Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 28, 1918, Page 22, Image 22

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Worthiest of Purposes Avowed
in Drinking of Bottled
Evidence at Trial.
tomF Jaror Hrr Mrrrljr Curious,
Othrr Tbonshl Slnff ll(tlil lie
Te SllII Oilier Tatrd
It Jut Bf-raa.
E. Jrffrio from whom lh itata
aer!aratd tba ll-iuur and who a
coavtcfa of foriti it tn violation
of lea prohibition law bj a Jurr. moat
f whom admitted thy had tamplrd
two qoar ot hfa whlkr afier lhr
aad found him cullijr was the only
Individual who u.'frd at the Inves
tigation bafora Circuit Judsa lialrni
lata th dlappaxan- pf thraa or four
quart of in Intoilaut follow lac I"
rotnoTal from tba Jury room as r--
Jaffriaa, aflar a-h of tfca I? Jurors
and sral othsr w It ni had ta.
ftriod rorardins; tba mtssinc liquon.
waa ffnad Ilia Ofilir tha r.romm.nda
tton of tha Jury for lnlrnr sard
Jffrla from a Jail trm. Tha rasa
had baan apoval'd from tha Muninpal
f'oart. whar Jffr. aftar two tria'a.
waa fl rr ia and ntpnd to 3u
br tha District Attoraay'a offlca. In
co-op r t Ion with Jad-a atana.
Tha h.arinc at ona tlma promised
dramatic poaalbilltlra. aa Robart K.
Maa-ulra. foa Jaffriaa. chars" rd that tha
District Attornays offlca la frrquantljr
too saaloua in vfforta to obtain con
rictlona. Mr. Maculre said ha knaw.
bacausa ha had at ona tlma bean chief
deputy undar Mr. Krana.
Matrtrt .tttorwar Oafradad.
"I don't know what matboda wart
practicad by Mr. Marulra saaral rara
a co. but I do know that tha District
Attorney's offlca Is today aboaa au
p. Ion in Its methods." shouted Deputy
District Attorney Hlndtnan.
"I don't haa to o bark to tha tlma
when 1 waa in tha offtca: Incidents of a
few months a-o ara aufflclant to proa
what I aay." replied Msirulre.
"Nama your case." challenited Iep-
uty IMstrlct Attorney Bernard.
"Tha rasa of tha stala aaina v mn
Jtirtr Hln. a Chinaman. answered
u.mlra. "I know that members of
tha nistrtct Attorneys offlca triad to
at before tha Jury In that case evi
dence and statemepte which bad bean
barred by the count.
Wa ll a-lva you a chance) to prove
your statement before the itrand Jury."
said Barnard, aa ha Jotted down the
Chtnaman'a name.
t-hln Jun Hln waa tried about "
months aao for complicity in one 01
tba ton rourdens. Tba Jurors wno
heard the testimony wera unsoie to
area and wera discharged. Hln has
never been retried.
John Masefield
Lecture Tonight
at :1S In Municipal Audi
torium. Subject "Tha War snd
tha Future." Exchange tickets
Sac. 40c, 76c. Jl. on aale in our
Book Chop. Fifth Floor.
John Cowper
Powys Lectures
at Multnomah Hotel, after
noom and even in go, until
April 1. Inclusive. Course J I.
Blnala admission 75c. Ticketa
in Book Shop. Fifth Floor.
All Charge
( ' "1
v wmMm"-m- - - J
a M. W
faster JM
today and balance of month
go on April accounts and
are payable May 1.
eecis b v
Opera la laaissn Vow ( is I ader
ataad aC Prirei lun fas Affard to
Pay la Motto of Organisation.
The Boston Kngllsh opera Company,
direct from four months' run In Chl
rago. where It met with liberal sup
port by tha public, comes to the Heiilg
Jaaaab r. abaa.
t t '& '.a.
Ma sal Klra.
days In lalL H e first trial resulted
la a aiuirrtmfiit ot the Jury.
( rows) II rare CWfeaatoa.
Jladga ttos' eoortrom waa crowd
ed with spectators to hear the Jurors,
at leaac seven of whom wera already
setr-ronfeael Imbibers of tha'lor.
Itl tha Ju!e. tha IMstrlct Attorney's
office and Jeffries' sttomeya why the
bad tested so heavily of the exhibits
Their res na covered the whoi
garnut of escusea iom. said the
wsra marety curioue. others were Im
palled y the suspicion that the stuff
might bo tea. which, they often ha
Keen, waa being sold to members of
the bibulous trio In the gui.e
liquor, while still others were frank
enough to admit that they tasted it
"Just because.
All seven of tha Jnrora a ho ad
muted drinking tha evidence, aa well
aa the five teetotalers, agreed tha
was of tba 12 men were drunk wall
tn tha Jry room. Without variance
they aatd Jeffries guilt lad been
agreed upon he f one they sampled the
exhibits to se If they really wera In
"It Is rather paradoxical." remarked
Judge Catena, "that uu Jurors should
have pronounced this man trolly of
poeecaaing the liquor In violation of
tha prohibition law before you ascer
tained whether It was liquor. It Is
also a bit contradictory that you
should have tunned around and com
tnltted an act which tha atata charges
was an infraction of the law when
committed by Mm. There Is no doubt
that you had a right to aampla the
evidence whl.e it waa in our posses
sion to sea If It was liquor, but I
he I .eve that soma of you wera Indis
creet la tba amount of the sample
con.umed "
VT. A. Miles, ona of tha Juror, said
re had drunk abuut a third of a whisky
glaaa full of tha liquor; otto Bohl-
msn tastr.i about tba same quantity
Herman Vetter sipped a tsblejipoonf ul
cf tha brandy: Louts Judkts ssmpled
a weet btt of tha brandy; s. W. Watts
the boldest of tha Jurors, admitted that
he had partaken of three or mora good-
sued drinks. John Co'ber was satis
fled with a dram of beer. M St. J
Cochran waa satisfied with a table-
spoonful of liquor.
raraaw W belly Right
"t tasted It to verify our verdu-t
e'intrerct Cochran.
"Then the drinking of this mini
l;qior by the Jury might be termed
a sort of christening celebration of
the vemln-i" inquired Robert Magulre.
who. with Waiter Wolfe, defended Jef
frie a.
".No. It was not celebration of
any kind." rei-lled t'ochran. "We
wanted to ver'fy the verdict."
The drinks which these seven Jurors
confessed taking were held to a.-rount
foe the disappearance of one quart of
whisky, one quart of brandy and one
pint of her after the evidence had
gone to the Jury room. Investigation
Into tha reported disappearance of
three or four other quarts of whlaay
sad brvindy after it had bepn returned
fenrn the Jurr room will be continued
is ccononiical. Tasteless
cooking is wasteful.
adJs real enjoyment to
l:unvlreJs of dishes that
might otherwise be
thrown away. Try it.
Theater three nights, beginning to
night, with a special matinee iiaturday.
The cast Includes Joseph T. Mieehan,
John W. Warren. Hasel K6n, Floren
tine ft. Clair. Klatne Is ellem. Alice
Mar larley. Helen June Hall, and
Arthur leane. Francis J. Tyler. W. It.
North way. B. F. lioltra. and others.
Critics In other cities have said that
the chorua is comprised of carefully
selected fresh voicee who. by their
long working together, form an en
semble seldom equalled even In the
high-priced organlsationa.
That tha motto of this organiza
tion. 'Tipera in tha language you can
understand at prices you can afford to
pay." has proved a success , cannot be
doubted, aa In a season strewn with
faulurea It holds a record of capacity
houses everywhere.
"The Bohemian Girl" win be aunt
tonight ami at tha matinee Saturday.
The bill tomorrow night la "Martha,'
and on Saturday eight "II Trovatora.'
Three Mrs Alleged fa Have Carried Oa
Widespread Tblevlag 1st Teerlag
Car la Laval Few Weeks.
When 2S blooded chickens were taken
yeeterday from the hennery of C W.
Ko iters and removed to J he chicken
yard of Key. Harold Oberg. a well
known Methodlat preacher of Portland.
they flapped their wings and clucked
comfortably. Here and there the chick
ens ran about the yard and picked out
their favorite feeding places.
"hejf certainly seemed to feel haoov
because they were back at home again."
aaid Leputy Sheriff Heck man. who en
gineered the removal.
They were but a part of IM chickens
which were found at the Rogers farm
and which. It Is charged, were atolen
from various Kast Side residents ly
Leland. Jack and C W. lingers, broth-
era, who were arrested early Turaday
morning. The three brothers are al-
eged to have carried on a wldespresd
thievery with a touring car tfurtng the
past few weeks.
That federal proeecutlon may be
stsrted against tha Kogers brothers
was Indicated yesterday, when Sheriff
Hurlburt learned that they had been
selling chickens through fslsa affi
davits to the I'nlted Ktates Food Ad-
Intstrator as to the laving qualities of
the hens- Cms of these alleged false
affidavits la In the hands of the Sheriff.
r'-mcrgrncy .srwmrnt Found Not lo
Affect New Fire F.nglncs.
After ail the tangle of affairs In the
Circuit Court relating to the war tax
being paid by the city on six new au-
omohlle fire englnea leaaed recently.
Federal Government yesterday no-
tried the city that the automobile war
ax does not apply to fire engines.
A suit was brought to stop the rltv
from accepting the machines because
he war tax question waa not men
toned In the advertisement for bids. or
the specifications used by bidders.
While there are some other points in
he case. It Is said the war tax quratlon
a as its essence.
Star. Route lo Be FfaMihed.
Special. A daily stags route be
en Klamath Falls and Keno, 12
miles south, is to be established, for
he first time since the Southern Fa-
clfie 1'ailroad reached thia city la 1J0S.
unof tha coming; bum mar.
Second Day of Our Easter Sale
Real Madeira Hand-Made
And Hand-Embroidered
Kerchiefs 69c
Included Are Finest $1 to $3 Qualities
For the first time in history, so far as we know, Portland
women can buy real hand-made and hand-embroidered
Madeira handkerchiefs regularly $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75,
$2, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 and $3 AT 69c! If you were not
among the hundreds who purchased handkerchiefs in this
sale yesterday, do not let today jjo by without sharing in
this unprecedented good fortune. ,
All pure linen kerchiefs of fine sheer quality. Nearly all scalloped,
some with hemstitched borders. Beautifully hand-scalloped in eyelet
and solid embroidery work. One and four corner embroidered styles.
Designs range from dainty email effects to most elaborate. Some
glove size kerchiefs.
No phone or C. O. D. orders.
Handkerchief Shop, Main Floor.
Two New Easter Models in Women's
Welworth Blouses
Just Received And They're Still Priced at
We have just received two
charming new models in wom
en's famous Welworth blouses
suitable for Easter wear. Wel
worth blouses, without a doubt,
are the peer of all $2 blouses
they're superior to many blouses
sold elsewhere at a much higher
figure. Limited number in this
new allotment we advise early
selection. Here only in Portland.
As always $2.
Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor.
I ' In" Our Tea Room
at'4'P. SI. Today
Miss Grace Parker I
1 Will. Give a Free ' i
Informal Talk on
I "Women's Part I
in the War"
Miss Grace Parker, -who has spoken
with such notable success before the 1
I Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club
and Daughters of the American Rev-
olution and who speaks today at the
Baker Theater and before the Port- s
land Women's Research Club, will
sive an Informal talk in our ninth- 1
I floor tearoom at 4 P. M. today on
i "What Women Have Done, Are Do- I
inc and Must Do to Help Win the 1
War." We extend a cordial invita-
tlon to men and women to hear this
I renowned speaker. The talk becins
I at 4 P. M. sharp and will take about
I 20 minutes. It is under the auspices
1 of the American Committee for De- 3
I vastated France, the body which has I
established Victory Wool Booths in I
i Portland. 1
All Easter Sale of Women's
Cape Gloves $1.49
Women know what "Cape" im
plies In a glove what quality, what
looks, what service. And women
need not be told that Cape gloves
at $1.49 are the biggest kind of a
bargain today. We "purchased early
and at a marked price concession
we offer our patrons the fruits
of our foresighted buying in this
Easter sale. Two pairs should not
be enough for most women.
One-clasp style. Spearpoint and
embroidery stitched backs. Tan,
gray, Newport and pearl. Every
pair fitted today at $1.49.
Glove Shop, Main Floor.
The Famous British
Exhibition of
War Trophies
And Relics
The exhibition of authentic trophies
and relics from the war zone, which is
being held daily in our Sixth Floor
Auditorium, will soon close. No one
should miss this opportunity to get an
insight into fighting . conditions as
they obtain today on the western
front. Many of the weapons of de
struction are comprised in this dis
play. It is under he auspices of the
British Red Cross.
The British Fast Scouting War
Plane, the survivor of 239 flights over
the German lines, will be on display
today from 9 to 6, as well as 500 other
articles brought from the battlefields
of Belgium and Northern France.
More New Arrivals in
Separate Skirts
Just in Time for
Easter Wear
A magnificent assortment of"
navy blue and black serge dress
skirts is ready today for your se
lection. Full shirred back, straight
front and wide girdle effects. Many
with patch pockets, others slit
pockets. All finely serviceable mod
els and very moderately priced
$7.50 to $15
Other new Spring skirts $5.00
up to $25.
Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
SterlingToiletwar e Half
The reason for this timely sale of Sterling silver toilet
ware is that we are discontinuing the patterns. There are
a few pieces in this sale that are slightly soiled or scratched
from handling. All are the most phenomenal kind of bargains.
qi 9 t.w
Included at half price are hat brushes, hair brushes, mirrors, cloth
brushes, hair receivers, powder jars, nail polishers, combs and military
brushes. Several attractive patterns to choose from, but the quanti
ties are limited hence we advise the earliest possible selection.
75c Manicure Pieces at 25c
Less than half price for these desirable manicure pieces, including
nail files, button hooks, etc.
Jewelry Shop. Main Floor.
A sale of women's neckwear for
Easter. Swiss-made neckwear with
dainty floval embroidery. Organdy
collars and sets with washable lace
finish. High neck vestees of pique
and organdy, some lace trimmed. Re
versible satin roll collars in white and
desirable shades. Organdy vestees
with frilling. Organdy collars with
ruffles and colored effects. Filet and
Venise roll collars. Several other at
tractive models. Wonderful values
at 43c.
Neckwear Shop, Main Floor.
Sale Sterling Silverware
Splendid reductions will be in effect today on the popular
Sterling silverware. Special prices as follows :
$3.50 Candlesticks, 5-inch size
$1.50 Bud Vases, 5-inch size, only. . .
$5.00 Flower Vases, 7-inch size
$5.00 Candlesticks, 8-inch size
Sterling Handle Tahleware 98c
We have a fine assortment of sterling silver handle table
ware to be sold today at 98c. Included are sugar shells,
butter knives, cream ladles, cold meat forks, berry spoons,
salad serving forks, teaettes, etc.
Many Other Good Unadvertised Specials
Silverware Shop, Main Floor.
Buy Columbia Grafonolas Here on Lowest Terms
Here Are Three of the Most Popular Models of Genuine
Columbia Grafonolas at Prices Within the Reach of All
Meier & Frank's is Grafonola headquarters you've known that for a -long
time. Our stocks are always complete with all the different styles
and sizes of Grafonolas and all the records. Our terms are lowest in the
city. The person who wishes to purchase a Grafonola should first inspect
our stocks and consider our terms before buying. The invariable result:
Another patron for our Phonograph Shop.
There are three particularly well-liked Grafonola models which will be
in greater demand than ever from now on, although good at any time,
affording all the music that one could wish for, playing any Columbia or
Victor record. They have all the essential equipment of the modern
Grafonola. Their portability especially recommends them for open air
functions of every kind at which phonograph music is desired. They
cannot be surpassed for outing use in camp or any outdoor frolic. To
enable everyone to own one of these splendidly serviceable Grafonolas now,
enjoy its use at home until outing celebrations are the order of the day,
on payments that are so light as to be hardly felt, we are offering these
remarkably low terms. (A good chance to buy a genuine Grafonola on
favorable terms and send to your soldier.)
This $30 Grafonola
SI Down75c Week
Choice of Mahogany
or Oak Finish
A beautiful little Graf
onola that can be enjoyed
anywhere. Plays any Co
lumbia or Victor record.
50c Down--50c Week
for this $18 Columbia Grafonola. Small and light, an ideal
portable instrument. , Choice of mahogany or oak.
This $45 Grafonola
$2 Down--$l Week
Substantial, beautiful in tone, complete in
every detail. Mahogany or oak.
Phonograph Shop, Sixth Floor.