeal subject on tha b:ll show the
manufacture of potn gas-a. which
form an Important adjunct to modern
Pv KiKht of Purchase" Is th title
of the .Normi Talmadge pictur. the
brilliant rpiin; emot:una! star pleas
ing lier followers mitb her portrayal
of a ourg gtrl who make a trial mar
riaae. and then falls in love with(her
u and. Kucene O'Hrien. popular
leading man. plaa the hu aml.
Patty Arouckl. Al John. Buater
K eat on anJ Alice 1-ake are the chief
figures Of the lateet A -buck le-Para-mount
comedy. TKt Pell Boy." It's one
of the funniest Arbuckle pictures ever
Theda Para's Tu Barry." at pra-s-nt-d
tn th WtHiam Pot story of the
life of tee famous Krench adventures
who ruled the court of Ioul XV. closes
Its Malaatie Theater engagement to
morrow night, belns rtiaced by the
patriotic prod-action. "Paciriat or Trai
tor." or "I'raft IU." which has been
registering a hit throughout the coun
try Theda Bara has made the character
e; th favorite of loe king intensely
These Dresses Are Beautiful
$16.50 to $25.00
Foulards, crepe de chines, plaids and striped silks, taffeta and
georgette crepe combinations as well as all colors in plain silk.
Many of the styles are excellent for stout women while oth
ers are those clever little models especially designed for misses.
A variety of effects straight lines, tunics, drapes, pleats-
short-waisted and long-waisted. Many trimmed in braided de
signs. Nothing could be lovelier for street wear for Spring.
We urge you to make your selection
early the prettiest styles are always
sold first.
.Air --
Nezv Ideas
in Millinery
are always to be found at the
Eastern. A splendid assortment of
chic hats styled a little different,
a little smarter than those seen
elsewhere. Large and small hats
of Lisiere straw, George! te dress
hats, larfre genuine Milans, etc. An
especially fine line of hats priced
at Jo.00.
Silk-Flounced Petticoats $3.75
And very splendid petticoats at that ! The top is of extra quality
Seco silk, elastic fitted a deep flounce of changeable taffeta silk,
tucked and edged with a narrow ruffle makes up as smart and
serviceable a petticoat as you could wish. Besides being very low
in price, you will find this skirt will wear far better than an all
silk. A limited number; make your visit to the store Friday or
An especially attractive Tricot Silk-Jersey Petticoat is selling at
$5.75. A deep novel flounce of accordion pleating and elastic fitted
top. A splendid value in an all-silk model.
i Your Charge
t Account
'Outfitting qjP
Washington St. at Tenth.
" ' From Famous Novel by
The Historical and Romantic History of California
You Have Read This Book
(And So Have 8,000,000 Others)
Now See the Picture
The Sensation The Price of a Good Time." La
m !
NEARLY everybody suffers
from kidney disease at some time
or other. One may think he is per
fectly well and even force himself to say
he it "all right," but hit tired movements
and languid expression tell more plainly
than words (hat he is is an unheal thfij
Backache is a symptom of weak
disordered kidneys. Rheumatic paint,
stiff joints, sore muscles are others. These
symptoms indicate that the kidneys and
bladder need help to do the work of filtering
and catting out from the system poisons
and watte products that cause trouble.
give quick and permanent relief in kidney
or bladder troubles tnat Have not reacned
a chronic or advanced stage. They ttop
bladder irregularities, strengthen the kid
neys and tone up the liver.
Paul Darkow, Stewart, Minn.,
writes: "Two years ago I had a pain in my
back so severe that I could not walk. I
thought it was kidney trouble. I bought a
SO-cent bottle of Foley Kidney Pills and
after taking about half the bottle was
completely cured. I have had no recur
rence of the trouble."
If you have any cause to suspect
that your kidneys need help, you will
make no mistake in taking Foley
Kidney Fills. In 50c and $1.00 bottles.
Sold Everywhere
Everyone should drink hot water
with phosphate In ft,
before breakfast.
To feel as fine as ths proverbial
fiddle, we must keep the liver washed
clean, almost every mornlnir, to pre
vent its sponge-like pores from clog
ging ,with indigestible material, sour
bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted
If you get headaches, it's your liver.
If you catch cold easily, it's your liver,
if you wake up with a bad taste, furred
tongue, nasty breath or stomach be
comes rancid, it's your liver. Sallow
skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes
all denote liver uncleanliness. Tour
liver is the moat important, also the
most abused and neglected organ of
the body. Few know its function or
how to release the dammed-up body
waste, bile and toxins.
Every roan and woman, sick or well,
should drink each morning before
breakfast, a glass of hot water with a
teaspoonful of limestone phosphate la
it, to wash from the liver and bowels
the previous day's Indigestible ma
terial, the poisons, sour bile and
toxins: thus cleansing, sweetening ana
freshening the entire alimentary canal
before putting more food into the
Limestone phosphate Is inexpensive;
any pharmacist will sell you a quarter
pound, which is sufficient for a
demonstration of how hot water and
limestone phosphate cleans, stimulates
and freshens the liver, keeping you
feeling fit day in and day out. Adv. .
Phone your want ada to The Orego
nian. ilain 7070, A 6u05.
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6093