THE MOItXIXO OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, 3IARC1T 22, 1918, REVOLVER CLUB rnAY WIN CHAMPIONSHIP SPOKANE BASEBALL MAGNATE WHO YESTERDAY. VISITED IN PORTLAND Portland Team Stands in Sea ind Place With Denver. 5 Matches Unreported. VICTORY BELIEVED CERTAIN f I j in ptc flub, of San FraodMD, Thoaslki lo Have Ilrnlvrn l and Qmit Mnm(tflZ and TtiU Won Id Vmt Tori land la Lead. Br look of do from head uartwM tb TortTuad lvolrrr Club ! ftftrcj .-tatt- af ln I hi yrar. Of at rial tntJiRffji from Ylrvtllf. Conn.. I!- h Purilnd hxtT In con-J tUc with t8fr. rtrh club h.vlnK wn mtrht ad oi I. ch tram hootj 1 7 matef. Ihl jrar. Tbt Tort iMd ftvelvrr lub ha on maUh mora l 0hol. rrfor' n th lm.t flv fnfrhw.a 0f th toe, rlub lhv nn( n mf puMi' hut r comparing rviou or It I imnwt a rrr t tntr that (hr art nn, Tna on rnmvH rrm)nin Ij attnt fall. Trt. Th thila. Krttlrr 4'lub ha nt Ihi tr, it phuM b cay to JfAt. it , twlirvrd. thrrrfort. the ftnal atandinK will r-r, fprtland. Tft Oljmptc Ct -ib f f Kraa-I.wa, hi eft mt rha ton of the prvantaKa rotucpa with forir 1'"tort and do a -f'l haa a fit in n rrport tn lhair fourth malc-H. OffM-lala ct th Ti Vn4 I:-. -f 1 jN thtck tha Oiyra-pt.- fc luo tam ha brkan ut and quit ahMtetn. If iM h'tul'l b th cC. I II R p - "--s 1 " III- ' . . - --vx. v II III ' V .7 - X 1 1 1 I I NICK WILLIAMS IS MUCH SOUGHT FOR Frank Farr Journeys From Spokane to Sign Up Blonde One. gon, as saying that "Oregon 'would win by some means." and went on to say that "evidently Referee Burden was the means. "Mr. Burden's Integrity and square ness are not to be questioned," Mr. Tiffany said this afternoon, "and I can see no reason for the assertions being made by the Agricultural College. ' "Burden is not only absolutely square," Coach Shookley said, "but he is also thoroughly competent, having refereed many- amateur and profes sional matches, both here and In Port land. In making the assertions they do against hhn the Aggies are only demonstrating a spirit of poor sports manship. In the .meet here two years ago, when the Aggies won five of six bouts with Burden as referee, they had no kick to make.' ST. HELENS IN FIELD, TOO Spokane Magnate, Former Manager, and Judge McCrocIle Hold Pow wow Behind Closed Doors, but Give Out No Statement. ANbtLo btl lillLLtn rv":'"r pnot wnb tllu this vrark. and ha that t r tt houlJ known how tba rSamttnnMp tand, Additional Kurvj rrrtvrd yrstTday t h. mJ n ft. V T. a.W ptr flt liiHtftnll. WefrU U-MmhAM tn aV. t)nr ait; .'-' vfi nnlMi- (. 'hi. a,;. Tni", ' 41. 'ffipi . rrt!nd. t'art llu( I nwfPiciai -rrr ait, Riffufinr aj. t fia. Vtmtou a !'mrt,'n4 Mnha at e"f. tp .-nr v4 me pvnrt . H. R. M. V a t ri um Sua. n w r Fiht. M"rr I tnP a.V, 'hl-' a; Pm- f yfttc-Mi act. it. It. N. rort -ttt mn f-rmrtijwn l-'Tri wtthFlcId. Op- Pt lloutr'Ni tam. mrf up ttf mmv '! - frwi 'hr p r- of rnunirr 4 f-ta-t mn tP;r i-rn hjr bra Ro.t af hwtvir f. K I-. fl!rmtnhm "M- rmrrc. P. !" rt Vi' Olymptr. Ir-t Tr , A. Iur. M. Vr- IVnwr. la. J. (joQi'l. Jr.. Man- II. . V4rwB'tftf. I'ruvtdrac. A. ; M'-a-ht. lwi irjt w i Ma. at arra f rt. : X Mop -nb' mat 0rcWt:rt. fort -i i . T. T K. 1-. FirTninhm. : H H -r J M. Mifr. -TwWrw. 3. M V r,. hM(r. A. H. 'lM. I'nnh P. I r. pr-i.twa tr J n M iiHi. ir Kim W t fl m. nrj Armrrvnf. rl Ml: Ipn; W T frT. r! fctn -h A H K'MR. J H fvn'l. ('itirlk ff. f.. K W. V. lrrrit. K r Mrtlta. ft H. Mhlt. ChTi- K- f. H-tt-n. J. A. HWr. Jr K. It. N V . i ra Roa'14. M.abatcaa. W;trr Wolff. hi c Middleweight Mat Champion to Teach Californians. FLATTERING OFFER MADE M. I'aul f.rnpnlrr Sui-rrfdn Dan .Milfoil a relllns Inlrucior and Matflimakrr (or Soulliern lljr, Martins April I. nASR:TnAi.t. at camp i.t:nis ew I'ratare Apprar la Champion. ahlp in-hrdalr Jt AmwaiKTil. CAJIP L'l.i, TifoiM. Mrth tl Tl"r r Horn fir fraturv to the m ' m n l.ti b.ikrtbA!l rh.mDtonihlfl x-hxiul a noo in.-.d this morntna by mlddlewnsht mrillnK -Pii!i T. . Cook, athletic director I ,h world, . hile like hi tOr. I U bln nat Tudy In th fine J:..m Hulta 9rte bull, Uric. Thre are ihrro 4urc thre. two of which ar fr practice work and the Ihtrd. a l.irsrrr one. for the rhamplonvhtp T are to t r'Td In r) Thre will be mix ames In th flrt rri. thrvo In the rortd. two tn the tvr4 n4 one tn the fourth. Th bt lum ct a chanc to pUjr In 4h xml-rmU. Hr t th xhedulc: Ml.. trrfitrT em 3te A'jmfhi; Toh: tifnfrT 114th Mlr,l '..fp, 31-1 Inf.ntrv m Ut !k Infantry: 31fh f.nlf-r t .w. MUlt.ry rl . ita Vlt!t. IHAflk I"r"t rr.l. 31iir1k SADI !' Trm M r14 Aril..rj. is-iioi.f: coin.-: i i-lwmd Mtr t:nlha4al Vl-llloc Maura to I New Link. Ttr mny ar NUr YxV. Irm.vmn princlp!ly a a hadinrtrre f.T tourl.t. who em from all or lh world u a the -b"!!."" ha bn aclctr4 In a ;f way. Th town haa a ct-:wr of hot!and enno hrp. tut In th past two d--dr or o It ba tworn aa Important mAnufacturina center. Ii w-h a corrimurtitr it I oniv nat- tiral that will huutd find ardent dc vt, and up to th prrevnt time the .Sutora Kali.. Country Club, orrtnu.d In li- ha fllld th nee.l. Wor r orttlv. however. It wa felt that tu rUitt haa outcrown quarters, the be lief hem that a luhoue and course commenaurate with the rapid arowth of th comrwinlty wa a Be.ait-. The clui leased acre, throvch which runs the famous Lowsfon boule vard. It la pianne,! to build an IS- nrle rir.e Walter Miller, champion niUl.llewetaht wrestler o the world, who his wrestled In Portland several time, hu accept ed a rmsltlon as Instructor at the ln Ansel's Athletic Club and will take the plMCTi belnsr vacated by I'nn M. Iod about April I. Miller haa been In the city several weeks, as he wa billed lo meet Mike lokcl here next month, but he will probably cancel the match, now that h Is to serve as wrestling In structor and matchmakrr for the blK l.s Ancles Institution, which Is one o the finest athletic clubs In the lulled States. M. lod handed In his resigna tion recetitlv and the officials of the lub Immediately telrcraphed MIIWt offerlne him th" position and asking tor hi terms, which were accepted. Walter Miller Is one of the icreatest men at his welcht ever developed In this country and has held the world s middleweight title for several yej III home Is In M. Paul and he started his career at the same time, and with the tlibbons bo). Mike and Tom. Mil It has been a pal of both boys from that tlmo and probably knows Mike better than any other man In the asme. I Is peculmr that Miller started as boer and Mike Cibbona aa a wrestler. both welthlnc about I3j pounds at th time. Alter a few boxing bout Miller decided that he would rather Ink up th mat came, while Mike also chanced his mind about the same time and took up bovine. Miller developed Into the champion ol aa crown lo be recognised a the greatest middleweight that ever drew on a clove In America and a champton of bis class. .Miller has wrestled all over the world and has defended bis championship against all comer. He la 52 years old and haa been in the csme about ten Hcported from Gloucester that Stuffy Mclnnts has been placed In class -B in the National Amy draft. On the eve of the tralnlnc senson the Indiana find themselves with only three outfielders on the roster and no pros pects of cettlnK any more. s Fnipe Conley. the sensational pitcher obtained by the iteds from Dallas, is a holdout. Gcorce Stalling plans to try younir Massey out as an outfielder this season. Massey was understudy for Johnny Kvers at second base during the early part of the 1917 campaign. . t limy Schalk Is regarded as one of the best throwers In baseball, but he did not have any great success In his ef forts to catch Ty Cobb last season. BY JAMES J. RICHARDSON. Frank Karr, president of the Spo kane baseball club, arrived In town yesterday for a conference with Nick Williams, the blonde-haired manage of last season's Spokane team, whose services as manager are being sought by the bt. Helens team. In the Colum bia-Willamette Shipyards League. rarr waa closeted at baseball head quarters yesterday with Williams and Judge McCredle. but none of the trio would state the outcome of their con ference. Farr wants WilUams as manager of the Indians, and, while the St. Helens people have come through with tempting offer to Williams. Farr seems confident he later will be able to sign Nicholas to a Spokane contract. Retirlnar Suaaeatioa Peeves Karr. The much-heralded publicity given the Pacific Coast international League In the matter of operating with four clubs during the 1918 season and drop ping Spokane from the circuit brought forth the ire of the Spokane impresario, who is strongly in favor of a six-club circuit, and who will wage a bitter MACCABEES LOOK FOR DATES I Strong Aggregation of Ballplayers Lined l"p -on Team This Year. The Maccabees have lined up a strong aggregation of ballplayers for their team this year and are looking for dates with any fast teams in or out of the city. They would like to play a practice game this Sunday, pref erably with some of the shipyard teams. A number "of .stars in last year's Fraternal League have signed with the DARGY WORKS HARD Trambitas Puts on Polish for Barrieau Bout. OTHER SCRAPPERS ARE FI Victory for diet Neff Over George Ingle Will Slake fr-Alcx Battle Here Wednesday a Fight for Title. Maccabees this season, which wll strengthen the lineup. For games ca Alain 1743. t SPORES REMAINS AWA VICTIM OF XIGHT PARTY" GIVES KICESE WIDE BERTH. Ousted Maa Inform Vigilantes That He Thought Order to Go to Work Waa Intended aa Joke. GUUE.NK, Or., March 21. (Special. Jake Sporeo, de-ported from Lane County last night by a vigilante com mittee, aftcn he had defied a notice demanding that he "go to work o join the Army," did not return to Eugene today. The deportation of Spores, said to have, been accnmnltshed ns a. notice ngni t.o remain in me league annum i to loafers that thev must make them President Blewetta circuit dwindle to seivcs useful in performing some serv tour ciuos. ice roe the communitv and country. "Why drop fepokane in lavor or any w. the chief tonic of discussion In of the cltiea you mention" asked r arr. I Eugene today. we nave always iieid up our end. ana i sporea was taken from the Matlock our receipts, compared to Seattle, la- lodeinir-hoiise about 9 o'clock T M. coma and ancouver, B. C, looked like Automobiles drove to both, the fron the United states mint alongside a aud rean entrances of the building .and mall country bank. Ia large crowd assembled in the street "The spoKane fans resent tne pud- to witness his removal from th licity given to the matter of Spokane s lodging-house. Other members of the being dropped from the circuit in fa- committee waited in automobiles in E AT STAKE VAM'Ot VKR AD TORONTO HOCKEY TEAMS CLASH AT TORONTO. year. The St. Taol wrestler depends mostly upon hi speed and cleverness to w,ln his matches, but h la considered one of th strongest men at bis weight In the country and on of th most sci entific men In the mat came. He has been offered positions at many differ ent club In various cities, but ha always declined the oilers, aa they could nt meet hi prtce. Th la Ancele Athletic Club made him auch a flattering offer that he could hardly refuse It. so he decided to take a time at the Job. Walter has kucht many of the best boxers and retler In the country the came and la without a doubt the best man that the Angel Citr club could land to fill tha shoes of lan M-l.eod- Right Off the Bat, Third Game of Series Scheduled fr March S Son ad City Faaa Protest Against Playoffs la Koto re. GORDON the first in peace first ia war HAT' w.eW a natru 1. ft nattua 2S6WashinonSt, The sicnlns of Kip William by th Cleveland club Indicate that Manager 1 .ee Kohl Is still worrying about first base. Williams can play a cood came at first and Is a dangeroua hitler aa well. a Ralph Pharman Is cvpta n of the Army team at Camp Sheridan. Ala.. where the Cincinnati Red are to train. Sharman's team w ill play aeveral games with th Reds. He formerly was with the Giants and Mackmen. They have had th "Cuban Mathew. son" as a pitcher and th "Cuban Klcm" aa descriptive of atars In the games at Havana. The latest to be dubbed In this way ts the "Cuban Ma- ranvllle." a shortstop nnmed Herrlea. Clark Griffith agreed to give Jo Juslge a bonu last year if h hit .295 and Jo finished exactly on the mark. Jim Shaw waa promised a bonus If he won la games and he had a close call also, winning exactly IS. . The first game, of the Robin-Red Sox series Is scheduled to be played March 17. Among the ballplayers at Camp Meade. Hi. ar Walter Smnllwood. Jack iMjnn. Jr.. Jack Kentley. Harry Siebold. Harry Thompson and Crossln. who once caught for th St. Louts Nationals. The Indians lost heavily throuch the draft and enlistment, but only two regulars were lost First Haseman Har ris and Third Kaseman Lvans. Pplkt Shannon, at one time a ma)nr- learuo star and oac a .member of tbt The second game for the world's ice hockey championship now being waged between Vancouver, of the Pacific Coast Hockey Association, and Toronto, winnera of the National Hockey league, will be played tomorrow night at To ronto under the rules which governed he Pacific Coast Hockey Association race last season. Wednesday night's game, which Toronto won. & to 3, waa played tinder the rulea "governing the National Hockey League games. To morrow night the teams will bo al lowed offside In center Ice and also kirk the puck. The third game of the scries will be played Tuesday night, March IS, and if a fourth game is necessary. Presi dent Calder, of the National Hockey League, will settle the details. Because Vancouver won from Seattle In the playoff after Seattle had romped through the season and finished in flrat place, Sound City hockey fans are protesting against any further play off, such aa was the system this sea son. It la hard on the boys to play such brilliant hockey as the "Mets" did all season long and then lose out in the playoff by on point and miss that long Jaunt to Toronto and a chance to play In the world's series for the Stan- y cup. BILIi ItAYWARD COXVAI.ESCIXG Coach Will ltd urn to Eugene In To Wccka for Ilrst. William RilI Hay ward. University of Oregon track coach, who was op erated on last Tuesday at the Portland Surgical Hospital, is resting comfort ably and Is said by the hospital at tendants to te convalescing as well as could be expected. Hayward will remain at the hospital for about two weeks and will then re- urn to Eugene. He will not be able o take up active work at the univer sity for a couple of months. vor of Vancouver. B. C. if it is later decided to operate with four clubs. We have a population said to be in the neichborhood of 12.1.000 people, and conditions In pur city were never bet ter than they are at present. ladlaa Get a Bad Start "There was not much enthusiasm anywhere In the Northwestern League last season. The league opened up about the same time the Uuited States declared war against Germany. We started the season a little too early and as a result our team ran Into consid erable wet weather, which helped put front of the Armory, where the entire party united and started north over the Pacific Highway after -Spones had been taken from his room. Spores is said to have threatened to shoot when he was requested tocome out, but soon became less defiant, in sfsting that he thought the notice that her mut "go to work or join the Army was Intended as a joke. The deported mare is 3S years of age. He was born in Lane County, and is a son of a pioneer family. For years he had been a conspicuous figure on the Kugene streets, working seldom, if a big dent In the club's finances. Pay- c'r" oman mncriL ing salaries with ballplayers sitting I "" around in hotel lobbies is not ueneiicial to any club's treasury. "Nick Williams has several very promising, ballplayers signed and I am sure we win d aoio ig n-i"- sentative team for Spokane this season I will attend th league meeting next Wednesday at Seattle and it they at tempt to oust Spokane from the league they are going to have a merry battle on their hands. "It looks to me like President Blew ett nucht to be able to secure a sixth city. The Vancouver proposition sounds good to me and I understand Aberdeen wants to get back Into organized Dase ball. Either of the two cities men tioned would probably make a success of it this season because times were CAMP BOXERS ARE READY LIBERTY" THEATER AT LEWIS SCE.E OF ATTRACTION. Willie Ritchie Magiag Real Card Raise Funds to Bay Gloves for Camp Bag Punchers. CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma, March 21 never better and everybody is talking The great boxing carnival which Willie basebal I. Mr. Farr left last night for bpokapo. Baker. War Strategy Is Alexander's Undoing. Right to Cat Heaver- Salary Ki bowl la PlaylaaT Contract. A. W. Cook, former Pacific Coast League Inflelder. who signed a Portland Pacific Coast International League con tract a few weeks ago, was yesterday mailed his release by Judge McCrcdic. He is the first of a number of players to bo relegated to the scrap heap. Cook is at present in Chicago and Manager Fisher did not take kindly to the idea of bringing the former Oakland In fielder all the way to the Coast when he has so many promising young In fielders to trv out. As Judge McCredle will take but 23 nln vers to Pendleton, he will issue a number of releases Immediately after he returns from the league meeting at Seattle next week. Manaccr Fisher will probably 'be in Portland In time to accompany Judge M-Credle to Seattle for the directors meeting and the- two of them will de cide definitely - what players will be ssued transportation to Pendleton. Ritchie is arranging to be held in the Liberty Theater at Camp Lewis tomor row night is attracting much interest among the officers and men at the camp. While Ritchie is not announcing his programme, due to quarantine con ditions, it is certain a fine card will be staged and the fans are not worrying in the least as to who they are going to see. They know it will be a real boxing card. It is being staged for the purpose -of raising funds to provide boxing gloves for camp needs, a worthy feature for the gate receipt end of the gathering. Ritchie will appear in a three-round go for exhibition purposes against some good mixer, and there will be 10 other three-round affairs. The regular smoker stunts will also be staged. VOLLEYISTS TO TANGLE Fighting" Jimmy Darcy (Valley Trambitas) put in another day of hard work at the Rose City Athletic Club yesterday, and boxed like a champion. The battling Roumanian is stepping 50 pen cent better than he was when he left Portland for his second Cal ifornia trip, and if Frank Barrieau beats him he must be a good boy. Darcy went four rounds with Joe Swain, the rugged Seattle middle weight, and four with his lightweight brother, Alex Trambitas. "Fighting" Jimmy is out to beat Bar rieau and beat him bad. In their last bout, which went four rounds. Tram- bitas did not get smarted until the fourth round, and then nearly knocked the rough Canadian boxen out. This time they will go six three-minute rounds, and Darcy thinks that he can stop Frank at that distance. Barrieau will arrive here tomorrow or Sunday Chet Neff. who meets Alex Trambitas In the wind-up, will meet George Ingle in Seattle on Tuesday night, March 26, for the Pacific Coast lightweight cham pionship, which the latter won by very close decision from Muff Bronson in Seattle Tuesday night. Neff will hop on the train as soon as his bout with Ingle is over and arrive Wednesday morning for his bout here Wednesday night. Neff is a strong, rugged boy, and "Caruso" Dan Salt is not afraid to let him take on two of the best light weights around here two nights in sue cession. If Chet beats Ingle Tuesday night and wins the title the Portland fans will get a chance to see a bnttle for the Pacific Coast lightweight cham pionship in the semi-windup and Alex will get a chance to jump back in the limelight with a vengeance. Stanley Willis, lightweight champion of Pennsylvania, is working at the Cornfoot Shipyards and training hard every night for his six-round contest with Pete Mitchie, the battling Dane in the special event. Mitchie is also working in one of the local shipyards and is rounding into good condition. The other bouts on the card are Joe Swain, of Seattle, vs. Pat Bradley, of St. Paul, 158 pounds, and Ted Hoke vs. Joe Hoff, 125 pounds. One other bout may be added to the card. Every boxer on the card to be pre sented Wednesday night, except the two main eventers. is a hard-working man, and all are doing their training at the Rose City gym at night. The boys start working at about 7:30 and the public is admitted. Alex Trambitas working at the Foundation Ship building Company; Chet Neff is work- ng in the shipyards in Seattle; Stan ley Willis is working at the Cornfoot yards, while Mitchie is at either the Northwest or Columbia yards; Joe Swain is also working for the Corn- foot Company, while Pat Bradley is working at an iron foundry; Ted Hoke at the Foundation plant and Joe Neff is driving a laundry wagon Frank Barrieau has been working at the Union Iron Works in Oakland. immy Darcy is an ironworker by trade and was employed at a local plant here before he left for California tling, during ihich each of the two 1 men had one fall, and a third fall was left uncompleted because of signed ar ticles which prtvided for a decision at i the end of two 'hours and one-half of actual wrestling. Speed and science won over beef, and Caddock was clearly entitled to his victory. The fall obtained by Zbyszko was a freak and came after Caddock had clearly demonstrated his superiority over the big Pol. The Iowa wrestler, who is a private at Camp Dodge,' the National Army cantonment near here, weighed 40 pounds less than his rival and a stripling in comparison with his' op ponent rhen the two went upon the mat. Caddock was behind nine times dur ing this fall for a total of 30 minutes of time, while Zbyszko got behind seven times and stayed there only 19 minutes all told. Caddock, however, outwrestled Zbys sko from the start. After bulling about the mat , for nine minutes, Caddock went behind, and although Zbyszko managed to assume the offensive on several occasions by use of main strength, he was unable to gain any extensive advantage at any time during the first fall. The second fall seemed a cinch for Caddook, who had the Pole bewildered until the latter, in an effort to break a dangerous body scissors, rose to bis feet and toppled over backward. Cad dock was caught squarely beneath the uu-pound bulk of his adversary and was knocked out for 10 minutes Zzyszko didn't even have to nin his shoulders to the mat, for Caddock was unable to turn over. After 15 minutes' rest, howevee r,H. dock was on the lob when time wn called for the third fall, and held his own until the time limit expired. The match was witnessed by a crowd of 6500, all that the bipgest building in Des Moines could hold, and the re ceipts were estimated at J51 (inn Manir of those in attendance were fellow sol diers from Camp Dodge, where Cad- aock is stationed. Jack Curlew Zhvs- zko's manager, said that he believed it was drawing matters to a fine point to give Caddock the decision, but that the Iowa man was probably entitled to a shade, as he had Zbyszko during the early part of the match and had taken the cleaner fall of two which were gained. SYRACUSE TEAM IS FAST Edmund Bollard Well Satisfied Willi Basketball Showing. SOLDIERS' TEAM STRONG LIEITEXAXT SHEEHY AND GEORGE KELLY ARB MANAGERS. irst Big Game to Be Played Sunday at Vancouver Barracks Against Shipbuilders Dates Wanted. Ralph Plnelll still continues to knock ROT A R I A 8 AND Y. M. C. A. CHAMPS the nitc-hers cuckoo at tne r-acr mento training camp. In Mimiar came against the Marines Plnelll bat ted 1000. getting four hits' out of four trips to the plate. He had one putout and four assists at third base and dazzled the crowd with his speed on the bases. Bill Rodgera gathered two safe wats out of four trips to the bat. Drnnv Wilie went hltlcss. Brenton pitched for Sacramento, struck out five WILL MIX TONIGHT. Clubmen Confident They Can Subdue Northwest Volleyball Tltleaolderai Public Invited. Tho crack volleyball team composed of members of the Portland Rotary Marines and let them down with one L.,ub w) p,ay the r M c A. ch&r. hit and one run in five innings. . Cox. Judge McCredle'a young phenom. caught for Salt Lake against Porter ville last Sundav and slammed out a triple and a single in four trips to the nlate. He scored two runs and was credited with six pntouts. Tounff Sands, Portland inneider. played short for Porterville, and, while he failed to secure a hit, he handled four hard chances safely and "mussed" up a difficult chance back of second base which should have gone for a hit. Morton and Penner pitched .for Porterville. TUB sua pack ui i ua , . . i jonus money he 1 V1" jf I'manded. but he j 1 lid not lose much ' I V i '3 ddea change of mind In signing his contract has coma to light. The foresight of President William F. Baker, of th Philadelphia Nationals. o it is said, in drawing up Alex's two - year contrac a year ago at 112, 0i a year wa re sponsible for a clause In the con tract which leaves tha pitcher at tho mercy of the Chi cago Cubs. Alex ander may hava re ceived part of tha boi d'i d tlm in signing i...s... ki. when President Grover Alexander. Weeghman called hia attention to the war-time clause which Baker inserted n tho contract. .When Alex signed last Spring one of the clauses read as follows: "It Is mutually agreed and understood that In the event of tho United States be ing in a state of war with Germany this contract will be reduced to an amount agreed upon by th Parties thereto.' This clause gives either the Philadelphia or Chicago club the legal risht to .reduce Alexander's; salary. AGGIES HELD AT FAULT WRESTLING MEET ON" SQUARE IS OREGON CONTENTION. Graduate Manager Tlffaay aad Coach Stockier Say University Will Not Eater Argument. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. March 21. (Special.) The contention of Oregon Agricultural College that a controversy exists between the Uni versity of Oregon and the -Aggies over the outcome of the recent .wrestling meet between the two schols. is entire ly without foundation,, according to Graduate Manager Tiffany, who points out that it takes two parties to make a controversy and that so far aa Ore gon is concerned the meet inquestion is a thing or tne past. The first intimation that the Aggies were dissatisfied with the outcome in any way, except that they lost, was the appearance in the Corvallis student paper of a statement that the Black and Gold lost because of unfair deci sions bv Referee Burden. The article quoted Coach Edward Shoekley, of Ore-, pions at the Y. M. C. A. tonight at 7:S0. They will play three games, best two out of the three to win. An im posing array of leading business men of Portland make up the Rotary Club aggregation and they are in fighting trim, for tonights series. The team has been playing several practice games a week at the T. M. C. A. and is confident that it will give the Y. M. C. A. Northwest titleholders a hard contest. The Rotary Club teams will line up as follows: A. J. Bale, C. E. Couche, Frank Kerr. W. J. Roope,- H. J. Cress and J. R. Ellison. Spectators are in vited to watch the games. TWO-GAME PLAN" REJECTED Interscholastic Directors Order New Basketball Schedule. a The directors of the Portland Inter scholastic Athletic Association, who are the principals of the high schools, held a meeting at Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club yesterday afternoon and rejected the interscholastic baseball schedule drawn up by the coaches last week, which calls for each school to play each other school twice. The principals are not in favor of the two game idea. President S. F. Ball, of tho Inter scholastic Association, will call a meet ing of the coaches again this week and instruct them to draw up a schedule calling for each school playing each other school once,' the same as in basketball. Nothing else of importance was brought up at yesterday's meet ing and another meeting has-' been called for next week. The coaches will probably get together today or tomor row and draw up a new schedule. . By royal order, the celebration of Arbor day has been made obligatory in every township and municipality in Spain, and tree planting is to be car ried on upon a mora extensive scale than heretofore, . i The First Provisional Regiment base ball club of the Vancouver cantonmen out every day on the post -athletic field getting in shape for the coming season. The team is under tne direc on and management of Lieutenant Sheehy. regimental athletic director, and George Kelly, well-known Portland thlete. who is now serving Uncle faam, About 30 men are turning out daily for the team and Kelly has a lot of crack erjack material from which to pick a fast nine. The team is ready to accept dates from the fastest semi-pro teams in the Northwest and will play their first big game of the season fcunday at the Vancouver Barracks, when they will clash with Pearl Casey's Cornroot shipbuilding outfit. Among the first-squad balltossers are: Frank "Chief" Jacobs, former Western League pitcher; Joe Spaniard, formerly with Tacoma; Red Reynolds, last year with tne western League, and Spike Wiggins, who played in the Michigan League for several seasons. The First Regimental team expects to play Camp Lewis, Fort Stevens and several other military teams tnis sea. aon, besides a number of outside games. JESS WIXmTjARD is doexg bit Heavyweight Champion Puts on Ex hibition at Cantonment. CHICAGO, March 8. Jess Willard has started to do his bit for the soldiecs. Recently he entertained the Jackson ville (Fla.) cantonment with a fast work-out with his sparring partner. A traveler just back from the Squth says the heavyweight champion plans to en gage in a series of bouts from time to time. Willard is serious about climbing back into the ring and defending his title," says the traveler. He leans great deal toward a match with Fred Fulton and intends to go through with his plans along this line, promot ing the battle himself. "Of course, he Is impressed with Dempsey, but thinks that the Sub marine should first tackle Billy Miske before he is a contender for the heavy weight title. If Dempsey gets past Miske he will have a claim to meet Fulton. But the way things stand right now, the champion is anxious to get into the ring with Fulton, as he really believes he would have no trouble in beating the Rochester plasterer. CADDOCK VICTORY POPULAR Army Camps' Jubilant at- Iowan's Decision Over Zbyszko. DES MOINES. Ia.. March 13. They haven't stooped talking about theCad- dock-Zbyszko match yet, when Earl Caddock, of Anita, Iowa, was awarded the decision over Waldek Zbyszko. of Poland, here at the close of a spectacu lar wrestling match for the . world s heavyweight championship. The referee. Ed.w. smltn, or tjni- cago, raised Caddock's hand at the end of two hours anil 30 minutes or wres-; SYRACUSE, N. Y.. March 10. Syracuse University basketball authorities have made their annual bid for a berth in the Intercollegiate Basketball League following the yearly clean-up of prac tically all the teams comDrisinsr the circuit. The Salt City players, coached bv Edmund A. Dollard. a former star bas- keter and athlete, asks for cntra nee nto the elite circle, an annual reouest by the way. It would seem to the Ini tiated that Syracuse has good crrounds for being ranked among the best bas ketball teams in tho country, for under Dollard the team has won 65 out of 77 games in six years. Until this season Dollard has had ittle publicity. He is being ranked, owever, as the Gilmour Dobie of bas ketball on account of his ability to produce winning teams. Those who consider basketball as a game favoring the home team must realize that half of the Syracuse games ave oeen played on foreign courts nd that it has been the ability of the earns, rather than the familiarity with the home floor, that has given Dollard's teams the edge. Lp-state they 'consider Syracuse as almost unbeatable. Ever since the davs of "Shorty" Powell, back in 1905, Syra cuse has been a power in basketball. Some six years ago Syracuse made a bid for a berth in the Interscholastic League. The circuit was composed of Yale, Princeton, Cornel, Pennsylvania, Co lumbia and Dartmouth. The schedule admitted of ten games played by each team. Denied a berth in the league. Syracuse went through the formality of applying, only to be rejected. Since then Syracuse has won Umost every time it started against league teams, in games either at Syracuse or in the gymnasiums of the league fives. In 1909 Pennsylvania defeated Syra cuse in basketball. It was then that Penn was the titleholder in the Inter collegiate League. This year, with Penn conceded the title, Syracuse .visited Philadelphia and broke Venn's winning streak of eight games, defeating the Red and Blue in Weightman Hall by 27 to 24. Yale, Columbia and Dartmouth have been repeatedly beaten by Dollard's teams, and the rumor that Dartmouth is to drop out of the circuit next year gives Syracuse a chance to enter the fold. If the Salt City lads are wel comed it is almost a foregone conclu-' sion that Edmund Dollard, a former Syracuse athlete and present coach, will put the finishing touches on a real in tercollegiate title. To have lost but 12 games in six years, or an average of but two a sea son, is a great record, and one entitled to give Dollard a look-in as one of the real basketball coaches of the floor game. Save $2, Men, WalkTwo Blocks. Low Rent Prices. 7 H .n Marks; pchtlakds' ' 243 Wuhin.fjou, Rear Seconi Sr. Those Big Salmon! will soon be hitting; the spoon op near Oregon City. Good salmon tackle will be scarce this year, so buy early. Just at present we have plenty of the good kind. Bcckus&OJcma 278 Morrison St, Near Fourth. I j rpHE -favorite smoke in V 1 1 -1 ii every camp send your boy a box and make- him happy. (Hart Cigar Co, lT Distributor, yV5 Portland. JWM PuSKIN I