Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 28, 1918, Image 20

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Coast International League
Directors Begin Business
Session in Seattle.
.Art lon o fi Taken on .Warding of
Jrnrhl-4" at Today's Mmlng.
Aberdeen Srrnti Likely lo B
Mith Club lo League.
UKATTLE. Wash.. March :T. (Spe
cial Tht I'arinc t oast International
Lkro wadset Into lta baatns session
thla afternoon, and after four hours
f aabfest. riurtnc which tlma they
ctarided on the opening and cloeina
date of the saason, they adjourned at
I o clorK tonlaht for dinner.
It wa derided to atari tha season
Tuesday. April 19. with sanies at I'ort
land. Taroma and Seattle, closing Sun
day. September II. maktnr a 2oweek
svtieduis. The maanatea will enter Into
ei.cultTe session after their return
from dinner and start to work on the
arhedul. which will not be completed
before Thursday mailt.
Ureal! teaewtloa) Held Over.
Tha question of a sixth city to be
admitted to tha leas:ua waa up forcon-
alderatlon. but no action recardlns; thta
matt.r will n taken until tomorrow.
It aeema a If Aberdeen haa tha Inside
track to land tha franchise. Judtet
M.Credia la stron-rlr In favor of gram
mar tha Or a ym Harbor metropolis a
franchise, and told tha directors today
they should guarantee the Aberdeen
aeopla against any lossea durlnc tha
Joe Walsh, boilntr promoter of Seat
tl. Mil Charles sulIlvan. attorney, sat
with the leaarue maanatea and asked
that a franchise be tlrrn Camp U-w Is.
Thesa men sa Id they have assurances
that tha tamp Usii tram will ha al
lowed to play Its aamca at the Amer
tn lak. cantonment, but must re
ceive a franchise before, anything of -firtsl
ran be dona toward settina the
. K of the militarr authorities. Cap-'
lain vattjrt. of tamp mbK was
present, but said he hjd no authority
lo si t.
Maaslllasj Is Maaed.
ItaH Pros n announced tha signing
or Jimmy Hamilton ss manager. Ham
i'ltts mansard the Muskegon club in
the tentral Uifii. last son and has
t.n an applicant to managr almo
"r ciub In the league. Hamilton
will .rriRiif tha Vancouver team from
Central Leajrue plajrrs and. acrordlns
t Frown, will schedule aamea and
p'ay along the rout on their way to
tF tfta.t. In this .11 It row n expects
t le aM to realts enough money to
atl in transporting the team lo Van
I'.u.s IUII sai.t F.IIt Srx-aa would ar
rive In I'ort land with his family nest
week. and. after a few days sojourn
with his wife's rrlatives. will move to
Te-oma and take up the rnanaaement
of tho Tieers. lt-tri Kssn. former
mslor 'rsaue IriflrM-r. wired Judce
.vt-t rtia from Kram-taco asking
Is Portland magnate to aecura for
him the management of tha sixth city
In the leacue. Mcc'redle will make
avery effort to land the Job for Lcin.
rrrgssss fare af flaw.
Ksmmy Krrguson. the tankr Seattle
utfiridrr. who will report at tha I'ort
land framing camp at I'enolrton. waa
among those who rhatted with judge
)i l rlif at the braille Hotel hare to
dev. Kerguson Is a wiry looking chars
nunc aiong me lines of Kenneth W ill-
lams, lie la not quite as heavy as the
'ranis I'a.a lad. K'rruson la a right-
handrd hitter and saya be la aura to
make the tram.
Judce i. rdle announced that (he
li-rtlanU players will be asked to re
port at Pendleton Wednesday. April
J. and that the plater Wintering In
I'ortland will start for 1'endleion Tues
dsv night. April :.
The magnates are all smiles regard
ing lha sucress of Ihe league, and each
avows that he will hat a pennant
winning tram.
Prr.i.l.ui Bl'wrti and Itoh Frown
had their miH-h-hrr.ilded gabfrst. and
when Ihe meeting adjournrd tonight
for dinner they walked out of tha ho
I'l lobby arm In arm.
The directors present at today's
meeting were: Judce MeCredie. Port
land; Ross ItatL Taroma; Isxvld Dug
elaie. Sniffle: F c Karr. Spokane, and
Robert Uro-s n. Vancouver. II, C. Pres
ident Flewett t re-idcd.
Ju.lxe M.-Crrdie tonight signed
Prank Carpenter. Seattle semi-pro
catcher, who was recommended by Sam
Irrguson and Seal tie ta-ta'l experts
as being a big league prospect.
l-y ' '- ..-
r-.r: . : . v
Martin J. Sheridan Victim of
Attack of Pneumonia.
JaJta JOaubcrt. flrat-aacker of the Brooklyn iHidgcrs. will have to come
through with better baseball this year If he expects to receive a big salary
root tha IJOdgers next season, in 1S14 Duubert held out for a five-year contract
l salary of iuu a .year. Oaubert, at ona time the best first base
man In the National League, was a frost In the world's scries Riimes with the
Red tog In and fell way off In his batting laat season. He soon win be 33
ears old and probably haa seen his best days as a big-leaKUcr. .
Seattle Crowd Matches Two
Middleweight Boxers.
Marty Karrell aeleeted by la as
"issse K last far Title.
1600 Fans See Ingle Defend
Title Against Neff.
Murphy and IlranUon Put t'p Fast
Mill. Whirl! .Murphy Win, Al
though Many Kcclare Irt-aon
Should Harp Brrn Draw.
About ! blond-thirsty fight fans
wira on hand at the week I v boxing
ra staged by Austin and Slt in
Seattla Tuesday night, and saw George
ngle and Chel Neff slug through four
gruelling rounds. Inglo winning the
derision by his superior punching.
Ingle la lightweight rhamnlon of tha
Pai'lflc Coast and retained his title
by the result of tha battle. Neff out-
boxed Ingle In three of tha four rounds
nd got In soma fair punches, but
ngle landed harder and gave Neff a
beating In the final round. The rich!
was rough thro-jghout and Ingle
owned up and did some leading that
homed that be really can step In and
fight If he wants to.
Marty Parrel I. the clever New York
middleweight, made a ehopplng-blnck
out of Battling Al Nelson, of Califor
nia, and won the bout by a mile.
Nrl-on la no slouch and is a hard boy
fight, having s. sort of side pose
which makes him hard to hit. Marty
stepped around the tough Callfornlan
nd Jabbed and booked him to a fare-
hee-wrll and had It been a six-round
bout probably would have atopped
l-angferd W las Baal.
weight who fought Pete Mitchle here
some time ago, la working in the ship
ycrda in Seattle. He la ftoing to start
boxing again soon and would like to
come to Portland.
Jack Hartford, the fighting Tacoma.
lightweight, may leave for Portland
next weVk to go to work in the ship
yards here, doing some boxing on the
Xew Torker Famed for Feats With
LHscus and Weights Carreer Is
Dotted With Prowess in
Olympic Games Feats.
NEW YORK, March 27. Martin J.
Sheridan, world-famed athlete, died of
pneumonia at a hospital here tonight.
Sheridan was one of the best-known'
athletes In the United States, and un
der the colors of the Irish-in.Fk..
Athletic Club and as a member of Olvm-
opic teams representing this countrv
cnannpionsnips in throwing- ths
discus and as an all-around athlete.
His record with the discus, throwing
iyie. waa us reet 74 inches.
Soldiers to Compete at XorUmest
Indoor Track Meet April 2.
A feature of the Northwest Military
and open track and field meet, to be
ncid at the Portland Ice Palace on
April 26. and one which should prove
a drawing- cara, is the 60-yard military
equipment race to be staged between
uniformed men.
Each contestant will start the race
fully equipped. At a set distance he
win a l scar a nis rifle, at another mark
take off his belt and bayonet and at a
tnira mark take off his overcoat and
Alter running on to a fourth
mam he most return, nuttlnar on hie
equipment as he reaches It. The entrant
who la properly equipped In the best
time win De declared the winner.
Mike Yokel loses In Hour and 17
Minutes to Sailor in Chicago.
CHICAGO, March 27. Ben Reuben,
of the Great Lakes Naval training sta
tion, won a bout tonight from Mike
lokel, of Salt Lake City, after an hour
and 17 minutes and 2$ seconds of
After the men had wrestled for one
hour and a quarter without a fall,
Tokel's head struck the floor with
such force that he was dazed. Reuben
finished the match two minutes later
with a body scissors and half-Nelson.
They are middlewelghts.
trotted in 1:1 Hi last season he has al
chance in any company.
v e
Azora Axworthy 2:06) is still in
Murphy's stable at Foughkeepsie. She I
was not started last year.
A. EL. Dorsey. of Findlay, O.. expects
to duplicate Little Frank .' trip
Redlac horse In 2:09 for which he lTllying Itching LaUSeS Lon-
paid $2650 at the Chicago sale.
tine will train him.
tinuous Torture.
Northepur will make his first start
in 1918 at Cleveland in the 2:08 class.
This little son of San Francisco should
not, be overlooked as he was up to a
mile In 2:04 last Fall.
Stout Bros, will race Blanche Carter
over the mile tracks this year.
s e
Of the nine renewals of the Ohio
Do you sometimes feel like you will
scream if you do not get relief from
the tormenting and terrifying itching
and Irritating burning; that makes you
feel like your very skin is ablaze
Possibly your disorder has not reached
the torturing stage as yet, but there
are thousands of victims of skin dis-
Purse at Cleveland. Lon McDonald won eases that know too well the well-tiich
three with Bob Douglass, Lewis Forest! unendurable pain that comes from erup-
and Star Winter. Marigold and Peter
Scott placed two of these events to
mi w
r - :::: -V : :: : -': ';:
' l r
'Jr :
Mtmr iti as wr -sisisssssvasssaMi
tlons. irritations, pimples, bolls, ulcers.
eczema, psoryasis, carbuncles and the
numerous other forms of torment that
attack the delicate tissues of the skin.
The only proper method of treatment
for any disease is a remedy that will
reach its source, that will remove Its
cause, and not simply palliate its symp
toms, tivery lorra or sKin ailment
comes from a colony of millions upon
millions of tiny disease germs that in
fest the blood. .Naturally, then, these
germs must be eradicated from the
blood before a cure can be expected.
You know well enough that you can
not reach the blood by applying lotions,
ointments, salves, washes and other
local applications to the surface of the
skin. So when you use such treatment
for your tormenting skin diseases, tha
most you can expect is a temporary
discontinuance of the pain, which
promptly returns and keeps you con
stantly applying the local remedies,
making no progress whatever toward
permanently ridding yourself of the
Why longer continue such makeshift
treatment? Go to your drug store today
and get a bottle of S. S. S., the reliable
blood purifier, and begin a treatment ;
that will prove satisfactory, as it has i
to thousands of others who were af- i
flicted just as you have been. S. S. S.
has been used for more than fifty 1
years, so that you are not experiment-
ing when you take it. It will nromntlv i
cleanse the blood of every impurity and
rout out entirely every trace of disease
Don't continue to suffer, but begin
taking S. S. S. today, and write our
head physician, who will give you full
instructions about your own case. Ad
dress Medical Director, 404 Swift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv.
Cool and refreshing stimulating
invigorating healthful
7 I.
11 liUZ HIV
Any time any place
anywhere demand "Blitz"
On Sale at All Leading
Groceries, Cafes, Grilles and Fountains
Distributors, Portland. Or.
Don'ts for Bowlers.
Martla J. Sheridan. Who Died at New
lork Veaterday.
Leo "Blossom Houck. Seattle's movie I
actor-boxer, who is well known here,
having fought a number nf times in
the Rose City ring. Is thinking of join
ing the Marines.
Don't think you can change
course of the ball after It has
your hand. Some bowlers have pulled
so nara iney unocKed down bowle
and ball on the return.
Don t expect a "strike ' every time
you nit tne head pin.
Don't blame the pin boys if you ge
a ST) 111. 'I nev Will snnr nnv n n
t-.iiit tmrn mftnlha r... -ill ta .. I ,L .. .. J
icau ineir attention lo.
"""" iuy on iu Don't throw awav a "snsre" her......
Hagen, the Seattle miridle-
ho foucht Pat Brady here
Bend. Or., to met Billy George, the
Idaho bearcat. Itonieo has been train
ing hard In Seattle and knocked out
Art Wilson In less than a round at
a smoker the other night.
Dan Salt decided to mat. h Marty
Farreil v.ith Mi. k King in a peculiar
way the other nlrht. Now. if the fight
l not t-f the best the fans will have
norwdy ! hl.imr but themselves. Salt
wa unde-tdt-J whether to use Furrell
or frank r'arm-r with King next Tun.
isy otchl and left it to the rr..d. Just
before the main event started Doughty
Dn. v ho al does the announcing,
stepped through the ropes and after a
short eiee,-h n to King's epponent for
nest Tuesday night asked that all of
the fans who vi anted lo see Marty Far
retl nirrt Mick King stand up. Over
three-quarter of the house a fslt
then asked for al! those who did not
want lo see Farrrli meet King to stand
up. About five f.ins from Ts. oma stood
up, ahl. h brought forth cries of "Sit
d'n." "Throw them out." and others,
and the martvra ducked In a hurry. So
Mu-k King, of Australia, the most pop
ular man at his weight that has fought
In Seattle In recent years. bu holds
the light-beavvwetcht and heavy
weight rhamrtonship of the l'arific
I'svsst. will meet Marty Farrell. undis
puted mid'llemeight rhimplon of tha
I'acific Coast. In Seattla Tuesday night.
The bout bids to draw the biggest
house ever pu. led In Ihe Sound city.
Trininj Camp Came.
R- II. E.
Fhitad'lphia Americans 14 1
t'smp Johnson 3 l' 3
Hatteries Adsres. Fahey and I'sr
kins. MrAvoy: Morgan and Rehor.
MoxTi-ovrnr. Mrch :7 r. h. e
I'lnclnnatl Nationals. .......... 8 S 1
Cleveland Americans........... 18 1
fVatter). Sehnetder. Reuther and
Vtns;., Allen: Lnimjnn. Coumbe. Groora
and -LCNrill.
LITTLE R-.-CK.rh.. March ST At
Camp I'tke- R H. E.
Uruoklyn Nationals 3 T 1
tWkstow Amert.-aBs. 1 t
lc ( i .rtrs Cimnls, Orlmes and Mil
ler; Lj'.a. lli and Meytr,
Toung"Sam Langfnrd. the San Fran-
iro colored lightweight, boxed like a
hampton and won a decision over Leo
llourk, Seattle's actor-boxer. Houck
was game and fought to the finish,
but Langford hit him every time he
tarted a straight punch and the de
cision rould not have been anything
else. Leo did not appear to be in the
best of condition and could not get his
mitts into action. Sam used a straight
left and a right cross to the best ad
vantage. Sam Is going better in every
battle In the Northwest and made a
big Mt with the Seattle fans In his
bouts with Chet Neff and Houck.
Tha be-1 bout of the evening was
between Frank! Murphy IDolan). of
Los Angeles, flyweight champion of
the rarlfle Coast, and George Brandon,
the little Portland battler. These two
hoys went at It from gong to gong.
Referee Ad Soharht giving Murphy the
decision al the end of four rounds of
fast milling. The decision was an un
popular one and a great number of the
fans thought that the worst Brandon
should have bed was a dra-. Murphy
la considered one of the cleverest men
on Ihe Coast, but had his hands full
with Hrandon, who kept on top of him
from start to finish.
Braas.s la Hart.
In the third round Murphy accidently
ripped a cut In Hrandon'a bead with his
teeth when he brought his head down
in a clinch. The wound bled profusely
and weakened the Portland boxer in
the fourth round, when he most neaded
all his strength. Murphy and Bran
don got the biggest hand of the even
Ing and the fans clamored for a return
match. Dan Salt, who was In Portland
yesterday with Neff. was seen talking
business with Brandon and Ine latter
wl.l meet Murphy again In tha near
future. Brandon weiKhed In at 118
pounds for Murphy.
There were two gory preliminaries
on the card which was a good one. but
did not draw the house that Bronson
and Ingle did the week before, the
attendance falling off something like
fans. The Seattle fistic followers lo e the boys get in and hammer
each other the whole four rounds and
If they don't they holler their heads
off and want the bora thrown out of
the ring. Iots of "gore and knockouta"
Is tha Seattle fans motto, and there
sura are some battlers In the Sound
Kddie Plnkman Is out of the sani
tarium where ha haa been for the last
month, but he will never be able to
enter the ring again and Is under the
doctor's car.
CUrX Reed, tha Los Angels light-
Mgssa rbl Fpslloa Takes Seevasl aad
la Track aad Field F.veata.
you think you are
Don't think the other fellow has all
the luck. Plug away; things wi
Don't use any unnecessary motion.
Don't exert yourself. Take It easy.
a siow, accurate bail is better than
swift, wild one.
Don t put your whole thumb In th
finger hole. One Joint Is enough.
Don t use a large finger hole. Bi
hok-s make a ball lop-sldcd.
Don't roll a ball down the alley when
there is a ball in the pit.
Don't use a wide grip if you have
a small hand, or too narrow for a bi
Don t use chalk on your shoes. It
not only cracks the leather, but leaves
the runway in bad condition for who
ever follows you.
Don't think your wrist is gone if it
hurts after bowling a few games.
Corvallis. March -' ISpecUl.) The
Inter-fraternity field mert, which has Change you grip and throw the strain
been srolnsr on for seversl week, haa SOinenere else.
been won hv tha phi i it. -rhets. Don't bend your back when deliver
Fraternity. The winners were deter- ln tne Dal1- vltn yur 'ar P"
mined by taking the average of the aIU knees bent you can start the ball
best three men In each nf the frster- wim lime or no souna
nlilm. I Don t think It necessary to be a San
The Phi Delta averaged highest in dow. aiany lightweights bowl well.
the shot put. hand grenade throw and Don t get discouraged; you can
In tha broad iumn. Their average in learn. Any able-bodied person. With
the shot put was 3.1 feet and one-half ordinary nerve and a good eye, can be
Inch, and In the broad jump 1 feet come quite expert witn a little prac-
4'i Inches. In the hand grenade throw
they averaged four hits out of five
Second place -tn the meet was won
by the Sigma Phi Kpsilon Fraternity
and third place by the Gamma Tau
Tha finals in the inten-club field
meet gives the Tyee Club the cham
pionship in that division. The Beaver
Club finished close second. The Tyee
Club took first place in the broad
Jump and tied for first in the hand
grenade throw. The best average in
the shot put was made by the Beaver
The finals of both fraternity and
club relay races will be held today in
the big armory. There will be five
fraternity and four club teams com
peting. A silven plmiue will be pre
sented to the winning team by Dr.
A. D. Browne, director of physical edu
cation at O. A. C.
Trotting Gossip.
Collcjte. AtlilcK's Rewarded for Serv
ice on Athletic Teams.
Or.. March 57. (Special.; The annual
award day of the university was held
at the chapel hour yesterday morning.
On this occasion all men who had won
letters in athletics or forenslcs during
the past year were awarded their offi
cial "W."
The programme waa under the di
rection of the Athletic "W Club and
Harold Dimlck. the president, presided.
Harold Eakln spoke concerning foren
slcs and the Barred "W" Club, which
consists of men who have won their
letter In debate or oratory.
Coach R. L. Mathews spoke briefly.
In the absence of President Carl O.
Doney. who Is In France, Professor J.
T. Mathews made the awards. He
called attention lo the fact that five
of the men who received their letters
were In the service, three of them. Rene
Jackson. Charles Randall and Byron
Connolly, are "somewhere In France."
Karl C. Fiegel Is a Second Liteutenant in
the regular Army and Is stationed In
California, wnii-e Loren Hasler. a mem
ber of this year's football team, is In
the Nsvy.
The awards given were: Basketball.
Harold Nichols. Rene Jackson. Earl
Fiegel; football. Lorren Basler. Henry
Spies, Paul Wapato. Oscar Olson. Roy
Williams. Russel Ha rev, John Medler.
Edwin Soeoloisky. Harold Dimlck; ten
nis. Mary Flndley, Clara Perkins. Edna
Billings: debate. Otto Paulus. Charles
Randall. Byron Connolly. Margaret
Garrison. Harold Doxee. Adnlph Spies.
Brasler Small was awarded a blanket
for having won his letter for four years
la track.
NE of the most peculiar features in
connection with the Kentucky
futurity to which the nominations for
the 2Sth renewal close on April 15 is
that over one-half of the events con
tested since Oro Wilkes was returned
as the winner of the first one in 1893
have been won by men who made but
very few nominations. An analysis of
the returns discloses the fact that 14
of the races for the 3-year-old division,
which is the most important feature of
the event, were won by nominators
who made only 26 entries. The dams
of Peter the Great, Sadie Mac, Grace
Bond. Miss Adbell, Manrico and Etawah
were the only mares named by the men
who were recorded as the breeders of
these winners in their respective years,
while Grace Bond also won the 2-year
old division and Peter the Great
finished second to Janie T. in 1897. Of
those who made but two nominations
In the Kentucky Futurity, the breeders
of Oro Wilkes. Rose Croix. Nella Jay
and Sillko named winners while Peter
Volo would also have been added to
this list If he had not been bred In
partnership with the owner of his sire.
Boralma and Volga were named by
breeders who had but three, nomina
tions in the Kentucky Futurity in
their respective years and Volga also
won the 2-year-old division. The
breeder of Beuzetta. winner of the
Kentucky Futurity in 1891, the year
that it was worth $18,430, had but four
Clarence Cole is getting Jay Ell Mac
(2:0 i.) ready for the races over the
mile track at Indianapolis. Those who
are expecting Ben Karl, Roan Hal and
Single G to win all the free-for-alls on
the half-mile tracks should not over
look this horse as he forced Ben Earl
to his record at Columbus.
C. E. Pitman is busy training 18 trot
ters and pacers at Trenton. N. J. The
best-known ones In the group are Ben
Ail, Premier Witte and Judge Sale
which the Newbrook Stable purchased
out of a race at Lexington, last FalL
F. C. Burnie, of Presque Isle, Me,
purchased Royal McKlnney (2:12Vi)
after he defeated, Hal L In a $1000
match race at Fort Fairfield. He is a
very fast sprinter and can step
quarter In 29 seconds.
the credit of Tommy Murphy while
he will try and win another one this
year with either Kelley DeForest, Peter
aughn or Peter Chenault.
Proceeds of Tournaments
Buy Camp Equipment.
International League Owners Reach
jVi. Aa7rf4rfisrit. In 1 1 fin v b inn
NEW YORK, March 27. After an all-
day session at the headquarters of the
International League here, the club
owners adjourned until tomorrow with
out hnvinflr trs-sn nhH nnv Hcftnlf a tn-refi.
ent as to the future of the organtsa- -ow'--u ""-usw w ocnu x cuius
Actlni? President Chapin, of Roches- I
ter, said after the meeting:
"If minor league baseball is to be
played. It must be done on a war basis. I
The public is not concerned about base-
ball at the present time.
Paraphernalia to Soldiers in
France Two Ambulance Sec-
tions to Be Financed.
United North-South Woman's Cham
pionships Won Over Mrs. Barlow.
PINEHCRST, N. C, March 27. Mrs,
Dorothy Campbell Hurd, of Pittsburg'.
won. the United iNorth and south worn
an's Rolf championship here today, de
feating Mrs. Ronald H. Barlow, of Phil
adelphia. in the final contest, 6 up and
3 to co. - - v -
misht Clubs Assured of Franchises
Makes K. W. Dickerson Optimistic
aa to Outcome of 191S Season.
KANSAS CITY, March 27. (Special.)
With Omaha, Des Moines, Sioux City,
St. Joseph, Hutchinson. Topeka,
Wichita and Joplin assured of fran
chises, the Western League will have
the best circuit of its history when
the season opens in May, according- to
K. W. Dickerson. president of the
Dickerson asserts that only a glance
at the list or cities will show Dase-
ball fans the cause of his optimism:
His optimism is partly based on the
fact that the eigrht cities are close to-
zrether, which will result in low trans
portation expenses.- But the real rea
son for the cheerful outlook, he says,
is the fact that . every town in the
leaeue will support its team.
Hutchinson, Kan., the smallest city
in the league, is the cause of his
greatest Joy, for the business men
backing the team there have guaran
teed 110.000 worth of tickets. This,
he says assures success for Jack Hol
land, lately of St. Joseph, who ft.
transferred his franchise.
Topeka clinched a place In the league nis is desirable.
r the formation of a club headed by the net proceeds of tournaments be
Spencer Arthur Abbott, a former play- I turned over to the War Department's
r of years experience, who plans to I commission on training camp, activities
have Johnny Nee, formerly of the I for use in providing athletic facilities
Dayton club in the central League,
for manager. Through the sale of 115,-
000 worth tf tickets Topeka Is certain
of success, Dickerson believes.
In developing its programme for 1918
the United States National Lawn Ten
nis Association is continuing the poli
cies which have already established
tennis as a war sport. At the first call
hundreds of players Joined the colors,
and now the records show that all the
first ten, excepting Kumagae. are in
military service. The association has
completed its effort to finance and man
two ambulance sections which are sta
tioned at Camp Crane. It has also
just arranged for the purchase of $2500
worth of tennis supplies to be shipped
to France to distribute to the soldiers
there through the T. M. C. A.
The annual meeting voted to restore
championships this season not merely
for the sake of tennis, but in the belief
that this action would stimulate more
general interest In outdoor sports. The
association has consistently fostered
competition on the ground that any
thing which promotes the physical well
being of the Nation is a patriotic serv
ice. This belief h.-ts been strengthened
by the approval of the War Depart
ment, expressed Inst season and again
voiced for 1918 by Raymond B. Fosdick,
chairman of the War Department'
commission on training camp activi
All the proceeds of tournaments will
be devoted to a fund which the com
mission will use to provide tennis fa
cilities for the men in camps, both here
and abroad. In addition to the money
thus secured, the association will col
Iect from its members such gifts
racquets, nets, balls, etc., as are avail
able. This paraphernalia will be turned
over to the commission and distributed
under its direction through the work
ers of the T. M. C. A., the Knights
Columbus, Y. W. C. A. and other or-
anizations co-operating for the wel
fare of the men in the service.
The plan was cordially approved by
the annual meeting and has been in
dorsedUby Mr. Fosdick In the following
words: "The value of participation in
wholesome athletics as a factor in pro
moting physical fitness and mental
alertness cannot be overestimated. The
plan of re-establishing championship
tournaments and ranking as a means
of stimulating general interest in ten-
Tour suggestion that
. not I
, but f
for solders In training camps is hereby
approved." It has been agreed that the
money thus secured will be used to sup
ply tennis needs where these exist, and
any funds thereafter available will go
for the promotion of general athletics.
I nniTitM I WftTrnn nmini r-r
Captain Scobell Ordered Slain byl Dm I lotl VUltHO UUUDLtU
The 3-year-old colt Coldstream will
be prepared for his futurity engage
ments by Alonzo McDonald. As lis
Francisco Villa.
Pneumonia did what villa bullets
could not do in taking the life of Cap
tain S. Scobell. British vice-consul, who
ed here recently. Captain Scobell
acted as British vice-consul and rep-
sented the American Government
ere throughout the Villa activities in
is state.
Once a messenger was sent to his
home from Villa's headquarters. When
Captain Scobell opened the door the
man fired pointblank at him, having
been ordered to kill the acting Ameri
can consul. During the entire seven
years of revolution Captain Scobell re
mained at his post. He was a former
British reserve officer and had a son
In the British army In France.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.
Electoral Reform Act Sweeping
Measure of Enfranchisement.
LONDON. March 10. (Correspond
ence of the Associated Press.) Eng
land's new electoral reform act not
only gives the ballot to women, but
also to a large number of additional
male voters. It is the most sweeping
measure of enfranchisement in British
history. The number of voters will
at least be doubled, increasing from
8.000.000 to 16.000,000, and the latter
figure la probably an underestimate.
The men voters will still be in a sub
stantial majority for several reasons.
The first Is that the qualifying age
for men Is 21, or. If serving in the
army or navy, 19, while no woman
under 80 is admitted on any ground.
In the second place, there will still
be plural voting, and although both
men and women are restricted to cot
more than two votes each, there will
be far more men than women to qual
ify as twice voters.
A woman may have two votes only
if she Is a university graduate, in ,
which case she has a vote in her home '.
district and also a vote for her uni- !
versity candidate. A man may have
two votes under the same conditions,
but he may also have two votes if he
is a business property owner in an
other district than his home.
As an illustration, take a family con
sisting of husband and wife and two
sons, one aged 19, in the army, the
other 23 and a university graduate.
The family lives in a London suburb
and the father is in business in Lon-
don. He has a vote in his home dis- f
trict and also one in the district where I
his business is located. The wire
being a university graduate, has
one vote. , J
The two sons will each have a vdinr
as residents, and the elder will have at.k
additional vote in the university con- 7
stituency. and one or Dotn may nava
a second or alternative vote on account
of the occupation of business premises
outside his residence district.
The wives of twice-voters will be po
tent factors of uncertainty on election
day, for they are permitted to select
which of their husbands' constituencies
they will vote in and they need not
announce this selection beforehand.
The old-fashioned British method of
electioneering are scarcely touched by
the new law, except that the Ameri
can system is adopted of having all
elections throughout the country on
the same day. Proxy voting is allowed
in the case of persons necessarily ab
sent from their constituency on elec
tion day. It is noticeable that while
a woman must be 30 to vote herself.
a girl 21 may be a proxy voter for an
absent male voter of 19.
As a check on bogus and IreaK can
didates, every candidate must deposit
J750, which is forfeited to the govern
ment if he does not receive an eighth
of the votes polled.
Town May Raise Kabbits.
OITILDFORD. England, March 10. In
order to increase the food supply, the
country food control committee has
asked the town council to finance a
scheme for starting a rabbit warren on
a site now used as a recreation ground.
It is estimated that at the end of a
year 4000 tame rabbits would be avail
able for foodstuff.
Shoes and Values
To trie delivery, credit,
charge and bookkeeping
departments go the
profits on the big -prices
you are asked to pay in
most stores.
No' such overhead ex
penses in this 65-store
Men's and Boys' Dressy Calf
English Type Spring Boot,,
same in Oxfords, worth more
than this price P QP
12 Fourth Street,
W'asa-Jngton and Alder