THE 'MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY. MAItCIT 26, 1918. DISQUE REPLIES TO from conference of hotel men at San Kraoctsco. ar. at tha Multnomah. Principal Agents Kayser Italian Silk Underwear Main Floor i A. Brlx. of Astoria, la also at Seward. R. A. Booth, of Eusene, la at ImperlaL F. O. Young, of Eugene, la at Imperial. R. M Gilbert, of Salem, la at Imperial. n C A. Gray, of Salem, la at th: s tha! if Ia John Mase field Here Thursday Me wlU lecture on "The War and the Future." drawn from personsi experience at the front. Municipal Auditorium. T h u ra dar. March 23. at :15 P. M. Ex change tickets Sic. &0c. 75c, .1 Book iihop. Fifth Floor. Thrift and War Savings Stamps on Bale at our Accommodation Bureau, Basement. A filled Thrift Card, of 1 25c stamps, with 14c is exchangeable for a War Savings Stamp worth J5 January 1. 1923. Powys Lectures at Multnomah Hotel, March 28 to April 1. Single admission, 75c; aft ernoon or evening course. $2. Tickets Fifth Floor. Army and Navy Shop Main Floor Central Here we have assembled for conven ience in selection a great assortment of comforts and requisites for our sol diers and sailors.- Military insignia, lib erty locket buttons, etc Packages wrapped for mailing free. - lb. ? Portland. llelma Haknrl. of Astoria, la at the Portland. J. Msrsler. of Waahouffa, la at the Adverse Comment on Policies of Spruce Producer Brings Spirited Response. . MEN'S RIGHTS GUARANTEED jfrlB Q.UALTTY STOkp OT POKTLAMS Cornelius. F. need, of Jefferson, la at the 2 Cornellua. 2 Mr A. X. Rinhrt, pf Vale, la at THE Easter Store Par Excellence! the Kltx. Mr. A. C. Thoma. of Ptarton. la 20 EDITOR S GR T G SM rfbUhed Flzhf-Hoar Pay. It I fraltl. Carlrr Pay of Prrtloa I Hoar Period Men la joj Lrfioa Satisfied. Criticisms br an ttliiw of ffetimr bano. Wash., of the pollutes and deci sions of Colon! Brlce f. plaque, com pander of the spruce-product loa di- v I. too of tho 1 aitM State Jsna!l rps with headquarters tn Port land, rave elicited a spirited reply from too la o reply to statements published In (Pi Petr.ngQam paper Colon-1 L!jue reiterates too d-cUrtIon that every wnrksr In tho lumber Industry of tho Northwest "is guaranteed tho Mm P r tor tho eight hour he la to work under he new arrangement aa ho bad ba rvroitmt for too boor: defends the aim of the Loyal Legion of Log yers Umbrm, cite a genera iaa of mnftdnce In "some of tho me ho havo burn endeavoring to unionise the lumber Industry." and flara those who rrtt t-t Instead of co-operating. ?omt of tho pertinent and pungtn statement of Colonel t Issues reply ft tho IWlItntfham editor follow: Cdttofla DtMy ladlratodw Tveer laboring tiin nggd la th tuns Wr n.itrjr la ti !.- fH- rthiet firtaai day by hi -se e- rtrjen. tnfwa) thle orftre. ami -ry sua w end t i't4fniil the same pey I. irii tnat bo to ! work Badr t ,rrnrn.n k fcad fiv lex, iurt If " know rr nrt la fiMidii Ion to ot prwAltlna. ir tuiv to tw ferine th matter to r(fttt 9 tht artk-. ftad tbi ycxt ha 4n. Ntrhr hrt ya intiicat! otnar raa w ap m4 ar ot orating tnt irt Mm pv ;r a-h work w.r iti-ftMing pr ktly for ia hour. Th lval 1 toa f Legr0 and Latfi' Wrmi wa tranisMt for tuaf on our' u arm g hnvno to in lumber niB el in ,4riNi thir iru and ttal irn (rrmr t ihir H"frriimtii durtna tbit mar-a-v an-1 is ant thtn In a aacrioil rnitiofi la lntsr lh proluctlna thai tl-t ha aarr Bobmtr from mmtr9hip M a a llllng to a atma of loy n4 avrvlrw la ht bvfmmBi; It haa not n., Mirwt a ta Iba mam bar' af f II tat Ion. Urr. ra;tc;oua or fhrtaa. and It ta aot tnfn mat ih orsantaailon shall W nftninf bat an op a patriotic aoctotjr lilt iitf pr;y bavauaa of th war, a CaanwUlMia asU4rd. Tt a7 taat tb war oral aa pobttaaad to -i-rl a rturtloa la w aaa tf in T aaw anon la Ibo Lvoyal kaaloo, Torr n of wnotm la lnvtta4 la orlac I h attaa tfrt ( iht arric aar an r air diacrimina- tin or tlawn af ajr boilattna, a m( maa haa "araplaiod that bia ava ftoMti riij-aMi. on aaa that t.i la'ht hoor dr wj w aa:f n;untart'T a or bawaoa of no t rvtl" nit"iio on IS part of I ho m (far an4 lat Ilia irtrn rafoaad tt Work tar h xtr tl. I'armtf m U aajr Ih I -i- am pi Tar fi:-l Tflttnljr?' ptacr lh aa ir in m hand. knowing w bat mjr a-lW "UI4 lnriHeriKM, aay fhat th AmHsn rattorntiot. f Irwr ia tha forv that kroeiarni aagi .aiht-h(ttr 1y. tth to mt tht t am friv ramlitar with t "i v an pfNM hat mr In- ttmata knfiit f f'r th antir dia Iff of t, .n Wiini'n.m than an axhar man. a.,t 11 i m v firm rplnln thai aaitbar I n A rnr .an Tr t nf Labor, Rnr an v hr nr( w ulJ ha b.'O! m' ftia aiit-fujr bat La,r. a i -I i an r tut "ri'iat r. vvl f ir h.i m"-n aftra ataavrat-m of k-fa-Uooa (or an Ind-rmtta aucnbor of )tra. haw-aUlaa I irary. tt if a rtt that tb tght-btr day Waa ar tllhl h ma. and 1 know Ibat a-iUa fSm labivrTaf -nan apat up la af ll a-, th (m wti: p prnhlhltlT an-J Will ruTt tf radttriw af waata. b.-aua H ieirnni -will at pw mo-a fr hnn wr. an. ka.otnc t a prnv I ha rniir or araitar npar.iora. It will aa Ihl I - ar n( c m p-1 t t oparata at a loaa Tara ta a -iatNw la m mlnt that th "ir-tanr in Ifta laln cam pa and lumbar anK!a waa ! par rant of what It ronld ba. aa4 it m bt in mnrf rmmtd lab will raaaa tn a'f -ln- and pro Ittln i iho petlrtt Mfh will ran-lar It aa.aat t run lata tha aama waya la 4 m-'a'a thai lia man ao nw rwairtrc. w.-H- ar h aam aa tbay rocaivad Xor tf hnaa w orb. I ha ajri raprt nr th AmarVaa 7'a'tara'n I.aivr a ad particulartr It bI '' Carwira. (Wfwt I OaParmina! np nT tin f ar tn i a ma pr- i: -j- a. bid aaral cmi'tWM in h ri4tn wia ir. tm par ant hi aat-rnia ai ih b'tq'r af tf mr,-J r'anlarat of labor aa !! a ai f irmm ml th lprtmat of I atwr 1 am nf-lt at in haarty co- parv'loa f Mr vm pa r and h : a na'aa. w h ar familiar wtfn alt of oar a--t ittao, and I ana fvtani a( thair ap- pcival of wnat ha an d-oa. To twpinfi f labor, aa wa aa a pta.nrtr f Ih Uttortna Iran tham flvaa, tn tha itimbvr Induatrr In th ra.'fftr N rthwa. m :iattiar u.i:iat or not. havt llltta nft.tnr in tn af Ih PH wFt baa baa lwiifln t nntonta ttta lum bar-trtaT In.lualrf. ttlth Ih.a na in nan t rrrwcai bTnd daarrntnink that fha a!l ! ua rrt I at! lin to beme eiM a nHif l n whn lrOv war oaaut Ia innni rw f or tha w r. and aoaul rrt:flr tt hih'y nnp'nfl? and Mrr. tI r darimantal t I ha lntaria of tha1 r..-arnmant al thla Itm fr 7ta. or my aTtar mamnaf of an uthrr nraanttattnn. t mmh to lab al-aota f .t l.I .tan af Iaaar and l.umharnin firl tha oar conditio t pinit that arajmatsacloa. rtSlbl Aw AT, if :1) V - A 1 I V a . c LlVeWaa.-o.-V4V a& L I - ft t the Mr. Marr - Kim. Mra. Mary Ann Klnjt. widow of late Klchard n. Kin, died March 1C at her home. 701 Et Twenty-flrat street, at the aae of 74 years. Phe had been a resi dent of Portland for the past 10 years. Aa Mlas Mary Ann Hlnes aha aa born In Suffolk County, England. In 1141. At the are of Si phe married Richard D. Klna. corporal In the famous Cold airearo ttuard. They rame to thl country and madeahetr home In Portland. Me. They later moved to Kannaa and In 111! came to this rlty. ' Mrs. Klnit la survived by six daughters, two of whom. Mrs. Hianche II. Halderman and Mrs. Mary C. Smith, live In this city, aa well aa three sons, nine Brand children and two brothers. the recent arrivals at the PERSONAL MENTION. Stewart, of noble, la at the K'ta. R. IM!. of Seattle, la at the Palace. A. Kerr, of Taklma. la at the Ben- . H. Son. 'harles Bryson. of A pro. Is at the J. P. Scott, of Lewtston. la at -the TaUre. t. Fealason. of Hoqulam. la at the Ore.n. Mrs. EL O Cross, of Salem. Is at the peard. O K. Pattereon. of Corbrtt. Is at the Perkins. J. C Marma.iuke. W. Sothrrl n and II R S-h.INer of Sett!. refumire; amonc Palace. Pan R. Brown, of Spokane. Is at the Multnomah. Frank Jones, of Salem, is at the Washington. V. li. Hawkins, of Walla Walla. Is at the Henson. E. R Heath, of Saa Francisco, la at the Oregon. Anna M. Turley. of Corrallls. Is at the rieward. Mrs. TV. C. Brown, of Condon, la at the Seward. Mrs. Madison Cooper, of Wasco, la at the Imperial. G. M. Iyd. of Wakesburr, Wash, Is at the Perkins. F.d Heater, of Rltsvllle. Is registered t ' the Oregon. Ira M. Camp, of LaCrosse, Wash., ta at the Oregon. J. C. Powell, of Waterloo. Or Is at he Washington. Benjamin B. Robb. of Independence, Is at the Palace. J. l. MacVlrar. of Grants Pass. Is at the- Portland. John Hampshire, of Grants Pass, la at the Portland. Mrs. Jsmes Hobba, of St. Helens, is t the Cornelius. J. IV. rvarrah. of Grays River. Wash., s at the Palace. George K Gibson, of The Dalles, la t the Multnomah. W. Norman, of Tacoma. la registered t the Multnomah. Mr. and Mra. A. Brough, of Rainier. re at the Carlton. B. W. SVI-on and family, of TamhilL, re at the Perkins. Mr. and Mra. II. B. Bodies, of Salem. re at the Carlton. John A. Lytle. ot.SC Paul, la regls- ered at the Seward. Mrs. L K Wuestnbcrry. a resident of Vale, la at the Kits. D. J. Allen, of Hood River. Is regis- ered at the Perkins. Charl lllghsted. of Columbia City, at the Washington. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Chappell. of Uma tilla, are at the Palace. T. P. Haller. of Iwlston. Mont, Is realstered at -the Palace. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Foster, of Cor- valiia. are at the Seward. A. X. Ilolman, of Kune. Is regis- ered at the Washington. Charles Zblnden. of Mitchell. Or., Is registered at the ImperlaL Mr. and Mra. It. J. Johnson, of Cor- a 11 is. are at the Perkins. Mr. aeid Mrs. Archie , McGowaa. of urna. are at the Benson. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Perry, ot Trosser. h.. are at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Massey, of Chi cago, are at the Multnomah. Mra. C. B. Williams. Jr.. a resident of Pendleton,-is at the Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Roland S. Eckles. of Baker CjUsVsre at the Multnomah. Char!, s A. Park, of Salem, la among the recent arrivals at the Seward. Mr. and Mra. I. P. Smith, of Worcester. Mass., are at the Benson. I A Wirthmor Waists $1 Here they are the new Wirthmor waists for Easter and as neat, dainty, pretty and serviceable as Wirthmors ever were and THINK OF IT Still Priced at Just $1 If youv have never worn a Wirthmor, then by all means do come in and make their acquaintance, for thereafter you "will save largely every time you buy an inexpensive waietv Four new models just re ceived go on sale today for the first time at $1. Here only in Portland. Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. AGAIN TODAY THE British Exhibition War Trophies And Relics This famous collection of tro phies and relics from the battle fields of Northern France and Bel gium has attracted crowds daily to our. Sixth-Floor Auditorium, where the exhibit is open to the public from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. under the auspices of the British Bed Cross. The British Fast Scouting War Plane is one of the most interesting of the 500 articles included in this au thentic collection of trophies and relics. There are also Zeppelin bombs, Taube and Zeppelin wreck age, starlight parachutes, trench periscopes, aero darts, French "75" shells, hand grenades, gas masks, guns, bayonets, etc. Today is a good opportunity to see this historical collection of tro phies gathered in the war zone. Lovely New Easter Dresses are here, in such splendid as sortments and at such a wide range of prices as will insure supreme satisfaction to the woman who chooses her new Easter frock at Meier & Frank's. We particularly fea ture today a fine selection At $35 Taffeta, Georgette, crepe de chine and foulard materials, also combinations of taffeta and Georg ette. ""All the season's approved styles included. Navy, tan, black, gray, plum and flowered or striped effects. All with dainty collars, many silk embroidery trimmed, others bead trimmed. j All sizes. Most exceptional val ues at $35. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. 1 S) jib"' I 1 Is TWO GREAT CORSET SPECIALS TOD A Y!r Special 1 Corsets $1 REGULAR GOOD $1.30 TO $2.00 VALUES Extraordinary values are these women's corsets at $1.00. A special lot of women's corsets in low and medium bust styles with long and short skirts. Lightly boned corsets, some with free hips. These corsets are ideal for morning or house wear. Also included at this price are a few models for misses. While there are all sizes in the sale, there is not every size in every style. NO FITTINGS NO EXCHANGES Special 2 Corsets $1.59 REGULAR GOOD $2.00 ASD $2.50 VALUES More sensational values are offered in this sale of discontinued models "American Lady" corsets at $1.59. Low or medium bust corsets. Front-lacing models in high bust and long hip style. A back-lacing style with high- bust and short skirt in small sizes only. Other back-lacing models in low bust styles. All sizes in the sale but not every size in every style. NO FITTINGS NO EXCHANGES Corset Shop, Thit floor. 22c Eden Cloth 12c An extra special one-day sale of Eden cloth in white only. This material is softer than muslin and is splendidly adapted to the making of underwear of all kinds pajamas, night gowns, baby slips, etc May also be utilized for pillow cases. 27 inches wide. The regu lar price of 22c is reduced today to, yard, 12 c. 30c Outings, Yard 23c An immense assortment of desirable outings in mill ends; the lengths from 2M to 7 yards. This outing is in a quality suitable for making pajamas, night gowns, etc Colors include pink, blue, tan and white in pleasing stripes and checks. The regular price is 30c yard. Meier & Frank's price today is, yard, 23c. 20c Sateens, Yard 14c Fourteen cents is a very low price for sateens of such quality as these. Mill ends of sateens in black only. Soft finished material that is suitable for bloomers, aprons, underskirts, etc. 24 to 27 inches wide. Supply your needs today at, yard, 14c, instead of the regular price of 20c Second Floor, Fifth Street. Wl PROFITS ARE LIMITED COLD STORAGE POI LTRT AD EGGS OW REG I LATCO. LEFT-OVERS Jftcr every family ilinner there arc nutritious bits of left-overs sufficient for another meaL Add a snappy relish It's Econ omy ! LEA.PERRINS SAUCE Tr 0wt. WOMccrrtltSMIM The .Wartime relish. Lccitlsut raisrtl(la Allow, fcat I Blair, rrtiw-Raialas; sralattoa Will B MMtrtrtr. Easter Hats $7.50 The smartest new hats for Easter wear, delightfully dif ferent from the generality of medium priced hats. Large, medium and small shapes. Great broad-brimmed sailors, demure pokes, dashing turbans, stunning walking hats. - -."V Black and colors hats for young girls and their mothers. Some from our own skilled milliners, others from Eastern designers. Trimmed with flowers and fruits, feathers, wings and quills. Millinery Shop; Fourth Floor. ON CENTER AISLE BARGAIN SOU A RE Short Lengths Percale t - 30c Quality, Yard 19c Every Yard PERFECT An immense assortment .of man ufacturers' short lengths of the best quality percale. All fresh, new merchandise just received. This season's patterns in light and dark colors stripes, checks, small figured effects, a few plain colors. Suitable for women's and children's wear, men's shirts, etc. Lengths range from 1 to 5 yards. SOLD BY THE PIECE ONLY at, yd. 19c nter Alslff. Main Floor. Lovely Are the New Styles In Women's Sweaters Dame Fashion more than ever decrees the sweater as a most nec essary accessory to milady's ward robe. ' The styles for 1918 are dis tinctively different from those shown in any previous season. Gay colors predominate more than ever. We now have on display many attractive new models. A dainty slip-over style, like the one illustrated at right, can be made, at a surprisingly low cost if one knits. The sweater pictured was made from -Shetland floss, the price of the yarn being only $1.75. Free Instructions Given in Knitting In our Art Needlework Shop on the Second Floor we have compe tent instructors who will gladly give you free instructions in knit ting. Come in today. Needlework Shop, Second Floor. Books at Half Price An admirable opportunity is afforded all lovers of good literature to add additional books to their library at just half what they ' would ordinarily pay. Included are books on ART PHILOSOPHY POETRY ' PSYCHOLOGY MUSIC DRAMA HISTORY . ESSAYS BIOGRAPHY TRAVEL Your choice of our entire stocks of books coming under the above classifications excepting only. 1917 and 1918 publications. Book Shop, Fifth Floor. The Home of "The Big Three" in Portland Meier & Frank's Headquarters for Columbia, Edison, Victor ALL THE MAKES ALL THE RECORDS I The picture shows three popular models of the three most famous makes Columbia, Edison and Victor in the order as pictured, left to right. We have all other models, too. See them here side by side, hear them played, over and over again, ask us anything you wish to know. Choose the one you like best after leisurely comparison. Remember we have all the records, too. If preferred, on any instrument Make Your Own Terms in Reason Phonograph Shop, Sixth Floor. RiraUt!oru which limit profits and regulate the distribution of frozen poultry and ess bav just been pro. poultry for aa orlinl stow mmy Nctlvt i mutKitd br ths I nited States FocW commU-ioo not xc4lng a per cent on tns Administration and became effective i wt of the poultry nd st who; I- yesterday. Oregton Kood Administration o metal a. in maklnar public the new rules, expressed the belief they will tabtlUf the poultry Industry branches by puttin their transactions on a Just mercbandialns; basl.t, "will allow legiti mate competition, but will restrict op portunities for unfair price-raising -.peculation. eliminate unnecessary tradlna and otherwise discourage prac tices that hare reflected abnormally high prices to consumers. These, in brief, are the new regula tory provisions: Tke nrnil atorar ef poultry la a cold eterag mhAM mar ho aiowd aa ad- nat to iwd m par earn; at ealling fresea n,hr or m .uoDllr OT DOI-ll ana insri- tuttons may receive an advance over the cost to each dealer tn tuch iroten poultry of ft per cent. 1U per cent or 15 per cent, re spectively. The eiorer of err In a cold-atorsge ware hoaee may te allowed an advance of 6 per cent over coet; a commission merchant sell ing storage ga for an original storer may receive rommtMtnn not exceeding 4 per cent : a whleelr may receive an advance of 4 per ent. and a Jobber selling in origi nal package may receive aa advance of 6 per cent. la selling candled storage esgs the actual net candling lose la considered part of the coet ; and Jobbers, suppliers of hotels and Institutions, and reiiira operating ind-r 1tfnea. are allowed advances of in per cent. Ing between dealers In the same class Is strictly limited, and commissions and bro kerage, except aa specifically allowed, must be paid from the advances In cost, not added to them. Tost" shall be construed to Include the purchase price, or. In the case of the origi nal packer or shipper, the cost into storage, plus storage charge. Interest on the goods in storage end Insurance on goods In stor age Incurred by the seller up to the time of sale, but not to Include any other expenses, except as above provided, as in the case of candled eggs. The new rules do not apply to traffic in fresh poultry or fresh eggs. It is pointed out that they do not specifi cally limit prices to be paid for poultry intended to go Into cold storage, but merely limit profits that can be added the products pass from the first pur- with botn poultry and sgss. trad- 1 - " STOCK RAISERS TO MEET Oregon Cattle and Horsemen to Hold Convention April 23-24. BAKER. Or.. March 25. (Special.) The fifth annual convention of the Cattle and Horse Raisers' Association of Oregon will be held in Ontario, Or., April 23 and 24. The Ontario Com mercial Club and the stockmen of Mal heur County are in charge of the ar rangements for the meeting's and spe cial entertainment has been provided for the visitors. Speakers for the occasion have been secured from different sections of the as the Missouri River, and many sub jects of interest to livestock growers will be discussed and considered. country, some coming from ss far east day- Ad Club Pledges $100,000. Subscriptions to the third liberty loan in the amount of $100,000 were pledged by the Portland Ad Club, through its board of -directors, at a meeting held yesterday noon at the Chamber of Commerce. A committee, under the chairmanship of G. W. 6tub blebine. assisted by George Bowen, will be appointed to make arrangements for carrying out of this plan. Members of the committee will be named at a meet ing of the club to be held oa W.dnes- anEnoQQ Green Chile Cheese for breakfast, lunch or supper! I I f I f