CITY'S CREDIT IN HANDS OF VOTEflS Issuance of Bonds to Obtain -. Money to Buy Delinquent y Property at Issue. SPECIAL ELECTION CALLEQ lXINUiHllUlINLVOli M'-a-wrr rnnlillnj for Krtnrn of Jitnry In t'ortlitntl AIo In lie Inrluilrft on HaIIi -Klrnloa 1U Srt for tf It. A o-civ ctrrtion to consider tvrrl i mportanC Uttin. now con fi-ortinc the city is to b rUrJ f"T My J An of'tirijrc pruv i'linff fur th I-c'fon wilt b- brf.Ft h city Council rrit WT!.!-ir for .nation. In at At primary riertion th cttjr ran hull tl- I tlutlon wtthnut much rout. TTj mMt lmpirUnt mraur to b! I t!.- Totrr will that prov Mtr rv'trro hrrrT. jr property 0Dr fi-iin-i'rri In thr rnen. of f r"J ctth-r to ajr or ! th"!r prop- I rmr.'T t- rMmfnti ha r,achet point hr h c:t jr rannot mt Th i( to b puhmtttr-t l bnir pr- lr- ftr Ifi rtty'a t-a;al hur'ta mnd Ul provM f r th hu4fc of bond t ! imlrf I) obtain fnonfy.lii ojmt In lsvkn drlintucnt pr-irt l ctton. V ) plan will Involv r prmnrnt out I r by ta tpjfn.innmrh tn property parch, will fmanc-t !.") boat!, Ti 7mEm Wt.I tniblo th city to ?rc n hn l' n lth lh h'Wlcr of irpl lr rl rl-tr tract In which t o" bull of t fi a-itn-junt-y hv ! n foun.t Th- rttr ha rtvri tht prop rtr for .i at auction bat ba r- ri no bii . Jt la for that rrn that ritr want buy th irounH. Thrr jtir aflT th purr ha tft wilt titl to th property if th a.rrnrnt ar Mill ananl and at that l.m the eitv plana to ko Into f h rval rotate buitnrM to -t back b monT p-i'i out. Another lu- will b that of Jitney. A pirau will b conUlr4 by th I'oun. il etl nr tiay Virtually turn inn the Mtnev !ne Th meaur wouli enb( tri Jitny lrirrV Irion to t'rrat aa mt r ran as It pica en by furnlriU.? a S t . bonH. Intlcpndent oixrator touH ao lnt the buPinrj by u 7 - X : J. i f - -a - , H v " S K I furnl.hine $l-0 bond. Thl menyrt I k . . v-- VV 1 V J ; "" iPHVvV' ' V M I i bckr4 by onpoitin of th -crnt I S '-"-" V' . 1 ; i- U, - il I umtrM .lo Cut. lb. I I nPir-k-7 WVA ! turn of th Un'. will h th rffrct I I : f 'I I i W I I .r .rvin th. companr dr"r back W f T ' i J H ' V 'J lo Jhf J-icnl fare. I 'J 'lt J- ' :' J V Todav Tomorrow GO! . in .-Wait 4P?. " '-. 2 .1 J I n L at first slithti tke lutlart of racrl the na.terljr drllnratloa of Srsaae Ilayakawa, all paotoirraphed aral4 the (or(taw tropical aet tlasa of Hawaii, vie with each other for year at-fratloa. fcaTlaa-l Sunday: "Ruggles of Red Gap" Horn In fa There's a Kodak Specialist In Every Owl Drug Store We have reached a prominent place in .the Kodak world, for two reasons: We have the right kind of merchandise and we strive to give a selling service that is 100 per cent perfect intelligent, authori tative, prompt and courteous. Stocks have been one over and everything is in order for the opening of the Kodaking Season. C omfilete Equipment for A mateurs We can supply you wittt everything thatjs necessary for a complete Developing and Printing Plant in the Home, as well as camera, plates, or films, for the taking of pictures. We can fill every want of every Kodaker A Partial List of KODAK FEATURES It would take many times this space to name, describe and price all of the models that comes from Rochester, the Kodak center of the world. We mention a few of the "best sellers" that have stood the test of years. No. O Hrowole Vent I'ovkrt Kodak For Pictures lx2 ale t Kodak .'. ...... For Pictures 2x3 . No. 2 Cartridge Premo. -No. 3 Brownie. No. a Foldinic Cartridge Premo o. 3 Folding Autographic Hrowale.. No. 1 Folding Autographic Kodak: Jr. -$1.73 r.oo .. S2.25 MM . S7.50 Sll.OO BETTER DEVELOPING AND PRINTING AVe are serving thousands who prefer to avoid the detail and responsibility of finishing their pwn films and plates. Our work is done by ex perts properly and promptly. FILMS The great volume of film business done means that our stock is always moving. You get the latest possible datings. ston. and some of the Los Angeles mo tion picture Mar. Including Margarita Fischer and William Kussell, have been competing for a series of prizes. Miss Khodrfl made a scorn of 144 against Kussell's 133. and Miss Fischer's Hi in the finals of a series shoot. Miss Khodcs' score being a state record for I a woman. i Mary Pirkford recently led a recruit fng parade in San Francisco a whole mile and a half. She walked it, too. and it In safe to say that more than I one recruit enlisted owing to the gentle persuasion of "America's Sweetheart. INJURIES P80VE FATAL r. c. OVIATT DIES IV HOSPITAL AS REM XT OF FALL. rn:dT"tl at tht. Irn mr rat ur,i",r on the ap'iAi el"vt;on. . and mar or I ballot at the Za!SS GYMNASTIC EVENT BIG to riHni irTt: i vmortL Cr4 M,rrb U III lactase All lM t'fwaa 3 Tl Wari b Be pans f larb. (.naaalRM ( laaea. ti-rht p-rn. in ac) from I t l y-'irt. bcior-nn-; to park imi4ium c wt! parttcipat9 In t?i bi-t njuiiUtpal rxhlbttlon at th , tltnrium tomorrow niht. Th af f i ir prorriiai to be th bliiicrt gym Bttc Trnt rt h.M lcaily. Th rthititmn 1 under the direc tion cf M ; . . lBTrnsra. of th t'lty l'rk. :ir--rt. an. I mill be on t ie taci f .utittorlum. bectnmni? at .lS I' yt. Art ajmij:"n of Ji if a( will be ch.r'4 to m t e prn.-ii. In the crani mtrrh. hi b wl'.t Opn th rvrrt. K entire t per will pfi4ae. t-krtic.r rntth the littla totj and emimc mlth a nurr:b-r uX elderly wom n h bt-i'inc tt the ntor clae.w. In f . ttJk Nb f tb r h t bit ln wilt be a d-rmfitrticn rrtitt--d "The ?plrU off lir." a tn-r-in-r drt by 1 Junior atrl frm I'mmtuii. Mi h w.l be pt w. rorrt. and mter-tint. An :(. rtinal r ii i h; r in of p at tunibUndC ill be I bv b' of I'rntnautA CvnimuotCT but hi . n prw;ramm fvr the affair lo- Clud--: TOO !'!! FILM KE ATI RW. Columbia Olive Thomaa, "Betty Takra a Hand." Star Frank Keenan. ''Loaded IMce": I UI Hart. -The Comeback." Sunset Itoucljia Fairbanks, Habit of Hupplne-""; Fatty Arbuckle. xut Vet.M Librri) SenAtie JUyakaws, ''Hid den rearls" MajcKtli? William Fa mum, Tha Heart of a L.lon. Tropica Mary rickford. "Ami- rtlly of ClotheliD Alley." Globe MarcucrUa Clark. -?llk and Patina Llbrrty. tha forearm I" " A ? ya f :' !-l r- a 1 1 r f-um ffif 'n p i tit mrvnmii '0 ii t - u . f 1 a h ! fr f - a ei tv.nt r s bt rvt-T i iriv- p iy.' m rn.fu'. SIX CHARGED WITH THEFT llalf-lhrxtctt nJiinitnl Krlurnctl by County .nml Jury."itt fr t lie ft were re-tirp-! bv tiie Multnumah) uunty crand iiry n a rtrt m.'t'nttlcd rtrriay to I'rrttltntS Jal lrrw. l4pn lacer a indu-ted on tmo ruunt. one for tb thfi rt a Mnewritrr from the ntn mnlA j-htpbutMm i.ompany. t'rt-rmkr 1. jkt. and aant hr f r burs 1a ry at the aamc pi.:e on the nm d-. Jm K i:ehm. a!'a i:d m. ln d I'd f r te 4:;-ved tirceny at tha nt ef I K. Jdre. Wrrh II. Iat. hn y. Albln -ai ch.rcd with bur rUrr t"a premt-r r.f J. K. T-tcefr. ;: MintaT.l aTrnue. Ilarrr !;. en t avcu-ed ef reeivtnc property etolcn from the Llvmiit 4c Wolfe atnre. and U'lltiAra littcron 1 char with bur-lary. FARMER BUYS WAR STAMPS l:rownllle Man l,nrvha-c- SISo Worth of aln ( rt If irate. rr.oV..-VII.I.K. Or. M.rch ri St. il Atrdicc t. t". y Marvard. rhAlrnnn of thr ronimlEtre In charge of tno i-ru. ranassi hrra for War iiriK Mampi. the largrst alc for tu firt !- aohcttlng was the purrh of $i'o wnr'h of I'nrle nm crlidfatfi by William Roberts, rtrow n.t ill firmer. t'thrr fjirlv iarc sale are re port. 4 ard the only far of the mm mili.e I.wlav was that tbe stamps and tarda i n tac i ould be cxhauted. To open the forearm to provide hltllng plnce lor plunden la something ri - w in photoplays, but It's dona In 'lilddrn I'earla." providing a novel thrill to a picture which la one of th. beat bit of entertainment frssue H-yakaaa ahd bis cori.pany have been permuted ta give for some time. Wonderful Hawaiian acencry. filmed ner Honolulu, and not a California .uttrrf uicr: aplrnutd cant. Including Th.o4ore Itoberta. Margaret Loom! Florence Vldon and James Cruse. and a atory which doea the unusual In bathing Ilayakawa In a strong atmos phere of sympathy, are high light of this anlr-ndld film offering. The noted Japanese actor plays the ran of Tom Uarvin. son of an Amfr inn pearl trader and a Hawaiian prln r.. He lovrs F.nld Hrnton. Amer- girl, and goes to Hawaii, the land of hla birth to win a fortune for hen. Ilia unrle. a trader, send Mm to an Inland to find a collection of bidden prarlx. Tom la given a royal welcome in tha and ballad as king. Tahona. dauKhter of a chieftain, leads Mm to trio hiding place of the pearl. It rn-in.1 with them, but Is hunted down and branded. However, bo es capes again and returns to taia unrle. but hla conscience does not permit him to give up tha pearla. Ha hide the treasure under the skin of his fonearm and carries the gems to hi. people, ar riving In tlmo to save Tahona from drain for her treachery. Then the two settle down to rule ae king and queen. "Help Wanted." an amusing Sidney Drew comedy: Mount Hood, as seen by V. I- Flnley. another of the Finley nature pictures, and Animated Weekly of rurrvrt ev.nte. round out a strong snd wel!-balncrd programme. Columbia. Betty Take a Hand." I the latest Tr ing a feature to prxsent that beau t'ful t-tar of Zlrgfrld Follie. Olive ThorraA who. Incidentally. Is the wife tt Ji. k Pl- kford. The photoplay Is from tha eecono) prise-winning story of the recent Photoplay Magazine M-erarlo competition, starts off Ilk a mrlodrama and wind up as a comedy with a number of amusing situations to provide laugh for the apectaton. t::ve. who la always an attractive figure, ta supported by such players Charles llunn and George Her nandex, while some excellent photog raphy and splendid scenic bit con tribute in the interest. M:.s Thomas Is Hetty Marshall, a "flapper" In "Betty Takes a Hand." St.e leavr her father for a visit with he aunt, who llvrs In the city. The aunt and her daughter hav gone through a fortune and ar angling for. a you tig millionaire named Tom Ilart'.rtt. The two depart on a yacht ing trip on which Tom la to ba a rueat. hot Tom. after a gllmpa of Hetty, devid'a to remain home. Betty, und-r the Impreaalon that the senior Part:ett had one swindled ber father. at firt look with dlafavo on Tom. but be soon puts her prejudice to rout. To make money for her father. Hetty converts ber aunt's home into boarding-house, and Tom becomes tha star bo.irdrr. Their romance Is xt-iii. aaj &cn th plsuta.tciitfc.ey I are marnied. while Marshall end f Kartlett hav patched up their misun f ) demanding. I I A comedy feature of tho picture J which permits of some excellent 4 night photography Is the marooning of two automoniies on the desert. "Aninrllly" Full of LsurIis. Comedy holds full away In "Amarilly of Clothesline Alley." the Artcraft pic ture, which stars Mary Pickford. While In every picture presenting Mis Pickford there ha been more or lea comedy and the star has time and again proven herself a comedienne of rare ability a well, a an actress capa ble of any height of emotional acting. there has never before been a Pickford photoplay wherein humor predominated to such an extent as in this new story of the slums. There are many moments of genuine pathos and any number of thrill in therourse of the picture, but laughter will bold sway, overcoming momentary predisposition to tears. Throughout the story "Our Mary. winsome, dainty althal, present a convincing figure cf the little tenement girl straying far afield into the realms of the Idle rich, lured by the blandishments of scion of wealth, but returns at last to hrr natural environments, vwhere she finds happiness. Dorolliy Likes Ragged Life. Dorothy Phillips, who endeared hen- self to motion picture audiences throughout the country by her fas cinating work In "Hell Morgan's Girl" and "Pay Me." la again featured in seven-reel Jewel production, "The Orand Passion." Mies Phillip" latest picture Is an adaptation of Thoma Addison's stir ring novel. The Boss of Powdervllle. which attracted widespread attention in "Adventure" magaxlne. In it she is forced to do some strenuous work. After tho completion of a scene In which she I rather roughly handled Mis Phillip waa asked If she didn't fear personal Injury while acting. Her answer wa characteristic: "Not at all." she replied. "I like the rugged life necessary In these outdoor pictures. It' a great life If you don't weaken. Just Bow I feel sort of wob bly, but I'll be all right In the morn ing - Kmploje of Alhlaa Knglne at Machine W orks Lived Wlth Hie Parents at 3141 Fast Alder Street. C. Ovlatt. 12 years old, employed at the Alblna Engine & Machine Works, died at S o'clock yesterday afternoon, in St. Vincent's Hospital, from a skull fricture received yesterday forenoon. when he fell from a scaffolding at the company -plant.- He was unmarried and resided with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ovlatt, at 2141 Kast Alder street, who were at the hospital when he passed away. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. Immediately after the accident, the vountr man was attended by Dr. E. E. Gam bee. company physician, who pro nounced his injuries not serious. He was taken to the hospital by the Am bulance Service Company, in an un conscious condition, from which he did not rally. Difficulty .was met with In estab lishing the identity of the injured man, as there were no marks of tdentifica tion -on.-hls person, save his numeral tag as an employe, when the Ambu lance 'Service Company took; him to the hospital. Inquiry of Dr. E. E. Gambee. the company physician, brought tha re snonse that he, the physician, was too busy to be bothered about the case, which he said was "not serious." Do spite the fact that. Ovlatt lay uncon scious at St. Vincents, his name was not learned until requested of Dr. Gam- bee by the Police Bureau, for official records. For Pictures 2x4 o. 2A Cartridge Premo t, 2A Brownie Wo. a. Folding Cartridge Premo Vo. 2V Folding Autographic Brownie... o. 1A Folding Anburraphle Kodak. Jr. . . S3. 13 .83.50 87.20 -19.00 S13.00 For Pictures 21x41 Vd. 2C Folding Aotogvapble Brownie... o. aC Folding Autographic Kodak: Jr. fll.OO 15. OO 7tia- Pef.i.i ? 1 v4 1 -Vo. 3 Brownie. - $4,50 For Pictures 3xS o. a A Folding Autographic Brownie. 812. OO Vs. 3A Folding Autographic Kodak (Doable Lena).. ; :22.50 May be had with a double lens at a slight advance in price. SALE OF ALBUMS Friday and Saturday Lowered prices -Vo r the two days only on various sizes and qualities. Note how you can save: 29c AT45c A167c AT89c A198c $2.00 KODAK ALBl'MS SOW 1 OQ AT ONLY .-. . . 9 LOU SOc P H O TO ALBUMS 75 PHOTO ALBl'MS NOW ONLY ; 80? PHOTO ALBUMS NOW ONLY : Sl.OO PHOTO ALBl'MS NOW ON LA' $1.50 PHOTO ALBl'MS NOW ONLY. Is REtxeiPsts.;; BROADWAY AND WASHINGTON STREET E. Struplere, Manager. Marshall 2000 Telephones A 1333 1 Enlargements . Colored. Made From Your Favorite Negative. ,.' COLORINGS BY ' Miss Cousineau Color Artit. Broad way, corner Wash ington street. DIVORCE KILL IS FAST PORTLAND SOLDIER WINS DECREE SAME DAY SlIT IS FILED. Screen Gossip. Gus Metsger. manager of the Film Supply Company of Oregon, which handle 1 nlversal. Bluebird and Jewel productions In the Northwest. Is at St. Vincent' Hospital recuperating from an operation for gall stones. Mr. Metz- grr Is one of the most successful and at the game time one of the most popular film men In the nest. a a. Her name Is Pauline Theresa but I they call her roily. I,at name. Moran. She's the "Sheriff Xell" of those Sennett burlesques. . a a a Nudity in Itself Is not objectionable In motion pictures," says Maurice Tourneur. the French director. Tell that to the censors. Mary Garden . declare the vampire serWs a good purpose. Bv showing good women how to be bad? a a a In the Moonshine Country." part of the Paramount Bray Plctograph. de pict the process by which moonshine whisky 1 made. Very popular subject. . New Viola Dana has mastered the bucking broiuiho which she purchased recently. a a a Miss Blllie Rhodes, the twinkle-toed star of picture comedy, is one of the beat rvolver shots In the motion picture worl Since wars and" rumors of in vasion have disturbed the peaceful quiet of California studios, revolver HacUc ha one am, a lavorite, diver. Case Filed Aeaterday Morning Called for Trial In Afternoon Wife Waives Legal Objection. Elmer E. Zimmerman, a soldier who left last night for Fort Leavenworth, Kan., broke a few local speed laws the divorce court yesterday, when he filed his suit for divorce against Anna Zimmerman during the morning and ent to trial at 1:30 .o'clock in the afternoon. Zimmerman sought a divorce in or der that he might not be compelled to pav bis wife 11 of his salary as I soldier.' 'He "accused his wife of in fidelity. , The case was allowed to proceed by Presiding Judge Morrow a few hours 'after the suit had been filed when the farts were presented to him. That the break in the marital rela- I SOHSEt tions was In every way satisfactory to Mrs. Zimmerman was Indicated when she filed a general appearance and stipulated that the case should proceed without any further protest on her part. She also waived any claim for alimony." Mrs. Jane Roduner, who charges that her husband is infatuated-with some other woman to such an extent that he neglects both iier and her. two children, seeks J75 a month In perma nent alimony and. support money for herself and children. Simple desertion is alleged by F. Blanc-hard in a suit for divorce Trom Rose Blanchard. to whom he was mar ried at Vancouver in 1911. 10 Tons of Herring in i"el. NEWPORT, Or., March 21. (Special.) Carl D. Shoemaker, State Game Warden, and T. L. Craig, of the fish hatchery service, returned to Portland Wednesday, after a two-day visit In this section. One day was spent in in vestigating the natural -oyster beds- on YaJiuina Bay, .and one with the local herring fishermen; They had the satis faction of .witnessing: the biggest catch of the season when the. William Bachus' seiene was hauled in with load of 10 tons of herring. WHIRLWIND' DRIVE PLANNED Tillamook Proposes to Raise Liberty IiOan Quota in Record Time. TILLAMOOK, Or., March 21. (Spe cial.) The Tillamook County liberty loan board has organized for a whirl wind liberty loan drive to begin April 6 over the-whole county urjder plans outlined by John Kollock, of Portland, who was here a few days ago to raise $198,000 or more. ' The board has almost completed an Index card system, and before the cam paign starts it will' know who can sub scribe to the loan and the amount each is expected to subscribe. All business men will carry in their advertisements in the local papers an appeal to all who are financially able"- to subscribe and the papers also will co-operate. The board is confident that it will have its quota oversubscribed -fi rec-. ord time. Already a number of influ ential German-born naturalised Amer ican citizens have" told the board they are ready as soon as subscriptions can be taken to show their loyalty to America. Albany Man JJlecteu' President. ALBANY, Or., March 23. (Special.) Dr. J. L. Hill, of this city, was re- lected president of the 2500, an insur ance organization which has a mem bership in the Central Willamette Val- . ley counties, with headquarters here, in the annual election of officers this week. Walter M. Parker was again chosen secretary. Charles H. Bure- graf, the retiring member of the board of directors, was re-elected for a term of seven years. -' eeaapa MEN! Your I Can Make Clothes Money. Hats at Upstairs Prices $2.50 and $3 f BUILDING if ; Broadway S AlderJ Go Farther Let me show you the remarkable values I'm offering- in classy Suits and Over coats for Spring", in spite of soaring costs in the wholesale market. My Low Rent,1 Up-Stairs Location enables me' to save you dollars on your clothes. Make Me Prove It. Come up. today. Don't put off buying that Spring Suit a moment longer. 15 DC-HOY PRIGINAL , UPSTAIRS Trade Upstairs . Save Your Dollars Open Sat urdaq Until 8 P.M. k CLOTHIER : ' - jar" rr T-aflin B.W1- VA1JC- Tijt' :-.' '.-W'TV