Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 08, 1918, Image 1

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Exercise, alone, mattes garden
ias; worth while, but why not
make your gardrn pay? Read
The Orrgonian expert's advice.
That is the best way in every
thing. . Gardening is no excep
tion. Follow The Oregonian gar
den service and be well advised.
$100,000,000 TO BE
Acceptance of Peace
Treaty Authorized.
Council Resolution Hints
Another Struggle.
nilaailr I'rancl In Slalrnirnt
jIo at Valgada Vrgcs Ku" lav
to .Icvept Severe Terms
. Jnjpoetl by Germans.
rKTHOORAI. March 7. The central
xecutlv tommittr of the soldiers' and
workmen' council, while recognising
that the German peace terms were
thoe of "political bandits." ha called
n Ita delegates to the Moscow congress
t ot tor the ratification of the peace,
aaa the Iivestla. the Bolshevik organ.
This action Is advised because the
peac has afforded the social revolu
tion an "absolutely necessary respite."
lVNION. Starch 7. Th decision of
the central executive committee of the
soldiers' and workmen's council In fa
vor of accepting the German peace
terms was arrived at. a Petrograd dis
patch to the Exchange Telegraph Com
pany reports. In view of the lack of
strong army and the weakness of the
linn working class movement.
ew fraga-l II la ted at.
The resolution adnptsd by the com
aalttee. with ! dissenting votes, at the
am time declares that the Hues la
people will never b reconciled to th
poace terras and will accept them mere
ly In order to gain time In which to
gather fresh strength for another
I-ETttCXlRAP. March t To a gath
ring of workmen's and soldiers dele
gate at Moscow on Monday. M. Pro
krovsky. leader of the second peace
rtelefaUoa at Itrest-Utovsk. explained
tae treaty with the central powers.
Iwepty moved, be begged those In arm
pathy with the democratic revolution
aot to deceive themselves.
Uag of Irwa forged.
The new frontiers traced by Germany,
M. Prokrovtky declare-, constitute I
rtng of Iron around revolutionary I'. us
la. lis said the Germans were en
deavoring to Stifle the revolution, the
conquests of which were reduced to
nothing by the economic demands of
Th decrea aatlonallitng the banks
had fallen Into abeyance because, the
fiertnan terms had the effect of con
verting the banks Into t.erman con
cerns. Military evacuation by Russia
ef (..-ithonta. Cnurland and Uvonla gave
the enemy full authority In those re
Iltasse roeaee to t kralae.
M. Zinovleff. president of the Petro
grad council of workmen's and soldiers'
delegates: M. Pverdloff and others from
I'rtrograd addressed the conference.
They said the Russian representative
were obliged to sign the peace agree
ment as a tactical measure, owing to
the situation brought about by I'kralne
la agreeing to Ignominious peace terms.
LONDON. March T. The Germane
have raptured Jamburg. east of Narva,
whils the Turco-Uerman offensive Is
continuing bevond Trebtxond. says a
Russian official agency dispatch re
celved here today.
This action, adds the statement. Is
despite the official announcement by
the German high command that hostll
Hies against Russia bare ceased,
kfraiii Kvaw-MI .Ian.
A later dispatch sent by Reuter's
Petrograd correspondent says the tier
mans have evacuated Narva, establish
ing themselves 12 miles west of that
Jamburg is on the railway line from
Reval to Petrograd and only miles
from the Russian capital. The Germans
were reported in yesterday's dispatches
to have halted at Narva, approximately
-I'M miles from Petrograd.
Trebisond Is on the Black Sea coast
of Turkish Armenia. The Turks were
reported to have reoccupled the Trebl
xnd region In their offensive when
the recent peace treaty was signed.
Bolabevlkl "tee-aa Alarmr.
The Rlhevtk government has been
shoving concern over reports that the
tentral powers were continuing on the
acre.. ire the Russian, de
spite, the conclusion of peace under the
recently sinsd treaty.
VOIn;r.. Russia. March . In a
public statement to the people of Vo
logda today on the International situa
tion as It affects Russia. Iartd R.
Francis, the American Ambassador,
"America has no plans or desires for
territorial conquest In Russia. While
the present government has never been
formally recognised tv my Govern
ment or any of the alH'. both Premier
1-en'ne and Foreign Minister Trotsky
are aware, berauso I so advised them,
that I bad recommended to my Govern
ment thai it recognise any government
the Ruelan people might select and
would also earnestly arc- that material
assistance be rendered to such govern
ment, provided that it would continue
the war against the central powers.
The success of Germane would re-
tCvauu4d e I'4s . Ctltiina 2.)
Off'i-lals Ilelleve That From Now Oo
Allied Navic Will Clictk Mib
niarlnr More 1'ffrvlivrl).
WASHINGTON. March 7. More sub
marines were destroyed by the allied
and Ameriran naval forces In Iccem-
ber than Germany was able to build
durinc that month, according to In
formation reaching Washington.
This fact developed today In di.-cus-slcns
of the statement made to Parlia
ment Tuesday by Sir Krle Ged-le.. first
lord of the Brltl.'h Admiralty, that the
submarines were being checked.
Whether succeeding month have
shown a net loss In German euhnia
rines Is not known here. It Is lu ll' ved.
however, that the anti-submarine cam
paign has proved so effective that In
creased efforts this Spring will -c a
steady decrease In the number of
l'-boa Is available to prey on a. lied and
American shipping.
What officials know of plans for
pressing home the with increas
ing vigor, explains the feeling of opti
mism that now prevails In official clr-
rlea despite heavy drains on shipping
tonnage through the U-boats. The
gradual decline In tonnage lois was
graphically pictured to Parliament by
Sir Eric with curve charts.
American naval officials I be
sctlsfied that the weapons wit; which
they expect to crush finally the sub
marine menace are forthcoming. In
creased number of patrol vessel of
various types, appliances and devices
to make them more effective against
underwater craft and the Increased
skill of navy personnel, are am our the
things upon which they count.
It has taken time to devise and build
the weapons, but they are beginning
to become available now.
Whether or Not Marriage Fee Are
Subject to Income Tax Quollmi
TACOMA. Wash.. March 7. (.-!c-
claL) Whether or not marriage fees
are subject to Income taxation Is a
question which Is bothering Justice
John W. Llnck. who has "the little
church around the corner" for most
of the marrying soldiers since Camp
Lewla was established.
Home months his fees have run his
Income up to more than $400 despite
the fact that his salary Is but $115.
However, the fees, he believes, may be
regarded aa gifts, aa there la no stipu
lated payment for the service per
As his office Is In the Courthouse he
haa the edge on the marrying trade.
Lately the business haa dropped off.
aa the major share of the soldiers In a
marrying frame of mind seem to have
taken the plunge.
Four-Year-Old filrl Die Front In
juries Received at Race.
STOCKTON. Cal.. March 7. Three
lives were claimed In the automobile
races held at the local race track last
Sunday, when Mrs. Nina Vltatf liana I
Torre, of Los Angeles. lruve her high-
powered ear through a fence. Mr.
Torre waa killed outright, her mechan
ician died Tuesday night from skull
fracture, and tonight Jacquelin Mes
xara. 4-year-old daughter of a local
hotel-keeper, died following an opera
tion performed on a fra tured thigh and
The girl waa knocked down by the
heavy racer aa she stood beside her
mother watching the rare. The two
other persons Injured are ut of all
danger, though one. Mrs. G. Klsso. will
so through life with a badly mutilated
Hearty Indorsement Given American
Bible Society Work.
TACOMA, Wash.. March 7. (Special.)
Major-General II. A. Greene, com
mander at Camp Iwls. has Issued an
Indorsement of the campaign to be
waged by the American Bible Society
to provide Testaments for the soldiers.
I am heartily In sympathy with the
movement to provide em-h man of the
American forces with a Testament.'
write General Greene. "It in the only
book which never grows old. Ita In
spired word furnish Instruction and
comfort. The story of the God-man
who died for love of mankind cannot
fall to appeal to men who are freely
offering their Uvea In the sacred cause
of liberty and justice. Tou have my
best wishes for success In your ef
olonel Will Go on Speaking Tour
Soon as He Ila-t Recovered.
OTSTKR BAT. N. V.. March 7. Colo
nel Theodore Roosevelt returned to his
ome on Sagamore Hill here thia after
noon after having been for several
weeks In New York City, where he
ndrrwent operation for ear trouble.
Mrs. Roosevelt -accompanied him home.
The trip from New York to Oyster
Bay was made In an automobile.
Colonel Roosevelt said he expected
to rrgain his strength completely In a
short time. He Intends to rest during
the next three weeks and then to be in
condition to make some of the speeches
which were canceled because of his
Illness. Kew visitors will be permitted
to se Colonel Roosevelt during the
period of convalescence.
Bethel HomiyjVooklyn,
Raided by U. S.
Apparatus Not Sealed as Had
Been Ordered.
Southern Manager of Agency Keg
lslorcd an Allen Enemy, Held
at New Orleans Pending
NEW YORK. March 7. A dismantled
wireless apparatus which had not been
sealed In accordance with orders is
sued by the Government several months
ago waa found by officer of the Army
Intelligence Bureau. who yesterday
made another search of Bethel Home,
the headquarter In Brooklyn of the
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
and of the International Bible Student'
Association. It waa announced today.
Both organisations were formerly head
ed by "Pastor' Russell.
The apparatus wa not seized. The
search was made In connection with
the Federal Investigation of a volume
of papers taken In a raid on Bethel
Home and the Brooklyn Tabernacle,
another Kussellite establishment, ten
days ago. This examination Is being
conducted, it Is said, to determine
whether the records contain seditious
Russell's Successor Kaplains.
Officers wtiu found the wireless plant
said they were met at the door of
Bethel Home by a man who said he
was Joseph A. Rutherford, successor to
"Pastor" Russell as head of the several
religious organisations.
He told them the apparatus had been
Installed for "the amusement" of a
number of young members of the Rus
sell sect who live at the home.
NEW ORLEANS. I-a., March 7. Al
bert Bourgeois, Southern manager of
the Burns Detective Agency, was held
todsy on orders of C'lilrf of Police
Mooney, pending Investigation by Fed
eral authorities.
Seereey Marks Detention.
Bourgeois registered several weeks
ago under the enemy alien act as a clt-
lxen of Germany. No formal charge
was filed and the authorities declined
to state the reason for bis detention.
AC8TIN. Tex., March 7. The loyalty
bill, making It a felony to make dis
loyal remarks or commit disloyal acts
during the war, waa passed by the
House today and goes to the Governor.
Ky.. March 7. The
house of the Kentucky General
unciuled on face '1, Column 3-
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Community Council for Aid and
Support of Conflict to lie Organ
ized Throughout Country.
WASHINGTON. March 7. To elimi
nate lost motion throughout the coun
try and to bring the war home to the
people through personal contact, the
Council of National Defense has worked
out plan for organizing community
councils in every hamlet in the United
In making thia announcement today
Director Gifford said state councils,
which already have created subsidiary
ccuncils in practically all counties, in
numerable towns, townships and small
er communities, will create In each
school district or other unit as. may
best be decided by local conditions, a
community council whose membership
is expected to reach practically every
Photographs Received In United
Slates of French War Orphans.
NEW YORK, March 7. Photographs
of GO French "war orphans" In imme
diate deed of as many American "god
parents." who will contribute $2 or
more monthly toward their support,
have been received at the headquarters
here of Le Paquet du Soldat. It waa
announced today. Through this or
ganization, aid toward the support of
fatherless children already has been
extended a considerable number of
French war widows.
Most of the children are of Breton
parentage and live on Belle Isle, a his
toric Island just off the coast of Brit
Minneapolis Reports Heavy Dry
Goods Movement Eastward.
MINNEAPOLIS, March 7. Buyers
from half a dozen large cities of the
East have been in Minneapolis for
about two weeks quietly purchasing
all the dry goods they could obtain
according to reports today, which were
circumstantially confirmed by large
wholesale houses.
Sheetings, shirtings and other mate
rials in many Instances will be shipped
back to the very citlea in which tbet
were manufactured at large, advances
in prices. It is said.
Substitutes to Be Bnilt for Tankers
Taken Out of Gulf Trade.
WASHINGTON. March 7. Construc
tion of a fleet of barges to carry oil
from the Mexican fields to gulf ports is
under consideration by the shipping
So many tank steamers have been
taken out of the gulf trade for trans
Atlantic use that substitutes mujt be
found, and it waa said today that
barges probably would be chosen be-
cause of quick construction. Ten
I months is required to build a tanker.
Economical Buying for
Railroads Planned.
Partial Centralization Aim of
John Skelton Williams, Head of New
Board of Finance and Purchas
ing, Will Have Assistance of
Advisory Committee.
WASHINGTON. March 7. Partial
centralization of the purchasing of be
tween $1,000,000,000 and J2,000,000,000
worth of railroad supplies and equip
ment this year, under Government su
pervision, is Involved in a "plan for or
ganizing the Railroad Administration's
division of finance and purchases an
nounced today by Director-General
McAdoo. 'h
Railroad Administration officials be
lieve that eventually they can eave
more than a hundred million dollars a
year by centralizing purchasing, al
though no definite predictions are made
for this year owing to the necessarily
slow process of organizing' a nation
wide buying system.
Williams to Be In Charge.
John Skelton Williams, as head of
this new division, will be assisted by
a central advisory committee of three
expert railway purchasing agents, and
regional purchasing committees will be
created for the eastern, western and
southern operating divisions.
In his capacity as director of finance
for the railroad administration. Mr.
Williams also will be assisted by an
other advisory committee of railroad
financial experts, one from the north,
one from the west and one from the
fc-xperts to Get No Fay.
These men will serve without pay knd
will, help "in the work of investigating
and providing plans to meet the finan
ciul requirements of the railroads,
whether these needs relate to the
taking up and renewing of maturing
obligations and the issuance of new
securities or providing for betterments
and additions."
Mr. Williams and his advisors will
administer in a general way the dis
position of about $4,000,000,000 repre
senting the gross earnings from opera
tions in a year.
I'revlons Outlays Smaller.
in tne past, requirements lor new
capifal to purchase equipment and
make betterments and additions, have
been between $250,000,000 and $750,000,
000 a year, depending on business
Cnncludel on Page J, Column 4.)
Memphis, Tenn., Also Witnesses
Phenomenon, Which Is Rare
In Southern States.
MARYHILL. Wash., March 7. (Spe
cial.) For several hours tonight an
aurora was visible in the north and
northeastern heavens. The shooting
spires of light known in Alaska and
Arctic regions were not present, but a
vast expanse of light extending over
an arc of 30 degrees on north northeast
horizon flashed over the heavens, com
posed of all .colors.
Pasco reported that the display was
very beautiful there.
WASHINGTON. March 7. Brilliant
lights in the sky over the capital to
night brought a large part of the popu
lation into the streets to observe what
was thought to be a big fire. It was
the aurora borealis, and officials of the
naval observatory said the display was
the best they ever had seen in this
BOSTON, March 7. An aurora bore
alis of brilliant red was visible through
out the New England state tonight for
a period of about three hours. At the
Harvard observatory it was said that
the color resulted from peculiar elec
trical conditions in the upper strata of
the atmosphere.
MEMPHIS. Tenn., March 7. For more
than two hours tonight the aurora bore-
lis illuminated the Northern skies.
making one of the most brilliant dis
plays of the Northern Lights ever wit
nessed here. The appearance of the
phenomenon is very rare in the South.
NEW YORK, March 7. The aurora
borealis was observed by thousands of
persons here tonight. The phenomenon
w-is visible from 8 o'clock until 11
o'clock, when apparently it reached its
maximum of brilliancy. The long
streamers from the arch were well
tinted, a vivid red predominating.
Telegraph and telephone communi
cation north and east of New York
suffered considerable interruption by
reason of the phenomenon.
Food Administration Snys Retailers
May Charge 13 to 14 Cents.
WASHINGTON. March 7. A maxi
mum retail price of 13 to 14 cents
pound for matzoth was set today by
the Food Administration after an in
vestigation of complaints that makers
of the unleavened bread prescribed for
the Jewish passover festival were up
pearing to take advantage of the ritual
requirements by demanding exorbitant
prices. Resales within the trade were
If matzoth is not legally produced,
the cost of transportation may be add
ed to the retail price, which, was said
to be a slight increase ovtjr last year,
but much lower than those now pre
vailing. In some places 22 cents a
pound has been asked for the bread.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, .10; minimum temperature, 32 de
grees. TODAY'S Probably rain; gentle westerly
Bonar Law tells House of Commons value
of United States in war depends on
transportation operations. Page &.
German hatred of America growing intense
In Fail of 101B, says Gerard. Page 3.
Fighting resumed on Italiiin fr.ont. Page '2.
Norwegians riot
at Christiania.
Page 2.
Italian mission in United States asks Mar
coni Tor facts about alleged purchasing
scandals. Page 7.
Bolshevik Council authorizes acceptance of
lierman peace terms. I'age 1.
Railroad .administration plans $10i.0On.000
saving every year in purchases. Page 1.
Senate committee approves plan to cell ail
German properties in Lnited States1.
Page 5.
War council planned for every hamlet in
United Stales. Page 1.
Earl Reading pays high tribute to President
iison. Page 3.
Reclassification of draft eilgibles according
to physical condition ordered. Page 4.
Unsealed wireless apparatus found at Pasto
Russell headquarters at Brooklyn, i
Page 1.
Aurora Borealis seen from Atlantic to Pa
cific Coast. Page 1
French army officers reported implicated
with Goidsoil in theft of government
funds. Page o.
Hustler smoker card to include star events.
Page IS.
O. A. c. wrestlers confident of winning
U. of O. match. Page 18
Rosebuds and Mets to battle for last time
tonight. Page 18.
Portland Revolver Club finishes three
matches. Page 18.
Paeific Northwest.
Defense scores heavily in trial of Oscar
Main. Page 1.
Jury acquits Rev. J. L. Allen of crime of
arson. Page tf.
University of Oregon service at disposal of
War Department. Page it.
Commercial and Marine.
First shipment of 1018 wool received from
Takima valley. Page i'J.
Corn stronger at Chicago on reports of seri
ous scarcity of seed. Page 111.
Wall street operations are on small scale.
Page 10.
Bulk handling of wheat favored. Page 14,
Portland shipline agents report for service
abroad. Page 4.
Portland and Vicinity.
salvation Army lassies will soon solicit
funds. Page 11.
Corner-stone for Liberty Tenipie to be laid
at noon tomorrow. Page 14.
All public school teachers must take oath
of allegiance to United States. Page 13.
Minimum wage of IW.Stf weekly for women
proposed. Pago 13.
Mother and sister claim "Jack" Dunn.
Page 8.
Laicy Carter murder case expected to go to
jury" today. Page 7.
Fishermen and cannerymen at war over price
to be paid for 101S Chinook salmon.
Page 4.
Victory over Germans mu?t be complete,
says Dr. Walter P. Hall. Page 4.
Accused Man's Actions
Are Accounted For.
Witnesses Testify Defendant
Acted Normally.
Friendship Existed Ilrlwccii I'red
Swayiic and Man on Trial lor
His Murder, Witnesses De
clare Repcatedl).
CHEHAL1S. Wash., March 7. (Spe
cial.) Witnesses for Oscar Main, Napa
vine business man on trial here for the
murder of his closest friend, Fred
Swayne, merchant at Napavine, Janu
ary 6, today spun a complete anil con
vincing alibi for Mr. Main.
Not only were Mr. Main's activities
sketched continuously during the half
hour in which the crime was shown by
the state to have been committed, but
the state's contentions as to the mo
tive for the crime were completely
knocked out and the actions of Mr.
Main before and after the crime were
shown to have been without the least
sign of nervousness, excitement or
anything out of the ordinary.
Defendant's Character Lauded.
Charactef witnesses, including A. H.
I.undin, Seattle's Prosecutine; Attorney;
Superior Juilire Frater, of King County:
H. M. Caldwell. -Corporation Counsel, of
Seattle; Dr. W. A. Major, a i'resby
terian minister, of Seattle, and others,
all told of the excellent reputation Mr.
Main always has had.
The state, in presenting its case,
fixed hy C. P. Lloyd the time of the
crime, Mr. Lloyd having passed
Swayne' store, where the murder oc
curred, at 5 o'clock and having seen a
light and having again passed there at
5:30 o'clock without seeing light. He
said he also saw Main in his (Main's)
office between 3 and 5:10 o'clock.
o Nervousness Noticeable.
W. P. Jones, a farmer living near
Napavine, testified today that he went
to Mr. Main's office with Mr. Lloyd
at about 5:05 and found Mr. Main there
and left a box with him for safe keep
ing. He said Main was not in the least
nervous. Main's office is , about SOU
feet from the Swayne store.
"Walter Mason testified that he was
In a pool hall next door to Main's of
rice and that Main came in there a
little after 5 o'clock and remained sev
eral minutes, leaving just before a
passenger train pulled into the Napa
vine station near the office at 5:20
Miller Ashton, who conducts the pool
hall, told of having entered the hall
through a back door as Main was leav
ing through the front door a few sec
onds before 5:20.
Accused Found at Office.
Mrs. W. W. Emery, wife of a Napa
vine millman, testified that she arrived
in Napavine on this 5:20 train and went
directly to Main's office and found him
there. She said Main was not at all
nervous and disturbed, but aided her
with his usual politeness" in trying to
get a telephone number. She said she
left there and went toward the Swayne
store and stopped at a bank to tele
phone again. She said she then started
down the road.
The state had shown by witnesses
that the murder had been committed by
5:30 o'clock. Mrs. Main testified that
her husband arrived for supper at a
little before 5:30 o'clock, that being the
customary supper time arranged so Mr.
Main could be In his office each day
until the 5:20 train had gone through.
Testimony of Hodge Assailed.
An elaborate plan was presented by
the defense to disprove the testimony of
Robert Hodge to the effect that he had
from his back yard seen Main enter the
(Concluded on Page 7, Column 2.)
The actions of the German
armies in Belgium, in Poland and
in Northern France have blotted
the record of humanity.
This policy of Prussianism
this deliberately adopted "fright
fulness" with its aftermath of
blood and tears, is one of tho
great wrongs against which
America fights today.
The evidence In the case is set
forth in an official book just
published by the United States
A copy of this book will be
sent free to any reader of The
It Is based on the reports o
American diplomats and relief
workers, on the protests of high
church authorities, on official
German proclamations, on the
field diaries of German soldiers.
.To secure a copy of this free
book, send your name and ad
dress with a 2-cer.t stamp for
return postage to The Portland
Oregonian Information Bureau,
Frederic J. Haskin. Director,
Washington, D. C. Ask for "Ger
man War Practices."