Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 26, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tire aroiiNTXG okegoxtax. Tuesday, aiAucn sc, i9is.
Minnesota Senator Condemns
Government Action in Re
gard to Wheat.
Ilarinr Flrtltloaa Talne on Wheat,
U Is Held. Tends to Advance Mar
krt on Other Grain Oats and
Cora "ow Abnormaly High.
5i j ton. March IS. Senators from the
agricultural state, aa disclosed br re
cent debate, believe that rrlce-flln
aa applied to wheat la a .allure. Th
sg!tat?on irou over the attempt nvada
by certain Kenatoaa to modify to Pres
ident proclamation and raise the prlo
ft wheat from 12.24 to 12 40 a basnet.
Two main contentions were made, first,
that It la wrong to fix tb prlca of
wht and not regulate the prices of
other grains and. second, that it la
better to allow the wheat-grower. Ilk
th ror of corn, rye and barler.
to go in'- tb open market and aell
for prlca he can ret.
No stronger atatement waa made In
mtldm of the wheat price-fixing; pol
ler cf the Oovemment than that of
Senator Nelson, of Minnesota, himself
a practical farmer. Senator .Nelson
"Before, we paeeed laws tinder which
a prlca waa fixed last year on wheat,
all cereale wheat, corn. oat, barler. ',
rye and flax wer sold In th open
market, prlres wer governed to some
extent br th law of supply and d
mand. What did wa do last year? We
segregated wheat and aald In respect
to that on cereal. "We will fix an
arbitrary prlc for wheat that you can
l.ot exceed, but for which yon must
sell your crop." What waa th result?
putting an arbitrary prKe on wheat
en banc') th other cereal prlc. Corn,
rye. barley and oata bar (on op until
most of Lb c ex eels ara today above
Oata Abasrsaalty High.
Taka oata at cenU to a dollar a
Bushel. Tber ara only J pounds of
oata la a bu.hel. while tLer are (0
pounds In a bushel of wheat. So. for
feed or food purposea eltber for man
r beast, tt takes two bushels of oata
to eiual a bushel of wheat.
"Barley la today aa high In price aa
la wheat, and rye la a good deal blither
S per cent higher. Corn la also
op!a mnst hay something with
' which to feed their livestock, and If
wheat t cheaper than oata. It Is cheaper
than barley, and cheaper than corn.
Tt: farmer who Deeds feed will grind
his wheat Ineteal of Itoinc Into th
market and buying oats, corn, rye or
barley for feed purposes. That la th
war It I operating.
"Prtce-f Ixlnc. even If yon put th
price of wheat at tit a bushel and
ball probably vote for that will
pro. Mr. President, an abject failure.
Th only fair way la to leave all these
cereals to b sold In th open market,
to be governed by th law of supply
and demand. Then tha wheat farmer
will set th real market value of his
wheal as he la toJjy getting th real
value of his corn. oats, rye and barley.
Ion should either do that, or fix price
on ail these cereals.
Mtsjattaw la . Hesaedled.
"Keen If wa adopt this amendment.
rvrn If w fix a prlc of 12.& a bushel,
tn my mind It wlU not cur th situa
tion, so lone as w leav tb door open
In respect to to other cereals. We
shall still be confounded by tha exlst
tnr situation, because th demand for
the othr cereals will continue to rise.
"should th wheal farmer be made
th only victim of price-fixing? We
ran segregate tb wheat farmer and
tlx tha price of wheat: but th farmer
Is going to rata th crop that be finds
n-ost profitable: and Inxtrad of taking
bia oata. barley and rye and feeding
t'em la the stock. -he will sell them, be-c.-ue
they biina a hlcber pHr and he
WlU grind hie wheat to feed his slock."
ncc-tloa Officer "amrd.
niEHAUS. Wash, March Ji. Ppe
ciaL Special election of (leers were
named today by th City Commission
for th contest April 20. when It will
be decided whether a second electrle
light and power franchise will be
granted O F AneVrsnn. of Portland.
Stop suffering! .Relief comes
the moment you apply old
V. St Jacobs Liniment
' Rheumatism la "pain only."
Not on case In Bfly requires Inter
val treatment. Slop drugging! Rub
th misery right way! Apply sooth
Inc. penetrating "St. Jacobs Liniment"
directly upon tba "tender spot" and re
lirf cornea Instantly. ""?t. Jacobs Lini
ment" conquer pain. It la harmless
rheumatism liniment which sever d -appoints
and cannot burn tha skin.
Lumber up! flop coniplalntngi Get
a small trial bottle of "at. Jacobs Lini
ment" at any dm- store, and la just a
moment you'll be free from rheumatic
pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suf
fer: Relief awaits you. "St. Jacobs
Liniment" la Just aa rood for Sciatica,
neural!- lumbago, backache, sprains
and swelling A Jv.
wM.h Jrvta not ajttirktjr lld to or
dtirv mur mut h 4.t witlx
anarou, Try
Tatkva tn tim. thi Calcium rrp
raita my trvnt chronic iil
tion Invoivtrr t hrnftt n4 lnoE.
I oQtalra to Atroho., NatrcoUC tf
Hbt-Fonnlr Itu.
M taK M-A. M w
h rtc inrluli r t All drurrttv
oLcai n4.a Lra.Kor, PbiaAticspauh
10.CCO Trtainwiuls Frva Kodiers
rf htttfr S ! nivy.fjf'f 4 K','"j,m rar lr Chltdr.
Tut m. mn4 r r ? iu , r-
fow r'i . TtMBC rvi-w. vfi
i Kghic 't : ft rtn. ftaVft frj-
t 'n brw o ra4 fMtflrat It at lhn.
JW terT pMd1
.sr : - in air nd i-
mn.m rmalr l ov . .l. X. '! mhn 4
. i lv in tb lM for
faimwtlf W4sa JkX ViXUdtC awWai
Moving Picture Mev5
' X &
f ' ' - ' . .. ;
; '',''' '';-
Sunset "Th Birth of a Nation."
Liberty Taylor Holmea. "Kuc-
Kles of Hed Gap."
Majestic Dorothy PhlUlpa. "Th
Urand Passion."
Peoplva Karl William, "In th
Columbia Dorothy Dal ton, "Lor
Star Douslaa Fairbanks, "The
Man From Painted Post"; Toto,
-Th One-Niaht Stand."
Clobe Mary Plckford. "Poor IJt
tla Fcpplna."
VITAGRAPH celebrated its 1st
birthday on St. Patrick's day.
which la almost equivalent to
celebrating tha birthday of tba motion
picture Industry. For Vitagrapb'a his
tory la mora or less a history of 01m-
dom In tha United States, for thla pio
neer has never lost Its place' at tha
front rank of motion picture producers.
Th bectnntn- of h concern ac
tually dale back mora than 22 years.
but It wa on St. Patrick day, 1;,
that th old American Vltagraph Com
pany waa formed by Albert O. Smith,
present head of tha concern, and J.
Stuart Blackton, now making pictures
for Paramount.
Here are some of tha outstanding
Vltagraph datea:
In ll Mr. Smith perfected his set- I
doit avvice I or mmng muiiuD pictures
In fram. thla bving on of th most
Important inventions In tha history of
tb screen.
In 1IM tha company Incorporated and
th commercial production of motion
pictures Inaugurated.
n ItoS studios were opened In Cali
fornia and tb first lOus-foot aubject
In 101 th company" output In
creased to luOO-negativ feet weekly.
In 10! th first live-reel motion pic
ture was made In America. It was
"Tha Life ot Moses," made by Vlta
The industry Is Indebted to Vltagraph
for the training of screen stars. More
men and women now famous tn the art
of screen acting received thrlr start
in the Vltagraph studio than In any
other company In existence, among
them being: Anita Stewart, Clara Kim
11 Young. Kdith Storey. Norma and
Constance Talmadre, Mr. and Mrs. Sid
ney Drew. Earle Williams, Harry Mo
re y and th late John Bunny.
Manufacturers Censor Pictures.
The National Board of Review of the
motion pictur Industry Is a self-lm
posed censorship body, brousht into
being by th deslr of film manufac
turers to curb questionable proclivities
of fellow producers and protect the In
dustry against assaults by constantly
elevating the moral and artistic quali
ties of photoplays.
The personnel of the National board
Includes bankers, educators, members
of the clergy and many people promt
nent In public life. Including more than
100 women. Thes people ara voluntary
censors, serving without pay. and their
recommendations sre religiously ob
served by manufacturers. Kxpenses
Incidental to censorship are defrayed
by th manufacturers, who contribute
to a general- fund. .
The National board is not a legally
constituted body. In th accepted aense.
but Ita standards are high and, with
cw exceptions, regulate exhibition of
plcturea throughout the country.
Local censorship Is imposed on prod
ucts which already have been carefully
scanned by a most representative body
of public-spirited men and women.
Get Star Pltuto Here.
Acting apon a sugsestlon from Eu
gene O'Brien, leading man for Norma
Talmadge. a number of well-known
moving -picture playera have estab
lished a photograph bureau for the
benefit of th Stag Woman a War Re
lief -
"Fan letter." requesting photo
graphs, coma by th hundreds to most
of the popular screen actors. Few in the
profession receive more of these re
quests than Mr. O'Brien, who conceived
Ih idea of referring applicants tn the
Stage Woman's War Relief. Th photo
graphic bureau la tn chars of Nanon
Toby and if film fans will pick out
their faorlt player and send SO cents
they will receive In return a One pho
sraph with a genuin autograph. Ad
dress Nanon Tobv. Photograph Bureau.
Stag Woman's War IlelieC ii Fifth
avenue. New York City.
Screen Gossip.
Charles Fanr. Chines comedian, la
to be featured In a serlee of one-reel
romedlee. They say he s tha only
funny Chinaman In pictures.
e e
Southern California Sim aetlvlty la
now on In full blast. Stare working
trier at present Include tha following:
Charles Chaplin. Marr Plekford. Will
iam H. Tlart. Iwtuglaa Fairbanks, Lome
Huff. Sii llarakawa. tuetn Kar
aum. William Farnum. Theda Kara.
Jewel Carmen. Beeele Harr'eale. Clara
WI"tT". J. Wares Kerrigan. Henry
B. Walthall. Mao Murray, Oliv Ihomaa.
JLy ,-Jf-, UZr2A
Lillian and Dorothy Glsh. Bobble Har
ron and George Fawcett. A close atud
of th situation will reveal that the
present seasan la ona of tha most ac
Uva th Coast haa over had, -e
e e
Bill Hart, accompanied by his faith
hul horse, Frltx, paraded the streets o
Los Ang-ele last week In tba Interest
of th Ked Cross. They cava BUI
escort of troops and a couple of milt
tary bands. All traffic was stopped
when th familiar flfure of the two-sun
man went marching down Broadway,
e e e '
William Horsier, well-known film
man. waa "pinched" In Los Angeles the
other day and charted with receiving-
stolen films.
Instead of employing- Individual
mslds at the Goldwyn studio, Mae
Marsh. Madge Kennedy and Mabel Nor
mand now us on Jointly. The differ
ence In salary they contribute to varl
ous war relief orfranixations, tne
amonnt being deposited weekly and
distributed according to agreement.
Kvery film rtr In and around New
York waa present at th opening
"Tha Souab Farm last week, a new
play by the Ilattona, which Is said to be
tire on th "atmosphere, etc. of
tha motion picture atudio. Between the
acta tha gossip proved to be quit as
Interesting as the play. Even during
tha performance exclamations were
overheard from many of the celluloid
players, who apparently recognised the
nrototvnea of their emDloyers.
Probably the highest price ever of
fered for the film rights of a dramatic
production la the sum ot SSO.uoO pro
posed last week for "Romance. The
Play, however. Is not yet available for
th screen. The 1000th performance
was given In London a week ago Mon
day night, with Doris Keane tn the
principal role, and at present there
seems to be no Indication of thla record
run being discontinued.
e e e
International has hired Julius Steger
aa general of ita directing forces at
salary said to be the highest ever paid
a man In a similar position. However.
he's not In the Falrbanks-Hart-Plck-ford-Chaplin
class. They are the
"bloated pluta" of th business.
Tes. Clara Kimball Young will wear
her Kaster bonnet In Los Angeles. She's
there now ready to make a picture,
e e e
A feminine admirer of Darrell Fos.
Triangle lending man, atylea him the
"Devtliah Fascinator." Another mash
notal '
Gloria Swanson used to be a Sennett
Keystone bathing girl. Yet the press
agent says she bad to learn to swim
and diva before working in a recent
Triangle picture. Which recalls the
story a Portland girl brought up from
Los Angeles that Louise Lovely could
not swim a stroke and was mortally
"afeared" of the water when making
that aquatic picture. "Sirens of the
a e .
Triangle la presenting ao many new
leading women It s almost impossible
to keep track of them. Mary Warren.
with Bill Desmond, is on of the latest.
"Mrs. Lefflngwell's Boots," the Au
gnstua Thomas comedy-drama, has been
procured for Constance Talmadse. Mar
taret llllngton was its star on Broad
e e e
Fatty Arbuckle Is to report to th
Loa Angeles board this week for re
examination for the National Army. He
was exempted a few weeks ago for be
ing overweight. Buster Keaton. one of
hia funny henchmen, has been accepted
and la waiting for th call.
E V. Purlin. Los Angeles representa
tlve of the New York Telegraph, as
serts that Griffith's new picture,
"Hearts of the World." is the greatest
of them alt -He says "The only heart
that D. W. Griffith's new picture
"Hearts of the World." will not touch
Is the heart of the Kaiser, and It will
break his. No medium, written, spoken.
dramatised or screened during the
period of the great wsr carries the
appeal of this latest achievement of a
man whose real greatness is Just begin
ning to be appreciated.
Cecil Be DeMille la to train motion
picture artists in the art of camouflage
for tha Government. The scenic field
of tha silent drama has bean developed
highly along these lines.
'Joan of Plattsburg." the Mabel N'or-
maod picture which was objected to br
the Government, is to b completed m
Florida. Many of tha scenes of the
original picture were filmed at the
Plattsburg training camp.
e e e
Lillian Cook. 11-year-oM 'lngenu.
who wa with World for three years,
died recently In New York.
Tavaa collected by tha Government
on pictur admissions during January
were t. !.::. This tunicate a healthy
condition of tb buelnese.
Motion plcturea are to b shown In
the Liberty theaters at tha various Na
tional Army cantonments. -
First of Holy Week Gatherings
Draws Crowd.
Portland Ministerial Association
Host to People Wbo Meet at Hip
podrome Theater and Join In
.Singing Son; of Fighters.
Pack ap your troubles In your old kit-bag
And smile, smile, smlle.
The Hippodrome Theater rang with
this aong and with others that are fa
vorites of the fighting forces and of the
home folk and then fairly vibrated with
"Onward, Christian Soldiers," as Cap
tain A. j. Pequegnat, of the Canadian
army, led the singing at the noon-day
meeting yesterday.
The affair was the first of the holy
week meetings arranged by tha Port
land Ministerial Association and the
ministers ot various denominations oc
cupied places on the stage. "Captain
Pag, aa the gallant soldier la affec
tionately termed, called the clergy his
choir and he made them all etand up
and sing. He had everyone singing be
fore he finished.
And then th Rev. H. H. Griffis, pas
tor of th First Christian Church, took
the center of the stage, right in the
spotlight, and gave a atirrlng patriotic
and religious message appropriate to
the time. Several times ha waa In
terrupted by applause.
"America goes forth to battle in the
firm conviction that tha philosophy of
the Babe In the maAger is better than
that of the 'dog In the manger,'" de
clared the speaker. "Today it eeems
we are approaching Calvary. God grant
that tne cross we bear may be an ex
position of a redeemed political . life.
America Is standing for democracy, for
the common good of all. Autocracy Is
standing for the subjugation of the
many. And I believe that today in this
day of great struggle and strife the
conflict rages not only on the battle-
front, hut In the hearts of every person
in America. In this larger struggle all
are enlisted. There no longer are any
neutral citizens. They are either Amer
icana or traitors. Each of us is called
to do not only his bit but his best. This
i th hour when Germany la crucifying
decency and righteousness and we must
fight for the preservation of the princi
ples of Christ.
"It is not wrong to fight. Th -severest
blow that were ever struck at evil
were struck by Jesus Christ. True, he
was the Good Shepherd. But the good
shepherd fights with every bit of his
strength when it Is a cas of wolves.
Dr. Joshua Stansfield was chairman
and Dr. Alexander Beera and Rev. J. F.
Ghormley led in prayer. Today at 12:10
o'clock the meeting at the Hippodrome
ill oe addressed by Dr. J. H. Bovd.
pastor of First Congregational Church.
Barclay Acheson will lead the music.
Camp Lewis Notes.
1AMP LEWIS, Tacoma, March IJ
t "it certainly feels good to be back
on tha Job," said Lieutenant-Colonel
Eugene C Northlngton, commander of
th base hospital, who left her a
month ago. as a Major, on sick leave.
Lieutenant-Colonel Northlngton has en
tirely recovered from an attack of
pneumonia, which was so serious as
to necessitate a trip to the Letterman
General Hospital, San Francisco.
The commander of the base hospital
found on -his return that several new
buildings had been erected and the offi
cers' quarters doubled In size, the same
being a part of the half-milllon.-dollar
improvement to the base hospital.
Every organization at Camp Lewis
Is directed In an order issued today to
trke an Inventory of all articles con
tributed by the Red Cross and other
charitable organizations and to submit
list to the unit supply officer.
In the monthly report of each organi
zation, th needs of the men as regards
Red Cross articles ara to be stated, as
each man ia permitted one sweater,
two pairs of socks, one pair wristlets.
one muffler and one knitted helmet.
Plans have been made for giving the
men of the sist jjtvision immediately
the benefits of the soldiers' and sailors'
civil relief bill which was approved by
President Wrilson March 8. It provided
Directed by That Master Mind, D. W. Griffith '-'
Cost $500,000
10 A. 5L
Of., Wk-Day
LOj Mats-
i TB ii iiiii inn in rsiifsi 'nirr i 1 i ' I
for the virtual moratorium for men In
the Army and Navy during- the war.
Any man In Camp Lewis whose per
sonal affairs have become involved ia
directed to apply to the Division Judge
Advocate for assistance in obtaining
the benefit of the new law. A memo
to this effect published today haa been
ported In every barracks. 1
There have been several Instances of
hardship caused by the men in camp
by unscrupulous business men, who
took advantage of the soldier's absence
ftom home. The Red Cross has been
handling these cases and through its
local organisation and virtually through
every one in the country has brought
relief. Th new . law Is ."expected to
relieve the Red Cross, of these duties.
The benefit of the law ceases as soon
as a man Is discharged from the serv
ice, or one year after peace is declared,
if the man remains In the service to
the end of the war. 4
. ; .
Conservation is to be applied to the
fir forest which surrounds Camp Lewis,
recording to an order isvued today at
headquarters of the vlst Division. The
needless and useless cutting down of
treea must stop, the order reads, and
no tree may be cut down in the future
until It has been designated and
marked by the officers in authority.
Most of the 'timber falling has bean
done in the neighborhood of the
trenches, where the -timber and
branch ea have Been used In trench con
struction. ' ,
Danger of' fire, unless the ground Is
Immediately cleared of all dead timber,
brought forth the further order that
all organisations which cut trees will
see to It that every pit of dead Wood
be removed at one..
In the future the cutting of tim
ber must be scattered so that the forest
shall not be harmed, no ' matter how
far it Is necessary to haul the timber
m m m
Officers and enlisted men at camp
were today notified in an order issued
by Major-General H. A. Greene, com
mander of the camp, that the practice of
acting as agents for business houses. is
prohibited. Several non-commissionea
olflcers have received letters from
business houses offering their agencies
in the sale of goods to enlisted men.
This order will work financial bard
ship on a number of the non-commls
stoned officers and enlisted men. who
have been acting as business agents. One
soldier, who acted as agent for a laun
dry. Is known to have, made as hish as
40 a week. ' V
The Seattle Rifle and Gnu Club
yesterday won the rifle match with the
team of Camp Lewis marksmen on
the camp range.
The wind and rain worked havoc
with the Army men, no wind gauge
having been provided, while the civi
Han men were equipped with micro
That there have been several cases
of fraudulent claims under the war
risk Insurance act became known to
day with the publishing of a memo
from the war risk Insurance depart
ment advising men who fear to lose
because, inadvertently they have made
an incorrect statement, that they mak
any correction they desire through the
commanding officer.
Three men were discharged from the
National Army at camp this mornln
on the recommendation of the Divl
sion Exemption Board. They are.
Privates Frank A. Hughes, Company
L 363d Infantry: Antonio Bastllll,
Ninth Company, 166th Depot Brigade,
and Charles G. Hansen, battalion C,
J16th Engineers.
Astoria Men Accused of Refusing to
Obey Court Order.
ASTORIA, Or. March 25. (Special.)
Anton Kuljls and Constantino Adam'
apple were arrested today on charges
of contempt of court, for failure to
obey the Circuit Court crder to re
lease the purse-seining craft American
First. The order was made in the case
of Martin Luksich against Anton Kuljl
and A. J. Megler St Co. The plaintiff
asked for the appointment of a receiver
for the vessel and an accounting of last
season's purse-seining operations.
Kuljis was released on 1500 bond
and Adamapple is being held In jail
pending a hearing In the Circuit Court
tomorrow. - -i
Klamath Reservation to Benefit
From Federal Appropriation.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or, March 25.
(Special.) The Senate today adopted
the provision of the Indian bill aliow-
ne the Klamath Indians &",uuu to
QCr Eve's.
As I live and breathe, it's none other than
Read by a host in the Saturday Eve. Post
buy livestock. Every effort will be
uted to get the Bouse to concur.
Senator McNary has sent this infor
mation to the Klamath Commercial
Club, which has used its Influence to
secure the appropriation for the use
of the Indians in getting- a start in
livestock production.
Ij. W. Hutton Gain9 Possession of
Property Left by Wife.
SPOKANE. -Wash., March 25. (Spe
cial.) Through delivery of a deed to
day, Lv W.' Hutton was given absolute
possession of all the property in
Washington and Idaho, including an
Interest in the Hercules mine at Wal
lace, included in the estate of his wife.
May Arkwrlght Hutton.
The transfer of the deed to Mr. Hut
ton upon payment to the Old National
Bank of $175,000 closes a legal contro
versy started by a majority of the
heirs about a year ago.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
nisn. Main 7070. A 6095.
Occidental Life Insurance
of Los Angel's. In the state of California,
on the 81st day of December, 1917. made to
the Insurance Commissioner of the state of
Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital .paid up $ 2SO.000.00
. Income.,
T.!f denartment
Premiums received during the
. ..$ 638.007.97
Ledger assets received from oth
er companies . mr ubuiiuuk
their rinks 232.078.15
Interests-dividends and rents re- .
ceived during; tne year
Income from other sources re
ceived during the year si,oo.o
Accident department
Premiums received during the
year 227.594.9.1
Policy fees 15,154.75
Income from other sources re
ceived during tne year i.'uiw
Total -income $1,223,336.77
' Disbursements.
Paid for losses, endowments.
nnn I m ann Murrennftr vu-
uee t 124,992.68
Dividends and ooupona paid
TKilicyholdera during the year Z5,uiv.&
rnmtnliuiiAna And na.lJLriea ta. id '
during the year - iw,aio.v9
ToTfla lirAnRAR And faea naid
during; the year x.av.ot
Amount o all other expendi
tures Va.AUA.Ol
Afririunt f1nartmnt
Losses paid during the year. In-
etc . . . .77. 102.25H.8S
rliwilnir (wlliiatmAnt ainsnMIL
Policy fees retained by agents. . 45,145.00
Commissions and salaries paid
during; the year
Life department
Tawsa 1 Ir-on asi Ann feA Tiald
during the year ,s-.o.-
Amount of all other expendl--
tures j'ft.iui.i
Total expenditures .. 7S2.931.48
Awets. -
Book value of real estate
E8, 750.42
Loans on mortgages aad coilat-
teral. etc.
Policy loans
Bonds -
Cash in banks and on nana....
Net uncollected and deferred
nmmlumlL life deDartment. .
Admitted premiums in course of
collection, accident aeparunent
Interest duo and accrued......
Other assets
Total assets admitted In Ore-
Net reiwrve , Il,si4.nsi.3l
All other liabilities 124.26U.7a
Gross claims, tor losses unpaid. ' 16,194.07
Amount of unearned premiums
on all outstanding riBKS. ...
Tih. nr tn hflnime fl IIP for COm-
mission ana onroiterage
All other liabilities 8.234.0O
Tnf1 HahllHIea 81.498.063.87
Total insurance in force Decem
ber SI, 191 f. Ilia jwnraeni.iD,ugw
Total premiums in force De-
cemoer 31, !, acciaent ue-
partn-.ent i "-.V xr 1-uoa-:a
Life department
Total Insurance written during
Vi. vpar S
Gross premiums received during
the year . . . -
Premiums returned during the
year. Including surrender vat
nan and dividends paid
Losses paid during the year
Total amount of Insurance out
standing in urfgou. utcemosr
31. 1917 81.101.393.00
. ilafiartment
Gross premiums received during
the year 23,811.80
Premiums returned during the
Losses paid during the year...
By JOSEPH BbitiLHARD. President.
bamiArr ceneral srent an4 attomer for
service X C. Cunning ham. Peruana, Or.
Broadway at Stark
Continuous 11 to 11
On of a SwrUm ef Information Ariielmm
on Dtntai HugisntXio, 2
Good Health
Good Teeth
TV TORE rohvsical de-
ceneracv can be
traced to neglect of the
teeth than to the use
of alcohol," says Dr.
William Osier, the eminent
authority. And Prof. Lewis
M. Terman, In his treatise,
entitled, "The Hygiene of the
Child." says that out of 20
million school children In this
country, 13 million are affect
ed bo dimeaae of th mouth
and teeth which undermines
their health and progress.
Decayed and neglected teoth
cause indigestion and mental
backwardness. Tooth-troubles
may affect the heart, the eyes
and ears in fact, all our fac
ulties are weakened by dis
eased teeth and a neglected
mouth. 'A decaying tooth,
unpleasant as it may sound,
is a rotting bone in your
mouth." according to Arthur
Brisbane, the famous editorial
writer. j
Diseased tonsils or a neglected
mouth is not a joke. It is a
eonatant menace to your
health. There is no real ex
cuse, except neglect and indif
ference. Once your teeth are
In order you can keep them
that way for remember this
decay does not start on m
clean tooth.
Published bv th
Board of Dental Examiner
Slate of Oregon
era gn
Massachusetts Mutual Life
Insurance Company
of Springfield, in the state of Massachusetts '
on the 31st day of December. 1917, made to
the insurance Commissioner of the slate of
Oregon, pursuant to law: f
Capital. .
Amount of capital stock paid
up Purely mutual
Total premium income $ 14,619.930.63
Interest, dividends and rents '
received during the year... 4,806,074.03
Income from other sources re
ceived during the year 1,000.258.1-t
Total income 20,235,26183
Paid for losses, endowments,
annuities and surrender val
ues $ e,2o.i:o.Ta
Dividends paid to policyhold
ers during the year.. 2,910,878.43
Commissions and salaries paid
during the year 2,274.866.5
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year S89.S41.93
Amount of all other expend!- . .
tures 1.091.709.27
Total expenditures
..$ 12,827,398.04
Market value of real estate
owned t
Market value of stocks and
bonds owned
Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc
Premium notes and policy
Cash in banks and on hand..
Net uncollected ana aexerrea
Other assets (net)
Trttal suets
Total assets admitted In Ore
Net reserve oT.n;n.es8.oii
Total policy claims unpaid I
All other liabilities 6.704.8-6.nH
Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock of (Purely
mutual) $100,763,570.84
Business In Oregon for the Year.
Tnf.i in.nrnnce written dur-
(ntr th. vear $
Gross premiums received dur
ing the year
Premiums returned during tne
84.1119 78
Losses paid. during the year..
Ltoeses - wcurreo. . aurmK ui.
Tntal amount of Insurance out
standing In uregon Decem
ber 31. 1917 ,082.523.0
Tv WFFKT.HR TT. TTALT.. Prrtary.
Ptatutory resident general attaint and at.
lunar for service. H. O. Coitou. Portland.