Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Members of Church of God in
Nebraska Repudiate U.
S. Government.
Prvrn MemNrr of One of Pator
Iluell Organisation Sentenced
al Toronto for Circulating
Sedition Itook.
CM A II A. March I Members of th
Church of God. an organliatioo, with
ten churches, la Nebraska, are to b
Investigated by the Nebraska Stat
Council of lefne, according to state
ments today.
Th Church of O.xJ came Into the
limelight la Omaha earlier thia Wffk
when one of Ita munlwrn, a teacher
In the public school, refused to salute
th American .flag. Klders of the
church thereupon announce! that its
mmtra owed no allealanr to thl
tiorcrnmrnt. Hid not ronlJr them
lit) under tha protection of the Hag
and refused to aaluta It.
Membra of the ehurrh ar known as
"soul sleepers" and they are organizing
la many parts of tha country.
TORONTO. Ont.. March I. Thre
member of tha International llible
students' Association, one of tha Pastor
Jiuuell organizations, war today given
their choice of paying fine of IJ4i)
each or serving -day prison sentences
for having In their possession and dis
trlbuttng copies of a book entitled "The
Finished Mystery.- which tbe court
held contained matter "derogatory to
Great Britain and her rauso In the
present war."
ter bet Light trmttnr.
Four other members of tha organ
J.ratlon wer fines of ISO, In
default at which they must serra 20
day prtson sentences.
DOUGLAS. Aria. March . Thomas
rowers. John lowers and Thomas His
on. who killed Sheriff IL F. McP.rtde.
Under-sheriff M. R. Kemploo and Iep
iy Sheriff !. K. tt Mtlan of Uraham
County, on February 1. when tbo offi
cers attempted to arrest tha I'owera
brothers as alleged dsaft erders. wer
caught today by a I nlled Statea cav
alry patrol JJ miles south of Ilarhlta.
N. M. according to word received by
the Douglas police department tonight.
portions of wheat flour and substi
tutes to be used In making victory
bread, according to disclosures yester
day at the Federal food -administration
The alleged confusion results In
using 10 pounds of substitute with each
10 pounds of flour, where 19 pounds
of th substitute materials with each
pounds of flour should be used.
Ona Inatanca has been reported where
a driver delivered aa victory bread.
bread that lacked much of being up to
tha victory standard. When attention
mas called to the discrepancy the baker
declared th driver had merely mad a
Mr. Aver Is warning bakery firm
and operators of eating-houses that
they must be careful not to aeil or use
K-raham or whole wheat bread In the
place of war bread.
come: tax.
Deportations Were Military
Measure Demanded by Lu
dendorff. Fearing British.
Refafatloa af Charge That This la
Capitalist! War to Be Made by
Theater Jtpeakera.
KANSAS CITT. March . Erwln
Frlch Schneider, declared to bo the
son of a German Admiral and tha pos
sessor of an Iron cross, today was or
dered Interned for tbe duration of the
UKi ANGKLKK cat. March I Jo
hnnn Frederick Mej n. held In Jail
Fresno. Federal authorities hero s
today, waa arrested In connection wit
the alleged systematic poisoning of
livestock In th Auberrx Valley, nea
ST. LOU!. Msrrh A- It. Steinbeck
editor or th Republican Headlight o
Viiton. Mo. was fined 1200 In tha Fed
eral District Court today on a rharg
of publishing an editorial th effect
which would be to Interfere with re
milling and the oprratiort of the draf
and to Incite Insubordination In th
sntlitary forces of th country. Stein
etik paid the fine.
Ha.TTI.l-: W OOlt-F.I.KtT Will. .OT
::k ;o F.nnunsiiir.
Kour-mlnut men of Portland, open
ing their new campaign next Monday,
will give reply to the Insinuating query
of Prussian propagandists. "Is this a
capitalistic war?"' And the answer will
ha found In "who pay the Income tax?"
Th crusaders declare that they "will
hit one of the most Insidious lies of
th t;erman propagandist a swat be
tween the eyes."
Indicative of the facts and figures
that will be cited In conclusive proof
that It la not a capitalistic war. will
be those relating to tha income tax.
Tha larger the income, the larger the
tax. A net Income of tlOOu a year
pays but 2 per cent, or 120. Although
the man receiving 13.000 a year, re
ceives only 10 tlmea m much money
as tbe one getting $.'300. under the
new tax law he will pay 11 times as
much personal tax. In addition to the
extra taxes on his business. As for
the very rich, the Individual with income paya a tax of mora
than 11.000.000.
Th followlnr apeaklnr schedule of
four-mlnuta men has been announced
for the coming campaign:
K B. MrXauahton. Tantages: K. B. Mr
Nauehtea. Hanoi; nmir . t-ptneer. Maker:
Frederic II WhilfUM. Orpheum: Thomas
. Kn. Columbia: Thomas R. Irran. V
JfSMc. Walter a. Asher. Orris; Waller H.
Ahr. strand; Roger K Slnnoit. Star: Roger
it. etnnoit. i.ync. John ft. Kaatar. Peoples;
K err. m Fisher. lilppodrome; Ueorsa 1-.
Kaarli. Liberty: Omrit I Haucb- Uun1v
enlv. t'niambia: Forrest Fisher. Monday only.
Conditions in Conquered Kingdom
Counterpart of Treatment or Ro
man Centuries Ago by
Germanic Invaders.
Goethe'a saying. "The Prussian
was born a brute and civilization
I will make him ferocious." exem
J piffles tha real Germans of to
a day. Gerard.
Government to Send Men on Sen ice
of Confidential Nature.
Ole llafaaaa Coaaesi Oat arely
aasrt rreaMeat W llawa Dar
lag Irrtad of War.
SPOKANE. Wash.. March (Spe
elal. "For Governor Ole Hanson.
"Not a chance." says the new Mayor
faattle. a ho in Spokane for a few
"I am not even a tentative candidal
for Governor and hav no aspiration
r plans for any other office than t
II creditably the office of Mayor o
feat tie. asserted th Mayor-elect, when
A:a raaa was suggested for Governor.
"There a ere nu party alignments In
the Mayoralty fight. I waa elected by
Republicans and Iemocrats alike.
There Is no Progressive party any
more, but I understand th party linra
between tmocrata and Republican
will b more sharply drawn to th cam
paicn thia I'alL
" Personally, I am for n ilson and am
going to do all In my power to help
sum with my Seattle office. Seattle
will da verything In Ita power to sup
port th President and his war policy.
ar Americana first and partisans
Victory Itrrad I'onnd Not I'p In I lie
Mandard Set by (iotrriimriii.
In tha minds of some halters there Is
an allerad confusion of the proper pro
Fiperfluos flesh Is net healthy,
-either la It healthy to diet or evercise
too much for Its removal. The simplest
method heosrn for reducing the overfat
bodv two. three or four pound a wees;
Is th M-rmola Method, tried and en
dorsed by thousands. Msrn ola ITe-
e'-riptlou Tablets. containing t e&act
eose oi ine tamous prescription, are
eoij bv druggists at rents for
large use. or n yo.j prerer yon can
obtain them by seeding direct to the
Marmnla "ompary. i M'oodaard Ave
lxtroit. Mich. They are harmless and
leave no wrinkles or flabblnesa. They
are popular oecause eitvctiv and con
vanlent. Adv.
Cuticura Heals
iSkin Troubles
aVawa35c Oiatsamt 23 asd SOc.
10,000 Tessimoauls Fro3 HotLers
Cf chlMresi N have siereefa"v used
Metnsr iJray-s aet Ksvaera r I'hTidree.
T!ey move and r.e-ja'e the a.. a. re
1'e.a rvirilinek Tethln aisi.rrfere. ton
stipatlee, liesaaaea. destree arorssa aad fre
nueat:y SreMk raids Cbiltlrva lis thenv
S'ec S y-ara Mether .ray'a Ket foaijers
fee I'slUlren aae Seen tRi f - and re.l
a e ernes r la time et seed. M-Mbers should
aeee be wlraest a tov In tbe houes for
lmmediat see. At dragfieta STsryakeie.
Corvallls. March . ( Special.) The
War Irpartment bas sent a communi
cation to Orrgon Agricultural College
asking for experienced radio operators.
Proficient men will he ordered at one
In groups of five to Washington, with
out th customary delay of training
ramps. These operators, says the com
manlrailon. will be ordered on detached
service of a hlchly confidential nature.
hi pec la I radio Instruments have been
assembled for this work and new meth
ods have been mapped out for their use.
The college Is now conducting a radio
school which runa day and evening and
from which aeveral Oregon boys hav
already been graduated.
People I'orcet Novelty When Albert
llanka Gets Started.
BROWNSVILLE. Or.. March . fSn.
rial. I Hera use of rheumatic affliction
Albert Hanks, prohibitionist author
and speaker, sat In a chair while de
livering hla lecture her Wednesday
evening. The packed house forgot the
novelty of the thing aa soon aa Mr.
Ranks' big voice began to boom, and
all listened with attention.
Mr. Banks, now known Nationally,
began hla career aa an orator at
Rrownsvllle. Ite waa pastor of th
Methodist Church here about 43 years
ago. At the meeting Wednesday night
Mr. Hunks, lu behalf of the Anti-Sa
loon 1-eaaue. presented tha South
Brownsvtll school with a large Ameri
can tug.
Dr. II. A. Sturtlevant, Wlto Left
State Jlovpllal. Still Missing.
American Ambassador at the German Im
pertal Court. July i'S. 11I1S. to February
1S17. Author of "My Four Tears In Ger
many." (Copyright. 1918. by Public Ledger
Company. I
(Extracts from Diary of January, 1917.)
Germany wants a peace conference
in order to make a separate peace on
good terms to them with France and
Russia, than hopes, to finish England
by submarines, then later take th
scalp of Japan, Russia and France sep
aratcly. Tha allies ought to remem
bar what Ban Franklin said about
hanging together or separately. I get
the above scheme from very sood au
The weather Is most depressing
dark, and rain every day. All hands
seem cross. Zlmmermann. I think,
finds It much more difficult to be the
responsible first than the criticising
second. Jt is not so easy as it looked
to him.
Th Kaiser atated the other day that
he did not expect peace now. that the
English would try a great offensive in
the Spring and would fail.
'Herbert Hoover writes me that the
Germans ar violating; all their pledges
In Belgium. II experts a year of
great difficulties. I hear this con
firmed on best authority and that even
the German official who is supposed to
see that food Is not sent from Belgium
to Germany In violation of Germany's
pledges sends out butter to his family
that there ta an absolute reign of ter
ror in Belgium, sudden and arbitrary
arrests, etc. I think the Germans want
to see all foreign diplomats out of
Bucharest and Brussels and the
charges against Vopicka should be
considered in that light.
Rtvldra Nation la Peril.
The greatest danger from submarine
war is that unthinking persons in the
United mates may start a crusade
against the President's policy, encour
age the Germans In the belief that we
are divided and lead them to resume
reckless arts In that belief. The con
tlnuance of a strong front Is the very
best war to keep the peace.
Both Ziramermann and the Chancel
lor asked me about Bernstorff. and.
returning good for evil. I said that lie
waa o. K.. on very good terms with
the Government, well liked and that
no one could do better:
A friend Just returned front a week's
visit in Hungary reports a great ncslre
for peace. I'ersons who, a year ao.
said that the President could have
nothing to do with peace or negotia
tions, now say he Is the only poasible
mediator. This conies from hitch irov-
crnment circles there.
The historic crown of St. Stephen
waa much too large for the Kintc. nut
the little Crown Prince made a great
hit with the populace.
An Armenian woman came 'hrouch
here the other day. Her hunband l ad
been captured or killed and her tale
of th treatment of the Armenians by
the Turks waa heartrending.
Farsakooara flearehed for Food.
Everything points to a coming crisis
in the matter of food; how serious it
will be even the officials themselves
do not know, aa there Is much con
cealed food and much smuggling over
the various frorttlers.
In some part's of Germany the coun
act of murdering; the sleeping- babes
of an enemy city are distributed here
with pride.
All Germans of my acquaintance have
impressed on me lately the renewed
danger of submarine warfare. The
American correspondents are not al
ow ed to send out tbe hate of America
peeches and articles. Cyril Brown,
of the World, says that last week SO
per cent of the matter he aent was cut
out by the censor here.
The new U-boat campaign will go
along- the armed merchantman lines and
an endeavor will be made to force or
get us In some way to reco&nlz that
an armed merchantman is the same
as a - warship and. therefore, may be
fired on without notice. It is the old
story, but more1 aubtly presented.
1'ood situation more and more serious,
riots lately in two markets in Berlin.
Have not yet received passes to see
the Belgians.
Undoubtedly Ludendorff is the real
dictator of Germany today. What he
thinks about America may be judged
from the circumstances before Colonel
Kuhn's recalL
The nearer I get to the situation the
more I consider the President's peace
note an exceedingly wise move. It has
made it very difficult for the terrorists
here to start anything which will bring
Germany In conflict with the United
The Chancellor, Zlmmermann, ftumm
have all ridiculed the idea that Ger
many will go back on her "Sussex"
pledges; but if she does, then the peace
note makes it easier for America to
enter the war on the allies' side with aj
clear conscience and the knowledge on
the part of the people at home that the
President did everything possible to
keep us out of the mess.
(End of Mr. Gerard's Unpublished Diary.
Kaltor of Kalscrdem Germs a a Sonl,
The older I grow the more it seems
to me that all men are alike and tha
they have been alike at all periods
history, capable of the same develop
ment and differing only in environ
I do not believe, for example, that
any mystery Is concealed behind the
faces of the peoples of the East. Once
I asked Soughinmoura, my colleague in
Berlin, Ambassador of Japan, whether
the Japanese were as much subject to
nerves as w estern peoples. He answer
ed In the affirmative, but said they
were taught from Infancy to control
their nerves. I asked him how and he
said the principle of the system was
deep abdominal breathing with a alow
release of the breath as soon as nervous
ness came on. Japanese wrestlers
practiced this, he added, and when a
man took deep breaths it was almost
Impossible to throw him.
Of course, social life and customs
change with climate. But education I
the most powerful factor of all. The
Aztecs of Mexico offered human sacri
fices; but the letter of the Aztec mother
to her daughter giving advice and
counsel, mentioned by Prescott in hi
history, might nave beery written by a
Sexr England mother today. Somewhere
the world, moreover, is a savage
eating human flesh, persuaded that in
so doing he is acting in accordance
with the tenets of his religion.
Coaqarst for Gain Traditional.
But the German, or rather the Prus
lan, has been molded Into the extraor
dinary person that he is today by a
ow process of education extending
hrough several generations. At Ma-
rienburg. on the Baltic shore of Ger-T
many, stands the ancient castle or the
Teutonic Knights recently restored by
he German Kaiser. Tha knights at
ne time conquered and occupied much
f the territory that is now modern
Prussia. A military religious order.
they attracted adventurers from all
lands, and their descendants constitute
many of the noble families of Prussia.
It is this tradition of conquest for gain
that still animates the ruling class of
Prussia and therefore all Germany.
Gersaaaa One Mereeaaries ef .Europe.
Later, through the middle ages and
i the central power of the Emperor
grew weaker and weaker, what Is to
ny Germany became a nest of duke
oms and principalities. Before the
rench Revolution these numbered
undreds. After the Thirty Years' War,
hlch ravaged Germany from 1615 to
645, extreme poverty was often con
plcuous at these petty courts. War
was an Industry and the poor German
peasants were frequently bartered as
aves to the war-god, as the Hessians
ere sold by their ruler to the British
In our War of the Revolution. The
ermans were then the mercenaries of
hr Hi
r-i'' i iM
ra-i: Hi
I 2 V- ata I ' II . ali-
Bring the Coupon and
Get 20 Extra S. & H.
Trading Stamps Today
Bring This Coupon
20 Extra 20
"S. & H." Trading
Stamps on your
first il cash pur
chase and double
on the balance,
first floor and In
basement today, March 9.
Good on
Garages, Sheds,
look unsightly without
paint. We can furnish good,
for this work for $2.40 to
$3.75 per gallon. Guaran
teed satisfactory.
REMOVER, easy to use,
pints to gallons.
Hot coffee, milk,
chocolate, soup,
with your -lunch,
makes the day's
work easier.
Universal I
with Vacuum" Bot
tle, complete, at
?3.23 to $15
Rubber Goodsj
$2.50 Combination Hot Water
Bottle and Fountain Syringe,
with Flannel Bot- J- QO
tie Cover, special 0J-eIO
$1.75 2 -quart Red Rubber
Fountain Syringe, one-year
guarantee, P" ff
special wl.UU
$2.00 Metal Hot Water
Bottle, (PI CA
special wl.JU
50c Marigny Face Pow
der, Ed Pinaud
$1.00 Rubber Cushion
Hair Brush
$1 Keepclean Hair Brush.,
50c Malvina Cream
50c Hazeline Snow ,
50c Pond's Cold Cream..,
50c Pepsodent
50c Pompeian Mas sage
50c Pond's Vanishing
Anti-Pyro Tooth Paste 250
Senreco Tooth Paste
Forhan's Tooth Paste. . . .
Keepclean Tooth Paste. . .
Benetol Tooth Paste.....
$1.00 Pyorrhocide pyor
rhea powder, for only. . . .
Wood-Lark Brush Clean
ing Powder, 23 ; 3 for
$2.00 Hair Brush,
back, eleven rows
. tiO0
solid ebony
of S1.49
Your last Sum
mer's hat is still
good just
freshen it up with
All colors, at
230 the bottle.
30 Day
Trial Offer
You can use an AUTO
for thirty days without cost
to you.
Don't fail to try one . .
.$5 to $12.50
for welders and me
chanics. Heavy glass
in metal frames with screens on the sides.
Clear, smoke, amber and blue. Price, $1 up.
ff r spaorr AT wtsr taK
Alweys "S. & H." Stomps First Thre Floor
Europe, savages skilled in war, with- the country toward Prussia since the
out mercy toward the towns unfortu
nate enough to be Riven to their pil
laa:e. No more horrible account in all
story is there than the sack of Rome
by the German mercenaries in the year
27. when, under General George von
Frundsbere;, who joined forces with
the recreant Constable Bourbon, of
France, and the Spaniards, these law
less Germans invaded the fertile plains
of Italy and took Rome by assault.
The most awful outrages were perpe
trated. Prelates were tortured after
being- paraded through the streets of
the Eternal City, dressed In their sa
cred pontificals and mounted on don
keys. Altars were defiled, sacred im
ages broken, vestments and services
and works of art taken from tho plun
dered churches and sacred relics in
sulted, broken and scattered. For nine
months the or try continued, the inhabi
tants being tortured by these German
soldiers in their effort to find hidden
treasure. In fact, conditions in Belgium
of today had their counterpart centur
ies ago in the treatment of Roman
Catholic priests and the people of
The (rrest ehanpe In the feeling- of
latter's conquest of the rest of Ger
many in 1866 is still exemplified by ona
quotation from Goethe. He said: 'The
Prussian was born a brute and civiliza
tion will -make him ferocious." AVe all
have seen how prophetic was this sen
tence. Skilled In chemistry, in science,
well educated, made rich by manufac
turing: and foreign commerce, the Prus
sians of today have shown themselves
far more bloody, far more cruel than
the German Lansquenet of the middle
aires who sold himself, his two-handed
sword, his military, experience and his
long; lance to tha highest bidder.
Tacitua tells of how the ancient Ger
mans when drawn up in battle array
used to sing a sort of war song to ter
rify their enemies..
It was Goethe incidentally who re
marked "Amerika, du hast es besser."
(America, you are better off.) The
poet, who died in 1832, foresaw, indeed,
the coming power of the free democ
racy across the seas.
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Dance Nets $250 for Soldiers.
ARRRPKEN', Wash., March 8. (Spe
cial.) The Grays Harbor Electrical
Union, netted $250 here for a soldiers'
smoke fund by a dance given this
week at Electric Park. The tobacco
will be purchased In t25 lots and a lot
sent to each of the 10 members of the
local union who are In the service,
with instructions that these electricians
distribute the smokes among their
Red Cross Organizations in County
Prepare Woolen Comforts'.7
TOLEDO, Or., March 8. (Special.)
Lincoln County Red Cross chapters are
The Toledo and Bay View chapters
sent a shipment of woolen goods and
other supplies this week to the C'or
vallis Red Cross chapter to be for
warded to the soldiers. The Ona or
ganization held an entertainment and
dance for the benefit of the Red Cross
fund recently which netted quite a
RALK.M. dr.. March . (Special.)
The whereabout of Dr. II. A. tHuda-
rant, who mysteriously disappeared
from tha Qrraon Ftate Hospital yes
terday, remains as much a mystery as
erer today. Hospital authorities slate
that they have no traca of him nor
anything upon which to base a clew to
Institute a search for him.
The supposition has been advanred
that he may be making his way to Wy
oming to Join his brother and. aa hos
pital authorities admit hla sanity. It
probably would be Impnastbla to return
him to the Institution If he passed over
the slat line.
I.lnn Cltlirn to lie Raird.
A LB ANT. Or. March . (Special.) .
Ir. A. J. HodgeJ. vice-chairman of the
coming Liberty loan drive In Linn Coun
ty and ta actlv rbarge or the cam
paign. 1 making arrangements to rate
all rltiaens of the county with an esti
mate of how much they should slva for
this loan. It ta planned, through ques
tionnaire to bo sent out and other In
formation, to ascertain as nearly aa
poastble the aet of the people of
tho county and then estimate how
much each should reasonably subscribe.
ommltleea. havo been named to han-
the various phases of the work.
Th horror of war bar been
Intensified tenfold by the Prus
sian system of f rightfulness.
Tha workings of thai system
hav stirred to the depths tha
soul of th civilised world.
Th United (Mates Government
has Just publlsho- a carefully
prepared official book on "Ger
man War Practices."
- A ropy of this book will ba
sent fre to any reader of Th
Bad on th most authentic. I
sonre th archives of our Stat
Department. official German J
proclamation, th actual field
diaries of German oldler thia J
book paints a vivid and Irrefut-
abl plctur of th Prussian war 1
machine at work.
To secure a fre copy, send J
your nam and address with a f
S-cent stamp for return postage
to Frederic J. Ilaskln. Director,
Oregonlan Information Bureau.
Washington. D. C Do NOT writ
to Th Oregonlan at Portland.
try police or gendarmes are searching
th farmhouses thrice weekly.
I have secured permission to vlsi
and Inspect the enslaved Belgians, hi
named aa Inspectors all members
our staff speaking French, but as yet
have not received passes.
Her ts a copy of a letter I have Just
received from a German:
The hypoeriwr of the CrmHn government
Is raally oiagusiins! It la a wii.kuon mat
ter of fact that hints ana spureoation. na
van by espreaa ordera of the German mill
ta ry authoritlea tha troops In Franre
Haislura have bean atiniuiated to glv
quarter at all in the cue of Jlritish ad
vemarlea. and that In Kupsta even who?
resimenta and brigade have been annihi
latd bjr arane-ahot. althoujrh the poor
jrretrne eaiivarea memaetves on merry and
rateed I heir harm, to prove their lubmj,
Inn. Foth. the Pruealaa and the Havana
frown Pnnrea have expreetv ordered t
max no priaonera. to apart ammunition and
to uiapatca tha aurvlvlna by t?i and bavo
r-U li th ortlr bwn foraotten. laaued
Of tne aalaer in the bea-inmna: of the i;r
man- hlna expedition, to deal with tha
t nines like the tliina. to destroy and
alhllata very human creature, both men
and women ana een mnm-ent child
Quia aularlt Oracchoa d alditlona auaer-
nitear Unus pro multla.
I. B. The xr would ba derided and
pear restored aa aoon aa the V. a A. Gov
ernmant would intervene to favor of human
Itv. liberty and rlvlllaatloo. JJoarn with the
rrnaaian Tjrrmnni
The Germans will do nothlnsr about
Belgium. The deportations, were a mil
itary measure, demanded by Ludendorff,
who constantly fears a British landing
on th Belgian coast.
HladeBbarar Real Raler.
man who called on Von Tlrplts
rtcently was told by Von Tirpits that
he. on Tlrplt was watched like a ny
and all his letters opened. Von Tirpits
said that Hlndenburg was the real
ruler of Germany, that anything Beth
mann said was censored by Hlnden
burg and that Hlndenburg was now
against reckless submarine war. but
that any substantial defeats in the
field would make him change his mind.
Von Tirpitx said that the Kaiser waa
losing his mind and spent all his time
praying and learning Hebrew.
The food situation grows worse. Po
tato cards must now ba presented in
restaurants and hotels. I doubt if
potatoes can last beyond April. There
ia food In Rumania, but much will go
to the troops. Austrlans and Turks;
th railways are so used by troops.
etc, that It is doubtful if any food
from there can reach Germany for
All apartment nouses In Berlin are
closed al S, and lights In halls ex
tinguished. Theaters close at 10 and
movies also. Ther Is want of coal
I due to th lack of transportation.
Ceaaorahlw la RJajld.
The President's address to the
Senate yesterday (January 12, 1J17)
Is splendid. 1 don't know yet how It
111 be taken here. If It ls published
It will give the German people some
thing to consider.
Postcards showing seppelins la the
I f? l?RMvmtter TTL l-'X ;?; J ts
1,1 a-i iuiixij M llCTG Gig v. SMS. y
! I no others like Murad.