TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCH. 19, 1918. GERMANY WILL DO WHATU.S. DOES American Property Will Be Proceeded Against Accord ing to Action Taken Here. BIG COMPANIES AFFECTED lkala-nrc- OirraMminil; la laior of i'nlted Mle oirrUe i'-sllmalr-a sj Kallo I A boat One llandrrd lu tine. LONDON, lurch IV The Spanish and ftwlaa Amlxi4S at Berlin have been directed by the Herman Forelca OffUe to- aottfy tbe American tiovemment that Uerrnany ltl proceed with meas ures acalnst American properly In ermarir In th asms proportion thai H' ltnq Is t.an asatnar tWnun prop erty In the I'nlted Mtatea. Renter's Amatirif4nt rrrpoBlnl report. Hitherto. It l stated In the Berlin apices amtmnrtns: thla art ion. the lrmiil Rnvrnm'il haa restricted It self to meaatsrea "absolutely Drmr)r t prevent enemy property In tiermany blna; laaert out of termany durin th war and thereby possibly benrfttln . termny's enemies." WASHINGTON. Mar-h, I ITInclpal Am.rtran hoMlnca In Germany at pres ent are said to be properties of th International Harvester t'ompany. th National aab Keatater Company and . tha American Radiator Company. Th beat Information available her la that hnlrtlna-a of th standard Oil Company gradually h.4 been reduced until they ara not nearly ao eatenalve now aa they were before th war. laairaare Maawy leaeatrd. There ar larae Investments of American llf Inauranr rompanlea In liermany. but a theaa ara merely for Ih security of German policyholder In theaa rompanlea. It la not thought . they will ba molrstsd. I'nder th Herman la w all American property may ba taken. It la to meet trtia attuallon that A. Mitchell I'alroer, alien property ruatodtan. haa asked Congress to authorise him to laka and aell the holdlnrs of a; real German In terests In America. I'ne of th mo,lnJt reason for thla request la lo break up th holdings of . th great concerns which bar served a outposts of kultur In tha I'nlted states and aa adiunrts of tha German government's military departmenta. Kasaer la Interested. In these properties. It la understood, tha Kaiser blmsetf. on of the leading Junkers and former Chancellor Von liethmann-Holwrs; ara largely Inter ested. Th taking of American property In Germany, aa pointed out here, can have little practical effect, because tha bal Ritct la so overwhelmingly ta favor of in I'nlted ftatea. , Conservative estimates say tbera la lea tlmea as much Carman property In th I'nlted States aa there la American property In Germany. $2.50 WHEAT. PRICE DEBATED IN SENATE newed by Senators From Grain-Growing States. GORE PROPOSAL FAVORED I. W. W. TRACED TO LAIRS ' ikXa ;i n rjaej m VXfW PaaT . At ins 1 f Urmfrt . of Pullman ' Into Jolntnsr th- orvanLxatlon. T1i .nJ I'otnt t.uard will b held ' t amtl tb ctnop Is completed. An ad'titioDJ.1 squad of 3 la p-e.rd within a few days. Th regular hat received order to rfurn lo Kort 4;orv Wrticht- AdJotnt-0nerl loodr. who arrived yesterday Mid he woald establish headquarters al J-t. Msnea and remain until th situation n clcarett - far aa tha state of Idaho l ron canned w wtll not stand any !. h let." ha said. " W do not propose to allow any lawlesnsa If It tak tvtry dollar and Try enaa la state to prevent U. W do not pro- poo to allow any - peace officers to ho beaten up. m will rtik up the harboriri rlacfs. and - that tby create no mora disturbance, liuvrrnor Aleian dr has aafhortsed nio to at I thlnfc th situation demand -W k 1l atihmii vT-r I W W In th rouniy to lnTestiratton and make httn aivn a atatemant of how be atanda , wur close their poolhalls and hana; oists, I understand there aro or In tha county outside of St. Maries. " will not have anv controversy . t Ka i r r Itrhf W'm mrm not con -emd with their labor dif f Icoltlea. They ran adjust them with their em ployer. There Is no la bos question inyolred fmr w cn If ,hejr are loyal Amrrlran cltlxens. askinir for no'irue" " c'""n- wl" M Pressure for Increase Is .Re- Th procedure at Fernwood will be much the same as at ft. larlrs. where exit is barred except by passport. The men ara betna; cross-examined singly as they apply for their passports, and those conaldered danjreroua or who are believed to come under the alien In ternment order are beln. eld under military guard. If y Will Be bearebed. When the I. W. V. have ceased report for examination, a general round-up wli. be staffed In the city. snd the remainder those who bav no paeaport- will he arrested and '.rough! before tn authoritiea. ST. MARIK5. I da h. March M As tha first step in what Adjutant-Gen eral Charles H. aloody announced today would be a general mund.uti of I. w. W. In Northern Idaho, some SO supposed member of the organisation wera taken Into custody at Kernwood. a lum bar town near here, today, and exaro w.. ti M H tf t ..).. ne the xtate ciu.rda. and Sheriff K.' B. n,hr "Tiaranteed wheat price today. Koland. citing the ability of farmers to make i. (aaiaalv (mora money raising other cereals, of the., t.n w.r. held for further norU nd Increased coat of farm inouirv and tha others wera released I '"r ana vnai necessity i insuring unoa irnine an oath nt alias- anee to I aaequaie wneat auppnea. the Government. In addition an equal I oenata waa on Senator Gore's numtfer wera held her of several I proposal to Increase the price for the examined br tha authoritiea today. crop to 11.50 per bushel. A two- making about 4 being kept In custody I thirds majority la acquired to suspend at this Boint for adidtlonal Investlaa-1 tne rules for action on th proposal, Hon. land Ita advocates ara aald not to he "We ara rounding up all the I. W.I hopeful of mustering the necessary W of Renewah t'ouatr aa a starter fnrivotea a general round-up In the northern I Wheat price fixing. Senator Nelson, part of the state." aald a atatement is-I or Minnesota, Republican, asaerted. ha aued br th adjutant-general today. I ben an "abject failure." Ha advocated -W a will Investigate all of them and I an open markett with prices fixed only th organizer and leaders will be I "J naiurai iawa. or extension ot pnee rharaed with vlolationa of the sttenlnc to other cereals. laws" I While expressing reluctance to In A law waa passed by the Stale lgia- I crease tha cost of living by raising alure a year ago, aerininr in preacn-i -'- ncuumi, ui juu- n. nnriir. nf aaboiaae and other I neeota. declared such action absolutely rebalance to constituted authority aa I neceasary In order to stimulate produc- rrlmln.1 .vfirflrll lftl was aimed at I "on. Many IlcJicve Price bhnulil Be . Kal.ed, as Farmers Are P.'clart-d lo Be Ixlng Money aj Pent System la Failure. Uaic WASHINGTON. Marcn IS. Western Seaalora renewed their fight for I i i i i l PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Sold Here Only in Portland Sip Merchandise cU Ntrit Only PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Sold Here Only in Portland More of These Lovely Lady Duff HATS FOR TODAY AT $5.00 This newest shipment of "Lady Duffs" has hats that are even smarter than those in our previous shipments, and you prob ably recall how very exceptional they were at five dollars. SMALL HATS, MEDIUM SIZED HATS AND LARGE HATS IN EVERY DESIRABLE STYLE AND COLOR, WITH TRIMMING THAT IS SMART AND INDIVIDUAL WE KNOW YOU WILL AGREE THAT THESE ARE THE MOST UNUSUAL HATS YOU HAVE EVER SEEN FOR $5.00. Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Today Some Genuine Swiss Embroidered Collars Very Special $1.00 These collar i have come to us despite the difficulties of over seas shipping, and they are delightfully dainty and attractive. gome are in double or triple cape style with inter esting designs in chain stitch ing, and many are of or gandy.in single thickness with organdy appliqued around the border in pretty designs. Collars that would cost considerably more than this very special price ordinarily, but here for you TODAY, and TODAY only, at $1. Main Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. l -mwd?" ''''Iin m I IllSSIlaV activitia auch aa it ta ph.r.Ml thai Other Senatora apeaking in support I. W. W. are carrying on In thla section I ot Oora amendment Included Borah v. muMiiv. i.uru. 01 jvanaas anu morris of the state. BBaaeei Taraed Over ta V. S. One of the prisoners taken here to day who gave his name aa Tom Scott and said be waa an American citizen. ta being held for tha Federal Depart roent of Justice. Officers who exam Ined him declare that be placed allegl ance to the I. W. W. ahead of fealty to the United States and made ether us patriotic utterance of Nebraska, all Republicans. Senator. Curtis presented letters and petlttona from farmera and agricul tural organizations stating that wheat Is being raised at a loss at present prices. The result of fixing wheat prices mucn lower than would be obtained in the open market, Senator Norrls said. "caused Increases In prices of substi tutes which the consumer was made to Tha altuatloln waa quiet here today. I buy by the Food Administration. So Officers and soldiers erontlnue to meet I for the sake of getting lower wheat Incoming trains and prevent suspicious I prices for the allies, we raised prlcea persons from leaving without written I of everything else to the American permission. Inmate of "Dull Pen. people.1 He added that wheat must be pro MADISON I TROUBLE BEFORE auced regardless or cost. Conservation of wheat aubstitutes waa tiraaft fcv fian.tn, Kh.pman rr till . w. Iieia at m. -iries z-ormer I n0s. Republican. He read the Bible story of the loaves and fishes, observ ing that the bread was of barley and ELLEXSBfRa Wash- March 1. I asserting that 1. 000.000.000 galolns of (Soeclal.l Nlla Madison, who Is held bee rwer made from barley last year. at Maries. Idaho, as leader of the I l a as food of cereals now being made W. W. mo that attacked a Sheriff I Into beer and It Imitations, waa urged during the I. W". W. movement In Ktttl-I by the Illinois Senator. taa County last Summer and waa one of I Republican Leader Galllnger said he the 140 held In the bullpen here by I waa opposed to price fixing, but tha soldiers. I If it were attempted be thought it Madison registered under the draft I should Include more than wheat. He law here. He la a Norwegian and had I aald that If the price of wheat were to never taken out any citizenship papers. I be fixed, be saw no reason why cotton Bria-ht and well educated, he Is con-1 prices should not be similarly dealt sldered by the authorities aa very dan- I with. geroua. When he first reglsetered ha claimed avemntlon aa a conscientious objector. On his questionnaire, however. I FARMERS HOLD Nfi WHFAT I. I . -.1 - 1 1 ......lln. .wl InilrilPl B.I - . ...... . . other 1. W. W. to do the same. It Is be- leved the plan now la to have mem bers Inducted Into the Army and carry on a propaganda there. WOMEN'S NEW ENVELOPE CHEMISE SPECIAL 9& Movement to Market New One-Third Normal. Wheat For Hair and Skin Health CicDraisSiipreme If you as Gxticur Sap for every da? toilet pur se, with touches ol Cuticura Ointment now and then as needed to sou tie and heal the first pimples, rednrst, roughness or scalp irritation you wiil have as clear a complexion and as good hair as h is possible to have. ' Saaasla Caab raaabr Meat Address pest -card. "Cam. a. Ore. I1A. I.m.' oid rvcrywlwre. boapJc Oawasent t sad ic "BALMVVORT PLEASES MANY T Hundreds ef thousands are af- fltcted with Irregularities of the a Kidneys, ortrtarv passage and bladder. Thousands have found It comfort and benefit asing Kaisawort Kidney Tablets, sold 1 bv all drnircist. Mrs. Kraak s slonehan. lil I'rnraw St.. !. Iuia writes: "l am taking Balm e wort Kidney Tablets and .must say they are the finest thing on tbe market on-1 I feel t could 2 But live If I hi J to be without them." Adv. Many School (Hdren are Sickly i Matfcera ft vajna trteir aa eamfort a4 fba aeifara f than chti.lren. ahould ae.ee tnout a twc ar Vother rars aaeet )t4n fe tlH'crrn. far aae throushout tha Tav Hr ak aa Nta. Ra.te.-a r. eri.hneaa. Canst t tat; laa. Tt hinf l1wrrtera. Hearta" aa3 S nurh Trath. I w1 br Bintri-ra lf M eeara THKSK I'OW ICKS JKVKR T"AII- all Vmm S-orea. r"- ln'l areeea lit aatMt.futa. Sample FR k. K. Ad- exaaa, u;( ., ia iwj. J. l.-Aav, WASHINGTON", March 18. Althoukh a continued Increase In the movement of corn to primary markets Is shown In reports today b the Railroad Ad ministration, the quantity of wheat transported remains at one-third nor mal, deaplte efforts of the Government to Induce farmera to release what they nave on nana State Food Administrators have been Instructed by the Food Administration 1 Maty f aaaalaaesaera Agree. Allow I to appeal to farmera to market before iay l an tne wneat they hold except NEED OF BRIDGE SHOWN (liriltIM CITIZE.XS HK.tR I.KWla t Ol STY PKKKHV le Taeats Caaatrswtlaa of Bridge over t'awlhi at Riff. rtlEHALIS. Waab- March" U (Spe cial.) The Citizens'. Club had as Its guests at the weealv noonday lunch eon today a delegation from the Citi zens League of Eastern Lewis County, who csme to present the urgency of the Immediate construction of the bridge across the Cowlitz Klver at Klffe. bet that required for seeding purposes. ALASKA SAWMILL BURNED i More Than 3,000.000 Feet of Gov crpmrnt Lumber Saved. W RANG ELL. Alaska, March IS. Fire. caused by a hot box, today destroyed ter mail facilities, and other ma'tters. ,h 1 11, planing mill aad box fac- The delegation Included R. T. Slier. I tory ol tne llson gt Sylvester Mill of Randle. who is president of the I Company here, which haa been work league: i-roiessor r. s. i nompaon. oi ins- on area Government orlera .r Morton: narvey i-naes. ot vossyroca ; I .DTUCm tor .rDian. con.tructlon Morton: W. A. II Blrlev. or Moa.rrock: I on oano. amounting lo H U Overalreet. of Sarofford: J. A. mora than 3.000.00 feet, waa aaved. l lsh. cf Ulenoma. and W. Davis, of The mill, which waa built 0 years ago. nu w. I araa Inaura fnr t.ft AAA rviiu.inK an inirrr.unK line oi via cusaloai f the necessity of the proposed bridge and the announcement that a state apportionment of $11. 0o is avail able for this purpose, and that approxt Imately that much mora will complete the structure In good shape. President Rush, of the Citizens' Club, named a committee consisting of A. F. Marsh, iX J. Aloers. C. O. Uingrlch. N. R Coffnian. A. K. Judd. A. C. St. John. R Mr Broom. T. J. Long and II C. Coffman. to hold ROAD REPORTS REQUESTED Director-General Seeks Information on Present Faming. -. WASHINGTON. March 18. To ob tain early Information on the trend a conference with the visitors and later!0' railway earnings under Government wait upon the Lrwia County Commis sioners to determine what action. If operation,- Dtreclar-4Seneral McAdoo today requested about SO leading rail- any, mar be taken at this time to re- I roada to make weekly reports. llev the situation I In addition, all railroads that have Th. i 1'Ai.miiiinn.r. ..,.1 m rniiun OI more loan Sl.VUU.OUU allow iiooe toward the construction "rMr De oroerea to report In de- of the Klffe bridge and the eastern " montijiy on ineir earnings and ex- lwis County delegation leave here to- 1 night for Olympia to confer with State ;sTcY. 9TH TO RATIFY the requirements or his densrtment. State 'Kenaie Votes for Prohibition Amendment, 13 to S. WAR FINANCING NEAR VOTE Houe Makes Little Clianse In Bill Already Passed by Senate. WASHINGTON. March II The Ad ministration's bill to establish a war finance corporation, already passed by the senate, was before the Houae again today with leaders confident of a final vote early thla week. The chief difference betwen the Sen ate and House drafts Is the amount of bonds the proposed corporation may Issue. The Senate provided for a cap ital stock of ts00.000.000 and the au thority to Issue 14,000,000 "100 in bonds. while the House committee cut the Io tas to f2.3OO.0O0.0O0. DOVER, Del., March Is. The Dela ware Senate today ratified' tbe Federal prohibition constitutional amendment by a vote of 13 to 3. It pasned the House last week. Delaware I the ninth state to ratify the amendment; Obscure Plant Oil Heals Lepers. SAN FRANCISCO, March 18. Won derful results In the curing and treat ment of leprosy "by the use of an oil extracted from an obscure East Indian plant, known as "rhaulmoogra," have been ' secured by the French govern ment In Tahiti and other Polynesian possessions, according to Dr. Felix tiautier, chief of the French govern ment's medical service in Polynesia, who arrived here .Sunday from Tahiti. NAVY ASKS $188,000,000 Secretary Daniels Seeks Apprwprla- - lion for Aviation Need. - i , WASHINGTON. March II An appro priation of tlli.oeo.090 double that orlglally proposed was asked of Con gress by Secretary Daniels today for jtrmp ne Annelt. island. Alaska, Octo- naval aviation during tbe nest iiscaiiber 14, was set for hearing the argu j car. " j men La. - Fjirly Action Promised. WASHINGTON. March 18. The Su preme Court today agreed to expedite the caae of the Alaska-Pacific fisheries, which, upon tbe petition of the Gov ernment, was ordered to remove a fish- Dainty flesh-colored voiles or white Iongcloth. made with dainty yokes of or gandy or lace; some ' vr i t h designs em broidered in colors. i Included also are the new athletic suits. Sizes 36 to 44. Main Floor, Bargain Square. ROSARIES . FOR EASTER GIFTS No more acceptabe, gift for many of your friends. . Lovely ones are here in garnet, amejhyst, sapphire, topaz, coral, silver and gold filled. SOc to $5.00. Main Floor. ONE-DAY SALE MEN'S SHIRTS $1.00 An express shipment of crisp, new Spring shirts of splen'did quality woven corded madras and some novelty fabrics; better be buying your Summer supply of shirts today. These are on sale for ONE DAY ONLY. v it COAT STYLE WITH SOFT CUFFS, IN AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF COLORS, AND THEY'RE ALL GUARANTEED I Main Floor, Just Inside Washington Street. Boys' Military Suits '1 Suits for the fellows from 2 to 8 that are really military in effect. They look for all the world like the suits that Uncle Sam's boys are wearing. Also NEW. OLIVER TWIST and Russian BLOUSE SUITS priced $2.50, $3.50 to $7.50. ' Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. R1SH RISING FEARED John Dillon Predicts Grave In ternal Troubles. BRITISH CHIEFS . IN ERROR N'ewoadcT of Nationalists Asserts English Ministers Failed to Stand by John Redmond in Solv ing Problem. , ENNISK1LI.EN. Ireland. Saturday. March 16. "From the grave of,-. John Redmond there Is a great lesson to be learned bv British statesmen," said John Dillon today, on making his first public appearance as chairman of the Irish Nationalist party. Redmond faced misunderstandings and horrible calumny in his endeavor to conciliate the Irish and British peo- nle Had the English ministers Deen honorable men and stood by him and imitated his statesmanship. Ireland, to day. Instead of being an embarrassment to England, would ne a source m. strength and support. -The Knsrllsh ministers were iue w hair honor and their pledges. They betrayed Redmond, while he was faith ful and loval. and are reaping the bit ter harvest of their misdeeds." Mr. Dillon said he came 10 r.nnis- killen as chairman of a party whose i..i .-as to obliterate forever religious distinction and party . conflict, wnicn had been the curse or me lnsn nation. iMaciiasinBT the Irish convention, -nr. Dillon said no one had ever pretended it was a body tor seii-ueiriuiuiivii. If the Ulster' question could be set- .ih v,v. agreement It would De worm all the delay, in his view, but tne nour had come when tne aeiiDeranons uu8ni to be brought to a conclusion. If the convention iaus. am"n Mr. Dillon, "the Irish question -win as- sume within a week or two more tor- i ki .hrnu than ever. j. am oi m opinion that ireiana is io.e.a one of the most momentous struggles in all her tragic history. . , -ir.bil la In a terrible condition at the present moment. She is invited by i . . knit, nf vAiinr Irishmen to abandon ner ciaim iur Lhome rule and er up a cia.nu Irish republic I ao.noi inina .u ole who advocate that view are as . i Kift 1. must numerous as mcj be recognized mat me bp:b. ir a large section of the younger people. It Is futile to aiscuas a i"" Irish republic, ana as me Bin rap icau- rs are not united or consistent aa m their aims, why snouia tney not leave aside their dangerous .bluff, coalesce with their countrymen - and make a united demand for what Is almost within their graspr Mr Dillon warned young enthusiasts against being led into another rising and giving the military an opportunity of shooting tnem oown. ment will do and would not wish to advise It. At such a moment it must be left to the government's discretion to make that decision which is least harmful to the country and to the people." - In the same article, however, me Hadelsblad admits that it is unfor tunately true that Holland Is the only northern neutral wiiich has done notn ing to combat German submarine methods. It . attributes the country's present position to the spiri which has dictated such an attitude. Holland's Exlatenee at Stake. The Telegraf advocates acceptance of the offer of the ententj govern ments. adding: "Holland's existence as a free and independent nation and the possession of its colonies are at stake. By choosing the right path the govern ment has it in its power to maintain the liberty of the nation or irrevocably deliver it to the mercy of Germany, which In Its bid fon world domination has long had envious eyes on Hoi land. The Dutch nation will not per mit itself to be delivered over to the German junkers." DUTCH SHIPS TO BE TAKEN , (Continued From First Page ) make -an exchange ror .wnat win De taken away, if it is not exchanged? Will it request the ministers of these piratical powers to pack their trunks nd depart? We should not lose mucn thereby. ' ' We do not know what t'.e govern- KAISER IS COURLAND DUKE National Council Confers Title i Emperor William. ' AMSTERDAM. Friday. March 15 Having been offered by' the Courland National Council the title of Duke of Courland. according to Germ ana news paper reports. Emperor William has sent the following telegram to the president of the council: "Receipt of the loyal greetings sent in the name of the Courland National Council has given me great pleasure. My heart Is deeply moved and is filled with thanks to God that It has been granted me to save German blood and German culture from pesishing. ard bless your land, upon which German fidelity, German courage and German perseverance have made their Impres sion." i SPECIAL SESSION OPENS Governor of South Dakota Makes Recommendations to Legislature. PIERRE, S. D., March IS. Amending of the statte constitution to prevent aliens who have taken- out only their own first naturalization papers from voting in South Dakota, ratification of the National prohibition amendment, legislation prohibiting the teaching of German in other-, than colleges and universities in the state and measures to make) treason an offense punishable under the state laws were recom mended today by Governor Norbeck In his message delivered at the opening of the special "war" session of the South Dakota Legislature PUGILIST'S MOTHER DEAD Jack ' Johnson's "Mammy" Passes fAfter Enjoying Brief Prosperity. CHICAGO, March 18. Teenie John son, mother of Jack Johnson, ex-cham pion pugilist, died last . night. For a brief time in the heyday of the career of her son she knew a prosperity and notoriety such as seldom' comes to a colored "mammy." When Jack became champion and money rolled in upon him he bought the Wabash-avenue home and presented it to his mother. He bought her gowns and Jewels and an automobile and em ployed a chauffeur to drive it. Then came the champion's convic tion of violating the Mann act, his flight and the forfeiture of the heavy bonds under which he was at liberty. The ' automobile went, the house was mortgaged, and then came the last re sort of humbled womankind "board ers wanted." Johnson is said to be in Barcelona, Spain, where he has, according to friends, become a bullfighter. Owing to his conviction he dare not return to the United States. Mrs. Johnson was 74 years of age. A London cat, offically known as the "King's cat," is the only one in the kingdom to receive .an allowance from the treasury. He inhabits the Record office anrt 13 rents n wp(k Is anpnt fnr nis meat. IMPOVERISHED MEN AND WOMEN Quickly Regain Health, "Strength, Energy and Ability by Taking 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets. The Very Best Tonic. Sold by All Druggists. Adv. On 6fa Swim flnformmtiw Article on Dental HygimN: 1 Did Caesar Have His Dentist? DENTAL Hygiene . is the science of taking proper care of the mouth and teeth to promote good health. Relics of ancient times show that the Egyptians, Babyloni ans, Greeks, Romans, all had a 'system of dentistry, however crude it may have been. In 183 the first College of Den tistry was established in the United States, at Baltimore. Dentistry has made rapid pro gress siace then, and to-day it is recognized as second to none in its importance to good health and human welfare. Yon should know more about --our teeth, their care, and their relation to your general health. Prevention of decay of the teeth and gums is the modern watchword of dental science. It is s great deal better to pre vent dental troubles than have them to cure. Tbe atooth is the gateway of the body. On good teeth depesa mastication, digestion, nutri tion, energy health and happi ness. Few mothers fully realize their responsibility for the in jury likely to result if their - children's teeth do not receive proper attention and care. PublUhtdbuthe Board of IMnial Kxaminmrm Stat mOnoon 2! " Continuing Our Demonstration of j STYLISH STOUT Corsets i Have you attended Miss I Catherine Daugherty's won derful demonstration of Cor- Isets for stout women ? Don't fail to come today, and avail jh yourself of this unusual op- . pcrtunity. A New Idea in Corsets For Stout Women 4th Floor Lipman, Wolfe fc Co. eJ"Morx;kiid,a, oTcVMcHI QrV Don't allow sallowness or a muddy tinge to spoil your complexion. Bleach your skin from four to nve shades lighter with ones INSTANTANEOUS BLEACHING TREATMENT Not the slightest irritation. A triurana over most exasoeratinff beauty trials Highly appreciated by women of refine ment. Free explanation gladly given or senc two cents for sample of Whitening Cream anc ldpful booklet on Care of The Skin. MARIXELLO COSMETIC, SHOP 203 Broadway Bldg. Marshall 2-'OT Broadway, and Morrison. STUMEZE PUT THIS MAN , BACK TO WORK alcerbg FOR WEAK LUNGS r thretvt trouble that threaten to beeont chronic, this Calcium compound will be found effoetlvo. Th handiest form yet dwrteed. Free from' harmful or Habit xormlnf drugs. Try them today. 50 cents a box, mcluding war tax For aale by afl drargitU ckmaB .Laboratory. FhiiadcJpiiiA This is to certify that Mr. R. L. Wolfe. rlHiased three bottles of' STUMEZE. Mr? Wolfe stated that his stomach. .was giving; him so much trouble he was unable to work; but since taking; STUMEZE he is entirety relieved and able to . resume, his duties. (Signed) THE MONARCH DRUG CO.. ' San Diego, Cat - When your stomach is sick you are sick all over soon knocks you out. Don't run the risk of total disability; go now to your druggist and get a bottle of STUMEZE. the real medicine for stomach ills. J.t is guar anteed. Adv. j "li mi iri "TS a. . -1 j I i i o