Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 30, 1918, Image 22

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r "
Thrift and War
Savings Stamps
on sale at our- Accommodation
Bureau. Basement. A filled Thrift
Card of sixteen 25c Stamps, with
14c, is exchangeable for a War
Savings Stamp worth $5 January
1, 1923. S-
Get Your Films Here.
For. Easter . Sunday -
We have ready at all time fresh stocks of
celebrated Eastman films. Bring - your
Easter picture here .to be developed and
printed by our experts. ..
' Kodak Shop, Main Floor.
Easter Shower
of Dish Cloths
for our men overseas will be held
today" under the auspices of the
Portland .Grade Teachers' Associa
tion. Leave towels at, any of our
five entrances.
All Charge
today go on April, accounts
Payable May 1st
Judge Campbell Allows
Year-Old Girl to Go
With Mother. ..
Jnt quality Sto oe romum
I Supply All Your
iMinute Easter Needs Here-1
nui onu niiD
STmIidodv at Ilrartng Show Mrs.
John .on Worked Hard to Caro
for Children Sine Drath of
Father la ItOT.
Aftsr a M!tr Ural battle which aha
faecal throusa the local ourta for
several weeks, lira. Alvina Johnson
finaJl won I ha permanent custody of
er li-year-old da j titer. Miorl John,
.on. la an order elaned yesterday br
1 ttcau J'ide Canipoeil. of Oregon
City. Judae Campbell waa In Port
land for toon lima daring tha trial of
In raee.
-Jn awardmr tha Johnaoa alrl to bar
wlr. Judae Campbell hotda that
fTeorse H. Lwta, superintendent of tha
1 raa-r Detention Home, haa beea restraining-
tha arl from her liberty ttn
awfully. Ma orders that Lewis release
toe girl Immediately and a'e her baek
t 1U custody of bar mother.
fclldrea Tni 4 Oat."
Tha mm had tta Inception last July.
ha th daughter. Mabel, and threa
etaer children of Mr. Johnaoa were
-r-d rt-"nd-nt ward of tha Juve-
nila i'nnri. in an order eaned bjr Java-
ml Judse Taswell. The children were
lacd l-mporar!ty In lha t raser In
tention Mom, from which place they
,r "farmed oot" to vartoue families.
I'vrlnc the trial of tha rase It waa
Oreucnl out that tha daughter. Mael.
waa ii'tn In tha custody of a family
livinc rn Washington, where ba waa
nmpMra to alt on table at a log
gtng rump
More man a score of witnesses of'
fere-f f.atiniofir at the Dpn hearing
conducted by Judsrn Campbell three
week ago. Officers of the Juvenile
Court and other n ttneeeee testifying In
bebaif of the court aougbl to ahov
tnet Mre. Johnein waa financially na
li li take care of ber children. Gro
r.rv Mi's and debta which aba
b id accumulated f-r aeveral yrara were
rr .e into court and bared to tba
tuMi in the effort to reetraln tha
biot?cr from having cuatody of her
Wetfeer asee-aed" aa Car fleeatr.
The teetlmonr In behalf of Mrs. Joha
fn. however, ehowed that aha had been
a wl'low for 11 yeare: that ber husband
bad been a good provider and that tha
family bad alwaye been In comfortable
eirrumstancee until bin death. It waa
brought out that Mr. Johnson ha
worn tha eame dreaa for 11 yeara la
order to provide better for her chil
dren: that ahe haa sold art n-tee of Jew.
airy la an effort to core with the In
creaaed living coat, and that aha haa
to make a living for herself and four
Mrs. Johnena had a widow's pension
from Multnomah County up until aev
eral month, ago. It waa brought out.
however, that Instead of having Ihla
pension of in W a month for current
evp'neea. a greater share of It waa
need by the court authorities la pay
ing up grocery bills which aha owed
tt the dir.
The daughter, r; lad vs. has been la tha
temporary custody of the mother since
tha case wae first aa.lgned to Judge
Campbell. When the rase waa before
the other circuit Judg-e they refused
tv Interfers with a previous order of
tha Juvenile Court denying tha mother
tha right to have ber daughter tern
norarily. but Judse Campbell let tha
g:r go home with her mother, despite
tie objections of Juvenile Court of
Just Arrived in Time for Easter
New Silk Shirts
It is surprising how many silk shirts we sell at
this time of the year. Fastidious dressers feel that
to make the showing expected at Easter, perhaps
more than at any other season, a silk shirt is in
dispensable. This year we expect a bigger business
in silk shirts than ever before. Silk is the fabric
of the hour. A man need have no "misgivings in
wearing silk, however he may feel about all wool
and, in a lesser degree, of course, about cotton, in
view of the advisability of conserving these, espe
cially the former. N
These Shirts Are Beautiful
Every one brand new, shown for the first time
today. Made from finest French La Jerz silks
noted for their looks and wear. Also handsome Peau
de Crepes and Crepe de Chines. Rich looking
striped designs in lavender, blue, gold, green and
multi-color effects. Choose your Easter shirts from
this superb assemblage at $7.50, $8.50, $9.50. See
Morrison window.
Silk 4 -in -Hands $1.65
One of these beautiful heavy brocaded satin four-in-hand
ties and one of the silk shirts above will make
an irresistible combination. Our tie values, especially
in neckwear of the finer kinds, are known to all dis
criminating Portland- men. These at $l.f5 will fully
sustain our reputation. Wide flowing end styles with
slip-easy bands, in patterns and colorings that are a
attractive as they are varied. Beat ever at $1.65.
New Easter Hats
We're headquarters, as you know, for the country's
moat famous, makes. Knox, Stetson, Mallory Craven-
etted, the famous M. & F. Special leading domestic
makes. Imported Bomalinoa and others. All styles and
colorings. All sizes. Experts to wait on you promptly.
Easter Hats
Everything for last day buyers.
Hats for dress, tailored and
semi-dress wear.
Flower trimmed, fancy feather
trimmed and ribbon trimmed
Hats in all shapes and all colors.
A wonderful variety to choose
from at $3.50 to $50.
Millinery Shop. Fourth Floor.
Of Our Exhibition
War Trophies
and Relics
. Auditorium. Sixth Floor.
Men ! Gome to Style Headq uarters for
Your Easter Clothes
This, is your very last chance to deck your
self out in new raiment for the Easter dress
up.. On Easter every man wants to look his
best. That is where our men's clothing
store's helpfulness comes in. We can outfit
you for Easter with the best clothing made,
and we can do it to your most complete satis
faction in the shortest possible time.
Several of the country's most famous makes of
clothing are to be purchased in Portland exclusively
at this store. Take, for instance, v
You will find in these ready-to-put-on-and-wear-away
garments the quality demanded by fastidious
dressers in the finest custom-made clothes. And
these clothes cost much less than the custom-made
kind not to speak of the convenience ' it is for a
man to drop in, see the suit already made up, try
it on, secure a perfect fit and wear the clothes out
of the store if he so' desires. Besides, a man has
absolute knowledge that his suit is "right" in style,
fabric, finish and workmanship.
Your new Easter suit is ready today in this and
other famous makes. Styles and sizes for all men
and young men. A wide selection from $30 to $55..
Other Suits for Easter
are here for men and young men. Models for men
of all ages and tastes, from the most conservative
to the most advanced dresser. All sizes to fit men
of every build. $16.50 upwards. ,
k P - r .' Mf
Men's Clothing Shop. Third Floor.
la. J. ADMS r WILL
Arrr.kH Hrn: rniDT.
Jt-ailer m$ Grmn Bar Amm
4 . U Mmy B rtlfk Mnr,
T?iat p ami mottT)i mar l In
rtriDa t'l-at ff SIrrrton to .nutPt
ttpua imiuli-i action In in dtabr-
jnnt frK-rdtns aiCAtont L, J. AtUntu, I
2llrion aitoruvr. mm Intimated!
ytrjT br Jhn .-lrourt. chairman
ot th irrITan roromltt of tha ir-
irn tur Ah tat t ton. iHpfora whom tha
tthrm-nt priMrw-ilnsa wra to have
ln hfli today.
3(r. Ui-Covrt at4 yeatrdar tha tha
wmmliif nonltl nt meet until next
I rtda-. at whwh time the rumpUint
atva'nt Mr. Adam mill he rntdrred.
The fact that Mr. Adama la runntnf
f"r Oiinir Judct at Jllvertn may have
metbtnc to do llh the ln-Wtenra In
Mvh lftf tag,pe of tllirrrton demand
drftnlte ifflon. aatd 31 r. Mr ourt T'-
lorfT la a -rtou matter and
-.-. th nlrt In vent la:a t ion kx-
anr atln la taken. Jblr. Adma
t. ! a aixd rttiaen and 1 don t think
tnrae rharc-a are a aertoua as
tppr on the aurrace
rnpUlnt acainat Mr. Adama waa f
th the Krlrvnre committee j
of rVr T.on ttar Aaaootatlon on the
chart; that he adttaed a draft re a; la
trvitt to m- a.e Ile affldavtta In a'
ttj-et!onnair. Mr. AiUmi la m roerr.her
f tba Ujal advtawry board at t.lvr-
leeptte the aerlonaneaa of the
charaea aratnat Mr. Adama and tha In
aietent meth.vda employed by certain
Miff fiofi retdvta t brine about an
tm meaiiate hertr c. M r. lctourt a aid
Jeoterday that the reron Kar Aim
ciaimn would not be Influenced by Ihla
aiiparent deatr for Inatant action.
"Ue failed to noufT Mr. Adams In
ttrno for a henrtna: Mtard.t, and the
natter will le taken op at the next
ne Una? of tha committee, whlca prob
ably will b held next" Mid
air. McCuwrt
ni p I, t n t
..-d with
r,.. i
ail- . K
should T.
before A
seems i "i
was "i
Specials in Silverware
Silver Plated Sugar and Creamer Sets, in gray finish, specially fJQ-
priced at, pair OC
Silver Plated Bon Bon Baskets and Tea Stands, in several attract- QQ-
ive designs, each .T. Olv
Two-Piece Sterling Silver Steak Sets, splendid values at, the Q1 QQ
Sllvarware Shop, Main Floor.
Easter Suits
We have long and successfully specialized
in apparel for misses and small women. Ap
parel that has all the attributes of quality,
style and Tit which distinguishes Meier &
Frank's apparel for women. As a result .of
this specialization we are always in a position
to supply misses and small women with gar
ments that are adapted to their individual
requirements and at our uniformly low prices, j
Many new arrivals m this section for Easter
wear. Short-waisted models with high-girdle
skirts, pleated coats in wide-pleated girdle ef
fects, braid . bound. Shawl, small revere and
notch collars and over-collars of white satin
and silk or dotted silk. Serge, gabardine,
poplin, twills and checks. Navy, Pekin and
tan light or dark shades. Sizes 14 to 18.
Priced $23.50, $35, $09.50, $45.
Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor.
Children's Easter News
New suits of serges, checks, wool velours and - jersey cloths.
Plain tailored models in simple straight lines for youthful
figures. Semi-fitted jackets in a medium short length, with
attached belts, some have two, others four pockets. Plain skirts,
with and without pockets. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 years. Mod
erately priced $20, $25 and up to $45. ' -
Children's wool coats in many attractive styles and colors.
Dressy and tailored models in straight line effects, pleated on
skirts, also flare or circular bottoms for little tots. Of fine
quality wool velours, serges, tweeds, poplins, covert cloths,
silks and checks. Sizes 2 to 6 years, $3.95 to $40. Sizes 6 to
16 years, $12 to $45.
Misses' new sweaters in plain
and fancy stitch. ' With sailor and
small collars, pockets, belts, sashes
and fancy buttons. Canary, rose,
Copen and blue. Sizes 6 to 12
years, $3.95 to $7.95.
Dainty French hand embroidered
dresses of nainsook and Swiss ma
terial. High waistline effects with
kimono and sewed-in sleeves. Many
elaborately trimmed. Sizes 2 to
6 years. $8 to $15.
Children's new taffeta silk pet
ticoats in plain colors and change
able effects. Scalloped and flounce
finished bottoms. Elastic waists.
30 to 34 inches long. $4.95 to $6.95.
Large assortment for dress,
street and school wear. New mod
els, many exclusive designs. Of
crepe, gingham and percale. At
tractive colors. Sizes 6 to 14
years, $1.75 to $16.50.
Children's new separate skirts in
Scotch plaid and medium dark
plain colors. Full pleated styles
with attached muslin waists. Sizes
for children from 6 to 14 .years.
Moderately priced $1.25. '
Excellent values are offered in
this sale of broken lines women's
middies. Slip-over and button-down-the-front
styles. Sizes 36 to
44. Regularly to $1.75 special
at 79c.
Children's Shop, Second Floor.
Lara Mowers
Sharpened $1
We will call for, thoroughly
sharpen and deliver your lawn
mower for $1. Have your lawn
mower sharpened and put in
perfect running order by bur ex
perts. Phone and our auto will
call for your mower. Basement
Two Specials In
A clearaway of odds and ends
in women's and children's light
weight cotton vests and tights.
Regular sizes. Very special at
A sale of women's Summer
weight cotton union suits in low
neck, sleeveless, knee ' length
style. Regular sizes.
. Underwear Shop. Main Floor.
Boys' Sampeck Suits
-t 3 -Vr taw;?
- -4 rr is. -r iT7
For Easter
Here Only In
This is the last day to get
your boy his new Easter suit.
JLet it be a Sampeck if you want
o give your boy the best. Sam
peck suits are the "Standard of
America" in boys' clothing.
arrivals on display today in
handsome shepherd checks, tan
homespuns, overplaid worsteds
in three to five-color combina
tions. Plain, full-back coats with
one-piece belts all around. Most
of the fancy suits have two pairs
pants. 6 to 18 years. $10 to
$22.50. .
Boys' Clothing" Shop. Third Floor.
Easter Sale of
Women's Silk
, Waists
S2S8-S4.95 Values
Value - giving extraordinary
marks this Easter sale of wom
en's silk taffeta, messaline and
crepe de chine waists. Fancy
stripes and plaids. High or low
neck styles. Some with convert
ible collars. Also included in
this sale is a limited quantity of
SAMPLES in crepe, satin and
pongee waists. Sizes, 36, 38, 40,
42, a few in size 44. Sold for
merly from $2.98 to $4.95 while
any, remain today, $2.49.
Center Aisle. Main Floor.
New Neckwear for Easter
In our complete Neckwear Shop on the Main Floor you will find
on display every fashionable new creation in women s r-asier net
wear. A hint of what you may expect:
Tailored waistcoats are one of the most popular items in our Neck
wear Shop. Smart models of colored gabardine in rose ana Diue wiin
white roll collar. Also of striped gabardine in black and wnite ana
blue and white effects. Priced at $1.50.
. Colored madras waistcoats in becoming dark plaid designs. The
model illustrated is $1.75.
Hand tied real filet collars with
large effective scallops. In the de
sirable roll style. Special $2.69.
New real filet collars in small
sailor models, roll styles, others
with square back and long front
lines, $3.69 to $14.50. Also real
filet collar and cuff sets, $5.50 to
$12. Set illustrated $5.89.
Hand embroidered organdy col
lars combined with VaL and real
filet lace. Washable models for
one-piece dresses. $2.50 to $7.
Model illustrated $3.50.
Novelty tailored collars of pique,
voile and linen. Some are in com
binations of white and colors, oth
ers in white with touches of color
and fancy buttons. 50c to $3.50.
New Easter neckwear at 35c.
Filet roll collars. Colored satin roll
collars in rose and gray.' Swiss
made embroidered collars. Em
broidered models. Other styles.
Reversible satin roll collars with
long shawl front. Very attractive
collars the regular value is $3.50
special $2.98.
.Just received! Neat, washable
organdy collars in flat models with
V shape front. Trimmed with fine
Val.' lace in the real shade. Cuffs
to match. Regular $2.00 values,
set $1.59: ' '
New Windsor' ties of good qual
ity messaline and crepe de chine
in all the wanted shades. Very
moderately priced from 25c to 65c.
New Windsor ties in striped and
plaid novelty effects. These are
very attractive and are exception
ally good bargains at 35c
Neckwear Shop, Main Floor.
OrJrr to Stop ladaxttoaa Dora No
Affert C. of O. Ordnance Class.
rXITKRjITT OF ORrwX, Euaena.
5f-n l t -i !perul. Tha aeneral or
der of tha War Wsstlment that all
vHsnurr Inductions Into tha aervtce reaee April 1 la nt to stop re
erattlna: for tae fifth class of tba I'nl-
ers!t of r-on ordnance a-hue'i, ar.
e-rdir to advu-ea received tv Uq.
tenant . f. Jeremiah from Washing.
t. a sesterdav
The fifta rlasa Is to .tart Ita work
-lt so enrollment of SO men, on Mar
a and Lieutenant Jeremiah la author
ised to rereivo applicatwaa aod eaJlat
avaa Xar taa course.
Iii Our Toilet Goods Shop
Willard White Vaucaire Calega
Tablets, flesh .builder, three
boxes $25, box 85c
Melorose Beauty Cream, 45c
Colgate's Talcum Powder, assorted
odors, 2oc and 15c
Mennen's Borated Talcum, small
size, 10c .
Japanese Ice Pencils, for wrinkles,
Daaderine, for the hair, S9c, 50c
and 27c
California Medicated Soap, ' cake
Williams Priscilla Violet Bath
Soap. 3 for 40c, cake 15c
Bath Brushes, 39c
Colgate's Ail-Around Bath and Toi
let soap, 3 lor 40c, cake lac
Odorono. for excessive perspiration,
90c, 45c and 27c
Mary Fuller Nail Polish, 60c and
Cutex Nail Enamel, liquid, 29c
Hyglo Nail Polish, powder, 25c
Flexible Emery Boards, 8c
Nail Brushes, 10c
Nail Brushes, 19c
Tooth Brushes 10c.
Tooth Brushes, 19c
Fountain Syringe, size 3, regularly
$2, special $1.09.
Castile Soap, cake 10c
Whisk Brooms, 19c.
" Toilet Goods ihop. Main Floor.
Only by a fortunate purchase are
we able to offer these desirable wrist
watches at $7.98 they are good $10
Men's Wrist Watches
.ft 'A
I . values.
Nickel case, 7-jewel Swiss move
ments, adjustable to two positions.
Unbreakable, non - explosive
crystals. Hands and numer
als visible in the darkness.
With leather strap. Guaran
teed for one year of ordinary
service Limited number at
Jewelry Shop. Vain Floor.
Easter Veils and Veiling
The "Liberty Bell" soft Shetland mesh
veiling with shadow designs, yard $1.
"Liberty Bell" drape Shetland mesh veils
in black and taupe. Cut-out top to fit over
hat, is short in front, with long pointed
ends, $2.25.
"Over the Top" 36-inch hexagon mesh
veiling with wide border for use as a smart
drape veil, black and brown, yard $1.50.
"Sammy" hexagon mesh veiling with neat
border in black, yard 65c.
Scroll designs, Chenille and vel
vet dotted effects, individual pat
terns, bordered designs. In dusky
brown, navy, taupe, black and pur
ple. Yard 50c to $1.25.
Circular veils with cut-out cen
ters to fit over the hat. New mod
els in black, brown, taupe, green,
navy and purple. $1.25 to $2.50.
Veiling- Shop. Main Floor.