Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 28, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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prtaaal to learn of tho wed-Jina; of MULTNOMAH HOTEL BY PORTLAND WOMAN'S RESEARCH CLUB.
usa Apnit j(-rvar tfrowa. or una
city. 19 Charles W. McUom. or Nw
Tork. the wediilna- taking place there
Saturday afternoon at ) o'clock In
(. Ante' Church. IUr. K. C M- Towtr
officialise Only Immedttt Bifmbfri
of tha families of ll eoapla wera pres
ent. JIt-w Ada MrlU of ft. Paul. Minn,
toc tho only attendant for U bride.
Hamilton. Hurra. J r na boat man.
2Ir. Krlli brother. Captain Ttiomaa
3oHr JsvMoae. la la rnc.
Tha bridar waa ou of iho popular
youn maid n thi rit. and she lsa
4inKQtr or Mr. and Mrs. lAwrenre,
Mittoa Brown, formerlr of Iener. Colo.
raa is a raduate of Colorado Unlrer-
ir an. I an attractive and charming
lrL Mr. XrHoM la a Northwestern
"nlversltr man and mBtr of the
l.'rle Cltv Iron Woraa Company. H
Is a tnniber of th Nw Tork AtMtic
(lub. Karltaa Valley county and Wr
aact Country Clubs.
Mr. and Mr. Hrllo.. will In
Ttoehursi. X. C. for a brief time, and
later will make their boma in New
l ork City.
a a a
Ti Laurelhurst Club has Issued fn
Tl'arlona for their annual Kaater hall,
whirl, will b beld at Cotillion Hall on
Monday. April I. fclaborale plans have
been mad for tbla event, and It la -verted
that la point of atteadanr it
Vtit exceed all predecessor.
M-a, Charles . Cray, who I hostess
for or. of tb sorority houses at Kti
eTen. is spendinc th Kaster vacation
la Portland at to Portland Hotel.
Mr. and Mr. Marroa Flels. hner and
daughter. Mrs. lieorr W Metsaer. re-
t rrned Monday nlaht from ao eitended
irtr rr Kranclaro aad Southern
e a
tada of Irlab Freedom wlt sir
card party and dam- Thursday even
in. April . at Delnwr Mall. i:J iourl
treat. Cards will commence at I I
harp aad daactnar later. tiood prlies
will b awarded to winner.
e a
Orecoa Ho Social Club will meet a
th horn of Mra Whipple, til VIM
avnu. Friday afternoon. April
Council Crest car to Laurel street.
Aa even Ins; of music and reading
IU be jrieea r'rlday by members
tb Oddfellow at their horn. Thirty
second sad tlolajat streets, under th
attraction of th Clifford reboot
Music-. Tb I (X O- Fa aad Mebkah
f tbo city lodges are expected to at
a a a
Aa rat looked forward to with
cr Interest Is tb card party and
sin: for which the Ladies Auxiliary,
As-Iai Order of Hibernian, will be
hoeieea taster Monday In th Hibernla
ialL A generous aprinkltnc of th
old-fasbloned q laurillrs with the mod
era da area will make th evening
memorable on for both vounar and
old. Prtaea and refroabmeata are among
tb many attract ion la ator for th
siuesta. Th following yotmc women
or responsible fr tb affair: Mlaees
Mary France. McCarthy. Katherin
CJuinrt. Klta jiulllvan. Katreerin lwd.
Mary Lawler. ranees McCarthy. Mary
Jiohan. Helen Milan. Mra. i 11. leery
ad Mrs. W. M Lilti.
riana ar completed for a bl and
aoorjl danc for which the 4ib
.Aero ctiaalroa will be hosts Kiturday
aiaht In the Multnomah Hotel. The
moneva acvrulna froro th aala party
will b used for aa emergency fund
and to purchase baseball equipment
for th squadron' team. A aumber Of
officer from the poet will be honor
nueeta. and the patrona and patronesses
represent prominent men and women
f the city.
Tlcketa ar oa at th Multno
man. Benson and Oreson hotels, the
T. W. C. A. and Y. M C. A . and at the
owl I Tun- Company, latrona and
Vr. end Wr M. C. Manly. Mr. asd Mr.
C. a Jeknt. Mr. ant Mra. tdetr4 Coek
lnlm. St J Iraak Hiimc, Ur. and
Mr ( l R ilcov Mr. aad Mra
Ina Peter Mr. aad Mra C K. Deal. Mr. Mr Vlbllaer L. Hote. Mra Jack
ieon. Vra bar lea 0-adilin(. Mr. aad Mra
r Mr end Mr William L. Woo. I.
Mr. a-d Mr William MacMete. Mr. ard
Mr Arthar V. ri.n. Mr aad Mrs. .ur W
Tsiset. Mr. aad Mr Krank Irvine Mr. and
Mr Walter u. Heine Jlr. and Mra J. P.
Mrtea. J-l( aad Mra Jebn l. ateeneoo.
Mevec asd Mr tleorae I. Baker. Mr. aad
Mra rtuf'ae 1'. Meiman. Mr. and Mr O-ar
H Meaefee. lr. and Mr James
Mr AM-- Henena Heeeh. Mr. and Mra Mar-
aid M. nawver. Mr. and Mr Kenneth Beefee.
tr. aad Mra liny M. atan.nfer. Mr. and
Mr Arthur M. aaeraood. Mr. and Mr J.
M. McKenile. Mr and Mra J. K- Boa Ka
in. aad Mra li. J. K.llj.
I H 'i
- . v
f : - I . a
iiiak Vr 'o I
Mlas Ruth tlftnon. 4 Chapman
trt. la horn from th I'nlv4rattx of
''athlnton for tb holiday
th will r?lnrn next Montiay.
IVtta Gamma will ?ntrta':n
toiiay at th horn of Ml Ratbel
Xinc. Yjl St-tieth atrt I. Mount Tabor.
wtth an In for mi I t honor tnc the
Ctrl from th I'nlvrraitt of Oregon
net lYashlnarf on who ar ypndins the
l.A.oter vacation In town.
The tti!larjr to th Machine Gun
Company will mt tht eveninc In
lh CourthoQ, for a prvaramme and
eortatl erentne. Th member of the
or amxjttlon are Invited to brine thir
hutand and friend. Th Zithrr Club
wiij iriT a muttltal procramme and
tr. Kdward Kit vera will contribute
vocal aoloa.
Vim One rarker. naMonal rom
Vftandant of th Nail jnal Ls-aue for
Ucmm ervi-. who arrived In Tort
lani tbt week, wilt be the Jtue.t of
honor of t.e Tortland Reearrti Ctub
tndav at t.elr luncheon In th Multno-
w-ah Ifotel. over whteh Mr. 31. Wyvtlle
rl frt7- f i la 'k-r wPI make
jeres t.tvea ataaple. laeipeaaly Kee
Ipe fer atreaked ar faded
Cray Hair.
Mrs. Markle. th wrtl-known New
Tork a'tres. now a grandmother, and
whose batr la etlll dark, recently made
th following statement: "Gray,
aareaktd or faded kair can b Imme
diately turned black, brown or light
brown, whlcherer shad you desire, by
th na of th following simpl remedy
tbat yoa ran make at home:
"Merely get a small box of Cries
powder at any drug ator. It costs only
31 cents and no extra to bu. Itsaolv
It la on nunc of water and comb It
through th hair. Full directions for
use rom In each box.
"Too need not kesitat to us Orlex.
a a lw' gold bond come la each
bog guaranteeing th tiser that Orlei
powder doe not rotafa silver, lead,
amc. eulphur. ntrmre. aniline, coal
tsr producta or their derivatives.
"It de-ea not res off. Is not stt-hy or
Ml), and tea res th hair fluffy. It
will snak a era v -hatred persoa look
xoasy rear younger.- Ade.
a brief talk on the work of her organi
sation. he will represent "America
at th luncheon and th allied nations
also will be represented, by Consuls
or their agents, each of whom will give
short address. Tha national hymn
of each nation will be sung by Mald
wya Erans.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. McDnnlel and
son. of fan Tanclco. arrived In Tort-
land laxt week to visit their parents.
Mr. MrDanlel will make a trip to Seat
tle and Tacoma before going south
As next Wednesday la a Jewish boll-
day, th Council of Jewish Women will
not meet on their regular day. but will
assemble for their programme In B'nal
Mrlth Hall on Tureday at 2 o'clock.
I'nited Mates District Attorney Hanry
wlll speak. Mra Fletcher I. inn will
sirig and Henry Brttman will play a
violin nolo. Th Nelshborhood lied
Cross unit, that usually meets all day
Tuesday, will hold Its session from IV I be knitted Into garments and sent to
Reservations may be made by apply
ing to Mrs. Charles K. ltunyon, East
The women have been assicned tele
phon 13 in the Liberty Lnsn Temple
and have taken headquarters in the
Maxamaa rooms In the Northwestern
Bank building.
Mrs. Baldwin will be welcomed as a
leader In patriotic work, a woman of
fine capabilltlee and as one of the
prominent women of the West.
Franklin Parent-Teacher Association
will hold a dance on Saturday night in
the school gymnasium. There will be
a small admission fee and a one-cent
war tax.
The Catholic "Woman's League Tied
Cross unit will not sew today, but will
meet for work two days next week.
Tuesday and Thursday, when they will
sew from 10 to 4 o'clock.
The Portland Auxiliary to the 5th
Artillery will have a food sale Satur
day In Liptnan. Wolfe ft Co. store on
the ground floor. lie proceeds of the
sale will be used to purchase yarn to
to 12 o'clock only.
Chapter r. P. E. O.. will meet with
Mra Ora Besa Seeberger. Bretnor
apartments, this afternoon at 2:30.
Mrs. ilher Allen Jolea will have
charge of th programme.
Th Women's Society of the Central
Presbyterian Church will bold their
monthly tea today at the Laurelhtirat
Clubhouse. Kast Thirty-ninth and Ank
eny streets. A large attendance Is ex
pected and plans ar made to take
care of the little children.' who will
be welcome.
The regular quarterly mothers' meet
Inc of Kast "lde Central W. C T. I
ha been postponed to April 5. The
regular meeting of the unit will be
held on Friday afternoon at headquar-
er at Kant Fifteenth and Morrison.
Member are urged to bring needle.
tumble and sciseors. There will be
ork for everybody.
Th Women's Association of the First
rresbyterlan Church yesterday re
elected Mra. K. A. Bulterfltlil presl
dent. I'nder her ahl leadership i
wonderful amount of good work has
been arcomnllshed. and the reports at
he annual meeting were of great In-
errst. Following was the result of
he election:
President. Mrs. A. K. Buttrrfleld; first
Ice-president. Mr. C. W. Steele: sec
ond vic-nre4dent. Mlas Ixulse Hood
secretary. Mr. A. M. l.upeT: treasurer,
Mra J. F. Oswald
Dv Edith Knight Holmes
NH of the most significant and im
portant conferences ever held li
he city of Portland wilt be that ar
anged by th Women' Liberty Loan
ommittee of the slate for riday and
Saturday. Mrs. A. 3. Baldwin, of ban
'ranctsco. chairman of the women s
committee of the 12th Federal Reserve
District, will cometo th city for the
occasion and will b the honor guest.
tin will arrive early tomorrow morn
ng. frhe will represent the National
ommittee. of which she Is a member.
There arlll be a trip out the highway
for Mra Baldwin w Ith Mra William L.
Wood, chairman of the city committee,
aa hostess. The girls of the Portland
Motor Squad will take the party out
be highway.
The evening will be devoted to
conference of tha county chairmen, the
Ity and state chairmen with Mra
Baldwin. All the counties will be rep
esnted. nearly everyone by a personal
representative. These women will be
called upon for brief reports on the
progress so far mad In their local
Mra Sarah A. Evans, state chairman.
has th work well planned. She at
ended th Federal Reserve District
meeting of state chairmen In San Fran-
Isco a short time ago and got the
Inspiration of the exchange of Ideaa
nd the reports given by the various
halrmen. Sh appointed a prominent
oman of each county as chairman
and has a splendid city chairman In
the person of Mra Wood. It Is planned
by tb woman to us every effort to
av a most successful campaign.
On Saturday at 12 o'clock th Mult-
omah Hotel will be th seen of a
luncheon at which Mrs. Baldwin will
he guest of honor. All women of Port
land are snvited and may make rr-
rvations at once. Mrs. Baldwin will
tve the principal address. Other
peakers will be K- B. Piper, of the
xcutlv committee, ana Donald bkene.
Ith a messag from th front. Mem
bers of the executive committee will
b guests of, th women committee.
I the regiment wjien on overseas duty.
Highland Tarent-Teacher Red Cross
unit will meet Friday rrora ' 10 to 4
o'clock to sew for the Red Cross.
Olencoe Redx Cross auxiliary w ill
meet today as usual from 10:30 A. M.
to 4:30 P. M. Donations of dish towels
end old kid glove tops are to be made
today. Members and friends are aked
to take both to the meetlner.
So that he might have his choice of
the dainty and attractive bags on sale
at the Red Cross Shop, Eric V". Hauser
gave the shop S25 and Robert X. Stan
field gave $20 and had the second
choice. The sale w-tll continue through
A Piano House
of ' -
High Ideals
J In the last quarter of a century Sherman, Clay & Co. have
occupied a position on the Pacific Coast second to none,
building carefully, from day to day, a reputation for selling
only goods of merit, of true musical worth, and asking only
fair and consistent prices.
(J Our customers and friends are legion. We are most careful
what we recommend, and when we do recommend it is with
the desire to serve the customer, and serve him well.
We study his needs with the desire to place in his home the
instrument that best' suits his purpose without it being an
undue strain upon his pocketbooL.
J We have only one price the price tag on every
instrument is in plain figures; there is positively no deviation
from that price. . .
(J We offer no "special" inducements, no insurance, no
"club" prices, no free music or scarf (bench or stool, of
course, are considered part of the piano). We do not have
"sales" on one pretext or another. Our prices are fair. We
aim to be consistent to sell good, reliable instruments
at a reasonable price.
J We pay the freight anywhere in our territory. We gladly
arrange, convenient payment terms on any instrument. '
J If you are in the market for a Piano fr a Player Piano
it is to your interest to call upon us or write us for
information to see what we have to offer. r
IV e Alto Carr Sle'mrva) and Other Pianos, Aeolian
Player Pianos, Duo Art Pianos, Player Music,
Victrolas and Records, Music Cabinets, etc.
Sherman.Bay & Co.
Sixth and Morrison Streets
(Opposite Postoffice)
Seattle Tacoma Spokane
sets need not b more than two or
three inches apart In the rows.
Onion rets may be planted as soon as
the ground can be worked and before
frosts are over. Some kinds may be
planted in the Autumn. The potato or
multiplier onion can be planted from
sets In the Autumn and will produce
excellent early green onions.
Onions may be grown from seed
either by starting the seed in the hot'
bed and transplanting to the open
ground or by drilling in rows directly
in the garden. With good soil and
praaier care It Is possible to produce
sood-sixed bulbs from seed in a single
Onions require frequent shellow cul
tivation and It may be necessary to re
sort to hand work in order to keep the
crop free from weeds.
If it is desired to use tne onions as
green or bunch onions tney may do
pulled at any time arter tney are large
enough, otherwise tney snouiu no al
lowed to grow until tney reacn ma
turity. If the onions start to throw up
seed stalks these should be removed or
the seed will be formed at the expense
of the bulbs. U. S. Department of Ag
DowEsnc Science
By Lilian Tingle.
S can be produced on almost
good garden soil and consti
tute one of the standard crops found in
almost every garden. The usual plan
In the home garden H to plant sets In
rows far enouah aDart to suit the meth
od of cultivation to be followed. The raiding" means flour sifted with z tea-
POItfLAXD. Or., Marok 20. My Dear
Miss Tinsle: Will you plesse tell how to
make the oatmeal scones such ss you get
In Scotland? Also a recipe tor orin iron
Thanking you in advance. Respectfully.
MRS. B. C. M.
IHOPK the following are what you
want. The recipes came to me from
Scotland and are good "conservation'
ones at this time, when it is so de
sirable for everyone to use as many
nntntoe as possible.
Scottish Potato Scones. Boil and
mi.h perfectly smooth and light 4 me
dlum-Hize potatoes, and while hot beat
in 2 tablespoons shortening. : tea
spoons salt, r cup hot milk. 2 table
spoons syrup. Then add cup oat
flour or fine oatmeal, sifted with hi
cup white flour and 2 teaspoons bak
ing powder. Add more "self-raising"
flour as needed to make a light, soft
doucli. just firm enough to roll. "Self-
Save The Shipping
by using home-made prod
ucts instead of imports.
If you are a coffee drinker
you need not deny your
self a rich, coffee-like cup.
Instant Postum
is made in America
and provides a delicious
drink, really superior to
coffee because free of the
coffee drug, "caffeine."
At Grocers Everywhere
spoons baking powder to every cup,
Work rapidly, as the scones should be
In the oven, or on the griddle, before
the mixture cools. Pat or roll out into
scones (on a well-floured board) and
DaKe on a griddle; or place on a well
greased baking pan, brush with milk
(or milk and egg) and -bake quickly
in the oven. Eat while hot, with syrup
or Jelly.
Potato Scones No. t (richer). Make
the mixture as above except that you
put 1 well-beaten tgtg into the meas
uring cup and fill up with hot milk.
Add a few raisins if liked. This dough
should be a little softer than the first,
and requires a very light and deft
handling. These are excellent for
breakfast, cooked either on the griddle
or In the oven, and served with a good
fruit syrup or Jelly.
Bran Gems. One well-beaten egg, 1
tablespoon melted shortening, 2 table
spoons honey or sweet syrup, 1 cup
milk (lacking 1 tablespoon). 2 cups
bran, 3 level teaspoons baking powder,
1 teaspoon salt and about 1 cup gra
ham or whole wheat flour. Beat
quickly together until full of bubbles,
then bake in very hot, very well
greased gem pans.
The same mixture may be used to
make small steamed or baked puddings
by the addition of 1 cup cut-up dried
fruit or mixed fruit and nuts and an
additional tablespoon of honey. Stoned
and cut-up prunes or chopped figs
mixed Into this bran pudding give a
useful, slightly laxative dessert. Serve
with any preferred sweet sauce (sweet-
5 on
The Well-known Cod Liver
and Iron Tonic, Without Oil
To MakeThem Strong
"WeakneSS is the one great drawback
to health after sickness. It often seems as
though strength never would return.
In such cases Vinol is a real blessing. You
see it contains the very elements needed to
restore good digestion and a healthy appetite,
-which is quickly followed ty rich blood and
perfect assimilation of nourishing food, and
in a few days one can just feel one's self
"building up," and soon as strong as ever.
There is nothing like Vinol to create strength
for all run-down, nervous conditions, weak,
women, overworked men, feeble old people
and delicate children.
if Vinol fails to benefit you.
The Owl Drug Co., Portland, and all leading
Drug Stores everywhere.
ened with honey or syrup) or with
sweet fruit juice and cream.
Action Against Contractors Recom
mended by Roadinaster Ycon.
That action may be taken against
Jeffery & Bufton, contractors, who con
structed the brick pavement on the St.
Helens road, was indicated yesterday.
when Roadmaster Yeon recommended
to the County Commissioners that the
matter be placed In the hands of Dis
trict Attorney Evans for action. Ac
cording to a report from Mr. Yeon, the
pavement has been breaking up near
the plant of the Union Oil Company.
Jeffery & Bufton, who laid the pave
ment, have gone out of business, but
Roadmaster Yeon recommended that
their bondsmen be held to account until
the pavement is properly repaired.
per cent. The new rate is effective on
warrants issued for March salaries and
Read The Oreponian classified ads.
Rate of Interest Reduced.
CENTRAL! A, Wash., March 27. (Spe
cial.) The City Commission at its
weekly meeting yesterday passed an
ordinance reducing the rate of inter
est on current expense warrants to
It Reaches You Fresh
Our Guarantee
Your grocer will refund the full
price you paid for M.J.B.
Coffee, if it does not please your
taste, no matter how much you
have used out of the can.
The best coffee at any price
Vacuum Packed
By Special Process
Sixty-five economy shoe
stores serving the public
efficiently and courteous
ly with prices that
tempt even self-preservation.
Ladies' Fine Calf Lace Ox
ford, welted sole, (jQ QT
only 0O.UO
Beautiful Black Kid Lace
Oxford, exceeding- &A Af?
ly dressy fDrtO
Fine Tan or Havana Brown
Calf, a great fa- fi Qr
vorite HiVO
12) Fourth Street,
Bet. AVashinitoa and Aider
& Delicious V -mmitU
1 W.tT r-i
Office and Warehouse
27-29 N. Front St.
Green Chile Cheese
Is in a class
all by Itself!