Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 07, 1918, Image 20

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$ A6x Established 1857 Sixty-First Anniversary Year The Quality Store
Help the American Fund
For the French Wounded
Patriotic emblems and medals on sale in our
Jewelry Shop and Army & Navy Shop, Main Floor
entire proceeds jro to above fund.
Allieft emblem buttons, pins and bar pins SOc
tlrdal. In bronxe Sn aterling silver commemorating
the entry of the I'. 8. Into the War for Democracy 60c,
iic. 11. 11.40. 12.10.
at 3:o and War Savings
Stamp at 34.14 on sale at
our Accommodation Bur
eau. Basement. Start a
book of Thrift Stamps to
day. Smileage
of tickets for soldiers" use
in cantonment theaters on
sale at our Army and Navy
Shop, Main Floor; Book
Shop, Fifth Floor. Jl and
Six Good New Books
Dr. William Wallace Youngson
Is Chosen to Lead Campaign
"The U. P. Trail," by Zane
Gray. $1.50.
"His Own Home Town."
by Larry Evans. $1.40.
"West Is West," by Eu-
rene Manlove Rhodes,
"Long Li-re the Cingr," by
Mary Roberts Rlne
hart $1.50.
"Red Pepper's Patients."
by Grace S. Richmond,
"The White Ladies of
Worcester." by Flor
ence L. Barclay, $1.50.
Book Shop, Fifth Floor
.trie- QuALrnr" Sto to or POICUAXfr
to Raise 525,030.
" ' " sasw'.'1
W'nrkins Orsanijalton of Pmiuinrnl
Mm and Women of Portland Will
Hr rrrfrtlrd at Omt to Help
Obtain rtary Cah.
Dr. WiliUrn Wallace Younsson wti
. ! trd to Wad lha Us drive tor $:J.0"0
to b ue4 by the Salatlon Army in
ar work, and arranitcmrnt were
computed whereby a working organi
sation of prominent men and women
of tha city will t perfected Imme
diately to execute the plana necessary
t.j th ucreful termination of the
campalBO at a meeting held In Mayor
I.akT's office yesterday. The date
are from March 17 to It.
riedse of aupport were made by
everyone preient. and a motion by
. II. Hilton. prelden! of the Pro
reiT nuainess Men" Club, that the
meetlna- ro on record aa fully indors
ee the drive waa carried by unanlmoua
ote. L'oon his auKKeetlon. all organi
sation In the city are to be asked to
ro on record in favor of the campaign
and to lend It thrlr hearty support.
.Mayer Ktplalaa Ala.
After rollcall by T. R Neuhauen,
who was chosen secretary. Mayor Baker
outlined the purpose of the meeting,
which had been called by him to iret
the drive under way and In.iure Its uc-
crss. He told briefly of the excellent
work of the Salvation Army In the war
Sores and of how splendidly it had been
executed, so as to win the pral-e of all
who have cope Into contact with It. In
e!uHlp high Army officers.
"We are here." said the Mayor, "to
arrance for a successful drive for thin
worthy purpose, and It mut be put
through, for nothing that has the In
dorsement of the President of the
1'ntted Mates fei this war Is coins' to
f.ll down in this state. It must not
faiL We have thus far been 100 per
eect efficient and we must so continue
In whatever work Is put up to us to
d along the lines."
After the cheerlna ceased, the Mayor
said he had been gripped by this par
ticular work in a special manner, after
studying- It. and believed that It la on
of the most worthy of all calls that
have come. He a.ked the eo-operatlon
of all present and specifically called
xponE. J. Stack, secretary of the Ore
son Mate Federation of Labor and the
''antral Lbr Council, and Kred I.
' Rurne. of the Metal Trades Council.
for an expression aa to what may be
expected from organised labor. Koto
pl.dced their support and said they
would a.k for a formal Indorsement
of the drive at the earliest opportunity
at the hands of the various unions.
4 Dr. leaasa Areepla.
The Mayor then announced that he
bad requested Pr. Youngnon. who Is
superintendent of Portland Il strict.
Methodist episcopal Church, to take
charts of the d'tse "and put it over.
He asked Dr. Youngson If he would
"I will accept." said Pr. Toung.on.
"for several reasons. In 'the first
place. It Is the call of my city and
country. Furthermore. I have always
bad the greatest Interest In and respect
for the work of the Salvation Army.
which has been dome; a great human
itarian work. The largest funeral ever
held in t.caiand was not that of a
Kin or a Vlueen. neither of political
leaders, but of William Booth, founder
cf this wonderful organisation. And
this also Is the call of the Mayor of
our city, who has taken a deep personal
Interest In this drive. I wt.ih you all-
could have been at the ministerial
sneetlna- Monday and heard him and
' how be has put himself into this
Those present yesterday were: S. C.
Kratton. Ellaha. A. Baker. O. Rorlx-
meyer. Ueorca It. Funk. T. T. Davis.
J. C. KnsTllsh. Mrs. Julius Loulssohn,
J. V. eilan. Charles A. Klce. Western
Shell. nbarx-er. Harley If. Tounsr.
B. Clarke. If. Gerard Kfflnger. C. K.
Cochran. Kev. J. J. Staub, Tier. A. U.
Hutchison. C. B. Waters. T. R Neu
haasen. mux If. Hilton. Robert l-
WKhroir. Klchard W. Childs. C. F
Berg. Mrs. W. C Alvord. O. L Plum
mtr. I. M. Walker. Grorge W. StaDle-
l Williams.
Typical Meier & Frank Values for Men & Women
ton and Mrs.
County Workmen Attracted by High
Wages Paid Elsewhere.
County employes are leaving public
service to Ret work where the pay Is
more attractive. This was brought out
yesterday at the meetlna; of the County
. Board. Foreman Forbes, of the Burn-
side bridge, told the commissioners that
his two best men are leaving because!
or insufficient pay. The board author
ised him to increase the waves of one
engineer from $si.i to $100 and the
otner from n:.5 to $90 a month. .
The County Hospital officials noti
fied the board that it is absolutely Im
possible to secur night nurses at the!
present low salary of tZ a month. Au
thority was iclven to encage nurses at I
salaries not exceeding $o a month.
Kelso t'.lcvts Tli roe? Dlrecolrs.
K K I -SO. Wash.. March t. Special)
At the schaol election Saturday aft
ernoon C R. Abbott was elected to
the three-year term on the Kelso
hool Board. J. I. tsparllns; was elect
ed to the two-year term, and Gcorire
A. Poiend to the one-year term. The!
three-year terra waa the only on con-I
tested. Abbott receiving 134 votes and!
F. S. Janes I. Hparltnc and Poland I
are members of the board at present.
The new board 'will be organised on
It's a distinct aid toany
housekeeper who desires
to economize, and at the
ame time have appetiz
ing, nourishing and satis
factory cooking at every
mcaL That's
For Three Days Only, While Quantities Remain, You Can Profit by the Savings in This
Great S
s Umdeirwear
Equally good offerings for the man who wears a union suit and for the man who
prefers the two-piece garments and for the woman buying for either. The qualities
in this sale are standard. The workmanship and finish all that you associate with
highest standard makes. The fit guaranteed satisfactory. Different weights to suit
different tastes, mostly the medium weight kind preferred by the average man. The
savings let the prices speak for themselves.
Augusta Union
Suits $1.15
A good reliable brand at an extraordinarily low price.
Medium weight cotton union suits made on the famous
Cooper- Spring Needle Machines. Long sleeves, ankle
length style. Closed crotch. All sizes 34 to 46.
Chalmers Union
Suits $1.75
You know the Chalmers reputation and you know the
Chalmers price, wherefore you know how good an of
fering this is. Fine heavy Egyptian cotton fleeced
union suits made on Cooper Spring Needle Machines.
Long sleeves, ankle length style. Closed crotch. Per
fect fitting garments. All sizes 34 to 46.
Chalmers Shirts,
Drawers 75c
Fine combed, fine ribbed, heavy cotton fleeced shirts
and drawers made on Cooper Spring Needle Machines.
Could not be bought at the mills for less than 75c gar
ment. Shirts 34 to 46; drawers 32 to 44. Gray and ecru.
Suits $1.96
Broken lines of celebrated Stuttgarter and Richmond
Closed Crotch worsted mixed union suits. Mostly me
dium and heavy weights. Finely serviceable garments.
Long sleeves, ankle length style. Closed crotch. Sizes
34 to 50 included in this sale, at the very special price
of $1.96. Limited number.
Heavy Sanitary Fleeced
Shirts and Drawers $1
Comfortable flat weave, extra warm garments in silver gray. Well
mafle and finished. About present wholesale cost. Shirts 34 to 46;
drawers 36 to 46.
Jersey Ribbed Worsted
Shirts and Drawers $1.50
Medium heavy weight shirts and drawers made on Cooper Spring
Needle Machines. Natural gray. All sizes. Wonderful values at $1.50.
Wright's Health Underwear
Shirts and Drawers $1.50
Shirts and drawers famous for their sanitary qualities, recommended
especially for men subject to colds. Fleecing woven in and guaranteed
not to wear off. v
Boys' Egyptian Cotton
Union Suits 85c
Medium heavy weight fleeced union suits, good, comfortable, durable
union suits for boys 3 to 16 years. Long sleeves, ankle length.
Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor.
You Must Hurry if You Wish to Enroll for Our
Free Course in Gardening
The first talk will be given Friday, March 8, at 3:30. A
talk will be given every succeeding Friday at 3 :30 until Fri
day, July 19, inclusive. The course is complete in
20 Lessons 20 Weeks Jn All
This series of instructions on gardening will be given in our Sixth
Floor Auditorium. The course will be of great interest and benefit
to men and women who contemplate the cultivation of War Gardens.
It is under the direct auspices of the Extension Service of the Oregon
Agricultural College. Some of the lectures will be illustrated. Enroll
in our Army and Navy Shop, Main Floor.
You 11 Enjoy Seeing Our Displays of
New Spring Skirts
We present for your inspec
tion and selection today an
authoritative exhibition of new
Spring skirts for street, sports
and dressy wear.
Materials include all the staple
fabrics, the latest novelty weaves
and a great assortment of fash
ionable colorings.
Moonglo Crepe, Baronet Satin,
Crepe de Chine, Silk Tricotine,
Taffeta, Silk Poplin, Wool Ga
bardine, . P o i r e t Twill, Men's
Wear Serge and Shepherd
Checks are leading materials.
All the wanted styles, narrow-at-the-hem
and full shirred mod
els are greatly to the fore. Nov
elty girdles and fancy pockets
are conspicuous on the new sep
arate skirts.
White, solid colors and nov
elty hues in great variety.
Moderately priced, $5 to 535.
Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
Spring Sale Women's Underwear
It is now high time that you look to all your underwear needs for Spring. And
Meier & Frank's is the proper place to supply these needs. Here you will find
complete new assortments of light-weight knit underwear, at prices, in some
instances, LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE COST, in almost every in
stance less than replacement costs would warrant. The qualities for which our
Underwear Shop is famous are maintained. Take advantage of the savings
offered by this timely sale.
Women's medium weight cotton union
suits in high nock, short sleeve, ankle
length style. Extra sizes only. Good
values at 79f .
Women's light weight bodice union
suits in lowuieck, sleeveless, lace knee
style. Regular sizes priced at 59c Ex
tra sizes priced at 69 f.
Women's fine quality light weight
union suits, with band top yokes. Knee
length style. Reinforced crotch. Regu
lar sizes 75c. Extra sizes 90f ,
Women's tuck-stitch lisle union suits
in low neck, sleeveless, knee length
style. Perfect fitting garments. Regu
lar sizes 75c Extra sizes Sof .
Women's Richelieu union suits of fine
lisle fabric. With fancy crochet fin
ished yokes. Knee length style. Regu
lar sizes 1. Extra sizes $1.25.
Women's Richelieu envelope chemise
finished with dainty 6hell edges all
around in pink and white. With band
top yokes. Good values at 65.
Women's extra fine
light weight vests in V
neck, sleeveless style.
Some of these vests are
subject to slight imper
fections. Regular sizes
20c. Extrfe sizes '2'Z(. '
Women's ribbed cot
ton vests, with fancy lace
yokes. A special pur
chase of slightly imper
fect vests. Regular sizes
priced at 25c. Extra sizes
priced at 3of .
Women's extra fine
quality Swiss ribbed
vests with dainty finished
edge yoke. Regular sizes
only. 3 of these gar
ments for $1.
Main Floor
A Great Sale of
a Special Purchase
Women's Silk
A fortunate special purchase
at a great price concession ac
counts for this extremely low
price on women's desirable silk
petticoats. Mostly sample lines,
hardly any two in the entire as
sortment are quite alike.
Women's all-silk petticoats of
fine soft taffeta and messaline
silk, in plain colors and fancy
striped effects. Finely made
garments with deep flounces and
dust ruffles. Hardly a petticoat
in this sale is worth less than $5.
Center Aisle, Main Floor.
0 Here's a Great
I Sale for Yon!
And for Women Who Like Mannish Headwear
The Popular Sewed
Cloth T.
Materials- contracted for a
year ago, the hats were recently
made up to our special order and
have just been received. They'll
out quickly at this price.
Sewed cloth hats in tweeds and zibelines, excellent wearing materials.
For everyday street wear, for outdoor workers, motor wear, etc. Some
satin lined. ' Many have leather sweat-bands, others leather and silk.
Several different styles (one illustrated) and a good selection of color-
in gray and brown checks and mixtures and solid green. With self
contrasting colored bands. All sizes,' including extra sizes for women.
Unequalled values in new cloth hats at $1.85Mcn's Hat Shop, Main Floor.
Your Health Is Your Country's
Asset You Should Conserve It
Nothing can do moreLto impair your health which
means your usefulness than the wrong corset, or
the right one worn improperly. For a limited time
we will have
Mrs. A. L. Craig
authorized instructor of the Nemo Hygienic
Fashion Institute, New York, in our Corset
Shop. She is a recognized corset authority
and has helped many women whose corset
problems were just as difficult as yours.
Mrs. Craig is here to fit that most scientifically
designed corset the NEMO and to show you how
to adjust and wear YOUR model. We invite you to
consult her. She win be interested in helping you.
Nemo Corsets
famous for hygienic service, ultra-style and long"!
wear will be found in a great variety of styles at
Meier Frank's.
Priced $330 Upward
Corset Shop, Third Floor.
Excellent V alues in This Sale of Women's
Silk Waists $3.45
Be sure that you are one of the fortunate women who share in this
sale of silk waists today at $3.45.
Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine waists in fashionable shades
of taupe, blue, brown, gold, flesh and white. Tucked and hemstitched
models, embroidery and lace trimmed styles.
Two pretty models have 6oft frills, one edged with Val lace, the
other has collar and inset of Filet lace. Some in high neck style,
with roll and flat collars. All sizes in the lot. In many instances
only one of a kind. Come as early as possible.
Waist Shop, Fourth Floor.
New Spring
Filet Nets
These splendid Filet nets that
we are selling today at S9c yard
will make extremely pretty win
dow curtains. Neat patterns.
Yard only 89c.
Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor.
Proper Glasses
Can be had by consulting our
If you have anything at all
the matter with your eyes, you
should consult at once with our
graduate optometrist. He will
carefully examine your eyes,
thoroughly prescribe to your in
dividual requirements and see
that you are fitted with the
proper glasses.
Lenses duplicated from the
Meixanlne, Blxtn street.
A Three -Day Sale of
Par Plate Silverware
For Thursday, Friday and Saturday only there will be very
special prices in effect on Oneida Community Par Plate Silver
ware in the popular
"Primrose" Design
one piece of which is illustrated. Community Par Plate
Silverware is heavily plated on a hard nickel-silver base.
Guaranteed to give 10 years of ordinary family service. By
all means profit by the following good savings:
Teaspoons, 83.
Tablespoons, $1.6o.
Soup Spoons, $1.89.
Medium Forks, $1.65.
Medium Knives, $2.25.
Individual Salad Forks, spe
cial at $2.13.
Individual Butter Spreaders,
special, $1.89.
Oyster Forks, $1.58.
Fruit Knives, $1.75.
Sugar Shells, 35.
Butter Knives, 85.
Cream Ladles, 55.
Gravy Ladles, 690.
3-piece Child's Set, 950.
Baby Spoons, 350.
Berry Spoons, 950.
Cold Meat Forks, 550.
Portland Agents
Community Plate
Rogers Bros. 1847
All Standard
Silverware Shop, Main Floor.
.. , L ;
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