Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 30, 1918, Image 16

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nn: Monmo onEGomy. satcrdat.- aiARcir--so. iois.
Opportunities of City in Indus
try Emphasized by Rob
ert N. Stanfield.
-. . .g, i i ,J
reaa--- " h iPiW"'
iS- V X'" . I .raeWV",. aV 1. a- , . , ,. "V . . ar- - T aj- j;-" ffVaa.- f " f - -i-t'.
JVorrTMmt CrMlnc Area I)rlarrti
J! I In World: Indastrs- roantW
,oa Frrauml Bavsl and Prrxl
, jac. 1 of Emrrllrat Qaalilj.
Ami ta wool tftut of th Nor lit steal.
i 4 era of tha blc wool center of th
-worti. Tn vt Im-eortanc to tho city
rf ImtmlK It opportunity wa m-
X'.aa'seal I" n adores at tho Uflrbeoa
' . th Portland r.eajltv Foac-l In tn
jjJia' Hotel ootmr k Robert .
J-tanfieid. fpeaaer of tho Ore-toa Houm
of Ilepreaaatative atB4 on of tho lead
ej tho wceal-rrowlnaT Industry.
If Porilaol lAkM adaantasre of tbo
opportoottr It now kki, Mr. -itaftfietd
' awt. s.44 tvo pound of wool an
' n'Iv prrHlo'd in It ronlKuous t-r-'
rtoe- would fe snasketea. throucn tola
' erty.
tsta, a ow4. nU mean tho
-r!d:'ur ta tbio i-rntfT of I'l.too,
- In Wearferw capital to raro for to
wool prodtace-i.
If an ft. .. pound of wool
foiic4 la tho Norfawrrt woro mana
fctarl lji f'o-tir4. aa h dclrt It
nulH -. Mr Ptanfleld iAawmI furth
that this tptoa of tho Industry alo-n
o.t4 w mpoy-erit to la. per
so. An4 that, no sal-i. would to ont
a rrr:minarr atop In tho aoolra maau
- tur!n mdaatry.
raulMlllba Potwtoa Oat.
Mr iraa'tald polnlod out that fh
Tooplo of tat nlr aa vet do not realts
tno trs-nendces poeltillti presented
To P-ftUn-i br tho wool Industry. Thi
2n spll of tho fart that thrones th
efforts of tho wool growers. Portland
ia alrwadv Nfomt too oorond larre
rarat for -tre wool la AJnerlca and
Itaa tho largest wovlon manufacturing
jB4.e,i woot of Ida Atlantic aboard.
Tho I.eUtUe of th Wool Icdustry
to I'ortUM'f Kutar."" wa Uio oub)ort
of Air. Mlaaf arid adds, ita said.
la rart:
"Th 4ottnr f Portland, a I t1w
tc. d'pondo upon your ability to develop
ta city aa a trad and manufacturing
cnl a r. hav in nind tho wool In
ttutrv ra tho ar rontlaruoua to Port
1-and from a tranaportaiion or ahlpina?
Tt'wpotnt. That would mbraco all th
it of tho I'arlflc NoMbwt. within
whtch ta produrvd approzimatelr 3) pr
of to ntiro wool production of
too t'altt fttat.
Tf-a anp Induatrv of thla a ra t
founded oa a iwrmurnt and nJunn
Tha lara aroa of sraxinc landa
Ijina; at hick altliud'o that ran nTr
bo uttltaad for other than arraaintr pur.
Toaa provido llal umraer fraJina
arouada for all tho Miarp now ia thi
"Thla arva la traeritl not. on It ta
rrodu lnc aortaoo. Montana. Idaho and
traa wool nro of iciiant qualitr
tTiuauallv trvm la fioor aad at aplr.
Ual UaaTtB of olaplo.
is oaaotoa Mill Horo.
am aurprtaod that aa faw poopl
r rnnruM with tho fart that tbo
iararost woolra mill wat of tho At
lantte aoaboord la loratrd In Portland.
Till I tho 1'ortUod Uoolra mill Com.
tnr. " moa aro thro amployod. and
Z )0t.i poundo of wool la tiaod for
tnalr manufarturtnar purpoara.
"I bar told how tho l-ircaat wootrn
T-l!l wt of tho Atlantle oawboavrd ia
It Portland, and how that mill la ualna
S.S.o pound of wool and omplortna
4 x man. If all tho . pound
of wool ramo to Portland, It ta obvlou
tint 12 tlrnoa thla numbor of man would
k oanplofd la maaufoirturina- It. or
poroona. Aad thla flrat ataao of
1o Rinufa-turlas la only a prriiml.
!' Map In tho liMt.rtrr that la aaao
r'.iad with woolea manufac-tuiina.
"t wtalk at thl I .me to aar to rnq
at trio woolrrower of tho I'arlfic
Mr'latel ha rurr attempted to
o;d their wool fror. th auraai. There
r-r.r been one dar that It waa not
fr anlo at tho market prtc. Th
na'f made or reaat4 br tho wool
t"odarer of tho Northweet. and have
fen diero-arnains to alt tb roarer
"I ropa !! thl rplrit of unjut
e' aafonnded rrttlflam and Innuendo
HI oa crue'ied and that tho people
od tho r-re of Portland will join
anl with onierprtalnaT rapital of
Imisnd and th wooitrrowrr la an
o-lrneM errort ta anak Portland th
awa-ket for ail th wool that It pro-dn-ea
o iha adjoining; are, and to
aueaufacluro that wool n-r"
-J- JT -. d' J - ' '' f-. - -V ; H . " jr-N4
tJL Wj-lLMmJll l.'a.y . lea. .i- a LZiSJ Ljh-m" anattV L'SSlX
Vi:n- p poRTtox or wot MCH who UAVE VP .voui rkt to HEAR JIDGE UTEVE.XSOX.
Rod-hot rlfeia th loyal workora at tho plant of tho Northweat 8tre Company are drivlnc; Into the bulla of 8800-ton
hip to boat tb Kataer art beina; backed by th patrtotlaro and cava h of tho huaky worker In the third liberty loan
Tho driTe wa formally opened at 13:1 o'clock yesterday. Julc John H. Ptevenaon Wins" aaalrned there to apeak,
and. with ail th rivet --uni" worklnar In unlron. there la no sreater nolo than the men made with their concerted
cheering; aa th speaker empbaslaed feature of hi addre.
Th yard force ha aei out to "iro over tb top" with 400.000 Invented In bond, and with a complete working" ortran-
laation. from a"nerala down to private of th first claaa In th bond army, the attainment of the high mark Is
counted certalu.
Portland to Distribute Lumber
Payments in Northwest.
Since rrbrnary SS Total of I 4 Train-
load of Lumber Have nn Pl
palcheaJ Fach fatlr Vp of
l'rotu SS to 4 0 Car.
.rot-o-vrt ntiurn i Dtvitu
4 mo Miurrtitr urirr.
C j4 Xu aet Kaarara, ta PrUad.
boare Mo atirai niolaiit flm
a. ar la aoetal t Iretea.
AT TRASr-tVO. Mirca -o'orel
7laitoa f. W alia-e. L". ax A quarter
I ir re'tn, Portland. 1T.. ha been from th ervir by order of
1-rvaldent Wilon. according- l Wtr I e.
ra.-traent or Jers t. W etern liriaioa
i.'e l'1'iartara. mad public her today.
.s. pUnatloa waa aiven. Th res
tilatiO) on whU-a the order wa baaed
with ofrtrero abaent from their
command without lea- tbrro month
Of more.
folo-e TTaJlaro w-a we! known In
A"nr circle. II waa made a Mnr in
I1" and promoted to aUautonaat-Coio-cl
ia i'.
4-olrme tr-ai'ace was atloned In
Tortiand la tb quartarmaater corp for
aut a year, navtnar left th ctly arout
't wk hi 111 prcaent ohrrcaboul
la unknown to hi local frlenJ.
hit artoa atorle hav been re.
I I'd oa to the raue of th d!- harce.
t.oaa who may know refuae to divuia
any aer ret a. Jaa-i S4-I. Wood, who
aald to bo a clooo pcraonal friend
f tb ousted officer, said last night
that "Oionel Walla-" left th service
auid liawu tb city snout at, week
1'olonel Walla- made hi horn at
4-e Artinaton 1'lab during; hi time in
a-ori.ana and became qutle a prominent
I ! la eorial rirt-lea. Me was a !
diarlr man and made a rood inipreoaion
la a social line. II waa well known
la military cm-les la Portland and cle.
wber where he waa stationed during
h.s period ta th service, dating; back
Unary ytar
la aome. jarta of Braitl th ri do
pot thev. aad t rat populatma H
keot down b aslng a spcla of small
ko coesLrk lor.
D!baremrt for lumber helng;
shipped from Northweat points to East-
era shipyards will be made direct from
Portland ta the various sawmill com
pontes. Such an arrang;mct haa been
made at Washlnrton and nolle la be
Ins; civen that th system la now in
With the Covernment paying; about
40 fur each 1000 feet of lumber bouarht
In the Northwrst and rlosa to 20.000.000
eet remaining; to ba atarted Eaat. tha
taburemrnt will represent a large
urn. Th poaiblitlea are that much
mora material will be ordered soon.
A check mad March 3 snowed there
waa 2 .. onu fret yet to be moved and
t I hoped to have Ih last on the way
oward the Atlantic by April IS or May
Mnrt February 33 a total of 14 train-
loads of lumber hav been dispatched.
each being; mad up of from Z to 40
ra All of the lumber In the trains
not been for ship construction, a
onsiderabi aeroplan material haa
moved aa well aa structural lumber for
big; Hug; Island shipbuilding; plant.
nder way bv the (aovernment. Ther
111 undoubtedly be much more lumber
be sent to Hog; Island, as a tre
mendous amount Is required to provide
botMinsra. way and dock.
Th speed with whtrh biff timbers
and other selected material Wave been
delivered at Kaatern plants, so as to
enable builders to proceed wi:h wooden
steamer that could not otherwise have
been turned out owing; to the limited
length and dimension stuff obtainable
ther. haa aurprtsed both llnvernment
official and the bullilar "down Kat.;
ro far. eince It waa decided to rush th
lumber, ther has been a train dis
patched on an averse of about every
two working- data.
Added to that th mill ara rotting;
away on th lumber needed for the big
fleet building In the Northwest and are
keeping; pac with th demand.
lacilillr Tliera Sufficient for Fit
tine Oil ! Ship.
plant that I maintaining- speed
on the production of machinery parts
for T vessel building; In th Oregon
district I the Astoria Marin Iron
Work. Thomas ltllyeu. genoraJ man
ager. says that aa th works ar lo
cated oa Pier No. 2. .f tb Port of As-
t.iria terminal facilities ar available
for taklnar rare of la ship at .a time so
far aa the fitting- out will figure.
Th Foundation Company, of this
rltv. engaged In the construction of
tor.naco for th French Government.
haa placed considerable business with
in .storta worha. while orders are
held a well for vessels bulMlnsr In th
Astoria territory. Th understanding
I that tb Kniergency Fleet Corpora
tion win nava all machinery for that
i iee i insiauen at Astoria and. once
launching are atarted ther they will
bo freiuenl. The MrKschern Ship
t-ompany. llson Shipbuilding; Com
panv and th ileor-a F. H oarers Ship
building Company ar bulldinff Govern
men I ships.
Willamette to Italic. Another String
for Cnion Iron Work.
Contracts for nine Pcotrh ma-Ins
boilers accepted recently by th Wil
lamette Iron a Steel Works for delivery
to the I nton Iron Works, at San Fran
cisco, three of which hav been shipped,
hav been followed by orders for IS
boilers more. They all will be shipped
by water from her.
Th Willamette fore I up to sched
ule on th completion of MOO-ton ships
fitting- out there, and th Weatshore
will b finished April 14. the West-
mpton April 31 and tha Western Wave
May 1. An additional berth being
constructed at tM old ferry landing, al
tho foot of Seventeenth street, adjoining-
the plant, will b ready In two or
thro week a. Th company la stand
ing; Its dock slightly on tha north side
of th plant and all of tha property la
now fenced In. ao war work cau be car
ried on without Interference.
Hundreds of Men Still Needed br
Slandlfer Corporation.
VANCOL-VtCR. Wash... March 3S
( Special. Carpenters are In crest de
mand at the steel plant of the ;. M.
ritandlfer Construction Corporation and
today a constant stream of men with
tool were seen guliitc to the great in
dustrial plant below tha North Bank
Many who have not been worklnar at
the carpenter trade for a lone time,
tempted by the high waicea paid, are
resuming- their former occupation.
Tha camp which was started two
day ago waa partly completed today.
Hoofs ara being; put on the buildings
and table are being- Installed.
Shipbuilders. Visit Portland.
W. II. Todd, of th Todd Drydork
Construction Company, of New York.
Tacoma and Seattle, accompanied by
W. K loran and other members of his
party, apent an hour In Portland yes
terday morning when their private
car. Chicago, arrived from Taco
ma. where they wera present at
lha launching Thursday of the
steel steamer Tacoma. tba first of
tha class built at that port. The party
Inspected the Todd Company's plants
In Tacoma and Seattle. It had original
ly been planned that tha party was to
spend yesterday in Portalnd. but other
arraniremeivta made tho continuance
of their trip to ban Francisco necea
Bla Is
O riff! a
ThaSht t Hare Had Ita I
la Aaapaa, Probably Due
Com bast loa of Ha.
Taciflc Coaitt Shipping -Votes.
ASTORlJit, Or., March 2. (PiwteU.V
Aftr dl.cltarttnc fuel oil lit Portland, th'
lank fismr J. A. Chanainr Mili-d at -'clock
Ihta afternoon for California.
HnoirlDgf f riht and paMrninni for As
ton and Portland, tba aLamr Har ar
riv-d at J 1 :li today from Ma Wiro and
Nn rrantriaco.
'a rry in a a cargo of lumber from PL
l.sinaa tna afam orhoonar Daisy Garfshr
-itt si ft o'clock Uila morouis for mo
Tha steam arh(KDr, loadlns lumber
tha Hammond mill, a 1.1 sail tomorrow
vt-nins fir ptn I'vdro.
Tha lank sioamer Kl Bfundo Is to salt
thla Fnlns fr California after dlachaxsinc
rui oil at rortland.
Th acfaoont-r W. H- Ma rat on, now A'.-
charsins: hat at tha floui mill wharf, will
pmb.t.- finis, nnloadlna ntpxt Monday.
Tha can nary ahlp Kura Is to aall n?xt
Monday for Chlanlk flay, carry In a the rrtw
and tupp:i for the rotumoia Kiver Fck
sra Aaaot iatlon p'ant ship.
Tha ahlp fit. Klchoiaa la arhadalad to sail
about April lo for Nualtaaak Klvtt-. Alaaka.
Tha new steamer waatortjok arrived frni
Port. and and croaaed out at ft o'clm k thia
afternoon for a trial run. 4 ha i4 re
turn ta Fart land thia avaninft.
rooa BAT. Or.. aVarch IT. flerlal.
Th steamer frank tout sailed today at
10 P. at, for tea " ran clsro joaded wlta
Tha T!1owstnna. from Pun Francisco, It
du ta arrt tomorrow at II A. M.
Tba SAaoitna ahooDxr Anrll will not salt
tomorrow for Foruaad as Intended. thrM
Sailors hsTtnr Quit as-d no othars haro ymi
en found. Tha boat haa pd undrtt,oioft
eitnaia aa trine repairs.
Fir that broke out Aboard the stern-
whel steamer .Hustler at 4:4U o'clock
yesterday-afternoon, while she was ly
ing at her berth at the Kaat Alder-
street dock of Nick urn & Kelly, caused
damatre estimated at $2500 and minor
injuries were sustained by A. H. Forst-
ner. chief engineer, who was burned
about the head and face.
The fire is said to have had Hs origin
In the ash pan. where an accumulation
of oil Is thought to have caused a com
bustion. The fire had gotten a suirt
around the boiler, burning through the
upper deck into the cabin and above
there about the pilot-house, a good
sized blaze being in evidence about
the pilot-house at one time. The fire-
boa t David Campbell moved out her
sup at the East Washington-street sta
tion and quickly ended the fire. A
dredge Jylng alongside was scorched
but not seriously.
The Harbor Patrol launch responded
promptly and the men of that force
conveyed Chief Kngineer Forstner to
the Emergency Hospital, where his
burns were dressed, and he returned
to the vessel.
The Hustler Is used as a towboat,
handling barges of sand and gravel
from upper-river points to the dock.
She was built In
I Truck Tires M
-and OurService
T3REST0NE Truck Tires and our service' :
1 A Kaye one puipose :
Vt To keep your, truck on the roadwitIi M
I ' V Lowest tire cost A
V' TCSTTrAcv- VV. MVete'Cee 'l
" Less- skiddinS and the resulting fig
Firestone - d danger of "accident ' M Onr
Tm t .- i " "u tj erv ice
Hres y -Longest life for the truck. M ThUKuge hydraulic
t. . - j .' err . press exerts a nressnma
TralinTrZ; Ifese may em strong f of hundredsjof ton,'
performance. Noted Claims. EM appnes. rirestone
for lon& mileafte rrr , M ' essfd-on Jires wtth,
and utmost T)rotv V We Stand readv trt absolute security-
. v n..;n A'? This press is one of
""v: v- prove tnem. hi , .v::
in-aU sizes, trom Z lcaLUlci lal
J to 14 inch. VA Give us the oppor- M ZltUXZ"!
IV A a - - ""O-
. .un.,y.
C-arCb jb::
e; . li li - ii' j - a r'sni'i
e re -3 ii ii ii i xr m .V"? -Dtyi ira. ;
Portland Yonnffstcrs Join Crew Af
tcr irclpinp to Build Ship.
Two of those who helped build th
3300-ton steamer Point Arena, which
goes on her official trial trip today
have elected to ship on the vessel
cabin boys, they being Joseph Kelly,
K'J.H Cleveland avenue, and Alfred Man
kertz, of 262 Fsilfng street, the forme
being 1 1 and the latter 1ft years of age.
They have been employed at the plan
of the Alblna Kngine ac Machine Works
In passing rivets.
The Point Arena shifted last sight
from the plant to the bunkers and will
probably be accepted by the Shipping
Hoard Monday. Aa with her sister ship,
he Point aLfoma, now In service, the
Point Arena will be used In the coast
wise trade. The SS00-ton steamer
Westbrook left here at 7 o'clock yes
terday morning on her trial trip and
reached Astoria at 210 o'clock, parsing
to sea, for a six-hour endurance run.
She will be la the harbor again this
ffKATTLC Wa-h.. Harrh t Jtpeeiat
Ttie atentner Marmlon. of powerful ton ins
capacity, haa ba purchaaetl from the Van
router Portland Omtnt Cmnpsvay -y the
(.'oastwteo Steamship Haraa Company.
Ulinltad, of Vancouver, which concern wti I
oprrato tha mm e in tha ora aarvico h-t-tweaa
Puset ISound and British Columbia
and Alaeka ore evntera. Tha Marmlon U
now rout a to -attle with tha bars Co
quit lam City, both brln sins' ore cargoes.
In eommantlng oa the ahlpyarrta trana
portal kn prohlem fcera today, ileyer Bloom
f lltl. head of the uiduatrial department of
lha Emerneny Kleat Corporation. dlared
that private Interest a and special franrhlees
vera entitled to little or no consideration
abera tha Federal shipbuilding pmvramme
sag s-etnf rerarded or handicapped In tlie
allchtatwt de-rrea. Ha paid a hlrh fompli
meat to tha Far I fir 'am ft shlpltulltters In
Sneral and to the Hklnner a tliy plant
particular, for tha spend and workman
ship shown in building vsoaels on this
Cos it.
Tba Mexican steamship Ron-Iran IT I. Cap
tain Krsuiner. arrived tolay from MrUan
ports wila nitrate) and ta the ft rut Mel-
caa vaaael to visit afuajat Houaa in aeveral
Tha toe Relief arrived here this afternoon
after bavins made a faet voyjure up the
coast from Han Francisco with the schooner
.olden ahora and tha barge laaao fitted in
HAV THASflFf0, March JO. (Sperta!.
Tha lntrh ataamahlp Piincss Juliana, on
tha way from Honolulu for this port, com
pleting hr vnvajre from the Dutch Kajtt
Intltea. will not ba seised by the Unit!
itea Govern man l on arrival, nut wilt dir-
rharsa and return to Java, according to a
dispatch recelvl tndav by John D. Spreek-
at Brna. Co.. aaents for the ship. The
dupateh was from tha War Trade Board at
Tha lanlah mntorahrp Anstrallen. Captain
Cof to. arriving today from teatt!e. m hel-
aat. will load IS. AO, barrel a of ell and !.-
ojA raaca of oil for an Australian port. Th
cargo is valued at about tv.0oo and Is te--Ing
shipped by the Standard oil Company.
Tha barkentine Lyman D. Foster wli !f-,I
an.non raaa of oil for a New Zealand port.
Tha o!d-ttmer takes out the cargo for the
Associated OH Company.
CatsanMa Itlvce faar Iteiioet.
XftTH HKAP. March ?1 Cnnr1!Tln nf
tha bar at a P. M.: boa amooth; wind north.
Xine Wooden Hulls Afloat and Sev
eral to Be Launched In April.
With nine wooden hulls for the Gov
ernment to her credit since the first
was launched. February 17. the Ore
gon district lead- all others of the
country in wooden ship production so
far. I our wooden hulls have been
launched In the Washington district
and two on Coos Bay, the latter port
being In the California district, while
one haa been floated on the Atlantic
In April there will be decided addi
tions to the fleet, for some of the
yards away from Portland will send
trtir Initial ships overboard. Including
lh Wilson and McEachem plants, at
Artorla. while in the Portland tone
there will be launchings at ail of the
wooden shipyards.
Mrs. J. Borden Harrlman
Abroad on War Mission.
Municipal Bankruptcy Stares
Portland in Face.
Additional Expense Involved In Ad
vancin Wages of Employes Ex
ceeds Increase in Income.
Amended Law to Be Asked.
SACRAMENTO, 11 arch 23. Mrs. Bor
dm Harrlman. chairman of tha commit
tee on women in industry of the advis
ory commission of the Council of Na
tional Di feuse. and Colonel of tha Dis
trict of Columbia of the American Red
Cross Motor Corps, has srone to Eu
rope. W hile abroad Mrs. Harrlman will
Inspect the industrial Institutions uitl.
Izmir women power on a larire scale,
especially the munitions factories and
other emeraTency centers of trade in
Kngland. Phe will make an unofficial
survey of the Red Cross motor serv
ice of the women of England and
Prance. While in France she will visit
her daughters. Miss Ethel Harrlman.
who Is associated with Mrs. Vincent
Astor in relief work for the American
soidlera in France.
VisrsTO and A air a are the names that
have been bestowed on two of Den
mark's prineellnsTs. rnskinc- one won
der whether Hamlet bad such g-ood
reason to b melancholy after aiL
ward D. Whit. 110.
Talking; liberal salary and ware in
creases for city employes Is one thin?
looking; at the balance sheets of the
city treasury department is quite an
other. Taking: the two propositions to
tether the City Council faces a per
plexing; problem.
With the S per cent tax limitation
law starinfr the city in the face, the
Council can see nothinaT but municipal
bankruptcy ahead unless some means
can be devised of sidetracking the
tax law or obtaining: money in some
other way.
For the present year the City Council
provided in the tax levy only sufficient
money to meet the payroll and the cur
rent bills lor the year. With vast In
creases in the cost of materials and
supplies since the budget was adopted
and with the demands from every side
for salary and wage Increases, the total
amount available for the year will fall
far short.
Ex pea, to Increase S2OO.0OO.
To grant to the police and fire
bureaus the increases the men are de
manding; will Involve an additional ex
pense of approximately $200,000 for the
balance of the present year, according
to figures compiled yesterday by City
Commissioner Bigelow. Adding 8 per
cent to the total tax roll of the present
ear the addttlonaUamount tltat can be
raised for general purposes for next
year will be but S125.OV0 more than the
amount for this year.
On top of all this the $300,000 In
crease to firemen and policemen (which
would be about a 10 to 15 per cent In
crease) no provision is made for ad
vancing salaries of other employes, in
cluding laborers and skilled employes
who are quitting right and left for
more profitable employment.
With over $200,000 additional ex
pense looming and only $125,000 addi
tional possible revenue in sight, th
situation is serious.
Rise in Wages Xeedeal.
It has been determined that In
creased salaries and wages is all that
can save the police, fire and several
other departments from complete dis
ruption. The police force has-been
seriously handicapped .already as has
also the fire bureau. On many oc
casions recently fire machines have
had to be checked In as "out of serv
ice." because of the inability of the
fire chiefs to get men to man the ma
chines. This Is true particularly with
engineers in the fire service.
Members of the Council have reached
the conclusion that the only hope in
th. proposition is aom amendment
f the 6 per cent tax limitation law so
that the amount of revenue for next
year can be increased sufficiently to
keep the city going. It is probable
that work of formulating a measure
to be submitted to the voters at the
special city election May 17 will be
started ' and that the voters will be
asked to come to the relief of the city
at least for the period of the war when
a S per cent tax increase is insufficient
to meet the emergency propositions
caused by the war together with the
vat increases in the cost of all ma
terials and supplies.
Fishing; Trawler Launched.
VANCOUVER, Wash., March 29.
(Special.) The Motorship Construction
Company has launched its first fishing
trawler, which will be used in fishing
about the mouth of the Columbia River.
The company has under construction
six more obats like this, all about 30
feet long, and four will be launched
within a short time.
three: men indicted here are
safe from prosecution.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. March 2fl. Arrived Steam
er Beaver, from Han Pedro and 8sn Fran
cisco. Hailed Steamer Ualsy Putnam, tor
San Pedro.
TACOMA.' March 29. Arrived Steamers
Quadra i British), from Britannia Beach;
Spray, towing Dartres Sadie 3 and 7, from
Victoria. departed Steamers Alps Mam,
Chicago Mara. Spray, for tieattle; Quadra,
for Bntauma Beach.
ASTORIA, March 29. Sailed li I A. M.,
etesmer Daisy Gadsby, for San Pedro. Ar
rived at 11:80 A. M. and left up at 5 P. M..
steamer Beaver, from San Pedro and San
Francisco. Arrived down at 2:10 and sailed
for trial trip, steamer Westbrook.
SAX PEDRO, March 28. Arrived Steam
er Santlam, from Columbia River; steamer
Westchester, from Portland. Sailed Steam
er Westlaite, from Portland, tor Pacific
port. -
ABERDEEN. March 28. Arrived Aux
iliary schooner Carmen, from Portland.
PORT SAN LUIS. March 28. Sailed
Steamer Oleum, for Portland.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 28. Arrived at
1 P. M.. a Learner W. b Herrln. from Port
SEATTLE. March 29. Arrived Steamers
Davenport, Wllming-ton. tu- Relief, from San
Francisco. Sailed Steamer Governor, for
San Diego.
- Tideif at Astoria Saturday.
Hi-h. Low.
A. M 8.4 feet':5S A. M -0.2 foot
Judge Doling Holda There Is Ss Tea
alty for Selling Liquor Shipped -Into
Dry Territory. ,
SAN FRANCISCO. March 29. Charges
against three liquor dealers here, in
dicted some time ago by the United
States grand jury in Tortland, Or., on
a charge of conspiring to ship intoxi
cating liquor into prohibition territory,
were dismissed today when United
States District Judge M. T. Dooling de
nied a motion asking their removal to
Portland, on the ground of lack of suf
ficient evidence.
The men released were William Hunt,
Timothy Dwyer and Frank J. Lepslc.
Judge Dooling held that the statute
does not provide penalties for persons
who sell liquor that is shipped subse
quently into prohibition territory, only
providing for the punishment of per
sons wno purchase liquor for that pur
pose. Hunt and Dwyer, owners of th Will
iam Hunt Liquor Company, and Lepsic,
owner and proprietor of the Bohemian
Liquor Company, all of San Francisco,
west indicted by the Federal grand '
Jury in this city March 5 for an al
leged conspiracy, involving 26 other
defendants, to ship liquor from San
Francisco into this state in violation
of the Reed amendment. It was from
these dealers, the Government alleges,
H. R, Edmunds, alias the "Tillamook
Kid." and Walter E. Hardy, known aa
The Fox," ringleaders of two or
ganizations of bootleggers, purchased
their liquor for unlawful shipment to
Panther Kills French Girl.
PARIS. March 10. A French school
girl was killed by a panther on ner
way to school at Laval recently. The
panther had escaped from a local me
nagerie. It was caught and killed a
few hours later.
In some parts of Spanish Guinea the
rats are so numerous ana aemruui.iv
V..8 fet!8:40 P. M.". 2.6 feel : that a cat is worth as much as a sheep. '
- "My children have all taken
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and it works like a charm, "says
L C. Haines, Merbury, Ala.