Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 15, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Gerard Notes Fact That
Curious Dual Monarchy Each
Race Oppresses Some Other.
Tlirnugliout t.'mpirr. Ilowrtrr. Crr
man Influrnrc 1 I on nil Iredni
lnalii2 anil lible Prussian
JiulcOirr lliin(rji I'uma(.
liT4u. command. r riven In
rrrr4n in the irml'i of the Aus
IrD'lluntirijn monarchy, all the
mal population, al least during;
the irrnt ff military service, has
hrrn mmprllnl to learn soma
J rtnan.
Jkmm'i'-n .mbawadr at lh Grmin Im-
rMil l'xi-1. Ju:jr .M. ir13. tn brwar 4.
1 5 I T. Author tt "Mr rour Tam tn r
boj." fJopyricht. 131. by 1'ubuc Udftr
ll Is a bit of poetic Justice that the
tewn of Kethlehem. In I'cnnsylvanla.
where my f.-letid hhab la making ao
much far material lo be used asainat
the Central I'ontri, u founded by
fjjltl . who, rcbeltlng against op
prcsalon, Irft Moravia in aearcli of
North of the Carpathian Ilea Uallcla.
a I'nliah country, with Lumbers; and
Cracow aa Ita capital, and In tha
astern part tha ICuthenlana, a rara
identical with tha Russians. Theaa
KuthrnlaBi number upwards of four
It la a peculiar fact that In tha curl
ous Irual Monarchy each raca oppresses
om other. Tha Kuthentana complain
that they are oppressed by tha I'olea.
Tha Kmsrdom of lluncary Ilea to tha
east cf Austria, containing in ita 29.
Inhabitants about ia.oa0.v09
ilaiars. who are tha dominant raca
at d who In turn rule over a population
of l.ll'M Uuthenlan. I.OOD.OO Mov
acka or Cich. J. 0v'. '' Koumanlana In
the outheatrrn portion and about
J ooii.o w) 0f the ra. a now known a
Juao-Slavm of theaa Juao-Slava.
about 2.0'.0o are In that part of tha
Iual Monarchy under Auatrian rule.
These ara tha principal divisions of
A Jiavth raca differing somewhat
from tha others Is In tha mountain
to the- east of Hunicary. whera much
fishttnr has taken place in tha last
war. known aa Bukowlna. In tha
southeastern part of Hungary thara
ia a ;erman-peakln country, known
as Stebenburiren. where live tha de
scendants of a Herman colony planted
about two centuries aso-
In Mrla. In the mountainous dis
tricts cf Austria. t the west of Hun
rary. Uvea a race differing: aaaln from
all the others, a mountain race sup
posed to be eaters of arsenic, a drua
which they believe Rives theru a good
corrrpleaton and atamlna for mountain
climbing. It la said that the bodies
of these arsenic eaters remain un
elecomposed frr a lone time. And from
thia part of the world cornea tha cur
ious superstition of tha existence of
human vampires.
Slovenes and Jews. Carlnthlana and
Inhabitants of Cam lot a. rlerba llvln
like Moslems In Bosnia and Mrse-a-nvlna
and Italians tn Trieste and tha
Trent all make up the strange Austro-
Hungarian monarchy.
Aastrla-llaacary'a 1 alaa r'oarfeld,
The union between Austria and Hun
trarr Is a personal union. The fc m -
Mrar of Austria ta Kins; of Hungary.
tmly in lour particulars ara tha em
pire and the klncrfom united, namely,
a olnt administration of the army and
navy, of diplomatic affair and of such
finances aa are connected w-th Joint
eipenditurrs for -these purposes.
In hit Huniary sought to break
way from Austria. Kossuth heroically
ld the liuncartans aralnst their Aua
trian masters, only tn be beaten In tha
and becaus of the advent of tha Kus
sfans, because ona autocrat cams ta
tr aid of another.
Since then, by superior politlral tal
nts and taste for. intrleue. the Mac
van have not only held the Slovaks'
Roumanians, etc.. In their own country
In politics! subjection, but have held
moch of the power In the nual Mon
archy. Their dancer lies, however. In
the preponderance of German Influ
ence, and some day tha cay. eay-r-
Inc- pleasant liuncarlana may awake
to find the Prussian Kltel rits seated
on their throne and to learn what Prus
sian efficiency means when applied to
thosa whom Hermans consider an in
ferior people.
The i:.o.)'.0'i Austrian German dif
fer much in character from the Prus
sians. They are far more polite, far
more acreeahle. far mora fond of
amusement of all kinds. Indeed. It Is
because of their pleasant personal
characteristics that so many other na
tions have been content to remain un
der their rule. In no city of the world
is the masa of the population aa fond
of pleasure as In Vienna. The best
lirht operas come from that city. Vi
enna W the ortctnal home of the waits.
The "Blue panuba" was composed on
the shores of the river which flows
throuch the Austrian capital.
The dominant rehclon of the Ger
man empire la Protestant, but In the
lual Monarchy It la Roman Catholic
amor c the rullnr Hermans In Austria
ami Macyar In lluncary.
In Austria and In Hungary most of
the land la held in treat estates. The
peasants, aa In Germany, sometimes
own a few strips of land near their
miserable vtllacea. Possession of land
Is necessary to the standlnc of any
noble. In lluncary. for example, no
riohte sits In the House of Macnates or
poslan l a remedy that you can pick
DP at anv time and applv to any dis
order I kln with the confidence that It
provMe tha quickest way to be rid of
snv ItcMnc or cruptional trouble, and
that It will serve you well.
I'lmrl'" and Hashes. Kcsema. Acne.
Itrb. hi! Main.. Scalp-Scale. Hums and
ail ilk affections so disrressina: to en
itur. are. thanks to I'oeiam'a concen
tra'ed beallns; energy, eo easy to
ban i sn.
S-M everywhere. Kor free sample
writ to t.rnercencv laboratories, il
Vt est 41t St, .New Tork City.
I rv vour sain to become clearer,
healthier rv the daily uss of i'oslata
tiuii, iucUlwaUU aLa I'm i am ail v.
House of Lords unless he Is the owner
of a certain amount of land.
once across the Hungarian border,
one sees the people taking a certain
delight in refusing to understand Ger
man. The namea of the railway eta
tiona are in Hungarian, and tha unl
forma of atatlon officials, conductors,
etc.. differ from those In Austria.
Every effort Is made by the population
to emphasise tha fact that Hungary
ts an Independent kingdom, joined to
Austria by personal rule alone.
There la no melting-pot in this part
of the world. In the lower house of
the Hungarian Parliament sit 41 Croa
tian delegates. Croatia being that part
of Southwestern Hungary near the
Adriatic, where the Inhabitants are, of
Slav blood. By tha Hungarian consti
tution thoae delegates have the right
to speak In the Hungarian Parliament
In their own language, and so from
time to time a Croatian delegate arises
In his place and delivera an ambitious
harangue In Croatian, understood by
no one except his fellow delegates, who
slresdy knew what he Intends to talk
about. Thla Is only one example of
how these peoples cling tenaciously to
their language and national rights.
Haagary'a Race M lag led.
It Is possible to find In Hungary a
Hungarian Tillage, a German village, a
Slav village and a Roumanian village.
all within a abort distance of each oth
er. Men from each of these villages
after one month In the United States
throw aside their national costume and
buy their clothes In the same Bowery
shop, eat the same food and send their
children to tha same public school not
only without protest, but with eager
ness, whereas In Hungary not one of
the inhabitants of these different vil
lages would think of abandoning his
national traits to learn tha language
of his German neighbors.
Because commands are given In Ger
man In the armies of the dual monarchy
all the male population, at least during
the term of their military service, have
been compelled to learn some German.
Hut thia they forget as soon as possible
when they return from their period of
military service.
Many members of these races go to
America and. after worklnr there a
short time, amass enough money to re
turn to Austria-Hungary and purchase
a small piece of land the ambition of
every ona bora of the soli.
Maay tae-eretaatf K.agllsa.
One of the sons of Prince Uchtensteln
old me that a friend who was running
for the Hungarian lower house in a dis-
rlct of Hungary largely Inhabited by
-lav spoke In Hungarian, and. And
nc that hie audience did not undrr-
tand him. tried German. Finally, when
matters had come to a standstill, some
one In the bark of the room called to
him. asking if he spoke English. The
andldata answered that he did. where
upon the crowd told him to speak Eng-
Ish. which nearly all understood, and
o the Hungarian, a candidate for Par-
lament in Hungary, was forced. In or
der to be understood, to address his
Hungarian electors In the lansuage
which they had learned In America.
Krans Ferdinand, whose murder at
Sarajevo was used by the central pow-
rs as a pretext for a war determined
on long before that time, was the heir
o the throne of the late Franx Joseph.
lie waa a romantic character. He vis
ited frequently at the house of Arch-
ucheia Isabella, whera Countess Cho-
ek. of a Bohemian noble family, was a
ady-ln-waitlng. Krans Ferdinand fell
lolently In lore with the fair Bohe
mian and In his desire fo marry enlisted
he aid of Koloman Ssell. Premier of
lluncary. Siell told friends how Franx
erdlnand loved mystery and how. when
wanted to talk to him about mar
riage plans. Instead of meeting some
where openly In Vienna, would arrange
hat Sxell'a train should stop In the open
Ids. Fxell on alighting and following
irertiona would find Krans Ferdinand
hiding behind a designated haystack.
Krans Kerdlaaad Married far lve.
In a country where one royal family
not only rules hut owns the land, this
ttempt of Archduke hrans r erdlnand.
hen heir to the throne, madly in love,
o marry Countess Sophie Chotek. lady-
waiting to Archduchess Isabella.
aused a palace revolution. By the aid
of Sxell he at last succeeded in carry
Ing out tha marriage. But this wa.
only after ha and. his wife had been re-
ulred to submit to the most humlllat-
ng condttlona and aubscrtbe to a mar
riage contract or promts which was
not only enacted thereafter as a statute
in Hungary, but was formally put on
record by tha Austrian Parliament.
In this declaration Krans Ferdinand
declared It to be "his firm and reaolute
resolve to marry Countess Sophie Cho
tea-, that he had sought. In accordance
with the lawa of the house, to obtain
consent of the Imperial and Itoy
Apostolic Majesty, the Kmperor and
King. Krans Joseph I. gloriously reign
ing, that the most serene, supreme head
of the Arch house had deigned gra
clously to grant thia permission and
that Frans Ferdinand, however (de
scribing himself as 'We ). recognise
the house lawa and declare them bind
Ing on L'a particularly with regard to
thla marriage declaration, that our
marriage with Countess Chotek Is not
a marriage of equal birth., but a mor
ganatic one and la to be considered as
such for all time, and that In conse
quence neither our wife nor our Issue
or descendants Is entitled to possess or
claim thoae rights, titles, armorial
bearings and privileges that belong to
wlvea of equal birth and to children of
archdukes or marriages of equal birth-
Krans t erdlnand further recognised
that hla children from thla marriage
would have no right to sucreed tn the
throne In the kingdoms and lands of
Austria nor, consequently, to the lands
of the Hungarian Crown and that they
were excluded from the order of suc
cession. Old Ewseier ftraafa lloaera.
He further agreed and promised, not
only for himself but for his wife andJ
children, that none of them would ever
attempt to revoke this declaration.
Tha old Kmperor gave the wife of
Frans Ferdinand the title of Prlncesa
Hohenberg and later raised her to the
rank of duchess, which In the central
empires Is a higher rank than that of
prlncesa. She was also created a serene
highness after the birth of her third
child. Prince Krnest, In 1S04. The first
child. Prlncesa Sophie, was born In I SOI,
and ' the second. Prince Maximilian
Charles. In 101.
In spite of the rank thus granted to
her. the Inichesa of Hohenberg was fre
quently slighted by Archdukes and
Archduchesses of tha House of Hapa-
burg. and when the preaent Emperor.
the Archduke Charlea Francis Joseph,
married Prlncesa Zlta of Bourbon
Parma. In 111. and this marriage was
followed by the birth of a son. on No
vember 10. 111, It was plain to Krans
Ferdinand and hla wife that the hostil
ity of the old Kmperor and the other
members of the House of Hapsburg,
aided by events, had succeeded in defi
nitely excluding his children by Coun
tess Sophie from the throne.
These slights of his wife, so marked
aa toarausa the publication of articles
inspired by himself in a newspaper de
voted to his Interests and the birth of
the heir to CarL must have had a pro
found Influence on melancholy Krani
In all Europe there waa one monarch
clever enough to take advantage of the
situation, to win Frans Ferdinand to
him by the honors he paid to the
Duchess of Hohenberg the German
Emperor. Kaiser Wllhelm Invited the
pair to Potsdam, and there both were
made to feel that In one court, at least,
the honors due to wife of equal birth
were paid to the ex-Countess Sophie.
This Potsdam visit was In 10S. and I
believe that thereafter the German Em
peror and Krans Ferdinand met on
other occasions.
(Continued Tomorrow.)
St. Helens Man Declares He
Believes Wife Spirited Away
Against Her Wishes.
Phone your want ads to Tha Orcgo-
Robert F. Cole Assrrta Belief Court
Proceed I njrs Are Bein; Filed by
Wife Through Compulsion.
Trace of Woman Lost.
ST. HELENS. Or., March 14. (Special.)
Robert K. Cole, superintendent of the
light and power company, whose bride
left St. Helens Tuesday afternoon under
circumstances savoring of abduction
returned from Portland Thursday nieht
after a fruitless search of two days en
deavoring to locate his young wife.
lie was assisted In the search by
Sheriff Stanwood, of St, Helens, and
Portland officers.
Cole and his wife, who was Miss
I.ouie Williamson, of Portland, were
married In Portland March 7 and came
to Si. Helens Monday, stopping at the
home of a relative.
Tuesday afternoon a large tourinc
car occupied by several men and a
woman came to St. Helens. Two of
the sjien ascertained where Mrs. Cole
was staying and going to the house
called her out on the porch. After a
hurried and earnest conversation Mrs.
Cole left the house In company with
the men. one of whom entered the au
tomobile. The other man walked with
Mrs. Cole along a less conspicuous
street. They met the automobile near
the schoolhouse. where the bride was
bundled Into the machine and no time
was lost in getting away.
When Mr. Cole came home to sup
per his bride was missing and an in
vestigation revealed that she had been
spirited away. Mr. Cole and Sheriff
Stanwood left Immediately in pursuit.
Mrs. Cole was to have been married
to M. A. Johnson, a Portland painter,
and Mr. Cole thinks he was one of the
men In the mschlne. The woman ac
companying the men was Mrs. Cole's
aunt. Mrs. Alice lilackwell, of Port
land. -
Wednesday afternoon through her
attorney. W. J. Mac.Mahon, of Portland,
Mrs. Cole filed divorce proceedings
sgalnst her husband and asked for a
restraining order preventing Mr. Cole
from Interfering with her. In the com
plaint she alleges that she married Mr.
Cole through fear of him, that he had
threatened to kill both her and her
fiance if she did not marry him and
after marrying him ho forced her to
come to St. Helens and she was
forcibly detained here by him.
Mr. Cole declared he believed that
the divorce proceedings and restrain
ing order are a "frame up" and has not
lost faith in his wife. Attorney Mac-
Mahon was seen by Sir. Cole, but tn
attorney refused to divulge the where
abottts of the missing woman.
Mr. Cole also thinks his wife wa
forced to institute the proceeding
through fear of Johnson and Mrs.
Blackwell and as evidence of his wife'
affection for him. produces letters
written Vy Mrs. Cole asking that he
come to Portland, fixing place and date
of meeting. Mr. Cole says that he 1
confident that If he can see his wife
and separate her from the Influence
of those responsible for her departure
from St. Helens, that she will return
to his home here. In the meantime
search for the missing, bride Is con
forces in France. The letter brought
news to Mrs. Schoof of her son, William
Stepp. of Battery A, 147th Field Ar
tillery. "You do not know me at all. but I
am sure you will be glad to get this let
ter, for I am having the pleasure of see
ing your son, 'Btllie' Stepp, every day,
and a mighty fine boy he is," wrote. Mrs.
Mallon. early in February. "I thought
that you would be glad to know that
he Is in -one of the loveliest spots in
France. A wonderful climate, beautiful
country, charming people and an early
Spring all make this place ideally
happy for us Americans. When you
add to these, comfortable quarters and
a good mess, you can realise how well
taken care of our men are. And we are
many, many miles from the front.
"Do pass around the word among
Oregon mothers that their boys are
well and happy and that I find them a
fine and interesting group and I know
what I am talking about as I am the
mother of six sons, three of them in
uniforms now.
M. C. A. Worker Writes to Port la ad
Mather That Boya Are Being
well Cared Kor "Over There."
Assurances that soldiers from thi
state are occupying comfortable quar
ters and feeling in high spirits were
contained In a letter received yesterday
by Mrs. Harry Schoof. Ill East Twenty
eighth street North, from Mrs. Hannah
Nell Mallon. attached to the Y. M. C. A
on high ground, with
a lovely view over the
If fresh, bracing air,
educational facilities
and fine class of resi
dents mean much to you
as a homeseeker, inquire
uTh Ladd Thrift
Stark at Second
Campaign to Help Destitote Belgians
to Be Ceadacted Here by Red
Cross and Firemen.
Kvery firehouge In the city of Port
land will be a receiving station for old
clothes and shoes to be sent to the
destitute in Belgium, by virtue of an
arrangement made yesterday between
the American Red Cross Belgium com
mittee ana v. a. uigeiow, a City Com-minsioner.
Edgar W. Smith, chairman of the
commmittee. which also includes I R.
wneeier, Claude C McColloch and Mr.
Blgelow. yesterday appointed Assistant
fire Chief ilolden chairman of the re
ceiving committee, and Mr. Holden
promptly appointed to his committee
every fireman in the city.
Transportation will be taken care of
by Superintendent Donaldson, of the
street cleaning department, who will
also arrange for his barns to receive
the clothes.
Every one of the 285 auxiliaries of
the Portland chapter has been in
structed to center Its activities on the
campaign next week, beginning Mon
day. No supplies will be issued to them
snd the members have been instructed
to take their supplies of old clothes
to their regular meeting place and then
to ship same to firehouses, where they
will be moved to the central packing
No clothing can be received until
Monday morning. Any kind of clotti
ng ia acceptable except rubber goods.
which are absolutely barred; men's stiff
hats, no matter . what description;
women's stiff hats or fancy slippers,
and any articles containing rubber. No
messages may be sent with articles.
Mixtures for Bread Suggested.
WASHINGTON. March 14. The Food
Administrator has suggested to makers
that a combination of wheat substitutes
Instead of a single substitute he used
m mm - a i
-If . it iim m 1 J
m m mmiiil '
HAT you can
do.with $15 or $18
You can buy some mighty
good clothes, even now, with
$15 or $18, provided you know
where to go to buy them.
One whole department in my
store is devoted to $15 and $18
clothes. These are their points
of superiority:
It's a real investment to buy
clothes nowadays at such prices.
These clothes will give you service
beyond what you've a right to ex
pect ; besides, if you're not satisfied,
I'm not, and the money's yours.
Third Floor Elevator
Morrison atfirarth
in victory bread. Experiments have
shown that a mixture of corn and rice
works better than corn alone, and that
potatoes with cereal substitutes make
a better bread than potatoes alone as a
Hoquiam Official Injured.
HOQUIAM. Wash., March 14. (Spe
cial.) City Commissioner W. A. Jacka.
of Hoquiam, In attempting to alight
from one of the city fire trucks while
it was still moving during a test run
this afternoon, was thrown to the
pavement, alighting on his head, aud
was rendered unconscious. He was
rushed to the hospital and did not re
frain consciousness for about an hour.
At first It was believed he was serious
ly hurt, but indications now are that
his injuries are not dangerous.
Wlieclcr Plant Under Way.
WHEELER, Or., March 14. (Spe
cial Work is well under way for the
new W"heeler Box & Manufacturing
Company plant. Tne piling is driven
and the bulkheading well under way
for the waterfront foundations. The
construction work Is under the direct
supervision of S.- M. Clay, Jr., of Port
land, who is the new company's man
ager. It is expected to have the plant
in full operation during the month of
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.
Swift & Company
At a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission
there was introduced correspondence taken from the pri
vate files of Swift & Company, which showed that the
Company had been considering for some time an educa
tional advertising campaign.
The need for this publicity has been apparent to us
for several years. The gross misrepresentation to which
we have recently been subjected has convinced
us that we should no longer delay in putting before the
public the basic facts of our business, relying on the fair
mindedness of the American people.
The feeling against the American packer is based largely on the belief
that the income and well-being of the producer and consumer are adversely
affected by the packers' operations, resulting in unreasonably large profits.
Swift & Company's net profit is reasonable, and represents an
insignificant factor in the cost of living.
For the fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift &
Company were as follows :
This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business of $87,500.'
If Swift & Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser would
have received only lh of a cent per pound more, for his cattle, or the con
sumer would have saved only V of a cent per pound on dressed beef.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
7 1-
Y7ET i n o I