s THE 3I0BM5G OKEGOXIAX. .SATURDAY. 3IARCII 30, 1918. HOI COFFEE CHEAP Consumer Benefits by Com plying With Request. LONG FREIGHT HAUL SAVED dsra )! areata laeal anew. aad the to yealeraer wa. 1. rf mi. vua mbi carried .ear. Para. n the other hand, was stronger aad faacjr srad. brought II i 0 in cest. Wiaslea Merraaasa ETrkwit. There wa. a. Hasina of tbo Merchant Cirhuin ajterctny. All Kchancra lhroota oul tbo rouatry wro close! actwat of Ooa-i Friday. Terminal receipts, la ears, wer. raported y tba Merchant Kachaaf. aa fallows: Wbfll Barley KVurlat Ha retlar,.l. Friday .rtlolc .iailablr Here Ilas Adiaa- l-e" of Trrh Condition m Wrll i Rraeanabl Coal f iae of Hi;h Market la Uic Ka-U I MX". 4J.T Year ... fooi to data Y.r ... Ta-.tne. Tours Tear ac : .-eaeon to ftalc..41"7 Tear as. iaTJ l-.irle. Tbara Tear aco Meaeoa fa data. .4e4 Tear a.o ....... 4-1 7 I SI7 1T 77 ll , 12 74 11M 1 1?t 1-U.a a SI 1T lain ph; im .... - mi s -C 11S9 am pry ior ro'Ltror It rom sNout if?ict4l-j- of i rn portat f frnm ni MH rrmniii trnp-tris of Mrrb coffe ft- me "Mr r-.ri -. that ani- h a4nr. t nhMM f prt--. with th pro r lt tht it will . fvuf of rnqir-iiri ar e-ff- n ja 1 1 y mm good will ltatM Tha Mrn IMpc applt-. to prrirallr all f Jmim an. 4amatr -t ft . Horn " r rnrnliif i th - rr r v la-tfir. but tha r-trM rat "fn'ily ntg that irw-M irt otit f propArttoa I th Valu. a I th- r nh Mw-ha raffM. La eompanat with other h'Cr.rarti enffaaa. Amartra mftm prlalpallr thnm trrn tianc 4 ftl-x ar advaa'-tac la prira laMe f tha ratnrtfM.a a litipnrtatiwntt, m4 all tiiairtK hlaaala aa mail aa r ta.ll. era aarmltta! ta rarrT ! ai-h. prtmanlr wtth tha tiw of forrlnff a r'nett- ta Impartanona. m thai tba Pllra. mmy ba a-J In t-aora ti port an i VAr traaapnrtatloN warlK. IWftwa r It cfct 4a rnta ta iraiuanrt aar; ar mrrva rrm JtraaUl ta aa Atlaattv part. T.mya caa la 11 Transportation charraa rr-ra afbar Atlantic t'aaat iw.ih Amartrai o-wifrtaa bah a4anca4 ta Uia aatua aro ia tna afnr hand. tran,ptrtatMa a lb i rirt haa tM a1vanrM anrthla Dka a a-h art,l Cntral Amart-aa r.ffaa ara aiin at allchl advancoa. Tha nim ara 4 far tba tr an port at ton af 1 antral Am'rtaa mffa-a n tha Fa-lfie ara not Ft. rnc Iran Atlantic vnrk ant thta binr t- tha minf tba nrnk9itt r af tba ia a t af tha t'nitHl flitl ral A'tmtnta- trat.wn. ftkkh ta aa fnia: "U ta tha pal f of tha rood Aimlnitratlen la rrairMi lha puMtr la mmm tha product that ar pra- ir I at th!r a-art paint af roiwumpltnii la artr ta aa annraary tra m port at ton. It w-it b ri f.r ihta phaa f ih mat tr la ha prftait la tha Bnrral public ant ftt thlf ar-tlva ronprrat Ion. Th put. ttc rotumu thta ituatmn and a ba f vM hrlp In fnrr-tnc th aip tin af th pJirr f Ih 1'omJ A.lminl-1ra t.oa. In rartaia tvi praducta. tba public h ak-d ta ma rfHa rhan-a la ardrr it rnnt. vn though It ba at tcraad rtat tv themava. hut aa far aa rffa ara rm-rntt. th m-4 branda bav ary ad anta aar tbava praducad alaaabara. par tt-aiariy an a thry ara bttr aJaa aad a-a dllard to tha rontirr.r In a frab i kn rot baln( bcnm atala a blla tranapartad frm dtafant polnta. ArrLC MRKCT I BAR ILL T ftTKADY tiaaan4 faa artbaaata M ha Ka ary t aer. 4 fatal f SI "ara vara ant a tit frm tha Nrtht aa tviaadar ta tha foiiowma rat t aa How : f t f ary. Can., t. Oh lr aa otumhua I. Tulurh S. rrco I. M.con , M.afaaprtata stb. .vw Tark rr X ritttar Icata.lo Z. fartlaad L HC laui Z. Saat t'a 4. Tacaiua ocour, Caa a, Vir S.nta 1. Marhat randitlona ta tba Eaa ara ra. atrtt.a by w tra aa follaiara: N-ar Tnrh Arrtvalaw .Naar Twk 11. Wuh bftoa c Virtnta 4. Wt Vtrctnia a. laaba V- I-mjd aad matraiant mod ar at a. mar ht fair, r.ira fatfy atnraapa. larva. fiTl CI: anaIiont. atSASZU: araall. 9I Tlt2. r:tra faary 9tpttaanaara. larra. $3; milium. fill. amaM. $1K A a t la prlrra: rth at H tnraapav f I 1 aj 2 j ; aara. $1 M Mtaiw PltMla. TOrft.W: avaraca. ft.o- ttma fl lSfr?: avaraca, $1 4i- Naatowt rnwo Arrtvala. Idaha L Oh la I. TVah tnctaa z. anhaaaa 3: T.2 rara an track. vladlnc brohan aad nbmkft. lmaftd and iaffmt frMMt. wrfct at aad y Kvtra fancy WliKMapa, larra. 1 Z : madium. $3:7: fancy ta rhotca amall, SI Sl Kvtra fancy hptta anharc. lara. fancy nftllum. f ? d ? Ctra fancy llamaa. larva, 91 1; fancy arMKttanv 9 Aarttoa prtcaa: Haiaa. t rara poc-r fair. Ra iaia, maituna It lar. a vra Tk; rhotca airg. Tn. Jon athana. JumMa araa. ft 4". Fancy Ram avarac. ft 3V fay flrtmaa, mitarn ta lari araraaT. TV-, Another lot af Waa ! vta anadlum ta larv. avarava. jc. l-at a Arrtiala. Waahinctoa 2. Dam and and atovamarit alnar. mar bat araah. Kvtra trx-y Waaapv ir f 3. madivn. SZatf imail, f IItra fancy N vtoarna. U-ra, aLTl; amall ta mad turn. IISdt.7X AacfMa prlcaa: Ta eara aold. Waahtnstna W.aaaapa. facl aad fill ad. fLiavLl Jamhi. l Xk 9HirrtG tr.M n at itaiwtti.l ratataaa Ara Wrak ana) 1 a-bnncrd at Can a. try I aad lag rata t a. Thara ta practically aa dmand fnr pot a ta at ahtppin potnta and t'irhanka ran ttna aah at TS canta. Tha JnbMn, mar bt ta a'ao lnativa aad nncbansad at ac (VI fr tba b t ataca, It tnationa a( tba latt Caat ablpmaeu aaa; rrani Oam.a faana 1. I.aa AnIa 9 Cab ard 1. 5aa ttcn I. Twaaa 1. Prn Or rrtar Z. . Vr hat caadtttoaa war ra part ad by wtra rliaa: fitta. Mnnt Na frr-hj arrtvala. Korala. acba.1. tn 1 i fWaftla -Itacatpta aaadarata, darnaad alaw. 1 o-ra.a. A9Ac. aacbad. itattad Oaraa. a-had. 91 t ftp ban Catnaad tht. Mtxrd vfeitaa aad tfa.. aacb-t 91 Omaha Thttaa rara aa tra tt. tntaditc brban) arid anhban. Damand par. mar bat !. aoramaftt 4mftv Nahraaha an r-'ad in Had nbitaa. aarha-t 914134. H-aton 1 labn 2. Orafaa 1. artnd. tap pitaa baT. dmaad aad mitmH modar ara. anarhat m:y fair. liahx Cartfnrataa -aat an t n'aahlntaa Varbanb aad Haa atia. 9lVtA Naw rana C'arafln X rraa X ar rt4v t-amand ar t m m n t alu. marbat f-air. (rtifoa flurhanba. 91 . Oiaaaaa Ara IILsbcr Aaia. A nnhar advanca la aranca prl wa naauncd jaatarday. Valencia r qnt t at 94. a a 7 fto and naia. a car of which wtll arma thia innming, will acll up to 9 Bananaa ara du lni'n. Avparacua r!and up wall at 1? ICS ran i a for f.ata and ISIT'i rrntj Ir prramids. California rhtarb ai aoid rcadll. Bank fleaMiaaa. Pant rlaartnt-a of h N'orthwratrrn rtttaa aatardajr wara aa foiiowa tiartPra flaM'-". Irt'and 9- -i --V r-"'' S-attla .'" rVl Ta-ama I- J -.' Mvtwa tH,4i ZJJ-il rtRTLiD MARKET QfOTATIONS Gnata. llamr. laad, Kic. N arra-lon Marchanta' K hana. bol'daw. Wilt AT Bulk feaa. Karttand. fr Nl 1 Trada. Hard a blta H:uatcm. .rfy Uart. Ai.aa Oa.aculaa. Martin Arttoar, v. fort w hit a r'aiouaa. biuaatm. (art jr-foid. Whtta Vaiiy. truid Tnln. H hlia Huaaian, - V. U hit a rlub I.ittla club, Janhma club, whlta hybrid a. i-wtnora. 9.L Had Waila - Kd Kuaian. red hrbrida. Jana ft fa. Cap pa It. II -V Nv 3 vrada, a laa; No. 9 rada 9c laaa. OfhT crado handted by aanipiaa. r'l.OL H Faiania. 9i; Va!?ay. 9-d0; whola wheat. ( ara ham. 9 -. bar iy floor. l ti I I pa-r harre.. rre flour. Itn N'vllij par barr': carnmeai. 9 TJ Per barral. MILLFRRO Nat aiill pneaa. car lota: pran. 9JO par tan. aborts. 9-U par too; mid d.inc, !, mtavad cara and laa than car load v B'tr mora; rat. ad bariaJT, 977f7V; ro.:4 oat. cKN Whta. 9TT; crack ad. 979 pr ton. M A If Boylntf prloaa, f. a b. Portland : Taatarn ifioq timothy. 9 -:- lrr alley itn.otn, .'4VH. allali. 91 f 3-f "; atiy cram ba). --. clovar. 91W atraw, 9H ! CATTLE RUN LARGER Receipts Steadily Gain at All - Northwestern Points. HOG MOVEMENT LIGHTER MHa-aukeo New Haiea .. .... New York .... 6-1 Oklahoma City 30 Omaha ....... 153 Ottumwa ...... l'eoria ........ PUt.bura Portland, Or... Pvoblo ........ i. Joaerh .... Salt lJke City. Paul Kaa Kranciaco. s-ttle Hionx flty .... kux Falla ... Hpukana ...... Taromn vWliellni Wiehlta ...... Varloua ....... Totala .IMC One wk ao. .Ia Kour Treeka acol7l MarLrlinc of Sheep Also Declines in This Tcrrllorjr Inrrra5e It blocker and feeder Business Is Indicated bj- FrtR-ral Report. riatlafla wer. sieen In these rolumns rea iMnly of th total Benient of llveatork at tha leading market rentera laat month. H!ow ara vlee. tba flaurea fur tba North. eel. aa leeued by C K. Oihbona. rapreaen ltjve at Nortb Portland of tha Bureau of Mirkeliu Fteveipta at Portlaad Id February com pare, aa folloea: . 7 . 6. -.; 1t7 !.." Dairy Toaatry Prodora. BtTTKK fubea. eatrea. 4 V?: prima flrsta. 44r: prlnta. eslraa, 4aj4Ur: rarlona. 1c eira: butterfat. u. I. Ate delivered. Oregon rai.rh. current recelpta. 34we:; i-andled. Ja;37c. aalacta. Sac per do"-n. ClltESK Jobbara boxin prl.-ea. fob. dnrk. Portland; Tillamook' tripteta. Zoo: Vounff Amerlraa. SV par pound: lonahorna. rc; Cooo and Curry, f. a. b. Myrtle Point: Trtplete. US": Young Amerlraa. Hc per poond. lonchorna. aT SC par pound; Wa dla eount to pori.and tmda. pot'LTItT Hooatera. old. a r; ataka. tlHc: fiprlnaa. tf7c; broil era. c; dura 12 b I'm : geeoe. unJlc; turhea. Ilea, M . :7r. dreaaed. 35l3To per pound. h.A 1 a aejry. I He pee pound. Puttfek Kam. -IS per pound. f-aitla Mora S , i . n livraea and mute -i i"i Portland reralpta for the first two months of tbia and laai aAr: Itna. iniT. ratiia i:i.147 tioaa :;.ui2 44.7t Kheep 14.IM7 al.7:: ll-.raea and mulea MO Total February, ibli. ablpments from Port Ian. I. including etorkrre and ieedcra, uiiikera and sprlngara driven out; fallla Ho. , O.K17 Hhrep l.t.! Pettand ablpments for tha first two moatbs uf thia ear : fit 1 1 '. a. nits II. c. 1."U bneep 4..H" "lansMer aiaiuilca at Portland for Febru ary. U: lt. rait: 4.K-2 II. .a ll.e-na lieep 0.417 luteal alaushter starlatlrs for tha first K 11 4:1 It 204 3 10 2 7.1 13 , 1-1 : 3 1 61 83 1 .... S3 4t 4 2 k S 7S 10K 1 15 1 1 .... ..." 2 1 1.1 4s;i 17 1 'is 'ii ...j 4o:i 374 its JIK 10 12 irno LIHi 314 2UI4 State oriaina of livestock loaded March .9 For i'ortland Cottle. Hnrsee.Mlxed Calvea.Hogs.6haep.Mulea,l5lock. raiirornis a Oregon 6 NEWWOOL 60 CENTS - - Early Shorn Clips Are. Moving in Arizona. - f PRICE IN FEDERAL LIMITS Ttla. Portland Ona week aco.. JO Kour Wffkn aco. 2 Vnr Sonttla rron T Snuth Dakota Waahlngtoa . . 1 Ttla. aUattta. One week aro. . four wk airo. f ralta aad VrtaJra. f-ocat fohbtott quotatlaoa: Kin IT-Orni-. naval. M T..V; ra- lant iaa. 9..i 7; lamana. $'i.7r,ti T par boa; bananaa, ao)t) par pouml . tfrapafrutt. 9-4 a&.'A; a p plea. i.v tancaxiuaa, per b"i. v kiwr;r.MlLt3 Tom a toe. az. u par crate, cabbaga. 3w 4 S par pounrt : tettuca, 9 J pr crate: cucumhara. 91 1 7i per doaea; cauliflower. 9 1 73 P crata; arttrhukea. J:ti par doaen; far lie. Tc; ca.ery. 93.71 par crata: pap para, uc par pound : aprwuta. 13 So par pound : rhubarb. ):;.'m2 par boTi; aa para sua. 1 2 w 1 . per pauad: paaa, 17c par pound; aplnaca. 9 par crata. HACK VKr.ITABUI"--rirriIl. VI O 1 M per aack; lurnlpa. 91.d: paranipa, 9l--i PVTA l t-f Tf oo tturnanaa. uirni.m par hundred; T-himaa. 91 V 1 S-i; awaat potaaaa. c par pouno. i'?t iu Joooi9 pneaa. n ia par pound. . IMapla Cracartaa. Iocal lobblnc quotationa: HI tiA K ea k baa.a: Krolt and barry. sT w - bee i. 47 S. . aslra 97.47 H ; pow. dered. ta barraia. 9-7la; cu baa. la barrala. 977S. Ni;T wainata zh; iiraaii nuta, itp 51c. (i.berta. UVJc. aimomta. lOfJc; Pa auta. I4tlc: racoanata 91. 19 par doaaa; pacana. ITS 9 lb?: chvatnuta. 3. H t AN -. a itomia tooning priraa: nmtn white. MSrw whlta. ISc: bayou. 10c lima. 14Vc: pink. t". ureaan baana. baylnc prtrea - hl. V W 1 'ar : Cuioraa. ic t "orFKB noaatao. in nruma. na;3f. HALT 4ranu!atad. 9 Id. 7ft par too : half- around. !. -913 par ton; ftoa. $14 par ion; dairy. 91179 par tan. K 1 C Kr u them head. ffiHt pr pound: B'u Raia. c; Japanea atvla. 9H ! IRIKU rut ITd Applaa, 1"Sf; paachea 1 I.e. prunea. Italian. 11 I c; raiatna, a 93 pr bo : da tea, faro. par baa. curraata. Jtar: fta. 92w-L9 par bvA. PrayUiaoa. t.oeal nbblnff quotationa: MAMf All atia choice. 4c; atandard. 93c; aktnnad. tfafyJOe: Ptcaic tic; catlaca ro. a LA Kl T terra baal. atandard pnra, 79 c: conpound. c. HA(X.N fancy. fiTTtvc; ptaodard, 43 4i-: rhuica. 99 tf 42c, DRY r'-T Unort claar bacba. S9Q33c: M Porta. Vif 33c: p aa. 24 O 3ac. Illdaa aad IVha. HirEt itad hldea, 2 lha. and op. 13c: an tad aiaa. 3d iba acd up. lc. aaltad and I blp. 13 la 73 tba. i-c; aaitad and tra -1. i a .. an. murav S3 tba, and UP, Wc; graan atada. 9l Iba, and I aa. : dry Clint hi. lee, 2."-: dry flint calf. Jc. hre hldea. 91 53 V 1.30; aaltad boraa Idea 93 a; 4 rm.Ti lrr on-wooi pita, 40c: dry ahort-wvol pa.ta ft 3c : aaited paila. April lake.-. 9-1 Hapwi Haal, lie TTOrS T9TT crop, I4fll9c par pound; caa- racta. 1 17c. Vt im)U Eaaiara Ore on. 44 93 par pound. Va.'ai. o 9 3c par pound; ai.ey m h. 43 Vibe MoMAlk leant atapla. &Or par pound. cak:aHa xiAKK .aw and old. per pevnd TALLA'W -Ntx 1. IK pr pound; o. Z. c (ear pound. Mla C ACLINIC Bulk. rtHe: eaaea. MV; apn tha. druBAa. ! S ; Ceaaca, ; OA (in te druma), HSc; caaea. 1 Or LINKCD OILp haw. baera a 91 ?: eaaaav 91 77; boi.ed. barraia. 91 atf. caaaa, 9l-7w TL ItrE.STINrT In 1nha 3c. caaaa. T9. two moot ha ol lha year; lffH. rtla .1"3 Hon 23.1-71 -Iherp 11.H41 The roniand movoynaat af atockera and feadera. In "r'abruary vt thia and laat year compare; jai. At-i i . i.'attl M o2 Mufl 7- 81ip 1.461 1.U77 Ttia Portland atackar and feeder move ment for tbo ft rat two mom ha f tha yeur: 1SM. 1117. rttla 2. 3" 9 l.:4 Ho. 2.7U.3 1.743 Hheep l.MMJ 4.:.tP- Keattia racalpta for February of thia aad laat year: HM7. "attla a.vtd i.t7 Hoifa 9.HAH Sheei 4d 22 beattla rcclpt9 for two moat ha compare: iriK. r.l7. :ittla 4 .in UftKa 20.mu 34.1rtT ohecp 43 44 H Heattl alaugbtor la "abruary of thia and laat year: IfM. 1917 Tattia f.H.t 2..ni7 Ha d,!.". 13.3iH aheep 4Hd PUuichter at ftaattla Tor tha first tw ancntiia of tba yaar. 1111. . 1017. Cattia m ; s.3o .i.to Hofi 2u,Oi- 34. 17 oheap -a. 4.H3 346 Taeoma racalpia la February com para aa foitowa: s . ll. int7. fttla l..vm 1.4,'4 Hoca J,7M J.tVt. Slxp .-. 3,lb Taroma racalpta for tha first two mo n tha of tna year: i IfM. 1917. fattta 3.eJt 2.r." Hi ... a.ttT1! 5.il heep at.Oat 4.t4 Hpokana recelpta in February of this and laat year: 101 . 1V1 Cattia l.hM i.it:j ti"" s.;u;s S.MNi hep 9.aS3J 4.tt:.4 tiura-a and mulea t-4 Cunt tipokane tacelpta for tba two months were: 1H1H. 1-H7. ama X.7WH 2 aH;A Nona . . . . 8.1 14 6 vt hep 10.1K3 ft.H4 nrr ana muiea 4tH l.ti Haaco racetved In February. 1M. 33 cattia. 4iu ho a. i.n aheep and J 2 horaaa: In two nantna or thia year 73 cattle, 143 hogs. veil auaep ai j nuraea UBtML RKCCirTS AT I-OCAL XARDS. Uvaalark Prirca Ara Haldiac Steady la All Mac, Receipt at th yard a yeaterday were l!b nral. amounting ta 13 loada Tha market waa ateady t hroughout. iioo4 altera aoid at 911 to 911. 3. and th bulb of hoga aaiea were at 9l.7i and 91H.73. Hacatpta wera S.'u cattia. 47 calve aad 4te" hu. Hhlppera were: With bog O. P. Hcmbrrt, Independence, 1 loa.l. 3Vtth cattle M. & Cundriaa. Baker. 3 Inada; R. M-lbraon. Ashland. 1 load; Noyea. t'ai , 4 toada; 1. IX. Hodlne, Noyaa. Cal., 1 loa d. With mixed trtnek Lea MtUar. Albany, 1 load cattia and hoa; Iabanon Market. Ieb annn. 1 toad cattt and hoga; J. B. Frofritt, layton. 1 load cattia and hoga; O. P. Ham bre. 34 on mouth. 1 load cattia and hoga. Tbo day aalea war a followa ct m; bittfh at io rmc e 9a lai itaitwc aad Maraat la wtatrr- Fga Mewdy. Pl-ipa af eanntry ea.aey buttr ar g-adoa: r Imraaa'ng and a weaker maxbai ia t raau.t. Katra wera aoid yeaterday at 43 ran:, a rant la wer than the day be-f-a. p.ma cutting f print ptic waa alee Feparted- re.d. aed thta ta fca.diag pr.ee fatrly . PRESERVE EGGS FOR THE WINTER MONTHS - BCaO ntli'9TI9 a rba aaafaat at Tea caa batt. -b aa t-a. Jaae ;ke fraab a fa tea aa tha cb uparar ta Water iaaa and aaaar. bie, Hrt rr-l'T t ea aepwat e baaea a Bed d I and a Tadoeaad bp laai i t a Ar-c n-ai lna"a'ea a tmm HI pa a 44) dnaa i a caa wiij preaac 1 td daaaw Aaw. yai da'r. a eATmaairata wtra, 4 nmn r. SA?f TOM I?CO PKODICK MARKET Pracaa Carraal aa 9 gca. Vagetahlca, Fraab Frwtt. Ktc-, at Bay CHy. HAN mAV!k0. March 20. Butter t r aa. 4 a 43c tgg Kraal eatraa 3c: avtra nra fire a. JTc; rreah extra pullet. c; ra a pai.ata. 9S. fheeaa - l oung American. 2" H -1'oultry Men, pomint,, Wit it fghara rooatra. 24oac: frena. brnra. 4-r. aquaba. 943: pKaona. 9ut3i. ceaa. 3?.uv, turaeya. mlxeU ana aft a lock, Vegetab'aa Oreen pea, large. !: a a parmcua. aa-7e; aajuaah. rittm, ViK dll..; h4tM'J. 91 J m 2. ptaai, A'ithrn. w lie; peppars, Ue.l. email a-a, lit s tt lie. Meajeaa graan cbtiea. 13S9Jl7ac. tainataa. 91 31 73 per large ldtuc. nacra- n.enta. In largo crate. 91.3atyl.aMj; telery in large crate. 9lb-'. muh room. 3 a 13c. pvtataea. nttr. 91 I. ba.taa. 91.73a) t per sack . wee!. 93 A 73. anion. Av atra:taa brown, 7.""-cr II; green. iJf 7 V; gar uc, i'at ! 'am ta. corumbara. 9- at- 73, pumphma 91: bata vtyl; carrot. 91 turnip ?3c091. rhubarb, atrawbarry. 91 33 3 p-r boa. cabbage, 0Ji, aplaach. 1-j Fran Fear. Winter XeTiaa, 95 2 2-V lemon. 44 0 4 3. grapefruit. 92 73 9 .'3. aranaea. X 3 a. 79. tar gefine. 91 ! T3. banaaaa Haw ait an. .4 tf 7:. p laaa pp. a, aam ira. apple. 9- - V Heceip'a Flour. XS2 qarlera: bareT. Toe cnta!: baaa. a41 aka. paiatoea 27n a-ba. ha. 3J1 ton, tatdaa, 43; win. bU, WO ga.'iena. fkra Daary Fiadaaav riiTCAC? March t- Butter. u9m4; creamery. AM4ISr "era aier. reeatpta caa: ftmta. r.tx.Sr; ardinary firata. 3Jc ; at mark, caaea wciudad. . Wgt. rr wt. Pr 1 row $d.tNj,3 hora.... 17. Jl;73 3roi.... f"' 7 3i 4hga.... 4..3 Id 73 4coa... 9. A"-14 hoga.... 1.3 1il;,0 3 coil. . . 7 ' a tni ,n huga. . . . 1!'3 Ti :.o Sfoai,., Ptd 9 (Hi i hoa 240 Id 73 1 row 4 -V, 4 hoa. .. . l iO 13 t' 1 cow 740 4 -... ft .... . 143 1AT3 4 row . . . . vv ::! dhu.... Hi i.v:o 1 cow t Ao lO hoaa. .. . 124 13 30 2 roti . . . h.:tl 7 . 13 hog. . . . lltrt 1U40 3cowa... T4 7 hor.... Hi1A30 4 cea a hi 3 mi 19 boga. ... v" 14 73 Uow .... Il.il I Wi 1 ho S'.tl 1.V79 grow... in.Vfc 7 P 1 hora. .. . loo ld.70 Scow... 7"m 4 .V 4 hog.... 213 1K.73 2ca.... -" 3 3 2n atcer. . . to.ty lU.."Vo 4cawa... kai 9 v J4 ataara. . . J 1 7 J 11. Scoaa... !-' ".23, 1 cow 72' 7 30 trow ir-w T..VH 1 cow lortd ;o 3 eowa . . . 7 7 d ! 73t 1 row 2l T.(0 Saieera... -0 Itiflrti 3 cow.... J03T T.iW lateer. .. l'-0 10 .'' Scowe.... h4S 3d 1a:eer ... 11MI 1 1 Kl( 1 cair 11D ln.30 li!fn,. jiao Jl 1 bull Ilia a. 23 1 het'er... T"i 7 .iai' 4 hoa.... 143 lit 73 Ibuil..... 13Hl IA lOhoitt. ... 124 13 30 1 hut! lo-O 7 OM 7 hoce lilt 13.30 I bull T HO! a boas.... 112 13,30 1 l hull ain 2" ia bog. -. . 14,40 1 b J.i 1341 4 (M Prtcaa current at tba locaJ yanaa are aa folloaa: Cattia Prlcea M!lurn ta choice ateer 911 no ;ood to medium ataare 1 h1 tf 1 1 . 00 Oontmon t good ateer A 30 r H).kh t hue ew and nelrara on finite Com. to good cowa and helfr.. 9.f0w 9.30 Draaia d Meat Trwd Canditloo. IReport on Raatcrn meat trade condition March 29 A- fcaitern timaj: Baef. Toton Bef. fresh: Todny unload ti j Ifrht, several car m ported in not yet un loaded, market in in inflated condition. trade generally quint, demand alow. Kooher beef: tfupply light, market gteady. demand good. N-W York Beef, fresh: Supply moderate. market ateady to strong demand. Koahr diurki and plate: Hupply moderate, market etrong. demand good. Hind and rib: Supply moderate, market steady to strong, demand f Mir. Philadelphia Baf. fresh: Receipt mod erate, demand only fnir, market generally dull. Kottr beef: Supply UghU damaml good, market strong. Leo Angeles Heof. fresh: Supply normal, demand poor, market quiet. 8ter: 8upply adequate, demand poor, market ateady. Cows: bupply light, demand poor, market steady. nulla; Supply light, demand poor, market suady. Park. Foton tipply very llg-ht, demand rather low. market steady at yen tern ay a prices New York Kacnlpts light, demand fair, mnrket oult but steady. Philadelphia Receipts light, demand fair, maiket steady. Los Angeles Supply light, demand poor. market firm. Lamb. Nw Tnrk Supply moderate demand light. maj-kt ateady. loa Angelea Supply normal, damand fair. market atendy for choice handy weights, weak for other gradea A fw choice O-to- ber lamb were offered for th taster trade, which sold fairly wall at 30u. Matton. Near York Supply light, demand fair. mnrket firm. a9 Angeles Supply light, demand poor, market fitra. Chlcaao Mveatork Market. CHICAfiO. 31 arch 2. Hog Receipts 4t.tnN, weak, 23c to Hoc under yesterday's average. Bulk. 91.90y17; light, 91o.oO 17.2: mixed. 9120tl7.1."i: heavy, 91o.33 14 Ho; rough. 91).&5W 13. HO; pigs, 912.23 Cattle Receipts 00. weak. Native steers, 90.3nQi4.3O; atork-ra and feeders. 97.eVi 11 vo; row and heifer. 9tt.3o& 11,80; calve. 910.30 -Tl. Sheep Receipt Totm. strong, sneep, 911.00 1; lamb. 9'ft Omaha UTentoek Market. OMAHA. March 2. Hoga Receipts 1T. wx. market 233 S3c lower. Heavy, 9I.2 laso; mixed, $1;10i 1.50; light, l0.2ur ltieo; pigg. 111 0 15; bulk of sales, ld.25& Id.JW. i'attle Receipts X400. market steady. Nt t!ve steers, 910014.10; cows and heifer. 9M41L50; Western a l ear. Vrtl2 30: Texas steers, 9b. to y 10.75; cows and helferm, $7.75 10.23: canner. 9T.Aotr9.9o: etockers and reader. 4712.23; calve. 9IJ? 13.23; bulls, stafcra. etc. 97.7310.23. Snaep Ttecaipta a!oO. market strong. 10 140 higher. Yearlings. 913frl.50; weth ers. 912 3oj15; ewea. 411.7314.30; lamb. 9HJ.T5B1U.20. - . KARLY EASTER AIDS RETAIL TRADE General Bu-dBea la Kxpaadlas; aa Seaaon Advance. NEW YORK. March 29. Brad street' to morrow will say: Trade expands aa th season ad van ore and optimism grow a, though many chafe undfr price regulation imposed by the Government. Lack of labor, dearth of ma tertala and paucity of car prevents even heavier movements. An early ttnater, accompanied by favor able weather, haa brought retail trade to the forefront, buying from wholesale deal era for Kail shipment is active, industry is brisk, collections ara mora favorable than otherwise, crop new, except for absence of rain in the Southwest, ia excellent, and widespread preparatlone are being mad for Increased planting thia Spring. Need leas to ay. Government buying dom inate everything, but. vn so. the normal civilian requirements of th country ar x- panding. and merchant who (ild to cover their Fall need earlier in the aeanon are now coming' ta market, only to find that ample commodities ar carc and that prices are much higher than when they were laat engaged in shipping. Demand, of coarse, renter mostly on aaaentlal. but at that aom hrtofor neglected article of adornment have received more attention, thta probably being; an incident of Eastar. Weakly bank clcarlnga were 45.363,330,000. Boston Market Is Strong AVitU Keen Demand for" 'De-Jrable tirades. Five Per Cent Advance at Colonial Auctions. fcOSTOX. March 2. Th Commercigl Bul letin will ay tomorrow: A keen demand continued during the week for desirable woois. which re free of Gov ernment restrictions in the market," and price ruled very strong. At the colonial wool auction prices showed decided advance of about A per cent all around and the poorer combing wools sultabta for top-making showed relatively greater advance. Manufacturer ar. with drawing lines very generally from the civil ian trade, Horn wool has been sold In Arizona at AO cent, which is within the Government lim it. Dealer are unwilling' to exceed the Government's limits on account of the im certalntie of the future. Scoured basis Texas fine, 12 months. 91-0wl.T2: fine H months. 91.3nt 1. 60. California northern, fI.1iiol.T3; mlddl county. i..ou i.to; southern, 91.4.. tt ...m. Oregon Eastern. No. 1 staple, 91.f40rl.S: eatera clothing, M.&OfcP 1.0O. valley. No, 91.H3r 1.70. Terrltnry Fin staple, 91. $2 01. A3: ha blood combine. 91.70r 1.73; three-eight blond combine. 91.30 ft1 1.33; fine clothln 9l.Aot l.Oo; fino medium clothing, 91. l.tbi. rulted, extra. $1.0 I.S5; A A, 91.70 l.lu- A supers, 91. ..? i.a.v MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Kat.bllah.e1 SS Te.ra .- 201 RAIWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING . , rOJRTLAND, OREGON .It) THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE ' OF OREGON WE 'OWN AND OFFER : , $3,000 City of-Portlaml.-Or.. Imp .,.000 Clty of Linnton (Portlsjid) Water... , 7.000 North Bend, Or..-Imp. . . ; 24.000 City (if Astoria, Or.. Imp 8.434 City of Cornelius. Or.. Imp 3.000 West Linn, Or., Water . 8.000 Coeur d'Alene. Idaho, Kefundina; 500 Choteau Co.. Mont., S. D. No. 10 5.000 Greater Winnlp.vK Water Dist Telephone Mala 3400. Rata. Maturity. ... C A&O 193S ... 5 A&O 1923-33 . .. C J4D 1?23 . S F&--V 1P19-SS ... J&J 1920-2S ... 5 A0 1042 6 M&S 1!4-SS ...5 JAD 1S19-2S ... 5 F&A 1923 ! I. W. W. OFFICIAL RUN OU Offciitler Tarred and Feathered an Told Xot to Return. ,' BELLINGHAM. Waeh., March 29. Ten mask.d men last night entered the roomins-riouse at Sedro-Wooley, south of here, where J. Dietz, secretary of the Industrial Workers of the World slept, took Dietz from his room by force, coated him with tar and feathers in a public street, took him to the edge of the town and told him never to re turn. Diets was picked up by the Marshal of Burlington, a nearby town, at o'clock this morning; and taken to the county Jail at Mount Vernon. Whe apprehended by the Marshal Diets wore only a light suit of underwear. action has been taken by the county authorities. BOYS PREPARING EXHIBITS Centralia School Pupil Make Ki ' cellent Furniture. CENTRALIA. Wash.. March 29. CSpeciaL) The manual training de partment of the Adna schools is com Dieting Its exhibit for the educational department of the 191s Southwest Washington Fair. Some excellent fur niture in black walnut and mahogany has been turned out by the department. A. G. Canterbury Is urging the school boards of the county to open the schools next Fall on August 19 to as sure better results in the educational department of the fair. Mr. Canter' bury also suggests an increase of 10 to 25 per cent in the salaries of teachers to meet the increased cost of living DAILY CITY STATISTICS DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. March 111. Maximum tem perature. 7H degraea; minimum temperature, 4 v Klver reading, 9 A. M.. W.4 feet; change In lat 24 hour, none. Total ratnfall (3 p. M. ta 5 P. M , none; total rainfall alnc stiiemher l. 1B17. ot.3V inert: normal rain fall ain.ee September 1, :tH4d tnchea; de ficiency of rainfall alnc tptmber l. 117, 1.7 Inch. Sunrise, 5:.r7 A. M. ; sunset, a n.. P. M total aunehtne. 13 hours. 2 min utes; poaalbl sunshine, 12 Jiours. 2s min utes. Moorvrise. 9:11 P. M. I moon net, 6:2 A. M. Hammeter traduced to sea level), 5 p. M., :;o WH inohea. lielativa humidity at noon, 47 per cant, THE WEATHER. TATIONV f! Wild Stat. .( r aaiaar 4.2a .; R (Htm a. T :.n l .t ..toa ..to uv.tmwi l..1" 14 TJ 14. To is 15.75 15 IWI1S0 14.Stfl IS OO 1 S ll il 1 .1 .V 1; ,vitl.t.nn .ova lioo lEXTI ATIOSH OF STOCK LOADED Mifpaaeata r.a Roata 4w Lewllnc UTeaterk XUartieta mt Oaatsr. Deatlnatlona ef lleeatortt loaded Marrh 5S I r w. H . eea.etee ea " f Alleaheny M " U n -taloa; doub;. tt.-ka counted aa t.o ears': Oattle.' Haraaa. Mlseal Calves. Uos.ShMKlulea.titock. 4 iiuiis i'.ilvee st-aere and feeders . HMa Prime Urht I'nme heavy I'lsa Sheep vTe.i.ra lamb. ...... Vaii.y lam ba ........ VearMnca Wethers Eaea Aaetln IV.Ulnire ... Ttn.ht.eyml . lwt.n Ttufale .... Ceae Rapids Chinas. .... Onemnatt .. rtlevelaod .. fhitl. hjr . . . . , Iwiw iv-s Malnes . t-wtrnlt H. si. ltqis Fort Worth . te-llanarHa ereae C''v K.naa. ratF . Kcartters . . . l-s At. rlca . 1ll.etP. ... alasoa City . .. ! .. 3't .. 1 :: :t .-it 17 X a; i x T 14 IM IT IT M T Hi) 4 i;i 4 in ta 4S 14 1 19 I 11 t 1 14 ia s 1 1 T fi 1 t 14 3 Baker Hoi. a Boston ..... ralsary .... t'hltaaa ... . Itenver lies Moines. . Kureka .... lialveatoa ... Helena tjuneau ... Kansas City. Ins Anselea. Marahfleld . Men ford .... Mtnneapelle New Orleans New Vork.. North Head North Yakima Phoenix Io-atello Portland ..... Roaeburs .... Sacramento ... St. luls Salt Iake.,., .. San Ile.o . . . San Kranciaco. Seattle suk. Spokane I Taeoma Tatu'stt Island Valdes Walla Walla.., w aKhinston Wlnnlpes Si; S4 0.IW12 SB l(lear u in. ii.ooi.. NW.Pt. cloudy 4J O.otii. .'S IC'lear i H4 0.O.H s VWriar :w: 4 0.ih. .B jfloudy V, Rjn.ttJI 4: ar X4i 4 0. IE K'lear m .Vi O.ool. . iM Ploudy t Til 0.4 12 SB !Pt. rlotlde aJI ftrl il.thv. .IHW !Ht. eloudy .1 r.J . 1 ej t s IRaln 4 s m ii.ii:iifl k'loudy & tl.n.1 14, W li-lear 4J1 oil o.ttot. .NW riear .18 O.Ottl 4 NW 40l 54 0.4tHt 4.814 ij 7I,U.U; 4NB Sti! . O.Oti T4 S 441 r" O.tMi 2-.N X4 74.0. fMI. .,SE 5o. 8'J tl.tyt. Atll t Il.ttOl 4s 7H0.oi . .1 TK 0.tl S2 Tti.O.IW. 4 A4 O.Otl 40i .r n.oit ihivw Ml 6" O.OOi. .iNW ft2i 7'0.Oti'. . SW 4i art o.otl lOiN . . 4U 0.0t. .IE 34! 4f O.Olli . .SW 4Jl T.-O-Ooi.-INW 44; O.lkti. .iW li: . . . O.O") calm 4i 74 0.Ot..jW at, is;0.ilo!..:sW t'lear t Moudy Kaln 'lear Pt. visudy lOaar t"loudv NWjf'lear NW'Ht. eloudy NWiClear N ICIear !NE !Pt. cloudy near Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. ciouey (Cloudy ICIoudy Clear Clear . . 0". 0;'.'1 1 ' t A. M. tuday. T. M. report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair: gentl. south erly winds. Oregon and Waablsgton Fair; moderate westerly winds.' ssiahn fair and pleassnt. KUWARD U WELW. Meteoroloslst, Recapture of Odessa Penied. AMSTERDAM. March !.-Cenla1 that th. Bolshevik! have retaken the Black Ses port ot Odessa, ia made officially in Vienna. It is said the city Is still occupied by tba Austrs.Oermans. Births. BTRAWDER To Mr. and Mrs. Erneat V. Strawder. 37A East Tenth. March 10, a son. JIULLlTT Tu Mr. and Mr. Koy H. Mol lett. oii i.aat f-ixty-inira. Juarcn lb. daughter. BHi;;ATO To Mr. and Mrs. Pasporo Kru Itato. 667 East Taseert, March 22, a daugh ter. WILLIAMS To Mr. and Mra R. T. Will lams. 14:i Kaat Thlrty-rtrtn. March 14. a son. CAMP To Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Camp, 446 Taylor. Marcn -3, a oausjntsr. SLOAN To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dor- sey Sloan, 81 East Thirty-sixth, March 17, a son. CATLOW To Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Catlow. 91B Morrison. March 14. a son. GA.VZLEK To Mr. and Mrs. George A Gamier. 1JUI East Twelfth. March 14, daughter. HEARN To Mr. and Mrs. Mannlne B, Hearn. .Jt Jefferson. March 24. a daughter. Ha.lNfe.MAN To Mr. and Mrs. A. Heine man. 41 Ella. March 10. a daughter. COYLE To Mr. and Mra Robert Thomas Covle. Soft Ross. March I. a son. MKl.BY To Mr. and Mrs. Gsorge Mel by, 14S3 Sacramento. March 24. a daughter. APUA.NALP To Mr. and Mra Vernar Ap- lanalp. 144 Atlantic. Marcn 26. a daugnter. VAKNSO.N To .Mr. ana Mrs. Simon varn' son. IL'I.IW East Yamhill. March 21. a son. SOFICK To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Soflch. Ill Cuok avenue, March 24, a son. MAEBIUS To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maeblus. W3 East Wlnchell, March 20, dMtiehter. HOI.WEO To Mr. and Mrs. John Richard Holweg, 32 Hall, March 26. a daughter, z Marriage License. THOMA8-DE BONA Jasper Thomas. 3a. 4K6 Yamhill street, and Haaal Do Bona. 4. Multnomah Hotel. KHVNK.NKVILLB Daniel O. Bryne. le gal, 264 , Fourteenth street, and Margar.t Neville, legal, aama taarwi. TARTAR1NI - FLEMING Frederick A, Tartarint 27. 748 Mead etreet. and Ethel Fleming. 21. 547 Kast coucn aireeu H VLAND-GER8TEL Ernest Hyiand. 84. Kugene. Or., and Amy U.rstel. 22, 2US Kant Twenty-third street. bra ATEN-SVENDSEN Torkel Braaten. ;r. H4W Grand avenue, and Martha K. ftvenriin. la. 114 Chanlaln avenue. HIATT-TAYLOR Harold H. Hlatt, 21, 44S Kllllng-morth avenue, and Dorothy Tay le I'd in2R East Sixteenth street North. HALLOCK-SPENCKR Blain. Hallock, le. gsl. 127 North -Tw.nty-aecond atret. and Lillian Spencer, legal. Wellealey Court apart- inenta. ALDRIOE-SEIFKE Jo. Aldrldge. legal. Sward Hotel, and Clara M. Seifko. legal, aame addresa. EASTMAN-VAN BLARICOM C H. Eaat- mu 51. 474 Kaat Yamhill street, and Edith M. Van Blarlcom. 31, M North Eighteenth street. snra.1 AN.MITRPHY Dan Shollan. 24, Thtrtv-seventh and Flavel straata, and La- vura Murphy. 17,.1 K.ny atraai. Yaneaarer Marriage License HAMMOND-GENSLER-Charlea E. Ham mond, Irgal, of Vj aahington. D. C, and Flor ence A Genaler. legal, of Portland. HANNl-TUOMINEN William Hannl. 27. aT Portland, and Fannie Tuomlnen. SO. of Portland. WHITESKLL-SWANSON Lee O. White- $100 DEMOMTJrATlOIf 1VK1L Valley f. . CALrrOaVyOA 7 GEVCHAt, OBf"jAW rXFROTXMBNT WSM . Call ar . Lumber mens trust company. CAPtTAL ASS lUSaVDi 0 0 Uasis(Bl4. REWARD FOR SOO MEN A $1,500,000 Tractor Corporation, now manu facturing, with a tremendous market and a hand some " profit, offers to 500 men (over 400 are already in) who can subscribe from $100 to $1000 each, an opportunity which we frankly believe means the foundation of a fortune for those who can take advantage of it. In 60 days this company has .secured orders and contracts amounting to over One Million Dollars. Protection for this company's plans forbids general publication of details; these will be furnished, however, to those who can qualify. If you are able to pay from $20 to $200 per month for 5 months or from $100 to $1000 cash, less 2, fill out the inquiry coupon and mail at once. You will receive full particulars promptly and this does not obligate you in any way whatsoever. This proposition has not only our unqualified endorsement, but we also have put our own , money in it. Mr. C. C. Bowsfield, Editor of the National Banker, Chi cago, after a thorough investigation, said : "It will bring riches to those fortunate enough to participate; a more genuine opportunity has seldom, if ever, been offered." This is the first time this Editor has ever given a proposi tion his personal public endorsement. If you are human you iiave often wished for a real, genuine opportunity. It is in front of you right now, but it will not wait, if it did it would not be a real opportunity. This offer holds good only for the first 500 subscrip tions; already over 400 have been received. You take absolutely no chance on this proposition, as the basis on which it is offered guarantees its integrity. Your inquiry does not obligate you in any way, but with out the inquiry we will not be able to give you the details. THE POWER WALL CO. INDUSTRIAL BANKERS 502-672 Railway Exchange Bldg. CHICAGO, ILL. P- " INQUIRY COUPON -I THE POWER WALL CO. Industrial Baakera KOI - (73 Railway Exeka.se Bids;.. CHICAGO, ILL. Gentlemen: Please give me, without obligation on my part, full par ticulars of your unuaual offer. If I am satisfied that It is a arenutne and unusual opportunity I could invest i cash or per month for S months. This inquiry does not obligate me ia any way whatsoever. 0 - N a qi . . . . . .... . . ... . . .... ................ -. . . . ... .... ... . .. City and Stata. ...... . . Occupation or Eulne sell, 25, of Vancouver, Waih., and- Mra. Laura E. Swanson, '21, of New berg. Or. Buildinr Permits. ARCHIE WOODHULL Repair woodshed. 24 Albina avenue, builder, same; $30. G. L. BERNHARDT Repair one-story res idence. ft8 Eaat Twenty-first street, bo- ween urooKiyn anu aiibwuuii , uunuei, same; HX. GEORGE F. MILLER Repair one-story residence. 64..0 Seventieth strt Southeast, between .Sixty-third and Sixty-fourth avenue: builder, same; $-i00. ALBINA ENGINE & MACHINE WORKS Erct two-story shop build ins. Lewis street, between River street and Harbor Line; builder, same; 7oo. " W. H. SEVERANCE Erect woodshed. n02 Leonard, cornor St. John avenue; builder. same ; R. M. LAVIKSON Erect garngo, Thir teenth, between Knott and B razee; builder, me: $:.0. MRS. niMAND Erect fraratre and chicken house. 4S1 Going1 tret, between Ninth and Tenth; C. B. Johnson, builder; 7j. H. Krect fara-fie. urana venue, between Falling- and Shaver; builder. WESTERN COOPERAGE COMPANY Rroct residence, 16U0 Willamette, boulevard. etween vii and Alma; l. it. iJnwey io.. builders; S.snoo. C. C. RICHARD Erect two-story rei- j dence. Seventeenth street, between Stan-! ton and Siskiyou; A. Fajimen. builder; SM0O0. C. C. B1CHAKD K rc t garage. beven- I eenth street, between Stanton and Sis- jyou: A. Pajimen. ounaer; s. .".. PANY Erect residence, East Burr strrt, between Fessenden and Me-ars; W. G. Turk ington, builder; $4.-.u. NICK RAPT A KliS Repair fruit - stand. Tenth street, between Hoyt and Glisan; Merges Hardware ComDsny, builder: $70. FRED W. BR ANN Erect garage. 407 East Thirty-ninth street North, between Thomp son and Tillamook; J. Al. ir'araley, builder. $1S.V ROSA A. BUCHANAN Repair one-story residence, 4G0 Seventeenth street, between Clifton and Mill streets; builder, same; $K,0. WAKEFIELD. FRIES, AGENTS Repair three-story store building, lo.'i. 1"7 Firnc street, between Stark and Washington: Ore gon Marine i Fisheries Supply Company, builder; ;. B. LAKKERSON Repair one-story auto top repair shop. ll"4 Burnside street, corner Park; builder, same: lir. TRAVKLF.R8' CUinR. CLARK, KENDALL &C0. BONDS FOR INVESTMENT U. S. Government Municipal Railroad Corporation ursTT REi.iABii.rrT Xertswertera B.ak B.ndlas; i Portlaad, OresTeai S. S. BEAVER Sails 3 P. M. TUESDAY, APRIL 2 FOR SAN FRANCISCO A?TD I-OS AXGEI.KS j ' Tha San Fraael.ee aV Portland 8. S. Co.. Third aad Washington Streeta (with O-W. R. N. Co.). Tel. Broad nay 4500, A 6121. 1Q3ieFJB ilA Third t. Mala sa. A LAfl RA . Wransall. Juneau. Dttuaias, esa Baattl. ar ail franclsea t. ta ITrelea and naa Pla.a alrct. Lsraaat raiS. ni"fd "!?tZJ2'ZJX: eludlns- aarta ajul aaeala. Mas. re r. tatlona. STEAMSHIP . Sails Direct for SAN FRASCISC'O. T.OS ANOCLKS SAN K1KCO. 1:0 P. M. 61NOAV. MARCH . San Pranciaco, Portland & Im Anseles Steamship Co.. Krank Boltam. .aent. 124 Third Street. Mala . AUSTRALIA KEW SEAXAND AND SOtTH SEAS vi. T.hltl and Raratoosa. Mall and nas. f sensar sarvlc. trom Baa Francisco av.ry S da3. .v. l- a. a. CTA, nww 20 California St.. Baa Fraaelaea. e local sirs "'ship and railruad ascades.