THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN. 3IOXDAY, APRIE !, 1918. 13 r SHIP PLANT IS CLOSE SITE SECRET r flss-tmeta. w. mvn4 tram th banksrs to tha Clark WUaoa mllL To toad liirhtf nrra fair ths AatlpoJaa. the ichoontr . mb.t towed from ateraar Sack I Praseatt yesterday. la sdvasea f tn finishing touches, th sew mstorship Mount Hood shifted yester- r from Supplo's Blfnont-tret yara ta IDCida lor all. and la a law cays wui aadsrss bar trial trip. Chanasl work b.tns aawplstad tn tha Cawllu Hlssr for tlia praaant. tha Oormrn- mnt tfraaga Monucatto saitla today Lswls F r i? x if I i rersons rurporiing 10 miow w br . H.isr liuint u .o I h will probably ba drydocksd Wednesday. nans neucent to uive Out Information. BOARD APPROVES PROJECT TTnTf rifled Reports Indicate That Capitalists Behind More 5Iaj Hare orth Portland Site Coder Consideration. THilla all Portland peepls who know the tnalde plana for tha slgantte ship building programme to be launched in or near Portland by the Atlantic A Pa cific Shipbuilding Company under an agreement with, the Federal Shipping Board, are Just as reticent to divulge any information regarding plans as are the Eastern Interests Involved, infor mation available would Indicate that Tha avarbaulina ta ta ba finished daya, whae tha flail will raaume dredging tae aairaace to the Columbia ruvar. sarvsr of tba eatraaoe le saw ttauar way. C. E. Waidroa bas bees aimed as ma tar af the Argosy, replacing W. H. Crltesao. Cirn waa discharged all of Saturday from the lln.r Bea.r. which arrived aftsr midnight Saturday from California porta. Sue sails ea the retura Tuesday afternoon. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or- liarcn tl. (SpeclaL)- I Carryins a earso of lumbar from the Ham- mood mllL tha steam schooner uaioo sauea at lu:0 today for ban rear. Tha bark.ntlna Ueorsina. ramosr-iaaen for Melbourne, ablftad from Wastpert te the loeai harbor last evening. SAV FRANCISCO. March 11. (Special.) Delayed several days by propaller trouble is China waters, tha Paclflo Mall Company's liner Ecuador arrived la port this moraine Ith full paaaangar list and capacity cargo. I'mntaln Ka,aon reDortad roush weather on the voyage, and especially off the coast of Japan. All Teasels arriving In port today reported heavy weather, and the echooner Omega, el days from Apia, was not an exception. Cap tain Oroner said that ba encountered a mix ture of heavy head wtnde and calms all the way up from the Islands. Tha head wtnda. he said, were bad enousb la themselves, hut he was further delayed by a leak ea the port bow. The Omesa was tight enough on North Portland harbor may be the site I the starboard tack, but when ea the port for tha big project. Although information has corns from Washington, TK C to tba effect that options have been taken on tbres ship building planta "very close to Port land" by the new Interests, local people say this probably is not a fact, as auch arrangements have not been made. Inquiry at all the local wooden ship building planta brought denlala yes terdsy ss to any of these plants being involved to the extent of options hav ing been taken. The beads of these plants not only denied bavins given any options, but denied as well having any Information concerning the ne project. rVvera! men handling the fl nanclal affairs of several plants also dented having any Information, amon Uiese being bankers. See-IB Portland May Be Site. That North Portland harbor Is In volved In the plan Is indicated by the fact that C C. Colt, president of the t'nlon Meat Company, la familiar with the details of the project. He refused to disease the subject yesterday fur ther than to admit that be knows of the plana Soma time ago Mr. Colt appeared before the Port of Portland Coramls sion and obtained an agreem-snt from that body to keep North Portland har bor clear. The representation when this aareement waa obtained waa that the harbor was to be used In connec tlon wltb Industry Involving several millions of dollars. Since then the na ture of the project has not been di vulged end the new ship programme may be the answer. Mr. Colt refused yesterday to discuss the subject. The tentative plana for the big plant were announced some time ago with out any names or locations being men tioned. Following that announcement rumors were spread that the Interests said to be behind the project were not substantial. It Is understood that since then affairs have changed and the proposition la now backed by strong financial interests. rrejee Approved by Bears. It Is the common report, as yet un verified, however, that the financial power behind the project la the Dupont Interests, of Delaware, and latest ad vices are that the proposition is abso lutely assured of going through, now that the proposal has been U. K.'d by the Shipping Board. Mentioned In connection with the proposition Is Lester W. David, formerly interested In tha Monarch Mill in -North Portland harbor. The Standlfer Construction Corpora tion plant Is the only shipbuilding con cern on the North Portland harbor and Mr. Standifer la sponsor for the state ment that his plant is not under option. The aame assurances are given by the Peninsula shipbuilding Company, the St. Helens Shipbuilding Company, the International Shipbuilding Company, Ttaniel Kern, of the Klernan A Kern wood. Jr., of tha Coast Shipbuilding ALIEN ENEMIES ARRESTED Company; Ted A. Damn, of Supple Pallin: 8. M. Mears. of the Columbia Four Offenders Taken Into Custody Itlipillff.lliti ,. vi n. ba ahlDDed water badlv. The tanker Astral. S3 days from nous. via Manila, brought 722 tons of sugar Into port today, la addition to ooo tons of copra. Following the arrival tnis atternoon oi the Jepanaae ateamor Toyo Maru. from Ma nila, with a general cargo, the Japanese steamers Kleal Maru and Fnde Mini are to reach port tomorrow. The Xlessi lUn carrwe a niuch-bt.d cargo oc jute ana gunnlve from Calcutta and the Hudson Maru bringing a general cargo from Kobe ana X okohama. The steamer Tahoe arrived from Grays fTarbor with a cargo of lumber this morn ing. Today's sailings Included the steamer Hollywood. Captain AnaelL to Balboa; th British tanker Satanta with oil for the Orl eat. and the ship Star of Russia. Captali fparr. to Bristol Bay for the Alaska Pack rr Association. Tha barge Arapahoe arrived from Na nalme lata today with a cargo of coal for th Western Fuel Company. The Vt. R. Grace Company's steamer Caaique leaaed ta the pacific 8teamshi Company, la scheduled to Bnive In port during the night. The Caaique brings a cargo from Manila. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Or.. March SI. Hailed Steamer Celllo. for can Diego via way porta. ASTORIA.. March SI. nailed at 10:10 A M.. steamer llalco, fir ban Peilre. Arrived down at last Bight, barkentine Geor gians. SAM FRANCISCO. March II. Sailed Steamer Rose City, for San Pedro. 8AM PEDRO, March So. Railed Cteam era Santlani and Shasta, for Columbia Klver. TACUMA. Wash-. March St. Arrived Steamers Borneo Mara, (mm Meattle; Qua dra IBr.). from Britannia Beach. PEATTLE. March Si. Arrived Admiral Schley, from 6an Pedro; Multnomah, from sea a raacleco. C. 8. "aval Radio Report. TOWNLEY AND HIS PARTY DENOUNCED AMrSmtKXTS. North Dakota Farmer Asserts Non-Partisan League Is Menace to Oregon. AGENTS SECRETLY ACTIVE People Are Warned Against Permit ting; Political Organization Dan Serous In Extreme to Get Foothold in State. (An reparts ml S P. M. yesterday amless etherwtee Indicated.) WAilKEE.VA. baa Francisco tor Fortlaad. so mtlea north of ban Franciaco. PKnlDk.NT. aa Francisco for Seattle. 344 miiee north of Ran raartece. C. A. SMITH, for Coos Bay, 280 miles north of ban Francisco. YOgKUlTE. baa Frsncisce for FUget Sound, threa mllee south of Blunts Reef. STKAMKK CURIMJVA. off Cape St. Ellas. sotithbounL NORTHLAND. Seattle for San Francisco. 110 miles south of Cspe Flattery. Kb BKOUNUO. Portland for Hiehmond. 101 mllrs north of Richmond. Hollywood, tian Francisco for Norfolk. Vs.. 13 miles south of Pigeon Point, KLAMATH. Everett for baa Francisco, off Point Wilson. ADMIRAL SCRLET. San Francisco for Seattle. 33 miles from feattle. LYMAN STtWART, Port Eaa Lula for Se attle. 47 mllee from Seattle- VVHITTIKK. Port San Lula for Oleum. 1SS miles from Oleum. . Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low. I'M A. M....HI feet'lO IS A. M....D4 foot t.l P. at I feetl 31 P. M....IJ feet The project, as announced tn Wash ington. Involves the construction of ISO motor-driven wooden ships of 00O tons each. POtNT A BUN A HAS II KR TRIAL Xew Steamer Makes 1 1 Knots and Is to Co Into Commission. Leaving- here at 9:10 o'clock yester day morning the new steamer Point Arena, built by the Alblna Engine St Machine Works, waa steamed aa far aa Fales Landing;, eirht miles below the mouth of the Willamette River. Che remained there for a time. drop Pins both anchors and hoisting; up again to test the fear, and waa back to tha North Wank dock at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. The vessel Is said to have made a speed of about 11 knots at times and her operation was commendable in every way. Captain James Smith, of the Columbia Kiver pilots, says the Point Arena responded to the helm as readily as a sternwheeler. She goes to Puget Sound to load her first cargo, which is to be consigned to a domestic port. MAJOR WELLS IS IX FRAXCE Former Portland Steamship Man Xow In V. 6. Service. TTord has been received Indirectly that Major YV. D. Wells, formerly Port land aent for tha fan Francisco & Portland Steamship Company, has ar rived In France at a base where he Is to be In charge of the water and rail terminal for the Army transport serv ice. With Major Wells are Lieutenants J. 8. Pratt and 1L H. UancrofL the for mer having been with the Parr-McCor-mlck line here and the latter with the Kmerald Una. other Pacific Coast steamahlpmen are la the same organisation and It Is pnderstood all have reported on the other side. Lach base baa a complete staff, so that repairs, overhauling and reprovlsloning of ships are attended te as fast as thev are discharged on arri val from the United States. Marine Xotes. Thomas Duffy, whs wee cheef engineer ea one of the fu-et 40S-tea ataamera eent round te the Atlantis side from Portland, haa see aarnad chief f the steamer Hejt bampten. Tba taapectioa of the otesmer lbeelsaere wui be I acted Monday. Te lead her first earge la two years since she weac ea the beach sear Xehaiem. the ecBeowor Oakland waa ahltted from Albere each te St. Helens yesterday. She preceerfa o sea Fraetoce mS there leads tar New iteeleaeV Wltb meat of her lumber car re aboard, the ataaaxae Tivertee ablftad from rrescott la Weatsart ead finlehed at the latter peiat Saturday sight, aalilkg far Sea Praactece. Owing te delays la loading har carta, as pa work waa performed k,aatar auaday. tae MrCenaKK steamer eat!teg was pee'aoaed from yesterday aatll teday. Cm frRtohreg working twrcbev at the Clark A Wi.aua sxl.l. the ee.mea able Bartia waa eb.fted te the dock of the Amertcea t-ea Ceaxsaay eaa tlie Levt U. Burgees, by V. S. Authorities. Four alien enemies were taken Into custody yesterday afternoon by Deputy United Statea Marshal Tlchenor. Henry Holm, a butcher, of North Bend, and Anton Lors. a junk dealer, of the same town, were found In the barred sons on the waterfront at ilarshfield. Chris Cross, a North Bend merchant, was arrested for having firearms In his possession. John Ulrich, a farmer re siding near Eugene, was arrested be cause he bad failed to register aa an alien. DAILY StXTEOROLOOICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March Si. Maximum tem perature. 54 degrees; minimum, SS degrees. River reading, S A. M . S S feet; change In last 24 hours. 0 1 foot falL Total rainfall ii P. M. to 6 P. i! . none: total rainfall since September 1. 1117, S3.S9 Inches: normal rainfall since tfeptsmber 1. SS.T0 Inches; de ficiency of rainfall since September 1. 1B17, I in Inches Sunrise. I il A at.; sunset. P. M. Totsl sunshine. 4 hours; posslbls sunshine. 13 hours 4& minutes, lloonrlse, 11:13 P. V. ; moonset. 7:33 A. M- Barometer traduced sea level), a P. at., 10.13 Inches. Relative humidity at noon. 40 per cent. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. rwker ........ Ilolea Hoelon Cacarr Chicago ...... Iienver ....... Iaa Molnae. ... tlureka Oatveatoa .... Ile!ena Juneaut ...... Kansas City... I.os Angeles... Marahf.e.d ... lfcd ...... VtinnespeMs .. New Orleans. New York. ... North Head.. North Yaaima Phoenix ..... Paralalia .... Portland .... Roaeourg .... Sacramento .. St. Louia..... bait lake.... lu t.go. ... aa Fraactece. s-atte fltka I'tKiaaae Tacoma ...... Tatooeh lelaad Valdes' .... W::a Walla. w.ehrngton i Wind State at Weather , .. o.ooTJT : 0.00 . , NW Clear 0.H0 ...X jOear 4o 0.01 14 N-e; cioutly 7- o.u.' w ipt. c:oudy SO o.oo 10 W loiaar Si; o.oii . . NW.Pt cloudy 14 U.0 34 X lear 73 O.OO 13 S ICloudr n' li 0.00 31 V? Clear 3s l.OO 4: Snow ..,74 0.00 10 .vw pi. cloudy ..I 7 O.oo . .,fV iClear ' 5 0.1" . .'XW Clear IV, 0.00 13 XW Clear S4 0.00 14 W IClear tfl . . 115 iCludy aa a no mtf li, .unit. 44!... O.oo ..I I 43. SdO.oo IS NW c:ear . . .:iuo e.oo . .'X .pi. cloudy ft o.oo 3 w 'Clear H SS0.O0 13 NW Cloudy 43' eto.tvv.. xw Clear 84, 74 0.C) ..'XW Clear .. 73 o.oo 34 at pt cloudy .. 84 o. 00 .. XW Clear I. ..I S O.oo . . ' IClaudy ...1 Mw.w4a r ri.ear 401 SO0.00'.. !-B Cloudy , . .! 40 0.00 . ,;v IciouJy s, o.oo :o r iPt. cloudy ..I 3 o.oiiio sw (pt eioudy 44 4H 0 . en 3 w IClaudy 14 40 O.oo . J 'Clear 43( u O.oo 23 SW 'Cloudy ..T o.uo . . sw !pt- cloudy A. 14. today. P. M. report af pre-cedlag day. FORECASTa. Portland and vicinity Monday probably fair; moderate weetarly wtnda Oregon and Waahlncton at eaday probably fair; moderate weeter.y winds. Idaho aleaeay fair. EAWARD f- WILU . . - AleteeteleslsC Aside from licking- the Kaiser, the big. Important lob confronting the United States Is to put the Non-Parti san League out of business." With this plain language, Arthur Foster, a North Dakota farmer, ad dressing Russellvllle Orange Saturday night, appraised the seriousness of the Non-Partlsan League menace which is threatening to invade Oregon. Agents of this secret political organisation are reported to he proselyting among; the farmers In some sections of the state. preparatory to forming a branch of the National body here. Mr. Foster was Riven, the closest attention and received a vote of thanks for his thorough ex pose of the league, which today has North Dakota securely in Its grasp and is extending Its Influence In a number of other adjoining states. League's History Reviewed. Mr. Foster reviewed the history of the Non-Partiaan League movement from Ita first-appearance In North Da kota In June, 1915, when, disguised as a farmers' co-operatl.e organization, it awept the state under the leadership of A. C Townley, who now heads the Na tional body. He told of the secretive ness of the league's operations In North Dakota, when a company of 7S organ izer, touring the state in automobiles, enrolled approximately 90 per cent of the producers of the state as members before public announcement was made that such an organisation had been formed. "So quietly did the organisers work in enlisting this membership.'' said Mr. Faster, "that the farmers in one town ship did not know that the movemrn had Interested their neighbors In the adjoining township. None knew or sus pected the scope of the movement until Its lesders were ready to spring the organisation. in the election that followed candl dates indorsed by the Non-Partisan Lea true, under Instructions from the leaders, ran as Republicans. With the exception of State Treasurer, every fion-Fartlsan candidate was elected. Wild Legislation Proposed. At the succeeding session of the State Legislature the league had a big majority of the members of the House, but. fortunately for the state, 24 mem bers of the Senate were holdovers, elected as Republicans or Democrats before the Non-Partisan wave swept the state. Practically the entire session wss devoted to an attempt to enact what known aa House Bill No. 44. It proposed amendments to the state con stitution removing the limit of Indebt edness the state could assume and pro viding that the school fund of $11,000,- 000 should be made available for in vestment In state-owned warehouses. flourlnn mills, packing plants and oth er public utilities. This radical meas ure, which, if enacted Into law. would have bankrupted the state, actually was passed by the House, but failed in the Senate only by the votes of the hold-over Senators. You Oregon farmers have an advan- age over the farmers of North Dakota In that you have been forewarned of he character of the organization that now seeking to get into your state. But you must be on the alert and at all times be vigilant. If we in North Dakota had had the same warning I am satisfied the movement would not bare amounted to much In that state." League Organisers Busy. Mr. Foster said that In the last month 0 organizers of the Non-Partisan League had left Montana, traveling in automobiles, for the purpose of ex tending the organisation in other West ern statea Some of these agents, Mr. Foster said be had been advised, were working in the state of Washington and could be expected to enter Oregon at any time. And if you farmers want to dig down In your pockets and support an organization of the character I have desaribed to you, go ahead and do it. but you will be doing so with your eyes open and you will have to bear the consequences," admonished the spesker. Mr. Foster reviewed the record of Townley, who was pronounced an un scrupulous political crook. It was charged that Townley and his associ ates in the less than three years since the league was first formed In North Dakota had collected between 13,000,000 and $4,000,000 from the farmers of that state, Minnesota. Montana and Idaho. He asserted that despite their protes tations of patriotism and non-affilia tion with the L W. W Townley and the leaders in the Non-Partisan League are not only unpatriotic and disloyal. Judged by their own publlo utterances, but are actively allied and affiliated with the L W. W. In addition, he said they were openly advocating Socialistic views of a most radical and dangerous character. TICKET OFFICE 9 .ALE OPENS TODAY T TI7TT T Broadway at Taylor. AlCilJLylVIsiala a aad A 1122- 3-r.:NextThur. SPECIAL. PRICE MAT. SAT. KOLB DILL IS THE MrSICAX FAHCE. "High Cost of Loving" MUSIC FIN PRETTY CIRLb. Erev glJSO te BOe. Sat, Mat, 1 te bwc A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and ciassmea lor reaay reierence. a or rates by the montn or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or Jrrpy TOP AY. ACCORDION PLEATING. HISTITCHINO, PLEATING. ALL LAT- f..r "TILKS. EASTEKN NOVELTY CO.. 5H FIFTH 8T.. BETWEEN OAK AND eTARK STS. BKOAUWAY iiOOu. K. BTEPHAN. hemstitching, .r.n.r,, coraioa aide pleat, buttons covered; mall zi rittocaiilock- Broadway lou. FLUFF RCO AND BAG BrO FACTORY. One of larseat in the imDTUWFT Phones East 651. B 1475 HUil I II II CO I FERTILIZERS. ASSAYER8 AND ANALYSTS. "NihANA ASSAY OFFICE. 143 Second aim piaiiHum MUfOL ALCAZAR PLAVEKa Mats. Wed.. Bat. BAKER Tonight all week. One of the most charming plays ever written Little PEGGY O'MOORE The story of a little Irish girl "just . over." A rare blending or comeay ana pathos, love and politics. Evenings. 25c, 60c 75c; Sat. Mat. 29c, 60c; Wad. Bargain Mat, 8c only. Next Week : "Believe Me, Xantlppe," BARBER SUPPLIES. OKECON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy an sinus oeroer supplies. ZZQ 2d. CARPET CLEANING. riOKTHWEST Kl'U CO.. establlaued 1903. mit rugs snd rag rugs woven, all sixes. Exit 8th and Taylor. East 3580. B lliSO. CANCER. L M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. si morgan oiaff. Marshall 6143. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 434, A 1254. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. DR. LA MONTE, only chiropodist carrying a state license; most sanitary orilces In ths city, rrenen sanitary rnetnoo. rainless Lady attendant. SOS-T-8 Swetland bldg. juain otuo; residence, wooaiawn ryua. mmmm CEORGE DAMEREL, axslsted by Myrtle vail, Edward Hume ana spienaia cast in tha musical farce, "The Little Liar"; Wheeler A Morani Cooper - Roblnsoas 1IAKIKO ONLkl; La Zler-Worth Co.; Oakes Dolour i "m Tun Hie." WILLIAM, Estells and William. Jr.. De vsny, the only sclentlo chiropodlets snd arch specialists in the city. Parlors 8U2 Gerllnger bldg.. southwest corner Second ana Alder. Phones, Main 130L A 8202. DHS. ELIZABETH ilANlON and B. Louisa tox, cniropodtsts, now located at 50S-7 N. tv. wag., eta ana waw, oy a p. Alain bohm. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. SICK PEOPLE: Dr. McMahon. PortlanU. 100 per cent chiropractlo apecaaiist. That's why l never bava to employ arugB, oper ations, vibrators, violet rays, lectrlcltyj beat, llrht and other Jos-bouse atunts. J remova the cause of disease quickly, sure ly anu lesar expensively. iickcu. si aa- Justments, $15; seven. $5. Call, phone or write. Daily convincing ooubting Thomases. CIRCULAR LETTERS. C RAN lfl LETTER CO.. 610 N. W. osz. loo leters muitisraphso. si. bide. Har. .64). COLLECTION AGENCIES. PANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 THE KIXKA1D KILTIES, Lads and Lassies From Ml'lands of Scotland. Six Other Bis Acts. Three Performance. Dally. Nlht Curtain at 7 ana v. NETH A CO., Worcester bids. Main 17S8. r.o collections, no charge; eatabllahed lvou. DANCING. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY. 85tt Fifth. Latest dances tausnt; 10 prlvats lessons. So. Class nights Monday and Fri day trom g to 10. Hours 10 A. M. to :o0 P. M. Broadway 231:7. THE BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOL Dan cing- taught In all Its Drenches: private, day or eve classes, Tues. and FrL. 8-10, assembly after. 86H Wash. Main 8205. LYRIC MCSICAL PTOTE Matinee Dslly at 2:30. Nights Start 7:30. Tonight Bargain Night, 20c only. Back Again! Funnier Than Ever, Dlllnn and Franks, aa Mike and Ike, In their biggest laugh-getter, "THE QUACKS." n.n'1 klla. it w.. . , . w Mirht nnuntrv store: Thnrsday, T .Hio.- souvenir Snoons Free; Friday, Cho rus Girls' Contest. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMT Social and stage dancing, private Instruction; classes Mon.. Tfcurs., 8 to 10. 109 2d sU beU Wash, end mark. Main 2100. PrBLIC DRAFTSMAN. E. B. BIRKENBEOEL. 724 Cham, of Com. bldg. Patent office and development Brewings. ELECTRIC MOTORS. FOR RAI.K TRADE OR RENT. L A. WALKER ELECTRICAL WORKS, 413 Hurnstoe. uroaoway poia. EVE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. 1EEXTINO NOTICES. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist; glassea fitted. 709 E. Burnslde. cor. sotn. B lava. n. t.o-- xrr.rririr err.a ivn HA 11 Kl'fiS. BAluiuni - I -. ..... pnn i ni n n nnrTd F. AND A. II. Bpeciai com- LI ILL W lUV kk M III II HOHfl-IA munlcatlon this tllonday) sven- I LOI I IIUUO I IIUI1I wmiifciw 7 .lit u.. .Masonic lenv le. VorK in tno Jl. AL, oegree. nla Vls'ltors welcome. By order of the W. M. RUFUa R. BALL, Sec. Protem. WTLLAMETTU LODGE. NO. 2. A F. AND A. 11. Stated communication this tllonday) veninc. at 7:30 o clock. lirotn- ar D. Kolls Cohan. P. M.. will deliver an address entitled I "Look to the Ex.u" Full at-I tanilsnra nf member. Iteslred. A cordiat In vitation la extended to tba craft to attend this mealing. Refreshments. w. 8. WsllStt.9, 8SO. 8TJNNTSIDE5 CHAPTER NO. TJ, D., O. E. 8. Stated communi cation this (Monday) evening. 8 o'clock, at Dawley's Hall. East Thirty-fourth and Yamuill. De gree. Hy order of W. M. EDNA L. DOWNING, Becy. Insralna Bmssels, Smyrna. Axmlnster rsg run all sizes: mail order Dromnt: booklet. Sxl3 Rug.. Hteam or Dry Cleaned, gl.Zo CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FLUFF BUG CO., 54-68 Union Ave. N. East 6618, B 1475. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1903. Fluff rugs and rsg rugs woven, an sixes. East 8th and Taylor. East SSsO. B 12M. ROTTED cow and horse manure. C 21'74. East 161. JAPAN FLORIST. nlor. T-hl. cut l IBS 4th st.. bat. Yamhill i Tay All klnda of flowers, bedding vegetable plants, garden aeeaa. month. .DeclaL. a,asier 11111 daffodils nansies. etc Japon ram,li. A Wistaria, flowering chen, holly trees, tubs, JUNK. JUNK AND HARDWARE. The Oregon Junk Co., 274 Front st Main 8258. Ws buy all kinds of Junk, metals, pay highest prices. See us before you selL MlSlCAL. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music, Sid floor Russell bidg. (over the "Llon". Entrance loSfr 4th at., cor, of Morrison. PARKER School of Popular Music Terms, B to 20 lessona 401-2 Eilers bldg. EMiL TH1ELHOR.V. vloUn teacher, pupil Hevclk, 207 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. 1820. PIANO lessons in your home; special for beginners. BOc lesson. Mornings, C 2418. pPTlsfETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. WHY PAT MORE T A SAVINO from 80 to 60 per cent Promptly fitted glasses as low as M , xi.ou. 4UO0 satlsnea cusiomeia. Eatlstactlon guaranteed. Chaa. W. Good man, optometrist, 208 Morrison. Msln 2124. PA INTER, ETC. O. W. RILEY. Palmer and Decorator. Sellwood 8170. PATENTS. K. g. WRIGHT 22 years' experience, TJ. and foreign patents. 601 pekum oiog. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, 905 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, sain trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. DR. FLORA A. BROWN, goitre and diseases ol women. 700 E. Burnslde, cor, autn su PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Btark-Davls Co., Z1Z Sd st. siain PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantsnbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping, luu-x ureal su, corner ijtark. Main or A 1418. THE IVY PRESS. 882 Stark at Broadway 408, A 4088. DDIUTIUf! F. W. BALTE3 & COMPANY, rill.ll INI) 1st and Oak sta Main 105. A 1183 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES, 404 Wilcox bldg. STORAGE AND TRANSFER, ALWAYS PICK THE BEST rlousenoia goods specialists; storage, iJOL.uiB, ,.,,- mng ana murine, .... TM?cial freight rates to all points. ? "n DTflf TBAS8FER & STORAGE CO. v't a'tid Pins Bta. Broadwsy B80, A 1998. v. 1 , 1 VT TRINRfRR CO.. 474 GliSSn St, corner IBtn. -leiepnone diui A 1169. We own ana operate two lars. class "A" warehouses on terminal u-acaa. Lowest Insurance rates In tno city. , . "nnnK A WAREHOUSE. Of- rica 1S AiaaiBon. wwoioi - - - - and forwarding agents. Phone Main 76DL CUT freight rates to sll points on household ,(iml n Xlannina v arenuun. . . Co., 9th and Moyt . Broadway 703. " 11 1 pvivr: itnvTXO. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO, 100 1'artt ou jim-iu uxou. " WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. E. 2d and Oregon sis. Ary oiociv wwu. GREEN AND DRY BLABWOOD, block wood. fanama. a uei vru.. ami. e-. WHOLESALERS AND 1VIANUFACTURERS ArmlXB BLOC TOPS. OREGON ATJTO TOP CO. 14th and Couch. DUBBUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. Bth and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. A. M. CUT, REAZEE GROTTO NO. 65 Members are requested to meat at ths Mssonic Temple this (Mon day) evening, a o'clock, to visit Harmony Lodge No. IX A. P. and xt U. degree. No fezes, lou ars cordially Invited to b. Present. CAMELIA CHAPTER NO. 27. O. E. S. Stated communication this (Monday) evening. April L Card party. , xiy oraer 01 . 11. v MAR1ETTE ROBINSON. Secretary. CORINTHIAN SOCIAL CLUB will give an nformal dance and card party at Masonic Templs on Thursday. April 4. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, chsrms, pins; nsw designs. Jaeger Bros, 1S1-S Sth st rniEDLANDER'9 for lodge emblems. class pins and m.dala 810 Washlnston st DRY t.OODM NOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL CO ST s"4 GROCERIES. WADHAMS Sf CO.. 05-07 Front st HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. Oa-55 Front St HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 101 Front st PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. P. FULLER A CO., lth and Davis sta. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSHKN A CO., 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AKD VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-88 Front st PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-80 Front st - PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDI-NG A FAKKEL.L, 140 Front st xirkfir. ax-n it I M 111 V 11 TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrop. RASH. DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis sta war.T. PlPKR. MILLER Wall Paper A Pt Co 172 1st st MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. V e t- POULTRY florists. MARTIN A FORBES CO., Florists, 354 Washington. Main 269. A 1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. rittiCT rentes. PIED. x-n rnT March 81. 1918. at the residence. 215 King street 'Aneouore a. wncox, as. el years, 8 moa, 23 daya Funeral no tice later. BABY CHICKS from Pish Bros.. 8. C Whits Leghorns, win start you rigm; ou.uw shipped out last season without a com plaint Our plant and hatchery the finest on the Coast Catalogue and circular on request Fish Bros., it. 7. D. No. 2. Seat tle. Wash. W HITE LEGHORN baby chlx from hesvy laying (Hoganised) stock. Marco delivery, si 1 nr Km: ADrll. Xlo. We guarantee aate arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Peta- luma, Cal. SETTING hen, Plymouth Rock, S2. 810 E. Both st, two blocks sou in 01 xiawiaorns avenue. Kelso Elects Superintendent. KELSO. Wash.. March 20. (Special.) -Frank W. Peterson, superintendent of schools at White Salmon, Wash., for the past year, has been elected superin tendent of schools for Kelso for next year, succeeding: C. F. Waltman. Mr. Peterson was here today conferring; with the board of directors regarding; school conditions for next year. The new superintendent is a graduate of the University of Washington and has hsd splendid success at White Salmon. Mam DIKECTOUY FOR THE CHEAT. EST ECONOMY HUT King Goal rtah'e Bear! by Gee ervjsaeat'e Teat. Ask for Bulletin No. 11 Divirtmint of Inter lor. Bureau of llnea r un weight an absolute guar antee with every order. All other STANDARD blUDF.IOFCOAL a ad suiuients ICE DELIVERY CO. Seweesxsers te ladepeadeat Cowl A lee) Co. LUahteeath aaa Ttarsua. A 2245 PilOAtS Broadway -4250 ITNERAT. NOTICES. - t . CAMMACK At lha family resldene. 1084 last Tnirtie.n etrew- norm, juairtju v, Fred M. rammtclt, ased 41 years, husband nf i.en. rm macit. oi this cuv: son oi Air. snH Mrt Francisi M. Cammack. ol! Ronan. Munt.; brother or rioy, Arcnie u.. aner C. and Misa Florence LammacK, Mrs. uer- a d Heed ana Mrs. i nomas uiui, au oi this city; Charles C- Cammack, of Wood land, Or., and Mrs. Sadie Winner, of Ta coma, Wash. The funeral services will be held Tuesday, April 2. at 2 P. M., from the conservatory chapel of F. 8. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder street, under tha au spices of the & pan Uh-American War Veterans. r'!lJTSL. H0LA1AN UNDERTAKING CO. runerai uireciors AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Royal Palm Restaurant 409 East Morrison strest Sale at 2 P. M. J..T. wlijtiUA, Auctioneer. At Wilson's Auctloi, Houss. at 10 A. M. Furniture. 109-171 Second ,st BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARS CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Serrict. No expense after Interment. Prices lower than other ceme teries BLsCSOLCHs FCNEKAL DIRECTORS. aged Tl years, tf months, 27 days, beloved huvband of Emma F. Cooper, father of G. K- and H. N. Cooper, of Portland, and A. M. Cooper, of Molalla; Mrs. Maud Royce, of Oatman, Kan., and Mrs. May Richard, of Steamboat Springs, Cola. Comrades of the O. A. R. . and friends Invited to attend funeral services, which ill be held at Hoi man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sta, at S P. M. tomor row (Tuesday). April 2. Interment Koss City Cemetery. BARTMAN At ths family residence, 845 Kut Twelfth street, March U9. Gustave Bartman, aged 61 years, 7 months, 17 days, husband of Mrs. Mene Bart man and father of Henry J.. William C. Lillian J.. Mrs. Mary Eraleston. Mrs. Anna Harnett, all of this city, and Mrs. Minnie Bet la, of The Dalles, or. j unerai servioes win be held today (Monday), April 1. 2 p. m. at the residential funeral home of Wilson A Rosa, Multnomah and Cast Seventh streets. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. BARTMAN At ths family residence, S45 East Twelfth street, March 2d. Gustave Bart man, aged 01 years 7 months 17 days, husband of Mrs. Mene Bartman and father of Henry J.. William C. Lillian J., Mrs. Mary Effaleston. Mrs. Anna Varnett, all of this city, and Mrs. Minnie Betts. of The Dulles. Or. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday). April 1, at 2 P. M., at ths residential funeral borne of Wilson A Ross. Multnomah and East Seventh streets. Interment at Loo Fir Cemetery. NEIGER -The funeral serrleea of the lata John Keis-er. who passed away In Hills dale March 28. will b held today (Mon day) at 12 o'clock: noon at the church In Klilsdala, near Bertha Station. Interment In Greenwood Cemetery. Those deslrlnc to attend can take Southern Pacific cars. Fourth and Vashlng-ton, at 11:04 A. M. Remains can be seen at the parlors of the bke wee Undertaking Company, corner Third and Clay streets, until 11 A. M- to day (Monday). HOC KAN SON In this city. Mareh SI. 1918, Carl Hoc a an son. agsti as years, rather or Donna and Tnelma Hock an son, of Mayrar, Or. ; brother of Mary Erlckson, May car. Or., and Christian Bsntain, Bayfield. Wis. Private funeral services will be held at th Portland Crematorium at 10: B0 A. M. Monday. April 1. Arrangements la care of F. S. Dunning. Jno. 414 East Aidar a treat. QVIMBT At Los An r 1 em. Cat. March to. fciroer w. jumoyt ra ou years, motw, 1 days. Friends Invited to attend fu neral rv1eoa, which will be held at the Klk-s TempU at S P. M, Wednesday, April S. Interment Lon Fir Cemetery, i Eatabllahed 1877. Third and Salmon StrtaV Wain 607, A 1511. - Lady Assistant. Perfect Funrai Service for Less. MlLLbK & TKACEY Independent Funeral Directors. rV'.sh st.. beu 20tu sc lst. West Elds Usui 2081. Lady AsslsLant, A. Toso J. P. VWlmEY ft BON, Progressive Funeral directors Private Drive Women Attendants. MOXTUUMJCHx" AT FifTU, Main . A. IMS. WILSON & ROSS LaTinl"1 East 5. C SlOi. ERICBON Residence Undsrtaklns Parlors, 12th and Morrison ata Aialn ttlJ. A 2m DUNNING McENTEB. funeral directors. Broaaway and Fine street. Fnoae atroadwajr ,30, A 455a. Lady attendant. F, & DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN KLXS UNDERTAKERS 414 East Alder SU East 62. B BREEZE & SNOOK S" WILSON & WILSONn5a.5yci MR AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1V73 E. Glisan. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH. Lady attendant. East llta and Clay s treats; East 781, B 13S8. A. R. ZELLER CO. gjJiifffl SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3 and Clay. Main M2. A 232L Lady aasistant. IXORIST9. CLARKE BROS., Florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A ISO. Fine flowers and floral deslffna No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington St.. pet. 4th and Bth. Main 111 03. A 11SL MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. belllns bids-. Sth and Alder sta. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder. Flowers and daatsna, Fauns Marshall iUiX RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Taylor Ferry Road, Kad BIttt1w Carliae. Th only' civilised method of bnrtal. 6 now-white, always dry, sanitary tombs. Permanent title and endowment: $260 up. 636 Pit toe k Block. Phone Broadway 34 L MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-26 4th at., opposite City Hall. Matn fioti. Philip Neu A Sons for memorials. f U TVIIRO KT MADI3QN 3TREET. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Boom 1S3 Con rt house, 6tb bL Kn trance. Phone from 8 to 6, Main 378, Home Phone A 2S25. N in lit call after office hours. Main 270. Report all cases of cruelty to the above ad dress. Electric lethal chamber for small ani mals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desir ing; a dog- or other pet communicate with ua Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding. There is no more city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS a Fonda aa hand for good farm and II city loans at close Interest rate, if Reliable Berries. j A. H. BIRRELL CO. X17 - 21B ITortliweaterm Bank Bull disc Marshall 4114. A 4118. UT1BUIHCD 16SX Auction Extraordinary axtiqites. nir.n-ri.vss FT-RxrrcnE, MIRRORS, RUGS, ETC. FROM THH RESIOKNCE OF A GENTLEMAN WHO IS LEAVINGS FOR THE SOtTH. H SOW HAVE THESE GOOD8 OS EX HIBITION AT THE BAKER AlCTIOJI HOVSE, AD WII.I. SELL THE SAME AT AliO TIOS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER On Tuesday Next Comprising- rnrs old splnnlnsr wheel, antique rosewood clock, fire screen, frold-leaf peOestals, very elaborate pier glass, size 4x6; large size brass (ire set and andirons, costly mahogany library suite in genuine leather, lady's desk and chair, valuable oil painting, teak wood tabourettes, Wilton and body Brussels rugs In various designs and colors, two American Turkish rugs, eilk portieres, Japanese stands, floor hall clock, tapestry easy chair, very costly mahogany dining-room suite ns follows 8-ft. pedestal table, large buffet, serv. Ing table and three arm chairs In colo nial design and equal to new; china dinner set. old silver castor, vases and bric-a-brao and other small Items; very massive canopy top brass bedstead other good beds in brass and enamel finishes, beautiful ladv'a emDrets dresser with large French plate mirror, nearly new large dresser and chiffonier in rencn . gray witn rattan insert (these two pieces were quite recently purchased and have plate glass pro tector- tops), oak dressers, bedroom rockers and chairs, very pretty body Brussels rug, 9x12, In lavender gray with rose border: all beds have best springs, hair and Ostermoor felt mat tresses, pillows and bedding; A. B. range. Inlaid linoleum, etc From a n o t h a r rer?ont1v fnrntaTisrl home we shall sell a lovely dining-room suite in quarter-sawed oak. viz., S4- lnch-ton nedestal dining table, buffet and set of leather-seat chairs, oak; library table and rockers with leather seats, lounges, pictures, rugs, electria table lamp, bedroom furniture, steel range and gas range and other numer ous lots. From this erentlemfln. offlra wa arinTl sell a nearly new sanitary flat - too desk, roll-top desk, revolving; chairs, oak bookcase, etc. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. ALL THE ABOVE GOODS ARE ITOTV OJI EXHIBITION AND AWAIT YOUK MOST CRITICAL INSPECTION. VOtf WILL FIND THEM WELL WORTHV OF YOUR ATTENTION. WE SHALL ALSO HAVE ON EXHIBITION A RARE; OLD DUTCH CUPBOARD IN EBONY AND ROSEWOOD, STYLE FIRST RENAISSANCE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. A SIMILAR ONE IS THE. PROPERTY OF THE MUSEUM OF CLTJNY OF PARIS, FRANCE. THIS CUPBOARD IS FOR PRIVATE SALE. THE OTHER GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION ON TUESDAY KBIT AT 1 A. M. NOTICE We pay cash for house hold goods, or will sell for you at tha home If convenient, or we will give you the use of centrally located salesrooms. Phone us. Main 3332. W. C. BAKER W. H. DEAN.' Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers Masonic Temple Building, Yamhill and Went Para; Streets. FOR SALE :: Warehouse Site; 150x200 -East Second, Third and Pine on two sides. - Owner 914 Spalding Building Main 4989 '. 13V2 ACRES Two Mile From Hood River Postoffice with all modern Improvements; good family orchard: about four acres in apples, balance in strawberries fcnd al- taira. Plenty or irrigating water, Fincwt Country Home in Oresroa.' Will sell place for less than buildings cost, and consider soma trade. W 1J4, Ore gonian. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ' ROBERTSON A EWINO, " a07-8 Nortaireateni Bank Bldg. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds SOI WILCOX BLDG. Main 702, A 870X REAL ESTATE. For Male Lots. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burdan into Income. We design and build anything, furnish the money if desired; eight years In Portland.' L. R. Bailey Co.. contracts Ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR. SALE Some splendid building lots on ca.Bc xsejmom ana o-sua aim, will 00 sold reaaonablc. PAKKZSH, "W ATKINS A CO.. 106 2d St. Phone Main lt44. SUBURBAN lots, by owner, on carllne. 250; IL0 down. S5 per month; 6 per cent. Box 48. Monitor, Or. G. C. GOLDEN BERG CAN SELL TOUR LOT. 11 a AOington mag. Main 480T CHAS. W. ERTZ, architect, Pittoclc block. AU kinds of building and alterations. For Bale Beach Property. HOTEL, 35 rooms. 7 -room house, 4-roont nouse on iocs ai oeacn ror eaie or trad a for acreage. Owner. Vrlte 719 Blaks St., Raymond. Wash. For Sale Honsrm. BEAUTIFUL corner, Irving ton boras; Army officer, ordered away, will sell at sacrifice, furnished or unfurnished, his 8 -room mod ern home, with garage. Bast 190. WEST SIDE 00. 7-room modern house, 28x100 lot, H block to car, 15 min. walk to Postoffic. 330 Grant st.. bet. Broadway and tfth. 50 CASH, $l& month, dandy 6-room bunga low, corner iui, juci 1101 tii 01 neamoBt, Job-nson Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. HIGH-CLASS largo bungalow and garage $700 cash or terms; nig my restricted dis trict. AC 127, Qregonlan. VACANT LOTS, all clear. 24th and Ilolman, good proposition lor contractors. AC 120, Qregonlan. MODERN 5 -room bungalow, walking dis tance, central isaet oiae. Apply Cli East 20th St., corner Oak. East 2tOi. MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM AID RESIDEHCB PBOPtKfl. NO COMUlMO.Y. Wm. MacMaster 701 COHBKTT BLOQ, PORTLAND. OS. FREE SERVICE BY PACIFIC TITLE TRUST CO. W. bava all tba records tn this counts sftecting raalty abatract.d and posted tight up to tea minute. No ciiargs lor information. Call al eXXisa. 26S-3 Else, st. Foeas alax, la, Sjvu CAtoK, $40 and Interest monthly; Mi. iaoor nome. two iuu, icuucia fco iitu. 134 E. 5:ia St. Tanor ii-ia. FINEST S-R. modern, new bungalow. Rois City Park. Go and sea It. 6 E. 3th X., 2d cor. N. of Sandy. - HOUSE and lot, Holladay Addition. 368 E. 9th North; close In. Inquire of John Grant. Tel. Broadway 8969. Tabor 572 1. No agents Ul'BBCLL & SON, UZl can ay, oldest flrnx ROSS CITY PARK, can sell you a food, house cheap. See us first. Tabor 2161. TWO modern houses In Irvlngton, 1 e-room, 1 7-room, with garage, on paved street; bargain. Owner: no agents. Call East 833. EXCEPTIONALLY lino 7-room houss. with garage, tn Hawthorns district, reasonable. Owner, Tabor 807. J000-PLEASANT. well-arranged 7-roont house, with one lot, block from Mt. Scstt car. Tabor 7535. - IRV1NGTON HOMES. R. 1. STREET. IRV. AQENT. 7-ROOM house and 2 acres, fOOOO; City line, o tm. uregonian. Oregaa FOR SALE Fine piece property. 2 houses. Inquire 341! ban reataci St. i wrier. 2-ROOM fur. cabin, walking distanca; cash. Call Euaaby. 701, at. T3