V 15 TOTE 5I0RXTXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, 3IAKCII 19. 1918. FIRE LOSS IS $75, he koic work or citumi svei t04t 1LLK I'KUU DESTRl CTIO. rry H.iVI mm L4tM-kmmmr. lsi t Eareattoa ( Oa. Dln yti. ' Ha . DmUlan Art Ml4 fXrt. FIELD. Or- March II. (Sp clax,) Today's r vised figures placa the lnaa sustained from Sunday", firs at Coqoilta at $TI.0.)O. Tha Insurance to tals lll.ao. Y.itrr hotel and lodging-bouse la tha city with th. (iitiiiioii of on war. bora ei. Tha telepbon. office was de stroyed tod tha communication lines ara paralysed. HI families lout their nomas and eontanta. PTarttcalljr all Buildings on both sides of First street iri wiped oat. HultdlnsTS on Front street vera dasnacrd and manr of theut-l will have to be rebuilt. A hirh wind, at one time attaining a Telocity of " mll.s an hour, fanned the flames. Heroic work on the part of cltlaena saved the entire city from destruction. Kenalldina already nan started. Shoo stock were raided and noma arocerlea and dru supplies were stolen. N n m rr"t . were mart.. At Kr.iiA in r ft. II..MOI TH HU KA ttiBBfra of au-r first nrisa at Ca.l- frrrn .a gut fair. Aacramaulo: Ca.lfon.a at eta lua. loallaga. aai aiat ni .air. ut Hate hie- sa from i Ma wonderful armnlntf ao4 Mjru.4 aira-a t I.AI rE T. WAUKR. CVal'wga. Cal Wrtte reMittry dprtrj.at. fr'teher F.ur n Mi. .a l ompany. altl. or our Portland A a-.e, . S rt.it S.I.S as . 1 & Sal at . fo KK Iwv.trv Hu:atio how to rJa hu-aa auccafu.iF In ivnUac .;a r pnu i. v loo.. r-Uiaioc-a a li. a. '-t AdrT.tnla'ra'.on li 4 fir t H 1J K A frcm lira. tV C Wi.u lariumdV : at art you mam. ao,ou h . i a! eat last ao without a m p aUal. Our p.aat and atchry lae fiaat a trt 1 . atafu ana circular 01 r-'j't. Fiaa lifwa K. . ix No. J, aa& a Ahirr. I K'.-I"K hatchtr.a vjca. from aw , t '1 br'lr. hra4 ir Taaara lrnprtI r-w i r . nrttorf ont to T Kojt i'M-k blfia. Trtttatrl. Mid. a. iiAiiatr, a-, .aaaaoi Hani', r. lft'li IT K l.rO Ht K.V bbr Ciil from hif Uytna IH" atar ri at oca. rH dllvrr. ail r Ijo. ApcU, tjL Wa irnta aafa rrhU Th I'lon-ar lUtctl-.-j. f-ia- ! i-na. 11. feAKHED Rrx-X iff and ehtcka. aavanth wodki rxitinuaa trapnaatiac ; booa roc wtt 1 to a " "r ; ma.a from aa-r-fr4 aana JMad tor futUar. Ai-a- rt K att nor. t-ioq t a i. T avam a. Waah. CI K n hit lenrrt and li ak M nni hir-ia hA aw lurtor and ia HiA a A tr.ai wit ' vntlnr )u. Iltrka Jubftaa M rrir. rta usna. ' '.. o i. AXTPtt IJr- Uinc haaa an.1 Soo dait.ad cntcka H J. tog 4U iUwaua.a. attin. C. J. Mkinioao. O. Jk. C. Conraaila. natch Chicks That Live and Grow tOLO BY KOUTIXDCE SKED & FLOR.VL CO. 113 Second SL too i. ati: TO ri.IFT. a f A II I. CM AN HANTtH. l.yona Stable. lafrn ave. and Kast Kalnxvn. -si WAIIINOTOX COMM AX- 1 Vw C V rEHV. NO. li ?tcll con clave tnts iTusensvl evenlne. 7 ra fficlal visit of the trvB't commander ITluatrlntiv ardey of the l.ej Cr.iss In full form. All eojour&lnB Ilmtsr knishts Invited. KoUtRTMARTTN. Kecorder. A. AND A 8. RITE. AIXSrWORTH CHAPTER or ROSK OKtMX. Noi 1 Reau'ar meetlnc In Memorial lla'l. a-otttsh Kilo t'aibedral. tn.s lTtOelar everlnr. at a o ctoca. hy erder Wl.-i MASTER. rv OKtiMJ.V KI.ECTRIC COC1 - Ti riu No. KoV At. A K- C ?: ''J Ot.M M. meets this iT'iesdol JNlsc. sveolna. Masonic Temp:a. i Ulna Urjlbere tilwrn. PORTUANU CHAPTER SO. a R a. M. State.! C" vocation Welnwlar fnlnc. Mart h at T . clock. After business i valoas social time, music, cards, talks. rerehmenta Visitors .ei ewne. W. P. ANDKl A fee. .vTli-E COrltT MofNT H'Ol. NO. 1. FtRK!TKR? or AMklHU'A. Memners srv )i(ivir not' fled te attend a stmrnone-l meet Ins th s Tues.lav. Mrcb li. lor tbe ul kif raaacr liv or U-r rs:n i.ulT. 8. C. R. . BA R-N ICK UK. R 1VPKRIAL l-OOt'.K. Vo, t'9. A. and A. M .-e-il corn. tnaratt-a ihit iTaIa awn-t-. T o't .o- if. Mar-h 1 Uork la A, drrr-- tattora araUomaw Y K ANKRl's, ixvmarjr. 111. A. K AM A At- Kpcal rommuaitition thia tTua.ai ktrniaa K A. dr. .!t n brwrhraa .:cxm '. E. Mllal-EH. l- rORTUM C?l PTKR. N T. .4 i a t a d commuM at un tM (Ta-t tr-a. lai pjstrna la rnra f kv L a t D K aaicuwa. ljr order af ta W M tMflt.ru Jaainr. anana fSirwa P.oa 4-a.aaav J l&l-d t at. rRIKLA!XCrt' far trfa tmbltak :aia p.oa aad taada:. StO Wab:a:aa at Dirn. jiri .WX Al th faimiir ! .-n-a. 1 Hit umi ar , Vaf(. 1. Jama J. Pfi, tc 4 Tara. ftAr of I. in V. aad Jam- i.lT4 lifwa. and atot-ior f .vri J lir n. .' Ta !-... an I Mar r l-rtfwa. f Ko u".4. an I M a i'ixhra ar and Xra. J II. M -ra. of i'rx uad. Nwaw f fuaonai laior. Arraaco Dkanita in car of M.t.r A Tra:o7. X.I JK At t family roidnro. )a ;At t.. Varvlk I. Jan Lunb. IH yoarm aol"'a mMbr a4 Martha i - fcmaa. f tht cty. Wry rri o .Wui-amn. j .ah a Leoaa. at IdartOv aa-1 tlliara Laam. ro a tta la I'taA Kmalna ara at Iht raat-aM- 9'iaaaral atua will appar In a latt twoK Arranamnta ta cf af . aV iajiia. l-. 41 ledt-K Aldar at. OnOltaX. At tha faml.r rtoma. r-t lnta. Marvb id Uary ran-la tgu, 4a ara. Th rma i f.a a -a ai I '.a f inaril fn of T . lnniR. In.. 41 4 t.at AUIr. 'atk of luaaraal la La tar imim. Fl.rtiMl.xrit At tha family fal?orv al.aa at.. Xarra It X r. L N. riotacaaar. aa 44 ara. 4 flMiAloa. Id -) VHjfVAl--1rTl l. at Ua:d Mi:!. Ttao. hi , I I j! k aia .aae 1 M tiii. . ra ff-w. aew-a-. f i afTt aa vaA W essajsas aaaav aawOjaa t- H an.'ssH t CsT Teteaa, WeaaaagaM W - al. Jf 44 i n .. a, AtrrnrwrvTe. THurr nrrirn atl.R. m n uni.H. HK.I TIIMUHHUM iKI.UlKir. I! nil Tfv nraadway at Tartar. IlCl Li O m.i. i a .4 A II2X 4 V.X'J.l Tomorrow rt::iAL IRICE mat "AT X Y. ttl.VTLR OAUKtN CO. SHOW OF WONDERS 123 PEOPLE IS SCENES. Star Cut Headed Hi HOWARD ru, sat MAT.. IIM to JOc thkkt .now .;LH.t;. OH Alf 17D ALCA7K R tLnidV AJAV I' LAI t-KS S Tonight, all wh Mats. Wad.. Fat. BROKEN THREADS A tannine t:e of raiifomis life. The love story of a pretty cabaret flrL Evenlncs. w. Tc Mats.. ZZ, Wed. Utrrsln Mat.. only. Neit week "Tbe Mlrat Ullaeea.' KUMAR M BROWJf. The Cnraer Ktore": este Mailt I'RADKIN, Assisted by MIMI J A.N TCLLi Allaa Khawj Threa Weoee .IH.: MAKIO.V HARRIS. LYRIC SSrV M sitae. I tally a I:M. Mchla start 7: Ml. This week a bubble of mirth and melody. -THE CHAMPAGNE CilRL." With Mite and Tony and th. Hosehnd Olrla Teesday nlht. Country More. Tharda). Ladies' Kouvenlr Spoons free. Friday, Chorus Girte C.atest. DANTAGE MAT. DAILY 2:30 11 CrtNAS II Tb. Pamoos Japanese Acrobats and Juaalsra. Ma Other rtlc Arts. Three i'erformanosa Dally. Night Curtain at 7 aad . BEiaiBaia.ai-iaaBaiaaaB IPPODROME Sunday to Wed. S VAUDEVILLE : a The Great s PITROFF .The Mystery Man a 8 Ail-Star Acts 8 Alice Brady a J a in SPURS OF SYBIL BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBj BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Scrrica. No expanse after interment. Prices lower than other ccxns taxics. rCXCR.lL DIRECTORA Perfect raaeral Service tor Leaa, MILLER & TRACEY tncapoodant Funaral D tract or. Wtiti at.. 4aU Mta -1U Waat, Slda. .va.a 24UL iLavdjr AaaiatasL A Yaaa, J. r. 1N1S, SON. progressive s waeia. AiiiKtara I-rtvst. Airlve V omea Attesdaata, SIO.S TSeOAOsai AI A lb. alaia a. A list. East s-t. Lady Assist. nt. C alaa, WlLeuN Road, f-aaerea Dtrecl.rs. inc Ijultnouiaa at b.venta btreet. KklCbON Heeideac. Lndertaklng Parlora 12tn ar.d Morrison sta. sla.n bla3- A 223a. DCNMNO A llcs.Vlt.lk funeral eirect .rs. Brw.t.aay and pine street. Pkeae UTO.Q..1 43... A 4js. Lady atteadant. a. DUN NINO. INC. THE OOLPtN Hl'Lg LNOaltTA Kllta. 414 East Aider street. East J. B 2JyA. BREEZE& S.N00K "i'.tSlV lj Wilson & Wilson euro MX. AMD MRS. W. II. HAMILTON fa n.ral servlc lv:i E U.lsaa. labor 4J1S. P. L. LOCH, East 11th and Ciay streets LaJy attendant. East 7 L B Ilea, Ae It. ZKLLElt CO. Essti'u4'Nio tkCWsi. I NDCi.7Al.lNJ COM PANT, td aad ciay. Ala. a 132. A ZaJL Lady assiataaL M.MUAL IHHKCTOKa. IIOIalLAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established II". Third and Salmon Mtreata. Alain .07. A 1511. Lady Assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ontea, lua 151 reartbaoaa. Urn M. EalnuseeK PtMsae fraae t. . Maia lla. Haea. Pheaw A 15:5. Meat call .flee .frie. bessre. Maia tl Report e'l esse, ef crv.lty to th. above ad.lre.wa, ElectriQ lethal chamber for .in.ll animaia Mar, ambuianc. for sua and 4tebi4 anlmes at a snomenfl's aotlce. Any .ne desirlaa . dn or other pt cemmunl cat. with us. Call for .aii lost er strayed s.ea. as we looa after all Impounding. 7 n.re ft. . moe. city pound, Jasa uregaa iiu...ne Irecism. ..... as fl s H a rj? a p-t H LaLaLJ rrxrmAie notices. WOODMAN At Gold Kill. T'th. March William D. Woodman, airrd 44 yra lO month li dara. taoaaard i aurvlvad bf a widow, lira. Edna J. Wood man. of Portland; atx anna and fiva UUKh:r. Franlc E. and Edwatal H.. both In Fnn In tha aarvlca of thir country: Jack W .. rharioa A-. Kraaat O. and Harrv l. Woodman, of thia rlty: alra. C. C. O-lnic. Marahftol.l. Or.; Mrs. J. A. Vanca. Mr. Paul tppa. Mra. 8. P. trart and M it Kthal Woodmaa. all of thia rtty: aiao two brochara. Krank and OMirge Woodman. f Portlaod. or. Funrral aarvlrea wMl ha hld tomorma Wadnawday , March from tha chapal of tha JSkrwaa Vndertak inm Company, comrr Third nd Ciav. Krtaada invit-d to attand. Intarmrnt at Riv.rv law Camatary. KKARVS In thia city. Marrh IT, Ward Kearna. aged 1 3 year, beloved ion of Mr. and Mr. W. K. Kaarna. of thia city, brother of lxro:hv. Krirda. KM.rn, of thia city; K, W. Kaarna. of Newport. or. and Jtia.a Harris, of An tori a. Or. !.? frttwd wa a aiudant in Krmnkiln KlfCh S. hooi and member of tha Higma Gamma fratartiKy. Funeral aarvlcea will be h-id Id tha conrratory chpl of F. 8. Dun ninjt. Inc., 414 Raat A!dr atraet. at U P. Af. today Tuaiay. Friends invited. In terment at Aiount Scott Park Cemetery. K EARNS In thia city. March 17. Ward Kearim ace 19 year, beloved eon of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kearna. of thia rlty; brother of Dorothy. Frieda. I-llo Reams, of this city: K- W. Kearna of Near Port. t., and Jeaata Harria of Astoria. Or. De ceased waa a student In Franklin Htfrh H'hool and mnibr of the Sterna Gamma Fraternity. Funeral aervlrea will ba held tn tha cunaervaiory chapel of F. 8. Dun Dl nr. Inc . 414 Kaat Alder St.. at 1! P. M. totlay. (Tuesday,. Friends Invited. In terment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. MARSHALL In this rlty. Marrh 1. at her late residence, ftlfl Graham ava. Kmily K. Marshall, aae hS years, widow of the late Joseph Marshall, mother of James I. It. K. A. and Fred C. Marshall, and Mrs. W. I Wchaier and Mrs. I. E. Taylor, of thia rlty. Funeral ear vice will ba held tomor row. Wednettday. at 2 SO o'rlork P. M.. at tha residential establlehraent of J. P. Fin ley A fcon, MontRomery at !th. Friends Invited. Plea omit flowers. BASTASCH At L Mesa. Cal.. Mar-h 14. Anton Kaatasrh. SRtd -7 years. Beloved brother of Andrew. Carl. IfCtms. Frank and 8ph.a Hastasch. of this clt, John Has tasch. of Han Francisco. Cut., and Mrs. Ausust Mahnle. of 8e.ttle. Wash. Mji will be offered at the Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets, at tt::wi A. M.. Thurs dny. March Interment at Mount Cal vary Cemetery. Arrangement Id cara of Miller 4b Tracey. BASTASCH At I. Mesa. Cal.. Marrh 34. Anton Bastaerh. axed 27 years, beloved broth-r of Andrew. Carl. I una a. Frank and Sophia Hastasch. of this ctty; John. H.-ta-la.rh. of iSan Francisco. Cal.. and Mr. AuKUSt Mshnle. of Feat tie. Wash. Mass will ha offered at th Cathedral. Kifremh and Davis streets, at 0::tO A. M. Thury d.iv. March 111. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Arrmnsementa In cara of Miller aV Tracey. HAAS At the family residence. No. IS Ea5t Fifteenth at. North. March 1 Dolla Marie Haa. areil 43 years, mother of Bert, Ralph. Gcnr and Myrtle Todd, ail re Ivllnc In Nebraaka. Hemalna are at the parlors of K. 8. Dunnlna. In. 414 Kat Alder at. Funeral aervlrea will he held at ft. Francis Church Wednesday. March at lO A. M. Friends Invited to attend Interment In Rosa City Cemetery. McDANI EW March 17. Vhomaa McDanfela, asal M years: beloved husband of Annie K Mt-Danleis and father of Mrs. O. if. Mnunce. Mrs. V. E. lavls. Mrs. A. I'avis, Mn. A. F. St. ne. Fred. Thomas. Elmer and I-aster McDanlel. Funeral services will ba held at the Portland Crematorium to.iay Tueday at H P. M. Friends in vited. Remains will be at Dunning 4k MrKntee s parors until 1 P. M. WILKI.VQo- in Portland, on March IS. II. J. Wilkinson, born In New York. Mty i. 1 ,. irtd h er JO months 1 - dsy. Father of Mrs. Ciara Htea.lham and Mimj Edith Wllklnaon. f Portland, and C.eorr F. Wilkinson, of Seattle. Waah. Funeral aervlrea will ba hciti from A. H. Zri'ir rmpa.iv'i parlors tomorrow i Wednesday Varth r. at 2 M. luterment at liose City Cemetery. Friends aro invited. CLARK-At Monrkona. China. Dec, 2.". lOlrt. Casper F. Ciark. aaed '-J7 years, husb.tnd of Mrs Jula Tterncy Ciark. son of Mrs, K. j. Fn'ler. Tha deceaad was a mem her of Po rt i and Cou rvc il. K. of C. N . T Funeral will tnke pin re from I'un ntnjT 4fc McEntee prlnrs. this Tu-aIa A. M.. March lllth. Interment ML Calvary Cemetery. i FI-EIHCHNKK The funeral of the Lire Tussle KirtwhiT. wif of I. N. Fl.-:chtier. i:i take p. ace tomorrow i Wednesi.i v i t lo-.tM e!o-k from the family resilience. , .Vt Ktrs; street. Sr-ires will be privaie. Intermimt at Heth Jarael Cemetery'. woiaCOTT At th family residence. 5'JI E.st 14th North. March Fmncis Clara Wol'-ott. a red 17 yeara 1 month 6 day-; daushter f Alfred P. and Julia ;aj-k-in Wolrott. Funeral arvces wl.l be, held ai the runervatory chrrl "f K. S. lunnina. Inc.. 414 Kaat Alder St.. at 4 P. M. tmlay Tuela . Frli nda ln Ued. Interment Hose City CenieteO'. MenttlDE In this city, March 17. at th residence of C. W. Hopkins. 37 Went hurcfi et.. Jean McBrtde, a;al K3 year. The funaral services will he, heltl t.viay (Tuesda t 1 o'clock P. M. at the resi dence establishment of J. T Flnley 4k ron. Vuntgt.mery at 8th. Friends invited. De-truli. Mlchlxun. papers please copy. FITTINO Th funeral services of Ida May Flttlr.f. daushter of Mr. snd Mrs. Hobert II. Kittlna. will be held today Tuesday, at 2 -.10 o'clock P. M. at the residence s tnbllshment of J. P. Flnley A Fon, Mont gomery St Olh. Friends Invite.l. Inter ment at alt. bcott Park Cemetery. WOIsfTOTT Tha funeral services of Miss Frances Clara Wolcott will ba held in tha conservatory chapel of Jr t. Dunnlns, Inc. 414 East Alder atreet today i Tues day. March 1. at 4 P. M. Friends In- ited. Interment private In Hose City Cemetery. BA N FIELD March 17. John P. Banfleld. ased rl vears: belovel husband of Mrs. Mamie Itanlield and father of Mrs. Ed ward Urantweln. E. E. and Orvllle Ban ftrld Hemalna will be forwarded from Dun nine 4a Mc Elite' a parlors to Grams I ass. Or. CARtSU.La -In this rlty. March J. Mary Francea Carclll. acd 43 years. Remains will be forwarded tht (Tuesday ) even Inc by F. S. Iunnlne;. Inc.. to Greer. Idaho, where funeral aervicea will be held aud interment made. FIELDS At Cottars Urove, Or.. March 15. Dora E. Fields, ured J years, sister af Mrs. F. J- Haley, Emma Gilpin, Rcl.a Van Huren. CbariaJr and Frank t kill man. Buried at bronavlli. Or. ACCTIOX HALES TODAY. At Tortiand Van Btorsge vrarehnuse. corner 15lh anil Kearney sts. Furniture, carpets, china, silverware, pictures, etc., to be sold lor storage charges. bale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wllsou,Buclloneer. AItCtToT" safe today at the Baker's Auc tion House, Yamhill and West Park sts. Furniture, etc.; at 10 A. SI. MONTMENT9. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 24-2fi6 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 85f4. Philip Neu sV Sons for memorlsla rvotum. MARTIN FORBES CO.. Florists. 354 Washington. Main 28. A 12ill. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Floreets. 2b7 Morrison St. Main or A laoo. Fin. flowers and floral drs.gns. No branch store. TONSETM FLORAL CO., 2S Washington sc. bet. 4th and bth. Main M"2. A 110L MAX It- SMITH. Main 7215. A 212L Selling blilg.. 6th and Alder eta PEOPLED FLORAL. PHOP. 245 Alder. Flowere and assign, paone Marshall 6.2.1. araoLt-csi. RIVEIw VIEW AUUVX MAUSOLEUM Taylor's tcrrj Koad. . End KlTaerleef Car line. The en'y clvllls.d rnethed of bans;, snow-wblte, usill dry. sanitary lomi p.rm.n.nt tlt.e aad endowment. l-'o up. we pillwca B.1M.S. 1'boae roadway J-.L NEW TODAY. Factory or Warehouse t"-. Have K.ar Cities Fall OlieS tt.artrr Blocks. With Kail reed Tricks, lsl Side, snort uie lauce from fnlon Depot. Will build to suit lor resfkonslblo lessees, bee UW.r-H. It. PALI i ASCII, X75 Last attlecata atraws. Anna. FREE SERVICE BY PACIFIC TITLE TRC8T CO. We have all tbe record. In this county affecting realtr abstracted and pouted right ud to the mmu'e. No charge for Information. Call at eftlce. 24- Stark St. Phone Mar. 12. MORTGAGE LOANS Ol Bl'SIXF An RESIDENCE I'ROPKRTY. ROBERTSON at KW17IO.s J078 AtrUwMtua DaaJt Jildc lata. uucLluiy OX JJU&JJJ,tTka XXlillo ainu ; classified for ready reference, i ior other information, telephone !Abuy5,liouse29. AeCOKUlUX 1-l.EATlN'O. UtiloTlTCril.S'ii. 5c A VAKU. FLEAT1NU. ALL LATbiT 61'tLEi tASTEKN KOV-ii-TM Co.. bOi, iTil ti. UtTW tE.S JAK AND STAKK SIS. IIHuAUiVAV ZUVJ. b- bidl'iiA.N'. berusLltcbins. scaliouitta. ac- coruiun siUs piau bullous covcr.a. mutl erqers. ziu Putock biotk. Brwawty Iwv. I ASSAVEIfj A1 A.NALVMT3. JsO.NTAMA AC8AV UFIfiCS. 142 6coal UoiJ. surer and platinum bousht. ' BAKUtK Blfl-LltS. UHlioO.N" AlAKiit.u tolJi'r'l.Y CO. Wo buy and sell ail kings baroer supplies. afrO u. CASltK. U il. Jo.Vti, iL ia e A NO EH XKISATEi). 3laboiiii bi-ig. Alarsnail 01411. CAKI-tT (I tAMXG. FLUFF RUGS FflOM CLO CARPETS J n grains, Brussels. Smyrna, Axmtnster rag ruKS, all sizes; mall order proaxpt, booklet. CA.W CLEAM,iS, fitFllllfiG, till, VM-.srtKN iLtlt: KlU CO. 64-5 Cntun A.c. i.ast tilo, i 1473. CtLXlXOlO KLTTONs. TW lit Wl.-aoLboN COAlfAXV. 897 WasliiEgton. Uruaaxay 4J4. A 1254. IHIHOI'OUISTS. DlvS. Ki.lZAL!t;ru AlA.NluN and 11. Louise Cox, chlrupouista, now iucated at Sutt-7 N. W. Pius, auni. ana ega oy up. Jdaln a4atl. 1 IIIKOl-OlllBlS A1 AKLU tH'KClAXlCil S. Lilw LA AloNXi, only cliiropoulst carrytna a stats license; most sanitary oltlces lu tbe city, fr'tench sanitary lu.ibod. I'alnloaa. Lady attcuuanc dUt-7-s bwetland b.u. Haln'tf40U; residence, V a. 2124. WILlIah, b..i.tjlie and William. Jr., lo veny, tbe only sclcntlfle chiropodists snd arch specialists In the clly. 1'ariors .02 tierlinaer blcg., southwest comer 2d and A.der. Phones. Main lul. A 3.1U2. tlllKOl'KAlTKJ 1'I11K1A8. blCK I's.ul'Lfc;: Dr. AicAiauou. Portland. 1U0 per cent cntropractlu specialist. That's why 1 never uav to empioy uruffs, oper stlons, viorators, violet rays, electricity, best, llsht snu ether josi nouse stunta - 1 remoii. the cause ot alsaa. quicaiy. sureiy and lass expensively. Tlcatets. ill adju.tmeuts, .15; seven. $5, Call, hdne or wire. Alaliy couvmclnil the doutiUug Thomasca CIKtlLAK LnTTbHS. CllA.Sti Lb.lic.lt CO., UlU N. VV. bidg. lUr. 5&22. lou letle.'S muiligrapned, .l.oU I OLi.r.t'1 ION At,tNCltS. NET11 a CO.. Worcester bidg. Mala ItVG. No collections, no coarse; established 1UUU. DANCING. MA.NCIi t.-TKU DANCING ACALlKMT. SOS. bth. Latest dunces taught; lu private les sons e- Glass nights Alondaj and Fri day from b to 10. Hours 10 A. iL to v:3U 1'. AL Broadway 2327. THE LCCKt.TT-HE.ATH SOHOoL, Dan cing taught in all Its branches; private, cluy or eve. classes. Tues. and Frt.. 8-1U, Bf.enibly after. bMlu Wafah. Main 32U3. AiilS. s'LECK'S ACALE11)l Sial and stage d'.nclng. private Instruction; classes Mud,, Thurs.. b tu lu. luu 2d su. net. Wash, and Hlark. Main 21U0. t.Lr.CTIUC .UUTUKH. FOK bAl-E. THALi:: Olt KENT. L. A. WAKCH ELEiJTUICAL ivullKi 413 liurn.ide. liroadway 5d74. I.IK, UK, NOSE ANU T1IKOAT. Ir. F. F. Cassedy. specialist; glasses fitted. 70f E. Ilurn.ule. cor. 2uth. B 13'.U. K. 434. FK UTILIZER. KuT'n.Il cow anil horse manure. East 181, C 2274. WHOLESALERS AND Al'TO AND IIL'.GV TOPS. DUHRU11.I.E BL'GoV Top CO.. tth and Osk, GRAIN MEKt HANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Hoard of Trade blg. DRY C.OODS NOTIONS. L. DiNKELSPlEL tdATZ GIUICEKIKS. WADIIAMS A Co.. Oo-. Front et- HATS AND CAPS. TH AN'HOl'SEIt HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. HIDES, UOIIL, CA&CAK.V BARK KA11N BROS., Il'l Front il PAINTS AND LIBUICATING OILS. W. P. FCLLEH A Co.. 12th and Davis sts. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS II Fond, on Baud lot ft"" (arm and II II city loana at close Interest ratea. Prouipt. Reliable Service. A. H. mKKELaL CO. Z17.21H Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114, A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS ON FAKM ANU KVSIDKSCB PHOPt-Hlx. SO COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster 701 COU.be; T BLDG, I'DlflLAXP. OR. INO. 13. COFFEY MOK'IGAGK LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds X01 WILCOX BLUG. Main 702. A 3702. KEAL ESTATE. 25 rOWX !5 MONTH ACRE TRACTS EAS1T TERMS EAKLl PLANTING SOIL NO ROCKS Make an Investment for now and the future, bulid a Utile temporary house and try It for the Summer, you will never move back to the clly to stay. GAS. WATER AND ELECTRICITY. Parkrose acres arc reached by the way of the Rose Clly Park carline. Sandy B!vd (Columbia Highway), Is the main road to the city, aud runs through Park ruse. Parkrose has a good school, also church and stores. Parkrose Is different! You will like the looks of It: J. I.. HART-MAN COMPANY. No 1 Chamber of Commerce. Bldg.. 4th and Stark Sta, Main 20S. A 2050. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into income. We design and build anything, furnish the money if desired; elgnt years In Portland. U R. Bailey Co contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. !...!. i lTT 1'ARK CORNER brlow the hllU one block from car line; improvement, ail In and paid to date; ..-ice Swuo. one-half casll- OWNER. MAIN 8580. Foil SALE 1 lots, centrally located. In Aberdeen. Mull, worth UVOO; 1 will sell i iem fur 45ou: there sre 3 small houses on 2 lo'.s; I hsvo to change climate. lox 814 E. Turatl, Aberdeen. Wash. vacant ittts pay nothii; build and sjt taucomi. aii kind, or bulld.aca Atfd lad buili; larnisa mouajr it daairsd. ci.a. W. Ert. Plttocai bile. NICK, Improved. West Kitlo property. I " lith. Letween Lovejoy snd Mar- i sn-v.1 For terms phone owner, East aiy.iv. ! LoT 3 block. 3. Whceier. also house and lot. 20xltn. &0t.ii iU acar Outu S. . Ij 71'. Oresonian. Cui;.Nr;u ioU Outn and Hawthorne, improve ments all Pid; genuine bargain. Owner. Unrahall lAVi : o. C. COLDENBEHti CAN SELL YOUK LOT. MAKK me an offer for lot 14. blk. 113, Laur-lhurnt. Tabor ltft. HO MIS SNAP. Good 5 rooms. ba;h, toilet. Has. fine bailment, beaunful corner lot. fine fruit and ni-ftiy f.oaers: handy to carilnei, $2ut0; cash, baiinrt like rent, fcee E. NV . Huvhes. rC3 iKkum ave.. after 10 A. M. to a y. m. c orioM hnuif on immense lot In most ex clusive part of Irvington. muat be sold; j nrr tf.'Mirt. terms extremaly reaaonaiiie. , rt.cn Wtfodlawa A-w-w 1 luicooiuuoi xiitu wuuwiwvvi or rates by the montn or year, The Oregonian, Main 7070 or tlltt KC4.S AMI BAG BtOS. NORTH WEST RUO CO.. established 19uJ. Fluft rugs and rag rugs woven all sizes. Kast !th and Taylor. Kast 50. B 1-U. Tayloc. JA1'A' 1'1-OlUST. c-K 1113 'b St.. bet. yamhlil Tay T. TP lor. Ail kinds of liowers, bedding and vegetable plants, gaiueu t rhi. miinih .rwcifti. Kaster 1H, i-nr dMiritiliia. uunfiles. etc. Japon lea, Cumeilia, Azalea, ilowering cheiry. nony trees, m.. JINK. Ji;.Vk- A V I HAkD W A Hl. The Oregon Junk Co.. 214 Front St. Main SHtL We ouy all kinds junk, me U.S. uav hiKUest nricea bee us Oelore you sell. MVSIC. PIANO lessons in your home; special lor beginners ooc lesson, mornings, c -.iq. OHKCrON Conservatory ischoot) ol Music, 2d lioor Kuusel bldg. tovor the "Lion"). Entrance laOfe 4th St.. cor, ot Morrison. PAKKEH bchool or Popular Music Terms. 5 to 2U lessons. 4U1-2 Jb.llers o.afr EMIL TH1ELHOHN, violin teacher, pupl! bevlck. 2ui FileQner bids, tidwy. mn Ol-lOMLllllsls ANU OPTlClANn. WHi PAJ JIOKET -A SAVING from 30 to 0U per cent. Pronintlv fitted alasses as low am si limn enltMi'ieil customers. Satisfaction guaranteed, chaa. W. Good man, optometrist, 20 Alorrison. Alain 214. PAlNI'liK. tXC. O. W. UIL.HY. Fainter al)d 1ecorator. Sollwood 317 FAXENTS. H. G. WRIGHT 22 years' experience. U. a and foreign patcuts. QUI Llekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DK it. A. PHILLIPS. UUi Broadway bidg. Itheumatism, lemna disorders, sain trou bles, slomaco, river, &iuuc . throat, goitre, ecalp. nigh blood pressure. Uis. fwiii A.'UKOWN. goitre and diseases ol woman, iw c. .mumm.. v". PlX.ttBlNU ttPPl.Ar.S. PLLilBlNti SUPPLIES at wholesaie pncea SLark-Uavls Co.. 212 3d St. Alain .97. fKLM'ING. K.E1STONE PKEbS J. K. Gantenbeln, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 Front St. corner Stark. Main or A 141M. " THE IVY PRESS. 8S2 Stark St- Broadway 403, A 40 S3. E- 1AT Ull.TKll Xm COMPANV. rhlfll lilt) ls't and oak sis. Main ltiO. A Utti. KE.A1. EbTAlE BEAA.EK8. CAUL R. JONES. 4U4 WUcox bldg. hlOHAob ANU TKANSFEK. ALWAYS Piok THE Baar Household aooas specialists; storuge, packing, shlp nins and moving, horse and suto vans, sueclal Ireignt rates to all points. S O PltiK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. Hj ,nd iC sta Broadway 50B. A ltfti. OREGON TKASsFiSR CO., 474 GliEan St.. corner Mill. T.lephon. Broadway 12bl or A llill We own and operate two large " -a" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest Insurauce rates in the city. MAOlaoN-BT. L-OCli St WAREHOUSE. Of fice ISO Madison. General merchandise and rorwaruing asema. nmu. CUT lieignt rates to sll points on household Eoods. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co.. tith and Hoyt. Broadway iu, ni.-k-ivil MOVING. STORAGE. BBCUK1T. STORAGE at TRANSFER CO !U5 Park St. Main 611)5. A loot. woou. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 1041 E. 2d and Oregon StS. U 1 7 mwa " e" GREEN ANU I1RV SLABWOOD. block wood. 1MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RAPML'SSEN CO.. 2d and Taylor. I-IPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, bl-eti Front su I-LIMBINO AND STEAM SLPPL1ES. M. 1 KLINE. S4-S0 Front St. PKODICE COMMISSION' MERCHANTS. E EltDING & FARRELL, 140 Front St. KOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th nnd Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis sts. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper Ai PC Co., 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d SL REAL ESTATE. for ISalo -liuiiftes. Bl'XGALUW SNAP. Ptop. think, be wise, don't pay rent. Own this fine, now, 7-It,. bungalow, full basement, buth, toilet, gas, electric lights, beautiful lawn, paved street ail pald?ideai home for 250u; J250 cash, balance like rnt; immediate possession. Bee E. W. Hughes, oiJ Dekuin ave.. 10 A. M. to il P. M. MOVING TO ASTORIA. Must sell quickly at big sacrifice my nearly new a-story, J-room home, located on high lot with beautfTul view In best section of Laureihurst, near car. This place cost eV(j500 on a low market and is unusual ly well built; 4 large bedrooms, nice lawn and shrubbery, room for garage. J. DEL AUUNTV. Main 1700. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Fine D-room house, hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures, mod ern conveniences, hot water, heat, level quarter block. lower heights, extensive city and mountain view, shrubbery and fruit trei's. 1 block to car; will sell for about price of grounds. BROOKE, Mar shall 427, A 3boH. Call mornings. $1850 DfiAK, darling, little bungalow, 6 rooms corner, near Alameda Park, on 2 carline; ptiik of perfection bright as a dollar, clear. Hurry, nothing like It on the coast for $oJ0 more. Kennedy and AlilIer, 9 Salman. LAURELHURST home, beautiful, sightly lot 75x100, 7 sunny rooms, 3 fireplace, ujp to the minute in every detail; garage. l'.."i7 East Couch st. yee Mr. Smith for appointment. Coe A. McKenna Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR PALE A number of houses at Uni versity Park; prices from $130 to $D500, on reasonable terms; also cheap lots; some are real bargains. W. E. Richards, University Park, city, 670 Lombard st. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5 -room bungatow, all built-in features, fireplace, furnace, lot 33 1-3x100, on paved street; 5 blocks from Hawthorne car. Price $2100. Terms. Chapman-Wintler Co., 1078 Hawthorne at 30th. G-ROOM neat, modern house, has gas and a nice fireplace, 3 blocks from Mt. Soctt car; must beuold; at a sacrifice, $i:jy0; you 'can't beat it for the money. AD 5, Oregonlan. RESIDENCE of 15 rooms In Nob Hill dis trict, suitable for furnished rooms, board ing or private sanitarium; In first-class condition and good neighborhood; must ba sold. AK g4u, Oregonian. BAKGAIX, leaving the city and wish to sell ?uickly property on Improved street, luo e-t front, 2-story, S-room house, lots of fruit. Inquire at 549 East 20th South; take Woodstock car. FOR SALE Modern bouse, with fireplace, partly furnished. 2-3 acre, ground, fruit trees, henrace. garden tools. Mt, Scott dis trict. $4J0O, nearly all cash, baL time. - Phone Tabor aOl'tf. S-ROOM comfortable bungalow on 54th st., j blocks to car, $20O0; terms. $i!00 cash, balance monthly, easy payments. S. Nel son, realtor, 61S,Pittock blk. FOR SALE Irvington home. Army officer ordered away will sell reasonable, fur nished or unfurnished modern S-room cor ner home with garage. Phona East 4085. ROSE CITY PARK, fl-roorn bungalow, in first-class condition, $2J.",0; $'Jo0 cash, bal ance Jli month. This is a bargain. K Vanduyn. .".15 Chamber Com. Main 10o.r. NEW modern bungalow, 6 rooms, fireplace, etc, restricted district; $3000. terms. 253 Washington st. TWO beautiful, attractive houses, on corner louxlOO, garage, ciosa in, $12,000. Tabor iltiiMj 7-rooin house, near East 35th and Taylor; $500 cash; Jot alone worth price asked. Tabor tt- $"4ixt WILL BUY mt'-ra S-raom bungaiow with attic, $300 down. GODD P.D A W'lEDRIOK, 243 Stark. MODERN T-room bungalow, walking dis tance, central East Side. Apply 62 East oih t-. cor Oak. Eaxt 26H9. HUBBELL A SON. 1421 candy. Oldest firm HoSE CITY PARK, can ceil you a good house cheap. See us flrgt. Tsbor 216L NICELY furnished 6-room home. 100x150, fMiit. nut trees. Wood lawn 205. e-ROOM house, two lots. Lenta; terms. Jesse P. Sharn. fco Vi 3d st. $2f.ni S-room house, a snap, terms. Phone rM li. n -M-O iC CaiA M vVV W Wm JVUsaUJv4 KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, A MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE $150 DOWN $23 PER MONTH This attractive home was built three years ago by the owner and nothing but the best of material went Into it; the rooms are good sise, nicely finished and conveniently arranged ; fireplace in the living-room; built-in effects in dining room, handy Dutch kitchen, plenty of cupboards, den or sewing-room, with bath on first floor; three pleasant bedrooms; full concrete basement; lot is 50x100. with beautiful view from porch;- plenty of ad Joining lots for war garden ; the price is $2450 (less than it cost to build), with - the above terms; location Is 325 E. 70th N. : open for Inspection today Maclnnes, 210 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1058 week days. Tabor 8611 Sunday. i ROOM BUNGALOW- HALF ACRE TRACT $1530 Parkrose: Living room, fireplace, 2 bed rooms, big kitchen, with built in effects, porch, shed, chicken house and pen, bear ing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, gar tin, ground all in high state of cultiva tion, lawn, flowers, gas, electric lights, pressure water, sidewalks to carline and Sandy Blvd. J. L, HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th t Stark, Main 203, A. 2050. 2-FLAT BARGAIN WEST SIDE. Widow, very anxious to sell her 2-flat buildings in first-ciass condition, 6 rooms, bath, gas on each floor, large attic, base ment; lot 37x100; location near Columbia and 14th st.; price reduced from $0000 to $4250. Formerly rented at $50 per month; 1 flat now vacant and owner occupies the other. Terms $1000 cash, balance 0 per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. MURRAYMEAD. STRICTLY modern residence of 11 rms., tile bathroom, 2 toilets. 2 fireplaces, plate glass, hardwood floors, living-room and hall in mahogany. library In oak, breakfast room, dining-room, kitchen and bedrooms, all in 7 coats of white enamel. Wails in tapestry paper. Lighting fixtures cost $050. House cost $0000; ground. $3750; price $S500. GODDAKD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. CARPENTER'S SNAP $S0. NEAR ODDFELLOWS' HOME. 2-story, 8-room, plastered house, full basement, except floor, roof needs re shlngling. needs new plumbing, redeco rating and painting, lot tSOxlOu; cement walks and grading paid; lot worth about $70i; building when repaired worth $000; total 427U0. Terms -230 cash, balance monthly. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. NEAR WALNUT PARK, 5-room modern house and garago, full cement basement, modern plumbing and lighting fixtures, dining-room with buffet, living-room and Dutcli kitchen, on first floor; 2 bedrooms and bath on second floor House is double constructed and extra we.i built. Terms $500 cash, balance monthly; GODDARD tk. WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. irnt t 1 1 v ( : LOW STRICTLY MODERN. Full cement basement and floor, furnace, fireplace, modern bathroom, hardwood floor In living-rooms; street paved and paid for; location near East 32d and Har rison. Price $3050; terins $1450 cash, bal ance at 7 per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. I want an offer on almost new 6-room bungalow, fine location, has good garage; also $1500 worth of fine furniture for 50 on the dollar. Come out to Laureihurst tract office, E. 30th and Glisan sts., to day nnd you can Inspect, or phone Tabor 3433. During week call J. DELAIiLNTi, Main 1700. - BRAND NEW CLOSE TO ST. JOHNS CAR AND PHlPBLIXi. PLANT. 5 rooms, cellar, 3 rooms on first f.oor, 2 bedrooms and bath on second floor, walls tinted, electric fixtures, cement walks paid. Price $1S50. easy terms. tj ' ) i) LIAitU IV V icuihv AV, -.vs. w . HERE'S THE COSIEST and prettiest 4 room furnished bungalow you'v ; seen. It s offered only because owner has secured better opening away from Portland; $t,00 cash, balance $1350 to suit you- actual cost $2000. Better bring along $o0 ' de posit. I know it will go. 0. 75th. It. u. car. Modern 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, cement floor, laundry trays, paneled dining-room. Dutch kitchen, front and rear porches, chicken-house, concrete walks, paid. Very attractive home. Price ilhoo; terms $300 cash. GOJJDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. ""BEAUTIFUL MOUNT TABOR HOME. Strictly modern residence, 7 rooms, sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, furnace .ixe piace, 2 toilets, 3 bedrooms and bath on Second floor, and 1 bedroom on third floor. Lot 100x100. paving paid. Price reduced from iVV-Vx c.o.v GET your friend to occupy the 4 rooms up stairs It o rooms .c . - Bents are advancing so that you will always be glad you had the opportunity to buy this beautiful home on monthly payments ($300 cash). 1117 E. JV, "A" car. Going on farm and sell $00 under vaiue. aiain p.p FOR SALE ( OR TRADE. Modern 2 flats. 5 rooms in lower flat, 6 rooms in upper flat, modern in all re spects, lot 50x100, in Irvington dlst.; mortg. $3500; will trade my equity $3000 for smaller house or merchandise. In quire SO N. 6th st. Broadway 4401. GARAGE SLEEPING PORCH. 4 rooms, large sleeping porch, storeroom, bathroom, hot and cold water, gas and electricity; full basement; cement walks paid; Price $1700 . 6-ROOM modern two-story house; built-in eiiecis; Aiuerm - car, one-half block from paved streets; $3000; $300 cash, remainder terms. F. K. Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517, evonings; Marshall 3770, Sunday, 10 A. 2d. tn 'A l- M. MODERN IRVINGTON HOME AT A REAL .1 - .... ...... . - . MI r. L. U I I." A T M.NAf; ruKAAi.ii, , ...... . . . . . , ..... - CKILING, PANEL DINING-ROOM AND DUTCH KITCHEN. COME, SEE FOR YOURSELF; CONSIDER SOME TRADE. Jil OWieiri( ooo c. xiqji u. -' .Ai)l .11 .'11 .. . ' - -. ' 2-story, ti rooms, furnace, fireplace; lull basement, house In good condition, street paved and paid. Price iliaul). .300 cash gVdDARd' & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. ROSE CITV PARK SNAP, ,3000. 5-room bungalow. 2 blocks to car, fine condition; tiuoo cash; be quick If you want this bargain. J. DELAHUNTY. Sunday Tabor 3433; during week Main 17UU. 127 E ALBERTA ST., corner Alblna avenue. -story, o utuiwiuB - - , lavatory and toilet first floor; piped for furnace; fireolace. Both streets paved and Included. Price S3S00. eollOO .Modern o-room bungalow with hard wood nOOrS, ureiimiic, lu.. large basement, sleeping porch, large at tic and all built-in conveniences, concrete Earage; all la first-class condition. Rlch- monu uisiiii-i- v..., -. . ....... t.t . rrf r.u L-nnV PI.FPTRir 4-room bungalow, large bathroom, gas range, gas fixtures, gas radiator eo with Slace. fireplace In living-room; concrete asement; price $1325. Terms ,300 down. GODDAR & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. A 1 ' - -A A. . S1400 WILL BUY a very cosy bungalow of 4 rooms on first floor, 2 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor. Cement basement, laundrv; lot 40xlo to alley; bain, garage. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. TIL-ATX-TT P1RK A GENUINE BARGAIN. Strictly modern house of 8 rooms, 2 bath rooms, full corner lot. Total value oo00; "'GODDAKD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark.' nnac r-TT V P a D If I.VO IL. tA A A. 54 R East 47th st. N., 2-story, all modern improvements, street improvements paid. Price $4000. Terms $2600 cash, balance mQOrapiRP & WIEDRICK, 24S Stark. SACRIFICE SALE Good house and full lot. D3.vGd street, at poi i,mh, laiiuuui than mortgage and taxes, only .000 cash. AC SU!,CcKSON. 207 By. Exch. Bldg. - OWNERS Save commission; 6-room house; good furnace, am .v-, - berries and fruit trees, close In on Rich mond line? can buy 'furniture. Main 4051 or Seuwooa e.o. K0 WILL BUY a 4-room bungalow, 91et St. n!cii.roii toilor ?ne and near -ioii. . water; terms $15o down, $L monthly and in tn rest 6 per cent. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. . . . . t . trrAA.rir CCITK'P Sinpl Market St.. near 14th. 7 rooms, fireplace and bath, splendid condition; lot 50x100. FGOPDARb Sc WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. TK HA W W 4-room cottage; cement' basement except rDI,r Mt. Scott car. Price 1000. AW. . r, .. . , at-TAl f . 1.' li'l Ql.-lf GOOD A rtu OS nti.vi.". T ROOM modern home and garage, close to car Rose City Park, for J3750. S1000 cash, balance terms. Multnomah Development Co., 4Q4 r'latt oms. ei-,o 6-room plastered house, bath, hot and cold water: no Uena Terms J4J0 cash, hnl.nre a per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. DANDY bargain; deal with owner: T-room house restricted district: sacrifice if aold this week Phone Sellwood 600. IRVINGTON HOMES. R. . STREET, IBV. A.GE-NT. REAL ESTATK. Far Sale Houses. . ?25 DOWN I5 MONTH ACRE TRACTS EASY TERMS EARLY PLANTING SOIL NO ROCKS Make an investment for now and the future, build a little temporary house and try it for the Summer, you 'will never move back to the-city to stay. GAS, WATER AND ELECTRICITY. Parkrose acres are reached by the way of the Rose City Park carline. Sandy Blvd. (Columbia Highway), is the main road to the city, and runs through. Paik rose. Parkrose has a good school, also church and stores. Parkrose is different! You will l!k the looks of It! J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 20. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bide., 4th and Stark St.., Main 208, A 2uo0. ONCE ONLY " WILL THIS ADV. APPEAR, A PIEDMONT SNAP. $3,100 House and 2 Lots. $4500 $2000 down. bal. on terms, 6 per cent. 8 rooms, bath, living-room with big fireplace, hardwood floors. NO REAL ESTATE DEALERS NEED ANSWER. S 92, Oregonian. BARGAINS. $1900 Modern 5-room bungalow, corner, on E. 39th near Lincoln; hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. $1900 5-room cottage in fine condition, on E. th near Woodward ave. $2350 fi-room modern bungalow at 242 E. 47th; large lot. If interested see It today. Cannot be duplicated tat $4000. J. U KARNOPP, Br. Exch. Bldg. Main 75. OWNER MOVED, forces immediate sale at an immense sac rifice of beautiful modern. 2-story, 8-room house in good district, near car. Extra large rooms throughout, 4 large bedrooms, beautiful grounds with three and shrub bery. A real home in excellent condition and never been rented. Cost $6000 but $4500 takes it if sold at once. No lncum brances. J. DELAHUNTY. Main 1700. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, nearly new, with den. large attic, cement basement, all built-in features, hardwood floors, doubly constructed, lot 40x100, on paved street, price $3150; $500 will handle. We have other houses ranging in price from $1000 up on easy terms. See us for bar gains. Chapmun-Wintler Co., 1073 Haw-i thorne at 3Hth. - ' $2350 COMPLETELY FURNISHED $2350 Modern 5-room Hawthorne bungalow, on 37th st-, now renting for $18. ". Only $550 cash. G. C. GOLDENBERG Of Course! 215-16 Abington Bldg. Main 4803. "35 Years in Portland." ALBERTA DISTRICT, $2350. -A fine 5-room bungalow with large fit tic, all built-in conveniences hfjdwooil floors, lota of garden ground; lot 80x100. East 29th near Alberta carline. J. L. KARNOPP. Ry. Exch. Bldg Main 6i.. ROSE CITY PARK. Modem 5-room bungalow, -hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, large attic, garage, $3250; $500 cash, balance $25 month: house alone would cost to build over $33011; let us show you a REAL bar gam. F. Vanduyn, 315 Chamber Commerce. Main 1955. - . ROSE CITY PARK 5 rooms and attic, thoroughly -modern bungalow, full base ment, furnace, nice shrubbery, fruit, ber ries, etc., 1 block from Sandy blvd,, best buy in R. C, for $2750; this place was built by owner for home. C M. Derr, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 937. LAURELHURST. Before buying .elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms In Laureihurst, the show place of Port land. LAURELHURST CO.. 270i4 Stark st. Marin 1700, A 1815. FOR BALE Big bargain: Two houses, fiv. lots. N. E. cor. 6th and Oregon sta. Ground enough to build three more. Fine opportunity. No reasonable offer refused. Account non-resident. Inspect and make offer. Mis. J. A. Fugute, 435 E. 12th St. 5""5oOMh6uSE, 27th and Division, paved, $1750, $500 cash will handle. F. K. STEARNS, 202 Wilcox Bldg. Sundays 10-2. Main 3517. Evgs. Mar. 3770 FOR SALE Modern 7-room house, barn, chicken house, 4 acres, plenty of fruit, sold a few years ago for $17,000; will sell now for $12,000. By owner. 25 minutes out, on carline, 6c fare. Phone East 6300. $50 DOWN. ., . . ON MT. SCOTT CARLINE. S-room plastered cottage on brick piers, Dutch kitchen, price $850. UUlltlAKU St WICii7iVli.iV, Plain. $1400 WILL BUY 4-rm. box house with small room In attic; toilet; paving paid. Terms GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. BEAUTIFUL, home, 12 rooms, large ground, fine shrubs, hardwood floors, tile kitchen, tile bathroom, sleeping porch; easy terms. Tabor 2084. LAURELHURST Artistic 8-room house, with garage, first-class stucco construc tion, hardwood flooring throughout; three lots, cor. 38th and Glisan sts. Seen by ap point menthorieraorli20 For Sale Business Property. GARDEN HOME. I am authorized to sell 8 acres with well-built house, all conveniences, gas, water, finished street, good barn, etc.; close to car; 7-cent fare, all under culti vation; a fine home; 15 to 20 minutes to Portland, at a price which will surprise you. S. L. N. Oilman, Garden Home. Main 8480. BEST BARGAIN -- ON UNION AVENUE 955 Union ave. N. lot 60x105, store with flat above. Owner non-resident. Price $3500. Terms $1000 cash, balance 6 per "gODDARD & WIEDRICK. 43 Stark. ...t . Trcv-TTIT TAtTI KW1P 9-room house, first floor rented at $15 per month; owner occupies second floor, lot 40x100. Union avenue, near Alberta. Price $2900. Terms $1100 cash, balance 7 P GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark.' " GARDEN HOMB. Choice acre, fully cultivated, at a bar gain. S. L. N. Gllman, Garden Home. Main b-u. Suburban Home Property. $25 DOWN $15 MONJH ACRE TRACTS EASY TERMS EARLY PLANTING SOIL NO ROCKS Make an Investment for now and the future, build a little temporary house and try it for the Summer, you will -never move back to the city to stay. GAS, WATER AND ELECTRICITY, Parkrose acres are reached by the way , the Rose City Park carline. Sandy Siva (Cfimbia Highway) is the main road to the city, and runs through Park rose. Parkrose Aas a good .school, also church and stores. Parkrose is different! You will like the looks of It! J. L. HART1LAN COMPANY ' No 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th " and Stark Sts., Mam 208, A 200. ONE-THIRD acre and 5-room bungalow near hou.e'.'-Tmafl f ruit, rose, aad" shrubbery d'ethe8Tinest vieW in the district for $1500; you can't beat it. Call 404 mil bldg. ior paiiinui.'.. j; or Sale Acreage. BASE LINE ROAD. About 3 miles east of Portland. 10 acres, all in cultivation, no Improvements, price 13500 Terms $1000 cash. GODDARD & WIEDRIClC 243Stark. iTIcHEB near Hidden Sta., 1 mile from 1 Vancouver" wash., $550 for my equity. By owner. l3 west r-10 ACRES, with water and . sJaTn" FarTand. 603 Ycon bldg. 49 ACRES on Milk Creek, near ,. sale or traue in - - - --- 101. oregonian. j For Hale I- arms. SHOO ACRES in Southwestern Washington for sals, to Kttlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Writ, for map showing location, term., etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma xaius., law..-. MlH SALE A choice 230-acre farm; good nil. electric. 2 miles Wood- bSrn Ali platted in tracts. To settle an estTte this land has been reduced to $10 per acre; a bargain for someone. C. M. rrlttenaen, nu..... w. CHICKEN FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. l-r:. .t A .'.fin nee ecre! eanv terms: best soil; farms for saie, all les. McFarland. sua icon mug., u. A. ...... 79 ACRES 60 cleared; school on place; good bld'gs., spring water to house; 1000 A. out side range joins placer crop in; well stocked; everything goes, $i000; $4uu0 cash. Boa I12T, Winlock, Wash..