19 tjtt: jtotjmxg obegoxian, Saturday, "march 23, 191s. er a AMERICA LENIENT TO ENEMY ALIENS p; Trail of Germany's Poisonous , Propaganda Found All Over the United States. YOUTHFUL MINDS INFECTED rtool Tr it book FUlrd With Laud ations of Kalrr anil FaUe Stale nirnii of (HnrrDm nl Likened to That of American Itr public. Br JAMES W. GERAIUJ. pwil Crt. July 2X I1X to rtrury 4. I17. A i h or of " My Kur Yr in , iffltn; - it oprrlcht. 1917. by fubac Lo(r Company T A RTICLE XXVIII. W ar a l.ttt ovrtnduIirnt In th tTtronl f lh Gorman enemy alien within our ffatr. No American .rcr or musician could travel about Ger many at will, unmatched by th police, collecting money from Americans to tx txd In prorxtsand. or thins murh . . wor. aaratnst Amrrt'-i. Amerlrana in irmnj ar compMlr to rrport twtcv dally to tn pollre and cannot leava trr homf at niirht.v November 17. IMT wren months after w r went to war with Germany I mt Huro ShmH!, a director of th 1 ut-h liana, rtdlnc In Central Park. II lird at the tVrmn Club. a w whom h ltkd and only reported to th potr when he rhansed hla rel-d-nc in January. 151. b waa f.na.iy iatrrned. Un ofr our brek with Oer ' it any. Amtrtin ronnul aod of f lei a la ir insulted in tha irt an. I in oira ' hou bati. they mail ua of their own Unmc, not at all becau they - wtr tmken for Hrtrtuh. for arery on rrew that all tb ilrttiah had bfrn in terned. And while) American did not dirt r to um their own lnf qjc In Berlin In time of peace between trie two roun- trte. yet aftrr the outbreak of war ?tewpapr In tha I rlted fcat printed irt G'rman, onj by trroana and 'f Orman nympathtver. dared to attack . Amertra and h-r f,ricj-nt. Th tuio r-i' V ilwt hop divide v. to maaa of it a Kum, a. turn by MiimtUi: and Minimalists, by MlU tarit and Itolphevikl and. nn quently. Impotent for war. r. Cerwrd Tear I alted Mate. 1 In t ravelin throuh the t'nlted State tn Auut ant S teml r of l(7. I found everywbar trail of tiernvary'e propcanta. Tt areat n.anty of our citizen cf irnnn-AmTt( ir descent have leen ilend'llr loval to their country In thi eril of Ita history. I.ut the fact muM ba ficed that there are tht who. for t aome unknown reason, atlll prruiihut with th liermao Kaitr In Ala war of a4?aTeaofi. Murr unfortunately, there are polttl clana tn .(literica who aek tha Vutea of thna tiisaffcct-d. and approach trrann In dotnc ao. In all the history of aor dil puiitlca. there la nothtna more l.auatmc than tha effort of thr$ fu.e to have their children taught tba UpffUAKt of the fatherland. And when a parent haa onca elected that his children shall be taught Ger man, not the principal of the school, not the district superintendent, but only the head of all the- Ohicaro achpol sytem. on the application of tha par ent, can excua the child durinjr hla or her school course from further study of German. Worst of all, however, la the Chlca.ro official achool apellrr. a book, "printed under the direction and compiled by the school authorities of CMcuro. in this pellrr there Is juat one piece of readme matter, and that I a fulsome euloay of the present German Emperor. This Is an nfount of an alleged Inci dent of the Kaiser's school daya and the author concludes that tha facts set forth 1 probably untrue) show that the Kaiser as a boy haa the "root of a fine character In him." possessed lhat chivalrous sense of fair play which is the nearest thine; to a religion" in boys of that aae and hated "meanness and favoritism." The Chicago Hoard of Kducatlon ends the euluiry by statins;.. "There Is In him a fundamental bent toward what Is clean, manly and above- board. "Chivalrous sense of fair piny and hates meannesa "Fundamental bent toward what la clean, manly and above board!' How about the enslavement of women and ptrls In France, the use of poinon s, tha deportations of tha Kcliclan. the sinking of the Lusltanla and the kllllns; of women and bablea by Zeppelins and submarines? Sickening Haatt ef Prepaajaadlet ft a. REPUBLICAN CHIEF COMING HERE S00 Chairman Hays, of Nationa Committee, to Be in Port land on April 12. MEETING WILL BE CALLED State Committeeman Williams Arrange for Conference on Date "amed of Leaders From All Sections " of State. Will H. Hays, of Indianapolis. Ind. chairman of the Republican National Committee, will be In Tortland Friday, Anril 12. from 7 A. M. until 4 F. SL A number of book, used in the public .... ,fnrmon ,.0n,ain.d In a schools of New York have eo much in I . . x,,. ...j ia.t them favorable to kings and emperors. have eo much f German patriotism and fatherland, that the hand of the propa gandist must have had aoraethlnr to do with the adoption of these books. The following extracts from books ued In the public schools of New York telegram from Mr. Hays received last night by Ralph K. Williams. Republican National Committeeman for Orejron In his telegram to Mr. Williams, Chairman Hays expressed the wish that he have on this occasion an oppor tunlty to meet aa many of the Re should not be without Interest to those Publicans of the state, together with who know that the impressions given as many former Progressives. e pos to persona under the ace of It or 17 I slble. Mr. Hays Is making a tour of the are the impressions that olten persist United States and vlslllng every state through life. 1 , ... . .. .. For In.tanre. In the -Deutseher Lehr- '"r l"' """- gang. Klrt Year" bv rl ITokoch. of I memuere mo iihiij the I nlversity of Texas. "Die Wachl ami local situations. Kheln" la printed with music I Mr. Williams aald last night that he 1 should be very much surprised to I would at once formulate plans for not! lying ana Dnnging lo I'orunnn on me hear that the iiar-Spangled Banner. with music, had ever been printed in any school book In Germany. i:,lr Llkearel la A Bi erica. n page 10 of this book there is an article In Ciermnn entitled "The Ger man Constitution. It begins with the sentence. "The German empire la a day Mr. Hays Is here prominent mem bers of the party from every county in the state. The gathering will be in the nature of a public meeting and will conform to the expressed m-lfhen of Mr. Hays, who desires to meet members of union state like the United States of " 'actions within the party and get America." How far tha German emmra the benefit of their suggestions In the la from the I nlted Stales of America In I "eaeral conference that will be held. Dolitlral lttertv can be answered hv anv Herman Immigrant or Jeal.h merrh.nt Voters are beginning to show some who haa voted under the circle system Interest In politics, reports Ir. J. Jv or been dented access to court because I Anderson, of The Dalles, who returned or BIS religion. I tn Portland. vpnlmUv after ninkine- a The second paragraph commences I . .... ...... tft ih. aniafiH wp. , u-i I ".eiietai tuur ui llie oi.ur in ueii.iii vi Is not monarch of' the empire. He onlyhl" candidacy for the Republican nomi is i resilient or the l nlon. 1 am quite I nation lor tne oovernorsni p. tnis in sure that If the Kalaer ever saw this I creased Interest by the electors, says sentence ne would very soon convince tr. Anderson. Is due In part to the ,M, .h. i.,..i.i.-. Vh. I)-. '.! ""I: activity of candidate, for the offices of t.nuea: I t'nlted States Senator and Governor, 'He la the overcommander of the I DUt mainly because of local issues and army. Through htm is mar declared I candiduciea. antj pa-aift mao. out he can only dc- sQ far as my candidacy Is concerned. I am altogether pleaded with the out cb-jetp politicians thus to cratify their) pron al amMtiona. Their ahamrful lilntitr Is known to all. A feneration from now their oa n d-scendants wlil be appl tntf to the courts for a change 0f name. , It. when tha it comva. It la found that the votes of thte d'saffectrd citi ans count for somthina In our elec tions, we must find snie means to dis enfranchise th-n rather ttian have our ,w poltrioiana oiitbtdtKns; each other wirhin the law in order to Kt these vor-. Have we not ha.! examples enouah from Ku."t of whit the flirny bribe and the snaky propacanda can do? (Mr-wli lra lierns. In f'lilcec'a. where one Thompson Is Mayor, ther-c Is a cen.rship of iiiivms:- picirir f.lins. The chief ri n.ur is M.tjor , , 1- tmkhourr ho rrfurd an eXMh-tion permit for the film rnlted "The Little American. " There was nothing In the film that rntild hurt the nu jtept ihillt ten of any except the tier man-, with whom we r now ena.ice. in war. l-ater. the K film, railed "The Fpy." and ahlch d .its with the adventures of sn American who l etupoted t s;o to rermany to ret a hat of trmin pe and aaents tn Amrrli a. waa retuiedi the rtaht f eTh: hit t-n in Oh :i a o by tii erne Major Kunkh'uer. And "t the int of the peo(te In Chtrac are splenditlir ptrtotir. aa the reord of t'himcn for enlistment and I J;el roes and Iti-erty loan ehowa. When 1 s;oke In the acreat Medmah Temple under tle auspicea of the Ham ilton liir. on -t.her 2 -. I was able to shtw tne aulietu-e " t w Jerman trt bmk uoo.l in the hicac puMir fu-hool. I. imped with the rot at arm of rruMin. The btiokfi hatl been approved ty r:ila Klatrc Vountr. upmntendrnt of school, in 1 ,lt. Tnee bok were furnished me by ny friend. Anthony tsarnei-ki. of the t hi'-atfo iMily Newa. whom 1 first met tn Iterlin. here tie came to do most ex r el tnt work for hi paper. In one tt ihrst book I printed the tierman patrtt-uc e.nr. "The W atrh on the J.hine fine Wacht am Kheint. What a hw there would have been If iome puhile s"ho suprlntenlrnt had le-trd for the si'-tte under her Juris Ulctian a tetho.k of Knctt.-i literature w HO the roval arm f rintf ;n ! aiampel ttt t he rover and Kn le Itrilann.a " prominently dtpiaed inat'le (enaaa lvwaaraBda la Tftl-i-tv. Thee lex t b.. k r' clewrly com piled to ltnprr child. en at a uutlfUl aae witn a toraite Mea of Kinsra and hntprrur. In ore of thre was an an -tcdre about Kreaerirk the iireal and a sniller ard In another one about the Ktr.peror har .emas ne artd the scholar, of coure. ma K tntf KredTtck ard I'harlemaane appear a tcool. klndiy people and a;lin.c the imprrjiln that all Kui and Hmrerors r b ne(i lent belnas. 1-ut no word la there In Ihrx boo, quuttn. the pre went te rman t.wpf rnr s statement In which he puts 'r4eruk In the same class as the four r-ther bloody conquerors of history. Alexander. Jul: ua I'iMir, Theoderu k and Napleon. and aava that where they failed tn their dreams of world cor quest his mailed ft will succeed Why was at Frederick the (irtat statement rrnted tn tnee book, his a.mifMon that he er-raid upon the I rn TrV War "in order to be i ta.kfd aiout'T These btMiks contained quotations c are war w Ith the conaent of the Itundeitrnth The Hundesrath had nothing to say look." said Pr. Anderson at the Imperial about the commencement of thla war. I yesterday. "Y expect an especially pood it never voted on tiie question. The I vote In Eaatrrn Oregon and will also German constitution, as a matter of run weIt ln Southern Oregon. I nlike fact, gi.es the Kaiser the right to de- I ... ,k. ciare war himself, providing that the . " . war la a defensive war. In 114 th. strength Is not spotted, or sectional. Kalmr first announced, without pre- I On the contrary. I shall receive sup sentlng any evidence, that Germany I port In every precinct In the state. My had berTn attacked, and then declared candidacy Is being generally supported ...rii.ui ..i to. lun.mcni. by ,nolle voters who aasisted in bring ""uiiinira I Ing about state-wide prohibition fteteeaeaia Arm I atrae. I tr. Anlerson reports that reirardless The textbook writer adds: "The neo- I of the decision of the 1'rohibition party ple are represented In the Rrlchstag I leaders to affiliate Willi the National aa tne American people are represented party, recently formen at inicago, man in Congrrsa." If the American people former Prohibitionists In this state are were represented In Congress under the I this year registering either aa Kepuou sama unfair representation from which leans or Democrats and will participate the German people suffer, there would I in the coming primary election. Soon be a revolution ln this rnnnfrv I The districts whii h elect members to Milton A. Miller. Collector of Internal tl.e Rrlchsug hae not been changed Revenue, will not be the Democratic einee lT. so lhat millions of Germans candidate for presenmtive In the are not represented at all In the Reich' Third Congressional District. It had stag. been generally reported throuchout the i-rotesaor I'roRoscn remarks: "The state that Mr. Jlilier nnu jusi anom Pundesrath ia like the Senate of the I decided to run for the place now held I nitnl stales It Is composed of repre- I by Representative McArthur in Con- sen'.atives or tne particular states. I cress. He put these reports at rest of course, the only difference is that yesterday, however, when he inade the our senators are elected ny the people announcement lhat he positively ouiu and the mcmhrr. of the Rundearath I not be a candidate are appointed bv the ruling kings and I it is understood that the Democratic princes or trie r.erman states and vote I brethren who have been trying to per- exactly a. they are told by theso rul- I suade .Mr. Miller to enter the contest r" I will not give up at his refusal. They This Is only to show how carelessly. I re to he figuring on having W. T. If not mallciotiily. Professor K. Pro- I Vaughn, president of the Jackson Club, anarn. 01 me i niversny or lexas. and I make the race nut nerper. j. r-urin. or tne Mjite Normal i- hool at Milwaukee, havel Robert N. Ktanfield has had a busy handled the German constitution. I ,w of travel and meeting the public. onui'iirw lo give tne impression lo u. . vi.ited two and three towns a -. hool children in America that the aayi rominc In contact with hundreds ...... ..,,,... ,.,,,ru ,., i.tT i ii k l 0f voters. Monday he attenoea meet spotic autocracy la ruled In very much ,- ., .-,i,nd and Prlneville. Tues- Ryron. with offices ln the same build ing, by whom the case of the alleged German alien enemy will be investi gated. GOVERXOIfS SEAT IS SOUGHT L. J. Simpson and Harvey Stark weather File Formal Declarations. SALEM, Or.. March 22. (Special.) !. J. Simpson, of North Bend., today formally filed his declaration of in tention to become a Republican candi date for Governor. In his platform he says he will "sup port the Republican party principles; conduct the office to the best interests I of the people and for development of I the state: give the National Adminis tration patriotic support: enforce law and order: aid in war activities; favor I National universal eight-hour day; favor limiting public expenditures to actual necessities; favor construction of military highways by National Gov ernment; support National prohibition and equal suffrage; advocate increased efficiency of state educational system; promote new industries to encourage new settlers; favor better living con ditions for worker, and laborers; give impartial, clean, economical and business-like administration; advance moral, social and economic prosperity of the people." His slogan la "Uphold Republicanism; develop Oregon; aid settlers and work ers; encourage industry: businesslike administration. Harvey G. Starkweather, of MU- waukle, also filed his declaration as Democratic candidate for Governor. In I his platform he says he will "conduct I the executive affair, of the state In an efficient and businesslike manner i and will have no interest to serve but the public interest. The great over shadowing question before the people of the state at this time." he con tinues, "to how can Oregon do her full duty in winning the war? To this end all agricultural and economical forces of the state should be brought into the closest harmony in order that we may have unity of purpose and action in securing Increased production and in facilitating the delivery of various products of our state." Hi. slogan is tnite the states agricultural, indus trial and commercial force, to win the war." S. G. Klngery. Republican candidate for Representative in the Legislature from Multnomah County, has. the fol lowing platform: "ravor ratification of the .National prohibition amendment which will no doubt be hard fought as in other states. I feci It no less than a crime for the oters to overlook the electing of rep resentative, who will favor the ratify ing of this amendment ty the state of I Oregon which has been t. leader In this I movement. I favor home rule for cities and amending such laws as take away I tne power of cities to compel the street car company and other public service I corporations to live up t. their agree ments, also measures and appropria tions hastening a victorious end of war. . His slogan Is: "I favor ratifying! National Prohibition Amendment. Also Home Rule for Cities." 111 IS MISS TEILAH RISSKLL IS HELD SKCLECTFtL IX FINDINGS. tho same manner aa our own republic. . t,ontinuei Tomorrow.) DRAFT EVASION CHARGED J. II (KLRItlllH AD fOMIIOX-LAW WIIK AKK I TltOlULK. r'alalfleafiaa la .Maklaa; Oat tar tltaaalr Allege" Agalaaf Pair Paelas; aa Belag Marriel. Assistant I'nlted States Attorney Rankin today will lodge complaints against J. It- Galhraiih. transportation i.erk for the O.-W. It. A X. Company, and his common-law wife. Clara K Cullen. charging each with falsifying In making out Galbratth's question naire, by which be claimed deferred Classification because of a wife Hind dependent child. The relations between Gaibraitti and the woman were dis closed Thnraday nitht. when they were arrested on a statutory charge by the civil authorities. In ruling out his questionnaire. Gal- braith represented that he had a de- day found him at Culver and Madras, In Central Oregon, weonesoay ne was in the Willamette Valley, attending a meeting of the Kmergeney i.oard and- In the evening speaking at Dniiaa ana ItickrealL Thursday Mr. ManfiHd re turned to Portland and devoted the day to catching up with his private busi ness. Last night ne spone ni me onn quet W salesmen at the Multnomah Hotel and ton ght will attend tne tjtn annual banquet of the tpanish-Ainer-Ican War Vetorana. Arthur Bains, former deputy In the City Health Office under Mayor Alhee. will be a; candidate on tne uepuoucan ticket for Slate Representative. ... L. J. Simpson, who Is on a tour of Central and Kastern Oregon, was at Madras and Prlneville yesterday. lie rill visit Redmond and Rend today on his way to Burns. Vale and Ontario. . W. Thompson, a Serbian, walked into the office of Robert N. Stanflild in the Northwestern Hank building yesterday and in broken Knglish made known the fact that he had been discharged from local shipyard by the foreman, who had told him that he would have to go to the trenches. Thompson, who has one boy with the American Army, was at a loss to understand the conditions of hi. discharge, which, he said, was State SaserlBlendest Orders Immoral Writing, and Picture. Removed Frem District Buildings. SALEM. Or.. March 22. (Special.) Superintendent Churchill, in making his finding, today in the case of Miss Teulah Russell, teacher ln District No. 17. Multnomah County, known as the Fir District, censured Miss Russell for her neglect of duty and directed County Superintendent Alderson to withhold from the district any further appor lionment of the county school fund un til immoral writings and pictures are removed from the schoolhouse walls. Superintendent Alderson asked for tho revocation of Miss Russell's cer tificate on the ground of gross neglect of duty ln not seeing that the immoral ritings and pictures were removed. Superintendent Churchill, in directing censure at Miss Russell, said "that no violation of the statute against drunk- such leniency will ever again be I enness. irranted should thera come to the at- Several months ago Wimmer was ar- tention of his office proof of any future I rested in Jackson County while bring neglect of duty by said defendant." '"I? a cargo of whisky across the state The hoard of directors of the district line. He is said to have drawn a re is ordered lo place the buildings ln fjtlvolver on the arresting officer, but was condition and the case is then dis- captured later at Roseburg and taken It Cost the Average Family Less Than 10c Per Week for Packer's Profit in 1917. The Meat Bill is one of the large items in the family budget but less than 10 cents per week of it goes to the packer in profits. In converting r live stock into meat and getting it into the hands of the retail dealer, the packer performs a complex and essential service with the maximum of efficiency. ' The above statement is based on Swift & Company's 1917 figures and Federal Census data: Swift & Company's total Output 5,570,000,000 Pounds (Meat and by-products) Swift & Company's total Profit $34,650,000.00 ' Profit per pound $.0062 U. S. Meat Consumption - 170 pounds per person per year 170 pounds at $.0062 $1.05 per person per year The average family 4Vi persons $4.72 per family per year 1918 year book of interesting and Instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S. A. Superintendent Churchill lauded Su- pprintnndent Alderson for his zeal in the work of Inspecting the schools and for his endeavor to have tho build ings in a condition fit for the use of the boys and p-irls of his county. hack to Ashland. He returned to Al bany a few weeks ago. Donna Mill to Resume. EUGENE, Or., March 22. (Special.) The sawmill of the Mohawk Lumber Company at Donna, ori the Wendling- n a Kit nrnAMTP nrnnrApr branch of the Southern Pacific systems DMIir ULrUOl lO U CO n CHOC wm resume operations Ap'tl 1. after being- idle for several years, according to an announcement made today. The company recently completed the con struction of a logr&ing- railway to its timber in the mountains above Donna. The mill will employ 65 men. SPRUCE WORKER IS, DEAD Private Baldwin's Body to Be Taken to Stayton for Burial. TOLEDO. Or., March 22. (Special.) The body of Private Baldwin, who died of pneumonia yesterday at the Wessel spruce camp, will be taken to Stayton. Or., tomorrow, where the sol dier's parents reside. Relatives ar rived tonight to accompany the body to Stayton. Pneumonia followed an attack of prip. Private Baldwin was a member of Lieutenant Trempe's company of spruce workers. Company C Auxiliary to Meet. The auxiliary of Company C. 162d Infantry, will entertain In honor of the soldiers tonight at the Y. M. C. A.- hut. The members are requested to take their cakes to the Y. M. C. A. this after noon. v IrndDt wtfa and child: that h mir- L,d, br a c;rman forenmn. When rt.d at Vancouver. Waah.. January 1M1. and waa th. father vt on child. aa4 ycara. Ye.t.rday lialhralth and tne woman admitted to Mr. Kankln that fhey had .worn faln.ly. that they had nrvrr married and that the 7-yar-old daughter wa born to them aa a reault of their Illicit rel.tlonihtp. Th. woman further admitted that In.tf,! of brlna; dependent upon Oal braith'a .upporl h owned two sub urban lota in thla city and recently Inherited her mother', estate, of th. vnlue cf $'. Army Order. SAN rtl A NCtfW-O. fr-ti 12 fnllow. tain t.oerh statement. "Amcrtka. du ha.t e. b.r.r" A.mrrL-a. ou ar. bt- l" orilr war. IhuH b, th. .Miiro d.p.rt- t.r trf? or his prt.;fce.y about the I "" ' ,h Arm, H-r. !.:,; l-ru...iar... "Th. Prueeian was born a ! A VY'j ,""":i"r"l eoiwJ.t of i, .... , ,w.. .... ,. lr.'M J..hn f It Jin... Onaii a rtl I err brut. civmutwn wl,l n.ak htnw , rp. j.ul.n.at-roli,el Cb.r e. J. Md. fr"ciou. I iV..t Aril iery National Uaard: JUjora l" oruy roreicn lancaac. taught In j Frank ll l-Miira. Jr. Cot Artill.ry Corp.. ta. trartimar achools of Chi.-aao is Grr Iran l arrrtti are compelled to stcn a :tmnt In which th. y answer th. qu..tin lo whether they w lah th.ir children to be taucht Urrman or not. bow SUM., this IsT i'liUbllrll If a T'i;rn parent answers that be de not desire to have his children taught German th. paid agent of tb. t ie r -man propaaanda stir up frehna; against taes. Oermana who have dar.d to ra- v. (..urn R. aio."'rr. Wi Ham a. Kuiioa. "ot Artltry Nailina! Army: Captatna Mar.td U. ' Purdl.k. Chart.. A. Krenri. J.niM l H.rO.n. fii.it Artlllrry Corp.; tim.r II n nwara. Coaat Artillery National t.uard: Ituao A. Ve.nrca. Mnamort Alter. '-.t Arn..ry. National Ami,; Oaud. C. Ha r. Vta.t.r C. .H. haua. Coast Artillery, H.aer. Corp.: Malor Thomas R. Harnar. Juda. Advova:.. R.-.rv. Corps, la appointed lo met nt Fort Wlnfl.ld tlcoit. Cau tor tha trial of aueh paraoas aa may properly ba brought batur. It. told that he had evidently come to the wrong office. Mr. Thompson profiuced a letter that had been sent him by Mr. Stanfleld announcng his candidacy for I nlted States Senator. The lett-r was printed on a Stanfleld Senatorial League letterhead with the office address. Mr. Thompson was referred to the lepart- Drnp in Funds Since Last Call Morel Than Made T'p During Year. SALEM. Or.. March 22. 'Special.) While a decrease of more than $3,000.- I Mint is shown in deposits in Portland banks since the Iat call, the increase over last year was more than $12,600,- nno at the cloRe of business March 4, according" to a atatement given oit by the superintendent of banks today. Total deposits, excluding balances due to other banks, amount to $80,646. 21.:o, a decrease of $3,059,977.69 since the l.iHt call, but an increase of $12,- o66.bl6.80 for the year. Demand deposits show an Increase of I $11,661,181.20 since March 5. 1917. and time and savings deposits show an in crease of $915,436.60. Individual deposits show an Increase of more than $8. .100. 000 for the year, but a decrease of $5,000,000 since the last call. 3Mm MIGHT DRUNK IS COSTLY W. O. Wimmer, of Albany, Assessed $3115 in Two Courts. ALBANY. Or.. March 22. (Special.) I It cost w. o. W Immer. of Albany, more I than $120 to get drunk last night. He was arrested at 1 o'clock this morning I by Officers Kodgers and Dow. This aft ernoon he was fined-$15 and costs by I City Recorder Lewelling in the city court. Later Justice of the Police Swan ment of Juatlce. In charge of V. R. t iinpnd a fine of $10fl snd costs. fori SPECIAL PRICES KVKBV DAY ELECTRIC LIGHT GLOBES 13, 23 and -10-Watt Lamps 27 Flashlights (complete) : . .75 Double Sockets (for Lamp and Electric Iron Sl.OO Electric Irons (10-year guarantee) S3.50 llotpoint and American Deauty Electric Irons We Repair Electric Irons and Flashlights Open Saturday Night Till 10 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AUTOMOBILE LAMPS EVINRUDE MOTOR CO. 211 Morrison, Near First St. You have always looked on chocolate as a palatable and nutritious food. But have you ever looked to it as one of the most valuable of conservation foods? Food unit for food unit it would be hard to find a food that gives you the strength and nutriment you get from Ghirardellfs Ground Choc olate. It has a place in every meal now more than ever. At your ncer'i in lb., 1 lb. and 3 lb. cans; a . tablespeonful tne cent's worth makes a cup. D. GHIRARDELLI CO. Since 1852 San Fnneiico