Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 28, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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Charge Purchases Made Today Will Go On Your April Account Payable May 1
Reports of German Gatherings
for Gloating Heard.
Sriirral Authorities Are Making
Tlioroash Inrlltllon IH.
Jujal Olebrator Will He
Mcrnlj Dealt With.
Kederal authoritiea are makina a
thorough tnvesttsalton of reports
tn. h rarhrd the L'nlted 8tt- Attor
neys offic. jestrrdar that differrn
(roups of Germans In tills clir hav
b.n assembling; behind cloard doors
and rrlebratlns tha proaress of the
1'ru.sL.n drive on lb m front- In
Itronrm srtll be tha certain penalty o
all surh dialoal celebratra If ap
"It baa been reported that a numbe
ct surh sathrrlnc have taken place
In I'ortland, said Lnlted Stalea Attor
rr Ifaney. "and earb report la brine
Inteatlxatrd bjr tha Ipartment of Ju
ti- e. here proof of surh conduct I
Miahliihril tha pro-German sympa
toiler will be alrrnlr dealt with."
Amonc the German alien enemies be
ins; hod hero for Investigation
Jns.pti llentos:. an employe of ttje
.le-trle roundry Company. Twenty
first and York streets. who Is
charged with havlnc expressed (rati
firatton with th (set that the t
mint in their recent drive took
prisoners and hoped "they will take
i mors"
Krlts Uustav fVhlll.r. ?. who. by
Jiia own admission, deserted a German
ahlp In a L'nlted statca port Bine ears
aso and la unlawfully In tila country
was arrested by the l'nlted htafs Mar
shall a office yesterday. Chiller
claims to have registered, but his rec
ord will be Inquired Into. He boasted
of a membership In the I. VY. VY. and
proudly exhibited credentials In that
organisation, which he Joined two years
aso. lie also had a quantity of I. W.
W. literature In hia possession when
arrested, lie will probably be In
"lirrmia alien enemies have no busl
aess belonging to the I. W. V. in these
times, anyway." commented Assistant
United Stale Attorney Uoldsteln. who
questioned lienor.
Boles Wlsnlewski. also an alien
enemy arrested yesterday, faces three
charges, lie asserts he registered as
aa at Butte. Mont., but came to
lortiand without securing a necessary
permit. In tbia city he was. found in
the barred walen front gone and within
the one-half mile limit of the Armory
without a permit from the proper of
Red Cross Workers Will Meet in Our Auditorium, Fourth Floor, From 10 to 5 Don't Forget Easter Shower of Dish Cloths, March 30
U. S. Thrift Stamps and War Saving Certificates for Sale, Main Office, Fourth Floor We Give S.& H. Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or. More
Easter Novelties
Center Circle, 1st Floor
Favors, Cut-Outs, Seals, Score
Card. Greetings, Streamers, Dec
orations, Fancy Baskets -and hun
dreds of other articles on display.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable .Methods
Easter Gloves
and Hosiery
These very necessary articles of
ypur Easter outfit can be supplied
best at this store stocks complete.
Ubcrly leoaa Com nil lire l-Iltf-rts Of
flrrr and Name Solicitor.
r.VSTUK l:XK. Wash. March
fSrwctat. Th ('.vMlff Kot k liberty
loan iommiUr has haU Im rllminarjr
mectinc and elect! officer for the
third HOcrl oa dnv to be launched
April . t
J. K. Kalmbach wu uoammouatr
elrcled e. plain and crrtary. h O.
It-irnc. Dr. t K. Wolf and r K. Booth
t appointed on the publicity and
p'tkira committee, ts. W. Taylor. It. i
W . Adam. Thnmat Marttn. J. K.
("oncer. I:. . Kratlr. Geore liertrand.
r( tain, of Towtr, and James
!;-. of M. listen: Jojwph ardnrr,
'Urnc Pitchfortl. N. II. I lx.pii. Jacob
Tippry. Z. V. Ilerdernon. V. V. Hytle.
A. V lran. Charles Iahlman. C.rant
1 ttrman, II. A. .Samuel and Lewis
Jarhaon were appoint! aollrttora.
Tho In rural districts will canvas
thir dutrtrt and report to the captain
lr. Hutand offered the free ue of an
offle room la the bank build. n for
Double Stamps Today JSSlS AH Over the Store!
Special Display of Easter Wearables arid Easter Needs for the Home f
Spring Merchandise in Abundance, Carefully Selected as to Quality Every Article Reasonably Priced
Women's Suits $20, $25, $29.75
Garment Store, 2d Fl. j
"Distinctive Styles
Popular Materials
Thursday the Garment Store will feature a display of
Women's and Misses' Easter Suits at the above prices,
representing the new season's smartest, styles and
fabrics. Beautifully tailored throughout these gar
ments are, high-class in every respect. Materials include
pin-stripe serges, plain navy and black serges and nov
elty checks. AH are fashionably trimmed with buttons,
braids, etc Skirts have fancy belts and pockets.
Before you select your Easter suit see these attractive
models. Sizes for women and misses. Great values
$23 and $29.75. Shcp in the morning!
Exclusive Agents for
Betty Wales
Women's Coats
$18.50, $22.50
and $26.75
Second Floor At each price there is
a good selection of models in the most
wanted materials. Stylish new high
waistline effects with sash belts, fancy
collars .and cuffs, new Trench coats
cut along military lines with pleats to
yoke and buckled belt. AhSo side and
front belted effects with sport pockets.
Splendid range of the new colors in
wool velours, burellas, gabardines, etc.
New Motor
Veiling Department All wom
en who motor will be interested
in these new caps the very
latest New York ideas. Great
assortment of styles made up
in silks, bengaline3 and fancy
materials, some in combination
of two or more fabrics, making
them not only serviceable, but
attractive as well 65-$2.50
New Ribbons
For Easter
Main Floor New Millinery Rib
bons grosgrains, double faced
satins, failles and other novel
ties, in all the wanted widths
and colors. 25c, 50c up to $1.50
a yard. A ribbon expert at the
counter will be glad to show you
how to trim your own hat at
small cost, or how to make bows,
etc. Ribbon Dept., 1st Floor.
latest novelties, both in -made
veils and in veilings by the
yard. Department, 1st Floor.
40c Coffee
29c Lb.
OWK Imperial Roast Coffee
used exclusively in hundreds of
Portland's beat homes. OQ
40c grade; special, pound aa7C
OWK Cocoa, in bulk. OAn
Thursday special, pound ai'lC
TEA in bulk Ceylon and Un
colored Japan. Special f P?
for Thursday, the pound OK
Model Grocery
4th Floor
Sale of Lace
Main Floor 12 to 17-inch Shadow
Lace Flouncings, specially selected
patterns for dresses' and lingerie.
Priced special for Thurs- Cflr
day, at yard, ." and
$U0 Chiffon Voiles
At $119 Yard
Main Floor 42-inch Chiffon Voiles
in the best Spring colors grays,
tans, purple, wisteria, navy, gold,
yellow, white, black, etc. Q" 1 Q
Regular 1.50 grade, yd. OXeXa
Timely Offerings in Women'
Knit Underwear
Af- 9r Women's
TIL .isJl, Sleeveless
Vests in attractive
styles, plain or trimmed
top. Swiss ribbed or
spring needle styles.
In sizes 34, 36 and 38.
Af OK. Women's
Jn.1. J UK, fine cotton
and lisle Vests trimmed
and plain; also bodice
styles. Good range of
sizes. Bargain Circle,
First Floor.
Women's Union Suits
Women's Union Suits
with low neck, band or
fancy tops, tight
or fancy knee. vJJU
Band Top Union Suits
with low neck, each 750
Style as above in out
sizes priced today 850
S fiS
3 WAR(
Tyjl-K CVl'NTT U o.n ilrtn for
X it-rlft tamp and r uvinei
tmt9 and for all othrr f4(urri of
patriotic ntJravor. Mr tr. A. K Mtar
bura, IV lit County chairman of th
ar tarp orcantsatton. In Portland
n a brief bainm vttt.
"nir conntjr now tand ixth In th
urate In prrntff of tntal war
mii In. tar buck, "and m art
mm amonc thr lfJr in pr rp.u
a, cor holdinc at p'nt amount
tnc to 1 i a Kron. KIotco pr rent
9t th poptl of our iM'niU ar iil!t
d la tb Junior ft. n bow lltctm?nt.
tn-mbr of whicn ha all id or
mor wort ft of war mtidc sttarap.
Th rnt hou-to-houji can taws r
ultd In b.ff rturn and timulalrd
lntr--t amonf all th pcoplr.
"r (nip worn, witn hvaaquartra
at t!U. U Wrtl orcntirj All4 rola
4'untr wtll nut b found wanting whrn
ta final arrounttnc I mal " I
- rrporti or th tat-ld rnv
rni In tlirr I tmrra.lric indication
that a t amount of good wa aevvm
p;.hrd by th 1 .' or morf volunteer
workers who mad It thlr luilnes
fr on whole week to rarrv th nie
iic of thrift and thrift atamp and
wr aatns ilinipi Into rry bom
lO the te
r y. Folknbr. road upervtr
and ttiAlrmart of dttrlt't o. . report
that Only two In 12 famtl. refused to
be corn intrctd in th thrift im-
Easter Footwear
2 Great Specials
Main Floor Women's High-Top Dress Boots and
Women's Laced Oxfords specialized for Thursday.
A great opportunity to save on Easter Footwear.
$11 High Boots $8.98
9-Inch Laced Boot, "Napoleon" pattern, ivory kid
vamp with fabric top, narrow toe, imitation wing
tip, welt soles, covered Louis heels. Sizes QQ QQ
34 to 8, widths AA to D. $11 Boot wO.UO
Laced Oxfords $4,98
White Nubuck Oxfords with half Louis heel and
perforated vamps black vici kid Oxfords with nar
row plain toe, covered Louis - heels. Not broken
lines all sizes and widths. Regular $6.00 O A QQ
pecial, at, pair v'xaaO
w and $6.50 Oxfords, priced special
Ironing Tables $1.79
3d Floor
These tables are
made of selected ma
terial and are well con
structed in every way.
All have the sleeve
band attachment as
shown to the I" P7Q
left. Special V
Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
and Garden Hose
No matter what your needs may be, you can get
just what you want here. Headquarters for Garden
Tools, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Cultivators, etc.
Long or short-handle Lawn Rakes now 60
Shovels in regu- JA Garden Hoes, each 35
lation size. At wl.lU Heavy Gard. Hoes 8o
Long, short- Q-J Afl Floral Spades now 600
handle Spades OX.rxv y Norcross Cultivats. 750
$18 to $35
SIS to $35
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Great 3-Days' Sale
This Sale
Many of Our
Pattern Hats
in All the
Newest Styles
and Dozens
of Other
Smart Shapes
OVER 400 BEAUTIFUL NEW HATS are involved in this notable
offering we have planned for Thursday and Saturday. One of our large
windows on Morrison street will give you a faint idea of the extraordi
nary bargains in this sale.
Small, Medium and Large Hats
Models for All Occasions
Exquisite creations in all the wanted straws and in all colors an
especially attractive showing of the popular black hats included, trimmed
with French flowers, imitation numidi, ribbon bows, fruits and ornaments
of all kinds. Dress, semi-dress and tailored Hats priced 0"t fi AA
heretofore at $18, $20, $22, $25 and up to $35, on sale at wlvUU
Basement Sale
Easter Hats
A f 7 AR I
11. , p9LKJ .
Basement Don't judge these Hats by the
low price we have put upon them, for they
are worth far more than $2.48. Sailors,
turbans and drooping brims in black and
colored straws and satins. Models trimmed
with flowers or tailored styles (PO A Q
with nuillR. hows. etc. SDecial JJaW.TlO -
Untrimmed Hats
At Sale Prices
Morris Brothers. Inc., Lease
Property on Stark Street.
Doesn't hurt a bit to lift your
J sore, touchy corns
riht out
A not.d Cincinnati aulhorlir dls
rov.r.4 a n thr compound and
called II frson. and a quartrr ounc.
f it now ran, b. bad for a Ifw e.nts
at anr drvastor.
Too sicr.pljr applr a trm drops of this
macc frv.innt upon a t.nd.r corn rr
painful rsllus mH Instant)' th. sir
rrsa fttjppara thn shortlr yoo will
find tn coin or callus so Int.. that
jr-i can lift it off mitlt tha flnrs
T.a fl no pain, not a partlcl. of
urtnm. rtthvr hn applying frcsoac
or affraarris. and It'1 cv.n Ir
rilat. '" skin.
Itsrd .vrcs. sfl corus or corns S
l'u th los. m lo toucbend c.llurs.
xsl ,rlH up and lift off so .
It la sraadcrful' It eras l:k a charn.
trr U!
M oss'a should keep It no their ilrcss
rs aai mir let a cora acb. Isicl.
Tlirc-Mor Bulldlnr Near Federal
Krvrrr Bank lo Be Rrmodclcd
for l'e of Concern Btl
nni of roinpinj Grows.
Morris Bros.. Inc.. bankers and bond
brokers, ycst.rday obtained a -ycar
leas, on th. i by l.-foot property-
adjolnlnc th. Federal Iteseir. Bank
In the north aid. of Stark street, be
tween rlfth and Sixth atre.ts. The
ronsideratlon involved was 1 100.0.
Tha property la Improved with a three
story brirk bulldlcs:.
This btilldlnsr Is to be remodeled and
used eirlusivelr by Morris Bros. In
their banking; and bond business. They
will also build a aaftty deposit vault
in th. rear end of th. bulldtnc on the
f'rst floor. The plana for th. remod
eling; hav. been made. A. E. Doyla he
me the architect.
The nreaent tenanla of the bulldinc
sr. expected to vacate by th. end of
April, ao the remooxuna; operaiiuns
mav bee'n on Mar 1. The work will
not b completed until about Aucust
I. on which date Morris Bros.. Inc.. will
Ira, their present quarters In th.
Railway l.cbne bulidinf and lake
Tha entire first floor of the remod
eled buildms will ha used I ar lb. bank
las aod fcocl bmiocjs cf taa company.
The seronnUand third floors will be
converted V'" a balcony under a bits
llsrht court directors" rooms and other
office, be Ins: built around the Kallery.
Presewt tenants of the bulldins: are
the tnliia Tailorlnif Company and the
Walsh Electric Company on the first
floor and the Home Insurance Com
pany on the second floor. The Man
hattan Hotel Is on the third floor.
Tha leasa was made through the
I .and Company of Oreon. The owners
of th. property are John D. Coleman
and Maraaret Coleman.
Tha offfc-ers of Morris Bros.. Inc. are
Fred K. Morris, president: John L.
Ktheridse. vice-president, treasurer and
manager, and toroea u. rrau. secre
tary. TU. firm of Morris Bros- Inc.. is the
oldest bond house In tha Pacific North
west. It was established In i ortland
2i years ago. at that time primarily
for the purpose of buying; estern
securities and selling- them in the Kast
through Ita Kaatern house, the Morris
Bros. Company. Now. however, it does
a general bond business, last year's
total being- 110.000.000.
Commander Wood. In Accepting.
P Tribute) to New Regiment.
CENTRAL.! A. Wash.. - March 27.
I Special. ) At the weekly drill last
night of Company Q. Third Washing
ton, a large American flag was pre
sented to tha company by th. C. D.
Spencer Post of the Grand Army of the
M. D. Wood, commander of the post,
made th. presentation speech, express
ing the hopa that the local guards
men would never have to go to France,
but asserting confidence that, if they
do go. they will defend the flac a.
loyally aa the veterans did from 1661
to llli. The flag was accepted lr
Lieutenant T. R. Urccnw-ood on behalf
of the company.
Lieutenant O. C. Noruluml bade his
farewell to Company G laM nieht. The
young officer, who was formerly in the
Second Washington, baa accepted a
position in Uoquiam. 1
Our Boys at the Front
Our boys are distinguishing
themselves by their cleanliness
and jovial spirits while at. the
Front. They believe that " Clean
liness is next to Godliness."
It is an indisputable fact that
people can keep healthy and well
in no better way than by keeping
their bodies clean, inside and out.
Many thousands of people are
killed every year by allowing
toxic poisons to accumulate
within the body, and then they
fall victims to fevers and all sorts
of maladies with special names.
The only way to keep thoroughly
well is to drink plenty of water
daily, bathe frequently, and take
some good laxative like Doctor
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Cleanse
the system inside as well as out
side. These " Pellets " of Doctor
.Pierce,s,ar made xl ."May-appk
leaves of aloe and jalap. They
are sugar-coated, tiny pills, and
easy to take. No one should be
without them, and it is most
beneficial if " Pellets " are taken
at least once a week to clear out
the intestines. By reason of the
toxins, or poisons, bred in the in
testines these poisonous bacteria
are sent all through the blood
channels and the victim feels
tired, sleepy and headachy, or
the brain doesn't work as usual.
Sometimes the breath is offensive.
Pimples or boils break out on
the face or eck. This is a dan
ger signal which should warn you
that it is time to go to the nearest
drug store and obtain a twenty
five -cent vial of Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, the best known
liver pill for half a century past.
They are-staadard and efficacious.
How He Quit Tobacco
This teran, S. B.
Lamphire. wu addicted
aTm fc. to tha excessive use of
tobacco for many years.
V J He wanted to quit, but
Mri.f needed something to
I? help him.
J t He learned of a tree
-g-i Ttiii book that tells about to-
Jr . -4." bacco habit and how to
Lu-aa-BB-j conquer it quickly, e;
" il and aarely. In
recent letter he writes: I have no desire for
tobacco any more. 1 feel like a new man.
Anyone desiring a copy ofthis book on to
bacco habit, smoking and chewing:, can et
it free, postnaid. by writ In to Edward J.
Woods, 1821 B, Station V, New York City.
Tou will be surprised and pleased. Look for
quieter nerves, stronger heart, better diges
tlan. imoroved eyesicht. Increased visor.
longer life and other advantages af you quit
poisoning you reel l ao v.
Congestion of Kidneys
Quick relief from
rheumatic pain
hms immidiati tfftet
Ws.lw.rts BM.. NcwT.rk
is indicated by the pain over region of
kidneys and following the passage to
the irritated bladder. A constant and
pressing desire for urination; the se
cretion scanty, highly colored and
sometimes bloody. Then the constitu
tional symptoms are often headaches,
eyes bloodshot and burning, slight nau
sea, sometimes vomiting, nervousness,
rheumatic pains and general discom
fort. It is wholly wrong to neglect such
conditions when
can be obtained of any druggist for
their action is to eliminate congestion,
allay inflammation, destroy bacteria
and restore normal, natural secretions.
have: relieved thousands
Sold by all druggists. Adv.
j Stop Itching Eczema
It has been said that the practice of
medicine at best is simply a game of
guesswork, because the action of drugs
varies to a great degree upon different
individuals; but when a medicine has
lived for forty years, constantly grow
ing in sales and popularity, there can
be no greater proof of its merit. Such
a medicine is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, that famous old root
and herb remedy, now recognised from
shore to shore as the standard remedy
foe female ills. Adv.
Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning; itching
eczema quickly by applying a little zemo
furnished by any druggist for 35c Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment zemo is applied. In a short time
usually eyery trace of eczema, tetter,
pimples, rash, blackheads and similar
skin diseases will be removed.
For cjearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, always use zemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve and it does not stain. When
others fail it is the one dependable treat,
sent for aain troubles of all kinds.
The a W. Rose Co..Clevelaa O.