THE MORNING OREGOXIA??; TEDXESDAt; jr?ACII 27, 1918. - ! . I I 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE. I TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. S- . - - -Tf I- r r. v vwam. I I i . i - . R I I For Sale Room. Tor Sale Hi. A directory of business firms nd professional men condensed and classified for ready references For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 070 or A 6005. House 20. lIEM'TITCHINlJ. PI.KATINa. ALL LAT HT fTILM HAS 7 fc K.N MiViLTI Co. i. rtTn rT . iiKrn ct.v oak. ad TaKK Hi BROADWAY :wk la- STF.FHA . Banaatltchtag. scalloBMOST. eoriitoaa ti p.,t. button, covered; mU er-lara. Its- r". -. to. k b k. Broelwar l mtrH AND AXAtTTi JMONTANA AJSAI omfE. 143 K iaM. .nvav plattnara bought. Ktiata ntrri.iEit. lKf.uS JlAHiit at KCPIT IU We bay ml II ail k in U. barbwr pu ppti.a IJ4 2u. crrT ci.f-xixo. J.I-R 711 'AC--." KL'tA Cm.. e.:::i.a.d la. narr rtas. aaa r.e rurt wov.a. a-l a-aa La.t ar;i aa l Tav alaat B 1 a. CAxcr.. L. M. JoNE.4. M. fX CAM IH TUUILU 13 Mori.a b. LK. 414A (tlUlniD BtTrt). Tin: tn i. s cvvpant. ST unicltoo. Broadway AAA. A 12.14. rmorowT axt A m h rrn.itiT. XfK. LA HUNTU. cn.y cblrosMdl.t earrytag a fata saoat aaaiiarr af flea la tha cur I'mwa .aaltarjr method. Painlaaa La. If an.adant. AtMA-7-s bulg. Mam AA . rwMtnci; Woodlawa T7:l. WILLIAM. fct.lle and William. Jr. I- V.ny. tsa any Brian t te e hlrvpodl.ta Bed rr a apatallaca la tha elty. parlors 3 aiarlins.r awe.. semtrw.t corner VfMd IMI4. iBon.a Main IAOI. A (API. Era. KIJrAltVTrTlX.NtON aad R .oulsa Cos. cBtrapoduKak now legated at soa-7 N. W. bt-1g. :a an. I W aj.h . fcy ap. Main !!. rH1ROrK.CTtC rHTCIt. I' K PtA-r-LKr Dr. X'HahM. Partiaad. too pr cat cbtroprai'ttc .prtalat. Tbat nf I avar bava to .mpior oriica. apar atioaa. .taratnra. vhmi raja .:-trtclty. b.ak liffht and atb.r Juaa-boaaa atuata t raaa tba caaaa of d 1 1 a . qiairkijr. aura l and Uaa .apanM.aijr TV'-a.t. St ad iiaacmanta. $13. aavva. 9V Call, phona ar avtra. ia.. j caavtact&c taa doubtlas taaa rtnrx la it I rTTr r. CHAVC LFTTTEK TO. ! N. W. bll. lar. I w l.t.r. maltiarraphad. II Jul coij.rxTtox Ar.rMctrs. HTH A TO. arreatr Mala I7. Na roiltrti.aA aa fbarg.; .itabiUbKl 1 ACIXO. J. AN. ' lit. IT IK DA.vriN.l AOAbKVT. Hi rirtn. daorM tauaht. It private l.pwnna. A l laja aiabta Mondaj aad rn. ir tram la I 'A ll oura ll A. it- to a -3a) P. X Ilraadaar ZI.'T. TUB BEi'KKTT-MrlATM IU"MXL Dan. cln laaabt la ail It. rant-re. arlvata. lay ar ..a ctaa.a. ia.. aaa pn.. a-i'a. arnblr aft.r. W a.n. Ma. a azuX ItK-i. I'LKt'K Ai'AI'l'MT rkxlal and rraf dilKlnf. prtvate laatrvctlia: Claaaaa Mnn.. Tbara. Is la l :d at bat. - aaA. aad Stark. Mala SltMl IlRKtTX PANriNfl 8C1IOOU A'W Inborn Lt.oas d.r aad clai.a l'rt.Iar Main Tata. Pt BLIC PMITaA. I R irRKi:vn:t I.L Tit nan. af i'om. kldc effua aaal davalvpmaal diaa- ci rrTic MrrroRa. ri'H JlAl.ti tram: r r:nt. L A- i:l;i tkical works, U Rurn.lda. Urnadway MTt tit, .m. !Oar AP THROAT. Hlajr. apa-ia;ut: i.4Ma titt.d. 1I0LES,LERS AND ' A I I AXt Bt t-tiV" TOP. lrRriL;.al il.wr mr O. i a Oak. r.aTAlX M IRl H X t!. P A TFT" tlKAl Oi. H-rd ? Trade bid A TRT MWPa-XOTIOxa, L DIXKELSPIEL CQ'7N.t lX i. Hot i iii... WrM V a i A a: Itaal t. MIM A t nil ao-. TTeat at. II Uvr-N-Wool, A AaVA BABJa. KAMN HK.a. Iil rtnl .1. 7UHi lU II BMIt ria OltJk. . O . 1.14 D r r. a t'a r- Hira 1. tar. Wn. B inX E. A'AA rVaT II luTTKli saw aad km aaawa Caat l.L C iJIA . TtT. - OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Waaam IU MaKorr . Sarak lUIAa- Office, Uliai IVI raarthawaa. Mb SA. boa Claa. ad 33 . Eatraaca. il.a bai. wife af O. W Clay, and MM, rraa la I. Hala I7i, Haw FlMa. w,.iaar ml Prank K Clay, af Portland, and aj. Xlabt call after office boar. Maua 17a. air., K'acb. f Marktn.ti.e. n-part ..i caa of cr.:y to tha Afcove ad ln.t at R. T. B.ra.a :.-trl- lot ha! chamber for .m..l anl- Bwrlacat l Vkiliiama aaeaae. Faaeral aa- w. a a. Iloraa ambu.aare f.r alck and diaabiad I3aaaraenl latc. inini:! at a tnomant'a aotl-e. Anyoa. dair . rwccv kim a doa or otb.r pat communicate witb ua M "T-I. r"r . . .TlVri .V" I . 1 for an loat or rar-d .lock. a. .. look " ZZTZt lltiTI TraVir: B.-l.r a I impoondl. T.icr. la no mora CUT Ar.acc-TT..1. la car- af bllllcr A trac y. poun ur.toB Humane Hocl.ty. rrmn niRrc-roRA. 1I0LMAX UXDETkTAKIXG CO. irbt tt -rrr gsfst?" UPOULTRY Third and Salmon Streets. J y' Nr 1 law? aw at A IVI Main A 1S11. VL. Lady Aa'.AtanL IT . ) t'or.'wKf ttC4 yf Va-tB .kr --. imiXEIi & TIIACEY I.d'rwa'iaat Faaara! Tlra-tora. ar ..a .t . bet. .-ma a a l.t. wat 'e Ma a laul. Lady A a. want. A s 3 r P1X..ET A S"V. proar.l.e 'u-.ral Uir-tor m - l'ri .a..l Att.ndaatAL UONTiicMKHl AT fit III Vatn t A ' LaaA VA l.t. ka...:ant. W. I . N A H.J31A Tanaral I'.r. ' -rm. Inc. y-t:inm.. at .anta ptreat. ERIC.aox B-..aea. fad.rtaklnj Parlra. :t and M'Wrl...t ata Mam l A ( NNl.N.l A V.-EXTKrl. f-n.rai dir.iora. Br !-' aad ll .tr.t. I' bona AU-adaejr . t... a. ;..-. l a lra''aaJit. f a. l XN1M1, ISO. THE Oft.t:N ill LE I M'tHtAKfRS, . a -..t A dc M taat 1.. U Ji- ; . T.. . ; . oV-.wm- ll..-r.ot.t 1-.' IIKKL-L tV a.WAJiv r uv. b V 11S0. aw- Wl I 0N ft'j , ni, ,m, jii; v m Maui;. ton r- p.7.1 H'.i. I fLh -l', .- p U LEK .11. T.a.t IttS. aad alreata. 1.1. .tt.n lant. . ' TU H H- A. K. ZELLEK CO. ' -.. .i t NlBRTAMN' rOMPAXT. Ad aid c a.. Mala Alii. A .-.i. - RIVER MEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Tayh Per Read. Kad Taa T errtTla.d aoethed of wartau. pMw.wblta a-ware dry. aaalta r tavaa. rttoaaaal tlt.a aad, AS aaw ajat putaaa At -aa. Pi JAcaaaVwaA' aoA. n OAI'TA. btaxrix A FVRBB-a ck. rtocl.aHA w ..a -. Main 1 A lie I low .re f"e a I eraoiuea arri.ti.-a; y arramH. ,lKi HhT.. l':rlatA II Mjrrtaot at. Main or A rvna r.ow.ra aad r.orai t.(.A X branch .tor.a TvNeTU PLOitAL Co. -i Waaatce-oa . b.t. Atat arid i'.N. Mala Bl'i . A l:Al- bit a .MITtlTMaia Ilti. A ml. aeUla. a a ".a A.dar .ta ,..ll.ll H,-.AL. m"f. A Al-r. j-.tal aad 4.a.a 1 aaa M..-aU jyJ, nriT BCOS AXP BAO BCGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingralaa, Bi inula. Imrrai AimlMtw ni rufv ail mi, mall ord-r prompt: ItooBt-i- CAKPEI CliAKlfiS, BEFITTING, ETC. w rTCR n.i rr ni n co, M .(4 Union Ave .N. East ,1 4. B 14. a NORTHWEST Kl'ii CO, la(nlaal -Fluff ran aad rar rugs wov.n. a. I ala. . . . . , .--- .'..A H 1 J A PAX ILOBI-T. n IPS tb at, bat. Taroblll Tar tar. All Bind. t liaa.ra. and ..t.t.a planta lardra ! lata pioDin, apaa . ... cat darradlla. panalaa. ate Japoo tca. Cam.Ua. AAal.a. Utaria. Iiuwrnm cn.rTy. potir . JVk- JINK AND llAKOBAKt Tka Orcgoa Janh Co.. 3T4 Front Mala I .-.a. M a bay all bind, or junk, rnataia. pay h;bat pneaac .a o tiatora you eati. MtHlCAL. OK.;ti'J.X C.u.ralwr (,bool at Mualc. Id floor Ktuaal! blUg. ear tba "Lo . Latraace l. Ata .c. cor, of Morruoa. PARKCRt7boolerPop"uiar blualc. Taraia. to 2V l.aaona 4ol-2 bltlAT CJ4IL THIl.LMott.N-. Tlollo taacb.r. pupU .S-.r1 k v, I blilA Bdwy. IfllT. PIASu Laaorta la your bona; apeclal for tr ..... 1 .irrt IMC C 3AIO. orTIIIITKIT AXU OPTIC La.XH. .waaw. n til .At atwrfce. rV A SAVJXti from 30 ta K par camt. TfT promptly fltlad iiian aa low aa . fl.Aax Auou aatufiad cuatomara. a.ttafartloa fruarantaad. I'haA W. tiond man. eptoro.trut. Hon .mm. klala .13. PAixTf.K. irtcT O. W. KILKT. Palnt.r aad Dacorator. Pallaood 3170. IATET!i. K. O. W Hit HIT 23 year.- .aparlanca. U. and tor. I a pat.ata. at)l Uabum bM- PHT!lICLX!l. VH. K. A. I'HILLira tHvi IlroaJway blJc lihauniallatn. I.tu.. diaord.ra. ak:n trou b.av atomack, llvar. kltln.ya. boaala throat, goitre, aralp. tilt blood praaaure. IR FLORA A. MKO N. oitra and d of worn.n. Too K. Burnalda. cor. 31 uia at. PLIMUING H rruEs. PLl'MBINO BVPPI.IK3 at akolaaaia prlc btark-DavIa Co.. 213 d at. Alata t.i. riuxnxo. KtrSToNt I KKS3 J. kV alsr. Prlntim and llnotypln. ltn- itmi w comer Sitark. klaln or A Hi. TiK IVTPREJiJC KJ Stark at. Broadway AOS. A Aosa PRINTING l.t and Oak ata. Mala lao. A Ha BALTEa COM PANT. It LAL ESTATE l)EALr.B CARL R.JOXK-1. A'H WllcoA bltla;. -r.iM.Ai.K AXD TBANMKR. ALtVATS PICK TUB BKiiT Houa.hold . niftklnf. ahlD. ootta . f. . . . r pins and moln. bora, and auto Taaa. Plal fr.lftt rat,, u, all !'" Id and line Sta' 'Broadway . A lA cornar lota. l.WBnona 1 "'J - Hop Wo an and operate two laraje claaa "A warahooaaa on t.ralnei tracka. 1 A.Mt Inauranc. rata la the Clly. JjXDl5.-V-ST. tHK-K WARLHOUSK. Of. and fncwardlna acenta. rn.n. " CVT fralAIbt rataa to all polnla OB koua.bc.ld . a A Traoafar Co. th and lloyt. Broadway TPS. tr.r l RIT" rtToRAt-.E TIIA.SS1ER CO, I0S Park . Main SIPS. A ItL TtOOD. iATiuNAL rnx CtX. Ea.t :mi. T. Id aad ivinn ata Iry oifK ."w. - UhliD AMI URT LABWtlOD.blo: wood. faaaraa w. v. - - . 3IAN UFACTURERS Pit XT. tIL A.XD'ol.Ast. R te vtsr. M A t'vv. Id and Taylor. ripr. pirn axu valiu. M 1. KLI.Nt; - Irnnt at. ru MBIXO AXO PTE AM SI rl'LIIS. M L Kl-lNfc. Front .t. rinlil I E (OVMIMIOX MERCII Ta. TV ..l:Ll.N A r A It H K !.!.. IAO Front ml. BOPK AXU BIM Pr'artJ lortttr Co.. ISO TIL. Arb and Xorthrup. a.H. IMOM AXD i.LA.ta. W r rt Li.r: R A if. Utk and ta1 ha W AI L PAPER. VtLI.ER Wall laj-.r A I:. Co. ITS let AC AlOKtlAX WALL I APKR CO.. IJO Id at BAflT CHICKS front PlAk Broau It. C White Lacbat-ia. will .tart yea right; SO.WM Moped eat laet aaaana without a com plaint. Our plant aad batch.ry th. aa the Coaau Catauocua aad circular aa raA Brua- R. F. 1. No. 3. aoau t .. V .ah. I W ANT to buy chicken. If anon. baa any and ri-ali-a l a;: Wrlle to Aleck Alexia, p.m 11. Camee. Va.b. I 11 XTW TOOAT. Garages Call far Illaatrated Price LlaL 304 Aakeay St. Pkaae Bread ay Ida. Sam Conn ell Lumber Co. Your Last Chance lo bur a lnl. ISt.100. on Wh!nnn at., hrf. Ilm and Klh. oppoelte tha Wa.h. Hotel, for I JT. too. Wl.l consider aomt trade Meci 0V:K AT 23 HKXRY BLDC. aMORTGAGE LOANS ao uminc'ri PROPEAtir. BO CO MMIS-UOX, Wm. MacMaster Tl CORBETT BLIMa PO H TLA X D, OR. FREE SERVICE BY rAcrnc rrn i tki st co. We ha all the raeorda la thU ceoaly affrunc rea:tr abstracted aad poeted ngbt p to tbe mtau?o. Na cbarae for trformatioa. Call at of two. ieeA stark at. Pkaae Mar. 1A MORTGAGE LOANS OX ClI5ra AXI. RESIDEXCal PROPEJATT. BOB EM 1 O.X at LBI'O, 97 - Bart beetee Baak BlaUr. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. acre of rod farm land. 2 mllea weal of lrTlntr. and ona-lhlrd of tha romtn( CA-op. Adilreaa Dos Si. Vcoeta. Or FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT 50-POUND BOXES $1 by P. O. or EitnM Order. Mamletfial Flak Market. 1ST Tklrd St. MORTGAGE LOANS arwada aa aaad faur frawal far aad city laaa. at clc-ae Aateeeoc rateaw j . Helta b la ker-tea. li A. H. JJlRlvELL GO. (IT Xl K art b weal era Baak Balldlag. BVarebaU 4114. A 4118. JNO. B. COFFEY KORTGAGI LOA.XS, Insurance, Surety Bonds aOl WILCOX BLLHi. Mala 703. A M7QX REAL ESTATE. For Sale THE Alaakaa En(1nerlnr Commlaalon will aell at public aucUoa at tha Northern Pa cifies Stockyaurda at Toppenlab. Waah.. on April at lo A. M.. about IBS bead of boreea. formerly uaed on Alaakan railroad work. For deecrlptloa and particulars ap ply to Chamber of Commerce. In this cur. or addreas Alaakan Enalneerlnc Commit ion. AOl Ball -.treat Terminal, beat I.e. Wa.hlng'ton. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burd.n Into Income. We dmeiga and build anythlns. furnish tbe money U deatred; ala-ht y.axs In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co.. contraot. Ins; architects. Northwestern Bank b!d(. ULV THIS PIEDMONT LOT. Must be sold by order of heirs: genuine sacrifice af absolutely good residence sits: maks offer. Johnston. U3 Spalding bid. Hcmcmbcr. thla will go at rock bottom. O. C. OOLKE.NBERa CAN SELL YOUR LOT. . 213 Abmgton B.tiy. Main ASi'A. For Sale -il I3O0O BVNOALOW. JiuO. Fine, large o-room bungalow, fireplace, oak floor, buffet, Dutch kitchen, laundry frays, cement purcb, brick piers, doubly built; A. block to car, close In. on Keynolda ave.. near Mllwaukle ave., near tbe river; price $j.'khi, .5uo cash, per laonth. Including- interest. tlRLS.SI A DOWNEY. H Board of Trade Hldg. Main 7433. WAVERLT HTS. BUNOALOW. T rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, fins location, garden spsca and chicken, house, hsrd-sur.ace streets. Price $ia0. Easy terms. C. A. Warrinsr, RITTEK. LOW E A CO. S03-J-7 Board of Trade Bldg AWHooM COTTAOE. (1100; I-IJO CASH. Good 6-room cottage, bath, etc., paved streets, all paid, on Maliory ave., near Maaon, close in and good location, between I'nlon and Williams ave. carllnes; price f litrJ, too ca.h and $! per month. GRL'SSI A DOWNEY. Sl Board of Trade. Main 743!. POKTLA.ND HEIGHTS Fine B-room house, hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures, modern conveniences, hot water, heat, level quarter block, lower hclghta, extensive city and mountain view, shrubbery and fruit trees, 1 block to car: will sell for about prte of rounds. BROOKE, Marshall ASHT, A Sbo. Call mornings. WALNUT PARK 4:.o0. rooms; first floor rec. halt, 1 It. -room, din.. room, kitchen. 1 bedroom; 3d floor. 3 bedrooms, bathroom: full cement base ment, furnace, laundry. Paving paid. Lot 6"tl')0 to 15-foot alley. On corner. OOUUARO A WIEDKICK. 243 STARK. FINE HociE CITY DISTRICT HOME. T rooms and finished attic, modern from A to Z. Garage. Fine location. 3 blocks from Hose City car. Will take acresse for equity If price is rlghu price .40uu. C A. Warrlner. . RITTER. LOWE A CO. SOS-5-7 Board of Trade Hldg. ROSE CITT BUNGALOW. rooms, large attic, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, very alee location, price I --00, easy terms. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. LOWE A CO. IOJ-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg: BUNGALOW SNAP, 121150. Nlca ft-room bungalow, paved street, near car and cloae In on Division sL, near 4th. Price .'.oo cash and 1-3. JO per no. Including Int.reat. . GKUS.I A UOW.NET. S1 Board of Trade. Msln T4.i;. PIEDMONT I'A RK. I.VM will buy 1411 Rodney are., lot TSxlia, T rooms; full cement basement, gas and electric flaturee: cement walks paid: 4 bedrooms, and good plumbing. tiuDDAKU A WIEOHICK. 343 oTARK. ST. JOHNS HOME SNAPS, p. vera I good homes. 5 and 4 rooms, at nap prirca, from I1I00 to eOioo. easy IsrmsL See us for ft. Johns property. iiRl fSI A DOWNEY. 31 Hoard of Trade Hldg. LAURELHVRST. Befor buying elsewhere obtain our list f sxqulstte homes for sale on easy terms In Laureihurst. the show placs of Port lend. LALRKLHURST CO, KTOk) Stark St. Martn 17HO. A 151 SACRIPICB SALE Oood house and full lot. paved street, st Eaat Yamhill; less laaa mortgage and tax as, only (500 casa. Act quickly. E. i. JACKSON. TOT Ry. Esch. Bid g. COMMERCIAL NEAR SKIDMORE. T rooms, cement basement. tsundry trays 1 bedroom and bath on first floor. S bedrooms snd storsroom on second floor. Lot ahxI'hj. I'rlce AiioO. Ct'liDAKD A WIEDRICK. 113 STARK. UriiKLIII RST SACRIFICE Strictly mod ern 7-roora house, larre garage, tiled bath, etc.: coat owner SdOoo; must sell; price e400. terms reasonable. See my as-ent. Geo. P. Henry. 3lil Henry Mtlg. ROSE CITY PARK 4-room bungalow, lares encloeed sleeping porch, hsrdwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, an ele gant home; e-icoO, terms. F. Vaaduya. B1J Chstn. Com. Main 195J. A50 CASH. (IS month. Including Interest. S rooms, near carttne. m n . . . . - - rounding: one thing Is certain, that prices are getting higher and homes scarcer. Best to not delay. Main 4TB. MODERN home. 4 large rooms, sleeping porch, flrepisce. full lot. sbundance fruit treee and berrlee; near carllns snd school: Hawthorne dlsl. No scents. Deal with oaner. 11114 Board of Trade. Tel. Main lnm. WOODSTOCK I0TH STREET. 4-room house end attic, barn and rood chicken-nouae. bearing orchard. Lot .OOx loo: price (170O. (...) down. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 34S STARK. "vets lV.ltl)S AND ALBERTA. Good T-room double-constructed house, lot lotmllvA. an abundance of choice roaes and shrubbery. Price (TiTOO. litiliHAHU A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. A-RooM bungalow snd furniture. (lta, SJ50 cash, balance terms; 1 block to car. F. K. STEARNS, IU3 Wilcox Hl'leT. Main S31T. Evenings. Marshsll 37T0. 5-RooM house, full bsaeroent. 15 mln. out on canine, nirj-iunar. i. "'jf'"' ments all paid. (loVO: (100 down. (Kl per month. See Irsper. 4o Hoard of Trsile. WILLAMETTE HTS. (TSOO. Beautiful home of T rooms and sleeping porch' Btrlctly modern. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 343 STARK. HouoWILLAMETTE HTS (4000, 7 rooms. H. P.. furnace, blk. car. tarfflt O C GOI.PENHERG. ABINtlTON BIOKJ. '3.1 Tears In Portlsnd." Main 4"03. FOR 4LE T-room house with gars re: moat exclusive part of Irrlngton: very lane lot: terms extremely reasonable. Wdln. 14tl5. BEFORE bujlng property hve It apprslaed. W A. Carpenter, architect and builder, ni N. W. Bank b.dg. Main 3504. 3 to 5 P. M. MODERN 4-FI.AT , Near Walnut Park. Income (AO month. Price (ArX OOriiAKU A WIEDRICK. 343 STARK. WEST SIDE (4300. 7-roora modern house. SaxlOO lot. H b!ock to car. 13 mln. walk to Poelofflca. Sio Orsnt et.. bet. Broadway and 4th. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern residence. 4 lsrge room a oak floors, 3 blocks from car. Price (4O00. OOPDARD A W IEDRICK. 243 STARK. DIVISION STREET. (JoO DOWN, ft rma flreplsre. hsrdwo.d Toors, CJC30. OEO T. MIW.IRE CO. ABISOTOX HLDG. ROSE CITY home 4 rooms, modsrn: need money: will se.t (4ovH: street Improve ments paid. Owner. C Q3. Oreeonlan. -nix M house at a barsaln. cloae In. st. provsments In and paid: for price and -ma. see Bllgood. 314 Abrngton. imp A-Kl Hill eottaee. V acre of land. 2 blocks fro ir r7 .. .. Hnbha .18 1? Of t ,-hDM modern home. Mnntsvills distrl.-t. . - .... - .n.n at 1 r .'.HI terms. See cl . J. k . R. C P BARGAIN 7-room modern bunAB low. ararssa. Owner. Tabor 4.171. HAWTHORNE bunsalow 4 rooms, ntem: ev terms: no aents. Tabor 7'J47. t.a.mii anodern house and lot la lrvlngiea: t snap. Mar. tela. -BUT NOW A PARKROSE ACRE TRACT 23 TO (100 DOWN. (13 MONTH Just outside City Limits, gas. water and electricity, also car service. A paved street to the city. Early planting soil co rocks. J. L, RARTMAX COMPANY, No. T Chsmber of Commerce, 4th and Stark St, Main Z0& A 303a (3000 (300 DOWN. (-'3 MONTH MT. TAJJOK Beautiful view of valley and mix, big living and dining rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, big back porch across entire house, white enamel kitchen, upstairs 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bidg 4th A Stark su Main 208, A 111)30. ATTRACTIVE 2-story S-room home and garage, located In best section of Sunny, side, two short blocks from Sunnyslde car; this Is a real home. In excellent con dition, and has never been rented; very large rooms throughout: 1 bedroom and lavatory first floor, S bedrooms .and bath second floor, attic lot 60x131 feet, nice grounds, ahrubbery. garden space; fine neighborhood. close to school and churches: cost over (450O; owner moved, and (4300 takes It. J. DELAHUNTY, Main 170O. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern alx-room bungalow, fireplace, cloak room, reception hall. hardwood floors, bedrooms, bath and kitchen In white enamel, bullt-ln buffet, bookcase and cupboards, attic basement, screens and shades, newly painted and tlntsd. (3000, (50O cash, terms. Ownsr, Geo. A. Boss. Main 13 HO. MURRAYMEAD PRICE (85O0. Strictly modern 1 1-roora residence, tile bsthroom. 2 toilets. 3 ftreplsces. plate glass windows, hsrdwood floors, finished In mahogany, oak and white enamel. Ex pensive lighting fixtures. Tapestry walla Cost (12.750. Lot 75xloO; street Improve ments paid. GoDDAKD A WIEDRICK, 143 STARK. HAWTHORNE AVE. NEAR (1ST ST. 2 stories, 4 rooms, garage, living-room 34xln. oak floors, sleeping porch, fireplace In living-room; 2d floor has 3 bedrooms snd bsthroom. with separate toilet. Splen. did cement basement, with furnace, laun dry trays and fruitroom. This Is a Btrlctly modern home. Price (4730. OODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 STARK. LAURELHURST HOMES. I have several excellent bargains In 4, 7 aad S-room houses located In best section of LAURELHURST for sale on rent-like terms; call for keys at Laurel hurst trsct office. E. (9th and Gllsan; Tabor (433, dally between 10 A. and 3 P. M. P. A. KNAPP. HOMES. Will supply lot and build modern bun galow or. house to accord with your Ideas, substantial Initial payment required; price (lo50 and up. F. K. STEARNS, 202 Wilcox Bide. Main 3517. - Evenings, 7:30 to 6:30. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Modern 2 flats, 5 rooms In lower flat. 6 rooms In upper flat, modern In all re spects, lot ouxlOO. In Irvlngton dist. ; more (3300; will trade my equity (3000 for smaller house or merchandise. 'ln qulre M N. 8th St. Broadwsy 44D1. YOU'LL FIND A HOME will give you more reel Joy than automobiles or thesters; "A charm from the skies will hallow ns there" and that's the truth, call Main 678 before 10 A. M. or evenings. I own several really beautiful homes In choice locations, large and small, and on very essy terms. GOLF JUNCTION. Brick House T Rooms. Llv.-room 12x14. dln.-room 12x14. with buffet; Dutch kitchen, bathroom and toi let on first floor; S bedrooms on second floor; basement under all. Price (34O0. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. BEAUTIFUL new bungalow, with garage, on Division st., near E. 8th; owner moved south recently; S fine bedrooms on second floor, full cement basement, furnace; everything complete and you can move right In at once: price (3500 for quick sale. C. E. BROWN, Main 1700. WELL-APPOINTED 2-story 8-room home, located In very heart of Irvlngton; beau tiful lawn. Immense shade trees, room for garage, hardwood floors, plate-glass windows.- walls papered, cement basement, street Improvements paid; cost (TooO. but will sell to responsible party for (41.10 on easy terms. C. E. BROWN, Main 17O0. WAVERLEIGH HTS. 1013 Brooklyn at-. 3 blocks south of Richmond car. m-story, 6 rooms, lot 40x loo; flrepisce. dining-room with buffet; Dutch kitchen; full cement basement. Price C'o30. Terms. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. (2000 will buy a good bouse of 6 rooms, all on first floor, extra good baaement. fine bathroom, 2 bedrooms Terms not less than (4u0 cash. This Is within walk ing distance. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. BRAND-NEW HOUSE (1850. St. Johns Carline. 5 rooms, modern plumbing, basement, cement wslks paid: close to Peninsula shipbuilding plant. Easy terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. WONDERFUL SNAP Elegantly furnished 4-room bungalow with attic; actual cost (HUUO: will lake (1K50. (430 cash, balancs like rent; you are sure to like this. 475 E. 75th N. R. C. car (673 .BUYS a good 3-room bungalow with lot 50x100, near good school: built 4 years; city water; 13 mln, walk from Montavllla car; sold 3 years ago for (1300; great bargain. P. O. box 8S1. PATTON ROAD, 20 mln. walk to S. P. shipyards, 4-room house, gas. bath, toilet, laundry tubs, sewer connected; sell lees than cost: (12U0. (300 down. (13 per month: less for cssh. 4687. FOR SALE The finest cottsge In Cascsde Locks, all modern Improvements, 8 rooms, 9 lots fioxloo. best garden In town; good garage; a bargain. Address or call on A. O. A da ma. Cascade Locks. Or. LAURELHURST Artlstio B-room house, with garage, first-class stucco construc tion, hardwood flooring throughout; three lots. cor. Bath and Gilsan sts. Ssea by an- polntment. Phone TaDor gu-io. rnuPLETELT FURNISHED 1900. S rooms 12x14. 10x13 and x2L City water, toilet. Cement walks, gas. Terms all cash. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. SELLWOOD GARDENS. About 200 yards from O. W. P. and S. P. R. R.. lot 40x800 with 2-room shack; price (900. Goddard A Wledrlck. 243 Stark. WEST 6IDE (3700. S rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot-water heat, good plumbing. Lot Suxoo. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. (30 DOWN. S-room cottage on brick piers, plastered. Lot 50x100. price (50. OODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 STARK. BIO BAROAN (850. 6-room plastered house Lot 40x100 to alley. Mt. Scott car. Cost (1475. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. 819 MARYLAND STREET. 5 rooms, bath, Dutch kllcnan, cement basement. Price (250O. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 343 STARK. IRVINGTON CAR (2000. ' 5 rooms and bath; cement basement; street Improvements psld. Also garaee. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. 1;:00 WILL buy 795 E. 7th street North; basement, bath, gas and electricity. Lot 60x100, pavement paid. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. (iuo CASH, balance (1450 like rent, buys up-to-dsts 4-room bungalow; fine garden, roses, fruit, berries, chicken run. 940 E. 18th. Main 679. BEAUTIFUL corner. Irvlngton home; Army officer, ordered away, will sell at sacrifice, furnished or unfurnished, his 8-room mod ern home, with garage. Eaat 4085. 6ELLWOOD. (930 will buy S-room cottage. T24 Spo kane ave. Lot 30x100. (IUO down. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. HOLLADAY PA RK (4000. Modern 7-room residence on Wasco gt., pavement paid; rented at (30 per mo. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. -. . . i ur t -f c hts eanno GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. UL'UBilLL A SON, 1421 Sandy, oldest firm RofcE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first. Tsbor 2141. (IOoO- MODERN 5-room bungalow on large corner lot. ML Scott car. Tabor 6029 or East 634L TWO modern houses In Irvlngton. 1 6-room. , T.nAm with aaraae. on Daved street: bargain. Owner; no agents. Call Eaat 3:13. u Atif h &.room buncalow. walking dls tancc central East Side. Apply tU Eaat 2"th st.. corner oak. East o?9. (100 DOWN, jmno will buy 349 E. 87th St. Lot 60x100. GODDA RD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. --,.j0 BUTS a good 5-room house- 50x100 lot. close In; rose and raspberry bushes; (a rage: terms. Esst 7313 1-ROOM bungalow. 9 lots. (SOO; terms. Six room bouse, (bio; terms. 371 hi East Mor- IRVl.N'GTON HOMES. R. T. street; IRV. AGENT. FOR SALE Fine piece property, 2 to uses. lnotUrs 813 Baa Aiafaol SU T)arE t. a r-ncr HITHST BARGAIN YOU'RE NOT TOO LATE for at least one big bunsalow -bargain in the best sec tion ol LAUKELHUKoT. 1 block from car and near Park. Reception hall, large liv ing and dining-rooms, convenient kitchen with breakfast room, 1 bedroom, sewing room and bath downstairs. 1 bedroom, sleeping porch and bath onfad floor Beiu tiful hardwood floors and woodwork, liffht colored pressed brick front, full cement basement, excellent furnace, nice lawIJ; garage, oversixed lot. If taken this week will "cut price to bone and give terms. J. DELABUNTY. Main 1700. Evenings. Esst 20f.6. , ROSE CITY PARK . i ROOMS AND DEN (3150 4.1th St., half block south of Sandy, hardwood floors In every room, big cement porch, vines, roses, full basement, furnace, fireplaces This Is a snap Pr'Z?lcXtfS' tion necessary! P. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th A Stark, Main 20S. A-2030. A DANDY buy In Laureihurst: modem hun galow, good location, high-class homes all Around; a (8500 home for (4750. If ou are looking for a good buy In this district, do not fall to look this up.' call at 404 fiatt oiag. MODERN bungalow. 4 rooms. 10 minutes ride from South Portland shipyards, city water, electric lights, gas. modern P'""?1?: Ing, for (1500; easy terms If desired, .call at va riiiiumfr For Sale Business Property. HOMEWOOD HOTEL, - Vancouver. Washington, Opposite postof f Ice,- 32 rooms, tncluamg furniture, lot SOxloO; lease subject to rale at (75 month: coat former oaner (15 ooo . will take (7750 for quick sale. This Is In the very heart of the city: possibly you could double your m oney In two year A OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. UNION A . r. t. . NEAR ALBERTA STREET -room house. 40-foot lot, lncnL -T per month; price (2900. Goddard A W led- FARM MORTGAGES. (1800 and (2100. drawing 6 per cent, well secured; will dis count 2 per cent. Geo, C. Howard, owner, Hie t,nam. t-uni. Bubnrban Home Property. BUT NOW A PARKROSE ACRE TRACT (JO 1U B1UU UVJ ' . . - Just outside City Limits, (as, water and electricity, also car service. A paved street to tha city: ' Early planting . soli no rocks. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce, 4th A Stark St. Main 203, A 2050. ISLAND STATION. ' OREGON CITY ELECTRIC. (2250, easy terms, will buy fine suburban home of 8 rooms and bath, living-room 12 X13, bedroom 12x14. Dutch kitchen 8x12; small attic Front and rear porches. Chicken-house, large garden, natural trees and ahrubbery; electric lights and gas, large grounds. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 STARK. For 6aie Acreage. TEN acres for sale, 3 miles from Vancouver city limits, on St. Johns road: 8 acres cleared, 1 acre strawberries, shack, barn and well on place; fenced; close to school. Price $1500. W. Bert, Hotel Wabash, Front and Madison. ' 2i ACRES, close to Multnomah station, small shack and chicken-house, land all In cultivation, fruit trees and small fruit; the best snap in this whole district: will sell for (2750 on easy terms. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 6 acres Board man station. Oregon City carline, nice building site. Will take Portland prop erty, cash basis. C. M. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard. Or. SACRIFICE SALE valuable property on Improved street; house and fruit; 100 feet front: corner lot; near stores and school; two car lines.- Inquire at 549 E. 20th S. Take Woodstock car. CHOICE Waldo Hill farm, near Sublimity, Or. ; 136 acres, 100 acres under cultiva tion; exchange for Portland property. Fur ther Information writo or call 401 E. Mor rison street, apt 47. ONE-THIRD ACRE, 6-cent fare, 5-room cottage, fruit trees, small fruit, chicken houses; (1500, terms. See owner, 404 Piatt bldg. 25 MINUTES from city, on P. R., L. & P. Co.'s carline, 0c fare, five acres, cleared land; (0250, no incumbrance; (700 will handle this. AK 118, Oregonian. AIOOO FINE location for Summer home at Hood River; about Hi acres; one of the few places near town where the native . !,.,- t,o.n laO On.-ner Tahor TftXli. T1ASE LINE ROAD. 10 acres in cultivation. 3 miles east of Portland, no buildings, sojuo. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK. For Sale Farms. ALBERTA'S WHEAT LANDS MUST FEED THE WORLD. American men and money are keenly alive to this fact, and are rapidly buying and developing these lands. . We offer you choice Improved, unim proved lands, also fully equipped farms with stock and implements a home ready to occupy. If you have Alberta land for sale, we have a buyer. Our slogan Honest. Efficient Service. ALBERTA FARM AGENCY, 709 A. Center sc. Calgary, Alberta. 2-430-ACRE EQUIPPED WHEAT RANCH, KASTKRV OREGON 1100 acres In wheat, looking fine, owner says he expects Bo bu. per acre, as it nas been raised on this land before; 1700 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, ranch Is wstered by creek, springs and well, fair buildings, good equipment goes with sale; Slice, (48 an acre: will sow 250 acres to arley this Spring. See Sam Hewey. at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Piag. BUY A FARM NOW WHILE ALL FARM products are high priced. I have a few sections of excellent wheat land, located in the famous Lake Basin district. In Still water County. Montana. I am going to of ... v. -. i-nri. . low nrice and easy terms to actual settlers. You can pay for the land with one crop. All these lands lie within two to eignt mnes iim-i.iini station. For further Information writs B Kingman, owner. Columbus. Mont. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A fine 230- u ni.m.ti. vallev farm, near Wood- burn, Or, 125 cultivated. Balance timber and brush. This timber has been partly cruised for ship knees and over 1000 were found wnicn too cruiser, vnci buy and pay cash for in advance. To set tle an estate this land has been cut to (100 per acre, one-half trade, balance cash. T . . . n a. ar Ja u T T 't 17 X" T !' V li It f No equities, o. ax. t.itni..ti"i bard. Or. A DANDY WHEAT AND STOCK RANCH. 2284 acres, 450 acres In wheat, BOO acres In cultivation, good 8-room house, hot and i ..... erek flows through the place. 400 head sheep, 33 horses. 20 head cs.1v and ail farm implements; an so av per acre. Stock alone worth (15.000. Good terms at, o tin ONG A SILVA, 462 Hawthorne Ave. BIG CUT IN PRICE OF FARM LANDS In the best agricultural part of Snohomish County; (25 per acre 10 yearly payments; railways, schools, factories, plenty of la bor The beat proposition on the market for'the man who wants a farm. Send for Illustrated literature Brownell Land Co., 904 8d ava-Seattie, Wash. ii-ACRES-fine bottom land in Clarke Co., on good road. 54 mile from carline; in view of the great development of Vancouver this property In the hands of a good man will maks a valuable place; price reason able, easy terms. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. prvr CTrtr'tr R A NT'TT 2100 acres. 80 acres alfalfa, good house and barn, new; has water right, 125 head cattle. 18 horses, some hogs and all farm Implements; all for $70,000. Terms. LONG A SILVA. 462 Hawthorne Ave (000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. ACREAGE FOR SALE. 1 have several small Improved farms close In will sell cheap on easy terms. Call evenings between 5 and 7. 614 Dekum bldg. Alain tup. u.uci. DAIRY RANCH. 80 acres, running water. 65 acres under cultivation, 20 miles from Portland. I KINNEY A STAMPHER. 831-2 Lumber Ex. Bldg.. 2d and Stark. 40-ACRE farm, close to McMlnnville; this ?ropexty nss own f J . wi , not 3 acres and is a good investment. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: $75 to (200 per acre; easy terms: best soli; farms for sale, all slxea McFarland, 603 Yeon bldg.. Portland. LOGGED-OFF lands. (10 acre up; rnnning water, good soil, tillable employment. easy terms, jeua n. on&rp, o- -i oa iu 8 ACRES level, fenced, cleared, good soil, house: employment; near Willamina, (23 cash, (10 mo. Jesse R. Sharp. 8.3 3d St. ... ..or In cultivation rnnA aoit school, $85 per acre: (to down. (10 per . . r. T . ini U r.n T-.l I-. t "I" (t u montn. ot. t"H". "J"' - "- Far Main Mlscellanejona. SEE Mrs. Etchison. 401 E. BOtb. st- N for Rose City property and other properties In this city. Farms ssecUlty. PLone la bor 5o0o. HAVE client ready to buy 5-room bungalow around $2500; terms, $500 cash, balance $20 per month. Including Interest. , Prefers Rose City district:-might consider others. Wants to buy before Thursday. J. C. CORB1N CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. WANT to buy cottage or bungalow, a bout $1800, In Sellwood or Woodstock; $200 cash and $15 mo. and int. Must have descrip tion by 2 P. M. today. Phone Broadway 3844. WANTED To buy house from owner; 4 or " 5-room bungalow, strictly -modern, built in effects, not over $2200; pay cash. Y 134. Oregonian. CLIENT will pay all cash for strictly mod ern bungalqw of five rooms and attic, in good district, on paved street, up to $3500. Goddard A Wledrlck, 243 Stark. IF you have a 4, 5 or 6-room house I have buyers for same Come in or phone me. I will come and see your property. Mr. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. Main 570. HAVE large number of clients ready to buy houses from $1000 up to $10,000. Goddard & Wiedrick. 243 Stark. WANTED To buy 4 or '5-room cottage In , r-. a T T f.l..lin C-OUIR rotiianu man ilk. .1. . tn&moer ot v.ornmrcc. LOTS WANTED for improved close-In r an n.lri.m hid.. acrvagtf. uitnsicu, u . . . " "... - . Main 97a ' ' FOB RENT FARMS. - MUST RENT THIS WEEK. 77- seres, located near Oregon City, 25 acres In- cultivation, 7 acres of good prune - ' orchard, fenced, good soli, near school, on Pacific Highway; good 7-room house, large barn, prune dryer; rent for term of . years, $250 per annum; have an equip-, ment of horses, cows, poultry and farm Implements for sale at about $900. H. M. Maloney. RITTER, LOWE A CO. 207 Board of Trade hldg ESTACADA RANCH FOR RENT. 73 acres, 40 acres in cultivation, well drained, deep, rich soil, fenced and cross fenced; close to school and church; on 'rural delivery, telephone and good road; good set of farm buildings; rent, $300 per year; have complete equipment for sale at a reasonable price. H. M. Maloney. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 207 Board of Trade bldg. 103 ACRES, 65 in cultivation, balance in good pasture, family orchard, near Sll verton; running water, good well, close to school, 7-room house, two barns and other outbuildings; rent for three years at (TOO per annum. H. M. Maloney. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 207 Board of Trade bldgj I HAVE a fine 4i4-acre farm on Red Elec tric, Just 12 miles from city, all tillable, right at station, 2 acres in cultivation, good 6-room house, barn, chicken-house etc.; a dandy chicken ranch. Price $4500, mortgage $1200; will trade for city property and assume. J. H. Mariels, 8-0 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT OR SALE In whole or part. Summer resort farmhouse hotel and 100 ..r armzine farm. Tillamook County; farm suitable for sheep or goats. Owner room 18 at maPx r ourtn st.. $10 PER MO. 4 acres, house, barn, mile north Aloha Station. Geo. Strelck. FARMS WANTED. WANTED 5 to 15 acres, improved, with good house, within 80 miles of Portland. Phone Sellwood 2072. WANTED TO BENT FARMS. CASH. CASH. CASH. I am looking for a good. Improved gen eral farm, located in the Willamette Val ley on a good road, close to school; I will invest up to $7000 in a complete farm equipment, including eome Fall seeding, and rent the farm for a term of years, either on cash or share basis; farm must be over 100 acres. B 85, Oregonian. I WANT to rent a farm of 200 acres or more, well Improved, within 60 miles of Port land, equipped with good farm buildings; prefer place with some Fall seeding. Will buy the complete farm equipment ana growing crop If price Is reasonable, and pay cash rent. J 48: Oregonian. WANTED To rent improved acreage, near Portland or Vancouver; give ueHcnpuuii, rent, etc. Mrs. L. M. Meier, 99 E. 72d N., Portland, Or. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. SPRUCE SAWMILL, on the coast, with 10,000.000 feet first class spruce timber; has been experted by Government agents. In addition to this, there is contracted 51.000,000 of good spruce timber; all of the timber carries sufficient percentage of aeroplane stock to make it very profitable to handle. The mill has a capacity of 30,000 feet per day; ' can be increased at a small expense; 2 donkey engines with lines, blocks, etc.; logs can be delivered at mill for $5 to $6 per M. ; will sell the mill for $10,000 or will sell the timber and logging equip ment very reasonable; here is a chance to make some money and help the Gov ernment get out aeroplane stock. RALPH ACKLEY LAND COMPANY, 210 Rothchild bldg. FOR SALE 2,250,000 feet of medium-sized old growth nr. standing on w acic r cated near level main highway. An extra good trucking show. Will sell outfight or will contract logging by the thousand to responsible parties. Apply to Walter Clin- . j .i. .in av,nttr t Via nrnnertv. ton, Auua, who .r : or to E. K. Bishop. Montesano, Wash. FOR SALE Timber claim, 160 acres, with 4 000,000 feet of fine pine and fir, In Josephine County. Oregon. For particu lars write Oscar Heldine. 50o HIgglns FOR SALE Timber. 320 iacres, pine and fir, small sawmill. 12 miles northwest of Goldendale Wash. L. L. lies. Yakima, W ash. FOR SALE 320 acres timber land on tide water. Address 624 Overland bldg., Boise, Idaho. . . TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J MCCRACKEN. SUA McKAY BLPO. W ANTED TIMBER LANDS. SHIP knees snd hewn ties wsnted. Gamble RIeg Ship Knee Co.. Gerlinger bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CHEAP STOCK RANCH. 640 or 900 acres In Lake County, Ore eon 40 acres In cultivation, balance bunch grass, bluestem grass and sagebrush; land lies level, is good soil; small house and barn; price (10 per acre, no Incumbrance. Owner will exchange for well improved farm on good road and near town within 50 miles of Portland; prefers 40 to 75 acres, must be nearly level, with good drainage, good soil and fairly1 good build ings. Will assume some If necessary; or will consider exchange for strictly com mercial bearing orchard, with fairly good buildings, at Hood River, but will not as- GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. 70 acres. 60 acres orchard. 20 acres prunes. 20 acres De Anjou pears, 11 tt acres ap nles. 4tt acres cherries; good set bldgs., l bottom land, on Elk Creek. Scotts Valley, 3 miles Yoncalla, Or.; owner is orchard man, place In first-class condi tion; must get closer to Portland; will exchange for city property and acreage "ose t! Portland: price $17,500. George p. Henry, 329 Henry bldg. 9 BEAUTIFUL ACRES on Base Line road. Just east of Monta vllla. 860 ft. of hard-surface pavement. A most beautiful location for, a suburban home. Will consider exchange for resi dence In Portland. J. C. Crossley, Main S03Z. W AN A ttA.t.n t i.vj. ..... Will exchange fine large improved busi ness corner in Eugene, free of incum brance, worth $15,000. even up for good ranch not too far from R. K. and town. . . i.,tt TinnDfn-pv Address co r iiat i FOR SALE or trade, 2 modern houses In Irvlngton, 6 and 7 rooms. Will trade for farm or bungalow and cash, either sepa rata or together. No agents. Owner. Call East 030 80 ACRES of wheat land In Central Oregon, within irrigation district; will trade for Tutomoblle or other personal property. Box K71. Tillamook, Or. DESIRA.BLE 7-room Laureihurst house for sale? o7 will exchange for desirable home in residence section of Seattle. Tabor 2212. f 1ST vour property with us for results, ex- "change? Sfm.rTt: "bnf ot Pak'St! The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park su. between Washington and Stark sts. 8-ROOM house end 2 lots In Spokane to 8 Trade for improved acreage near Portland Address Mrs. H. J. Benekc E. 2113 5th ave., Spokane, tv A ROOM house near Union ave and Russell, 6 ?o exchange for a modern 6 or 6-room bungalow; -will assume difference V 123, LOT 2. in block 2. at Harborton station, for light car. Maxwell preferred. Address W. E. Anderson. Camas, Wash. FIVE-ROOM house to rent on Russell, near Union: wood range, water paid; $lj. Ap ply East 4656. or 619 Rodney ave TRADE Portland home for Seattle Tabor 5778. ! wti I AMETTE Valley farm to exchange Wfor Portland property. W. H. Ross, 1100 p,. vv. nana r-ASH or trade for equities: no commission; . ,- . o -o T-i I... r-v hide. nnns jm.. . . S-ROOM modern house to trade for acreage or small farm. 87114 East Morrison, bring your pmsc;.i TO exchange, set Harvard classics; Book of Knowledge; o. Henrys: leainer-uuuuu en cyclopedia for. typewriter. Call Coiurntua 25. Wilman. days. 8 to 5. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Etc. WILL SELL at public auction, at the big barn, near the Park. Vancouver, Wash.. March 30, 1918. 1 o'clock sharp. 17 head of horses, 6 set of double harness. 6 set of doubletrees. 1 bay team of 3400 lbs.. 6 yrs. old; 1 team of bay mares, .3200. 7 and 8 yrs. old; 1 team of grey g., 6 yrs. old, 3200; 1 team of bay mares, 6 and 7 yrs. old. SOOO; 1 bay g.. 10 yrs. old. 1630; 1 brown g.. 7 yrs. old. 1600; 1 steel-gray g.. 5 yrs. old. 1550; 1 bay mare, 6 yrs. old. 1450-1 bay mare, 8 yrs. old. 1300; 1 bay g.. 7 yrs. old, 1175; 1 bay g., 7 yrs. old, 1100; 1 bay mare, 8 yrs. old, 1050: 1 buck skin mate. 8 yrs. old. 1S00. A. E. Free burger, owner. N. H. Moras, auctioneer. Terms of sale cash. SPAN of black geldings, 7 and 8 years old, wt. 2850 lbs., free of blemishes, true to work; $225 Span of very closely mated brown mares. 5 and 6 yrs. old, wt., 2600 lbe. free of blemishes, true to work: $310. 3 head of sound, young geldings, wt., about 1300 lbs. each, right out of hard work; $100 each. Also some well-mated young teams at Mdel Stables, 5th and Davis sts. ; MUST BE SOLD CHEAP. 20 horses, mostly mares, some extra welt-matched teams among them; weight from 2200 to 2500 per span: age from 5 ' to 8 years; price from $100 to $230 per span; all kinds of good double and single harness: everything guaranteed. 283 Rus sell. near Wllilams ave. MARE and gelding, 5 years old, weight 3100 lbs., well mated, sound and gooti workers. Ward Stamra, Gresham, Or., Care Ruby Ranch. FOR SALE Sound team of work horses. 6 and 8 years old, 1600 lbs each; this team must be sold at once C. H. Smith. Broad way 93. ' . FOR SALE CHEAP A good, strong work horse. Montgomery Stables. 368 Front. In quire for Hanson s sorrel norse. FOR SALE 6 or 7 head work horses, weight 1100 to 1400 lbs., at J. A. Woods' farm, 4 miles N. of Independence. Or. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood lawn 20. DEAD stock taken quickly; we pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. DEAD stock and old horses bought. Phone Mllwaukie 6W-J. Calls paid on dead stock. WAGONS for sale cheap 88 E. 7th st. N. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. CLOSING OUT $275' upright piano (45 cash; a $350 one. $95 cash, and $425 one, $115 cash. Also modern, virtually new $375 upright. $190: a $425 one. $215 cash; a $90 organ, $20 cash, at Security Storage Co., 109 4th St. at Washington St. Pianos stored, 60c monthly, or bought and sold for cash. Phone Main 5328. 20c DAILY buys $375 piano, less 25 per cent, $281.25; 40c daily buys $050 player piano, less 25 per cent, $487.50. Best . savings bank for the home; secures musi cal education, entertainment and the prop- erty. aenwan rmim m.. a. ......... $90 CASH buys $375 Ernest Gabler upright piano, and $285 cash a $500 SS-tiote Heinze player piano at Security Storage CO., 109 4tn 8t. at wnaiini6"J. FULL CASH VALUE PAID FOR RECORDS, N E W il AN, 128 1st. Main 449... Taoor. 679S. Al up-to-date $200- talking machine. fitl. latest records. $00. 824 2d St., cor. Witta ker st. No agents. . PLAYER piano, new, perfect, SS-note, only $430. G: F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. Main 3106. - . WILL exchange a new Victrola for your old piano. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. Main 3100. HAVE you an organ to trade for a Pho"r graph? See us. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. Main 3100. $330 KINDER & COLLINS, $lo. . $750 Farrand Cecilian player, (298. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. RENT a piano, most reasonable terms in Portland; no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st SEVERAL dictaphones for sale, half price Main 4958. Norton. UPRIGHT piano, line condition, standard make, 1145. terms. 168 loth st. WILL trade diamond, watch and phono- . ian f K7 Orwennlan. grapn mi &uwi ym... - COLUMBIA Grafonola for rent with records. fclmnire iraneter, i-u nui PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. MAIN 4493. TABOR 6798. 128 FIRST. DTivnS timed. X3. Henrire T. Peck. Tabor 8374. oraa. jtew Eng. Conservatory. WANTED Piano, upright; cash. Marshall 0Z4Q. I PAY CASH for used pianos. ....i , u.l V-m1,(ll et Harold S. iTltUeri, O.l- Jem.,.,. " WANTED Piano for cash. Main 2820. Furniture for Sale. GAS PLATES. GAS PLATES. Three-burner gas plates, regular price $4 75 at $3.35; two-burner plates, regular $v"75 at $2.35; these are made of malle able iron; you. can stand on them with out breaking them, and they use very little gliSH FURNITURE CO.. 184 1st St. COMPLETE furnishings of a 5-room apart ment with piano, very reasonable, if taken at once. 525 Everett St.. Apt. A. PRACTICALLY new furniture for j-v?0 house; will sacrifice for cash. Phone Main Gt2i, rlast ooi. FOR SALE Several pieces of furniture in splendid condition. Woodlawn 172L 2t8 Morris st TWO-dressers, 2 iron beds. 1 hall tree and oak dining-room set. 1 range, 1 stove. o.4 East 33d. corner oi cnivhou. FOR SALE Furniture ot 3 rooms, good con dition, inquire apt. o. ""'- HOOSIEK cabinet, etc. Call morning or evening, maraiimi -io. Dogs. Birds and Pet Stocks FOR SALE Pedigreed cocker -Paniel male pops, 3 mo. old. $15 and $20. zo W. Far- get, neat tcuu... WANTED Female Boston bull terrier. Call Tabor tisuu. Livestock. 15 HOLSTEINS. 1 Guernsey, fresh; terms. Bruce. StQCityariia. BIG. fresh, gentle dairy and family cows; heavy milkers: all breeds. ioI E. Ash. Launches and Boats. WANTED To rent furnished boathouse, reliable party. AK 100. Oregonian. by Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS. Don't fall to see the new Oliver 9; was tinn i now $49 Pay like rent if desired; IrlaTsVeV W, Ferguson, 3S8 Burn side St.. or phone Broadway 210o. WE can save from 30 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our price fr.t . Retail Department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. KFW Remington rental plan, rent applies n,i rVhasS. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co.. 88 Broadway. Fbon. Broadway 621. UNDERWOOD. 4 Remington typewriters for rent. Empire Transfer Co.. 14o 11th St. Main 1800. , NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rental, at cut rates, x . U. ' . REBCIJT typewriters and P6l6Saa type...... ., REBUILT typewriters and supplies Corona Dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. Tunawnitr L.O.. at uiu o.. Machinery. for SALE One 60-h. p. horizontal tubular boHer 77-1 condition. Would cost you $1200 new at this time. Wllltaka $000 for it. C. Rowland. Sunnyslde. Wash. FOR SALE-600,000 feet left and rlght-Uy Can" Sake' jnVS H shipment Geo A. Burch Co.. IUO Jttttu p... - Automobiles. BUT THAT USED CAR - NOW. as you no- have the cream of the used car market. Reo 6. 7-paeS. Overland roadster. Cole 4 roadster. Cole 8, 7-pass Reo. 4-cyI., 6-pass. Stearns. 4-cyI.. 4-pass. Reo. 4-cyl. 5-pass. Overland, 4-cyL. 5-pass. a.nd many other good cars ranging In price fm $200 up. All cars In good mechanl cal ndition. cnnf'av 10 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Open flHT lUTO CO. . Broadway 1400. FOR SALE Best buy in the city. 1916 Oak F?l louring car. cail Montgomery, Main 2491. - ct ir-jTI Y used tires, $3 to $15 each; vul 6 called. 25c: tire repairing. 207 Madison. 1918 HUDSON touring. 7-pass., 6-cyl., $500. Call 228 Alder st. , 1918 FORD ROADSTER, guaranteed like new (395. $80 below value. 125 18th st. NEW Ford truck complete. 9th and Couch. Paul Stalger & Co.