TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 191S. " GERMANS ATT ' ALONG MILE FRONT British Rally Promptly From ? Sudden Blow on Ypres - ' Dixmude Sector. LINE ALL RE-ESTABLISHED ," l:nglitt Casualties Light. lcpHe t'art Thai Srrrc Fighting I llrqulred lo Drive IVack T I'orcr of Kncmy. war and was reported to have collapsed after leading a victorious cbar at Verdun on October 3. 111. lie re trrned to dnty and narrowly escaped capture In Poland IneDeeember of that year. There were few reports concern ing hla actlvltlea during- 11S. but early' In ll he was slightly wounded In I the head and thigh on the eastern front. s LONKOX. March I Serious fighting I r baa taken place on the Yprea-Dtamude txior of the British front, accordlnc to the Krltiah official statement Issued tr the l'rttish War Office tonight. A Oerman attack on a front of more than mile compelled some of the rirltlah DISCORDANT NOTF.S INCREASE Recent Developments Disturb Ilcla- llons of Central Empires. NEW TORK. March . Relations be tween Austria-Hungary and Germany hava not been Improved by the recent strike movement In Austria-Hungary and by the various editorials and speeches explaining the strike as a protest against the annexationist prop aganda of the Pan-Germans, as shown by the comments In the Oe;man press In the latter part of January Newspapers,, such as the Colofrne Gaxette. resent the attitude of the Viennese and lament the utterances they made, declaring that the cause of peace was not served by th;ru A significant feature In the German press comments la the fact that a dls cussloa has been precipitated as to which of the countries bad rendered the greater service to the other during ELEVEN DIE IN RAID Oil LOIIDOi German Bombs, Aided by Aurora, Smash Homes and Bury Occupants. RESCUERS WORK ALL NIGH About Seven Enemy Airplanes Sweep Over England, bat Only Two Engage In Deadly Attack on Metropolis. AMSTERDAM. March I. Explanation of the preliminary peace treaty with Koumanla Is made In c statement Is sued to the Austrlsn press at Vienna. It aaya that Dobrudja was transferred to the central powers aa a whole In advance posts to fall back but-later ort-r to romk ln. decision easier for counter - itucs ri-tiiioiuoco ,B Hoiimuli. i,nut line. ... . . I Tha frontier adjustments ln Transyl vania. In general, mean the protection of the Iron gates and the retroxenl IXtNDO.N, March 1. Eleven person were killed and 4 others were in Jured In last night's airplane raid on London, according to the latest police reports, says an official announcement today. It is feared that an additional six bodies are in the ruins of houses wrecked. There was a remarkable display of the northern lights last night and It Is believed by many that this furnished conditions under which the air raiders could work more effectively than under a clear, star-lit sky. enters ky Drlght. Watchers on the Kent Coast said that Just before they heard the raiders ap Th text of the official statement fellow; -hortir he-ore iu io.iay. aner mln. w.u M precaution against - .niurr, ""' fresh aurprlse attacks. The new , delivered a strong attack on a front of fronter. however, will not go deeply ever a mile south ol Moutnoiai lorest. ,nto Koumanla. The economic demanda a greater pan 01 nis ironi m artlcularly to Imports of pe j. attack broke down under the lire ot Irolom ,d agricultural products and our troops. th. evacuation of Austria-Hungary by . - ,7- ..' 11 ''''IKoumanian troops arreets a strip ot pr0achlng the whole northern sky be I! - . ' " r'-T;" m Buow,n u" "ou- came Illuminated In bands of red and " p ..... ma mans. supported by troops carrying flame Finally, lbs statement says, the stlp tnrower. some 01 tne soiaiera noiaing u)Buon that Koumanla must give - our advance posts were compelled to transport facilities for the troops and ''II back a short distance on a front transports of the central powers to C about e yard. Odessa appeared necessary In order to aiwr severe naming laier in m I safeguard the ahlpment of large grain r morning a counter-attack was launched supplies from Odessa by way of the by Tor. .hire Light Infantry. 1th thclVolga. Dnieper and Danube rivers to ; resnic inn tne enemy troops WTr I the central empire. Ik driven back a distance of 30 jsrds be- I yond their former front line and heavy I BASEU Thursday. March ?. An losses were Inflicted upon them. Inouncement of the conclusion of a pre "Cor positions are completely re-luminary peace with Koumanla was re . established. Our casualties In the I celved with cheers In the Austrlsn lower enemy's original attack and In the sub-1 bouse. eejuent fighting were light. I After the ot tbreak of enthusiasm Dr. Wlmroer. Minister of Finance, .rose - - - - - T,ka IMaeun. -,.. and spoks of the necessity of the Cham e.,i ..... ZiZ, t i. 1 ber granting additional war credits to and with little loss to themselves cap- """'" " '- .Ho.; . .J.tii. .h-.j e.M.e. POLISH BRIGADE -REVOLTS able activity today In the neighbor hood of -iesiulcres. n th, tilvencby. re.are ot i krglna Proves Irritating euv napeue ana Armentieres sec tlons and cast of Tpree. ROMK. March 1- "In the Langht bastn. In the Hoeina sector, our patrols harass the enemy effectively, provoking brisk reaction. says today's official ' report , "tn the Val RlofredJo on the Aslago m Plateau, hostile parties which attempt ed to rush our lines were met by ma- chin gun Ore and pot to flight. "Hrtttsh balterlea and aviators - downed hostile aircraft and set Are to two captive balloons. Naval sea to Certain Russian Factions. WASHINGTON". March s. Difficul ties being met by the central powers In Poland assimilating the recalcitrant factions in Russia was Indicated today by Information to the State Department that a Polish brigade In the service of Austria had revolted and deserted the main command. The reason given for the defection waa dissatisfaction over the peace agreement signed with the Ukraine. The brigade is now somewhere in hite light which shone over the sea with far more powerful effect than the full moon. Then as If to accentuate the brightness by contrast, the skies to the southward toward France and the Kngllsh Channel seemed to grow pitch dark. Another feature of the raid was the strong breexe. which most persons be lleved hindered the operations tf the hostile airplanes. Those who watched from high points the spectacle of the search lights and the gun flashes wondered how the enemy could face the wind and cold. Reseaera Work All -Mailt. Rescuers, who Included Red Cross women, continued into tne aayiigni hours to pull living persons from the wreckage of their homes. In one dis trict two aged women clinging to each others arms were dug out alive. At mid-day an elderly man was brought out suffering only from bruises, lie had been buried with his wife and daughter who early had been extricated and who had thought him dead. As he waa placed in an ambulance the on lookers cheered. The hero of one neighborhood Is a youth who borrowed a steel helmet to protect himself from shrapnel and recovered his two aged sisters and their maid after II hours "hard work, Official Statement Made. The following official announcement was made: Last night's air raid appears to have described by the state as having been used in the crime. Main declared that when he wa called to the Swayne store after the murder was detected it did not occur to him that a murder had been com mitted. He said he notified the Coro ner and the undertaker. He said he didn't realise that a murder had been committed until Dr. Pettit, of Chehalls, arrived and made such a statement. Dr. Pettit testified several days ago that Main had said on that occasion that he didn't want the Sheriff called. "I made no such statement, said Main on the stand today. "Dr. Pettit was standing near the telephone and said the Sheriff should be notified. told him to notify him as the telephone was at his back. Men Kim as Friends. Main started to relate the fact that on the night of his arrest H. Allen, the Prosecuting Attorney, said there was nothing to the case against Main and wanted to tear up the complaint and release Main without letting it become known that he had even been suspected. The court refused, however, to admit this testimony. C M. Stone, banker of Napavine, tes ttfied that he had known Main and Swayne to be very Intimate and con fidential friends. Mrs. Main testified that Mr. Main never had owned any such Mackinaw as Robert Hodge testified several days ago, that he saw on Main when he al leges Main entered the Swayne store on the day of the murder. Also she procured the suit of clothes Main wore on the day of the tragedy. She said that every time Main and Mrs. Swayne went out together she knew about it and aided them ln loading the automo bile with Red Cross stuf. which was delivered to Chehalls on these trips- Hodge's Story Doubted. Both the defense and the state went exhaustively Into the question of whether Robert Hodge could possibly have recognized Main at a distance of 3tS feet in the early evening after sun set. Hodge previously testified that he saw Main enter the Swayne store. Both the defense and the prosecution sent citizens out to make observations from where Hodge said he had stood. All of the witnesses who made the test for the defense said Hodge could not have done what he said he did. Those for the prosecution said he might have been able to, all depending on the weather. It was shown that the sun had gone down and the weather was cloudy. a Price, a Chehalls photographer, said Hodge 'could not have done this, the light being about 100 per cent bet ter at present than at the time Hodge said he saw Main. Sheriff Berry was on the stand again today and testified that John Coulson had remarked to him after the Swayne u lie raj. at which Main was a pall bearer: "Did you see the expression of certain pallbearers face when you wslked up to where he was standing? asked him which pallbearer he meant and he said 'Main.' Conlio Dearies Statement. Coulson positively denied having made any such statement. Mr. and Mrs. Brautigan both testified that they Main in his office between 4:30 and 5 o'clock on the day of the murder. Owing to the extremely weak and imsy case made by the state it is the general opinion that the jury will not be out long after the argumenta are completed. The state, it Is generally felt, did not present a material clrcum stance In the whole trial and on many of the things which Prosecuting Attor ney Allen said he would produce prtsof, no attempt at proof was made. THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH Store Opens at 8 :30 A.M. Saturdays at 9 A.M. TvfffjffffaKtiM'v.-i'v.--. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. An Out-of-the-Ordinary Showing and Sale of Men's Coat Style Shirts 69c Ferguson and McKinney Guaranteed Shirts in Plain White and in Assorted Stripe Patterns all sizes 14 to 17z at Through very unusual and important trade event vre secured a splendid lot of selected seconds in Men's Coat-style Shirts with attached cuffs. Shirts of guaranteed quality and will not fade. They come in plain white and in assorted stripes, in all. sizes from 14 to 17H. Don't fail to secure a ftQr generous supply at this bargain price - U7C A Very Important Sale of New Fancy Ribbons At 19c Yard and at 25c Yard See Morrison-Street Display From New York City we have just received a special purchase of new, Novelty Ribbons the latest and best fancies, especially desirable for hairbows, fancywork, trimmings, etc. Especially attractive are the new Warp Print Fancies in both light and dark color combinations. Two qualities in the popular wide widths at 19 and 25 a yard. Sale Women 's Shoes At $2.98 Pair A special underpricing of a well-known and reliable make Women's Patent Leather Shoes in styles with cloth or mat kid tops in 7 to 8 -inch height. They come with military heel and in all sizes up to No. 8. Misses' Shoes, Sizes 11 to 2, at $3J0 Fashionable English lasts in gunmetal leather and white Neolin soles. All sizes 11 to 2 in lace models. A high-grade shoe at a special price. Extra! Extra! 5 Bars Lurline Laundry Soap For 25c At our Notion Counter we've ar ranged a special sale of Lurline Laundry Soap 5 large bars for 25c none sold to dealers, no phone or ders and not more than 5 bars to any one customer. Other Exceptional Offerings for Saturday Woodbury's Facial Soap at... Packer's Tar Soap at Creme Oil Soap, 10c?; 3 for.. Creme Elcaya, priced at Sempre Giovine, priced at.... Hinds' Almond Cream at Pompeian Massage Cream at. Euthymol Tooth Paste at.... Lyons' Tooth Powder .at Colgate's Tooth Powder at 15 Peroxide, in 16-oz. bottle, at. ... 1 White Pine Cough Syrup at.... 250 Steams' Cough Drops at 3 for. .106 Large-can Talcum Powder 15 Williams' Talcum Powder at..,18 .-22tf ..22 ..250 ..450 ..450 ..450 ..450 .200 .200 i v iipuit oaitooni. vitbi I i am Brig au v is nuw pumvw uci in i " - . , . r planes dropped two tons of bombs on Northern Bessarabia, apparently acting M carried out by seven or eight below Urlaolera I IndeDsndentlr. i enemy !". American Consul Summers, under I "naon. date of March reported from Mos cow that the anarchist movement there la becoming stronger and that a few people have been wounded In the t,.ali .Thv irftmha Th.r. I aeneeal dissatisfaction In Moscow, he said, over Inflicted In the northwestern section, the peace terms Russia. Jiaa beets forced whero- four bombs demolished several to agree to. - enemy encampments t- ea the Lower l'lave " TARI.-. March T. The artillery t ' t'e on the Verdun front obqtlaues. the . st Office announces tonight. Four t.errran airplanes were brought down 1 on ednesday. On the Macedonia--, front, heavy artll f lerv fighting occurred In the regions of f Lake Dotraa and the Vardr. A certain amount or damage was caused to residential property in Lon don. ' Several -houses have been de molished." i The greatest damage ln London was SWEDEN SHORT OF FO00 Sale of Henderson, Merito and R. & G. CrVQ0tQ Models for Stout, Medium and O Q KUVbVlb Slight Figures in All Sizes, Priced at J- 7 1111 See Our Third-Street Window Display Dozens of styles in the above well-known and reliable makes reinforced and elastic inserts Corsets of heavy coutil and well boned models that fit perfectly; others With elastic waist and three popular sport models. They come in pink and white in brocades, batistes or coutil and with medium Q- - Q , tLLejLy or low busts. Sizes 19 to 36. All at once price in this sale, the pair. OITLOOK FOR SUPPLIES . SAID BE DISUIETIG. TO of Illness. ,Mr. Lemmon Is secretary of the State Council of Defense. MAYOR ASKED TO MEDIATE MOXTEJTKGnO REFCSES PEACE f WITH TICK AMERICAN ARMT IN FRANCE: March By the Associated :2r;. "pT.'nnrnr:;:; 0bu; su,"n'nt troops iq the sector nortbweet of TouL (Msftat BaiMera Sway. His ramonflave constructions at places have suddenly been doubled In ( beichi and much work Is going on - within the enemy lines. house. All the damage and casualties in this district were confined to two oarallel streets, although as usual windows were broken for a radius of several blocks. Minister of Agriculture Folats Out I Vakima Machinist to Strike if "De- Ce,r.I Power, Considered. ' rinllPn JAY CYDI JIIMCn LONDON. March l.-Nlko Maldou- TUn If Til I HA I All HI II I II kovltch. Montenegrin Minister of Wit Ilium." ""- and Interior, who la now In London. Ih I a letter to the Dally Chronicle In the I name of his King and government. IXCOMB ASKSSMK.NT APPLIES TO IANDO.N. March rtie enemy's artillery was active last ntgbt In the . nelghborhootl of Jilbeeourt. and the Pcrp Valley.- the War Office reports. o-ifineraeie artillery activity devel denlca that Montenegro w ill make a I separate peace with the central powers. The letter adds thst If Montenegro had contemplated a separate peace she could have obtained it. Minister PROFITS FHOJl PRODVCTS. That Conatry May Soon Have to Declare Bread Rations. STOCKHOLM, March 7. The outlook in Sweden for foodstuffs and fodder grain Is disquieting, said Minister of Agriculture Petersen in answering an I preventing a strike which they inf ernellnf Inn in th Swedish Riu.rto tr I threaten if their demands are not grantea. ine uajur una t l n. The men threaten to go out. tomor row if the employers do not agree -e fore that time to mediate. The dis- mands Are Refused. TAKIMA. Tv-ash., March 8. (Special.) -The machinists' union, recently or ganized here, has put up to Mayor Jj. H. Sweet the task- .of mediating; oe tween them and their employe i and dates for the Republican primary nomi nation for County Commissioner. They are Jay Dunn, of near Toledo; C. H. Pierce, of Otis, in the -northern part of the county, and John Thissell, of Tide water, in the southern part of the coun ty. The only avowed Democratic) can didate ln the field to date is W. K. Simpson, of Kile City, who is a candi date for Sheriff. pd also en both aides In the Tpres "aldoukovlteh assert J that an offer of sector, between the Msnln road aad P" reached King Nicholas since he Z lloutholat Forest. I took up his residence in Krance. lie Hrltl.h troona operating on I he I adda: salem-Nabalua rod In "The offer wss put forward formally "?V.nc1 ,h"r V"0 front eentral powers and was refused regulations for farmers. Issued to- ob,bl w bo neCessary to declare . of 1 miles to a depth of three miles. terms of contempt and Indignation. Iday by internal Revenue Commissioner bread ratlonB CXCept for manual labor- YAXKEKS QVITTIXG Ued act leas Frees Cress Income May Be tlalaaed Oaly for Direct Farm ing Operations lal17. WASHINGTON. March 8. Income today. The present supplies of bread stuffs will suffice until July and about 84,000 tons more of grain will be re quired until next harvest. A total sup ply of 140.000 tons of oats will be required for the same period and of this supply only 12,000 tons are on band. The minister expressed the hope that some grain which Is not as yet threshed will increase the available supply, but If no importations are possible, it pute affects principally the automobile garages of the city. 3 Out tor Commissioner In Lincoln TOLEDO. Or- March 8. (Special.) Lincoln County will have three candl- H KflLIX. Marrh 8. via London. In rconnoitrloa- operations yesterday. 41 Hainan and Hrltl.h soldiers were cap tured, the War office announces. MENACE MAY REACH INDIA inq4 rrm rirat race. t eucceed Krylenko as commander in a chief, but thase was no confirmation of thfs report from Russian sources. AMSTERDAM. March the outcome of the Frest-Lltovsk . conference at which peace with the ,' Russian government waa concluded, the , roriaim newspaper vnrwaerts says: i was concluded, bat the dele- gates r-Art-d wl'h feelings of deadlv . enmity. That such was the case Is ueeolr recret table. Tha (ir ma -i workmen do tsot stand behind Von Rosenberg (assistant to t-'oraign Secretary von Ku-nlmann and ha!rnvan of th second Prest-I.itov.k conference! or the policy for which he rad. Lt an. therefore, face the tacts ann rrankiy declare that in this peace the success which waa sought has been denied to socialism of all - sliades of opinion." I-OSDOV. March '.The central com- mitte of the National Liberty party, says an Exchange Telegraph dispatch rrora lopepnsren. quoting Berlin ad ' vices, baa declared In favor of equal " franchise by a majority of 1J Totes. ?is apply rou iirx KIXG e j '" Kalcr' ron. Prince OMr, Report rU to Ite Chok-c. " I-ONPON. March I. The Finnish gnveret-arnl h naked the Uerman Kmperor lo appoint Prince Oscar, the " fifth son of the fcmperor. King of Fin land, the Afton Tldningea. of Stock holm, says It learns from diplomatic circles there, according to an Exchange - Telegraph dispatch. Prince tWar of llohenxollern will be - J years old July 21. On July 81. lt. ' Prince Ovir, apparently agalnat the wishes of his father, contracted a ' morganatic marriage with Countess Ina Haseewtt. who had been lady In wait . Irs to the Empress. Prince Oacar suffered from heart trouble during tha earlv month of the Honer. Drovlde that all gains, proms I ... n. mi. hnnuhnM FINLAND or -,,come received In im from sale or ha9' dpClded to regulate potato con I exrhanze of farm products, whether I n .i .tlnn n. I Consul II-, nc, Announce, Dale of ""b.TnTluV.dn tVrturn. fcr.. week for each person. Departure of Twentv. The rules apply to all persons or cor- I noratlons ODeratlng ordlna STOCKHOLM. Thursday, Marrh 7. ,.,.. nlantatlons. stock. The American Consul at lielslngfors. I or ruck; farms. Thornwell llaynes, has advised the I rvecinrtlona from gross Income American Legation here that he la leav-1 lmei oniy for expenses connected ing in rinniao. caviui rraij wim i directly with farming operations lor last year, and made during the year, even though crops on which the ex penditures were made were not sold within the year. A former ruling that the cost of stock purchased for resale is an al to I towable deduction under the item of ex pense la annulled, and these-expenditures now are regarded as capital Investments. Consequently, when the livestock is sold, the original cos may be deducted from the sale price, to as certain the profit which Is taxable. 0 n about :e American residents. borne 800 refugees of different na tionalities. Including many Americans. Commenting I re at Abo and BJornoborg and Minister Morris has asaed tne nweaian govern ment to send an Ire breaker to bring them serosa the Gulf of Bothnia C.ettle. i CAR CREWS QUIT JOBS ncome way i TACOM.l LINES niT BT DEARTH OF OPKR1TORS. Utraadrd Cable Cars Hauled late Baras and Traffic la Delayed la Waahlagtoa City. PEOPLES QUALITY OUR POLICY u IT 1 1 Continuing our policy of Sj I the past 12 years, this i Nil ! the past 12 years, this Bank is open for the con venience of its deposi tors Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock. Hibernia Savings Bank "A Conservative Custodian" Fourth and Washington Streets KNVKR ritOMISUS nKCOGMTIO.N Turkish Leader Sornie 1'avorablc to Sclf-I?trrmlnation. AMSTERDAM. March Id. Knver Pasha. In an address to the Turkish hambr. according to a Constantinople dispatch, said the Rolshevlkl had pro claimed that self-determination waa the right of all peoples and that the Turkish government would not fall to rtrognlse autonomous government al OSCAR MAIN TELLS STORY 'ntlnued From Klrwt Ps. or you would not miKo any aucn ststement as thst.' - "I told him I was in a hurry to catch a train and I would see him lat- ready established In the laucasus and I er when he was sober." other governments In the neighbor-1 xir. foffman testified several days hood of Turkey and would support lego that he had not been drinking on them If necessary. TACOMA. AVash., March 8. (Special.) With streetcar men quitting their work faster than the Tacoma Railway I'ower Company can get new ones to take their places, streetcar service is meeting with unusual delays. When one of the day shifts ended to day two of the gripmen who had been working all day left their csrs and the company did not have a relief man to take their places. Rather than let the gripmen work longer at overtime wages, the company! hauled lta stranded cable cars Into the barn and operated through the rest of the afternoon and evening with a scarcity of cars. Streetcar men say that many cars t s -" - ij - iii in- this occasion, and that he had called Main ln and told him to cut out his a t- tentlana to Mrs. Swavne or there would re left In the barns andVcaryards every aay ouring- tno rusn nours Decause oi a scarcity of men to operate them. MORE CAVALRY AUTHORIZED "hooting scrape, and Main prom ItPQ io quit, n n-kdviiviuii. iuiuu u w .ol.Mt IacI that nn atir-h rnnv-pg-itlAn Pice mt Ilrrlmrnl-M to 119 VorniMl , a . . iooh piac. ivi-"t vuiiM.mi Art-Art miinnrn iirAimi that when Abe Coffman told her that on $OUU AVVAnUCU WUIVIAIM ELL-ANS . a a) j SB a. 1 W V Il ! llf Ca Ik 1DW lkl Absolutely Removes .d;,t,d br Conrr Indi2CStion. Druggists at ticncral IcrUlngs Ilcqnot. WAHHINGTON.. March t. Organisa- tioa of five more regtmenta of cavalry. In accordance with recommendations from Uencral Pershing, has been or dered by the War Department In addi tion to the complete cavalry division of the regular Army already under way. The designations and- organlistlon points of the new regiments will be as follows: Three Hundred Eighth. Fort Douclas. I tan: J"th. Fort Sam Houston, Tex.; lIDth. Fort Ethan Allen. Vt ; JUth. Kort Riley. Kan.; II 1th. Fort Myers, Vs. One squadron of the Jllth Cavalry Is to be organised at Fort Sheridan, IlL Arliona. Lrglslatare Called. rilOENIX. Ari-u March t. Governor Hunt today announced the calling of a special session of the Arlsona Legis lature at a date to be filed later, prob ably In June. National prohibition and woman suffrage. If th latter question ill be con- I rttone your want ads to The Oreg o- a I I nonv your want ana Tciaca noncyju.tjails.A25c I x joto. a oi. the day he wanted to see Main he had been drinking. Llqaor Oder Deteeted. George I. Harrington, court reporter at the trial, was called to the stand and testified that he smelled liquor on Coffman very distinctly on the day he testified la the present esse. Regarding his movements on the day of the tragedy Main told practically the same atory his witnesses bad told very convincingly before him. During the period ln which the crime was committed Main said he was in his Mrs. Anna Toy to Bo Paid for Serv ices by Pacific Light Company. PASCO. Wth, March 8. (Special.) In the case of Anna Foy sgalnst the I Pacific Power & Light Company, ln which Mrs. Foy sued for overtime for herself when her husband, now de ceased, was employed at the company's pumping station, the jurv Wednesday awarded the plaintiff 12800. Mrs. Foy's husband was employed by I LAST DAY Doug. Fairbanks in office or the pool room next door. Many the company for a period of about four witnesses testified aa to this. He said he went home shortly before 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. C. Ll Stone, of Napavine. testl fled that at a little after t:3Q she saw Main at home. Mrs. Main testified that he arrived home at a little before 5:30 o'clock." Main refuted the statement of a state's witness that a shinglo hatchet such as was used in the murder had been In the Main woodshed a year be fore the tragedy. I never owned a shingle hatchet in my life, declared Main. "I had three years, during which time. Mrs. Foy claims, she worked during the time Mr. Foy was necessarily taking his rest, as the pumpe had to be kept going. The case was tried before a Jury laM October and Mrs. Foy was awarded 12073. 64 at that time. A new trial was granted on motion of the defendant company and the verdict yesterday was the result. "HEADIN' SOUTH" The Talk of the Town p Food Administrator Appointed. "WASHINGTON. March . H. A. Lm m nn nf Reno, tnimv van mnriA f nnrf hatchets and t hey are all at my home I administrator for Nevada, succeeding ."tne oi mem was oi tne type Henry iL Hoyt. res ened on account Tomorrow: MABEL NORMAND ' in "THE FLOOR BELOW" 0 HOME NEWS Let your sol dier or sailor boy keep in touch with the home news by sending him The Oreg-onian. 75 cents per month (no ex tra charge for postage) will do it. (Fill out blank below today Cash must accompany order) THE 0REG0NLA.N, Portland, Or. Enclosed find 75 cents for which send The Oregonian, Daily and Sunday, one month, to the following address. (If longer time is- desired, refer to rates at head of Editorial page.) Name Address Sent by J