TIIE MORXHCO OREGOMAX, FRIDAT, 3IARCII 13, 1918. M'nnrr I WOULD nr 111 uncuic SERVE Oil BENCH Baseball Magnate Files With Secretary of State His De sire to Be Circuit Judge. GANTENBEIN SEAT IN VIEW Office of Sn per lor Juilsc In Vali inslon lillcj for Klzlil Years. Ii-trlit Scrv cil as IIcprriila lic In Congress One Term. Judge W. W. McCredie yesterday for warded to the Secretary of State' of fice at Slm formal notice of hU can didacy for Circuit Judge. le part men No. . Multnomah County Circuit Court. at the republican primary election I it-. Judge McCredie has for som , t!m been urged by his friends to enter the contest for the Judgeship now held by Circuit Judge liantenbeln. but It wa ot until yesterday that he concluded to become a candidate. Juris llcCrrdle cornea of flshtin stork, hi father, after participating I the IndUn Warn, having lost hka life at ;ettysburg. Kor the last six year Judge McCredie haa been engaged In the practice of law In this city. He I also well known locally as a baseball magnate, having been president ot th 1'ortland baseball club during Its ft Istenca in the Pacific Coast League. H I regarded the shrewdest and best versed Baseball man In the minor leagues and Is at the present time soli owner of the Portland team In the I'm ciflc Coast International League. Before locating In Portland Judge M'-Credl bad considerable expertenc before the bar and on the bench In the stt of 'Washington. After servin four years a Iistrlrt Attorney, he elected and filled the office- of Super lor Judge for eight years. He had th record of occupying the bench for Itearlr fle years before having a rase reversed bv the Appellate Court. fie signing from the bench. Judge Jlc Crrdl became a candidate and was elected Representative In Congress. serving one term of two years. "If I am nominated and elected.' says Judge McCredie n his declaration cf candidacy. "I will, during my term of office, faithfully. Impartially and patriotically devote himself to bearing, deciding and determining, meet with law and equity all litigation coming before me. and I wish printed after my name on the ballot the following 'Impartial d ity to litigants and patri otic service to state and Nation. TV "V. Stanfield leaves today for Cen tral Oregon In the Interest of his can didacy for I'nlted States Senator on the Ttepubllcan ticket. Before returning to Portland Sunday or Monday. Mr. Stan field will visit Kend. rrinevllle and I:edmond. He will attend the sheep- Enen's dinner at Herxi Saturday night. m m m J- Simpson, wno Is seeking the Re publican nomination for tSovernor. Is arranging an Itinerary for a general tour of Eastern Oregon that will In elude all of the centers of population. J. W. Terklns. a business man of r.oseburg and former State Represen tative from Douglas County, was In the city yesterday. Mr. Terklns says there Is much apathy among the people In his section of the state who are too much engrossed In the war and their private affairs to take much Interest In politics and office seekers. .Seattle policeman, today was found not guilty of appropriating money alleged to have been seised by him while con ducting a raid on an alleged gambling house In Interbay. on Iecember 14 last. The trial occupied the greater part of two days In Judge Ronald's depart ment of the Superior Court. In his Instruction to the Jury, which was composed of seven women and five men. Judge Ronald said but two courses were open to the members In their de liberation they must bring In a ver dict of petit larceny or one of not gul'.ty and that In case the former ver dict was returned the Jury must satis fy Itself that the defendant, at the time the alleged crime was committed, had conducted the raid with the Intent CAMOUFLAGE IS BARED LIQIOR 5K.VT TO ORI.T.OV I PHO NOGRAPH RECORD BOE4. t loesses Tell of Whisky Parked Bay City Hotel aad lhlsse rortlaad Haatrlriea. FAX FRANCISCO. March 11. The attllsatlon of phonograph record pack Ing boxes to ship liquor to prohibition territory in the I'aciflc Northwest was alleged by witnesses here today In hearing to remove three residents of this city to Portland. Or., to face trial on a charge of sending ardent liquors to that city In violation of the law. The hearing followed the returning of Indictments In Portland on Febru ary charging a widespread con splrary to ship liquor from San Fran Cisco to that city and other points In the Pacific Northwest. The bearing was directed against William Hunt and William Hunt. Jr.. wholesale liquor men. and Timothy Dwyer, a transfer nan. W. K- Hardy, who was Imllcted and consented to become a Government witness, testified that he purchased large quantities of liquor from the Hunts and had It taken to a local hotel by lawyer. The liquor, was repscked In this hotel, and shipped to hotels In Portland and elsewhere, he testified. Ten of those who were Indicted were held answerable to the I'nlted States Instrict Court In Portland in a pre vious hearing following their arreat here. The present hearing was adjourned late today until tomorrow. GIBBS CROSSING GRANTED rril of t'sM-llltlc- for Rarrhing Ship building Plants Seen. SALEM. Or.. March 1 1.. Special rrrrollon to construct a grade cross Ing on tiibba street across the South ern Pacific tracks at Moody street In Portland was granted by the Public Septce Commission oday. the purpose of I rroseing being to serve the ship building plants of the Columbia River Fnipbuilding Corporation, th North west Steel Company and the Coast Snipbulldlng Company, and more espe cially to furnish additional facility for t Ire-f Ightinc appliances to reach such slants In case of fire. The plants are now serve1 with one crossing only, at Sheridan street, which held to bo Inadequate to meet the needs. The nearest fire station Is on Klrvit street, near Uibba. A warn ing bell, with swinging arm and flash lishl attachment and Installation of a fre semaphore attachment are re quired to be Installed aa protection at the crossing. SEATTLE OFFICER FREED I'olkrwiaa Held 'nt iullty of Ap propriating C'a-h Sclicd In Raid. SEATTLK. Wash. March 1 1 I Spe ciaL Joseph U. Ktvclle. suspended e 9 r - )-.-- - ... .--:t-ri S : . It - . - . , ; -- i,...-t ' ! (V-1 v . ,b.iMiini m, - DISTRIBUTION OF BOOK PROHIBITED Pastor Russell's "Finished Mystery" Barred From State by U. S.4 Attorney. NO PROSECUTIONS MADE Jsdae W. W. r rfdlr. Wka Seeks Place ob t Ircnlt Beach. of taking the money and appropriating it to his own use. WOMEN ARE INTERESTED ACTIVE PART IX COHIMi POLITI Cab CAMPAIGN' ASSURED. Aksesre I'msa State of Thousands of Mea Called to War Sen Ice Stimulates Coaeern. SALEM. Or.. March 1 1. (Special.) Candidates who are keeping; In touch with the political situation in various parts of the state report that th omen are mora Interested In things political this year than at any time since auffrwgo was extended them. Women's clubs and other organlxa lions are beginning to pry Into the affairs of candidates, and from pres ent indications tbey will take an active part In the campaign now opening. It Is pointed out that the aDsence from the state of thousand of young men who have been called Into Army service is simulating the Interest of women In politics. In addition It la said that the per centage of women serving on elec ion boards Is much higher this year han even before, and this fact in Itself nrreases the women s concern. While there has been an influx of workers Into the state. Into the ship yards and Into other occupations, a great number of these, will be unable to vote at the primaries because they have not been in the state the neces sary sis months required to establish residence. U. S. GUARDS RUSSIAN SHIP Crew or Toula. at Scalilo. Kxhibib IloKlirvikl Symptoms. S'EATTLK. March II. United States ailora today stood guard on the Rus sian shin Toul.n. lying at a dock here. Rosroe M. I'rumheller. Collector of Customs, havinir taken the vessel In charge last night nfter it was reported 0 members of the crew refused to obey orders. Following tho seizure the 10 were arrested. . The crew, which Is said to have Rolshevlkl tendencies, has been loading he vessel with railroad supplies for Russia. Two days ago. It was charged, he 10 let the fires die out under the boilers and refused to work because the officers would not treat them as equals. HUNDREDS LOSE HOMES Million-Dollar Oil Fire Sweeps Tart of LoriNliurj:, X. .M. LORDS RL'RG. X. M.. March 14. Hun dreds of Mexicans are homeless tonight nd the Southern I'aciflc Railway has neither roundhouse. locomotive oor apply yards at this division point as a result of a furl oil fire today which wept through the yards and burned a wide path through the Mexican settle ment In the northern part of Lordsburg. The railroad company estimated Its oss at 11.000.000. Including alz new roundhouse and storehouses which locomotives, many freight cars, the were destroyed. The fire started when waste oil at ha oll-fllllng atatlon became Ignited. Innocent Distributors of Book 'ot to lie Arrotcd, but Future Cases to Dc Handled Vigorously, Says Attorney Rankin. Further distribution of the book en titled "The Finished Mystery," gener ally known as Pastor Russell's book, was positively prohibited in an order Issued yesterday by United States At torney Rankin. Hased upon numerous complaints against the aliened sedi tious publication from all parts of the state. Mr. Rankin referred the matter to the Attorney-General, who author ized the action thafwas taken yester day. Numerous copiea of the book had been distributed in Oregon by repre sentatives of the International Hible Students' Association and others before the attention of the Federal authori ties was called to tho character of the volume. In forbidding its further dis trlbution. Mr. Rankin announced that those who had Innocently assisted in the sale and distribution of the book to date would not be punished, but gave out the warning that any person attempting further to distribute the objectionable publication would be vig orously prosecuted under the espionage act. "The book la dangerous propaganda snd violates the espionage act," said Mr. Rankin yesterday. "Its further distribution must be stopped imme diately. The proposal which has been ade In some districts of eliminating objectionable pages and distributing copies of the edition with those pages removed, will not be accepted in this state. "In fairness to those who have here tofore distributed the book, but who are not guilty of any disloyal Intent, no prosecutions will be mane for dis tributions already made. But I wish to give the warning that any distriou tion of the book hereafter will be prosecuted vigorously. 'In furtherance of this determina tion to suppress the distribution of the book. Assistant United States Attor neys throughout tne entire state nave been notified to cause the Immediate arrest of anyone making or attempt Ing to make further distributions and their prosecution will follow. OKLAHOMA CITY. March 14. Five thousand copies of the "Finished Mys tery" were seized here today by Fed eral officers. No arrests were made here, but it was said that leaders ot tne interna tional Bible Society, which issued the volume, are under surveillance. SOLICITOR ORDERED TO LEAVE Asent for Proscribed Publications Has Short Stay in Raker. BAKF.R. Or., March 14 (Special.) U. K. Mason, representing the Inter national Bible Students' Association was ordered to leave town today by Mayor Palmer for selling literature Droscnibed by tho Government. Mason, who was taken into custoay yesterday by Chief of Police Jackson on being examined admitted that he was not an American citizen ana r.aa not given anything to aid the war. He also said that the association he represented was the same one whose agents have been arrested in various towns In the Northwest. He was rorced to leave town without delivering the books ha bad sold. Authorities Seize Books. OMAHA. March 14. Four thousand copies of "The Finished Mystery," the Pastor Russell publication of the In ternational Bible Students, of Brook lyn. X. V.. were taken hene today. when officials from the Federal De partment of Justice raided the head quarters of the bible students in this city. The books were placed in the custody of the United States Marshal for safe keeping. At the same time William Mack, said to be a solicitor for he sale of the books, was placed un der arrest and charged with violating he espionage act. Mack was released on ball. EWISH FAITH RECOGNIZED Secretary Daniel Permits Observ ance of I'rast of Passover. WASHINGTON. March 14 Secretary Daniels today instructed all naval com manders. In their discretion, to give 14 ours' leave beginning with the even- ng of March ST. to men of Jewish faith the Navy, that they may observe the east of the Passover. Similar orders were given In the Armv last week. SECRETARY BAKER IS BUSY Secretary of War Attends Confer ence In Paris. PARIS. Msrch 12. Xewton n. Baker, the American Secretary of ar, was kept busy today attending conferences. In the forenoon he conferred with Arthur J. Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, and General Foch. Secretary Baker lunched with Gener als Pershing and Bliss, his brother. Henry Baker, and a few other guests. Early in the afternoon the American War Secretary conferred with J. R. Kearney. of the Public Information Service, and visited the headquarters of the American Red Cross as the guest of Major Robert P. Perkins, head of the Red Cross mission in Europe. After ward the Secretary called on former Premier Vlvlani at his home, and then saw Foreign Minister Plchon at the foreign office. The secretary also con ferred with Oscar T. Crosby, repre sentative of the American Treasury Department. Brother and Slsier Die In Week. COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. March 14. (Special.) Just a week from the hour of the funeral of his sistr Mabel, th The New Wav to Remove Corns. Japanese Method-Don't Hurt a Bit Just a Touch Stops Soreness, Then the Corn or Callous Shrivels and Lifts Off Try It Your Feet Will Feel Cool and Fine. Thanks to a new dlscoverr mad from a Japanese Product your foot troubles can be quickly ended. Ice-Mint as this new preparation Is railed Is said to shrivel up hard corns. stft corns or corns between the tees so that they ran be lifiei out easily wim tne lingers. 11 wonderful. Think of It: Just a little touch of that delightful, cooling, soothing, Ire- Mint and real foot loy Is rours. No matter how old or touch your pet corn He win snnvei riKit ui and you can pick him out after a few nights' use of Ice-Mint. No pain, not a bit ot soreness, either when applying it or afterwards, and It docin t even irri tate the skin. ' Tf your feet are Inclined to swell or r'Uff. or If you have cracked or bleed ng toes, it will draw the inflamma tion, out and quickly heal the sore and tender places. It Is the real Japanese secret lor fine healthy little feet and Is greatly appreciated by women who wear high-heel shoes and men who have to stand on their feet all day. No more tired, aching or burning feet No more foot trouble. Ice-Mint will make your feet so cool and fine that you will Just sigh with relief. It Is now selling like "Wild Fire" here. Just ask In any drug store for a little Ice-Mint and give your poor suffer ing, tired feet the treat of their Uvea. There Is nothing better, nor nothing Just as good. Adv. funeral of Raymond Finnen was held here yesterday forenoon. Death oc curred Monday, also just a week from the death of the sister. Raymond was 19 years of age and the cause of death w-as tuberculosis. His sister died as the result of accidentally drinking car bolic acid. BLAST WRECKS BIG BAKERY Gas Explosion Causes $40,000 Loss and Hurls Biscuits for Block. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 14. (Spe cial.) An explosion caused $40,000 damage todayto the plant of the Pa cific Coast Biscuit Company, 1205 Sixth avenue South, and demolished a huge bakeoven, the largest on the Coast, when Charles Jewell, night watchman, lighted the morning fire. Gas which had leaked into the oven over night exploded. The resultant shock damaged mechanical equipment all over the big four-story plant, floors being torn up. girders dislodged and a brick wall completely wrecked. Splinters of cookie trays and pieces of biscuits were hurled a block from the plant. Nearly 200 employes are out of work as the result of the wreck. GERMAN BRUTALITY SEEN Swedish Press Indignant at Teuton Methods in Alands. WASHINGTON", March 14. An offi cial dispatch from Stockholm today said the Swedish press. Including the conservative papers. s Indignant over the measures taken by the Germans In the Aland Islands, where the Swedish population is being forced to enroll in the White Guard. Moeller, head of the Swedish Socialist delegation sent to Finland, has re turned to Stockholm and is quoted as declaring the Germans are showing great brutality. English civilians are said to have been arrested by the Germans. LUMBER DECREASE SLIGHT Production Falls Off 9.8 Per Cent Under Eight-Hour Bay. SEATTLE. March 14. "With mills tuned up and men striving for a fair trial of the new basic eight-hour day In the Pacific Northwest lumber in dustry, production only ' decreases 9.8 per cent for the firsf week of eight hour operation, as compared with the preceding week, which included four 10-hour days and two eight-hour days," said a statement Issued here to- Manhattan Shirts, $2 to $12 Stetson Hats, $5 and $6 M A New Varsity Style by HartSchaffner&Marx THERE have been a good many changes in young men's styles this Spring. They have been designed to conserve wool fabrics by eliminating and unnecessary use. Here's one, a perfect example of the spirit of conservation; neat, form fitting; one of the most pleasing effects of the season. You fellows who know a lot about styles will want to see this one it's a varsity model and you'll find your size in brand new color combinations at this store. Come in and See the Many New Styles We Are Showing This Season Priced $25, $30, $35 and Up atgafiihiTasAira Sam 'I Rosenblatt & Co. The Men's Store for Quality and Service Southeast Corner Fifth and Alder day by the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. The statement was prepared after the production of 122 Oregon and Wash ington mills under the eight and ten hour programmes had been checked and compared by the association. 'The actual decrease at these 123 identical mills was 7,541,262 feet, or approximately 300 carloads," the state ment continued. Italy May Raise 6,000,000 Lire. ROME. March 12. The fifth nation al war loan closed yesterday. The sub scriptions in Italy reached 5,000,000,000 lire, with results in some cities not yet reported. Subscriptions from Italians abroad also are not included. When these reports are received it is expected that the total will be 6,000,000,000 lire. Rend The Oregonian classified ads. Ready-to-Use Drugs That Every Household Needs Powered Boric Add.. 80s. Uround Mustard ..... .6 os. (ssrara Bark 80s. Precipitated Chalk. . .12 os. Heana Leaves 3 os. Cresm Tartar. .Sos. OrrU Root Powder. .. .3 os. Rochelle Salts 4 os. Senna Leaves Sos. Com. Licorice Powder.. 6 os. Denatured Alcohol. .12 os. Bay Knm.. 4 os. Chloroform Liniment. .3 os. Coscrn. Ammonia 8os tssesee Peppermint.. .2 os. Glycerine 3 os. 4lyc. and Rose Vatcr..4 os. Lysol 3 os. Camphorated Oil 3 os. Castor OIL 3 os. Oil Cedar 2 os. OH Eucalyptus 3 ox. Sweet Spirits N itre. . . .2 os. 25 25 25! 23c 254 25 23c 25 25c 25c 25c 23C 23p 23c 25c 25c 25? 25c 250 25c 250 25c 25c "you SHOULD KNOW A THIS ABOUT THEM 1 We bay nothing bnt No. 1 quality. Whenever. It is possllilc. we improve on this high standard by proper methods sn.cn an re-cleaning flaxseed, re distilling liquids, etc. We give you super-quality. sa"slr THE GOLDEN RULE is a good rule to follow particularly in sell ing merchandise. The Owl Organiza tion follows this rule, which is the greatest creator of Good Will that has ever been discovered. It is our ambition to make ALL OWL DRUG STORES "GOL DEN RULE STORES" in every sense of the word. INininje I - '' JS . Rajah Hat Dye A perfect straw dye, which Instantly gives a beautiful ; color and finish makes old hats look like new. s Also used successfully In touching up leather, picture frames, metal work, etc. t Generous Size Bot tle, With Brush, 25c A "SAFETY" SHAVE is the popular ehave of the day. All of the well - known safety razors are featured prominently in all Owl Stores, to gether with the accessories. !innii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii!ini!finiif(i Friday and Saturday A 35c TOOTH BRUSH g A 10c BOTTLE OF 1 PEROXIDE m Both for 35C 1 Choose from a great assortment of brushes ; the kind that hold the bristles, our regular gEj 33c line. The 10c bottle of peroxide holds r one-quarter pint. 35c for the Combination Friday and Saturday Only 'Z y . nj.,J& !i;;3Hlk'lh7iti?ftfc. . , nr V.vJ, I f Your Favorite DENTIFRICE Will Be Found In the Nearest Owl Store We Have Them All. Lesley Dental Cream 150 Ked Feather Tooth Paste..250 lied Feather Tooth Powdr..250 Sapo-nol Tooth Powder... 250 Colgate's Tooth Powder... 150 Kolynos Tooth Paste 250 Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder.. 200 Pebeco Tooth Paste 450 Itevelation Tooth Powder...250 Borated Tooth Powder 250 And We Refer In Particular to K.C.L. Tooth Paste OC A Chlorate of Potash Tooth Paste which is actively alka 1 i n e and antiseptic. Whitens and purifies and leaves com plete mouth cleanliness. Red Feather VEGETAL LILAC The refreshing odor of the lilac blos som bottled for . your enjoyment. Women use It for a toilet water. Slen prefer It for after - shaving. 750 A BOTTLE. The Owl Theatrical Cold Cream A decided favorite because of quality and quantity. Every atom is perfectly pure and it stays so. YOU GET A FI LL POl JiD KOR a value that Is not sur passed. Sent postpaid any where in the United States. 60c ture. The Dollar List There Arc Five Safety Raxors Which ftcll at 91. f;KM. KVEREADV. ENDKH'S. KEEN KLTTER, 1IIRIIAM DOMINO. We Always Have AU of Them la Stock. Shaving Creams Mennen's Shaving Cream 250 Williams' Shaving Cream .... .25c J. & J. Shaving Cream 30e Krank's Lather Kreem 30t Shaving Powders THE GILLETTE $4J7 Every man knows about them millions can testify as to their merit. Note the price. AUTO STROP $5.00 The only safety raior with a blade stropping device a great economy fea- Blades 6 Gillette Blades for 12 Gillette Blades for 6 Auto Strop Blades for.. lO Eveready Blades for... 7 Gem Blades for 5 Ender's Blades for..... 5 Keen Kutter Blades for. 5 Durham Duplex Blades. .450 .900 5O0 .500 350 .250 .250 .470 Colgate's Shaving Powder. Williams' Shaving Towder. ..250 . .250 Shaving' Sticks Colgate Shaving Sticks 250 Williams' Shaving Sticks 250 Palmolive Shaving Sticks. .. .220 D. & R. Shaving Sticks 2O0 Resinol Shaving Sticks. 250 Pears' Shaving Sticks.... 3O0 WILLI AM Sr MUG SOAP 5c THE FAVORITE FOR HAM' YEARS. MA.W 31 E" PREFER THE TIME-TRIED ROl'.VD CAKE AND THE MUG. HERE IT IS AT THE SAME OLD PRICE. WILLIAMS at BARBER BAR JQq 7c W I I. L I A M S QUICK A X D EASY COLGATE'S AT PEARS' AT... SHAVING SOAPg SHAVI-N'G CAKES LATHER BRUSHES We have a great supply, the bulk of which was bought before the recent startling price advances. This means better values 25c to $9.00 Daggett A Ramsdell Cold Cream 430 Luxor Cold Cream 5O0 Charmls Cold Cream 250 Elcaya Cold Cream 5O0 Misda Cold Cream 650 Kadlnola Cold Cream. ....... .45 Pond's Cold Cream 450 Red Feather Cold Cream oO Sntin Skin Cream 270 Pnlmollvc Cream 450 Espey's Cream 2O0 Woodbury's Facial Cream 220 Ingram's .Milkweed Cream.,.. 450 Pompeian Massage Cream.... 470 Pompeian Night Cream 270 ff Red Feather" Complexion Powder 50c A Dominant Favorite Because of Its General So. perlority. Good Adhering Quality, and the Clear. Transparent Effect It Gives. CHOICE Olf WHITE, FLESH OR BRUNETTE. The Price Is Interesting, Too, 50c for a Generous-Size Box With Hinged Cover and Clasp If m coeiei-""" If Luxor Face Powder 5O0 Java Rice Powder 390 Carmen Face Powder 4O0 Dorin Face Powder 5O0 Hudnut's Face Powder 5O0 Djer Kiss Face Powder.. 6O0 Mary Garden Face Powder. .. .$1 Melba Face Powder 500 Melbaline Pozzoni Face Powder.... R. & G. Anthea R. & G. Indian Hay R. & CJ. Violet de Parme. Piver's Face Powders... J-a Blache Face Powder. Freeman's Face Powder.. ( 1 .69 LASTLONG Hot - Water Bottles This well-named hot-water bottle has everything necessary for service heavy weight, superior quality rubber, perfect finishing, and no seams. It stands the most severe tests. Two -quart Size $1.69 Three-quart Size $1.89 wjHr iuw -Miiw w- rRuu r wa BROADWAY AND WASHINGTON STREET E. Struplere, Manager. Marshall 2000 Telephones A 1333 250 390 l.lO ...$2.00 75 .. ?1.20 390 .