THE MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, 3IARCII 18. 1918. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 70 .0 or A 6093. House 20. i(llKIli fltTl H.iVl,r.r, IllVi A tA.tLt. I'l tII.Vi, A I-1. I X T sn i.U LliTLH. N- lu. -, ;tu .-r.. itrBtcx ' K A XL -TAK K S r Bi:iAl A .'JW. jl. .r.i'HA.v. a.o. K..oltof. .e- r:4.o. sM. p .... UiwaJ ;.r.a. OB... -ir. :i ivuHt ... i.-J..jrl Aunrm ,ti .vo.i-t. U. a. T.f iq4 p iOJ.- !WJt ubik !i( rrui.1. .'it'.X ilAtbhrt .LI't'L.1 CO. V 1 I s o I. 0.rl,r u?lc U l C.l.WtK rii-fcAli-U. J. lliri.u.l CHA. urT l . ni.. FLUFF fiUSS FROM OLD CARPETS In rralsa. Itri r.. ;nym. Asm taster fa. CAJfFET CLEANINu, REFITTING, ETC SI " I o on A... .V fl. H I Ti I I LI t oll blTTOi TUfci II. I.V.Jt. .t..-..N IVUfAXt. T VV..r.,-f .,n II. l-.l. A t-a. NIHIIItll4I9. XHi. 11.:A1I..II JIAMO.V B. Liao ', CWrupllttf, Bo MMTAti ftt 1 N. Q.. aunt .n4 ay ... M.ia 3I.K. a HinnhMH.fs l A Hi If IULI. ly.L, tl Cu.Si wall .Birud.t cr.lUsi r .1 tiB.. IVMt MBII.(J i.'K.O Ul ttt. tt.. rrvata 4ft.:4'7 Bn.tft"!. r...Jy .u.o,.rt. a.LUai M.m r-.ld.nv.. VVA V 1UI..AM. ..!.... .ml ttt.u.m, Jr. ttm, I on:, arlsaurlc cttirofl.xa .o4 ovft av.; to to el:.,, f'.r.or. Ao ir:in..r o..i... MatbvMC corn.r .4 BB4 A .- ph.... Ill O A J-f 'J- IHIUI WTK tHIiUIAMt ... K l iol li.. Lt. i'urtiABj. 04) .r ..t irw.r.cil ai,.:!..!.!. .oAl'a mnr I B..r ft. tu .mp.oir Oruffa. ...r .fiA. tor.:ra. ot ..a;tr.cit-. . ...I. 11.0,1 ... .Co.. Itta. bum stunt. 1 nnaii IB. uum of iiimm qui:..,. . .I'siy ' tSB OAPaoairair. Tlt-oals. 41 4iUrrnA:. .... B...B. . C.ii. ?MM r lr.. iAi.jr Lb Aohiou. Ta.ra.aB. IIKCIUb I bit era. tHINll Lt-TTKH .J.. ld N. W. k,d. M.r. s-.ja. loo latt.r mu-tigrapftcd. $j.3q. !...( TIO AOLNCIU. .-ril ex. Vorta:ar b.dsV CO- at t toftB. B cn.rg. .ttltca4 llvu. UlXIMi. kA.NCi(i..'.Ti;K DA.NCl.VlS AiAUtUl. fciv, o . L.tasl !' I.uht. Id pr..t la aosa . Class Bif.Ks Monday .Bd Krt d.j from I 10. Hours A. M. t 9. SO f M rd7 2... . tl: U KI.rT Hl.A til H.XiL D.B cinc iual IB .i l:a br.u.aa. private dv or svo. c.ra. Tua. sad Krt.. a-ld.'v . f -r .All) Vt..ri. V.n i.'xi. klHS. I M. a 1 ACADCV ocl and a:a dnc.nv pnv.t. ius: ruction. clBSsao Moo., inura. lo l' -d BU. . nj fl.rB. Mala :!). Itlamt' KOTOKV1. rt'K S-Vl.t. TKAUi: I'll KtXT. 1 A. HA KcK LU.' TBI. AL U8W at:l .'I'lmnJc Mroad.y 5d;a. nii. Mri A Ma THKOAT. lr. F. F. t.sid. apw.'; s sao flttal t' K. Hurn.ida. cor, i'f n B l'Al. E. 7d4. II KTII l R. 1.. r.'T'H c. i and bora m.nura. fcaat 1SI. MI0LESaLERS AND At TO AM Hl'.t.V Tfl'- XXTsiwvn.i,;: m i-;T T.f v:o.. ;i and Oak. I.Kvl.N MLKt II VNr-v. yAtriC I.HAIN !'. U-Kird of Trmap Md. IRT lOI-OTtO. L DIXKELSP1EL CO.rr.trr iiRmrKui WAPtMUjl A lu- t.; front ft. Mm A.Nl lAP. TH iNHOt'SKH H AT C'V. C-J- Tt t. lllit. UMU 4 AM. AHA ftklKIi. rirn am mukk n(. oiis. w. r. ruLKR a -tr uu fcEL :TATE. I ar hsl4r----lJ aVHK ? T H K 'Sl.:T (-n'1 prttil 4 rnom furnt-hj-l fct'nlo " ff-ri br lif iwctir-l a'.rr Mitiin: iv from I'ort.and; ti kVKI ml-m iw-t.ry h. bu.:i-in 'f-c AHrt Ui.nM t. on b:K-. frwm . r. an h4.( bio. fcv frm pvl trtp. jp0. .(. rTrmimt-T tmrm. K K ftf.'wriMk -''- W11-t, b:! IM ni ; Vinhi. 2TTUL .Sunday. 10 A. M l 2 V. M- lltt.;R TKV1.Tm. irvr: at"a RKAL N P- VlkNACK. KIRKI'UfK. UK AM fU.IN. PX:. IHMN;-KIW AM t T-H Kl r'H KV ft l SKK K K t i -K!:i.r. N.Hri:K s -Vk; TRAl-t HV t.W.XKi;. K. I1TII ."T. N. .: --.J h u4- an fall lot. laaii m.rt ut aai on caalv. lt.f,ir bj:nf w h-r obtain oaf 1tt t i'iitt b in'i fur ! o jt l-r:n tn laAuirvih'srT. in pU'' f I'ari .aO. I.U KKI.HCRT CvA. ZlV-a Mafll t. Mini 1 A Ft H A ti briio. Two lMttiA Ktv X K vr tir aml r-4!- "t lirwrtj nuui' l tu M Ihr--- niotr 'ln prnrtqnil .No r- oti4l-lr offer r-fu-i. A run:'i-nt Iup- t tad mk Tr. Mr j. A runt '' -- l-.n c gK h W h '.. :li!n( (itn to Hral wmV bft-U. -hfp rti. fit1 .-'. R. fc N. prop., hjr.t ur( nrl. i r-r.tJ fr . pr mnh . " " tnrttmh'arMi. prU- fnrni-ih-l -". no trai. I'boii nwrtar. H-LI A K. i H' 'L.r J 7 1 1 anal ri latoa, (aai ii?.".. ';T nJ'. k k r:. kn . 'r; v iv.m H.-fe j tiff -i Vl-K i n rwm ba9. br. rM h"-- a r. p'-rtf ,f frutf. oo.t ak f- v-a (-r i; ,atk !.. f - !-'. H "". minutrt . .Jrjr itoun l. r. t:.- k.trhrn. 1 1.AI KKMU "T A fistic -rtn hou ,:. (irsc. firt--J ttti-'-o o;il -,- -t u. d f nr!i tfittitthoij;. tf.r ... . r .i'T an i . n by afc- p, ;;ieiil I'h -ne T-W M JV.X'f N K -f li r-o rr. In No lllit d: w, air !' for fnrn h-d rmatT.a. board lag f p. . ; In f .rat- a ,ufl:,m ana a--"l ni. irlweai. auvaft am..i. A K -,.U ! Vl.K - V.lrn rn firrp are. 5ari;j furvii.t.-l. "J -I rl c-ounl. fnjtl irret. hrfirf, J 4 ta av. Mt. SOtt 1 -f-t. t. 9 p4x 1.- r y a a iik, baa. t uic. !'hr. TtV jaTr hauL lrtnatan r-?m. Army ctTi-r or. I ere-1 a mr .i I "l f ur riM. d or or irlr-e'l m'-' """n s-r.tora r. B-r t -na w tr a-e. !'n -i.l ajt 4wa. TTH-'K OfaHlwY Bnlem. J ri-m lu. :a fm:a4 atti. Uou. u:; yartt. Vl, (M'l (ulH,!Vtll af nta-i, -j sC 14 1, . ,.-T.r phT t.4,: 3 V .;iM4 ti - jn on i -n m- - tw i t t n moot r a.-r p.r of i- mt ta "i4. p-tao $.m t"ina r:rrrniT lNt b.r t-i . ' ! h inr. , -r.ora .-. -!.-! tet litr)a-t. A-rkfi- if ao.vl 1 mf. (-n-r! N a . ' ; j W LUat ail ti.".U. SN. 1 -t eai'ty. o 4at f.rna R. ai CITY l-AKK. cm a : yo a toed houa rhy ua f.rt. Tabor SKi. is'l-" KIT r-pfniJ-he'd r-rr hm JOvl-. tVu.t n ' tr -- Umlln aA,t;,kivf iiuntA.nvi. amp ijr m4ctn, 4 K bi Mou--e. ;:. UrcLa. Irm. Jaa al Htaiaea Plvf ly. $irf.ta Ui.tVM'U. ro'a two aar. $10 p-r mo. lust Hit: b'jy la llarv. ?;j C v. C Tei. MaxsOaKU llitr KIM AU KAO KlL . lilTM VV KT. I'.t'i l-. '.ab llfi H'' K.ufT ruf r. rutf o"" all Mi. in-l Tikoi. till H '- " 4 .r n i.Kir. Jl'XK AN1 HAKLlVVAliL T uitfoa Jun Co,. Front at. l..o J'.'j' V u ai: kinUa 'Jli. mat a. paj hia-:;at pru. a a ua b.lMt you aa... l!IC'. l'l N Aana in uur ftir . air.,.1 for Ua r.ntri Uaaon. torninaa. t ikKK.UI.V I'oUMfVdUirV IKtlMJl of Music ?.i r... Uuul bititf. tuvar tn L.lon tJntrinct ltm. ato a:., cor. -I Morrison. fAKKfe.H fhooi o: r'opulsr Jiu..c. to aaona. a't-l Ki ara bd. Xaraa. urn. hii-i.hik.n. io a viri(. -"; Kiiaioar to. c tsuc.iar. pupU -TiMt. rKI-.T! AMI OiTU IA.NS. Hill paV MoKk .--A BAVINS from to oo J (1- 1-ronipt.y f;f.d aasaa a i.ou. aouu aAtlaliaJ c C.iscon orntaU. t-bss. au lo ou par cvnt. umiitmmrm. W. oood H4B. alilolo' r'at. Altrriaon. AlsiB .14 t A I N T a. K. i.rc. Blntcr and i.a-onator. o.:ood iti'a. R. Alllillll-l aro- aprloc. V). and !or., pstu-a. "l lkum blUt- K. A. a-UIUUlro. !i Ulods bid I.ais.. d-wrd..s. '- p..fc llvr. k.un.ra. throat. oitr. Ki p. P!h to.wd pi-aufa. of oom.n. Iw r, ar. .u-n at. ri i uMiu L i-l.LMIti.xv. .1 Uo:ra.ia prlcoo. l. ilJ jq a'. fHl.NTl.Mi. l.UIuNs HBEsa J. K. viaotaobola. Mgr. friatiac sod llnotypm. loot irroaA at cornar aur Si .IB or a aj Stark at. Broadway 403. A 0S. ......... . . . iu ui r PhlflllMi l.,i..jar.a M.laiuo. AlldA KalAL tlTAi-K t:Ai.B,BJ. V. AKL, h. J . aui vi;coA bidg. Tr7RAl.r: AM Ta'SMl K. ALWAli'rlOK THE lielsT Houaano.d L".1 .. ...... ......... ti.rkvlzir. anip , . . t...rm. and aula VBUB. Joi?! frn:"t ..a to .11 Paln:. 4 Bd Pino aia. Bro.doy A luyd. - . . . - i. v. 'v-i' u 4"ti a;a Vfiia.n at.. U Vnar 13: h. I.irpuooa lro.d- i-t or . i i ..u Wo aB and .ww " "A vanbaai'i oo tarmln.l tr.-. lorat Inauranca r.iaa la thecltf. - t.. w" A WAl.illlOL'.L. Of- - o M.Oisoo. 0ur.i marcnandlsa and forruin .-nta. fliono M.ia !. r froi.ut rst.a to :i poiui oa bouho;d ,Jd? M.on.n. W.r.houa. 4: Traaafar f oVk-H ...d Hort. U-o.dway .vX PA.'klN.l MuVINvJ. tTullAuE. SEctVllTv'sTOltAvit; A THA.NbKER CO. lVi fir! Mam A loot. NAIluXAI. FLbL, CO.. Kaal I'lMl ti . !d ad or.eon bib. yrj o.ov. - CtittN AMD DKY .i.ABW'WD. b:cli I'liiml full Co. i-a.t .i B block wood. ILNUFACTURERS rUNT. OIL-H AM) iLA?. rilK. IMPK MTTINC! AND VALVE45. PLl -BING AND MEAM tttlI'LltA M. I.. Ki.l.Xr Front t. fKfllIr (OWIIOX MKR(HA.TS. FVKK1IN KAHHfc.l.U Kront iL KOI'E AU HI.NUING THINK. PortTanai Co.. 14tii nJ NorthmpL AH. IMOKl AM CI-4!-H. W. P. Ft l.i.KH A CO.. ana lvl itt. AI.L fAPkR. Mfl.I.CR Will i t. Co.. 1T2 lt sL MOHiJA.V WALL I'Al'tK CO 30 2d St. RKAL lTTK. MbrtMiai tlmi IVoprrty. M.Y ONLY 13. AN ACItK AND 3Kt.H'M OiTTAfiB at llochwuotl. ua tho It. HtxJ Kl trie. 4 mil from city llmlta. Th latnU la level, fa-rttla anI all In rtiltlatitn. hit krn hnuftdj. mw barn, fruit irft. brri-j. , 1 in KarLln txtl, harlaurf at- rual tu the dfor. 1 t ftH trie ilepot: a suburban hme at m varrtficv; noly low n anil bat anra to ull. Mclnn, Jlu Orciwu bttis. Ihont Itrtxtilway .-I HI ItltVN HoVK AND A'"Ut:Ar Mvlra "-rfi bunxaiow and) atrra for ! at a rraaonab.r prUe an4 term. lorv lt in-riBtm. fiini fln bathroom. 3 toil,, flr-t.-r. Hull Kun atf-r. It y ca. fruit aDil Uur. j.aac1. hartl-ur.'at-tl ruad. JOHN VV. Al.K.XA.NUKit, h'rn- Main llo.1. NorlrtKMlrm Han PM. I or falj Arrac'. I. At'HK.H near HttM-n St a., t mil from Uuih.. 5iO for my equity. By -rta-r. I W -jit i'ark. i'ort .ami. 2 I- A'"!IKS. on Ml. Tabor .arllna. will dl Mf, lirroi, a np. Hart. VI V C t.' . Tel. Vanhall l.'.vV At'KKS on earl in e. houat. Iota fir ami Mk wooaI. cl' to Ptattnn. at or and -hoot. Will II. Le!k. M.". fifth Kt. It A ' KK?. i:h HAivr .iiid build. re. tUo, t tr hmJ r.ila. f ' cash. Vln STj. .Mi FarlrJ. '.; A eon bid. Kar M-le -I anna. MfNT.W'A sitoa k ranch ami a rh-at firm fir 'r m a n . Stv- r.n h con::ng I j : ;. aTe. nn uth t life cny on !otlrr It er. coa njt:v- rraft. aome ttn.lxr. a vit ml ea near fenre. etr E-mmJ; prtaitot. 1'ricr $ pr acr if :d aa a who.. Will conaid-r a i of a part. A'o ioim i:tl and horea for aair At n;arhet prl.e. Wheat finn ron U'rp 1 a rrt, .ra d s n Wheatland ruunfi. add lo W.n.-r wheat. Writ f-r tl-. r.ptlon to I. .. IU 04. Ml.cs City. C.WAI'IAN KAUM l.AM.--trer lan.:. rvirarkaM m erm; an.!"-rkrrTi' rirunlon p.irtv lea e I'ort lard for t alcary. Alffta. Saturday, Marrh Id. rdued rate. r'.r further - t'ana Han Tacifu' KaU way o.. -' luitr Ktrhtnc Hiia:.. 1. 1'. Thornton, lttrt t l:prea-rit a' . 1 j AiMtKS fine land in (.'lark Co.. on irod md. t ml e f-em ;ar:ine. in U w of th !t rteveiopmrnt of Vancouver t'.ta property la the h-itli of a good man w mak a tJiuji" p.c. prfc reason au . ay term. John iialn, 5pa;d;ns b l.tti A'HK.s frutt (rmn ar-l hay land in tllamett al ev. pra-t'f-ally ail In rul It at urn. on main hiahway. railway ata ita.n on pre-r-ri y. well worth I per a. re; Iir nuirk aale. $W: poattitelv no irj!. Hart ianl ".. "H 'lian.t'er of 'rnfuert- Telephone Marahall I-". ACRCfi ia itouth.rn Waahinctoa for aa . to aett era oniy. upon ay urrol nd iow prlc a. 5 per acra and MP. Wnil tor map ahowin location. tm;a. oto. WkVKKHAtl XK TlilHKH COMfAKY. Taroma Hi-la; . Tacoma. Waah. rvK AI.K-A cnot.- . 0-a re farm. g..d, one niUc elcctrir. 2 nil.' V ood -burn. A 1 p :d in tra-t. To k:t. an tut t n.a land h be-n re-1u -M to Hu pe- arre. m Na re n f-r mratoUf. rttn i'n. fn ord. T CHICKib.N-. KL"IT. liAHDEN RANCH a. Nr 'ort:and: tv H-'H per acra; eaay tTTT.a. beat !:. (trial lor aa.e. a. I iim V y.r'ar.-i. Yr..n b'dg.. I'orV.ind. It A 'RK?. I-. mile from cit. 1J arrrt cult., a ted. frutt. ho:a and Darn, runtnrf watv-r and apr-inc. Hart. HlO h. r t'on Tel. Var.!-l! IT.Ni la lir.s. - :-a-l. a-h.; on i:v . cd b.da-. pr.i-a water to houK. iMM A. out atale rang) n.n p.a--. i-f"i In . well atvxkcd. ery thin T'-v0; 4vvu .js Hojs 1 1 1T. Vu.:o.-k. Waah. o-A K K firm, cio to MoMlnnvu;; th propvrty ha tn p'attw.l In tract of L ; and 3 acrea and ia a E""t in ealnaonL. Jnhn : n. 7 ypaldtnf b d. lb.' -KW rui-oi r lar 1. Trout Uaka. W aa . nu e from rtofTtr, $ pcf ar P. . h. Hi. my L.4 ; life. !. FP Unda. $10 I'M up; running w Attar. S tilMI.:. ploymeut y ten, a. Ja R. Pharp. na ad at. A'Kkv .er!. frncd. ceareol. eood a--l!. houN. rmpio)mm, near Wu;min. (Aia. fH BX Jcaac IL tbarp, S 3d at. nKli 4t;i t.. Bt, ln.ul.l t'J l..r. AS1 kind, of !:. r.d .(.lo, t,a un eu. r..i munth. pcii. ln. .u. i1a::oJ:. lt ..Jm"". ." I.A. Caiih.iW. AM". li...-in rhrTr.hoil ircrA, ut-A JINk, HUAL tT.TK. l'r Slr frttrm. CHKAP LWD. h.g cropa; lilict. prices have put th farmers of W extern Canada on a proapertty foot in c that was undreamed of heft re tha world war. More Western Canada far men have bl,c batik balances than erer b-i fore : more ern Canada farmer are spending this Winter In Cali fornia and Florida than ever bef or ; more automohllea w-r bought laat year by t anailian farm rs than ever before. West ern Canada has struck tts stride, anil the man who ice is In there now Is coins: to make money for earn to come. Along the lines of the Canadian Xnrtm-rn itail wsy Is some of the heat land In the t-oun-try price $13 to J-'i per acre feaay terms! and iL'w.ootl Hlo-acr FHKB farms. I-ei us tell you all about Western Canada and why more land was sold to Ameri can farmers In 1117 than In any one pre viou year. Send for KRKK illustrated books and foldra. Call on or add re A. D. K. P. A.. Dept. It, ajcenl. Canadian Northern Railway. 603 llaattngs it.. Vancouver. B. C. 1 l.Ki-Ai'ltfe: diversified farm. M htm noar In s!fa!f.i and r acres more is suitable for a 'atfa or grain cropa; part Irrigated, more can be: -iO acre more giwwl wheat or barley land: IS To acrea giod paature. abun rlance aprins; water, good im pr.vemens. most fields hng-tlght and running water: mail orchard, on railroad. Ideal pinre to raise rlt and hoes; well ad:ipled to handling thoroughbred stock. Th:s ts a g;oing. paying ranch and the larger va Tity of crops raised, favorable climate, good tranaportatlon farllltte and rto.hp prie maurv a good Income and big; fu ture fr t n Is place. No trades considered but wli. al'ow e-tav rerma on two. fifths of the price of SV.0rt. Will tnclut'e some equipment, a'otk and a few rcs-latered broi sows If aatisfat tory sale m-le at once. "lit th p. ace near I'urrington. or Jtu Kci-!--v. i'miwi!. W.tsh. aloNTANA FAHil AM liT."iC It A N' "H. 3.iH acreg of deeiled land. lnl rei le-tsed land, fenced and crone fenced; place we.l watered by stream and spring-": -0 acres In cultivation. part In Winter wheat, seed for balance, barn .': 1 4 3. 7 -room house. bunkhoiie. catt'e sheds, grain blna ail kin. la of farm machinery audi as plows. wagns, harrows, harness, inriuding a new gas tractor: 1H tor.a hay. horses. 3 regietererl Shire s;ei- ,!on. 2 regtaterrd hlre niarra. one of the a'aiuons la an undefeated show horse. TJ'. head of rattle mostly - and ::-re.r-o d steers. reglatered Ainlcen Angua buii. " trade ai.orthorn bulla. Price 40 per . mi-iiiriinc lAvnd and I'.oik: terms. This la one of the best buys in th s;at of Montana. By the owner, Iupuver. Mont. J. F. Leech. BLY A FARM NOW WHILE ALL FARM products are high priced. 1 have a few sections of excellent whaat land, located In the famous. Lae Basin diatrtct. In water County. Montana. I am golnp to or . th. l.n.ia at a low price and easy terms to actual settlers, Tou can psy for the land with one crop. All these. lands 11 within two to e'gni rnnea iron. station. For further Information writ r B Klnrmsn. owner, ('mumbu. Mont. Fee 8aUiMlalUneosav BEE Mrs. Etcnlson. 401 E. bth at. N.. for Kos City property and other properties in tnia cilt. aaxma ova. - bor ftoO WANTED-R K A t ESTATE. WARM BUNGALOW WANTED. In Roe CHr Park. Must be well lo cated and thorooghly modem, with garage or room for State lowest cash price snd full particulars, AJ 1.0. Oregonian, ROSE CITT PARK. BUNGALOW WANTED. ft or 6-room bungmow m m-o u.-v. - grxd condition, with gerage or room for garage; must ba ood buy. aL 34, Ore- gonian. ... . . .(.L-Ii V li I T Va 1 A I A 1 W $3000 to .Vksj; jairable district; I am not an aent and will deal with owners onlv: deacribo fully. K 7- Oregonia. V A NTE P Mod-rn 3 or fl-room hunralow. UP to oMUvU. lor Pin, anw -.. j Oakland automouli. good as new; only run 3k0 ml lea A Oregonian. WANTED 4 or ft-room modern houce; .x-x lOW lot : snap. S-'UU' or uiivifr. pioa.w nartv from owner. D l0. Oregonian. LARGE Int. near Broadway car. inc. D 65, oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. HOOD RIVER. acres, 0-room partly furnlahed house, nam. orvnaru, home place amung pi"", oaks, good place for cows. hogs. poultry. 'ruits; .im year with a. I crops. Mcr adden. uJd Venn bids. Main 40-ACKE farm tor rent. 30 miles from Port land. For particulars inquire ai -vo c. Taylor sf.. Portland. Or. FOR RENT acres, all under cultivation. 4-room fuminnea nouse. . co. ia iu..i-. from Portland. AV o31. Oregonian JuO ACRES. uO in cultivation, good build in;. caah or aha res; immeuiai i'or-ivraA. . tiowwurm. Forest Grove. Or. TEN ACRES, house, barn, scveu miles out- 171 Third St. FOR BALE TIMBER LANPg. FOR PALE About 10 million feet sood tim ber. 3 million feel piling and 3 thousand ties on 3"0 acres close to Portland. land alone worm n an i. o-" .... terms; an excellent portahta mill propo sition and timbers can be handled by trucks Into city; prica S 40. 000. only $10. UOO cash. E- S. Jackson, 1'07 Railway Ex change bide. FOR SALK Timber and sawmills, large and small tracis itprui . " alM wood and tie proposition. M. H. Beck er. 4tl McKay bldg. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c J Mccracken. 3 04 mcKat bldo. WANTEU TIM HER LANDS. SHIP KNEES WANTED. 1WV2-S Broadwa y Bid g.. Portl and. RAILROAD TIES WANTED-10.000 No. 2 SSW.efl Iir lies, r nwnw 1J1H Yeoo bldg.. l'ortland. Or. SHIP knee- and hewn ties wanted. Gamb.e Rtrg bhlp Knee tu-. uwiium TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WOULD exchange general o.acaon.i stook auo loots. - am-. gasoline purnp. wagon everyihir.g complete. Exchange equity for ima,l farm would assume. Box 2. W amic. Or. WILL trade beautiful apple orchard adjoin ing town or Mooo niver. wr.. .01 . v geies property. Addreas owner, 140 Mil ton ave., ls Anitelcs. tX' HA.N'GB -0 acres of clear land at Ad- (I IP On. . I-, 0- "'OI liwvac- ... - " Und. Phone East iS-1. Tabor lb.y. J. E. l'erry. 114 Grand ave- your property with ua for results, ex changes Ot merit ; riaoiir.o. A" " The Kmest Younger Co.. H0-lu7 Park st.. hetwen Washington and Stark sta, W ANTED To trade 6 lots for house In good location ana wen uuiii, t rregonlsn. 'OH SALE OR EXCHANGE R0 acres, four miles from Lyle. Wash., for Portland prop- trty. iy ownrr. a - -- :C1IAN1E -'H lot equity in Berkeley. Cal.. for Portland property; will assume. All 0. Oregonian. HAl't or s '! vh.-ap. " sils. improved, luc far-. A oT. Oregonlun. TO EniATiE HITEM.AXEOl'S. TO TRADE A large trunk fr a 12-gaug shotgun. 1 - on n - FOR 8 ALE. , Vehicles, Etc. PAN" OF GELDINGS. 5 and years old. wright 200 lbs., sound and true to work, price $25i. Span of bavs. mare and geldlnr. 5 and vears old. weight 2MK1 Ihs.. good, true workers, free of blrmlahea, $225. Also aome young farm mare and sev eral draft teams which would make good 1. .cging homa Model Stable. 5th and Pavl st. . HORSE?. WAGON'S AND HARNESS Full SALE CHEAP. S3 EAST TH ST. NORTH. AU'TloN SALE. Yacolt. Wash . Tuesday. March nenry laiu'-fn " 1 ' hore4, wis, 1250 to 155) lbs.: S wagons. a" 1 a narncaa waiua . .. DEAD etock and old horses bought. Call up or service and oesi casu rcauna. mh raoki 63 -J. Phone call paid on dead x k. I AM replacing my horse with auto trucks and Rave iu nean or 01 s i" 1 1 ' Mir. wood yard, bOth and E. Burnside, Montavl'l car. A LOT of Haielwood and other wagons for Sai; afSO noreeS ana narneaa. o iixg out of th bora business. Apply 20 linnd ave. DEAD Hi RrES and anlma.'s baud away free. Portland Rendering CO. a.i v 00a ian SO. m Itt.kl-POU.ND and lut0-pound horse for aa.e. Empire Transfer. 1 j in 11. Ji.iin i?o". DEAD stork taken quickly; we pay the mo-t for dead and crippled stock, tapor tj'j. WANTED To buy a oung, aU-arjund good horse. Call T;bor Jrt3t. piano. Onaaa and Malral Int rumenr. WANTED A good mandolin reasonable tale price. D o4 OregonUn. J FOB SALE. Piano. Org-nns and Musical Instruments. FRED W . GRAVES, who has withdrawn from the tiravfs Music Store, has a few high-grade sliKhily used pianna to dispose Ol ai BOOUl J1MII pi fie. iiiiiuuius j.aa u. Pond. Eitey. Vose & Son. Smith & Barnes, Bsus, made by Jacob Doll, and others for IUS. 1. SI.'." anil up. itoom oi. ran a ma bklg.. ad and Alder. Tel. Main 31t0 from I" A. M. to 4 P. M. CLOSING OUT -"." upright piano $45 cash: a S360 one. cash, and J4Jj one. $Wj cseli. A:so modem, virtually new $T3 up.-iifht, liMi; a 4l.i one. fiiio casn; a f.Mi .irinn. 2H cash, at Security Storage Co.. lOtf 4th iu st Washington sc. PUnoi stored. Umc monthly, or bought and so.d for cash. Phone Main WJ.J. 2Uc DAI 1 .Y buys SoTo piano, less 25 per cent. S.'sijO; 40c daily buys S'loO player ulano. less 25 per cent. i .. ueii aavincs bank for the home: secures musi cal education, entertainment and the prop erty, gchw-an I'U'no Co.. ill i?ourth st. i;XCKLIal-;NT piano and 3-paaaenser Over land car. both good condition ; must sel! at ncc: cash for the car and some terms on the piano: iuick action necessary. Ask for ('line, at iMiern music iiquw. jyo CASJU'buys s::Tj Ernest Gaoler upright piano, end $tio cash a VoOO bS-note lK-lnze p:ayer piano at Security Storage Ce.. 109 4th tt. at Waehington. gJOO KI.NPISR A COLLINS. -'!. $7iO Karrand Civilian player, $298. HAROLD S. GZLPERT. Yamhill St, w x VTi-:i) To liuv unncht Dluno. cash; state make and name, age, condition and price. A M .. Oregonian. ALM ST n -w piano, latest style, miKhty cheap and (rivo easy wanted. V 1--. Oregonisn. will sell terms if WANTiiD To buy uprlsht piano; ('will pay CHsh; one sultutits for country home. rea W. Groves. -!oJ North luth. FlR SALE Cheap for cush. good piano, i'all Wood lawn -.'n0 after 6:30 P. M. Mon day. W. ti. Smith. FOR SALE Will sell or exchange fine $100 'cello, saxaphone tor first-Ctaaa 'cello. V 377. Oreg-onlan. KENT a piano, most reasonable terms In Portland : no aquares or tnump Duxes. Harold s. Giinert. JW4 ramnui st INDIAN motorcycle, twin cyl.. 7'i-H. P., 7. Phone Main 041. ask for W einer. PIAN'OS tuned. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8074. Grad. New En?. Conservatory. WILL sell high-grade upright piano cheap. Empire Transfer. 14." 11th st. .Main lMiH. WANTED Piano or player piano for cash; state price. G !7. Oregonian. COLUMBIA Grafonola for rent with records. Empire Transfer. 145 11th st. Main !.. 1 PAY CASH for uaed pianos. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill st. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. MAIN 41.0. TABOR 671 A. ll'H FIRST. urnlttire for Sale. HIGH-GRADE furniture for sale; can be seen at .-4 East Alder St.. flat B. between 9 and 2:3 o'clock; no dealers. MALLEABLE range cookstove for sale, in first-class condition. Call at 311 17th. FURNITURE of 5-room bungalow. 380 East 4th st. North, before noon; no dealers. Doga. Birds and Pet Ptock. THOROUGH BRED Scotch collie pup. Reas onable. Phone Sell. 31!X Livestock. PUBLIC SALE. Wednesday. March I'O. at 10 A. M 1 16 miles southeast of Dundee; 4o splendid mfich cows of high producing- quality, con sisting of high-grade Holfteins. Jerseys and Uurhami; mostly freah or coming fresh. One registered Jersey bull. AU tubercular tested and free from contagious abortion. A C. W. ALT MAN, Owner. J W. HUGHES. Auctioneer. S. L. PARRETT. Clerk. TWO voung graded Jersey cows, giving 1 a and 2 gal. miik. coming In good time this Fall, one in Sept. and one Oct. Phone 31. K. Hillsboro. Write Portland, R. F. D. J. box K. $75 eachK FOR SALE Cow and a heifer calf: a good plow horse: a Shetland pony, with har ness and buggy. Main 4005. Call after 5 P. M. or before 8 A. M. FOR SALE Six young cows, milking, 5400 to 7300 lbs. milk per year actual weight, grade Jerseys, just fresh and tested. line - condition? AL 55. Oregonian. FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf: will trade for UHMi-lb. horse, 4i:o Hawthorne ave. East . FAMILY' cows, several good ones, for sale, frejih A. Schlecht. Tigard. Or. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE l-rooru houseboat. 7-foot porch all around; cost me $11!U0 to build; will sell cheap. Take Fulton far to Lee 9t go to river. a?k for Hay Robinson. :6-FT.. 8-FT. beam. 10-H. P. engine, all equipped: for quick sale will sell for $200. Main 1G0. Typewriters WE can save from 50 to 7o per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our price list Retail Department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., SHI Washington st. NEW Remington rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typo writer Co., SS Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. ' REMINGTON and Underwood typewriters for rent. Empire Transfer Co., 145 11th st. Main 100. NEW rebuilt, second -hand rentals at cut rstes. P. D. Co.. l':il Stark St. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters arid repairing. Oregon Typewriter Co.. t4 nth st. Main 36t8. REBUILT typewriters and Dealers. E. W. Peaae Co. upplies. Corona 110 6th. UNDERWOOD five, in perfect condition; $50 caPh. D 4. oregonian. Motorcycles, FOR SALE OR TRADE Twin Thor, fully awi iiinrwd motorcycle, for good cow. L. Oldenburg, Gresham, R, A, Bellrose Sta tion. PRAGG'S auto service; good cars, compe tent drivers. 6th and Washington. Main 70MV Machinery. ONE CYLINDER PRESS. 3 platen presses, tvne. stones and miscellaneous tools: com plete equipment for printing-offices, new and second-hand. Printers' and Publish ers' Exchange. 207 Second st. 2 ROCK CRUSHERS, dirt cheap; 2 donkey engines; 3 complete set derrick Irons: Z tons to 18 tons; price right for quick sale. C 45. Oregonian. FOR SALE 600.000 feet left and right-lay steel cable, standard sizes. In Al condi tion. Can make Immediate thlpmt. Geo. A, Purch Co.. 103 Main st.. San, Francisco. Automobile. GOOD USED CARS AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICES WHILE THEY LAST. 1915 3-passenger Ford, good shape... $325 Briscoe. 5-passehger. aluminum body 450 1K16 Cole, best buy in city. White gas "nA Saxon 2-paes., like new, repainted 675 Cole 30 250 Ford, worm drivV, new, cheap. Saxon 4 roadster, only run 53 miles, extra tire 600 All these cars will bear Inspection. Come In. look them over before you buy. Open Sunday. Easy terms, W. H. WALLINGFORD. 322 Alder St. Main 2492. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheeis. axles; we wreck all makes of cirs and se.l their parts at half price. Auto Wrecking Ctx, s;-9193 North Broadway. 1915 6-40 7-passenger Hudson the light six. Excellent conditicn. $725; $100 worth of extra a H 48. Oregonian. FOR SALE Three one-ton trucks at a bar gain. 1017 and 1918 models. R 5. Ore gonian. ICAN use your Ford. Maxwell or Chevrolet on my brand new Saxon Six. Call Adams, l'Ho FORD, 75 in extras. l.MS Ford, $100 'and extras. Earl Ransom, 209 Union ave. N. Phone Eat 3o4. KcR SALE Ford runabout, in good con dition: price $250. Hotel Helvetia, 24fl Salmon si LATEST style Ford convertible sedan, very fine, great sacrifice. 125 16th st. FORD toui-lng. Ford ruuabout. Ford truck; must he sold. 211 Washington. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 o $15 each; vul canized, 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. 1915. 5-pa sa Ford; private use only; in good order; $310. Phone Tabor 52 TO. WILL sell mv litis Chandler, cheap; cord tires. Al shj-pe. Y 117. or-cor.,an. AUTOMOBILE salesroom for rent iu Speed-w-il l:drf.. 14h and Loucb. 1917 BUICK SLX, $9a0; snap, WoooUawu 737. FOB SAiK. Automobile?. FORDS. DODGE!. BUICKS. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A GOOD USED CAR. SEE OUR STOCK. WE HAVE THE BEST IN THE CITY. litll Buick. first-class condition $ 250 3 Mill Bulck. first-class condition 3O0 3ii:S Bulck. first-class condition 75 Cadillac, first-class condition 400 a!1: Cadillac, great shape 575 1H15 Cadillac Eight, first-class- con dition 1013 Chalmers Six, great buy 500 3!14 Chalmers Four, first-class 425 11H4 Cole Big Six. just like new looo ll16 Dodge delivery 50 1017 Ford, over $2o0 worth of extras 625 Ford new 1-ton truck 650 l!16 Maxwell, first-class 500 1014 OverlariH delivery 350 lil7 Studebaker Six, Just like new... 3050 1013 Packard Six. perfect condition... 750 1113 Mitchell Four 500 3 012 Reo roadster, first-class 200 liUd" Ford ttoO MANY OTHERS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COM PANT, Washington st. at 21st. , Main 6244. VORD. FORD. FORD. Ford touring, with seat covers and ex- tras; looks like new, an extra goon Duy; price this A. M-. cash or terms, $350. -Ask for Mr. Hildebrandt, 344 Burnside SL Broadway SO. ' USED FORDS. Bargains In touring cars and .roadsters. Every car overhauled and repainted. ROBINSON -SMITH CO.., Authorized Ford Dealer. 6th and Madison. 3-PASSENGER Overland car and excellent piano, both good condition; must sell at once; cash for the car and some terms on the piano. Ask for Cline, at Ellera Music House. S05o WILL buy my Saxon Six. Al condition. New tires, can j aoor r.;u. Automobiles Wanted. LONG &. SILVA. Auto wreckers. W wreck cars and save you 50 per cent .on parts. Send in the parts you need ana we wui uieiu. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East 6,40. 4'J2 Hawthorne ave. SPOT CASH Paid for late model touring cars and roadsters. Must be In good condition. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington street. Broad way 5468. Havk clear lot near Reed College. Portland and cash for Dodge or other good auto mobile. C. H. Turner, uaner. ur. WANTED A Ford touring car; must be in rood condition and cheap for cash. C. G. K.. 500 Oregonian. t wii.f. tv i-al for vour Ford. Earl Ran nm. 2oy Union ave. N. Phone East 304. TO TRADE Cottage on beach for car. Tel ephone East 4575. Wm. Dunsmoor. Auto Tires and Accessories. oinTQ PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. WE WRECK ALL MAKES OF CARS FOR THEIR GOOD PARTS; 60 to 80 PER CENT OFF AUTO RECONSTRUCTION COMPANY, THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2629. BDWY. 2629. THE LIBERTY PAINT SHOP, 13th and jffer-jon sts. Your dollar goes farthest here. Fords painted complete, $9. Larger cars in proportion. Expert workmanship; best of materials; 31 years in foruana, exclusively In paint business. l.AMHKRT TRUBL-PRUF TIRES. We have a few 30x344, 32x34 and :4x4 factory seconds for sale at $20. $22.50 and $23, respectively. V2o Grand ave. N CALL MAIN 4768. Highest prices paid for old cars, condition no oojec Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS TO RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. DE LUXE 6-C YLINDER, 5 OR 7 PAS SENGER, FAXON. 6-CYL1NDER, 6-PASSENGER. PACKARD 3, CHEVROLETS. FORDS, ALL NEW CARS. G. N. SMITH, 8D AND G LIS AN. BDWY. 2629. FOR SALE A number of houses at Uni versity Park, price from $1350 to $5500. on reasonable terms; also cheap lots, some are real bargains. w. u. mcnaras, urn versity Park, city. 670 Lombard st. AUTO TOWING AND SERVICE CAR. We are prepared to tow your auto any where you wish. Day and night service. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6840. lUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. 7-pass. car with driver. LONG & SILVA, 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone E. 684a NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH, av aau uiaiaaa STS. A 2f29. BDWY. 2C29. AITTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, S6 10th st. 3 road way aw. 'pHAfiiVS AUTO SERVICE; good cars, com oetent drivers, etn-ana wasningiuo. Main TOKO. 5-PASS. Dodge lor hire, touring, calling. shopping, nignway. uroauwaj don. NEW SAXON- 6, highway, depots, funerals, caning. Shopping, reaaonapie. aaai -oo- AIITOS without driver for hire, fashion Garage, lotn ana s.mniit. Jiar. a 31 iscellaneous. FOR SALE FOR CASH-One 6-H. P. ver tical steam engine complete, useu ci little: nrice S65. One 10-gallon White Mountain ice cream freezer, price $.. One No. 2 Victor ice crusher, price ' $50. Hood River Creamery Co., Hood River, Or. SEWING machines, new and second-hana. r a 1 1 m u Ufa n ior tesa. no hkcii 10 em ployed; machines repaired and rented. $3 per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 ad near Taylor. A 3626. Main 9431. stocks FOR SAL1S TELEUKArn UK DERS. IOO snares narroun iioiors ior $400. 100 shares American Telegraphone for $135: 125 Hoffman Oil Ketining ior 1200 A. L. DEI BEL, kittle Hock. Aric t.pAifv nnnp. EH? Verv atreravating tn deed. Wny not a permanent roof? We nxvdize all kinds of leaky roofs. 608 Tourny bldg. Main 6886. STORE fixtures including soda shelvlag. counter, showcases at ings worth. ' fountain, 240 Kill- BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables; show cases and wallcase, fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Quigley, 227 3st, Main 5w. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, ran a, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 23o Stark St. FOR SALE ADDRESSING MACHINE. 39. Oregonian. FOUR showcases, reasonable price. Phone Tabor 3!2; residence 1900 E. Gllsan. MANDY LEE incubator. 250-egg. only used one season. Phone Main oti2i. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co. Main 8582. TAILOR-MADE SUITS, slightly used, from $4 up. Uncle Joe. 39 3d St., cor. Ash. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at th right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1966. FC R NTT CE E WANTED. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First St, BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, reas taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small for ua Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 5991, A 3224. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 21-3-5 Front st.. ior. Salmon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY AN x U.Nt inm tin rvn FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CVLL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE; 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE Spot cash for your second-hand furniture, car nets, stoves, rugs, etc Call us for one ar ticle or a house full. Phor. and a' cour teous buyer will cr!l. Main 4773. BEFORE selling your furniture can up 166-16S First St, Main 4633. If you are in need of furniture, new or used, give us a inai. PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI- TUKL, UL,Cr lil IWVAA,.T.4W CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 4783. CALL Main 734. We need your iurnuure, we will pay you m mi -- Stoves, carpets ana nouKuuiu gooo-. FURNITURE You can dispose of at sTood prices at trown x u. -u- Marshall 2693 WE NEED SECOND-rlAIMU rutwuurvi. of any description; nav mo reuuj .u. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First St. HOUSEHOLD r I J rti IT u rtc wajii WILL I caan. THE most cash for your furniture ana r . ... ,-a j jrjy, pay beat Brie, Msioaol &o2 musical instruments, aiain uyo. FURNITURE WANTED. M.ISH FURNITURE CO. wtil pay highest cash price ever paid for used furniture, carpets, rugs, stoves, ranges, office fur niture and fixtures. It will pay you to cail us. You will be money ahead. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 164 FIRST. Main 57 6S. WANT rugs, dressers, range, etc No deal ers. Main 4405. Tabor 6798. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP $7.50. Call Marshall 1220, or 224 Madison st,, to sell your castoff clothing. J. Meyer, the Tailor, pays $7.50 and up for second-hand suits. Ha pays more for shoes and other clothing. Wo call any where in the city, day or evening. Call Marshall 122tf, or 22'J Madison. 8.00 AND UP- $8.00 FOR MEN'S SUITS GOLDSTEIN, THE TAJ.LOR. PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OK SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, SHOES, ETC WILL CALL ANY PART OF CITY. PHONE MAIN 4776. 24K FIRST STREET. Between Main and Madison. WK RUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, PLATI num. sliver and high-grade ore. Gather It ud and get the money. Do It now. We also design, make and repair Jeweiry. Pickering & Company. 937 .Northwestern Bank bidg.. 9th floor. OUR specialty is buying ladies' and gents' cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225, or 209 Madison St, & KCOND-HAND clothing wanted. J. Meyer. the tailor, pays $7.50 and up for suits; he pays more tor shoes and clothing. We call anywhere In the city, day or evening. Mar shall 1229, or 229 Madison, WANTED 2d-hand 20-plate static machine and motor; resinator; electric light bath cabinet; viorator. jhusl oe in gooa conui tion and fair in price. G 9S. Oregonian SUBSTANTIAL second-hand sacks and bar rels, 50-gallon; brokers invited. P. O. box 902. Portland. HKST caah d rices naid for used office fur niture. Desks, chairs, files for sale or rent. Pacific Stat'y & ng. Co.. xu. no. at. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First st. GOSPEL TENT WANTED. About 4bx64 feet. 600 Duane st., Oregon City. Or. FULL value paid for second-hand goods and junk. Call Main 784. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic A pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld, bo 3d. WANTED, bor 8198. to rent, typewriter. Phone Ta- WANTED 14-inch steel plow, harrow. East T166. two-section HIGHEST PRICE PAID clothes. Main 9344, tor second-hand HELP WANTED MALE, WAGON WASHER WANTED. 88 E. 7TH ST. NORTH. YOUNG man for assistant shipping clerk; permanent position with possibilities for . advancement; state experience and sal ary expected. L 56, Oregonian. BOY wanted to learn the mechanical end of the typewriter business. Apply the Underwood Typewriter Co., loth, and Stark. . WANTED Young man to work oa a ranch in Eastern Oregon; must know how to handle horses and all-around ranch work; wages $50 per month. Cail East 3251. WANTED at once, first-class experienced knee bolterman, to work on left-handed machine. Apply Western Cooperage Mill office. Phone Columbia 52 WANTED MEN TO STAY AWAY FROM OREGON CITY. LEBANON AND CAMAS. BIG STRIKE IN PAPER MILLS. S. EJD LAUNER. OREGON CITY. 1 T WANTED At once, first-class experienced knee bolterman to work on left-handed machine. Apply Western Cooperage Mill office. Phone Columbia 52. MECHANICAL and structural steel design ers and detaiters; good job-for first-class men. Address Chief Engineer, box 1605, Tacoma. Wash. WANTED Y"oung man, 17 or 18. for office and collecting; state previous employment and references. P 43, Oregonian - WANTED lst-class auto top and body man; best wages to good trimmer; steady worK. Northwest Auto Top Co., Tacoma, Wash. DELIVERY' BOY'S and wagon boys; good wages. Apply superintendent g office, to 10 A. M. Olds, Wortman & King. COATMAKER wanted pay $9 and up. Address $2o per week and Huber, Baker. Or. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats. $55 per month ana ooara. Appiy wash-ington-street dock. A STRONG young man wanted to work in factory. Puritan- itg. to., oth and iast Oak sts.. city. WANTED Man and wife on farm; woman to assist with housework; 1 mile from town; 4 in family. Box 3, rjubbard. Or. HOTEL COOK, $150; ranch, $10; chambermaid, $47.50. Washington st- $f5; bus girl, Hansen, 327 WANTED The best baritone in Portland for the best local male quartet; must reau music fairly well. J 57, Oregonian. WANTED A first-class shoemaker at once; wages $21 per week and up; steady work. A. F. Broo, Lewiston, Idaho. TAILOR wanted, good all-around man on new and old work, steady job and good wages. 384 3d st. WANTED Man and wife, for dairy ranch; man must ne good miiKer. i-none lauor 3903. T 6. Oregonian. ' WANTED 2 news agents to work on pas senger trains; small casn nona required. Apply at 131 N. 5th st. WANTED An experienced houseman for Must - have references. 171 family hotel. Lownsdale. WANTED Good steady dishwasher, good pay for the right man; no work Sunday. Italian Restaurant, 100 First St. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman for perma nent position. Apply immediately, Lev itt's Store, corner 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced baker's helper, $18 per week, at w inters .Bakery, uauas, Polk County. Oregon. WANTED Y'oung man, 16 to 38 years of age, lor ornce work evenings i.-ou to v P. M. L 55, Oregonian. WELL educated boy, .about 15 years of age, wanted for work in an ornce and as mes senger. O 59. Oregonian. WANTED Two coatmakers, helper on coats and vestmaker. -tv. c. irvm ot -o., -uu Selling bldg. . MOVING-PICTUE operator, evenings,, state experience, lowest salary, reierences. u 86. Oregonian. CAPABLE adv. and job printer, able to run presses and linoiype; preaiiius wages. Address P. O. box 202, Oregon City. BOY 18 years old to run elevator. Apply immediately, j-evni s omrw, wnitsi n and Washington. WANTED Experienced salesmen for do mestic and nouse xurnismng uepariiiieiito. Roberts Bros.. 3d ana Morrison sts. BELL boy wanted. Rainier Hotel, 128 N. Sixth. A BUSHELMAN tailor wanted at rt. Gray s, V est irarK ana w asnington. MEN wanted to. distribute circulars by Ore- gon Distributing to., bo .cast in st. w. YOUNG man wanted. Marsh Hat Works, 382 Morrison. WANTE D First -cl ass ladies' Paul & Co., 3HO Morrison si. WANTED Man to work in stable, 546 Front. NIGHT watchman, experienced In handling boilers. 507 Oregon mug. " WANTED Men for warehouse work. Apply American can 10.. inn aim rrwu a. WANTED A first-class barber, guaranteed $21 week. Plaatine, or. . WANTED CARPENTER. 44TH AND SAN- D I KUAU. EXPERIENCED dishwasher wanted. tilion. 108 5th. Appiy ij. a. jl BOYS WANTED TO LEARN TRADE. Good wages. F. W. Baltes A Co.. Printers. ASSISTANT DRUGGIST. Alder st Haack Bros., 351 UPHOLSTERER wanted. Multnomah Furn. Hospital. 354 3d st. 'Main 41)54. WANTED Delivery boy in grocery. Union ave. N. Phone East 3829. GOOD laboratory man wanted at Alba Bros., dentists. 245 Morrison St., cor. Second. BOYS WANTED TO LEARN TRADE. Good wages. F. W. Baltes & Co., Printers. JANITOR and wife wanted for modern apt, house; wages -good,- O 841. Oregonian. FURNITURE workers wanted. Mattress Co., Seattle. Wash. Washington w v tn. frun berrv vines, make garden. Cor- I ner 89th and Base Line Road. - LOGGING oamp cook wan ts work ; go at once ; much experience. C 7a. Oregonian. WANTED Neat-appearing boy, over 16 yrs. Ed. L. Krebs. 247 Stark. WANTED Cabinet-makers. Apply Cham pion Mfg. Co.. E. 7th and Main sts. WANTED Experienced shipping clerk; give references. Address AH 792. Oregonian. WANTED All-around cook. Woodlawn 2913, wv ' HELP WANTED MALE, Strike On. MEN WANTED. West Linn Mills. $3.48 GRINDERS. 8 HOURS. $3.36 LOWEST PAID. Eight hours shift work. Nirte hours days alone. Board and bed $7 week. ' Beck's Hotels, 5th and 8th and Main, across bridge from Oregon City. Free em ployment office on mill walk. WIRELESS AUTOMOBILE AVIATION BUSINESS STENOGRAPHY DRAFT ING CHEMISTRY 10,000 automobile mechanics, 15,000 radio operators, 0,000 aviation men and almost numberless bookkeepers, stenog raphers, typists, draftsmen and chemists re urgently needed now by the Govern ment, GET READY. The Portland Y. M. C. A, Department of Education offers expert individual training. Call, phone or write for Information. m DIVISION C. OFFICE 416. WANTED At once, experienced retail lum ber yard managers at points in Alberts and Saskatchewan, Canada, Only men highly recommended and not eligible for military service need apply. In applica tion state nationality, age, experience and give references. Apply R. L. P. A., 910 Credit Foncier bldg.. Vancouver. B. C. WANTED Men for power station work; several competent power station operators, exempt from draft, wanted at once. Ap ply in person or by letter stating age, past experience, qualifications, etc.. to Supt. of I'ower. Pacific Power & Light Company, Kennewick, Wash. GARDENER to care for city home; must be competent to take care of flowers, veg etables, garden and yard; middle-aged man without incumbrances preferred ; good home and good wages for right man. See J. L. Bowman, at the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store. PHARMACIST WANTED AT ONCE Either lady or gentleman; must be registered in Oregon, capable of managing my business. I am drafted. Give full details in answer, and state salary wanted. T. H. Ghorm ley. Helix. Or. WANTED Young man, state military status, for assistant superintendent, executive, capable handling men, detail work; steady and good references required. Write fully experience and references. P. O. box 902, Portland. WANTED Two stationary engineers for 12 hour shifts in vegetable drying plant in country. Unmarried men preferred; state experience and salary wanted. P. O.lJox 368. Independence, Or. ALL-AJJOUND man on medium-sized new worlc and who can make tools and jigs required for small special machine; light, clean shop. State salary and experience. J 61, Oregonian. WANTED Clean young man for office and store manager in near-by logging camp. Excellent opportunity for college man with training in economics and accounting. Best salary offered. AH 109, Oregonian. WANTED Young man. 10 to 20 years of age, for office work and collecting; good chance for promotion; state age. experi ence and salary expected. G 71, Ore gonlan. LABORERS and teamsters, good pay. good work and good camps at Rice Hill. Isa dora and Oakland. Oregon. Apply Warren Construction Company, J. W. Sweeney, superintendent, SHOEMAKER wanted; first-claes workman; also operator ior Champion stitcner; wages $28 to $35 per week, according to anility. Federal Shoe Repairing Co., 1407 Third ave., Seattle, Wash. WANTED MASTER MECHANIC IN SAW MILL. CAPACITY lOO.OOO. inuit OUGHLY EXPERIENCED, GOOD REF ERENCES REQUIRED, GOOD SALARY. ADDRESS AV'557, OREGONIAN. COMPETENT- stenographer and office assist ant, lumber experienced preferred, salary to start $100 per mo.; splendid opportunity for advancement. Oregon Lumber Co., Baker. Or. WANTED One cook's helper, $75 per month and board; 2 aisnwasners, nu per monm and board; work 6 days per week. Apply to chef, Washington-Hazelwood, 127 Broad way. . WANTED Experienced flat work washer. Apply Oregon aunury. YOUNG man for traveling sales crew; no experienced required, must, ne single mm willing to work for advancement. Apply 10 to 12. Mr. Gilham, Carlton Hotel. , PACKER who has had experience packing groceries and otner mercnanaise, perma nent position. Apply Jones Cash Store, Front and Oak. P WANTED A man capable of hard work. who has naa togging eipenence , oou wages. Give phone number. G 69. Ore gon ian. " WANTED Boy, 16 or over, to work in mail ing room ot Tle uregonmu. oe m. Dewey, basement of Oregonian building, Tuesday morning bet. 8 'and 9 o'clock. BOYS make $3 to $3.50 a day delivering packages for the mercnanta; im nlshed if necessary. Broadway 4808, A 2464. ' 15 N. 12th st. STRONG boy wanted, 16. to learn trade, one with wheel preferred. Marvel Plating Works, corner East 6th and Belmont, 413 Belmont. . WANTED Two first-class hand or machine box nailers. Apply H. Kelly, box dept.. Union Meat Company, North Portland, Or. Take Kenton car. m WANTED An office boy in architect! fice. O 71. Oregonian ' of- Help Wanted Agents. LIVE barbers wanted to sell electric hair cutting machines. P. C. & B. S. Co.. 86 6th. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month, hos pltal tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. Help Wanted fralesmcn. WANTED A high-class salesman visiting the furniture trade to sell our reed and rattan as a side line; our house has manu factured for 10 years and we meet the market on both quality and price; give present connection and references. Com munications confidential. Rattan Works, Santa Barbara, Cal. - SALESMEN WITH MAGAZINE OR NEW8 PAPER EXPERIENCE TO TRAVEL WITH BEST MAGAZINE PROPOSITION IN THE WORLD; T AN HOUR IF YOU WORK. APPLY WESTERN MAGAZINE CORPORATION, 907 SPALDING BLDO. WANTED Shoe salesman; good steady posi tion for right man; must be young man of neat appearance and experienced in this line; recommendation required with appli cation Address Lock Box 10O. Baker, Or. WANTED First-class salesman and col lector for city work; opportunity to work with experienced man; the business i learned. .Singer Sewing Machine Co., 402 Washington st. , SALESMAN wanted; high-class specialty; te call on doctors with new line surgical In struments. Prefer man who can nnance and handle salesmen. Suite 314, Hotel Imperial. WANTED Experienced bond salesmen; give full particulars In letter. Address box 389, Pocatello, Jdaho, to arrange personal iu- tervlew. STEADY position, good pay, for a city sales man. A 84, Oregonian. HELP WASTED FEMALE. WANT housekeeper who is willing to go to construction camp; will guarantee $o0 to start. Y 116. Oregonian. LADIES to act as corsetierea; extra value of reasonably priced corsets and acces sorles. Y 318, Oregonian. WAITRESS; no Sunday work. Damascus Lunch, 148 Broadway. WANTED Experienced housekeeper. Ramapo, 14th. and w asningiou. WANTED Nurse girl from 8 until 5 daily. 185 16th st. DAIRY lunch service, camp waitress, hotel room 435. 270 'A Wash. WAITRESS WANTED Ai ZZo mauiou.i STREET. GIRL-or woman for housework, half days or all day. East 2789. DISHWASHER and exp. waitress . $30 ( mo., room and board. 54o Hood. Main 621. FINISHER wanted on men's coats. 606 . Goodnough. GIRL for general housework, 3 adults. 73d Kearney. , . WAITRESS WANTED. Stein's Restaurant, 70 Broadway. WANTED Janitress, $10 per wk., short hrs., Sunday. Hotel Ramapo, 14th and Wash. WANTED Cook, experienced, $45 to $50. Phone Main &010. WANTED Waitress, 273 Burnside, New England KeBiauram. WANTED At the Oregon City Hospital, niht nurse at once. PRIVATE home for children, 3 to '12 year3 old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. NURSES for training In Klamath Falls Hos pital. Apply to Mary M. Kelly, Supt. CAMP restaurant, hotel, family help. Hansen's Empt, 327 Wash, st.. rm. 302. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Mandarin Cafe. 362 .Morrison si. can aner n j. m. GIRL for second work la small institution. 742 Overton. GIRL to care wood 282 L for 4-year-old child. Sell- WANTED A waitress. Campbell Hotel. 4 i