THE MORNING OTiEGONIAX, SATURDAY, MAKCTI 9, 1918. " EVIL SPRIT SI TO r "SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FITTING MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CORSETS TODAY THIRD FL O QRwxmxa HARASS JACK Willi DON'T tell all you know to people you don't know. Do not help the enemy by your talk. Thrift Stamps t IJc and War Saving Stamps at 14.14 on sale at Accommodation Bu reau. Basement, Sixth St. Smileage Coupons on sale Main and Fifth Floors. In books of 20 coupons, II; books of 100 coupons, 5. Sale Women's, Children's vj! (Q ftliddy Blouses and Dresses CENTER AISLE BARGAIN SQUARE sale of women's and children's middy blouses and children's dresses of neat ginghams and percales. All desirable colors and styles. A good selection including garments formerly selling as high a3 98c on sale today at 49c. Center Aisle Bargain Square, Main Floor, Esuuu)J .tear y AM '4 to Hypnotism,-Sister Says. Horse's Kick Is Cause. For Every Reader of This Paper: Good News OPERATION IS SUGGESTED CO 4aaWBaBVBmiBaS Voalh Who lhe to Join Marine, bat Is 1'ix-rrtalit of' Krai Name or IllrthpUrr. May Be Soffcr- log From Ilraln Prcurr. Tracry Ellsworth "Jack" Punn. Is aid to b either the victim of some rc. m J ii u numi vinkiiKu. ii iiiviiu jr. powers over him. or else Is auffrrins; f. from a pressure on the brain which ha J caused aa almost t tal Ki of memory j 0 so far as his early cnuunood is con cerned. Ills mother believes that he la the victim of some dire hypnotic Influence. wMI hie sister. Mrs. tlllma Diamond. 1 Kast Thlrty-se venth street, believes that a piece of skull Is pressing; aaalnst his brain. At any rate, his sinter yes- trrday telephoned to Sheriff llurlburt and asked If arrangements mlaht not be made to aire her brother a thorough examination to determine whether or Tot a skull operation mlaht restore a memory which has become badly twisted. Mather Has traaae Theory. Tounc Dunn, who Is -1 yeara old. Startled Sheriff llurlburt 'Wednesday when he appeared at the Courthouse and made the stransre request that the fcherlff assist him In learning his real name and the date and place of his birth. The yours; man said he had no recollection of his early childhood. The following day his sister, who had not seen him for years, put In an appear ance and soucht Information concern ing her brother. The boy's nother. who Is a resident cf Seattle and who is a spiritualist, met her son jresterday at the home of her dajghter. Mrs. Diamond. The mother asserted her strong belief In the theory that the boy has been hypnotised and made to suffer his strange loss of memory by some enemy of the family. She declared that If sihertff llurlburt would permit her. she would take her son In charge and re store his memory through spiritualistic teachings which she so strongly ad vocates. The boy's sis'er. however, clings to belitls more earthly. She said yester day that the boy had been kicked on the head by a horse in California some years ago and she thinks this Injury nas caused his present trouble. For this reason she Is anxious that a care ful skull examination be made In order that her brother might be cured and fulfill his desire to serve his country through enlistment In the Marine Corps. Mother Retara He, It hit ssld yesterday by Mrs. Dunn that tho young man recognises her at times aa his mother and other times expresses doubt aa to her real Identity. The same ts true of his sister and brother, she said. But Inasmuch aa her daughter already haa requested Sheriff llurlburt to assist In restoring the boy to his proper " mental condition, the mother returned yesterday to her home at Seattle. Notice was first given to young Junn's condition when he attempted to Join the Marine Corps this week, but was refused enlistment berause of his inability to give the date and place of bis birth and the names of his father aad mother. The boy first gave his rams aa -Jack" Dunn, but his sister ts his name la Trarey Kllaworth Dunn. W hen young Dunn told his story to Sheriff llurlburt Wednesday be ex pressed the belief that Dunn was a name which was given to him by some family who had adopted htm In early childhood, although It has slnca been larned that this Is his true name. Mrs Dunn said yesterday that he waa her a a son and not an adopted one. Sheriff llurlburt will endeavor to have young unn submit to an ex amination ana an operation If It Is found neree.ary and proper arrangc- p'iuj can d mane. TONS OF FISH DUMPED lit' ttrOED OK rtlLIRE TO KKS:p PftotnE9. CossssUafcsoer KcOaaer Asks That Catrhea Be la for .ale la re HI Market. City Commissioner Kellaher yester day received direct Information from smelt fishermen on the rivers tributary to the Columbia that members of the so-called trust, formed to keep fish prices up. have refused to live up to their promises as to purvbaeea from the fishermen and that tons have been dumped bark Into the water. Mr. Kellaher was visited yesterday by several smelt fishermen, who told him that the situation had become such that they cannot longer dispose of their catches to the so-called trust and are row seeking a market elsewhere. "I told the fishermen." said Mr. Kel laher. -that If they will send me their catches. I will do my best at disposing of them through the Municipal Market. 1 will place In cold storage all that cannot he .old while fresh." Mr. Kellaher reported the situation to W. B. Ayer. federal Food Adminis trator for lregon. It aeems to me." said Mr. Kellaher. that, with a war going on and the need of food as pressing aa It la, specu lation should he suppressed and some war found to stop the practice charged." SEWER SYSTEM PROPOSED tommlxlonrr Harbor Sajs Vrc Rise Becoming Impracticable of Aa ti.rr-eptlnc sewer system to rarry Tortland sewage to a rentral point below the city to be manufactured Into fertiliser la a plan Commissioner of Public Work Barbtir haa In snlnd. He said yesterdav that while he will rot attempt to have this work done Immediately, he will have plana worked ont and ready for execution 'at the close of the war. "It will pot do for us to ue t:e river much longer for carrying- off the sew. ase of a city the else of Portland." e'd Mr. Bar Our. - propose to have plans ready and arrangements made for thla work so that the city will be M to evecute it after the war is over. There wilt undoubtedly be manv mn then who will want positions and this will help to care for them and at the same time put through a very neces sary Improvement." 8 2 t s a Today Our Big Daylight Clothing Store Features Young Men's New Spring Suits AT A WELL-LIKED PRICE Not merely suits that young men CAN wear, but suits that are especially de signed and styled for young men and men who stay young, in patterns and colorings that instantly appeal to smart dressers. Suits, too, of the worthiest kind in fabric and workmanship, every one evidencing a world of class. Most men know that good suits at $25 are becoming harder to obtain and. these ARE good suits we guarantee them to be. The season's leading fabrics in all the newest styles, patterns and colorings. Hand tailoring is a feature. All the value lhat a man could wish for at a most convincingly low price $25. Plenty of new suits, too, for men of more conservative taste. A wide range of prices. A new shipment of famous Hickey Freeman Quality Spring Suits just in $30 to $55. Men's Clothing Shop, Third Floor. Newest Spring . Ready-to-Wear Hats We have a most complete show ing of women's, misses' and chil dren's ready-to-wear hats for Spring. New hats of Milan, lisere and hemp. All the popular shapes and colors for street, sports and school wear. $2.50 ! $12.50. Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor. Collars 65c Regularly 95c. New organdy collars with ruffles. In white and white with colored ruffles in rose, pink, blue and tan combinations. Sailor, Tuxedo and pointed styles with hemstitched and picot edges. COLLARS $1.29 Roll surplice collars in colored satin are much in demand. In new Spring shades of gold, maize, beige, blue, tan, gray, flesh and white. Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. New Veils Circular and flowing drape veils in hexagon mesh with chenille dots. Also scroll designs. All popular shades. $1.25 values 89. Remnants of veiling in all colors. Values to 65c. EACH 25. Slip-on veils in black only. Plain and figured hexagon mesh. Each 25c. ' Veiling Shop. Main Floor. Last Day of Our Great Sale Men's Underwear Union suits and separate garments at wonderful savings in some instances LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE COST. Finest quality materials in all the wanted weights mostly the popular medium weight. Workmanship, fit and finish of the best. Look at. these names and these prices all are much lower than replacement costs would warrant. Aug-nata Union Sulta SI. 15. Made on Cooper spring-needle ma chines. Long- sleeves, ankle length. Closed crotch. Chalmers Union Suits gl.75. This famous make greatly rednoed. Cotton fleeced union suite made on Cooper spring-needle machines. Long sleeves, ankle length. Closed crotch. Stottgarter and Richmond Closed Crotch Union Sulfa 81.96. Worsted mixed. Medium and heavy weights. Long sleeves, ankle length. Closed crotch. Chalmers Shirts and Drawers 75. Cotton fleeced garments made on Cooper spring-needle machines. Less than present mill cost at 75c garment. Sanitary Fleeced Shirt) and Drawera 81. Flat weave, comfortable garments in silver gray: SI is about present wholesale cost. Jersey Ribbed Worsted Shirts and Drawers $1.50. Made on Cooper spring-needle machines. Natural gray. Medium heavy weight. Boys' Union Suits 85. Medium heavy weight fleeced Egyptian cotton for boys 3 to 16 years. Long sleeves, ankle length. Other Specials New Shirts $1.15 WOVEN MADRAS, unexcelled for looks and wear. Crisp new shirts in latest Spring patterns and colorings. Plain and fancy designs. Soft cuff styles. All sizes. Our 2-days' sale of these shirts closes tonight at 6 P. M. Silk Ties 18c Broken assortments hence the reduced price, which is in some instances LESS THAN HALF the original marking. Wide flowing end styles. Still a good selection at ISc. Cloth Hats $1.85 This price until 6 P. M. ton(ght it is close to present WHOLE SALE. Sewed cloth hats In zibehnes and tweeds. Some satin lined, leather sweat-bands or leather and silk. Several styles and colorings. All sizes for men and extra large sizes for women. Other new Spring hats from the most famous makers: Mallory Cravenette proof felt hats $4. Knox and Stetson soft and stiff hats $5-$6. Borsalino imported Italian hats $6. AND the famous M. & F. soft hats at $2 and $3. Main Floor, Fifth Street. NEW! For the Girls CHILDREN'S DOROTHY DRESSES Simple little frocks of finest Japanese crepes, chambrays and linens. Shown in one and two-tone colors. High waist line styles. Also quaint Dutch styles. Trimming of hand embroidery and feather stitching. Some have white collars and wool trimming. 2 to 6 years, $5.50 to $12. 6 to 14 years. $12 to $18.50. CHILDREN'S NEW COATS Attractive new models in children's coats many exclusive styles. Wool poplins, covert cloths, serges, checks, wool velours, homespuns and barella cloths. Some have pleated backs, smart belts, fancy pockets and deep sailor collars of self material. Over collars in white or colors. 2 to 6 years, $3.98 to $15. 6 to 15 years, $12 to $50. NEW ROMPERS AND CREEPERS New one and two-piece style rompers, also creepers. Made of colored gingham and white madras or lawn. Many have feather stitching trimming. 6 months to 4 years, 98c to $1.98, NEW HATS New hats for the little misa for street and dressy wear. Roll and straight brim styles, poke and mushroom shapes. Made of Milan, hemp, silk and silk and straw com binations. Many colors. $1.50 to $3. Baby bonnets 75c to $3.50. V . t Li or1"' r 4 NEW SMOCKS Misses' new smocks made of crepe, broadcloth and pongee. Fancy effects with large sailor collars, pockets and sashes. Trim ming of fancy stitching, wool smocking and hand embroidery in colors. Sizes 14 to 16 and 36 to 42. Priced $4 to $12. Children's Shop, Second Floor. f7p j A Great Special Purchase of Exactly 177 Garments Women's Finest Glove Silk Corset Covers and Camisoles $1.98 All Are Really Most Remarkable Values! Rarely, indeed, are we able to present to the women of Portland such a sale as this women's finest glove silk cor set covers and camisoles at the remarkably low price of $1.98. A fortunate special purchase of these corset covers and camisoles from the country's foremost manufacturer of women's fine silk under garments. Mostly pink, a few in white. Daintily trimmed with lace in assorted styles. Two illustrated. Washing directions with each garment. Very special at $1.98. Main Floor, siztn street. Good News for Boys and Parents! ALL. WOOL Suits With 2 Pairs Pants At the Moderate Price of $12.50 Shrewd fathers and mothers will rec ognize immediately that these ALL WOOL suits at $12.50 are the most out-of-the-ordinary values. Boys' two-pants suits, made of all wool cheviots and tweeds in pleasing shades of brown, green, gray and tan checks and mixtures. Exceptionally well tailored garments with reinforced pockets and alpaca linings. Coats are made with new two-piece all-around belt and pleats. Remember every suit has two pairs of fully lined well made knickerbockers this feature means practically DOUBLE SERVICE to the wearer. All sizes for boys from 6 to 18 years. Very specially priced at $12.50. Boys' Clothing Shop, Third Floor. Keep Your For the Sake of Kodak Busy the Boys in Uniform Pictures of home, from home, come closer to the hearts of boys in uni form than anything else, except per haps letters. Both are National obli gations and ' the best preventives against homesickness. We have complete stocks of all the necessary requisites kodaks, cam eras and supplies. Expert developing, printing and en larging all prints on Velox paper. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY 25c Eastman Acid Fixing "I Powder, lb. nke.. snecial at AOl Principal Agents Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Kodak Shop, Main Floor. Just Received A New Shipment of Large Auto Robes Good f90 and UOM Values for Only SlPi $7.35 -Luggage Shop. Sixth Floor. A special purchase of robes for auto mobile and various other uses. Plain shades of gray, blue and brown. Soft and warm robes with turned edges without fringes. Sizes 60x70 and 60x72 inches. These are the most exceptional values at the low price of $7.35. Men' Women - Angora Sweater Coats $6.50 ONE ILLUSTRATED Our sporting goods store offers this re markable value in finest Angora sweater coats today while any of a limited number remain. This price is LESS THAN PRES ENT WHOLESALE. Angora sweater coats in gray, brown and heather mixtures. The popular ruffneck style. With two pockets. Garments that give, in a superlative degree warmth without weight. For sports, motoring and everyday wear. Suitable for women's wear as well as men's. Sizes 38 to 44. Sporting Goods, Sixth Floor. t Toiletries Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap, small cakes. 6 for 5of . cake 10f Colgate's AU-Around Bath Soap, assorted odors, box 4 Or", cake 15 Pears' Fuller's Earth, 20. Mary T. Goldman's Hair Restor er, JM.20. La Blache Face Powder, 39. Java Rice Face Powder, 39f t Veda Rose Rouge, 40. La Dorine Compact Rouge, oOf. Pebeco Tooth Paste. 43. Creme Elcaya, 79. Evans Depilatory Powder, Ao. Mary Garden Extract, oz. $2.25. These and all other toilet requi sites will be found in our com plete Toilet Goods Shop. LUX Use this pure soap in flakea for all fine laundering. Won't shrink woolens, won't turn silks yellow, won't Injure even chif fons. I'ackaae. 15fl two for 2S. Main Floor. Sixth Street. Children's Hosiery, Underwear Hosiery for Spring Wear Underwear CHILD'S UNION SUITS AT 85c Children's fine gauge cotton union suits in a desirable Spring weight. High neck, long sleeve, ankle length style. Sizes 2 to 14 years. CHILD'S UNION SUITS AT 85c Children's Munsing union suit in a light weight fabric Low neck, sleeveless, knee length; low neck, short sleeves, knee length and high neck, short sleeves, knee length styles. 2 to 6 years, 8,". Sizes 6 to 12 years, $1.15. Sizes 12 to 14 years. $1.35. CHILD'S VESTS AND PANTS 25c Children's fine gauge cotton vests and pants. Vests in Sum mer styles, pants knee length. Sizes 2 to 12 years. CHILD'S LISLE HOSE. PAIR, 35c Children's fine lisle hose of a splendidly serviceable quality. In black onlv. Three pairs $1. BOYS' CADET HOSE, PAIR, 45c Boys' extra heavy Cadet stock ings the kind that will give the utmost in service. Black only. All sizes. CHILD'S CADET HOSE, PAIR, 30c Children's medium weight Ca det hose, reinforced with linen at heels, toes and knees. Sizes 6 to 8, pair 30. Sizes 9 to lO1, pair 35. V INFANTS' LISLE HOSE, PAIR, 35c Infants' fine mercerized lisle hose in black and white. Sizes 4 to 6. Pair 35c or 3 pairs for $1. CHILD'S LISLE HOSE, PAIR, 40c Children's Pony Wayne Knit lisle hose with reinforced knees, heels and toes. Black and white. All sizes. CHILD'S LISLE HOSE, PAIR, 50c Children's extra fine gauge lisle hose with Hirner fashioned foot. The most dressy and com fortable stocking made. Black, white, pink, sky and Palm Beach. All eizes. FINE CASHMERE HOSE, PAIR, 35c Infant's fine cashmere hose with silk heels and toes. Black and white. Exceptionally good values at, pair 35c, or 3 pairs $1. Main Floor, Sixth Street. Men's Shoes $385 Every man should take advan tage of this opportunity to buy good wearing shoes at this most reasonable price. Black gunmetal lace and button shoes with single and half double leather soles. Some have rubber soles. 'Broad, medium and English lasts. All sizes. Exceptional val ues' at $3.85. Shoe Shop, Third Floor. Women's, Misses', Juniors' - New Tailored Goats For Spring Wear A fine assortment. Plain and semi-fancy styles and cape coat effects in full length loose back, short Empire waist line and Basque models with pleated or full shirred skirts. Wide belts, half belts and novel ty sashes. Materials include finest quality poplin, serge, gabardine and twill. The range of prices $15 to $65 affords every woman and miss an opportunity to secure a new tai lored coat at exactly the price she wishes to pay. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. ! I s