Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 26, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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-l I i i i i i i . i m i i i -r r i
tm nil n
i canon wni
day with a
rh thrr adopted yes
rim and i-C that add
ed bundrrda of dollar to th Rd Cro
fund. They Bare etabhnhed booths In
the vaiiooa downtown ahopa and each
day one prominent matron will act a
captain and the will elrt a number of
jrtrls to asatt her In nWl.n Kd Croae
and Nary yarn at nominal cost, permit
tine Portland women to make tip knlt
ll irn)nii tor their aoldier and
eat lor relative- and friend at much
eoet than heretofore.
The aale will he continued for sev
eral week.
Another venture that women of the
city are deeoir interested In la the 9mm
of rtater . whtrh will beKln to
morrow at the (e Cros Hhop and
ronttnue throughout the week. About
(e prominent matron and niairia are
on the romm'tte and a group of them
will be on hand earn dav to attend, to
the mIcs. These ba s embrace erery
rertiy. from ehoopma bw.r to over
raht bmm for the trareier or week
end vUilore ! rarrr their article of
cloth. nr and toil-. In. They ranee In
prti-e from half a dollar to larger
amount and are made of every aort of
materlMl. color tn and In alt ehnpe.
Thr y have teen donated by I'urtland
women, including wtll-known d-torat-Inc
firm. moiire. artleta and the
clever needle worker of tne ril y who
are eager to help thetr country. The
proeH will be uel for the Ited fro.
fcoriet y and at I he eamr time every
woman In the rlty mill le gten
opportunity of eerurliiaT a handsome
bag at a small pnre.
Mis Franee Kuller. who will beeome
the bn.i of Alfre.l K. Smith on Wednes
liy nit: hj. April S. Is the plrot around
whlrh social affairs rvov thin week.
Today Mr. Clarenre Ktibanke will ei
tertatn with a small brldare tea In her
honor and the latter part of the meek
will be filled with similar ffim for
the popular brle-ele,-t. Yesterday Mrs,
Jror r lelda was honte for a pretty
tea complimentary to Minn Kuller, he
gnests Including a number of th
younger girls, who spent the aftcrnoou
knitting and sewtr?.
ne of the most delightful and elabo
rate of the recent affairs w the tea
given the end of last week by Mr.
Perry A. and Mr. Stanley
Smith for Mls Fuller at the retum
of Mrs. Stanley Smith. About ?0
matrons and maid attended this
charming affair, the room being aglow
with a profusion of colorful Spring
flower and fern. Mr. C. J. Schna
be and M r. leror Field presldetl at
the tea table and they were assisted In
serving br Miss Katharine Sen nab I
and Miss Dorothy Kerns.
Saturday Mrs. Jeannette Thomas
Smith was hostess for a small tea hon
oring the bride-to-be at the home of
her mother. Mr. Warren K. Thomas.
This affair also wa a miscellaneous
shower and It proved to be most In
teresting. Mrs. tJeorge F. Fuller, moth
er of the bride-to-be, presided at the
tea table.
i i" 1 u i i i u r i i v ir i nn i
ttti n Mr rrtti M l fA
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lit - v wi v a :mmm l
mi1 v mm
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Sunnyslde fire station and defendant
in a divorce uit brought by her hus
band, who charftes Infidelity, yester
Iday applied to the Circuit Court for
$100 a month in alimony pending: the
outcome of the suit.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen, Sr.,
i la?t week, in the County Court, pe
titioned for the permanent custody of
the 2-year-old daughter of their son
and daughter-in-law. They charged
that the baby's mother is not a proper
person to care for It.
Robert H. Biggrs yesterday brought
suit for divorce from Gertrude Biggs
on charges of extreme cruelty. They
wero. married in Portland in 1912.
Mrs. Herbert A. Wright, of Salem,
ex-president of the Portland Research
Club, met with the members last Prl
day at the home of Mrs. T. A. Hayes.
.Mrs. Wright has been visiting friends
in the city for the past two weeks and
was joined by her sister, Mrs. Henry A.
Townsend, another ex-president of the
club, on Saturday to attend the wed
ding of Mrs. Wright's son, Byron, to
Miss Sarah Francis. .
A representatives' meeting of the
Portland Crrade Teachers' Association
will be held Wednesday at 4:30 o'clock.
In the story hour room of the Library.
It Is important that all schools be
represented. Miss Jessie McGregor,
president, stated yesterday.
The biggest event of the week will
be the luncheon of the Portland Wom
an's Research Club on Thursday. Mrs.
M. Wyville will be chairman. The Con
suls and other prominent representa
tives of various allied nations will be
honor guests.
The Delphian Matrons' Club will meet
reafter in room P, Central Library,
Tuesday P. M. from 2 to 4. Mrs. G. W.
A1eftlr Is president.
Domestic Science
By Lilian Tlngle.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Baxter and Mrs.
Fian Currier, of 5atue. arrived in
I'ortland th latter part uf the week
to be with the former's daaa-hter. Mm.
F. o. Ltownlng. who is convalescing
from an operation whlrri she reremly
anderwent at Si. Vincent's Hospital.
Sot Tounsr Auxiliary. No. J. will
frtve a card prty this rrenlns at 8:30
sharp at their hall. &2 Courthouse.
I'rlsra and refreshments, friends are
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fairuy-Cote. of
Kua-rne. who spent several days last
week a house Kursts of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas I'arrlck Iturke. returned to home yesterday. Durlnir their
story here ther were extensively en
tertained. Mr. Faffuy-Cote. who Is head
of the vocal department of the I'ntver-
Ity of Orea-on. aanK for the soldiers at
the Vancouver rntonment Saturday
afternoon and at th i. M. C A. Satur
day nlKhu
Mr. and Mrs. Our Bun.1. of Waseo.
Or., who have bern In California for
two months. r visiting friends In the
city before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. II. I. Kllnam'a charm
ing youna ilaushters. Eleanor and
Laura, mere hostesses for a delightful
military dancing party at their home
taturtar. evening. As the rmdete of
Mill Military Academy leave this week
for their Faster vacation, the affair
was a farewell for them. The spacious
Ktlham horn, was decked with Spring
flowers and greens. Mrs. i'htl Metschan
presided at th punchbowL Later in
th evening m buffet supper was served.
The gueete were: The Mioses Louise
jrvtng. Iorothy Metevhan. France and
Kttsabeth Strowbrlda. Helen Smith.
Tto. Irving. Ldn Mihno. Mry
Hughe. Madeline Steffrns. Helen Par
ker. Katharine Sell. !tei Walch.
Helen Tut hill. Luclla McCorkle. Marga
ret tSrtrfelh. raulin 1'ix. Kutb Ulbbs.
lubeli Wallace. Huth Seiloood. Ma
rian Srott and the cadets. William Hart,
man tTeorge luhtry. Wittiam Young
Monro Ianntnf. IHinald Monroe
Tommy Austin. Ftna ;allop, .4frcd
Hurkland. Alexander Burger. Iexter
Packard. letbrt Freburaer, Itussel
Page. ;org Hartness, Frank Frets.
Stanford (mm. Phil Boyd. Wilbur
llaynes, Carson Nile. Harold Parks.
Harold Churvhitl. Cecil Ione. Gael
Ceeen. Richard Pall. Hugh llorton. Har
old Puc and J. A. Mi. I. of th Mill
Military Academy. Mr. and Mrs. Met
chan and Mr. and Mrs. Kilharu.
Mr and Mm Leon Hirsrh and daugh
ter. Kleanor. who hav been In South
era California part of th Winter, have
returned home.
Mrs. J. II. CoMstXUb left last week
for an extended visit la Southern Cat
Among tb recent patrons at th
Hotel Clark. Lt Angeles, from Port
lind are Mm. M. Loewtnson. the Ml-es
lHirothy and Flouts Loewenson. Cath
erine Newberaer, E.lyn and Wade
NewDergrr. Mr. K. Newbrger. W
Wood. A. K. Freedman. Mrs. S J
McCorrraok and chil lren. Mr and Mr.
C. I. Cnritenon. S'r. and Mrs. W. If.
Ha.L Morris Jure. Krr.tly Hall. ly s
Mrritt. Mr and Mrs. James Thorrpson.
Mr. M. L. Thompson. Mrs. Charles 1'
Howard and U Gensier.
T children's party scheduled for
Friday night at th. Irvington Club
house has been postponed indefinitely.
th dat to be anuoum-ed later.
Vr. J f Vl.ttr. of US V'nth .tre.
entertained with a dinner on Friday In
honor of Mrs. Mary A. Lankaster. pres
ident of the ftebekah Assembly of
Oregon. The table was spread for 14.
The afternoon was spent in knitting,
crocheting and chatting. Mrs. Kisfler
was assisted by her daughter, Mrs.
Those enjoying Mrs. Kfstler's hospi
tality were: Mra. Mary Tomlinson. Mrs.
Mary Swan, Mrs. Jennie Andrews. Mrs.
Int Westlirook, Mrs. Lena Richmond,
Mrs. Pearl Sturglss. Mrs. Klla Christ
man. Mrs. Anna Woertendvke, Mrs.
Lydia wuimby. Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs.
Leabo. Mrs. Ida Steele. Mrs. Christine
Anderson and Mrs. Mary A. Lankaster.
The district rally of the Women's
Benefit Association of Maccabees will
be held April 3 and 4. Afternoon and
evening sessions. April 3. Selltng-liirsch
building, with Golden Rule No. IT: April
4. afternoon and evening sessions. Ma
sonlr Temple, with Portland Review No.
J. officers and guards of Review No. 7
will give their next card party at the
home of Mrs. Olsen. 174 Kast Four
teenth street, today. S. S. car.
Th members and visitors of Camella
Chapter. Order of the Kastern Star.
were given a rare treat on Monday
evening. Th present matrons and
patrons of the city were the guests of
honor. A delightful programme was
given. Including songs and games. Lit
tle Miss Iris Rosenthal gave an exhibi
tion of artlMic dancing.
Mrs. Maude Cutler, the worthy ma
tron, was given a commission to repre
sent Kansas at the grand chapter of
Oregon In June.
W. O. Haines acted as toestmaster
and the credit of the delightful affair
belongs to Mrs. Jacob Feldman. chair
man of the committee.
By Edith Knight Holmes
-- Wo
Mothers find
- -
1SS G RACE PARK Kit. National
commandant of the League for
omen's Service. Is a visitor In
Portland. Vesterday she spoke for the
Chamber of Commerce, and today she
wtll address the Rotary Club. Miss
Parker Is keenly alive to the necessity
of every woman doing her part In win
ning th war. She deals principally
with the social and economic sides.
The league In New Tork has charge
of the canteen division of the service
and Is feeding the soldiers and sailors
mho pass through the metropolis. Her
accounts of the work there are thrtll
inalv Interesting. All over the United
Slates she has been speaking and get
t:rg women organised for service.
"Signing pledge card Isn't going to
do It all." says Miss Tarker.
In Oregon she Is much Impressed
with the good work that Is being done
by th Oregon Agricultural College, Its
extension department, and by the va
rious organtxalions that are actively
engaged. Sh is Interested in women
getting Into sheepraising and offering
their services for volunteer clerical
work. She Is Interested In the vacant-
lot movement to transform available
spaces Into gardens. She Is enthu
siastlc In support of the women who
are organising motor squads for serv
ice work. "It is vitally essential that
we all do our part and there ar so
many things women can do." added
Miss Parker. She has been abroad sev
eral times, was in Lngland a year ago
and so she knows mhat the women
abroad ar doing.
. a .
Sine war wa declared and guards
were detailed to care for bridge ends.
docks, railroad yards, etc.. In Mult
nomah County, the Public Library of
Portland has provided these men with
books and magaxlnes as part of its reg
ular library routine. Special privilegs
have been given the soldiers, and a
cordial Invitation has been extended to
all soldiers in the county to make free
us of the Library and Its books and
periodicals. Portland was appointed the
collecting and distributing center of
books for the Northwest section and
shipments have been received at the
public Library from the states of Ore
gon. Washington. Montana and Idaho.
the cities of Taroma and Seattle alone
excepted, their book collections being
nt directly to Camp Lewis. Miss
Mary Frances Isom. librarian, has vis
ited the camps and has found out just
what books the boys en)oy.
Th regular bi-monthly luncheon of
the war service committee of business
women of the T. W. C A takes place
at the tea room of tb association to
day at U IS. Miss Jonta will give an
interesting report of her recent trip to
Bremerton and other Sound ports.
Th Rehekah Auxiliary for Red Cross
work. by several Kebekati
lodges through Utopia P.ebekah's com
mittee, met and organized with the
assistance of Mrs. E. Brown from
Meier & Frank's. Mrs. Addle Kimble
was elected chairman, Mrs. Daisy Coe
secretary, and Mrs. Julia Strahlmnn
treasurer. The auxiliary will meet
every Tuesday afternoon at Market!'
stoe. Union avenue and Kast .Morrison
street, to work. All Rebekahs and
friends who are Interested are welcome.
Through the ready response of Mrs.
E. C. Michener and other members of
the Red Cross unit of the First Pres
byterian Church and other friends, a
beautiful silk altar flnfr was presented
to the 5th Artillery by Mrs. Fletcher
Linn, following la the acknowledg
At Sea. March 5. 1918. My Dear Mrs.
Linn: As chaplain it Im not only my duty
but my pleasure as well to thank you for
the splendid pulpit flag which, through your
eirortN. nas become the property of the 65th
Your devotion and your loyalty, your gen
erosity and noble service, has sent our rer1
ment on its way supplied with one of the
few things which I think it lacked as it left
Kort Ktevens
Therefore, on the part of the whole com
mand snd particularly for myself. becauM
I shall have the greatest ocra.stnn to use the
standard, i wuth to extend to you and your
unit our deep snd earnest thanks, not for
the flar alone, but for the patriotism and
fine purpose which your securing of It repre
sents. It will first be used on Southern sess
throuch which our regiment wtll he Journey
Ins throush greatest Jeopardy to the mo-t
tremendous effort that mankind has mailt
I believe that you wtll always have reason
to be proud that you have been so instru
mental in supplying the 6.1th Artillery and
ISJd Infantry with their pulpit ftaex. and
that It will t your flag that will rtrape the
caskets of Oregon men, though I pray such
use may be rare.
Tours respectfully.
Chaplain 60th Artillery.
Red Cross Unit No. 1, of Westminster
Presbyterian Church, will resume Its
regular all-day meetings on Wednes
day following the enforced vacation of
last week. In order that nothing might
Interfere with the collection of cloth
ing for the Belgian relief.
Scoot Toung Auxiliary's Red Cros
unit will sew all day Tuesday from 10
to 4 at their headquarters. 625 Court
house. Friends and strangers wishing
to help with this work will be welcome.
Marine snd Navy Club will meet to
day at 2 P. M. In Central Library,
room K.
The Red Cross unit of the First Meth
odist Kplsrnpal Church will meet today
at 1 o'clock at the church for all-day
Mr. Hansen Asks Allowance Fend
ing Husband's Divorce Suit.
Mrs. Leors Hansen, daughter-in-law
of Captain William Hansen, Sr., of the
RAINIER. Or.. March 1). Can you furnish
e with the complete directions for using
ri4-e flour, or refer me to a source nf in
formation? INyL'IKKK.
CANNOT at the moment direct you
to any source of compact or com
plete Information on using rice flour.
We are doing some work In this conncc-
ion and I am giving results from time
o time in The Oregonian. Will you
watch this column for anything that
may be useful to you?
In the meantime, let me suggest the
use of rice flour as a substitute for
wheat flour in thickening soups, gravies
nd sauces. In making milk puddings.
blanc manges and custards, and in
cookies and cakes in, which eggs are
used. In the latter case, the amount
of shortening called for in the original
recipe can usually be cut in. half, or
even smaller proportion, equal parts of
rice and barley flour making a very
good wheat flour substitute in plain
biscuits, crackers, nut loaf, cookies and
pies. (In all cases the amount of short
ening 'can be considerably reduced, but
additional care is needed In handling
such pastry, as It sticks to the Board
and breaks very readily. One part rice
flour, one part barley flour and two
parts strong bread flour make a good
fifty-fifty loaf. Care should be taken
in the rising that it is checked before it
has time to fall, as it falls more easily
than wheat flour. Generally, too, it
requires a hotter oven at first, which
should be checked after the first five
or ten minutes (according to the kind
of article), to a more moderate heat,
and longer baking. Kqual parts wheat
flour, and a mixture composed of one
third rice flour, one-third barley flour
and one-third oat flour is also fairly
In bread making these substitute
flours generally call for rather longer
time and lower heat towards the last
of the baking. Baking powder biscuits
made by the usual recipe, but with half
the amount of shortening and equal
parts of rice and barley flours or rice,
barley and oat flour in place of all the
wheat flour, have proved a very popular
wheatless day bread with many people
that I know. I think they bake best
if rolled a little thinner than the usual
baking powder biscuit.
The same mixture, mixed to a drop-
batter, with or without a little syrup or
a few raisins for sweetening, and baked
hissing hot, well-greased muffin
pans, will give, even without eggs, very
satisfactory wheatless muffins.
Using 1 well-beaten egg with 2 cups
equally mixed barley, rice and oat
flour, 1 level tablespoon baking pow
der, l'i teaspoons salt and 1 teaspoon
shortening with milk to make a drop-
batter and. If a little sweetening is
wanted, one or two tablespoons syrup
(or 4 cup raisins, or dates, or nuts if
liked) will give very nice light muffins
that would be better than the eggless
kind for a very simple breakfast or
luncheon at which so egg, cheese or
meat dish is served.
It is to be remembered always, how
ever, that at present we must save all
For you will benefit
from the nourishment,
the protein and fat
contained in ,
Dr. Jackson's
With bread or gems or
pudding of Roman Meal
you have a real, sub
stantial food, and one
that you will enjoy. For
breakfast, nothing could
be more delightful than
Roman Meal porridge.
Do not stir, but keep, the
meal granular.
Get a Big Package '
Tour Grocer Has It,
Manufactured by
Roman Meal Co.
(Factories at Taeoma IT. S
A Toroato, Caaada; Korth
Toaawanda IV. Y.)
f&MI WSt
"'-tiJ.lli iitfl
A New Silk Knicher that Stretches
With every Step
I HE new Marvelfit Italian
1 S
Silk Knicker (patent' ap-
plied for) is an improvement on
1 any you have ever known.
The seat has a gore of Italian
silk fabric inserted on the bias
; This gives it a stretch of at least
: four inches more than that of
the ordinary knicker. There are
no seams and stitches whatever
and the gore stretches with every
step. The strain is relieved
these knickers cannot rip, and
consequently wear longer than ,
the ordinary kind with the seam.
Kayser Italian Silk Marvelfit
Underwear fits well, wears well,
and is therefore economical.
Ask to-day to see the new Kayser
Marvelfit Italian Silk Knicker at
your favorite store.
Look or the'Kayser
Marvelfit Italian Silt label
One blue star on the label indi
cates the lighter weight three stars
the heavier weight Julius Kayser &
Co., New York.
Trademark Socisterad
Trademark KtritTd
kinds of bread, and in planning- our
meals learn to substitute potatoes tor
bread wherever possible, and it la
'possible" much more frequently than
thoughtless "routine eaters" think.
"save that slice and save your country.
is a Food Administration slogan that
we need to keep always before us until
next harvest at least.
PORTLAXD, Or., March Can you tell
me where I can secure bulletins on drying xor tne table? Thanking you,
MKS. Lu T. rl.
Write to the Division of Publications,
IT. S. Department of Agriculture, Wash
ington, or to your Senator or Represen
tative for Farmers Bulletin 841, on
"Drying Fruits and Vegetables in the
Home. Also write to the Oregon Agri
cultural College extension department
for their bulletin on the same topic.
You are wise to begin getting your in
formation early. Drying, well under
stood, will increase the value of war
gardens and save a lot of fuel cans and
labor this Summer.
Officials Allege Inability to Collect
Money Due for Aslies.
A lot of complaint was made recently
because the city about a year ago let
a contract to furnish ashes at the city
incinerator for use as fertilizer for
10 cents a ton. It was found the con
tractors were charging $10 or $12
ton. But now a louder wail than ever
has arisen, for the citv has found itself
unable to collect the lu cents a ton for
ashes furnished.
A resolution will be before the City
Council tomorrow authorizing City At
torney LaRoche to commence suit to
force the contractors, Wagnon & Far-
rell, to pay J357.90 due.
The same rubber cushion clasp which helped
make RffRIS GARTERS for men so popular also
is found exclusively on Children's HICKORY
Garters. It holds the stocking between rubber
and rubber and prevents tears, runs and rips.
It pays to say distinctly: "HICKORY"
This It the HICKORY
H,cK?.?r. A
It's your tfutnntee of
garter Quality
will be closed to the illicit traffic. Gov
ernor Alexander has taken the matter
up with Governor Boyle, of Nevada.
Mr. Yeon Inspects Spruce Camp.
ASTORIA, Or., March 25. (Special.)
John B. Yeon, of Portland, made an
inspection of the various spruce camps)
in Clatsop County yesterday prepara-1--tory
to taking charge for the Govern
ment of all the operations in the lower
Columbia River district connected with,
the riving of spruce timber for the
manufacture of aeroplanes.
Bootlegging to Be Stopped.
BOTSE. Idaho. March 25. (Special.)
It is likely that the territory along
the Nevada border from which Idaho
bootleirpr? havf bpfti drawing" heavily
Cherry's, the Place to
See the Latest in Clothes"
An Pprlnr advances and Easter is
near it moves one to think the time
to buy their new suit, coats or dresses
ia at hand. We invite you to call and
inspect our new styles.
I'ally arrivals, showing the smartest
suits, dresses, coats, waists, etc., espe- j
daily adapted for most all models of
women, whether of the small, large,
stout or whatever type they may be,
are open for your inspection. The styles
are right the materials are right
the service you get is right, and. last
but not least, their "Credit System" Is
Their Easy Tayment Tlan enables
you to purchase what you need without
having to possess all the ready cah.
You only need to consult the Credit
Iepartment and they will confidentially
arrange terms to suit your convenience.
Only a small amount Is required when
you get the goods, the balance by de
grees as decided by youraelf.
At S-l Washington Street, Pit
took Blk. Adv.
r j x- Aft
1. 17.TSI
I M)lW
the most-i
orfee you.
c&n Ptxyf
Office and Warehouse
27-29 N. Front St.
I )JXo)(o J
The Well-known Cod Liver
and. Iron Tonic, Without Oil
To Enrich the Blood
Anaemic, run-down, nervous, devitalized
conditions result from poor or thin blood.
A glance at the following formula of Vinol
will 6how that it contains the very ingre
dients necessary to make good blood. It
soon creates a healthy appetite, improves
digestion, and helps you to get full benefit
from your daily food, and builds you up.
Cod Lrrer and Beef Peptones, Iron and
Mansaneae Peptonate. Iron and An
moniam Citrate. Lime and Soda Glycero.
phosphate, Caacarinw
As a Strength Creator for all run-down, nervous,
anaemic conditions, weak women, overworked men,
feeble old people and delicate children, there is noth
ing better than VinoL
if Vinol fails to benefit you.
The Owl Drug Co, Portland, and all leading
Drug Stores everywhere.