Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 28, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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At the Baker Auction House. Yamhill and
Wes Park streets. Furniture, etc., at lu
At the Chicago Costume House. S9J u
Stark st. (near loth St.). Sale at 2 P. M.
J. T, Wilson, auctioneer.
Tomorrow at residence. 315 Mill St., at 10
T-Jr?TT Tf1 Broadway at Taylor.
A .Main 1 aad A HS3-
I Boston English Opera Co.
World Record for 8800-Ton
Vessel Now Held by Portland.
Seattle Time Cut 3 Days.
Xnjall; and Patriotism of Ftfrj
)laa Woralns In Columbia Kltrr
1'lant Responsible. Sat Cr n
rral Manager Mcklnlaj.
RMnlin 'R ri::u (ov
T hi lu
Vml-Cntteo) Ktat.s at'imtr
West a rove.
Ownir I'nlird titatri Shipping
ftoare) Columbia Kiver Shlp
bisMrttns? l'"rporl Iwru
l'-rnU flair-one orkln
ds a.
Fabricated mtrial To taou
fiifl alna hundred and elshlT
tons. Kiet Sis hundred and forty
Korce Two shifts ea,-h day.
working; etahl hour m h. and
m.o. the maslmuoa number
employed on hull at one time.
First Plata of keel laid January
1 and ail la place, January 1.
Mull completed Marco IT. 1JII.
"launched In l days" read a si
displayed on the stem of tha steel
freighter We.lgrove when she slid
Into the water at 4 IS o'clock yrster
day afternoon.
Jl Is a world's record In steel ship
construction. The best previous time
waa t days, held by tha Skinner
td'tr force, at brattle.
All eyea In the shipbuilding sphere
are today centered on Portland. Oregon.
the leader in speed of maritime con
struction centers on the globe. And
that la but a start toward a greater
record, for the best time for delivering
a completed ship, gauged from the date
of laying the keel until she was actu
ally turned over. Is SI days, also held
by Skinner A Kddy.
Asetferr Reesri Hesill.
Tha Columbia Hirer Shipbuilding
Corporation, builder of the Westgrove.
feaa aet out to capture the prise for a
complete ship as well as the hull rec
ord. Just bow many days it la hoped
to clip from the time of the Puget
Sound rival la not being Indicated, but
with all machinery on the ground and
all plans protected as far as ran be
foreseen. It Is certain the best that ran
be accomplished with men. toots and
material will be put forth.
"Ixyaltr and patriotism of every
snen working for the Columbia Klver
Shipbuilding Corporation Is respon
aiM'. was the compliment of James
MrKinlay. general manager of tha
plant, when asked yesterday aa to
Where the credit belong.
And It waa loyalty and patriotism
that prompted tha hundreds of specta
tors yesterday to cheer aa the big hull
begAn to move. It was
Portland and the I'nited
loyalty to I
Statea. It I
was patriotism fr tha L'nlon In the
knowledge that tha men of Portland
had gone to the fore In turning out In
the fa.iest known time a mammoth
freighter with which to send stores
and supplies to the fighting Americana
and their allies across the sea.
Ueatle Mala Hast lacs kla.
rortland and Oregon have I'd In
tfrlvee of the past. They have led In
mobilisation and Army draft features. I
Have provijed ! per cent support In I
the spruce campaign for airships, andl
wow they have proven last they can 1
build carriers of the deep la bat k u
the fighting fronts faster than others.
It has been promised ins Shipping
Hoard that Oregon can deliver th
ships to tiie maximum capacity of her
yartls and It only remains for the Of
fi-lala to rontract for ali tha tonnage
teat could be taken rare of.
And It was an Oregon launching. An
Oregon corporation had accepted the
MmMi.lhllllv and rfemnnsl r&t ed lh.t
Oregon appreciates the imperative r.eed
fA. tniinag. Kvaata a srent la 4trifun rain I
fll at the tlmr. hli a oalive of (.rn-
n dauchtrr. lts Frances K Kuller,
waa ipomor. and frtoni about the
frwar4 .' t ion tf the Tat from th
top of the ilrm and at ret- htnw aft
roond the freca-itle. M n,Kr ev--MTn,
a tetnrvt line of reder. Kvto the
AmrUn flK carried at tha do aa
made o Orecon.
Tlame 1-aMf la Laaaealac
Aa wtth prevtoua .unchtn.t there.
Ifie lrmt.f was pulled on -hedule,
4 1$ ortK-lt wttnretnc the flrt moe
or the tir. arr hull and tha InttUl
momrr.tum waa barely apparent wirn
M e KoUer brulxe the rlttn-ent wlnd
bttle of charnpatrne aaiaat the bow.
tittertn the worda:
-I rhrtetcn thee Wrjt.rpT.
Tha the plant whim. and thnae of
.Shborhto1 ardJ tma up tha ttdtntrs
and ehtpworkr ra. parched on e vr y
pvtnt of vantaae both thre and tn the
pttni of the Northwrttt SStrel t'ompanv
adjoininc. titli op the rhrtnf; and.
wtta their loirrs. mingled thoee of ape
clal kuii croapdrd on the bia platform
acAlnet which a half minute before the
tern of the ehlp rtrd. And. In keep
t'is with the emoothnraa of ronnirurtion
d-tatle, the Weetcrove moved down the
wars aa tf ianptr.-d br the importanrt i
vf the occasion. Kathvrina; eyed a he
neare4 the U klUmvtt1. the moklna
rloai9 from the way flatma upward
aa t Roach tn ealute aa ehe pl. is he
moved fc rdty hr ow n letiKta tn the
water before ah brought up and waa
ahtftrd to the fttttnis-out dock, to be
Immediate!) prrj rrU for tha ma
cbiaerr aeawr la lrrldewa ttaaeee.
M;a Kullcr was eurroundrd by spec
tator and conaratulated for her part
la the performance and figured in a
pretty preeentatton. aho beina tn re
npient vf a baut:(ur cold tra puree.
!! Fullre t the fiancca of Alfred
jmith. president of the t'oiumbta Kiver
hlpbuUdtnc iurporation. and tha wed
dtnc la to take place a ftk from
ee(erda. The sponsor mad an at
tract ia picture aa she stood beside
tha tower-in- hull, carry me; a larae
bou-iuet of Ophelia rosea, tastefully
fastened wtth a flowing bow of tulla.
And the moeinc pirture operators were
there to eaten the err re. from tha
time Via Kuilrp moved to brrak t&
betrla until tha vessel was afloat.
rortlaad aocie-ty wai well represent
ed imonc t h- rbrertnc sp-ctatora who
filled the platform, and In their eager
a to get a rc-un View of the blf
slip si.aitia" cracefullr iala Uio rlvtr.
fefi iid "7:- "- ; m
It IJfyt .4 - I
Thrr stood In the rain, minus the Pro
lenina? umbrellas. Amorta; them were
noticed Omeral and M. Charles K.
Hebe. Mix and Mr. Charles J. Schna-
b-l. Mr, t barlea Smth. mother of
Alfred r imtth. president of the cor
poration: Mr lieorse K. Fuller, mother
f tha attractive sponsor; Mlajea Kate
itraecl. liretchen Kloaterraan. V'Ona
and l.leta Outhrie. Kathryn lloyt.
lulae I'oulsen. t aptaln and Mrs. A.
I'ease. Mr. and Mra. Walter K. Beebe,
Mrs. Price I. iM.qne. Mr. and Mrs.
i tseri na.i. a
I I ti-rVulor Jo
J I Senator J'i
Bert O K;U Mr. Hall, fir, of New York
ohn M. tirarln and ex
lh fimon. Mr. and Mn
Perry A. Smith. Mr. and Mn. i-tanlry
Sinllb. Mrs. Victor Johnwin. Major
James Mil. Wood. Wells tSllbrrt. Mrs.
arence Knbanka. Mrm Kalpli. Ifnrl-
hurt. Mi.'i Harriet Kern. Mr. and Mrs,
J. I:. Howies and daughter. Marlon
Rliala Are -ospllsaratary.
AmoiiK complimentary messavrs re
eelved was one from Skinner & Kddy.
who must, for the preeent. bow 10 the
Portland plant, but it la said a del) has
been lesued and more record-breaking
la anticipated. In a chronological rec
ord at the office of Walter Hrown.
aupertntrndent of the plant, data shows
credit really could be taken for (0
working daya, aa the tint plate of the
keel was laid January li and the last
the followinc day. And a much shorter
period would have been necessary to
complete the ta.-k but for a delay In
the arrival of some shell plates. The
last 2-' of them were put through the
nop. fabricated and riveted into place
durliic the past week.
rastentnir the 2ko plates on the hull
together H 0.000 rivets were used and
no "araveyard." or third ahlft. of men
was employed, two shifts betnc on duty
and the moet at any time In the sfansrs
were 4o men. Not an accident befell
the enera-rtic force. Mr. Brown took
occasion yesterday to commend the men
who drove the record ship through.
mentioning; Foreman Fitter McDonald
and his crews, and Foreman Riveter
Waymo. while launchlna- details were
left to Foreman Shipwright Abraham
eon, and the aucreea of the affair attest
ed to by their completeness. i
Wnlir. Firth Hall lteacked.
Now labor is being carried on nights
a. well as days In hurrying the ma
chinery and fittings, speedy work
being done particularly on furnace
fronts. I'urt of the engines will go
Into the ship today and the boilers 8at-
urday. while next week the boiler In
stallation will be ftnlnhed. Kvery gang
assigned to the work la displaying In
terest and determination to carry out
the record.
The Wee (grove Is the fifth hull
launched there, and two of tha ships
have been flnlahed. the Westward Ho,
the pioneer, being now In service, and
yesterday the Westbrook left the yard
to take on a ballast cargo for her trial
trip, which takes place tomorrow. The
Westgate and West Indian are going
ahead, though the Westgrove may be
churning her way seaward before the
West Indiaji la ready.
llt.rbormaitrr Made Tort Caplla to
llarrjr War rian.
Harbormaster Fpeler. who tki last
wtrk appointed port captain In con
nection with work of the operating dt-
vision of tha Tnlted tUatea Shipping
rwairu, w mm -rsivrus.- iiraniru m w
of absence from tha city service for
tha period of the war. Thla action re-
aervea to him his civil service stand
ing. Captain mpeler la In charge of
mpletd ahlpa her to hurry their
Mayor Baker baa not decided yet
how the work of tha harbormaster will
ba handled, now that Captain Bpeler
la out of the service. The .Mayor says,
however, that no new harbormaster
111 ba appointed. Because his new
dutia necessitate his presenca on tha
waterfront as continuously aa when In
the service of the municipality. Captain
J4pelr Is depended on to assist In
emergencies, and. aa a matter of fact,
he Is clothed with authority as a peace
Linn County Hoard YlnNhea Classi
fication of RcglMrant.
ALBANY. Or-. March 27. (Special.)
Korty-flva draft registrants in Linn
County now are classed as "Kmergency
Fleet men. aa they are engaged In
shipbuilding. Tha first classification of
the draft registration here showing this
new Itst has been completed, and ahows
that tn this department there are 14
men of Class L. six or t lass il. Ova of
iaa III and 30 of Class IV.
This revtMd classification shows that
of the Clsss 1 men who have been
fittnlnrd 320 Qualified for military
service, at qualified for limited service
and 27 were disqualified.
The numnera In the final class, flca-
tlor.s are: Class I 471: Class II. 147
Class HI. 10.; Clans IV, 449; Class V
:ti. total. 134.
Pacific ComC Shiptrtng Notes.
A.TtRt A. Or. jVtarch 2T. 4jperlal. By
a ball of sate ftted in the Custom-Houee to
4)r th flflc Na tralloa Company eIls
in staxmmr bus H. k.4tuor to KetU Buach
oiaort. of Herat t lax. fft craft ill be com
mantled bv t'aptala letr J. Johnson and
will bo otrmta4 out of Seattle la the ball
but fisnlns trad.
The etan efhoonor Cellle arrived st 7
o'r Kw- It UM oven in g from a Ft a oc taca
vrtnimg frvlcht for Astoria aad Portland.
Aftvr dterhardng fei ml at I'oriland the
tank steamer AUaa. wtth th barge tU la
tow. eatiad for t'alifornta at soon today.
Tho tank steamer J. A. t'hanslor arrtred
at to CO today, actnglng fuel oil for Port
la ad.
Hnnsing a cargo of ful oil for Astoria
end rori.and. the tank steamer Kl Seguntle
irriTH at 14. this afteraooa from Cali
fornia. The motor erhoonor Canna wss not readT
ta sail iraa aUaxtrox Hum mnrnini, ai-, Cm
asaasassaee) a sbssm
7X -
L '
-Westgrove tlidlag lata Deep
Who Seat Ship
though the tuebnat put a hawser on board
her. She will probably sail tomorrow.
The tank schooner Hanta Monica Is due
ton) t and will load lumber at Oak Point
and bu Helena
The steam schooner Halco, due tonlcht
from San I'edro. Is to load at the Hammond
6KATTL.13. Wash.. March 27 (SpeciaL)
In the presence of one of the largest throngs
tmbird at a snipyaru since the new
regulations prohibiting vi-ilting the water
front plants became effective, the Sattla
Construction A Drydoek Company this after
noon launched the 7."oO-ton deadweight ca-
oacity steamahip Bremerton, a comman
deered hull, for the United States Shlppln
Mra W. H. Knt. wife of the vice-p real
dent of the company, arter as sponsor an
William H. Todd, of New York, head of th
Todd shipbuilding Interests, was prevent wit
a party of distinguished guest a. The Brcm
ertoo In the second steel ship launched at
this plant since January 1. She will he
ready for commlsison the latter part of
Shortly after this affair the KHmtt Bay
Tarht at r.ngine Company launched th
7a-ton wooden steamhlp Canco. a service
craft built for the American Can Com pun
for use between Puget Sound and Alask;
cannory point a
The cannery tenders Chaxlea E. Mood
and 8t- Paul, both being sailing ships own
by the Northwestern Kiaheries Company,
shifted hero today from Port Blakeley to
finish loading supplies for the Nor-h.
With a large pasaenger list and a full
cargo of general tr erchandtse. the Nippon
Tuaen Kalattia liner uwa Maru sailed tods:
for the Orient. Khe mill call at Yokohama.
Hongkong and Manila on this voyage.
The whaling steamer White sailed today
with three whalers In tow. These were th
Kodlak. Tanginak and Halcyon, all of which
are to be outfitted at Victoria before sail
Ing for the North.
Movement's of Vessels.
PORTLAND. March 27. Arrived Pteam
era Celilo, from Pan Francisco: J. A. Cham
lor. from tJavlota. Sailed Steamer Boss
Cltv. for Pan Pedro and Ha a Francisco. Ar
rived etearars 1 Segundo, from San Fran
ASTORIA. March 27. Arrived at ft and
left op at i:tu a. M. earner J. A. Chans
lor. from tiwviota. snivta down at S A,
M. Barge No. -L Failed at ll:."io A. li st
earner Atlas, towing barge No. !n, for
saa r rancisco. Arrived at 12:30 and left
up at !: P. M. Steamer Kl Segundo. from
aaa r rancisco.
TACOMA. March 27. Arrired Steamers
Northland. fnm San Krancinco; Futton. from
Hritisn l oiumoia: wuian. rrum Bni ih Co-
lumbia. Halted Hteamers Fulton. Wuadra, for
13 n i is n . oiumuii.
i 1
SAX FRANCISCO. Cel.. March 27. Ar-
rived t tea mecs Admiraj le ey. from Seat
tl: Raymond, from Graye Harbor. Called
bteamer Jkiuitnomau, tor oeattle.
REATTt-E. March 27. Arrived Steamers
is.ime t ny. rrom win rrancinco: Redondo,
from Southeastern Alaska. Salted Steam
ers Curacao. Kanta Ana, for Southeastern
BAN FRANCISCO. March 27. Arrived
A. M. Schooner Montsrey. In tow tug .Nav
igator, iruiu voiumuii niver,
BAN FRANCISCO, March 2 Arrived
11 P. M. bteamer Willamette, from Pon-
ASTORIA. March 2. Arrived down a
10: .O A. M. Auxltlary schooner r-rm.
Left up at 7:80 P. M. Steamer CeJUo. from
ban rancisco.
SAN PKORO. March 2. Sailed Steame
Datay Mathews, for Columbia Kiver.
r. s.
Naval Radio Reports.
All taeaulona are at S P. M. yesterday,
aaleaa aeiwiwlaa stated.
WAVAMA. Everett for San Francisco, 80
mini souin or iape Jiemiocma
i-ATOt t HIv. L-a touch for Taconia, 30
mnes irom lamuctif.
CuRDtA. mi miles northeast of togs.
wmmi do una.
bPOKANE. Tee Bay for Point IS,!ia, off
eye trnener. comner ftratta
DISPATCH, left Point Althrop for Juneau
at Wrii A. Jal.. .-7 in.
VICTORIA, left Orca 1 P. M.. west
mrwood. Bciiingham for Ketchikan. 70
miles norm or xevmour Narrow a
CITY OF TOPE K A. San Pedro for San
Francisco, ltk miles south of San Fran
ADMIRAL SCHLEY, Los Angeles for San
Francisco. S4 mtles from San Franc. sco
BAKr.v; p. 30T miles from San Pedro
CHANSLOR. 7o miles north of Gavlota
P. M. March -H.
KLAMATH. San Frsne! tco for Everett.
20 miles north of Yaqulna Head.
ATLAS, towing barge 9.V Portland for
Richmond. 5M miles north of Richmond.
QUEEN. Seattle for Han Frsnclsco. 37
miles north of Cape Blanco,
E R N EST H . M E V K R. Everest for Ss n
Pedro. 17 miles north of San Fran-;sco.
MULTNOMAH. San Francisco for Seat-1
Z milt a aertii of aa et'raawiico.
1 i WyiM 14
T' 3
."V Lav.-C. T !
i 1
Water. i.ovrri Miss Fraacea F. Fuller,
I'orra the Ways.
OLEUM, for Port San Luis, 74 miles from
Port San 1tiia.
WHITTIEK. Oleum for Port San Luis,
14r miles from Port San Luis.
WM. F. HERRIN, Linnton for San Fran
cisco, 370 miles from Linnton.
W. s. PORTER. Monterey for Everett, 119
miles from Monterey.
Notice to Mariners.
Information has been received from the
maxter of a steamship that March U4. at
3:30 P. iL, he sighted, one-hair mile north
west of Oxford Reef gas and whistling buoy,
the after part of a ship's bottom, consisting
of the stern post and about 30 feet of the
keel, together with the deadwood and some
planking. All was floating in an upright
position. The wood looked fresh where the
bull had been broken and had been recently
copper-plated. E. K. ECKHARDT,
Commander of U. S. Navy, retired. In
charge of Hydrographlc Office.
Notice to Mariners.
The following affects aids to navigation
in the 17th ngntnouse. oistnct:
Columbia Kiver approach Relief light ves
sel No. UZ. heretofore reported adrift, was
replaced on station March
Lighthouse Inspector,
ColnmMa River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. March lf7. Condition of
the bar at 5 P. W. : bea. smooth; wind, south
vit. Go miles.
Tides at Astoria Tbumday.
High. Low.
1:08. a. M 8.3 feet!7:34 A. M 0.3 foot
X:4U P. M 7.4 feeti7:2 P. M....1.S feet
PORTLAND. March 27. Maximum tem
perature. 54 degrees: minimum, 41 degrees.
Kivnr reading at S A. M., 8.4 feet; change in
last 24 hours, 0.4 foot rise. Total rainfall
P. M. to 5 P. M. , 0.03 inch: total rainfall
since September 1. 1017. :t3.:t9 Inches: normal
rainfall since September 1. 61. 1 '2 inches: ae-
flclency of rainfall since September 1. 1017.
0.73 Inch. Sunrise. OA. M. ; sunset, 6::3
P. M. Total shushlne March 27. none; poss-
ihie sunshine. 1'.' hours, 83 minutes. Moonrise.
7:i7 A. M. : moonset. 5.3 P. M. Barometer
reduced to sa level! at 6 P. AL. 30. 10
Inches. Relative humidity at noon, 71 per
Btate ef
Huston .......
r.4! So 0.01'. . NW Cloudy
42 52 O.loUo NWjClear
2-; 42.0. oo... W (Cloudy
24'. . . 0.0tl.
MOi 30 0.00 12'N ICIcar
fioi as o.oo:. . N'WKIoudy
30! 3d 0. 0 12 E (Clear
42; 50 O.04 12 SW 'cloudy
..I IJ SK C!ouri-
301 5 . 1 14 V Cloud
. . .! 2 o.oo . . E Cloudr
hicago ......
Des Moines...
Eureka ......
J uneaut
Kansas City..
Loe Anireles. .
3S 2 O.Oo 14 NE !Pu cloudy
54 i 64 41. oo . . SW ipt. cloudy
Marshfield ...
New Orleans. .
4t fi4 l'sw cioudv
5O.Oo: (j N Cloudy
:io: u.hii kw W'lear
t' "h O.OO . . S 'Clear
3o 4 o.oo 20 NWfcioudy
44i 4S O.i'h 30 SW 'Rain
New York
North Head. ..I
North lakima
, so.ooi 6'NWjPt. cloudy
Phoenix I O.oo lrt W 'Clear
Pocatello ....! 4o' 40 0.42 is SW iPt. cloudy
Portland f 4o; 540.04I SSWlRain
Rosehurg ....( 3Hi 0 il.OO;. . -S W Pt. cloudy
acramento .- 44! 52 0. 06 12 NWlClear
Louts I 40i 5i 0.OOi2 NE IClesr
alt Lake ( 4! 4 0.4S . . SE Raln
San Dtego J f.K 4 0.O0 SW U'loudy
an Franclscoi 4SI 62 0.IXMS Sw Clear
Seattle ' 40 4S0.02 14S !Rain
itka . .. 40.i.i..-E Clear
pokane 40! 5.1 0.00 10'SW K.loudr
Tacjma ' 40' Ao'o.lO' SS fcioudv
Tatoosh Island, 40! 40 0.54 26 S Rain
Id-st ! 10 . . . .0.00!. (Clear
Walla Walls..! 42 5S-0.O0- -. W (Cloudy
Washington ..! 2S 50 0.(M,..rSE (Clear
tA. M. today. P. M. report of preceding day.
Portland and vicinity Rain; gentle south
rsterly winds.
Oregon Rain west, fair esst portion:
heavy frost east portion tn morning. Moder-
te southwesterly winds.
Washington Rain west, fair east portion.
Ith heavy frost east portion In morning:
renh southerly winds.
Idaho Fair; heavy frost In the morning.
EDWARD L. WELLS. Meteorologist.
Karl AVllhycombc's Illness Grave.
SALEM. Or., March 27. (Special.)
A still more serious outlook is seen by
Governor Withycombe for his son, Earl
W lthycombe. Ill at Washington, D. C
in a dispatch announcing: that follow
ing a recent operation bronchial pneu
T7. -1 11
.l?x Ml
monia bad developed, ,
Opening Dates for Settlement
Are Between April 29
and May 25.
In Case of More Than One Appli
cant for Land, Decision Will Be
Made by Drawing Lois Fees
of Entrymen $5 and 910.
regulations governing; filings on
300.000 acres of land, embraced in the
Oregon California land grant, which
win be thrown open to settlement be
tween April 29 and May 25, have been
received by Harry E. Leughlin. chief
of the field division of the fcreneral
land office.
These lands are valuable chiefly for
agricultural pursuits and are located
In Jackstm and Josephine counties.
Their settlement will bo made under
the provisions of the Chamberlain-
Ferris bill. J. F. Casey, of the jcen
eral land office at Washington, is in
Portland and will assist in the details
incident to opening; up this large area
to settlement.
The exact description of the lands
will not be known until the selections
have been approved by Secretary of
the Interior Lane. This is merely a
formal matter and will be announced
from Washington within a few days.
But it is known that the lands affected
by Secretary . Lene's order Include
practically all agricultural land within
the grant south of township 32 south
and extending to the California line.
I a Its Are Numbered.
In order to avoid confusion in the
disposition of the applications for these
lands and to provide equal opportunity
as far as may be, the lands have been
arranged by the department in units of
approximately 40, 80, 120 and 160 acres
and each unit given a serial number.
The land must be selected by units of
from 40 to 160 acres as arranged and
numbered by the Government officials.
ao person shall be allowed to em- .
brace in his application the lands in
more than one unit non leave unentered
any portion of the unit invaded," pro
vides the regulations "Any person
who. under the law, must restrict his
application to less than 160 acres, or
who des i tea to enter a less quantity
must select a unit conforming. In area
to his qualifications or desires."
The lands to be opened are suited
to agriculture and do not include to
exceed 300.000 feet of timber to every
40 acres. In making filings, settlers
who were living on any land reverting
to the Government through forfeiture
of the grant, except power sites, on
December 1, 1913, and have continu
ously resided on the land since, will
have a preference right in filing; on
maximum of 160 acres embraced
within the 300,000 acres, provided the
quarter section he selects does not
contain in the aggregate to exceed
200.000 feet of Umber. If the 160
acres any such settler selects contain
more than 1,200,000 feet -of timber he
can file only on the 40 acres on which
he has made his improvements. -
Filing Dates Are Set.
These settlers must exercise their
preference right and make their fli
ngs between the filing dates of April
29 and May 25 on forfeit that right.
Filings by other than settlers on the
lands will not be passed upon until
selections by settlers under their
preference right have been determined.
On June 10 those tracts included in
the 300.000 acres which have not been
filed upon by either settlers or home
seekers will then be thrown open to
settlement under the general provi
sions of the homestead law without
regand to their unit arrangement or
other restrictions than are imposed by
the homestead law. -
All filings on the same tract, re
gardless of the number, that are made
between April 2 and May 25, will be
considered by the Government and
treated as having been made simulta
neously by the different entrymen.
Where only one application Is made for
a particular tract, the applicant will
get the land. But when more than one
applicant files for the same tract the
lucky applicant will bo determined by
drawing lots, in which the rival entry
men, assisted by a disinterested person,
will participate.
Tracts Most Be Visited.
Before filing on the land it will be
necessary for the applicant first to
visit the tract he has selected and then
go to the Land Office at Koseburg and
make formal application for its pur
chase from the Government at a con
sideration of $2.50 an acre. Upon mak
lng this application the entryman must
pay a fee of 95 lr the area or nis seiec
tion Is 81 acres or less, or $10 If more
than 81 acres.
At the same time the entryman will
be required to pay at the Land Office
a commission or H cents per acre and
the further sum of 50 cents an acre as
the first installment of its purchase
price. When final proof Is submitted,
following a three years residence on
the land, its cultivation and certain
improvements, the entryman must pay
a final commission of 3 per cent on the
lands sold at $2.60 an acre and the last
installment of the purchase price, or $2
an acre.
"Freeilns;' of Grease on Ways Delays
LanaehlBK Miss Elisabeth Kerr
Christens New Stea
Stately and serene, as though exer
cislnfr her prerogative as to when she
would take a dip, the hull of the 4000
ton wooden Bteamer Bell Brook went
down the ways at the Peninsula Ship
building: Company s plant at 2:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon. The ves
sel is the second of the distinctive Pen
insula design to be floated for the
Emergency Fleet Corporation and sir
more are follow under existing con
Miss Elizabeth Kerr, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kerr, christened
the Bell Brook, a quart bottle of grape
juice being called into service. The
vessel had started down at noon, but
waa temporarily held by the "freezing"
of the grease on the ways, so shores
were placed amidships and the lubri
cant on the ways livened with added in
gredients. The floating of the Bell Brook waa a
case of the third time acting as a
charm, for at the first the name Anoka
was telegraphed as her appellation
and then It was though Quopaw might
be selected, only to have Washington
telegraph Tuesday that Bell Brook was
her official designation. The launching
bad been tentatively arranged g Qg Mot-1
TOMCHT, 8:15 Special Mat. Sat.
Tomorrow NlKht "MARTHA."
Sat. MRht -1L, TROVATORE."
Execlleat Cast. Chorus. Orchestra.
Eve's Floor. 11 rows .2. 7 rows $1.50;
Balcony Jl. 75c. 50c; Gallerv 50c
Sat. Mat Floor J1.50, Jl; BaL Jl,
75c, 50c; Gal. 50c
BAKER tarns
Tonight. Ail Week Mat. Sat.
Powerful Drama of Life.
A Sensational Hit.
tic. Mr. 75c. Sat. Mat., 25c. 50c.
NEXT WEEK Lutle Peggy O' Moore.
OKOROE DAMEREL, assisted by Myrtle
Vail, KUuartl Hume and splendid cast in
the musical farce. "The LiUle Liar";
Whfflfr ft Moron; Cooper ft Roblnon;
1IAKIKO OM Kl; La Zler-Wnrt h Co.;
Oakes ft Delour; "IN TIIK ZONE."
America's Sensational
Topsy-Turvy Equestrians.
Six Other Bis Acts.
Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain
at 7 and a.
Mat. Dally at 1:3').
Nights Start 7:30
All this week a rare record-breaker of
comedians, girls, mirth and muaic
A Scream Prom Start to Finish. '
Tonight Ladies' Souvenir Spoons Free.
FRIDAY Chorus Girls' Contest.
Thursday, Friday,
; Vaudeville .
: "A Night in
Old Egypt"
7 Superior Acts 7
Baby Marie
B 10c Weekday Mats. 10c
Last Number
Of Brtrssels, Belgium.
Saturday might. March 30th.
55J 85
- Seat Sale Sherman, Clay & Co.
Friday and Saturday.
Extra Special Grand Ball at DeHOSEY'B
Beautiful Academy, 23d and Washington,
Saturday Eve., March 30. Best music, re
fined attendance, lowest prices. Don't miss
this party. Beginners' dancing class now
forming. All dances guaranteed. $4. Pri
vate lessons all hours. Phone Main 7656.
Pny us r visit.
day, but delay of fittings prevented it.
as was the case Tuesday.
Anyhow, the -Bell Brook is overboard
and alongside her sister, the Clackamas.
The delay has made no difference in the
time of her ultimate completion and she
is to be followed on those ways by an
other, the keel of which will be finished
Colonel Smith Ordered South.
F.OCKFOHD, 111., aiarch 27. Colonel
Cornelius C. Smith, commander of the
341st Infantry, Camp Grant, has been
ordered to Fort Bliss, El Paso, to take
command of the new 314th National
Anmv Cavalry Regriment.
Iilj suut Bandar.
Far Due,
One time
fcame ad two comaecutlre times. .........
Same cd time consecutive times
&ame ad six r seven consecutive times.. Ms
ine a Dove rates mrntiv to aaverttsemenca
nder -New Today" and all otber classlttca
iions, except the followinc.
bituauoDt wanted au..
(situations WautedFemale.
For Kent Booms Private Families
Board and Booms Private Families.
HoDsekeeping Booms Private FamUiea
Bates oa the above classification ar 1
cents a liae eacb Lnkertion.
xne uregotuaa wui accept ciasamea aa
rertisements over the telephone, nrovided
the advertiser is a subscriber to either phoae.
Na price will be quoted over the phone.
but bill will oe rendered: tne ioiicwing oay.
Xbe Orrgonlan will ast be responsible for
errors In advertisements taken over tele
phone. Whether subsequent advertisements
will be accepted over the phone depends
upon the promptness of payment of tele
Dhene advertisementa. "Situations Wanted"
and "Personal' advertisementa will not be
accepted over the telephone. Orders for o&s
Insertion only will be accepted for "Forni
tmre for Sale," "Business Opportunities,1'
Rooming-houses' and Wanted to Bent-"
BerioDi errors In mdvertlsementa will be
rectified by republication without additional
charge, but such republication will not bo
made where the error doea not materially
alloc the raiuo f Kbo iKWertisemcat,
ljyV B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 141
Z5v Regular meeting this (Thuna
" day) evening. Elka' Temnle.
day) evening. Elka' Temple, a
o'clock. Visiting brothers In
vited to attend. By order of
to. c. n
The annual ceremony of es
tingulahlng the lights (closing
the Chapter), will be held at
our cathedral this IThursdayl
evening at S o'clock. All mem
ber, nt tan. .
bound to attend. By order "
icsuitr mwiinj at tne
Aacia Club. Central building.
Tenth ,ti) .trf-. . . . -
O'clock this (Thursday) evening. Bv order
or the president. LESLIE 8. PARKER, Bee.
18. R. A. M. Called convocation
this (Thursday) evening. East
Eighth and Burnslde streets, at
7:80 o'clock. P. and M. E. M.
degrees. Visitors welcome. By
order E. H. P.
O. R. M., will met In regular
council this (Thursday) evenlnc
at V. O. W. Hall. East Sixth
and East Alder street. Mem
bers urged to attend. Vial ting
brothers welcome.
U B. SMITH. C. Of R.
NO 1. wilt give a aoclaJ thi (Thursday)
evening in their hall. 409 Alder etreet. Every
member is urged to be present and bring a
friend. Good eats, good smokes and a good
R. E. A CARD PARTY", 300. Manchester
Hall, 85 Fifth, this (Thursday) night.
Ham and groceries. Drlaps: Satiininv
afternoon 2:15 and Saturday night at 8:;10
11 prises Saturday night. Admission Zic
All welcome.
UTOPIA RE B Etc AH l .onnc xrt t
O. O. F. Regular business meetlntr this
( Thursday) even In e In Orient Hall w.mmr
Sixth and Alder streets. Visitors welcome.
EMBLEM Jewel rv. buttons, charms, nlns:
nw designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-S flth st.
FRIEDLANDER'S for lortre. emblrnns.
class pins and medals. 310 Washington st.
WEBER Mrs. Olive M. Weber, aged 31
years, March 26. Beloved wife of W. H.
Weber; mother of Harry C. Weber, and
daughter of Mrs. Ellen Case; sister oC
Marvel H. and Robert A. Case. The fu
neral will leave the residence. 574 Rodney
avenue, Friday March 29, at 9 o'clock,
thence to the Church of the Immaculate
Heart, Williams avenue and Stanton street,
where services wilt be held at 9:30 A. M.
Friends are invited. Interment. Klverview
Cemetery. The remains are at A. R. Zeller
Co.'s parlor. Will be at the residence after
4 P. 41. today Wednesday.
JOHNSON In this city. March 26, Anna M.
Johnson. 4tto East Twelfth street North,
age 55 years, widow of the late Olaf John
son, beloved mother of Stanley Kenneth
Johnson and Mrs. Violet Johnson Cook.
Friends Invited to attend funeral services,
which will be held at the Portland Crema
torium at 3 P. M. today (Thursday).
March 28. Take Sell wood car for crema
torium. Remains are at Hoi man's funeral
parlors until 1 :30 P. M. today. Please
omit flowers.
At cG REAL Mrs. Annie Gleason McGreal,
aged 2 years, March 25. Beloved mother
of Mrs. Mary Carl in, John J., D. S and
M. J. McGreal. The funeral services will
be held at the Church of the Immaculate
Heart, Williams avenue and Stanton street,
tomorrow (Thursday), March 2$, at 8:30
A. M. Friends are Invited. Interment
Mount Calvary Cemetery. Remains at
A. R. Zeller Co.'s parlors. 592 Williams
ANDERSON In this city, March 27, Anna
Ruth Anderson, age sv years, neiovea wile
of Godfrey Anderson, mother of Raymond
L.. W. G.. Goldle D., Ernest R. and Wada
Pearl Anderson, all of this city. Services
will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 2 P.
M. at the residential parlors of Miller &
Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park Cem
FLORIN The funeral services of Carl Wal
ter Florin, beloved infant son or Mr, ana
Mrs. Gus Florin, of 815 E. 68th st. N- willg
be conducted tomorrow (Friday). March
29. at 10 A. M. from the funeral parlors
of the Chambers-Kenworthy Co.. 1111 Ker
by st. at Emerson, opposite Jefferson High
School. Interment Rose City Park Cem
etery. Friends invited.
THOMPSON In this city, at his late resi
dence. 824 East Tenth street North, Will
iam Henry Thompson, aged 49 years, hus
band of Mrs. Jessie Thompson. The fu
neral services will be held today (Thurs
day) at 2 o'clock P. M. at the residence
establishment of J. P. Finley & Son,
Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited.
Interment at Multnomah Cemetery.
EMERY At Oregon City, Or., March 27.
Quenten J. Emery, aged 5 month, 4 days.
Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Emery.
The funeral services will be held today
(Thursday) at 3 o'clock P. M.. at the resi
dence establishment of J. P. Finley &
Son. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited.
Interment at Mt. Scott Park Cemetery.
CLAY Funeral services for the late Mrs.
Sarah Elizabeth Clay will be held to-day
(Thursday), March 28, at 2 P. M from
R. T. Byrnes funeral parlors, 901 'Will
iams avenue. Interment Rose City Cem
etery. Friends invited to attend.
LE CLAIRE At Oswego, Or., March 26,
Louis V. LeClaire, aged 04 years, hus
band of Mrs. Mary LeClaire. The remains
were forwarded Wednesday evening,
March 27, by J. P. Finley & Son, to Spo
kane. Wash., where services will be held
and interment made.
WATTS The funeral services of the late
Ellis Bruce Watts, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Orville W. Watts, will be held at Hol
man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon
streets, at 3 P- M. today (Thursday).
March ' 28. Friends invited. Interment
Rose City Cemetery.
Funeral Directors
Established 1877.
Third and Salmon Streets.
Main 607, A loll.
Lady Assistant.
Perfect Funeral Service tor Less.
Independent Funeral Directors.
R'ash st., bet. 20th ft 21st, West Side
Main 2UD1. Lady Assistant. A 7St3
J. P. FIN1-EY ft SON,
Progressive Funeral Directors.
Private Drive Women Attendants.
Main . A 1599.
L. Lady Assistant.
Funeral Directors, Inc.
Multnomah at Seventh Street.
ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors.
12th and Morrison sts. Main A 235.
DUNNING ft McENTEE, funeral directors.
Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway
30; A 4558. Lady attendant.
414 East Alder St. East 82, B 2JS2S.
neral service, 1973 E. GUsan. Tabor 4313.
t t. i.ERfH least 11th and Clay streets.
Lady attendant. East 781, B 1388.
and Clay. Main 4152, A 232L Lady assistant.
Taylor's Ferry Road, End Klverview
Car line.
The only civilised method of burlaL
Snow-white, always dry, sanitary tombs.
Permanent title and endowment; $250 up,
636 Pit toe k Block. Phone Broadway 861.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.