1 THE MOKXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, 31 ASCII 15, 1918. e w v ,4 jtAl a. 1 t-a re a-fa. fa f b, tmpn4 a ad ' Sa I"" 4tk . one bi. t to biga ho: f-l with - h'a4 of eP n4 15 ton g "! a f fa hv W r r ar prlrt n t fail in.' Adtraa Robert V l r Kou' I Itos IX Uw Moiinv. Trh.Ati Co.. I vM fAI -re bit bot com land w ari rail rbprta ttoA . prca 4 . pr . wi'l (- a part pjmul r- 1 - n hum in Irving vaiua lo $15 . Unr in mart lr h t f tha alu In anl. par rn( wn tif-rrj ym'nti, no In f-'rl owaars ncv. lni iaad ha - at t 1. J x , K.aa.atn Fa '.a. r. t-H j v I . i - rr? a-ar i-numbii 11. an wt. I mi .! f Port. and, p.oii4 i . ( . n ic for - jnnr bumt, 2v ifM (-rt.jr i4rtl. Par icrt I'X entir t t. r 4.i subutvlda. !& iirowdwajr .. f fi . Ij.C'-'H 'mm prprtM Ar '"tnt. . . cfri. iuni4ii( Bprt 'r. r 4 r p wel. hi4l for g a tiriN Uk.i.t.t. M A. I b. !.. or- cnri. t4irlm. a (tru. 14 mi 'i oa: m Ml b- S 1 aU. miu 1 t n't K Vl rrl pr llubbarH. ftllt'UUI Mi r-t Er fM:f t4t . rmtm tp- I A r'AKU .N-'.V WIULK Al.l. A K M prtt f'm r hi p" I f- cr iuny. .W-ntn. I mm 'in ! of- trm t "ul :t rr, You r f"f t - . t1 fop A i th- Un.l a l ! iijM m t from a.i I'ttion. P .r f'iir tnf.irinHlori fC ki. a n . Wnt a fi, t i m'- front rt--: trf rir f'un b 'i". I bFi 1 pro J . w : n it tmll a4 impitrnrai4. AV 1. W 4r. 1-4. A f n bfri inj ta 'trb m- 41 ! r t. rrn from cr!tn. te f l-i ri-4C Utruprnnt of 4fl-tU p-irtr th hn-i of a vo4 rt a p t uunt . 1 ! : k ! t -la ! ti l, r l P. J 't 1 1 ra-'y t p w. no bru Twiamk tla.rv I, g-i r'! to s ho U f c dr baa:n-a. nlr I Pr lain (.w. MdOik btd Ma II a'-ro-a at aiatf" on Orein n"trl i.t of MHIstwr'k. aU In iu.:hli-n vr hnijx. ro burn, fattiir orrhard b'S soil tam ad firm In Implement a I f r hair t-sh. b. ITIM Ivi-tt .wU-j. N. W. liana bl-1. W r and stH k fa"o f r i. ZZO rw. A lakoia. bultl:na: flue. watr. Itarnit o:. a"t terms, will take aon iki it pp"prt a r : rwt pmrnt. Also f !. a. re near Win It. Wamh J. r it'-n -rt. t J4.". rin ttn c la W . Weaft atvvo ACKlii la bouthweocera Wash to tot lr a-. i sattiT on:y. upoa easy terms and prtca. pr cr aad up. W rtt lr map ariowtrs; !octior. term, et. T aroma t Tacoma, aata. At ' K -3 arra ndr cultl atlon. $0 a r . 9 - uwn. A r. time on tmiam . Have tthr land for sal n awmo term. 1 r pr. 4l Iard of Tra. u A r farrik. c.oaa to K- M innv t, a . property bja bn p aCed In tracts ta 2 and J HM J v ft tin. i7 goo-l lavtaifflcoL ling bide. CatlCKlvN. KKL'lT. tA It DEN KANVHE. r JaftlaaJ. to pr acre; eaa t r s . ChtsC i-hi, tartus mr aa.e. in hKifinJ. 4" l eon b:dc . fort ; and. wK ? Al.l w".' tro stovk aad rritn ranb, w m I u prov d . a bargain. Addreaa I 7w4 Ktndy s.itf., J'orilaad, or. f hoa Taoor sAK ? KL.t. - a ra gool land uniUr trr itior, iakr r.m. J"h. Add res J. M lr.. f ar '!.. n-gor. i,.'Kl- land. 911 a r up; runnmi watr. g-Mxl aolt. S tillibie. employment. y terms. jeo II. lharp. Jd at. ft ACKtli levet. tenred. cerd. g-xd ol fcouse ; em pu)mm ; near W li lamina, can. 9:0 mx. jewaw K. bbarp. m m eft. For M-MarelUa br'r; iir. aVti biaon, 4o! h at. N.. for Clry prnprty and other propartie In thi euy. aV'arm rKllty. fboao Ta bor &mo WANTfre-KEA L r.JTT AT K. wahvi m Niiuiw wanted! In l...a-r t l- fa: T M it be well irt- ated ao1 t hnroug n , $ m.lrn. with garaga er roo tt for Mma Mtr iowaat rasra price anl fu 1 pani war, ttfoaUn, WANTKt To buv 4 or i-rwm. modern bungalow. In Hawthorn or hunnvsld dts tritt. oa terms, hat aarlv full acre to ail or tvari vf f.tt payuacat. D 7. J.Or; ITT f A R K, 111 NUAlA'W WANTED. or a-rootw) bungalow In ale district In u Coo! It . with garage or room garage; tuuat be ftod, bu. L a A, Ore- g nie . 1 M- j or av-roorn modern bou.o lo llaatnom or naar LvLIob wtrt. . 1. JJaia "JJO after P. 4. HAVE customer rr r eVrooin mu0 home, prr'er Hawthorne listrf: f.tal down. bal. II J to monthly. 4u7 ttovk . .- n an liA r. iIitdI 1r i or room house, any good Utatri t. around 9lt. Terma 9l0 iah, ka,ABio like rent and lnter-t. J. C. Cor Dm . ompany. j i.ewis bide. tUKXT watting, wi t pay a. I cash for mod era bungk.ow. prt-e mu.t bo right: b-irre If yoU have bargain. Main hvX VU9-a " am. rr a om. l ft k iyi-K-.Ki a i:ea;e. lfrf se rraL cait.i ruatiimrra tor rrwt T. M IlKrii. Abtnglort ItidaT V . HAVE a buver tvr a mNlrn A-ro.rn hua r bun g alw. Haw tnorne district ; aout 9 $' rn; must be a bar gain. . fio. g Mi'hrt. M- VT 4 r riwn bungalow r-ar nini era I'r-ter nj pad st. U. deai with H'l 6K. 1 or lota. K. M . W. W . H. A. or Mt. J, cars; p.-t orer 1"K; ejr rm. W "fe. cr call after 4 P. M.. 4 V E. 3lth st. Tl or te -r o rn bungaow. molem conui-nca, fr.m Ioni 0 f 1 ."a) rash, a ' lan.i t'wntr, ft road w y 1 T hM rasa wt.I buy In Irving. i i r ara or :nrta oiatrtct. j. c. Cor bin a'ompuny. l I i b.dg. .'K 4-rorn 1 l.t. atton and o4irn r-.oue. no yard; gUt rms. i i. vnrgonian. I M U h"us or sa.a If bars; nn. hunt-alow wants. I ajuitk H --V4. lrt ntaa. rO MIX TIMBF.B LANOSL r'R SALK About li mi, Hon ft goo.) m. br. miilloa let pllirg and J thousand n-e 00 arr -loae to forttand. land alone worth what all ran lw bad for on terms; an ei-eMan pnriable mill propo sition and tlmbera ran be handled by trix'k Into rity; prtr-e H)imh), only llO, to rah. ftl aJ, Jatkeoo, 2it Hallway rnanee hldg w A'KK.4 of pftng and-aw timber. a'all r addrea Young A West fall. her wood. TIM R It U.NDS BOt'oHT AND 8iOLT. C 9 XrCHACKEM. g4 MeKAT BLIXK ft4 W N'T ED. W A N T r, t to leas, wnh t.rhii-f tf but tng. U or .d acrea of Improved farm land wi:1 bulMtnara, et-.. mis: be rloa to aoftie thriving towa and mar aet : win Vase on gnarvs or anr way satinfaftory to bo:h ari.e rrtmrnl Am wall eiperf'-ncml In farrnlng- and want good lamd. J N st. fort. and. Or.. R II. I'hone Hroadwar 341. to 1 1 A. M . 2 to f M W TftlP TO KT t ARM4, A . T fc;t To lse f arm fu..y etjuippad. i;h marhiirry and e;ock. on ehare. any op to i(tMi acres, dairy ery much prf.rred. ran te g -od rrfernce and have p.rnty of aOtiliy. A V 4i, Orego n : n. . A.N rrt niriilut f. iargt lo ng TJUch on a. tares bv two etr--kr.-n rvprtenrd in farm nian i foment and engineering; Al ref- rn.i, Jlae gf e parti, uiar. A li V r roi i4t f WAN! KI To rent, farm, email stock or c-jln farm fur cash. Addreaa Cooper. oJI H.vt t. W r r:i TO KK.NT-1 or 4 fira. farm a-ut A acri-a. o-nr MtlisborA. where I can 4te a;U.avaa, .14 licary iifi., Alaia iVSo, m ItrvT FARM. r t'H HtT-Ji itrtt, part In berries and f' i. Tabor 1121 Ti-S Jk' KM. houM, 11 Third St. bwxn. ifa miic out. UKITlMl COLUMBIA TIMBER. 49 limits. approximately Jo.ovO acre. estimated cniiM S-o million ft. consist ing of rsd n4 flio cdar. hemlock. )! wr fir. pni'-, whit pnm and poii. io eated about " ii:a north of Vancouver. on hfTmour and il:u Inlet. icrtfib with ocfia-coiii a cmP d. with map. iutvr and cruls available if dtr4; ery rtnnb;fl price and term. W I I.I.I AM V. xLU Hyrtmorf. III. li I P KNKW WANTL D. ?-3 Broadway Hds. Pc rttand. W AN I"El Sood growl r tie Itumpiff, handy to rail. Altco. .Is Hoard of Trmde, btUP knr and ba ll wanted. Otmbil tit bbtp Knt Co., 0r;iar bldc- TO EXCHf.K RR.U K"T.TK fhnt lihlMLY lmprotHl S -ra. bimmI -r-m htfu. barn, rhu kvn housrf. acrrenrd port hr. iarga firp.ar. etc: IS mll-a paK (Urdrn Mom 00 tha t rgn c.c trtc. a Inf atJ kaJu- conoid- rri. far tirU:ar firai icttrr. Andres X Ur- W( I'D rirhnf frDral bla komith ahnp. to,- and tot4f, '2 irrt, bml. iraraK. y;4V.lno pump. Wacon r'fr) t It 1 1; V rompirt. Kcbar.a a ut f fr m I farm, would ooumv. lUis '2. Wamlc. r. L.T f"l'0. aorthwe rorncr Aimarorth and HMtofl ivthura. alu f Ion. fr r-itr nrr l.a An"t.". no Irvart wanted n . . I'ajn. wa'J Moniaviaca at.. Ua An . liUUK for IVriland property 4-ao. thick-a rani, n between Ticutn and 'amp ixwla. House, barn and c hl ken -hu'-. oear.y new. what have you 7 2. l. Waiker. clt t-r 4c Mn I'lano Co. l.k A.'HKK Al.l- IN CI "LTI V ATI N .War anroyker. Wah Km !. arwd bul dings. Wi, accept goxi houaa in l'wrt ln.l iE T N'm iRE -0 . AMnatAfi Bide. I II. I. trad beautiful apple "fiharO adjoin- town of Hood Rlrr, lr.. fr !- An ie proprt. Addrea owner, J lM Mtl t.n ae . I . Angla. L.X'HNE irn f rl-ar land at Ad- h 1 ..i. x. v.. for a-rwim nuw in f o Und I'hnn East oS.'W. Tabor JoTV. J. E. ferry, IMS iJrand ae. t'iH rirhini. wllUmlna resale nr lue atMut -' tor Montana. .-ora4 01 Knaas pruprr; ; prefer land. AV 41. Or gRlan L1T or property with us for reauiis. e - rriancra of merit; eatablihe.i lit years. 7 h f rneatYoungr Co.. 1 ,.-1 T Park at., MtMit Washington and Mark et. WA.nuTi n'K H AN "II TO 970.mhi. llAva Improved lo m cltv property to trad for same. p. t. bu h'X BAKHEKS iwl awo-cralr shop, working ai.n, pays well, pear clt; reaaonabie ttfm If gold soon. AV Mi IIA K rash and clear vacant lot for house nuitv o. o Mitten. lain 101 7. Main after P. M I ;oa tlEAl'TI ft'I. ew lot on Ml. Tabor, clear, to trade for diamond. Main l-.V. FOR LE. If ehU-lee. Mr. hi' S of bats, mar and geiilmg. and S r. old. ! . cood workers and free of blemlahe. -' Tam. w t. Vvai I ha., mare and gldinc. i 4are old. each true to work. Tram. 4 and a re. old. sound, true to work, f re of blemishes, with wagon and barnasa. lliO. Ten head of bo-ky bul!t young mare and gelding t Model tables, ottt anu I'evts sts. AM forced 10 a 11 team, age 6 and H, - I ho. and harneaa: a dairy cows. -4 cnua- ena. 1-iDcb fain wagon, farm wagon, plow, barrow, cultivator, all email looia. milk cana and pails, seeder, hack, harness, sep arator. Bargain if taken at one. lad 3o at. t'nono iain tnu. UA K A I N Span of mare. rloa ot 2 COO iba. Hth ouic. fat. sound ani true worgra on in foal to big Per h-ron. ilfCt if sold this wek. Can b seen al 00 Kua rli. near WllUama ave. Da-: AD sto-k and old horses bought. Call up for srvtre and best cash results. 11 h -wauki 6V-J. i'bon cail paid oa dead stock. 11 A HG Al N Ranch tea tit. mar and horse. 2m lb, nearly new name aud farm w agon compete. 30 rruot it Trial allowed. A LOT of liaaeiwood and other wagons foi sae: a.gc norsea ana names; parties go Ing out of tb horse bu sines. App.y 20 lirand ave. I'RA FT bo se. from 16") to lru and sound. and l years 01a i-oniann tan btorage Co. I;h and Kearney at. DEAD K Its EH and animals hauled away free. fort. and lie ode ring cow can w oou lawn : FOUR head good farm work horses, ItKwi to 1loi, $75 each; iso 3-year-old toll, l.'vu. !, fail 2-'M Aider st. i HRSfe.S. I" a y spring wagon. Wood lawn 141MI. good St 1-ul E. harness, flW, 12'h N DEAD stork taken quickly; w pay th moat for dead and crippled stoca. labor lit KES. W AO .S and harness ihrap. hH East 7ih St. North. llano. Organ and Mnlcml Inatrnmeoia. SALE OF STORAGE AND LEFT-ON-SALE PIANOS AND ORiiANS. iVeksr 4k Son upright piano $1?5 Ikeid ' upright piano I lard man upright piano Marshall 4 Wendll upright piano.. Nvr Kngland upright piano hnhmar Co. upright piano feaso mahogany upright piano.... Kimball upright piano Lice a upright piano ISO 1: 175 150 OKtiAr. t hum iu l ar Tar lor rhapl organ 10 Crown organ -O Story A Clark organ 22.50 Kimball organ 25 The and many other to be c!o1 out at on ro at FILERS MUSIC HOUSE, Broadway and Alder. CXOMNG OI'T $i"5 upright piano $43 rash; a !-i5J one, go rain, ann S4. one. $111 rash. Aso modem, virtually new $J71 ttpr.ght. $HM; a $425 one. $215 rash; a $0 organ. $20 cash, at Security Storage Co.. low 4;a st. at Washington c Pianos stored. 5oc monthly, or bought and so id for rash. Phone Msln oc DAILY buys $375 piano, less 25 per rant, $2M 35. 400 aaviiy ouys p;ayer piano, leas Sfl per rent. $47 50. Best savings bank for th home; secures musi cal education, entertainment and th prop erty. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St. ADAM H'HAAK upr. piano, man. caae. like new. absolutely guarantaea. very sweet ton; w HI sell very cheap for cash or trm. llv nth st. $M CAbll buys $.175 Ernt Uab'tr upright riano. ana s- cn s.-v rvnoia ieinse player piano at Security fctorags Co.. ln 4th at. t wssningion. fiV HUBERT upright, sightly used, la per f.t condition, newly finished case, I ItnA, e-i.-v trrm 149 6th St. $ KINDER A COLLINS. Ulm. too rarrand ( eri ian p ar. s.i. HAROLD S. OILHKKT. 34 lAmhlll Ft, WANTED To buy upright piano, cash state make and name. age. condition and pric. A M 59. Oregonian. WANTED To buy upright piano: will pay rash, on suttao; for country horn, rnd v lirova, ror;n nin. oH SALE Will sail or sac bang fine $10 'cello, sataphon for flral-c cuo. V $77. Oregonian, rlT piano, moat reasonable terms In Portland. no squares or thump boa. Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Tamhl.l st. FIANoS tuned. $3, George T. Perk. Tbor 5. 4. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. PAY CA.-iH for used piano. Gi.bert. 34 Yamhiil st. iiaxold it. HNOGKAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. MAIN 445. TAHoK 7'.H. U FIRST. WANTED Piano, upright; cash. Marsha:! rorwiturw for Sal. ARLY Logdsh dining suite In genuine r.atrn quarter sawea oag. com pricing fino 4H-lnch petlestal extension table, neat, attrartiva buffet, with Fr n b. pmte mir ror. nd six full bo seat dmers. all matched: coat $10O. will sell for !'.. and It is welD worth t; terms. Mish Furni ture Co.. 14 First st. 1GH-GKADE furmtur for sale; ran bo seon at V4 East Alder sc. flat B. between and 2 Si o clock; no dealera. INK household furniture at a great f-e. l.'i 12rti st. Marshall :ij. EGaSTEKKD Shorthorn red bull ralve. 11 months, sired by grand champion of Oregon: these are In fine condition. Hol man. tM 5th St.. X. E. cor. Stark st. IIXH GOATS com mg freh. Toggenberg. Saanen. Nubian blood. $35 to $( crated; Ini-iudo s-smp for rep'y. M. Montchalin. arson. W ash. iC JERSEY and Brkhire Die feeder from 5u to 75 weight, li. E, Noble. I.uirbermens bUlg. LL breads dairy row a: Hoist em cow s a rwlaliy; In rartoad lots or less; term. H ro ce. s t or r a rd a. l,H- 1AS much Toggen hit rare. O. F. goats, frrsh now, X tioettel. Newberg. Or. Typewriters. ANT to rent Untlerwoo'l typewriter for I wo w eka. Call inn s n i ng bldg.. between 10 Ad 2. o- iiavin ,;J5. FOR SALE. Ty prw rlt era. V raa ava from 5u to per cent on all make of tr ruera; aena fr our price Rtil l-partmfnt. WHOLESALE TVPKWKITER "... Washinctnn Ft. N t W iUmlDitoo rvntl plan, rent app.iea to pure ha. Vlaii: moJo . Kem melon T TP writer Co.. 65 liroadway. 1'hooa Hmidwiy 6?l. NEW. reui: t, second -ha ml rent at cut raft I. I. '.. Ml H:ark at. Main 1407. HrZltL'Il.T typewriters and rup.irinc- Oregon Tvpwritr en.. l4 th at. Main 3S. Kr- HI 1 1. T type rlt era and tuppli. Corona Ieairr. K. W. I'eaxe Co, 1 1 t h. Automobile OWNERS WHEN I ' C 1 1 ' H A S ! N r, NE W CARS CANNOT BK I.KrT H ITU THK1R PREVIOUS CAR LPON THE1K HANDS. THR I'SKD CAR Ti RANCH OF" THE Hr.INKH IS EVERY HIT AS IM PORTANT A NEW CAR SALES. JI'ST AS Ml CONSIDERATION IS GIVEN THE f t"R H A SE R tK A 4imi CAR AS IK UK HAD IIOfGHT A $ lMh LIMOr MNK. ONLY HY SATISFIED OWNERS CAN WE SUCCEED. IT IS Jt'ST AS SAKE TO Kt'V ONE OP OCR ISKD CARS AS ANY NEW ON E. A I.IHKKAI. GUARANTEE IS GIVEN lOf TO LET TIME PROVE OUR CLAIMS. NORTHWEST Al'TO CO., irnadway at '"ouch. JUroadway 14'i. AT PRESENT" WB HAVE A FINE ASSORT MENT OF USED CARS. EVERY ONE IS IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION AND HEADY TO RUN. 1K Over!nl, -7-pas.. I."'e new . . . .$7'X l'trt Overiand. mod-l 7': Just ne lwitf overland, model SJ: iMi'i- new ... 5oO tiertrs 1 Studebaker. 6-7 -pa. ; ' 000 new Series 17 Studebaker, Studebaker, 6-7 pas; IHJ 4-7-pass.. n-w 7A0 101 Chevrolet 410. run 14K mlirs ... T.OO 11H Haby Grand Chevrolet; perfect.. j I 1 raon n. . just nrsiiti-n- ....... 1;I6 Mxnn 6. Runs like a watch..... H0 1115 ftulk roadster, extra. Just tike n-w Mitchell Haby Itoaidster, new tires. e.e. Mollis rnpe-Harvford bug. electric lights, ferfc t lllch-aneed bus. Jual newly rebuilt... 3K Hn 450 New bu- com ins; in rerv d.iy. OPEN EVENIN'.S AND SI'VP.WS. CONLEY'S rsKl 'AU i'ENTEIL S. W cor. l.'.th and Washington sts. Brick bulldli.-. side entrance. I'hone: Main VI3. FORDS DODGES BUICKS IF Ol ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A t:oon Used car. see our stock, we HAVE THE BET IN THE CITY. Unit k, firsl-clajoi condition . . .$ 250 DI2 Buick. first-class condition... li't l Huh k. first-ciafa condition... ."75 f.12 Cadillac, f I rut -cIhms condition. 4'm Hi:i Cadillac, great shnpe 575 1 f adlllac Eight, first-class con dition 12"0 113 Chalmers Six. great buy V I4 Chalmers Four, first -class. . . . f14 ('(- Big Six. just like new.... HMH lMlge touring. Just like new.. 111 Dxlge d livery VI 7 Ford. Just like new. extras.... 117 Ford. vi-r $2im worth of extras Ford New one-Ton Truck !! Maxwell, first-class 425 1MH ti2" 5i0 mi4tver)and delivery DI7 Stud-baker Six. Just like new 1;,m POo Packard Six. perfect condition 750 115 Mitchell Four l:liReo roadster, first-china MANY OTHERS COVKT MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington at. at 21 at. Main 624 L. roo VISIT our rrin.de!'d salesroom and mesii gate our used car values before bujitit:: P1H Dodgr touring $lor0 Overland, model S3 ieriand, 1117 Maxwe.l sedan, salesroom car Overland. 5-pass. 1114 Chalmers Master Six Chalmers, modl IS peerless. 5 -pass Ford touring WESTERN MOTOR SALES CO., Broadway st Btimside. !'l Hi 55 O oOO USED FORDS. Bargains in touring cars and roadsters. Every car overhauled and repainted. ROBINSON-SMITH CO., Authorized Ford lealer. Cth and Madison. 111 7 HE PL" it Lie -tn truck, almost new. Will sell for half of oriKiiwil price. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 WASHINGTON ST. WHERE WASH AND Bl'RN'SIDE MEET. $175 CASH for my Studebaker 20 5-paisen- gr rar; elect rir lights ann otner acces sories: good rubber; running order;, will demonstrate between 4 and 6 1. M. Call Marshall 4752. apt. FORD, tieilvery. 11M?. with best aide-spring attachment. Tor aaie cneap. a? a am leaving city. Call and see thia at 306 lioyt street, also Ford, 1116. touniig. MOTORS, gears, bearings, hee;s. axles; we wreck all maaea ok cirs an ineir parts at half price. Auto Wrecking Co., e:-ll-l3 North Broadway. FOR SALE Overland delivery In fine con dition. Can be seen any time, i.ow price for quick cash sale. Apply 04 North Broadway. . ATTENTION! BUICK ROADSTER, Must bo sold before Saturday night. In Al shape. Bur it at your price. I'FNTRAh STABLES. 540 Alder St. ONE H u irk 5-paenger. good mechanical condition, $w0 extra equipment. unmn Motor Car o.. 444-46 Stark. Broad way 2.vs or A 2!5. HH4 FORD, in good condition, ran see; any time. 72 K. irvinar st. caui jj a ran an 2".V Only rash considered. MEDIUM wrliihl roadster, e.ectrio siarter and lights, perfect conaitiou, ivw. oco Mnrh, 32 Morrison. 1115. o-4. 7-paengr Hudson the light at. Esceltent condition, $725; $lU0 worth off extra. 11 4H, Oregonian. LATEST styl Ford ronertible sedan, ery fine, great sacrttice. imn st. FuRD touring, must be soi Ford runabout. Ford truck I. 211 Washington. 1GHTLY used tires. $1 to $15 each: vu vanned. 25c; tire- repairing. 207 Madison. 1915. 5-pasa. Ford; private use only; In good order; sain, t'none i aoor n.-in. I il 7 BUIt'K i, $75 cash; snap. Mar. 5u55. 65 1 irst st. AUTOMOBILE salesroom for rent in Speed-w-il bldg . 14ih and Cotirh. FOR SALE, or exchange for automobile. good Ford truck. I'hone r.it 24M. Bl'I "K 5 -passenger touring, good as $7".o. M:tin 11m. Lu.IKK. splendid cond.tlon. $.'ooo; wlil ac cept rsrt real estate. M 41. oregonian. CHEVROLET 4in. cash only. 'ail after P. M. or Sunday A. M. 7i:i Oregon l URAND new bodv for Ford automoblic, $,". P".a N. 4th., Broadway 945. li17 BUI'K SIX. $:5i; snap. Woodlawn Aacomoblle Wanted. LONG A SILVA. Auto wrecker We wreck car and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in tha parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East o40. 42 Hawthorne ave. W ANTED By responsible party. late mod el ft-passenger uto, Buick six. Hup or Chandler. Must be In first-clas condi tion and cheap. M 4rt. Oregonian. WANTED 117 Ford and equipment: cash; state price and condition. Fred Wnglit, 611 New York. St. Johns, or. Col. !!. WANTED To trad property In Waua Walla for used car in good condition. C R5. Oregonian. ' M I 1TKK needs automobile, good shape, must b bargain; cash paid. AV 551. Ore gon ln. FoR small tar. give $15uo equity, livjntrton lot. $! ct to pay; easy terms. Mar shall 277. MONEY ADVANCED ' O.N AUTOMOBILES. AUTO FTORAGK CO.. 3 Biirnaiuo bU WANTED 1818 or 117 Ford; will pay cah. State price when ans. AH 13. Oregon -an. Auto Tire acd Ar-.'rsaorie. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. WE WRECK ALL MAKE3 OF CARS FOR TH EI R GOOD PARTS; 60 to bO PER CENT OFF AUTO RECONSTRUCTION COMPANY. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2129 B D W T. 2V CALL MAIN 47:. Highest prices paid for old cars..cQd!uua no odjccl. FOR 8 A I E. Automobile for Mire. NEW CARS TO RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. DE LUXE 6-CYL1NDEK, i OR 7 PAS- EN;er. FAXON. fl-CTLl.VUEK. -PASSENGER, iVACKARUS. CHEVKOLET VORLtS. ALL. NEW CAKcL ii. N. SMITH. 8D AND CLI&AN. BDWT. 22. Al'TO TOWINfi AND SERVICE CAR. We are prepared to tow your auto any- hero ou wih. Day antl night service. LONG & SILVA. I'hone East 6S40. . . AL'Tud V ITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRK 7 -pass, car with driver. LONG A SILVA, fl2 HAWTHORNE AVE Fhona E. 6540. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. O. N. tUITH. 3D AND GLJ6AN fc'TS. A 2U-9. BDWY. ltV2k AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New car. reaiiable rate. City Garafe, imn st, jjroauway 64a S-PAtS. Dodge, fur hire, touidng, calling s flopping, mgnw ay. tiroaoway 004 1. NEW SAXON . highway, depot, funeral. catling, nop ping, reasons oie. rast 4oSZ. AUToS without driver for hire. Fashion -Oarage, loth and Yamhill. Mar. 32. A 1130. PRAOO'S autu servue; good cars, coinpe:ent d rivers. ; n and w aanington. Alain tUbU. Motorrycie. 2 Km'K CRUSHERS, dirt cheap; 2 donkey engines: J complete s-t derrick irons: 3 ton to IS tortn; price right for quick sale. C 4-. Orcgonlan. 1114 2-SHEED Harley. with tandem. Prest-o- Ltte and speedometer, sjacrfflce Mi. Call ."!! Everett st.. between 2 and 4:o0 P. M. Machinery. FOR SALE bOO.000 feet left and right-lay steel cable, standard sizes. In Al condi tion. an make immediate shipment. Oeo. A. Hurcu Co., 10o Main street, fean ! ran- clsco. Co-IlORSEI'oWER Union Frisco marine gas oline engine, with fittings, complete. 11. Noble, Lumbermen bldg. BOO FEET IS -in. plow ste,cl cable. Address box Nt-I. T j coma. Wash. Miscellaneous. btWINi; niachine.4, new and second-hand. of all makfi sold or less : no aaents em ployed: machine repaired and rented, $3 j per in on; tx. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. lfHj 3d nenr Taylor. A 362o. Main 1431. POTATO sed is my specialty : best Bur- banks. $1.25 delivered : give nice early and other varieties, ail home crown. John Smith. sO E. lUth S. Call bcliwood 273 mornings. STOCKS FOR SALE TELEGRAPH OR DERS. 100 shares llarroun Motors for $400. I0O shares American Telegra prion for $135; 125 Hoffman Oil A Refining for $200. A. L. DEIBEK Little Rock. Ark. BILLIARD and pocket billiard laoies; show cases and walU-ase. fixtures; eiay terms. W. J. yu'g'cy. 227 1st. Mam zdw. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Knilwny Equipment Co., 2do star st. FOR SALE Urne sa of house and garden tools w f th work bench. I'hone Main 6443. W rite N 46. Orcgotilan. BIt'YCLE In first-class condition. East 51 4 o. all between 5 and U P. 51. FOR SALE ADDRESSING MACHINE. 3H, Oregonian. FOUR showcases, reasonable price. Phone Ta'or :;!2: residence humi k. tiiman. VACUUM cieaners old. repaired, rented, ex- fhanced. bought. Bntiey to. iiain osj. ELEGANT pink cameo ring, chase setting. trade for furniture. N i. oregonian. TA I LoR-M A DK SUITS, sightly used, from $4 up. l ni'i Joe. ; ;ti st.. cor. Asn. FOR SALE Sturgis eulkcy, Phone Kant 15ns. A-l condition. SEVERAL good econd-hand aafes at th right price. 46 Front gi. aroaaway iwu. HRMTlltK WANTED. CEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 111 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED Stoves, rsnges. rugs, store fixtures, reas tauranl outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small tor us. 1'rompi at tention ana courteous treatment. MARSHALL r.PSt. A 3224. CALTj MAIN 309. V t'e need furniture, carpets and other household goods, also office furniture. We must have gooas at once. can us ana ; our buver will be there with the cash. giving you the HIGHEST PRICES EVER PAID IN THIS CITY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, VJ'2 First St., Near Taylor. " Mam -u. i: K A l 1 M Pt RT AN T RE A D. Wo carry a greater varied assortment of new und used merchandise tnan any store In the city. There is hardly an item we I do not bu and sell. We specialize In niioir and hoaw hardware, sporting gooas. household soot Is, oifice furniture, hotel un.l umii siitmlie. When you have anything to buy or sell. call or phone MAIN IMi72. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front st., cor. oaimou. uikh FURNITURE Co. will pay highest cash price ever paid for used furniture, carpet, rugs, stove, ranges, office fur niture and fixtures. It will pay you to cail u. You wlil bo money ahead. MISU FUKN1TUKE CO- 164 FiKST. Main 6708. , MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE Spot cash for your second-hand furniture, car pets, stoves, rugs, etc. Call us for one ar ticle or a house full. I'hone and a cour teous buyer will call. -Main ma BEFORE selling your furniture call up FELDSTE1N FURNITURE CO., lfifVlnS First S Mala 4633. If you are In need of furniture, new or used, give us a trial. WANTED- Good uinlng-room tabl and chairs: must bo cheap for cash. Also. Corona typewriter and stand. Will trade White drop-head machine. 2 electric heat ers, large clock, tell wood J ioI. PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI TURE. CLOTH ING, ETC PORTLAND CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 4763. CALL Main 734. Wo need your furniture; we will pay you market price lor Its wortn. btove. carpets ana nousenoia gooas. FURNITURE You can dispose of at good prices at crown ur. Co., Z'JJ 1st, Call Marshall 2bP3. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE j of any description; have th ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027. or 204 First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ' WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 333: WANT ruga, dressers, range, etc No deal ers TH B most cash for your furniture musical Instruments. Main 7uu8- FURNITURE, lo furnish dining-room. Uv- Ing-rootn. bedroom. Phone Tabor .i0o. WILL pay best prices Marshall 262. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.30 AND L'P $7.50. Call Marshall 1229, or 22V Madison St., to sell your castoff clothing. J. Meyer, the Tailor, pays $7.50 and tip for second-hand suits. He pays mora for snoes ana otner clothing. wo cau any where In the city, day or evening. Call Alarshall 1229,- or 229 Madison. $900 AND UP $S. 00 FOR MEN'S SUITS GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS ) HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, SHOES. ETC, WILL CALL ANY PART OF CITY. PHONE MAIN 4776. 246 FIRST STREET. Between Main and Madison. OUR specialty Is buying ladies' and gents' cast-on doming. Highest casn pric paua. win can oay or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225, or 209 Madison St. SiiCu.N D-H AND clothing wanted. J. Meyer. the tailor, pays $7.50 and up lor guns; be pays more tor shoes and clothing, we can anywhere in the city, day or evening. Mar shall 1221', or 229 Madison. THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES AND LADIES' 2D-HAND SHOES. TC. 2S5 FIRST. FOR MEN'S CLOTHING. MAIN 20M). BEST cash prices paid for used office fur niture, oesats, chairs, file for sale or rent. Pacific Stat y A Pig. Co., 107 2d St. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any . description; have the ready cash, j Phone -today. Main 4627. or 204 First at. FULL value paid for second-hand gooda and junk. Call Main 78 4. LICYCLE wanted, spot cash paid. 44M... j 2 f irst, near Alder. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic pump snotguns wanted. Mocnreta, o 3 a. SLIGHTLY used ga range; must be a bar gain for cash. R 44, Oregonian. CASH register, showcases, store fixtures, for ash. A r 41, Oregonian. JUNK, rags, bottles, sacks, metals, old lothlng. rools. good prices. East 294. WANTED To buy used showcases. Watt Shipp Co., Salem, Or. HIGHEST PRICE PAID for second-hand clolheaw - Alain 934- j Yrf WANTED-MISC ELLA EOU8. WE BUT DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD. PLATI Dum, sliver and high-grade ore. Gather It up and get the money. Do it now. We alaA rieaiarn. make ana repair jewelry. Pickering; St Company, 937 Korthweatern Bank bldg.. th floor. HELP WANTED MALE. SPINNERS. Wanted (4) four experienced spinners for Johnson A Basseti inuies. spinaies. good work. good pay, 54 hours a week. overtime extra. ilATZEN WOOLEN MILLS. KIRK LAN D. WASH. SPINNERS. TOL'XG married man who would like to set Into selling; game for himself where he can profit by working; earnestly and hard; we furnish everything; and give a man every support possible; our business Is established and we are well known and reliable; we guarantee that a man will make good wages from the start. For par ticulars write, giving age. kind of work, you are accustomed to doing, etc. Property bond asked. Writ BD 68. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED parcel post packer. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M.t superintendent s office, basement balcony, Meier &, Frank company. WANTED Automobile washer; prefer man experienced in driving. Apply shoo fore man, Mitchell, Lewi & Slaver Co., East rirst ana jiornsoo. BOOKKEEPER with experience in lumber ana sningie oxrice ana with some knowl edge of stenography. Small town near Portland. State age. experience, salary and references. Man1 preferred. Address A V 5.S. Orgonian. WANTED Young; man for office clerk and assistant in local branch ol larar e eastern wholesale house, excellent opportunity for rig-nt man; give age. references and sal ary desired. D 63, Oregonian. I W A NTED Broom makers for power, foot I and ironclad machine-: steady work highest wages. Washington Broom & Wooden ware Co., 6th ave. W. and Nicker son st.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED First-class carpenter, also car penter helper, wages $j and $..uU; good long job to right man. Apply on job at 835 Hambiet ave. in Alameda Park. Broad way carline. WANTED Oxy-acetylene welder, must be able to weld aluminum, steel, cast-iron and do all kinds of brazing. Good wages, steady work. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flanders WE have an opportunity for good, reliable i man for tea and coffe route; a business of you rown paying from $20 to 940 per week; opportunity to advance: bond and re ff cr eate required. Grand Union Tea Co. WANTED Boy. 16 or over, with wheel. $50 per month guaranteed. Can earn more; no Sunday work. Apply 7 Board of Trade 1 bldg. j MAN for night clerk and to do a little jan- i ltor work, irom v f m. to :n a. . tan sleep in office part of time; $55 per mo. Hotel Byron. WANTED From 10 to 15 head heavy draft horses for all Summer's work logging in Cerstral Oregon. Good wages and steady work. N 47. Oregonian. WANTED One set of timber fallers for country sawmill; long Job; wages $4.50 for 10 hours; board iHkj. Aply 213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Thorough Chevrolet mechanic. one familiar with starting and lighting systems; prevailing wages paid. Regner I & Fields. 10-12 Grand ave. North. WANTED Architectural draftsman. State experience and salary wanted. Address Troutman A Uaynes. Architects, Aber deen, Wash. YOUNG man wanted for bell boy. Apply university ciuo. otn una jeTiexson, Be tween U and 10 A. M tradesmen's en t ranee. WANTED First-class furniture finisher. capable of taking charge of shop in one of California's principal cities; references required. Address AV ooH, oregonian. I WANTED Two competent railroad brake- men, with good references, to leave coun- I try; state age, experience, pnone. Ju 43, Oregonian. WANTED Boy, graduate of high or poly technic, good at figures, for clerical worn. engineering office public uftlity; state age and salary expected. AU 73, oregonian. AUTOMOBILE driver; must be experienced and know city. Ambulance bervice Co., 3H4 Hoyt st. WANTED Y'oung man for factory work. Portland Rubber Mills, East utli and liar rison sts. BOY, over 16 years old, wanted for office work. Apply ang & to., ist ana An keny sts. WANTED Wideawake shipping clerk ; per- manept; advancement. Inquire Firestone Tire A Rubber Co.. 65 North Park st. FIRST-CLASS billing clerk for Seattle, per- manent position, good salary. Y 12, Ore gonian. WANTED Young men from 17 to 20 years old. to work in store. Flelschner, Mayer A Co. i WANTED Cleaner and dyer; also presser on Hoffman machine; n hours day; gooa w a gea; steady worn. orana ave. WANTED Office boy, good opportunity for advancement. Mitchell, Lewis & totaver Co.. E. 2d and Morrison sts. WOODEN rigging block maker, experienced man, fully qualified to take charge. Ap ply box AV 442. . i ATTORNEY wanted, experienced, salary $75 i per month, E. D. liarnden. Big bandy, Montana. WANTED Boy, over 16. to Ifiajn fixture dub in ess. ana one to learn xne electrical. Apply 311 Stark. WANTED at once, man and wife to work on farm; state experience. A, F. Ellis, liills boro. Or., R. 5. YOUNG man, steady work, good wages; learning excellent trade. Morgan Razor Works. ; W1RKMEN wanted, experienced in both knob and tube and conduit work. Ad dress Sigwart Electric Co., Eugene, Or. EXPERIENCED janitor and wife for Elm- wood Apts. Call Main eooo. COMPETENT Ford driver, must ba a bus- i tier: steady work, good pay. 1256 Halsey. : BARBER for Saturday work; union house. guarantee sa. i ne Jerome, jq'? za. VANTED Boy to deliver orders on wheel; wheel furnished by market. Call East 42. ! CALLER for interior picture work. 26 N. l i th st., room 3. WANTED Boy, 16 to 17, for errands and shipping dpt. .ppiy M 1st st. WANTED Laundry driver. Apply 301 2d I st. Union Laundry. WANTED Experienced platen press feeders. Kilham s, bth and Oak sts. BARBER, or apprentice, for Saturday. 302 1st street. WANTED Delivery boy. Apply Glass & Prudhomme. no 3 roadway. WANTED Barber, $20 guarantee; hours. 8:30 A. 51. to 7:30 P. al. 139 s 4tn. WANTED Experienced dishwasher; good wag es. 360 23 d St. N. ASSISTANT DRUGGIST. Haack Bros., 351 Alder st. 1 UPHOLSTERER wanted. Multnomah Furn. Hospital. 354 3d St. Main 4054. WANTED Grocery clerk, experienced. Ap- I ply 114 i. iat st. EXPERIENCED grocery porter wanted. Ap ply Lang A Co., 1st and Ankeny sts. BARBER wanted, first-class, for at; $6 guaranteed. 243 Bumelde. BOY' to learn bindery trade. Apply fore- man Public Library, nth and lamhill. GOOD laboratory man wanted at Alba Bros., dentists. 245 Morrison st., cor. hecond. WANTED A boy for grocery delivery. Woodlawn 2077. WANTED Driver. Call at Package Deliv- ery barn. East I3tn ana oaic. . ROYS WANTED TO LEARN TRADE. Good wages. F. W. Baltes & Co.. Printers. BOY about 17 years old for office work in manufacturing plant, a 62. oregonian. MAN to build fires In mornings in ex- change for room. 741 Hoyt st. 2 SASH-DOOR men wanted. Central Man ufacturing Co., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Cook for restauranL Apply SOO Wash. St., Vancouver, wasn. RELIABLE elderly man to distribute circu lars, steady iork. Keiiey, iou ront. JANITOR and wife wanted for modern apt,- house: wages good, O S4i. oregonian. WANTED Experienced hote'l clerk, middle- aged man, with references, rtotei lenox. FURNITURE workers Wanted. Washington Mattress Co., Seattle, wasn. COMPETENT Ford mechanic; steady posi- tion. 12-i6 Haisey st. BARBER for Saturday, wages guaranteed. The Sanitary. 26o wurnsiae. UNDERWOOD five. In perfect condition; $50 cash. Pt4, oregonian. BUSBQY wanted. Arlington Club. 209 Park. - KNlaliEXi 'wanted. 450 Second u HELP WANTED MALE. Y. M. C. A. THERE ARE POSITIONS OPEX FOR YOU. The call for high-class men far exceed the supply. We know how to put. the right man and the right Job together. Mem bership costing $0 guarantees employment or a refund of fee. The following are a few examples of positions we filled last week: Collector. $18 a week and commis sion; bookkeeper and stenographer, $1-5; janitor, 70 ; bookkeeper. $125 ; cleri cal and stenographer, $100; salesman, $75; shoe salesman, $100; mailman. $U0. These are only a very few of the positions filled. It costs nothing to investigate this modern systematic position-securing in stitution. A fresh supply ef good oppor tunities Is coming in dally. One is for you. Advisory and Employment Depart ment. Y. M. C. A. Main 8700, A 6561. WANTED A man thoroughly familiar with cattle and hog raising and modern farm ing, with from $2000 to $lu,uoO, to pur-, wt.j ja.i i. uiicirai in block anu taxe com- 1 plete charge of a well equipped stock I rarm In the Willamette Valley with plenty of good range and farm land. Place can handle 3."0 head cattle and 50 head of hogs. Is well equipped at the present time. Excellent opportunity for a man with the ability and money. In answering, state ajre, experience and names of references and amount of cash could put In. P 47, Ore gonian. WIRELESS AUTOMOBILE AVIATION BUSINESS STENOGRAPHY DKAFT JNG CHEMISTRY 10.000 automobile mechanics. 15,000 radio operators, 20,000 aviation men and almost numberless bookkeepers, stenog raphers, typists, draftsmen and chemists are urgently needed now by the Govern ment. GET READY. The Portland Y. M. C. A. Department of Education offers expert Individual training. Cail, phone or write for information. DIVISION C, OFFICE 416. LABORERS WANTED. Permanent positions assured steady men, wage $3.10 9 hours; strike not yet de clared off but 1500 men working general papermlll work; no experience necessary. Apply 509 Oregon bldg.. cor. 6th aud Oak street. WANTED Immediately, intelligent man of experience, as combination tariif and claim cierk: salary $l2o. Also experienced ac counting clerk for general work in audi tors orrice; salary 110. Address, giving full record and all detail necessary to de termine eligibility. Edgar M. Heicho. Gen eral Manager, Pacific & Idaho Northern rvanway. New Meadows. Idaho. lOLNOr man for clerical position in down town office: one who can operate adding iiiai-june ann oiinng macnine prererrea must be a good writer and of good fam ily. Address, stating age, experience, etc. V 107, Oregonian. LABORERS and teamsters, good pay, good wora; ana gooa camps at Kice inn, Isa dora and Oakland. Oregon. Apply Warren Construction Company. J. W. Sweeney. superintendent. WANTED Experienced auto driver, one who knows city thoroughly and can meet public ana solicit in spare time; $2. per week and commission ; permanent work; refer aence wanted. N 54. Oregonian. WANTED Youns man. 17 to 10 years of age, to work in wholesale fruit and pro duce house. Party with sonjft experience preferred. Apply to Page &. Son, 120 Front st. WANTED MASTER MECHANIC IN SAW MILL, CAPACITY' 100,000, THOR OUGHLY EXPERIENCED. GOOD REF ERENCES REQUIRED. GOOD SALARY. ADDRESS AV 557. OREGONIAN. WANTED CHEMIST FAMILIAR WITH ANALYSIS OF FKRRO-A LI.OYS A N D ORES. WRITE, STATING EXPERIENCE. "WESTERN REDUCTION CO., 24TH AND NICOLAI STS. WANTED Man between 31 and 40 to as sist In clearing land, who has had expe rience In logging camps; good wages and steady work; state age, experience and phone. M 53. Oregonian. SINGLE young man, able to leave town at once, for traveling sales force; no experi ence required. Mr. Huffman, Oregon Ho tel. after 10. YOUNG man. 17 to 20, to work In store, packing and shipping orders; opportunity to advance. In reply state age and salary expected. M 47. Oregonian. WANTED Man to do janitor ami night watchman work. Good, steady position for the right man. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Cov WANTED A young man for porter and de livery; must have good references. Apply A. & C. Feldenhelmer, Park and Wash ington sts., at 10 A. M. JANITOR. wanted for first-class apartment house. good salary. Highland Court, Cail in ana ger. apt. 50. FOUR neat-appearing men about 40 years of age, to take charge of dry cleaning routes good salary; business references required, u. s. Laundry Co.. iso urana ave. WANTED A handy man who tan do car penter work around a mill and supervise remodeling. Western Reduction Co., 21th and Nicolai sts. WANTED MEN TO STAY AWAY FROM OREGON CITY , LEBANON AND CAMAS. BIG STRIKE IN PAPER MILLS. S. ED LAUNER, OREGON CITY. WANTED At once, first-class experienced knee bolterman to work on Jeft-hande machine. Apply Western Cooperage Mill orrice. pnone tJoiumDia n-. WANTED Y'oung man as collector, one fa miliar with city preferred ; must be able to furnish reference and bond. Apply be tween 2 and 3, 40b oregonian bid?. SALESMAN for city and road work; per manent position, $20 per week to start. Call 31 Oregonian bldg., to 10, 4 to WANTED Cheesemaker, $80 and board, small amount of milk; furnish reference. Address AV ow, Oregonian. WANTED Y'oung man for automobile stock room. Apply National Motor Sales, East 3d and Oregon. WANTED Young man, 17 or 18. for office and collecting; state previous employmen and references. P 48, Oregonian. WANTED Teamster, with two dump wag ons to haul dirt; week's work. 351 E, lnth st. WANTED Ist-class auto top and body man best wages to good trimmer; steady work. Northwest Auto Top Co,, Tacoma, Wash FIRST-CLASS stove man wanted: must have exp. making coils and connections. Oevurta mrn. Co., is: 1st. WANTED Man and wife, on da irv ranrh man must be good milker. Phone Tabor Tabor 31"3. O M, Oregonian. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats. xod per monin ana ooara. Appiy wasu in gt on -street dock. WANTED Laborers; $3 per day of S hours. Western Reduction Co., 24th and Nicolai streets. BOY' WITH WHEEL WANTED For ear. rands and light delivery. Bushong A Co., '. FafK st. RELIABLE man as order clerk In logging supply house: must be quick and accurate at figures. n. 41, oregonian. WANTED Experienced store room man Lelghton's Dairy Lunch, Broadway and W ashington. WANTED Y'oung man euenographer and ottice assistant. wac ei- monm. Appiy own handwriting, u in, oregonian. WANTED Strong boy to work in bakery at once. Call Koyai attery. inn ana Ever ett. TAILOR wanted, good all-around man on new and old work, steaay jod ana gooa wages. 3S4 3d St. AUTO mechanics and helpers wanted. Apply Sandy Road Garage. 24th and Sandy. WANTED Experienced washerman. Palace Laundry Co.. E. 10th and Everett. WANTED Men for warehouse work. Apply American Can Co.. 14th and Front st. BOYS WANTED TO LEARN TRADE. Oood wages. F. W. Baltes & Co.. Printers. FIRST-CLASS machinists wanted. Apply American Can Company. 29th and Nicolai. .ONE stockman wanted at Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Macadam road. WANTED Man over draft age to work In shipping department. Apply 104 Front st. WANTED Delivery boy, $2 a ilay Inde pendent Printing Co.. 208 Alder st. BARBER wanted for Saturday; $5 guaran tee. 234 First st. Help Wanted Agents. AGENTS WANTED Ford owners demon strate Bear crank release; no more broken arms. Alta Company, 417 Market St., San Francisco. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hot' plyal tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. Help Wanted feaieftmen. WANTED A high-class salesman visiting the furniture trade to sell our reed and rattan a a side line; our house has manu factured for 10 years and we meet the market on both quality and price; give present connection and references. Com munications confidential.- Rattan Works, ' Santa Barbara, Cal. SAI-ESMAN to call on professional men, established trade, steady, permanent in come: also on for outside city. State age, experience. P. O. Box 121, Philadelphia. Pa, WANTED Experienced bond salesmen; give full particulars In letter. Address box 389. Pocatallo, Idaho, to arrange personal In terview. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleslady; none other need apply. Fashion Coat A Suit Co.. 394 Wash., cor. 10th. PRIVATE home for children. 3 to 12 years old; laV years exp. 714 Everett, ilar. -1G2. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young women for telephone work: pay whiie learning. Apply Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., tith floor. Park aud Oak sis. NEAT-APPEARING, active girls for. dining-room work; one day off each week, work 8 hours per day and as late as 12 P. M. Inexperienced girls start at $:; first month and advanced to $45 fifth month; board included; experienced gins start at $40 per month and advanced to $45 the third month: board included. Apply at office of the Hazel wood, itSb Wash ington st. STENOGRAPHER with some experience in law office, must live at home with parents. Good opportunity for advancement for a capable, intelligent girl willing to bcin at moderate salary; not looking fuaT a girl who wants to start at the top. CaJl 430 Northwestern Bank bldg., y to i Friday. GIRLS for dairy lunch counter. Apply be tween 9 and 11 A. M., superintendent's office, basement balcony, Meier & Frank Company. BY large wholesale house, lady for clerical work who is familiar with bookkeeping; must be a rapid penman and quick at fig ures. Address in own handwriting, statin; experience, and give telephono number. AH !!, Oregonian. WANTED. AT ONCE. G Y'OUNG WOMEN. WITH BEST OF APPEARANCE: $12 TO $15 PER WEEK. CALL BEFORE A. M. AND AFTER 5 P. M., 309 STOCK EX CHANGE BLDG. WANTED Three ladits of culture, for some special child welfare work. Liberal re muneration. Call between 2 and 5. S03 Rothchild bldg. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, cashier, want ed ; one with machinery experience pre ferred ; state salary desired, experience, references. K 55. Oregon ian. ELDERLY woman wishes student or work ing girl to help with dishes and be com panion in evenings in exchange for board and room. X 411, Oregonian. WANTED Girls wait on table, small cafe. 0 miles out town ; good wages and pay fare. Call, phone bet. S A. M. and 1 P. M.p Broadway 2U12. WANTED Thoroughly competent, experi enced bookkeeper for Seattle: also compe tent stenom-ajrtier. Apply Frye A Co., Seattle. Washington. LADY for house-to-house advertising cam paign in Portland ; no experience re quired; weekly salary. Call in person after 10. Mr. Huffman, Oregon Hotel. YOUNG lady, at once, to sell dresses, mak ing small towns in Washington, Oregon, good wages, no commission. M 52, Ore gonian. WANTED Thoroughly experienced forelady to take charge of gown pressing depart ment. Apply by letter, stating experience. N 52, Oregonian. ONE girl for wrapping mail orders and one for mail-order desk; must write- a good hand. Call anytime today. Rout led so Seed Co., 145 Second st. EXPERIENCED saleswoman for candy ile ' partment; references required. Apply hu perintendent's office, 9 to 10 A. M., Olds, Wort man & King EXPERIENCED lady pressers wanted: also girls to learn pressing. Apply to A.' r. Franks, U. S. Laundry Co. WANTED Waitress; must be experienced; good wages, room and board. Mallory Ho tel, 171 Lownsdale. WANTED A lady to work in a boarding- house for her and her husband's board and room. 131V Russell st. COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper: permanent, state experience and salary expected. R 41, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girls on flat work ironer; also girls to learn, u. s. .Laundry Co.. ISO Grand ave. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Apply Casino Theater. (ANTED First-class Ui lloress on men's coats; steady work and good wages. 2S'J Washington st. Maxwell the Tailor. YOUNG lady to assist in office work ; no typewriting; state experience, answer In own handwriting. Y 13, Oregonian. WANTED The services of a nurse who may be going East as far as Peoria about April 1. AV 5.Mi, oregonian. NEAT-APPEARING g7ri for grocery and confectionery. Must have experience. Call Tabor 3064 after 9 o'clock. WANTED First-class stenographer. nni who has had varied experience. V li3, Oregonian. WANTED First -class stenographer for Se attle, permanent position, good salary. AK 78, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, without children ; have 1 child. 5(7 Raleigh st. Call from 8 to 12. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to tha Salvation Army Rescue Home, 392 East loth st. N.. or phone East 123. NURSES for training In Klamath Falla Hos pital. Apply to Mary M. Kelly, Supfc STENOGRAPHER, for Seattle. Apply Frye & Co., Seattle. SECOND girl wanted in family of three. Phone Marshal! 823. CA M P. restaurant. hot"!, family help. Hansen's Empt. 327 H Wash. St.. rm. 302. TWO experienced waitresses wanted. 273 Burnside. New England Restaurant. W A N TE D Se v e ra 1 cla night. 85 1 ; dancing Fifth. teacher for TWO girl waitresses wanted. Call 1 11 V 4th street. GIRL or woman. ' help in kitchen. St. New Paris Restaurant. WANTED Millinery makers. Apply in per son "only. Crown Millinery, 360 Alder st. WANTED Two waitresses, Burnside. Butte Restaurant. WANTED Middle-itged woman or girl assist with housework. Sell wood 13h0. WANTED A girl to wait on table. N. P. Restaurant. 33 N. 3d st. WANTED r-Cirl for cafeteria. Apply B & A Cafeteria. 10th arwi Aider. HELP for camp, hotel, dairy lunch. Howe's, room 43o-2 70 vvasnington st. WANTED Candy girl; must live with parents. Harris, i-'"1 ntn at. WANTED Experienced kitehen help. perial Dairy Luncn, .ho vv asn. EX PERTENCED waitress wanted. Mandarin Cafe. 362 Morrison st. afl alter 11 a. m. WANTED Busgiils, Imperial Dairy Lunch. 175 Wash. GIRL for office assistant. Reply in own handwriting. M 5i. oregonian. WANTED Stenographer and office. .umoermens mg. EXPERIENCED cashier wanted. Apply at once. Levitt s. 4th and wasnington. LAW stenographers. 2 B. K. and stenog raphers. 301 N. W. Rank bldg. WANTED Apprentice girls. Kilham's, 5th and Oak sts. WANTED BILL CLERK OR PO W E RS F U K5 I 1 L KEJ UP. WANTED Lady presser, H hours day; good wages, steady worn. ..a urana av. WANTED Good cook. Manitou Hotel, 261 13th. Wages $40. MARKERS and sorters. The National Laun dry, E. 8th and Clay. GIRL wahted. Majestic Restaurant. 455 Washington. WANTED Errand girl; also apprentice oa gowns. 303 Northwest anK mug. Wa n ted Domestic. EXPERIENCED woman to do cooking and general houseworit; no wasning; wages $4. Phone Main 2511. GIRL or woman for general housework in country home, rast i.tJi. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. Call sciiwooa ow. GIRL to assist with housework, good home and wages. pnone cast, tueo. GIRL for general housework; three adults; no washing. Phone East 21" 1. WANTED Capable girl to uo cooking and housework. Lawrence. 752 Flanders st. WANTED Experienced girl for housework. Call Main 2647. general GIRL for general housework. Phone Main 6970. 754 Main st. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Men lo Hotel. 10th and Stark. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house work. W. M. Nicholson, Stevenson. Wash. GIRL for general housework. Family of 3 adults: wages $30. 792 Lovejoy st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. East 1979. rf'8 E. 24th gt. N. GIRL for general housework. Main 9467. In family. GIRL for cooking and general housework ; no washing. 582 Clifton St.. Portland Hts. WANTED Competent second girl. Marshall 4540. 90S Overton st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 874 Lovejoy. Main 8200. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call 143 Park. GIRL for cooking and general housework; 4 adults; Ju per moavo. 400 Taylor at.