13 EASTER SHOWER OF DISH CLOTHS TODA Y FOR OREGON SOLDIERS LEA VE CLOTHS AT STORE ENTRANCES Auspices Grade Teachers', Association All Charge Purchases Made Today Will Go on Your April Account, Payable May 1. We Give S.& H.Green Trading Stamps With All Purchases Amounting to 10c or Over Save Stamps Fishing Tackle and Fishing Licenses on the Fourth Floor Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Play Wagons, Etc on the Fourth Floor Model Grocery and Bakery on the 4th Floor Tea Room, 4th Floor THE MORNING OREGONIAX,- SATURDAY, MARCH SO, 1918. o D o o o New Motor Headwear Veiling Department, First Floor We have jut opened tip a new shipment of Worn en' Motor Cap, ia all the latest styles. Silks, bengalines and fancy materials some in combina tion of two or more materials. From Cof to $2,50 U. S. THRIFT STAMPS AND WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES FOR SALE MAIN OFFICE, 4TH FLOOR. The Standard Store of. the Northwest Olds, Wortman & Kin Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods LIBERTY SERVICE YARNS ON SALE AT SPECIAL BOOTH ON THE MAIN FLOOR. New Crepe Waists $2.98 Bargain Circle, First Floor Georgette Silk Crepe Waists in light and dark colors, also crepe de chine in flesh, white and the light tones. Many beautiful models to QO QQ select from. Saturday .special at only D0 Saturday's Most Interesting News Page for Easter Shoppers a o D o D o a o o 0 o a o a s o a o o D Women's Easter Wearables In a Notable Showing New Suits New Coats New Dresses New Waists new thinfrs to wear for Easter Sunday styles that are authentic styles that have individuality and a dis tinctive charm not found in ordinary apparel. The Garment Store will be a busy place Saturday, but there will be plenty of experienced salespeople on hand. Women's and Misses' Coats At $15 to $115 Second Floor The season's smartest styles made up in wool velours, poplins, Bolivia, burellas, gabardines, tweeds and novelty mixtures. Some have wide belts and large collars, others in loose effects. Styles to please every fancy. Priced from S15 to SI 15 Women's Suits In popular-priced Suita ranging from $20 up to $38.50 we show : a splendid assortment of new tailored and novelty styles in all the m-int A m af Ar-iafe X 1 a Via titiit 1 Amrr Qi it Nnirinie In viw'na " .) & s.-w aveswv.awa v MMIM tail, "'ft r from $i$9.."0 to $125 in all the very newest Spring colors. Women's Dresses New Spring models made up in taffetas. Georgette crepes, satins, foulards, wash silks, wool serges, gabardines and wool Jersey. Dresses for all occasions. Priced now at $15.00 to $75.00 Women's Skirts Tunic Skirts, Tleated Skirts, Tailored Skirts dozens of styles made op in serges, gabardines, satins, flannels, Poiret twills, etc Plain colors, plaids, checks, stripes. Priced from $5 to $25 Telling of Many Special Offerings Throughout the Store and of New and Seasonable Merchandise Appropriate' for the Easter Season Stocks Are Now at Their Best Low Prices Prevail, and With Our Superior Store Serv ice You Will Find This the BEST PLACE TO DO EASTER SHOPPING. Silk Underwear For Women Main Floor Supreme above all other Silk Underwear "Kayser's" is made from pure silk, in full sizes, fashioned by expert operators and handsomely finished. Kayser's is the most eco nomical silk underwear, because of its superior durability. Vests, knickers, camisoles and union suits in popular styles on display on the First Floor. Easter Gloves Main Floor W o m e n'g Gloves of de pendable qual ities gloves! that will rend er the best of satisfaction to the wearer. Our stocks are now at their best in domes tic and French kids, washable lambskins, c h a moisettes and silks. You cannot do better than come to this store for your - Easter Gloves. 1 1 w;v Women's Easter Neckwear in Great Variety FANCY VESTS, Vestees and Suimpes, of pique and fancy ma terials plain or in basket weaves. Also of acting, nets and Georgette crepes. Priced to $5. HAND-EM BROIDERED Col lars and sets of organdie and pique materials, exquisite styles. NEW COLLARS of Georgette crepe, special, $1.25, $1.75. FILET LACE COLLARS and Bets in the new wide back styles, also in Tuxedo effects in two different lengths. Prices range from $4.50 up to $13.50. REAL HAND-MADE Filet Lace Collars in various pretty designs. Saturday at $3.98. RUFFLE EDGE COLLARS Prices range 65 up to $1.25 NEW MIDDY TIES and new Windsors of crepe and silks, plain and fancy 35 to $2.50. MARIBOUT SCARFS in gray and mole. These are lined with 8 ilk and ribbon tied. $5.95-$11.75 OSTRICH NECKWEAR in white, black, black and white, and gray also a few pieces in other colors. Priced $3.95-7.50 rmmm 1918 s r ' 1 Girls' Easter Apparel . - Distinctive Styles Reasonable Prices Every mother should see this splen did stock of children's wearables. It is complete in every detail and the values are decidedly extraordinary. Silk Dresses Beautiful new Silk Frocks in plain tan, Copen, rose and green. . Also fancy plaids and stripes. Ages 6 to 14 years. $13.75 up to $35.00 New Coats The prettiest, smartest, styles we have ever shown. Loose and belted effects. Ages 2 to 6 $6 to $15.00 Saturday Specials in Girls Wearables i-GIRLS Shetland Wool Sweaters ages 6 to 12. Sat urday special at $3.98. BRUSH WOOL Sweaters- green, blue, rose ages to 12. Saturday special $4.98. ODD LINE Infants' Bath Robes in ages 1 to 6 only one or two of a size. "70, Saturday Knerial at t Jj Girls' White Mid dies, specially priced 79c J Sale of Easter Ribbons At 19c Yd. Main Floor For hairbows, fancy bags, millinery, sashes and trimmings, these ribbons are just what is wanted. Great assortment of patterns in plaids, stripes, checks and floral effects. Also gros grain and hairbow taffet in de- - Q sirable shades. Sat. special, yd. J-aC One Lot Extra Quality Fancies at 3of Easter Handkerchiefs CHILDREN'S fancy colored Kerchiefs, "Play Series" hem stitched. Good grade ma- 5 terial. Saturday special WOMEN'S dainty Kerchiefs in white and colors. Ex- "I Q cellent 25c values now -a. 57 1 fflLM ij B m o D o o D o o Q o o Q o o D o o a o Men's Hats At $3.50 and $5 Mala Floor Wellington Soft Felt Hats in a'l the popular Spring shapes. Priced at only $3.50 Grennis the hat of superior quality, popular soft styles, $5 Ward Cloth Hats in the new Spring colorings. Priced $3.50 Men's $2 Ties At $1.39 Main Floor Beautiful new East er patterns and colorings. Lat est wide -end styles. Q1 OQ Regular 12-30 values jJ..O7 Delicatessen Specials Dried Beef, wafer sliced. JTH Special, the pound only tJ Cream Brick Cheese O Saturday at, the pound OOK, Corned Beef Loaf, pound -I0 Ripe Olives' in bulk, quart 50 Green Olives in bulk. qt. 35? Sweet Midget Pickles, qt. 50f Boys' Easter Apparel Serge Suits $10 to $16.50 Main Floor Smart, dressy Suits for Easter wear of splendid wool serges and cheviots. uso in novelty mixtures. Hand-tailored hroughout. Ages from 6 to 18 years. Novelty Suits Main Floor Tweeds, cassimercs, cheviots and homespuns in good, serviceable, dark grays, browns and tans. Suits that will give satis factory wear. Priced from $6.50 to $16.50 BOYS' BLOUSES with the new Eton Collars. Priced at 75 f) and 85?. All sizes. Boys' Wash Suits 5U0 to 55 New Sailor Middies, with long or straight pants. Also many other styles, made up in reps, galatea, c ham bray and linens. White, blues, tana and combi nations. Ages 2 to 12. Dutchess Knickers $1.50 to $2.50 Pair Dutchess Knickers are the most economical yon could put on your boy. They save darning and patching and besides they give longest service. Dept. Main Floor. $1.50 to $2.50 a pair. ft Toilet Needs & Drugs Main Floor Note this underpriced list of Toilet Requisites for Sat urdays selling and supply your needs for months to come at once. Ivory Soap OUT,-, 5 Cakes for We reserve the right to limit the quantity of any article in this list sold to any one customer. S. & II. Trading Stamps with purchases. Orchard White, 3 -or. sizes 35 Euthymol Tooth Paste at 25 Oriental Cream, bottle at $1.25 Creme Oil Soap OET 3 Cakes, at. Only &D, Bennett's Milk Bone Dog and Puppy Biscuit, 24 cakes for 30f) Pebeco Tooth Paste, tube 45f Colgate's Dental Cream at 23 1 D. & R. Cold Cream, tubes 43 Graves' Tooth Powder 20c 40i Jetum and Colorite in all the wanted colors and black, bot. 25 Odorono in 3 sizes, 27c, 45c, 90c Pond's Face and Cold Creams put up in jars price 22f, 45r Pears' Unscented Soap cake 15 Packer s Tar Soap, special 22c Squibb's Talcum in Violet and Carnation, unscented special 20c Sempre Giovine, the cake 49 Colgate's and Williams' Shaving Sticks, Creams, Powders at 25 Lazelle's Massattla Talc at 19 Squibb's Sugar of Milk, lb. 850 Butterfly Toilet Paper rr- Saturday special, 12 rolls i . r i V! -1 $15 to $35 Easter Hats Saturday JJ.1 A sale of beautiful f, J Axa-trifa ini-ir viimu .. establish new selling records in the Millinery ' Salons an avent that brings to the wom en of this city the new sea son's smartest styles for dress, street and sport wear at an average of less than half regular value. Many of our finest patterns are includ- (J-! A ed in this sale. $15.00 to ?35.00 Hats wlU $7.50to$8.50Hats Turbans, pokes, sailors, mushrooms and other styles dress, semi-dress and tai lored Hats $7.50 to $8.50 models, trimmed with flowers, ornaments, bows, quills and oth er novelties. Black and colors. On sale today at only $5.00 Easter Sale of Shapes and Trimmings $ HAT SHAPES in all the new est styles and colors., &A f7f? $6.50 to $8.50 grades Special prices on many new novelties in Millinery Trimmings. Millinery Department, 2d Fir. Women's Silk Hosiery PORTLAND MAID The eilk hose of quality. We now have a complete range of the new Spring shades, including the much-wanted browns, tans and grays also black and CI", white. Priced, the pair DJ-JU PHOENEt SILK HOSE in tan, pearl, silver, bronze, beige, bat tleship, taupe, cocoanut and vari ous other colors, also black and white. Lisle sole and lisle top Priced at 900 and $1.35 pair. Basement Millinery Trimmed Hats $1.98 to $5.98 Women's, misses' and children's Trimmed Hats in a splendid showing of all the new styles. Black and colors $1.98 to $5.98 Children's New Trimmed Hats 500 to $2.50 Untrimmed Hate, late styles 690 to $3.69 J 1M 7 -'J ' Easter Veils & Veilings Main Floor Gypsy Veiling "Eyes of Youth" Veiling Sammy Veiling Liberty Bell and other new creations New Face Veils, Sport Veils and Motor Veils in complete showing of new shades. Women's Chiffon Veils 36xG3-inch Chiffon Veils of soft, durable quality. Good range of colors. Neatly hem- (PI OfT stitched. Special now iaLmUO $1.25 New Belts New patent leather, white kid and suede Belts in the wanted colors, including khaki widths, 1 to 4 inches. Priced C50 to $1.25 a o Saturday Sale of Men's $6.50 Shoes $4i98 Main Floor Men's cordovan col ored calf Shoes, blucher cut, blind eyelets, neat, dressy last. Also mahogany colored calf shoes with full high toe. Double JM QQ sole. $6.50 Shoes, pair tDl.tO Easter Footwear Women's $9 JO, $10 Boots $7.98 Main Floor Of course you will need new boots to complete the Easter outfit! No better oppor tunity to get them than at this store Saturday. EXTRA SPECIAL Women's 9-inch brown and gray all-kid boots. Narrow, plain toe, welted soles, high Cuban or half Louis heel, with aluminum plate. All sizes. Width B to D. $9.50 (7 QQ and $10.00 Boots on sale at I7 1 J PORTLAND AGENTS FOR BUSTER BROWN FOOT-SHAPING SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 0 O a o IOC 10X301 I0E IOC LENT TO CLOSE TODAYS OLE ItHliai TO R IIITLD 1 CATHEDRAL. InwM 4 Xwlhn f t f low M Ilk Muln Twlar. T r?o th Lntn pHv1. ilrrn 9ri will b hld tvlT In t. Mry alh1raL Al T A. M. th. blrxlns of ( "w ffr and th paschal canUl aa4 of tha baptismal font will pracmi tha wlrma such nuu. Tb atrvlcaa fcaatar fun Jar will atl ra pw tlm. mam... at Ida Cblnadral at (. i.li. It ao4 4S o'clock. At th Uaktr Ttr txar a peon aarrira b.s;iaalBe 11 i o'clock will b aadraio4 hy Bishop gumar. Tha fnooftra; wfll eloaa tha aart.a haM by tha Hrnthorbood of bu And raw, of tha 4.llaccpal t torch. waa4 iruiajr waa obaarrad atrlcUr In all Catholla and Episcopal churrhra y yrstvrday. Flshop Sumn.r hraa hours' aarrlra at Pro- 'aihadral and It. A. A. Morrison, of Trinity, and tha rclora of all other parishes held similar services. The Passion aervlce on "Tha Peven Last Word of t'hrtst." lunc at 1:10 P. M.. waa attended by a concreiratlon which entirely filled tha Cathedral father O'liarm rare tha addressee on the last worda of Christ. In tha evenlnr at 7:45 o'clock tha Office v Trnebrae waa suns for tha last time. Llnnton Plant to Raise Flag. Tha Board of County Commlaalonera yesterday received an Invitation from the employe of tha Columbia Enai neertnc Works to attend flas-ratalnii exerclaea which will be held at the plant at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Ad Uresaea are to be made by Mayor Baker and General Charles P. Bee be. while th.ra will be a number of rueata. The affair baa been arranged by employes of the yard, and tha ftac to bo raised Is 1 feet Ions; and 20 feet wide. Read The Orexonlaa claaslflod ads. MUCH POWER AVAILABLE DR. CrLBRRT UISCl'SSES DEVELOP. HUT IX NORTHWEST. Fifty Tears Held Reasonable Tea are for Franchise, Governs! rat Ke talalac Tttla to Sites. With I years held as a reasonable tenure for water-power franchless. the Government retalnlne title to power sites. Dr. James Gilbert, professor of economics at th University of Oregon, spoke Interestingly before the City Club yesterday noon, his topic being; "The Development of Water Power on the Public Domain." Th development of warto- power resources, particularly In the Pacific Northwest. Is of Increasing Importance owlnf to th steady decline of America's fuel supply, said Dr. Gilbert. One-third oX th undeveloped water power of. las United States Is In the Pacific Coast states, he said, totaling 10.000.000 horse power. A policy of early and complete devel opment would be wisest, said the speak er, as In the ordinary usages of con servation there la no need to conserve aster power, which. If unharnessed, is lost. Army Orders. SAN PRAXCISCO. March 39 These or ders were Issued . today at headquarters Western division. Major Edward Pearce. Adjutant-General's Department. National Army, is announced as officer In charge of military training camps, department Insurance office, sclst snt to the Oepartment Adjutant and officer In charge of matters pertaining to the sale of war savings stamps, thrift stamps and subsiuent Issues of liberty bonds for the department, with statlnn In this city. Lieutenant-Colonel Edwin W. Rich, Medi cal Corps, win proceed to Vancouver Bar racks, "Washlnrton. for duty St that post. Growers in the Philippines are be ing; encouraged by tha government to give moro attention to th production oX hemp. CHANGE BEATS SCHEME CLEVER SYSTEM OF IMPORTING LIQI OR t NCOVERED. Box of Rowaehold Goods Shipped to Florence Opened by Wrsag Party. Kes of Wkisky Found. Another clever system of importing liquor to Portland by way of a relay system has been uncovered at Florence, Or., by the accidental opening- of one of the shipments received by a wrong; per son. The discovery, which was purely by accident, is taken to indicate that a big liquor ring; Is using; the system. A box labeled "household goods" was received in Florence addreesed to Frank L. Knowles. It happened that there is a Frank L Knowles in Florence and upon receiving; the box he opened it and found two big; keg's of whisky. He immediately reported to the authorities. Th other Frank Knowles did not ap pear. It waa found that the shipping; tag- had been marked "Newport" at first and later changed to "Florence." Inquiry was made at Newport and It was found that a similar shipment bad been received there and had been taken by a man who grave the name Frank I Knowles, and who had the shipping tagrs. He covered his tracks completely before the officials arrived. It is reported that th liquor, which was shipped from Benicia, Cal., is being sent to small towns marked "household goods," and is being reshipped from these places either by boat or rail to Portland. Officials, it is said, have not been extremely busy checking up house hold goods coming In from small neigh boring towns in the state and the result has been probably the successful land ing of considerable liquor. FARMERS WANT GOOD MEN Inexperienced Help Will Xot Be Paid Exorbitant Wages. "While TJmatllla County farmers are Is need of help, they are not going to engage inexperienced laborers at ex orbitant wages, is the statement of M. 8. Sbrock, county agricultural agent. "Any experienced farm laborer who really wants work can get employment In a very short time," says Mr. Shrock. "The average wage offered by Umatilla County farmers is $60 a month, with board. In most cases the laborer ia expected to furnish his own bedclothes. Fair treatment and good wages ara assured laborers who make good." . To assist farmers In getting help) and to aid the laborers as well, C B. Green, of Portland, of the Federal Labor Bureau, has been placed in charge of the work, with offices at 559 Main street, Pendleton. Read The Oresrontan classified ads. Comfort Baby WithCubcura Soa 35e. Onsraaesit 25 sad' S0. n o D o a o a o n o D o D o Q o a o o a o M 0 a o o a o a o o a o o a o