Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 18, 1918, Image 11

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President Hudson, of First Na
tional Bank of Bend, En
tertains 150 Guests.
pirl) io Kl-M-tl f"r KrJ ( nv
JC. X. Manllrlil, .o V. Mowr
i;. I. C n-trk Make AiWrcM-t
ua Matter ol Ml' llrrl.
rt'M . Mar.-h IT. Sp!at )
Or. 'Vi-ji'i-lrr.l and fifty aheepmen of
I. ntnt ircn .lined Ut nUht at th
l-i:.t H iit t twin or f. Ilurt.on.
j,r.,l.l,nt .-f the Klrpt National turn.
ITor.iln.-nl imont the U'il tnylled
to m- the eh.rpmrn were IS. N. Slali-
-I.I ranriidata fur 1'nlted fuin m
,,,.' ..;., Mwr. candldaie for ;v
ernor. and I. Cusli K. candidate for
J..!.- Treasurer. A I'Utram wa re
ceived from llovtfr.or Jamca WlihT
rornbe rtlt becau of hi
tnablli'T to be pMnl.
principal fratur of the ivcnlns
j the pIe of Ho.ther Hilt. a flue
bred hrp donated b W. I. M.--or-mrl.
to the Ked 'ro thapier of
Hnrl. whl.h was auctioned off !
;orse Kourll. of ITInllU. The
irrp o'd t time at price.
rj,l(ii,( trom i to I10'). Nearly iJoon
a re-.-t-l for the pheep. Klht
p. nam houaht him al i. ten at I.J.
ti. at II. on at ItJ. IJ at eecn
al l.'i. four al . on al . nine at
one at I til. Iwo at one al
;. on at and one at floo. It
X. jitanfirtd'a bid of J10' a erected
lth cheer, and Tom frontn. repre
a'ntlnc a pool of ahr.pnien. pur
cMj"I the fti-p at prai tlially every
pn.x at ahlrh It J offered. The
ninncr llt SO i" local "d -
Mr. Kuaaelt expecta to offer Hrotlier
II, a for aule In practically every ell)
lu the pljte. the proceed of which will
to the IocaI Ked I'ruis.
Ir. Munflcld wa the principal apeak
,r of the eventne. Introduce! b
errton A. Korhea. Mute Krprepcntallve
from thia dlptrlcl. who preni.lrd a
tou.tmJ"ter. he wa ureeiert with
Cirrn when he aroe t aMreaa the
,iir-pinen. Mr. SlanfleM hia
plra.urc .it beliiK the uet of Sir. Iluj-
..n. to whom he referred as tne Ola"
iit little nuin In the atat of t,reoii."
lie l.iuitrd IK'iid the mot rapidly
(.row Ins. the mot asre?slv ilty In
lr. Manflrld iipoke at ome ena;h on
the detelopineni of tho aheep Industry
o( Itrnm. whuh had made Portland
tue e-vnd w ol filter of the I'nlted
Matr. The Irtrh aheepnirn. he Mid.
ar- Ulriu the foundation for all In"
lure delopmeiH of the Industry In
iir.,n Mr. Stanfleld pledarrd hlmaelf
t a policy of devel.-plna; Irrlaratlon to
r maximum In Central Oreeon. -Federal
awl." he "aid. "la neded. and Ked-
cpjI nld we phall have. In rloplns Mr
. . n.iH . the worhl ronld not eom
I pete with the hccn Induntry In Oregon
wheu barked bv the Irish.
Thomas S. Ityan. of I'ortlanil. eicc
i trifled hl audieti by an ddre on
the third liberty loan, and cloned by
Ian to the Irlnh alicepnien of
' Central tireiton. which brouKlit 10 of
Iinrni 1 mrn i. -r ............ j
pleiise to autocrine to the loan to the
full eitenl of their ability.
I litn 1.'. Moner. candlilate for governor,
'made an addra conceriilna; war proh-
leinii. and partlctilnriy on the crista the
Niition In faclnit In the war.
Tl.. flliiiilnea fr fllllllic the
I fracture pillow for the Army hospital
are now cut by marhlnea In one-cljjhth
the tim" formerly required by
! women of the country w ho haco uu
Wa-liinsloii ToiicIht Said to Itcfic
In Aid In War Driws.
SK.UTLU, Wash.. March IT. (Spe
cial.) A. S. Burrows. County Superin
tendent of Schools, nan tiled a com
plaint ah-ainst J. K. McVey. principal
of the m-nools at KilKew'Ood. near I'a
cifio City. In which the teacher Is
charted with rcfusimf to In any way
api-lM the Hcd Cross, war yavincs
stnmps tr any other war drives.
Mr. Burrows arks Josephine I'reston,
State Superintendent of Instruction, to
revoke the teacher's certificate held by
McVey. The complaint states that Mc
Vey claims membership in tnc lnierua
tlonnl Bible Students' Association
McVey holds an elementary diploma
Issued May. 1917, by the State Normal
School at Bellingham. and Mr. Burrows
has written George W. Xash. president
of that institution, asking the revoca
tion of this diploma. McVey has re
signed his position.
Dr. J. H. McVay, Victim of Auto Ac
' cldrnt, Probably AVill Recover.
HfiUD RIVKR. Or.. March IT. (Spe
cial.) Dr. J. H. MoVay, prominent local
physician and surgeon, who 18 months
ago suffered a broken back in a Co
lumbia River Highway automobile ac
cident and passed many weeks at. the
EVERY OUNCE of flour we save NOW is going to help the
boys going over there. Every loaf of FRANZ VICTORY
BREAD is a boost for conservation of white flour. Uncle Sam
says housewives will waste 650,000 barrels of flour annually in
home bread baking.
FRANZ is more than Victory Bread. It saves wheat, time, and
your family's digestion. Isn't this better than baking your own
bread? It's more economical, too !
Be sure and specify FRANZ VICTORY BREADS from your grocer.
FRANZ Butter Nat
FRANZ Whole Wheat; FRANZ Rye Bread
Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland,
is improving slowly at his home here.
t)r. McVay has undergone several op
erations and Is now -able, after many
weeks of tedious preliminary exercise,
to take a few steps with the aid of
Dinner and Speechmaklns to Mark
Opening of Liberty Drive.
ALBANY, Or.. March 17. (Special.)
To mark the opening of the campaign
for the sale of the third issue of lib
erty bonds. Albany will celebrate April
. as liberty any. nans re
formed by the liberty loan committee
here to have a big dinner in the Al
bany Armory at noon that day, fol
lowing a programme of music and
speaking. The plan is to have every
business house close, from 12 to 3
o'clock that afternoon.
The dinner will be held for the dou
ble purpose of announcing the opening
of the drive and to raise money to de
fray the expenses of the campaign here.
Mrs. Rockey E. Mason and F. H. Pfeif
fer. who were in charge of the dinners
served here by the Red Cross to drafted
men en route from California to Camp
Lewis, will have charge of the coming
Letters Given High Students.
HOOT) RIVKR. Or.. March 17. (Spe-
cial.) Letters for athletic service have
been awarded the following Hood River
High School students: Football, Harry
Wirrick. Floyd Mason, Frank Miller,
Frank Vondcr Ahe, Ray Slavens. Lloyd
Blowers and Kenneth Hicks; basket
ball, Lewis Pendergast; both basket
ball and football, Lewis and Harold
Bailey, Robert Henderson and Selman
Gassowav. The presentation was made
by J. VV. Crites, former principal of
the high school.
Stitlierlin People Stae Tlay.
SUTHERL1X, Or., March 17. (Spe
cial.) A home-talent comedy, entitled
"The Sky Riders." was presented here
Saturday night for the benefit of tho
local Red Cross. A 16-piece orchestra
of local musicians was one of the feat
ures of the evening.
i tm iinertv oav. r an arc dkiiik
Cl , ""'''-' fc:..;
I-;-' ; I ' X
i - . ...j d-j... r L. "... ia 1 11 .. " :iAU 5:4 Zrr-- V M il(M
an ii'iii i i ' i nil' i - Ti i-iii ' iii " "" " ," ' ' '
Hng - Paints - Varrii'slie
Ccrtain-teed means certainty of quality and guaranteed satisfaction
' the first and last object of careful buyers. Both quality and satisfaction are guaranteed by a busmess which has gained
world leadership because of its ability to manufacture and distribute the highest quahty products at fan- prices.
Roof ing and Shingles .
Certain-teed is a conservation product. It is made from
rags and asphalt, skillfully converted into roofing that
is impervious to the elements.
Certain-teed is the most efficient type of roof for all kinds
of buildings, from the modern skyscraper to the farm
barn. It is light-weight, weather-proof , clean, sanitary,
fire-retarding. Certain-teed 'is not affected by fumes or
gases, and cannot rust or corroae. us msa wi
is moderate, laying cost low, and upkeep prac
tically nothing. ' Certaht-teed is guaranteed for
i, iu or 13 years, according w uiwura.
Paints and Varnishes
Made f rdm the best quality materials, mixed by modern
machinery in scientifically correct proportions to pro
duce the highest quality paint.
Certain-teed Paints and Varnishes are sold at cost puis
a small profit. Each color is priced according to its
cost. Paint makers usually charge the same for all
colors, basing their prices on the cost of making the
expensive colors.
The Certain-teed policy puts each- color on the right
basis. Therefore most Certain-teed Paints cost less than
competing paints of anything like the same high quahty.
C.Tfnin.ttgA Products Corporation
Factories: St Louis, Mo. EastStLouIa.nL Marseilles, IIL York.Pa. Niagara Falls, N.Y. Richmond, Calif.
WirlMi AlhanT.AUinta.Baneor.Me..B!ratatbm.Boacm.iro
Cerad Dallaa fee. aloiaea, Doloth, erand Rapid.. Houston, Incianapolis. Jersey City.
SlMityj.. Memphis. Mllwaui. feMlnpoiij. KashrU le
NewOrieari Norfolk V. Oklabomarr.KtMbBrfb.Porilana.Or.,Ricbniond,a., ot.ioun
SalMOftleM. KeTot. Chicago. PhfladHphla Bt-Ijorjli, Bojtoo. CknM
Piuaburfb. Detroit, BuSalo. San Jraoctoco, '"f'A,0??,!"'
lndlaaaoolls. Atlanta. Memphis. Rtcbmond. Grand Rapids, Naanvllle.
ih... l..k cut. BOMton, lytumn. wna
lr II HI I III Mil lip n 1
S CERfKil)DB?Al,E MAY HARDWARE COMPANY 124-126 Front Street
Wholesale Dealers in Hardware,
Stoves and Housefurnishings