TOr MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1018. 9 S1X-GEHT UPHELD FARE IS BY COURT City Loses Suit Against Rail way Company and Public Service Commission. CASE WILL BE. APPEALED Opinion red Solely on Law Point Involved anil Quoccs lYom Many . I'ormrr Isrc-istoos of Scale and C. S. Saprrne Courts. Wy unanimous vote the six Circuit Judges of Multnomah County upheld the six-cent far rutins of th I'ubllc Fervita Commission. In a decision hand ed do n yesterday mominc. The opin ion for ttie court 3 written by Judge Kavanaugh. wi'h rrridding Judge Mor row md JuHc Catena. (ianlrnbln. Tucker and itapitton concurring. Ths Ctty will appeal at one. At Ui outset the opinion rei-lles that th court did not rater Into the ques tion of th "expediency." necessity or fuDiublrnru of the -rent fare. It state that the opinion Is eased solely upon th law point Involved, as to whether or not the Public Service Corn mt."lon ha. th power to regulat th rates of th I'ortland Kailway. l.isht 4k Tower Company or of any Other public utllttv within th state of Oregon. The opinion of the court sets to r-t th eon I rut ion of th counsel appearinc for th city of TortUnd at th recent hearinc 'o the effect that the sovereign power Iim olth a municipality under the iirrcti stem. . "Th power t establish fares for th transportation of passengers by com mon carriers Is a sovereign power." reads the opinion. "It Inheres In th arate. where all overeian rower pri marily reside. That power Is exerted br lei.-lntion. Th slat may not en tirely denud Itself of this power. It may delegate, but It cannot abdicate. It may. br Cirerl grant to a corporation or Individual encaged In public scr- I Tlce. diet it.elf of that power for a reasonable and limited time. It may slo delegate to sa municipal corpora tion authority to grant a franchise upon It streets and public ways and establish an unalterable rat of fare for the limited duration of th fran chise. But such authority can be dele gated only by express grant or clear Intention. ftlaata to rreadered. Th court further holds that thi state did not surrender Its sovereign power to rerulat rates by Its grant of fran chise powers to the city of rortland In the charter of I ""13. "This delegation Is not sufficient to extinguish th power of th state to alter tbeso rates. read th opinion. "W hold that th Immediate parties to th franchls contracted In this rela tion with tho view that th stat might later Intervene and regulat. th rates to meet new and changing conditions; that th rate provisions of the contract do not constitute Inviolable contracts binding upon th state, whosa obliga tions wer Impaired by th order of th Public ferrlre Commission. Th court further sets aside th con tention of Special Counsel Wilson T. Hum that a legislative nartmnt of I'll, setting t he street railway fares In all cities of more than .aeo popula tion at f cents and no more. Is still In existence. -We ar of th opinion that this law has been repealed by necessary Impli cation by th public servtc law. We hav show a that th public- serv ice act amnded or uprseded ail municipal charters of th stat In conflict wl'h its provisions. Th two acts cannot b harmonised, th repugnancy I clear and th prior statut was repealed by acc essary Implication. Th opinion covers every argument advanced both fr and against th -rem far during th hearing it quotes frequently from decisions of th Oreeon Supreme Court, th I'nited Mates Su premo Court and Supreme Courts of tber states In th I'nlon. Tttreb laqalry Made. Th retroactive features of the refer endum act creating th lliblte Service Commission ar mad th aubjct of a thorough Inoulrv. Th power of th commission to rlv, and regulat rales previously mad by a municipality, through contract, as wall as t hose ma! by th utility Itself. Is also considered ""Whether lb art la retrospective or prospective only. I a question of con struction." reads the opinion. The act is plainly Intended to embrace ante redent rat contracts. Th languag of th act Itself, various provision con tained therein, th historr of Ita Intro duction and paasag br th legislative Assembly, as well as th extended dis cussion before ita ratification by th people under the referendum, all tndl cat that purpoe and Intention. The state of Oregon has every light to tak unto Itself any powers which might heretofore have been granted to a municipality, the court holds. The fart that the art creating the Public rierrtce Commission was mad a law by th -rot of all th poop I of th stat makes th art on of state. wide con cern and affects the relation of the state to Its cities and towns. . The court quotes from an opinion handed dowa by Judge Bean In the r'ed-ra I Court to substantial It posi tion that any charter provisions of a municipality ar superseded by stat enactments. Judge fcean'a opinion, thus quoted, follows: By that act th power to fix the rates to be charged by public aervic cprpormiona conferred upon different cities of the state by their chartera la transferred to the Railroad Commission and such charter provisions are there fore amended or superseded as far as they ar In conflict or Inconsistent with the powers so conferred." W dbara Cas Q noted. The Wood burn case, recently decided by the Oregon Supreme Court. Is quoted by th court to show that the Public Ke rvlc Commission has power to rhaag rates which hav been fixed between a municipality and a public utility by franchise ordinances, as well as to change rates which have been ftsed by the corporation Itself. Th quotation from th Supreme Court's derision In the Woodburn cas Is given as follows: "If the franchls Is deemed to be a contract between th city and telephone company, then the mere fact that It was made prtor to the enactment of the public utility statute and before the state attempted to regulat rates, does not debar the stat from Increasing th ratee fixed In the contract between the parties, for the reason that the law wrote Into It a stipulation by the city that the state could, at any time, exer cise Its police power and chance the rates. " The history of the sis-rent fare -In Portland dates from last fall, when the Tortland Railway, laght Jc Power Com pany ret I' toned th Public Service Com mission to incrraso th streetcar fares wttbln the city of Portland. The peti tion at that tim waa domed, but th comm.uloa later granted a rehearing and on January S. IMS. adopted an or der granting th six-cent far. Th in creased far went Into effect on Jan uary in. lest month th city of Port land brought suit against the Public Service Commission and the Portland Hallway. Llht Tower Company as Joint defendants, alleging- the six-cent fare as granted by the stat commis sion was Illegal ana a usurpation or powers by a state body. It further contended t'uat th referendum act cre ating th commission was unconetitu UonaL Sim Judges nit en Bane. Th case was originally assigned to Judc ilorrow. but upon petition of the Public Service Commission, the six Circuit Judges of the district agreed to hear It. sitting en banc. The city of Portland's rase was han dled by City Attorney "LaRnche. Deputy City Attorney Tomlinson. Judge Martin ALIEN IVES LISTED .tTHI.KTK Wll.l. HELP BlILD MIP. r - -i 1 : :s 1 Hot 4 f,t f v-- dj - - (, . -J A T-sV"'--' - y I at . i i - : - - t' a-oo Osear ;reshy. l .MVKRSITY OF ORK'IO.N". Ku- gene. March It. (Special. Alt er having been rejected In no lss than half a doxen branches of th service In which he tried to enlist. (hirir tlnrecsky. of I'ortland. the Ion veteran of for mer years on th track squad this Spring. Is determined to do war work of some kind and will turn his hand to building ships In a Portland yard within the next two weeks. The loss of irerxky to Oregon Is made a more telling blow to th track and field prospects by th absence of Coach llayward and th fart that tiorecsky was the only man sufficiently ac quainted with the "Hayward sys tem" to put the squad through Its training paces. I lines, special counsel for th city, and Wilson T. Hum. The Public Sty Ice Commission wss represented by Attorney - ienersl l-rown and Assistant Attorney-General Pailey. Franklin T. rtfftth. president of the "Portland Kailway. Light Pow er Company: Harrison Allen. R. A. Let ter. Frederick V. Holman and W. C. lienbow represented th company. It was announced yesterday at the office of City Attorney La Roche that an Immediate appeal would be taken to the yupreme Court. It was an nounced at the time the hearing was started that the case would be taken to the Supreme Court for final deter mination despite th outcome of the case In the Circuit Court. German Enemies Must Report Change of Residence. NEGLECT MEANS PENALTY Attornrjr-Grnrral Gregory Issues Or- tier Advising Teuton Aliens as to Requirements Violators i Liable to Be Interned. Attorney-General Gregory has issued an order that every German alien ene my who changes his place of residence must report thst change to the proper registration officer under penally of prosecution for his failure to do so. The same order calls to the attention of these aliens that the possession of registration cards does not relieve them from a full compliance with any and all laws and regulations concerning their conduct and does not permit them un der any circumstannea to enter barred and restricted zones estadllshed by proclamation of the President. Order la !et Forth. The rule regulating the change of residence of German alien enemies pre scribed by the Attorney-General follows: "Any German alien enemy who de sires to change his place of residence from one registration district to an other must, before removal or making the change of residence, present him self to the proper registration officer of th registration district in which he Is then residing, and fill out in four coixe a form of application for 'change of "residence from one registration dis trict to another." which the registra tion officer will furnish to the alien enemy. The applicant must state upon this form full particulars as to the date on which his residence is to be changed. the reason for such change and "is intended place of residence. The ap plicant will then be Informed by the rrgistrsrtlon officer whether his appli cation for change of residence to an other registration district is granted. Appeal to the I'nited States Marshal lies In certain cases from a denial by the registration officer of such appli cation for permit. "If such application Is granted the German alien enemy must present his registration card to the registration off leer. who will indorse thereon such permit of change of residence. The alien enemy to whom permission is given to change his place of residence from one district to another must, upon his arrival in the registration district In which his new residence Is located, report to the registration officer of that district and exhibit to him his registration card, with the Indorsement of the change of residence thereon. Penalty la Presided. 'Any alien enemy who changes his place of residence to another place of residence within the same registration district without reporting to the regis tration officer such change of resi dence and having the same indorsed nnon his registration card, or any alien enemy who changes his place of resi dence to a place of residence within other registration district without first making application for permit for such change of residence and obtain- ng such permit and Indorsement hereof on his registration card. Is lia ble, among other penalties, to arrest and detention for the period of the war." piIllilllilHIIiillllllilllllllllllliillllW !(fl WAR ( I ll-i ift ft'CTTA TVTr. o Reports being received dally at state war savings stamps headquarters Indi cate that county chairmen throughout tbe state are ready generally for the house-to-house thrift canvass to be un dertaken beginning next Tuesday and to continue through Saturday. Karh chairman baa organised a corps of workers In hus county, and these worker have, been supplied plentifully with literature that Is to be placed In every home In the state with a view to putting every home on th war savers' list for Investment In thrift stamps and war savings stamps. Saturday Is wast paper day. rag day and flower day. The Patriotic Conser vation League. Mrs. R. IX Inman. chair man, has mad arrangements to make It a general thrift day for children. Thrift stamps will be given In lieu of cash, except In making odd-cent change. In payment for the J50.000 pounds of waste paper th boys of the city are expected to harvest. The rate of pay will b Z S cents per 100 pounds. Waate paper may be turned In at any fire station In the city. Firemen will weigh It and make payment. During the morning children will be paid at he rate of I rent for each flower for all of the daffodils they gather, payment for the flowers to be made also In thrift stamps. The flowers will be sold dur ing the afternoon and evening at the leading hotels and on busy corners downtown. Children should gather the flowers early Saturday morning. The florist shop of Wax Smith has been des ignated, as a receiving station. O. J. Skiff, postmaster at Union, writes that though he Is working It hours a day on official business, war stamp work and other war work, and that he Is willing to put In the other 10 hours the same way If It la necessary to whip the Kaiser. FIRE LOSS IS $1,358,600 t". S. I'orcst Service Iteporln 962,000 Acres Burned in 1017. Forest fires burned over 961. nno acres of National forest lands In 1917 and caused a loss of $1,358,600 to the Government In timber, forage and young growth, according to figures compiled by th Forest Service. Of the T114 fires which were fought on th forest reserves, sll but 2132. set by lightning, were caused by hu- ! man agencies and could have been pre I vented. There were 952 Incendiary fires, which occurred for the most part In Oregon. California and Arkansas. The snowfall In the mountainous sections of the Northwest Is less than last year, and consequently greater fire hazards are expected by forest offi cials this year. 1000.NEVDRE55ES AT POPULAR PRICES $ x 4-75 $ i f5-v5$ i gjo$ 9-so$23 -5$25; aw - 1 - We're proud of our 'dress stocks, and well we may be for, in spite of merchandising conditions, we've assem bled 1000 dresses to sell at " Popular" prices. They're not "ordinary" popular-priced dresses. Every one is as distinctive and different as can be. The seven models pictured but hint at their beauty and attractiveness ! YOUR NEW DRESS IS HERE! DRESSES FOR afternoon wear, for-business wear, for street wear, and for dinner and informal evening wear numberless styles. DRESSES OF taffeta, of crepe de chine, of crepe, meteor, of serge, of Georgette, of jersey and of many combinations of fabrics. DRESSES IN a half dozen tones of blues, of grays and tans, and there are wis tai'ias and purples, rose, black, white, and then some more. There Are Dresses for Every Woman and for Every Purse ! There's Not the Least Doubt but That Your New Dress Is Here ! Select It Today. The Lowness of Its Price Will Surprise You. Then, Too, There Are Dresses at Prices Ranging Up to $45 & More. ---Second FJoor-Emporium. On Our 3rd Floor Are Assembled Trimmed Hats at $5 that you'll instantly pronounce "the best values you've seen in a month of Sundays" and truly, they are. Most of them were designed and made in our own work rooms there are blocked models and soft crowned ones, too, of caterpillar and chrysanthemum braids, of silk and of straw and silk combinations. Ribbon, flower and fruit trimmedscores and scores of them! , Third Floor Emporium. HERE'S GOOD NEWS'. Silk Blouses at$3.95 The first lot of these blouses went out in a big hurry last week ! These will, too, for it's not every day one can buy crepe de chine and Georgette blouses such as these for $3.95. Scores of models. First Floor Emporium. I H I Ml 11.11 1 1 IT nnnm II I M nmnn Z. SWETTCO. Enemy spies are everywhere Don't give them information ail Central la Elks Day Stamps. CKXTRALJA. Wash.. March 14. (Spe cial.) At a meeting of the Elks Lodge last nlttht ISOO of the lodge funds were ordered Invested In war-savings stamps. Another 1100 worth will be purchased In a few days. The Elks also own 1:000 worth of liberty bonds. A class of five candidates was Initiated by the Elks last night, the occasion being an official visit from Henry Monroe, of Seattle, district deputy. A supper and musical programme followed the Initiation. Grant Taa Chamber Flol. GRANTS rAScJ. Or.. March 14. (Spe cial.) Tbe Grants Tass Chamber of Commerce at Its annual meeting "last nlsbt elected as president for the year Frank S. Kramwell: vice-president. E. T. l.udden: secretary. K. S. Van Dyke: treasurer. Frank C. ft ram well ; trustees. r,erir C. tiahin. T. M. Stott and C. A. Wlnetrout. These, with A. 8. Coutant and Dr. K. C. Mary, constitute the board of directors. STEVENS COMMISSION SAFE Protection by Forces ' Japanese Military Is Assured. Intimation that the future move ments of the field forces of the John F. Stevens Russian railroad commis slon will be protected by Japanese mil Itary forces Is given in a postcard received In Portland from a member of th commission. Lieutenant H. I Hoskln. In a card written on February 23 to his brother. G. C. Hoskln. of this city, tells or projected plans. "We will move- In a few days to Harbin. Manchuria." he writes, "and we probably will hav some great ex periences. We visited Aso volcano and had a good time. In fact, we have been enjoying ouraelves immensely here In Nagasaki." BAR ASSOCIATION MEETS Noorr Luncheons Arranged to Pro mote Fellowship. In order to bring about a better spirit of co-operation among its mem bership, the Multnomah Bar Associa tion will hold a series of noon lunch eons, th first of which will be held today noon at the Portland Hotel, at which a Government expert will dis cuss the new Income tax law and an swer all questions which may be brought up concerning it. Milton A. Miller, Collector of Customs, will also speak. It is planned by the association to hold these luncheons once a month for the discussion of various civic ques tions, outside the legal profession, as well as those topics which are of pe culiar interest to attorneys. new Courthouse wlU again be the scene, of a merry throng in the Interest of the Red Cross. On Monday will be held a Governor's reception, St. Patrick's ball and concert party. Governor James Withycombe will be the guest of the Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce at a regular Monday noon luncheon and in the evening will meet the citizens at a public reception- Asphalt, with which so many roads are paved, was found by accident. Many years ago. In Switzerland, nat ural rock asphalt was discovered, and for more than a century it was used for the purpose of extracting the nich, stores of bitumen it contained. OREGON MILLS MAKE GOOD Lumber Cut Increasing- While That of Washington Falls Off. Oregon mills made a substantial gain !n the lumber cut in 1817 over 1916 while mills in Washington showed decrease, according to statistics com piled by the Portland office of the forest service. Sixty-five mills in Oregon with 500. 000 feet daily capacity or more pro duced 2.0SJ.661.000 feet of lumber, in 1 917. oompared with 1.742,032,000 feet in 1916. In Washington 140 mills df similar capacity cut 2,428,221.000 feet in 1917 and 3.(18.197,000 feet in 191S The increase In the output of the Ore Kon mills for the period was 341,609,000 feet. The Washington mills' decrease for the same period was 190,000,000 feet. Spruce Production Rapid. ABERDEEN. Wash.. March 14. (Special.) Six carloads or something more than 100,000 - feet of airplane spruce has been turned out by the Warren Spruce Company In 10 days. The company, which Is just across the line In Pacific County, employs 400 log gers and about low soldiers. Grants Pass to Hear Governor. GRANTS PASS, Or., March 14. (Soe rial.) Josephine County's magnificent 20 MILLION PEOPLE SE mm WHY? Only True Tonic for Liver and Bowels Costs 10 Cents a Box. i Phone our want ad to The Orego cUn. Mailt 1070, A ttii. , Cascarets are a treat! They liven your liver, clean your thirty feet of bo els acd sweeten your stomach. Sou eat one or two Cascarets like candy before going to bed and in the morning rour head Is clear, tongue Is clean, stomach sweet, breath right, and cold gone and you feel grand. Get a 10 or Si-cent box at any drug store and enjoy the nicest, gentlest ver and bowel cleansing you ever ex perienced. Stop sick headaches, bilious spells. Indigestion, furred tongue, of fensive breath and constipation. Moth ers should five cross, peevish, feverish. bilious children a whole Cascaret asy tima. . . - SPRING EXHIBIT Come, see the fetching new styles for Easter, Spring and Summer! It is an exhibit that will give you an idea with every glance. Not only is the newest here but the best is here, at prices that will cause you to wonder. i s i:f) 1:1 PI H Fine black Russia I ' ri f cloth top, welt. E. Price soles, like cut. .J . Same in fine I p.R A flS black kid or calf, B 61 gray buck top, at yf? $o.95, $6.45 is Fine Calf Pump, either A great variety of patent, AQ! wing tip or or calf spat sS. ' plain like cut pumps. heel. I VsTs Price $3,95 P1""-?3-95 ) lySOthers up to SS I.I X 91 w RJJioeia in lii Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets'Get at the Cause and Kemove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, act gently oo the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr. Edwards', Olive Tablets. The pleasant; sugar coated tablets are taken for bad breath : by all who know them. Dr. Edwards Olive Tab!et3 act gently, but firmly on the bowels and liver.1 stimulating them to natural action., clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire 6ystem. They do that which dangerous calomel dou without any, . of the bad riter effects. All the benefits of jasty, sickening,'-. oafhnrHca are de ied from Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets without griping, rain or any disagreeable effects. formula after seventeen years 01 prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath. v Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable comnound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color, laice one or two every nignt ioc a week and note the effect. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. rSa.mple 129 4th tore Washing ton & Alder . Next to S. P. Depot Near Washington Street EVERY MEAL A POISONOUS INJECTION Pew folks suffering from kidney and bladder troubles ever think that the meals which they are taking are hasten ing their death. Every morsel of food taken gives up its quantity of urio acid. This poison Is taken into the system through a diseased condition of the kid neys and bladder. In the healthy man nature provides an outlet for thispoi- ": , In I .h.o Ih milts, tab. a medicinal help to drive this death-dealing poison from the system. For over Capsules have been doing this work. ' They effect prompt relief in all diseases . arising irom riuiicv niiu uiauucr uvu bles. Don't put off this vital matter of attending to your health until it is time to make your funeral arrasge ments. 'Get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Look for the genuine. Your druggist sells them." They are guaranteed or money refund ed. Insist on GOLD MEDAL Brand. Adv.