Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 30, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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California Executive Appealed
To in Behalf of Man Con
victed of Bomb Murders.
Labor Mediation Commission Spe-
eta I Report One of Rfuou Be
lieved to Have Caused Mr.
iVUoa's Action.
ARA M E.VTO. Cat March .
Fresldent WIU has telegraphed Got
trior WlllUa IX Stephens, of Califor
nia, uklof executive clemency for
Ttonu la. Moooty. w linear death
Xmw; waa ronrtrted of murder In
ronnectloa with a bomb exploaloo la
Faa Fraaclseo la a praparadotva parade
July n. lt. which caused Ik death
f la persona and lajared other.
Executive clintwr waa MaoBya
only boa. th Slat lasm Court,
stlch ta confined to aeeatlona of law
la reviewing mvrdfr eaee. bavlna? re
cently rejected bla appeal (or
alal aiHil Hai ta li nHut
V'r. vr.laoa racaived a apaelal
report oa th Moay caa. from Ik
labor plantation coramlaaloa. which la
vaettgated II whit oa Ibo PaclfM
oast. and r. port. A. iimii etaer
thine, tkal while Ik official record
of Iho trial mirbt bo flawless, aa th
H'ate lopTine Court afterward found.
ho I - t l wo n r of wttneaaa for Ibo
.rata bed bn cts(r4 frova trial to
trial as th ttriu defendants la too
raw war arraigned anal for tfcla rea
son doubt waa coat oa tbo validity of
tkalr viinc.
lat man. admittedly tb
Ixm aiar wllneaa. latar was proee
cvjted for rafcoraaltoa of perjury, bat
waa aro-altted.
It Fraetd.nt Wllaon wish ta tara
Iraaa a murderer lifea Moatney. Ibo ra--.,
bihly la hta." waa lb comment
of Ixefrvt Attorney Charlae M. Kirk.
art. of Haa Francieco County, wbao Ibo
raport of tb Presidents commission
w mm m4o public.
Trtel Joateo raaaro Appeal.
Otfcar fartors la tbo erne waro aa
appeal, outaia) tho re-reed, to I ha Mat
bupram Court, barked or tha trta
Judg and the Attorney General of Ih
atete. too latter declaring that a Tut
ramaa of luetic baa arryrrai." Th
court f iBda It bad no JurtedttXtoa la tb
ram of tba rasa reached to Patro-
grad. la tbo r-l days of tbo rovola
itoa. and a demonstration against
ioori.ys locution waa mad ta tb
sir tat a.
iVr , -vl'.. y--V - ' !
:.r A , : mmm
!t IIKi0. CsU Marrb I Ooar
aer aiiapkana. upoa bLa arrival al Camp
K'arny. aai4
"I haa rothloc ta a. I hav ra
ralvrd a maaaas from Wll-
in. bat at th Mooaay raaa Is
rm In mr iar4: It I In tbo band of
tha riipr.m. uuf L Iatar 1 may nub
a tt.trinrot
It AX TKAXCIsriX March !. Prral
d'nt Wilan ll.srram to Govrmor
ftr.pfi.n. that rxtulr
l.m.ncr ba to Tbomas J
VMn. will bava no rff.l on tha ap
t..l to bo niada ?or lt rlmnry
by Mxin.y's counsel. It i said today
by Attorn. y Maawall otu
I ooJ hardily oa Hand Will
I mil STirmncr.
AV.TEr.PAf. JJ.rrh : It la astl-
natad cffu-iny that th supply of
raraala la Holland ta safflrl.nt to maol
lh demand for a boat fit months
r';or luu'd today royarlnc lb
rnBntrjr'1 rcaourrat oa Marrh t. placo
(h. stocks, qaot.4 la tons, aa follova:
Wat.l. T Tl : r a. : AtnarU-an
flour. !". flour. CM; stocks
at flour mills,
Thaao sicrriiia 1I.S Ta th.m
will b ad-lad tha rsmstndrr of tho
homo crop yat to bo d.U.rad and sti
ma t.4 to bo !?. Ions of aba.t and
. tons of r.
This mak.a a crand total of 211.11
tons of all carral h K"h. ajtyan out oa
Ih baala of tha raduccd dally ration
of sr. ma for acb paraua la aa
pactad t last until .ptambar 1
laoral Coollocefit to taai for l'mp
mLrm t Tod a 7.
Or-lr- r.T. hr l tit tilvht will
o ('mp lasyvt. Amricaa la., thtm
nrt.tnx. v hi) I ttm announod
.. riot p rmH of any tK tJ fatra
wrll demonstration frr th ocmaitoti
t.or lUkrr will bo on hand, repra
ntinf lh rtlr.
4jr-lMr tor Tnny. ta raai4 of
th unii. ri vd tat ordr rcot1y
ff mbiti ia!ion and tnr tHn th
mmbr ha . rpnrttnc ta aad
lUArtoyr In th old I'ort land Ararimx
auiMtnf. Thrr r S2 on tha roll.
U. S. to Have 25 Planes
France by July 1.
Wltnraars Vrfore Senate Inquirers
Confirm Kc ports That Ubeiis-
Motor I Not I'Mff In Illgh
Speed Machine.
Amrrlcsn Blrli arc furprisad at tha I
rapidity with which thry take down
connections, th Americans frequently!
putting up on connection with th
thumb and th foreflneer and at th
earn time taklnjc doan another with
th llttla flnsr o the same hand.
All lb cirls are prortdtd with a res;,
ulatlnn anlored skirt and blou.e and
a dark blue hat with th orann and
mhli cord of tha Signal Corps, to
which they hay been attached. If th
experiment with a Iris proves success
ful it la understood that mora will b I
brought over from America.
Ilrpabliran Chairman. Will Ha;, lo
Vl-ll California Leatlrra.
US FRAN'-I.'fc-n. Vsrrh !. Will
II Hays, of Indianapolis, new chair
nan of tha Republican National Com
mute, will tour California aait month
with a yew of ronfemnc with all
el.menta of tha RapublH-an party In
this atat. II wa announced late today
by ILay Hanlamin. rnalrman of tha
atat tiarutut committo of tb Ra
oabiican party.
H.ys la aipact.d la San Kranclsco
April IS.
WAffHIXGTOX. ilarch I Inquiry
Irlo airplane prodnctlon was contin
fd by lha retialt military rommitta
today behind rloaad doors, with no In
d.catloa wbra tha laveatlcatioo woo Id
b rompl.trd. Commander Brlsss. of
the British Flying t'orpm waa ques
tioned for several hours and later
iaJor-Urneral ouuJ.r. of tha flanal
Cc.rpa. conferred with Senator Cham
berlaln. of Oregon, cnatrman of th
crmmltte. a
Tb Inyestlra'lon, accord in a to varl
nil bonaiora wbo baro boaa pran-nt.
baa aot rovcaled tnarb that tiaa not al
ready boea made public. Statements
by Army officers show, they say. that
bile tratatnc machines bar been
acme; over and suar fichtlns- planes
bsra b.i n made la France by Amerf-
mecbanlca from Ameriran malarial.
only about - - Araeriraamada ftsht-
di alrpiaaaa will bo delivered la
Franca by July 1. Instead of about
beo. as prorHe.d under- tha orljc I ua 1
rocramra. Two rtahilnir planas bava
beaa shipped to France, th witnesses
ld tba rommltloo; 14 aaor ara ready
a sent abroad, and about a doaon
others are la tho fmsj staares of con
stj-uctloa ahd abould be ready for ablp-
.nt ahortly.
Fiaaiina aaaa-blnas eufariaat la com
pose Ihrra squadrons of II marhinee
acb bar beaa roaetrected la French
brtorlea from American materlala by
American mac ban us sent abroad for
trat porpooo.
Utateavrnts mad an tbe floor of th that tb Liberty motor so far
bean uyed only In UnMn( ma-
Mnes aad other planaa whirh !o not
need tb astraordlnary speed of th
ttie aiacla-aeaiad filbtars are under
too4 to bave been eoaftrmed by the
itnessee. thouaa tbey praised tb
work or th motor.
Criticism of tb airplane situation
waa raard for a time la lha tenate
today, dunna aa attack apon the com
mit. oa pontic Information baraua. of
Heme published In th official bulletin
ttlit Penator claimed war "falsa,
misleading and flambovaat" reaardins
tb shipment of airplanes to France.
Tlilrlj-flve Men Called for Federal
inert Ice, Monday, April 8.
District Court Clerk Marsh, of th
Federal Court, ytsterday assisted Unit
ed States Judge Wolverton in the se
lection of an additional 35 jurors who
will report In the Federal Court for
Jury duty at 2 P. M., Monday. April 8.
Tha list Includes:
R. 8. Acheson. Shedd: James Bremnar.
Astoria: Kobert K. Bryan, Lafayette;
John Carmen. Banks; Al. K. Coburn. I
Point Terrace: Klmer Cooper. Oregon
Clti : George K. Crowrll, Albany: B. It.
dimming".. Albany: C. H. Daugherty,
Yoncalla; K. P. Ltedsan. Clackamas: K.I
W. Wlllard. Hosebura: J. T. Dun la p. I
Salem: Kley Fluke, Independence; Kob
ert Urubba, Klkton; J. K. Hubbard. In-
dependence: J. C. McCrea. Newberg; I
John Carlen. Maupln; Harry Kershaw, I
Wlllamlna; B. F. Looncy. Jefferson; K.
T. Kaddant. Siletx; dear D. Head. Th
Oaliea: John F. Illxley. Mllwaukle;
WUllam Hchulmerlck. Hlllahoro: W. B.
Slovens. Albany: A. P. Wallen. Spring-I
brook: Frank Woodfirld. Astoria, and
William W. Amburn. Charles A. Dag
gtt. John Q. A. Lani-la. Charles C.
Lruncan. Valentine A. Fryer. Henry W.
Hall. James M. Hart. George A. Kigl. I
aad la. T. Kusaall. of Portland.
a. a in life
Your Glass of Coca-Cola
represents materials allotted and authorized by
Mr. Hoover and your Government after con
servation has taken its heavy vtolL The Coca
Cola Company accepts its "war duty as a priv
ilege and, although reduced in output, is endeav
oring to maintain its usefulness as industry.
-7e address ourselves to common justice in
requesting you, if you order Coca-Cola, to insist
the genuine. Don t let a subtle imitation
Aji:mct(TRL:PHoR opkrators
iB.rniMG ,htiia
J ael AdmlnUtraloe .-k All to Lay
la Year' Bapply.
WA.iHIXITrVf. March If All house
hold. ra. public utilities and Industrial
aaera of roal enaageal la essential war
work war tr. lonlght bv Fu. Ad
an in let rat e iarflel4 to order without
d.lay suffl'-ienl coal for their needs
during the roal beginning April I. are aanutfe coal ears and
enough locomoiiy.s lo transport the
n.caj ry quanliry of roal only If ey.ry
ear and every Wn-omot tv. i. used to Its
maltinn-l ranartfv every day la tbe
'." l-r. i,arnjd said.
Rapidity la ttsmdllaa Caaaeettaaa R
aalta la laaasealiato Itapraveeacat
ta service.
TARI.1 Marrh :. Thirty-t h r a
American telephone girls who speak
Kacllsh and French equally well have
Jut arrived to operate the switch
beards In the various Army headquar
etrs. They have been divided between
tbe principal Army centertj Paris. Gen
eral Pershlag'a headquarter In th
field and th various lines of communi
cation. American officers have been pleas
antly surprised when taking up the
fit phone receiver to hear the familiar
"Number, pleae. or '"Line's busy," In
stead of tha usual French equivalent.
Altheugh th French tel-phon
equipment Is not as modern as that In
America, lha girls are fast becoming
uaad to It. and officers remark that
th.y already notice an improvement In
th e.rvi-.
Ill t'rvota coUagu of lhc
Dinner to Bo Given Multnomah's
Qtipla Monday.
Ktaervationa ehould be mad not lat
er than today by those wbo plan to
atteod tb dinner to be given Multno
mah County's quota of selected men
for military eervlce by the members of
the exemption boards at the Multnomah
Hotel at 11:J0 o'clock Monday morning.
Tha 112 young man from this county
III ba Joined at the dinner by those
chosen under the selective service law
from several of tha other counUea of
the a Late.
Mayor Baker will preside at the din
ner. There will be a minimum of
speechmaking and a maximum of
"eata." al Maldwyn Evans will alng
"The Flag Without a Stain." and "Keep
lha Home Flrea Burning."
IH SH upon
IH II 1 -I - - a. a. . . llr 1 M 1 1 Ml
J ? creep in to take advantage of our shortened out- fl
j ; put by passing itself oil as a substitute. EE
j "When you order, order by it3 full name Coca- EE
i Cola, and accept nothing else. S
j 0 1 To the Dealer: ll
! If you ere unable sometimes to get Coca-Cola E II
! or al-way8 to get your full quota, -we ask you to I
I bear "with us, remembering that your trouble are
ours, in trying to supply normal trade vith a fl
EE restricted output and remernbering that the sao-
ffl rifice for conservation must fall on all of us alike
I 1 dealer, manufacturer and consumer. .
A. S. Hnntlry Charge GnstaT Doug
la Willi Malpractice.
Back in IMC a red-blotch the six of
a nickel appeared on the leg of A. &
Haatlay. It Itched terribly and fright
toed Huntley.
Ha went to the office of Dr. Gustar
Douglas, who represented himself to b
an X-ray expert. Treatments were
started and continued for some weeks.
The red spot grew worse and the leg
began to wast away. As a conse
quence Huntley yesterday started suit
again! Ir. Dougla for 15004 in dam
ages. He allege malpractice in the
treatment of the leg and allege h ha
been permanently injured.
Coaaell Arraagea Seoaloa for Thursday,
TAhea Reaves sirs tors Will Have
Another Hearing.
Because of complaints made yester
day by several of the proprietor In the
list of 49 hotels, lodging-houses and
rooming-house, decided on by th City
Council as unfit to have license to
continue in business, the City Council
arranged to allow the Complainants
formally to present their cases to tha
Council Thursday morning at It o'clock.
While th Council ha decided by
unanimous vote to refuse licenses to the
4 places in question, the decisions ara
subject to reconsideration If the per
sons Involved can make satisfactory
showing. It waa reported yesterday
I that the majority of the proprietor
whose applications were rejected will
not protest, but will dispose of their
To the original list as Issued there
has been added nine others. While the
total refused licenses Is still 49 the
names of 40 were contained In the
original list. The nine others are as
follow: Frank Mlnra. Lincoln Hoteh
Waahlncton Cnlvcrslty Contingent
to Co to California.
enlisted personnel of base hospital unit
No. , of the University of Wash
ington, vii ordered into active service
at Camp Fremont. Palo Alto, Cal.. to
day by Major-General Arthur Murray,
commanding the Weatern department
of th Army.
MKr Jamea B. Kagleaon. Medical
Reserv Corpa. commands the unit,
which number 200 saluted men.
409 Morrison street; T. Huasn, Termi
nus Hotel, 80H North Third street; An
drew Kershaw, Navarre Hotel, Eleventh
and Alder streets: Charles E. Hall, Gil
man Hotel, 142H First street; Mrs. M. J.
Walker, Tourist Hotel. 150 First street;
K. Hashimoto, Erickson Hotel, 24 North
Third street; Mrs. G. Weyand, Arcade
Hotel, 30 North Sixth street; Nellie
Brown, Stockholm Hotel. 8114 North
Third street; Flora Newmon, Astoria
House, 3.6H First street.
leal.) Benton County today finished
calculations on the amount of material
raised for the Belgian relief drive. The
allotment was 5000 pounds and the
amount received was 10,228 pounds.
Of this amount there were 8352 differ
ent articles of wearing apparel. Includ
ing 738 pairs of shoes.
Soldier in English Hospital
Rare Experience.
TACOMA. Wash., March 2S. (Sue
claD To be nursed back to health in
far-away England by a former school
mate Is the happy fortune of Perry
Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. How
ard, of Puyallup.
Mr. Howard is confined in an Eng
lish hospital suffering from exposure
following the sinking of the Tuscania.
At the -hospital he was assigned to
the care of Ada Allan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Allan, of Puyallup. Mr.
Howard writes his parents that his
sufferings 'and disappointment in the
delay In reaching the front were to a
measure assuaged by meeting one with
whom he could talk over old times.
Benton Helps Belgians.
cORVALT-13. Or.. March 29. Soe-
15, 25 and 40-Watt Lamps 27i
Flashlights (complete) 75t
Double Sockets (for Lamp and Electric Iron SI. 00
Electric Irons (10-year guarantee) 3.50
Hotpoint and American Beauty Electric Irons
We Repair Electric Irons and Flashlie-hts i
Open Saturday Night Till 10
. 211 Morrison, Near First St.
n- WmWJnmWKSm9ttLWmWKWMm9t
The food drink
without a fault
Made of high grade cocoa
beans, skilfully blended and
manufactured by a p e r f e c t
mechanical process, without
the ' use of chemicals. It is
absolutely pure and whole
some, and its flavor is deli
cious, the natural flavor of
the cocoa bean.
The genuine bears this
trade-mark and is made
only by
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
. -ttr-L-J 1751
a. sat. err, - uv tauu-aaou . a w
WS aaatavaaaaW
naa. o.