Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 15, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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FRIDAY MARCH 13, 1918.
British Will Station Prisoners
of War in Areas Raided
- by Hun Air Fleets.
3"lc IVrsoii Killed and Mac li
jarrtl at llarllrpout In Wcdncs
day MchC'a Visit of Kalscr'a
Danes lo Knfland.
LONDON. March 11. German prla.
ernrra of war are to be distributed over
irrn which the enemy a aircraft ara
ublertlne- to attack In their raid, ac
enrdlnr to tha Kveninc Nema today.
Thiii" ays tha newspaper. "Is being
dona because tha allied government
tit. learned thai prtaonera of the!
rationality In Uermaa handa already
have been no placed In all towna which
tha government conaidera likely to ba
In last ntchl'a air raid ona airship
rroeed tha ruat and dropped four
bombs on Hartlepool. Six dwelling
houi'i were demolished thera and 20 damaced. Klva persona wera
killed and nine Injured.
A scrKeant In tha Quartermaster'a De
Bartment of the American Army, who
waa acttnc as a chauffeur for the de.
partmeat In Tarts, waa Injured slightly
la last night's raid.
Last nlahl'a air raid was the second
mart In two days over Kns-land by
Zeppelins, which previously had not
been employed In tbesa attacka for
cvaral months,
Laaa Dtatrte AvaMed.
In neither rase, tiowevar. waa an at
tempt made to reach the London dis
trict, whera German dlrialbla met with
disaster on previous expeditions. In
Tuesday nljht's raid. Hull was bombed.
Hartlepool, attacked last nierht. Is a
North Sea port of soma S.0 inhabi
tants. In Northern Lngland.
LONDON. March 14. Two Rritish
aplanrs on Tuesday enaaaed five
enemy aircraft over tha North tea.
destroying; ona aeaplana and downlna;
another. It la announced officially. Both
tha British plan's returned.
PARIS. March 11. French aviators
have accounted for four enemy ma
chines, according to a statement from
tha Mar Offlca tonlrht. which also re
ports a successful Bel clan forward
movement near Lombaertsyde.
BERLIN. March H. via London-
Three machine of an ententa air squad'
ron flying toward the city of Krelbur.,
wera brought down, army headquarters
announced today.
17 C'raf I Reparved Uaveaed.
On the Kranco-Bclalan front yester
day, the atatement adds. 17 enemy air
plane and three captive balloons wera
brought to earth.
'onttfmd Krom Finn Tax
port had unloaded a lot of net roes at
tha wharf. Among tha lot were a num
ber of Portland coon a While they
were skylarking on tha dork a bis;
Mark aa tall as the Washington monu
ment stood watching tha unloading.
Seeing a man of his own color dressed
In a French soldier uniform, tha Tort
land negro walked up to him and aald:
"Where's you-all from, nigger?"
"Je ne comprend pas. shot back tha
black French, soldier.
Ma Hs4er Ha DMat Vaderataad.
Tha black from Portland. Or, trl'd
aevera! time. He finally gava up In
deapalr. but before ho did he gave tha
alarm and shouted to tha rest: "Hear
me. hear me. Diggers, he's a nlsger
what dnan know his own language."
Tha coming of tha American eoUMers
Into France haa given birth to an en
tirely new crop of Army stories. Kvon
If sorao of them ara not true they
make mighty good tnessroom gossip
and th.-y listen mighty good to the of
ficer Juet over and going against the
great unknown. This also Indicates
that they ara yarna not especially
dreamed out for tha benefit of the un
suspecting correspondent so the reneor
can pass them, tf ha Is kind, and not
lend aid to the enemy. Not all the
good meesroom stories ever get into
print, for Instance, like tha pack mule
lost ovar an embankment In tha Ialanda
in Ills. When 1 laat heard tha atory of
that pack mule It waa packing 19.000
tons of Government property, because
the company commandera had to ac
count for property losses some way and
tha park mule was the easiest way out.
I-aeaa Pimm Bsssaeraag.
But get back to the new crop of
tneraroom stories. Most or them have
to do with tha Hmdtea the Americana
..have pulled since reaching France.
Anyone who knowa anything about tha
war gam knowa what the ensineer
have to do. In consequence officers
and prlalea alike have enjoyed many
a quiet lausjh. During the recruiting
days, when so many young fellows
who were I S -inch-hts h collars Joined
the Engineers became they did not
want to carry guns. That laugh proved
a boomerang, for they were the first
to get a touch of the real thing In what
the Lnglish call the Cambria show.
Now the humor and Joke. Every en
gineer, private or officer, aince that af
fair ha had an expansion of the chest
and hatband, much to the disgust of
the Marines, for the Knglneere claim
that "First in War" slogan adopted by
the Marines. Lven Dr. Man Ion. of Tort
land, when he visited headquarters and
stayed to mesa the other day. grew tur-
kev-red when some reference waa made
about tha Knglneere the hardy boyi
hating taken the title away from the
Another atttck messroom yarn. told.
no doubt, to electrify the uninitiated
I have heard th yarn at no lea than
half a doxen different camp). Is told
of one of the first American field bat
lerlea lo take np a position behind the
line. Of course, the story varies with
the telling. One version: It seems that
by courtesy hardly likely I or some
unwritten agreement, the artilleries on
each side exchanged only a certain
number of ahota a day. Tha commander
of one American battery, after a day
or two. marked on hla map a certain
place on the Boche line as suspicious.
His battejry waited at couple of day.
In the meantime hla scouts confirmed
the suspicion. 'ame a day when his
battery opened fire. It was shocking
lo the Foe he. for the well-directed fire
amavhed a big German gun that had
Just been moved onto Its concrete base.
Of course It waa a rase of get even.
Tha Germans, thinking a French but
tery had turned the trick, opened fire
on an Innocent French sector with
deadly effect. Since then Americans
have been called "traxy Americans" by
the French aoldiers.
Aaaerlraae Get Flatting Mad.
Here's another one: An American
force shortly after taking over a sector
of the trenches was Invited to join
some Canadians and French on a raid
ing party. Here comes the kink In this
vara. One of the rules, so the story
haa it. of trench warfare In the quieter
sectors. Is that when one side or the
other raptures a trench, no attempt Is
made at that time to retake the trench.
Well on this occasion, while the Ameri
cana were getting ready to Join In this
raid, some boches dropped over and
drove the Americans out. Instead of
the Americana remaining on the out
side looking In .when they got to
gether after having been driven out.
hey got mad and started In retaking
the lost trenches. What made the
Canadians and French sore was the
fact that they, out of sheer courtsey.
bad to help the craxy Americans.
It would take a bonk to tell all of
these new stories. Juil the same, here
is one that I the truth and one with
out doubt that will be paased by the
censor. At every American headquar
ters, yes and at every scattered unit
camp, officers and men are learning
to speak ranch by attending dally
French classes. At this headquarters
there are two French classes, one held
In the morning between 11 and 12. the
professor being a French soldier we
call Bobby (I'll have more to say about
Bobby and his wounda in another let
ter) and a French speaking English
chaplain. The officers are all learn
Ing fast, but there Is ona young officer
i handsome devil that he Is) well known
In Portland who prides himself that he
has mastered tha language. Ona night
hla week, the evening following the
decorating of tha French soldiers, he
was Invited to dlrfe with some of the
French officer.
During the course of the meal
Pretty young French mls came to the
able and spoke to tha French officers.
f course "our hero" waa properly In
roduced. He waa out to make an Im
presslon. so following the American
custom he spoke to her In French
and gave her what he thought was
Invitation to Join the party. What he
thought ha was saying waa "Voulex
veus venlr avec nous?" What he really
said was. "Voulex vous tenlr mon nex.
Of course the young lady did nothing
f the kind, but she did stamp her
hapely foot and right properly she
railed blm to order.
It Is amusing to the officers and men
f this command when they pick up
ha home papers and see thla or that
ex-member of the regiment has re
urned home after having slipped out
f the service for some cause or an
ther. only to get his picture In the
paper as a hero, with nothing better to
how than his Mexican border medal.
Army records would show that aome of
hem were rejected because of physical
liability, which Is no fault of their
a n. but most of them got out of being
soldier because father or mother did
ot want their sons to he soldiers and
called o:. Senators or Influential friends
home to work Washington for their
release from the service. These clip-
ngs are cut from the papers and duly
posted on the company's bulletin
ards. then at mess time the enlisted
men on the Job have a right merry
lausrh over the "hero."
Ilserr Steele Get Oat.
It I lo atrange how stories will
get "out back home. The Oregonian
that reached camp thla week had the
picture and a atory about a private In
the regiment who waa aupposed to be
under arrest somewhere in France.
Well he wasn't under arrest nor had
he ever been. When the atory was
published he waa on guard and as it
happened when tha paper reached camp
he waa on guard again.
Here if a bit of advice to the folks
at home. If you have anything you
isli your Individual soldier to enjoy
don I club together and send It "to our
soliilera In France." .but send it to
the individual soldier. I'se, his name
and the organisation to which he be
longs. Chancea are If atuff is sent the
other way. the man or men will never
see it. Don't think tha American sol
dlera do not get It. for they do, but
perhaps not the men you wish to have
it. Just keep sending stuff to the sol
diers In France. It all helps, but when
you wish a certain soldier to get what
you send, send It to him individually.
We have read over here about the
number of boxes some person has sent
every day. Maybe he sent them and
then again may be he didn't. Anyway
this regiment hasn't received any of
the boxes yet. Maybe he'll start an
other Congressional Investigation now
when he reads thla. If so. please put
an Oregon boot on him.
It might be well to Inform the North
west Patriotic News that the soldiers
over here have something to do beside
writing pieces for that publication.
Then. too. the chancea are that If the
soldier did have time to write "a piece"
for that publication the censora would
not let It pass- The Army over here
is not a correspondence school of
Journalism. The men are being taught
how best to fight Germans and how
best to take good physical care of
themselves. I
tMercriandiso of J Merit Only
Judgment Aqainst French
Traitor Confirmed by
Revision Court.
Alleged Complicity of Manufactur
ers in German Design to Cor
ner World's Supply Will
B Investigated.
PARIS. Tuesday. March li. The ap
peal of Bolo Pasha from the sentence
of death Imposed by court-martial for
treason waa rejected today y the
Court of Revision, which confirmed the
original Judgment.
The same action was taken by the
court in the case of Darius Porchere,
who waa tried with Bolo Pastia and
sentenced to three years' imprisonment.
NEW TORK, March 14 An Investi
gation to determine whether certain
American wool manufacturers have
been parties to a German plot to cor
ner the world's wool market will be
gin here tomorrow under, the direction
of Merton K. Lewi. Attorney-General
for New York State.
The Investigation resulted from a
perusal of papers belonging to Hugo
Schmidt, a New York banker, now in
terned as an enemy alien. Schmidt
was the so-called "paymaster" in this
country for Bolo Pasha, now under
sentence of death for treason In France.
Wealthy New Yorker Arrested.
Kugene Schwerdt. a wealthy woo!
merchant of New- York and Boston, was
arrested here February 23 In connec
tion with the wool-hoarding plan. He
ia to be Interned.
MILWACKTK. March 14. Mayo
Daniel W. Hoan was removed aa chair
man of the County Council of Defense
this afternoon by a vote of 18 to
Only the Socialist members voted
retain him. including the Mayor himyel
The Mayor's removal from the chair
manship ia the result of his failure to
answer a questionnaire with regard I
natters affecting the war in connectio
with his platform aa the Socialist, can
didate for re-election to the office.
After the removal of Mayor Hoan,
four other Socialist members were vot
ed out of the defence council by prac
tically the same vote.
War Opposed la Platform.
The platform which the members o
the County Council of Defense object to
and for which Mayor Hoan stands, con
tains, a plank which reads:
"The American people did not wan
and an not want this war. Tney were
plunged into thla abyss by the treaoh
ery of the ruling class of the country
Its deniagogio agitators, its bough
press. Its sensational photoplays, it
lying advertisements and other pur
chaseabie instruments of public ex
NORFOLK. Vs., March 14. I nder in
stnrctlon from Washington to investi
gate, with a view to prosecutions If the
facts warrant It. Federal officials here
today conducted a thorough search of
the big Russian steamer Omsk, whose
crew of 47 men is In Jail on charges of
mutiny. The officers uncovered a col-
ection of weapons or various kinds
and combustibles. et
The Omsk put In here several days
ago on a .trip from Galveston to Liver
pool with a cargo of cotton. The crew
rebelled, demanded soviet rule aboard
and drove off the American port guard
on the ship.
The ship's cook, the steamer's officers
iy, has been, the ringleader.
WASHINGTON. March 14. A meeting
of the Senate elections committee next
Saturday to resume consideration of the
alleged disloyal St. Paul speech of Sen
ator La Follette, of Wisconsin, was
called today by Chairman Pomerene,
who expects definite action soon will be
For A Shiny Nose
And Bad Complexion
Paris. Famous actresses owe their
beautiful complexions to the following
French Beauty Recipe: Wash your face
witn buttermilk and rub In a teaspoon
ful of Crrme Tokalon Rosea ted. wipe
the face dry and apply Poudre Fascina
tion a very fine complexion powder
prepared especially for shiny nosea and
bad complexions. W rated cream Is alf
feerat from all others. Complexion
blemishes are banished and surprising
results produced after a single appli
cation In many Instances. Sareeaa gaar
BBlera er saeaey keek. aplle4 at mm 7 tatlet enilfr, Aaawag el kera.
Wrier at Fraak. Owl Unix t ew l.tawsaa.
We4fe at Caw Roberta area. Helser at
Severe Ceraev Dreg 9tr. Adv.
Torpedo Interrupts Boy's
Letter to Mother.
Mleaeaawlle leafa Taaeaala
Flawta Akwwt la Sea for Tlaae.
Marhfield Man Defendant in
taeular Litigation Case.
MARSHFIKLD. Or.. March 14. (Spe
claL) One of the most spectacular liti
gation cases ever heard here is in ses
sion today. The charges involve Charles
I. Relgard. prominent attorney, with
fraudulent use of money. The plaintiff
Is Mrs. Katharine Thimsen. of Minne
sota, who in 1910, when the defendant
was contemplating a move to this sec
tton, gave him 14000 with which he was
to purchase property, using an equal
amount of hla own and the shares In
the property were to be equally divided.
It Is alleged that he purchased lots
at 1100 apiece, and reported to the
plaintiff that they cost $125 each. Later
he aold property, to whom and for what
price waa never learned by the plaintiff
Dwight Hodge Is defending the plain
tiff and George Watkins is attorney
for Reigard.
Miss Iless I)ou(jla, 22 Years of Age,
Die After Brief Jlluess.
1NNEAPOLIS. March 14. "I did not
nish this letter for a few days
because, dear mother. I stayed out all
night." ends, on clean, crisp paper.
letter received here today by Mrs. Hat
tle C. Wiggina from her son. Sergeant
Gilbert II. Wiggins. The letter begins
on crumpled, stained sheets. Sergeant
n iagins Is a member of the 20th En
gineers. The letter was mailed "where
the grass la green and It Is like a little
bit of heaven."
It'waa a swimming party which In
terrupted his letter a awlmmlng party
in the North Sea Channel. He thrust
the sheets Into his pocket and they
were there as he floated about waiting
for one of the boats which came to the
rescue of the Tuscania to pick him up.
That is why they are stained.
" I have had some wonderful experi
ences and I am enjoying them all."
says Sergeant Wiggina.
Knife Thrust fatal to Sailor.
HONOLCLl. T. H.. Msrch 4. (Spe
cial.) K. V. McCalL. fireman, third
class, on an American warship, died In
the Fort Shafler Hospital here yester
day aa a result of a wound received In
the head during a stabbing affray In
the alum district of thla city the night
before. A negro soldier In the 15th In
fantry, who haa not yet been captured.
believed to have done the atabblng.
McCaU'a home la la Ulysaea, Grant
County, Kansas.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. March 14 (Spe
cial.) After a short illness and one
not considered very serious. Miss Bess
Douglas, 23, daughter of W. U. Doug
las, one of the town's most prominent
attorneys, died at S o'clock this morn
ing. About a month ago Miss Douglas had
her tonsils removed. Later an - infec
tion developed which gradually ex
tended to the lungs. The exact loca
tion of the trouble could not be ascer
tained by Portland specialists nor by
those here. .. '
Miss Douglas was in her junior year
at O. A. C. and waa welt known there
and also In Portland. She is survived
by her parents, two brothers and three
sisters. She was born and reared here.
Xapavlnc Store-lo Reopen.
CENTRALIA. Wash., March 14 (Spe
cial.) The Napavine Mercantile Com-
a n
For Sale Everywhere
If r
5 i w r
I .V'
1 R
. .
"The Silk Union Suit That Fits"
$4.50 and $5
More and more women are learning what
a sense of comfort and luxury go with a
union suit of Kayser Italian Silk. The
"feel" of them is exquisite and besides,
they wear so well and launder so easily that
they are a real economy.
Friday we are featuring these under
things that fit so marvelously. They come
in a number of different styles. Each with
the genuine Kayser label.
Main Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. "
Get Acquainted With the
THESE four kinds of Holsum
bread are all Victory breads.
They all comply with Hoover's
regulations. Try them all they
are all good then take your choice
and satisfy your own individual
taste with a bread that you know
is as good as it can be made.
The Standard Holsum Loaf
A Double Victory bread a vie.
tory for Uncle Sam because it
saves 20 wheat and a victory
for bread-making because it is
a really remarkable loaf.
We Cordially Invite
You to Come and
Inspect Our
. New
Lovely new Hats, Suits, Coats and Dresses are coming in every
day. So many charming new style features are being shown that
we haven't space or time to tell you about them. Hats with a
French accent, suits that ripple and flare, and coats and dresses
that nrorlaim their newness in every line. Come and see them.
Surely you will be more than delighted
and originality.
their exclusiveness
Third Floor.
xxmnotSe & (Sex,
MercKandiso oTo Merit Only
pany. new owners or the .Napavine store
formerly owned by red bwayne, yes
terday filed articles of incorporation
with the Lewis County Auditor. The
Incorporators are Qeorsre E. Berlin,
Abe Crabbs and R. T. Evans, all of
Centralia. The capitalization is $6000.
The store, which has been closed since
the Swayne murder on January 6, will
be reopened Saturday.
Baker Resident Dead.
BAKER. Or.. March I. (Special.)
Mrs. Mary Melvina Lawaon, aged 74
years, died here today at the home of
her daughter, after a short illness. Mrs.
Lawson was born at St. Joseph, Mo..
and came to Baker 20 years atro. She
survived by five children Mrs. Ella
Anderson, Elmer May and P. C. May,
of Baker; Mrs. Sam Ryan, of Alton,
111., and Mrs. Lulu Osborn, of Jersey
ville. 111.
Improvident Husband Gets Year.
ASTORIA. Or.. March 14. (Special.)
-Walfred Heino Peistso.was found
cuilty by the Circuit Court juryson a
charge of failing; to support his wife
a.nd child and was sentenced this
morning: to serve one year in the
county jail. The trial of John H. An
derson on a charge of manslaughter
is being heard in the Circuit Court be
fore a jury. The defendant was In
dicted by the grand' jury on a charge of
running over Albert Helgesen with an
Secretary Lane to Visit Hawaii.
HONOLULU, T. H., March 4. (Spe
cial.) Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of
the Interior, expects to come to Hawaii
to make a personal Investigation of the
land situation here, according to a ca
blegram received here from Delegate
J. K. Kalanianaole, which reads: "Lane
says he will make no recommendations
on Hawaii land matters until he viaits
the islands." Whether Mr. Lane will
visit the islands before the end of the
war is problematical.
The Cerro del Mercado, near Durango,
is the largest iron deposit In Mexico.
It is almost a solid mass, of iron, 640
feet hiRh.
Planning to Dance
at Riverside Park
Sunday? It's St Patrick's Day, you know
and it's going to be a great old afternoon and
evening at the popular Riverside dancing
pavilion. .
The Cotillion Orchestra, with Butterf ield,
will be there with bells on the livest, best
music you're ever danced to.
GOME Bring "the Crowd"
10c admission No charge for ladies dancing.
6c Carfare Take Milwaukie or Oregon City
- Cars
be satisfied unti
you try our specia
war-time table
d'hote meals at:
25C and Up
for Ereakfasts and
A la Carte bill continuous.
35C and Up
for Dinners.
Best of materials
best of cooking;
best of service.
Holsum Barley Bread
Made with barley. Makes a
pleasing variation of the regu
lar bread diet.
Holsum Liberty Bread
Made with oatmeal. Makes es
pecially delicious toast. Try it
Holsum War Bread
For wheatless days and wheat
less meals. Deliciously good.
Saves 40 wheat. Try it.
all products of the larg
est and most sanitary
bakery in the Northwest.
careful in your war
conversation; you
never know who the
spy is until it is too
Need Help to Pass the Crisis Safe
Iy Proof that Lydia t. rink-ham'-
Vegetable Compound
Can be Relied Upon.
Urbana, HI. "During Change of Life, '
in oddition to its annoying -ymptoms, I
had ar attack ot
gripp. Vvhich lasted
all winter and left
me in a weakened
condition 1 felt at
times that I would
nev rbe well again. ,
I read of Lydia E. ;
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
and what it did for
women passing
through the Change
of Life, so I told my
doctor I would try ;
it. I soon began to
gain in strength
and the annoying
svDintoms dis
appeared and your Vegetable Compound
has made me a well, strong woman so
I do all my own housework. I cannot
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound too highly to women
passing through the Change of Life."
Mts.Frank Henson, 1316 S. Orchada
St, Urbana, 111.,
Women who suffer from nervousness,
"heat flashes," backache, headaches
and "the blues" should try this famous
root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. '
: oil US
Yam i
wfatak win mt
At beM drag
'ar box... sjv