TIIE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, UrARCIT 7, 1918. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OUCOUX TZLErilOXFS. Vn'x Editor Vain Torn. A '" l K.1U r Main 7"T. A S"w3 r indr K1trer ....Main 77. A " 4vm:n I.prTm.nt . . . Mala T'.u. A l , b'PfUKalaiil f Bt. 4. dirt. . l4a iWUt A SUVA AirsEMrvrs. Unt-M tr'-e.o'war at TTlr V-n. Ml b la cwrt, ene snap!,-. Steers A Oman. saaifht at IS o clock. SVC t-Mtarv r diwth. VMra At. r lorrlo-l Alr.iar fm. I 11 'clock. rVTCRI IRntgnt at A Meet Van'. Tr shears flal T. 1:30. T n4 SO. Hrmrr Br-wT at T.mhlH 'iaru jt4 notlnt picture 3 S I II P. J4. Mtnlli. eurMaya. boil' , cMIIaaaua. 1.1 la 11 K M. CrRA.Vp WaMrs?na mt Pert M ateec l r, VodlU and mols 'rZ!rr""' "'""'-Vultil comtdr, eai.y. afiaraooa lad eiaht. ?"rvK (T'ntr-'ni ad Xarah:l THTJIT fTJLMPS And TVMlt SAVINGS STAitrS on 6a 1 at Business Office, Or-onlan. L.xcts !? NtM Mm II ku The Mate cwil Service rommis oi announces open competitive rl mlnatloiia a follows: Aasiatant jft.arket mlllc specialist (miln In the t Animal lnlutrr. Department f Arrtculture. for duly In Wannlnc-t-n. l. t. or lhfrf. at rnlranri Iarls rrir- from lljo to 11744 a '' tiraduation from a rollcce or tunlvmtr or reco-rntxcd standing In a '"" mbrarlna- the subject of dairy tic and in addition-at lent out year's -reponlbIe esperlenc. In m. phase f dlrrlnc or milk Inspection are pre requisites for consideration for thin roaltlon. On account of the needs of me sert ice qualified persona are uracd to rnter this examination. Applica tions will ha rtcrlttd until further notice. March U. 1JM. physical lubora tnrtan (mate anj female I. A Tarancjr iiia In the Pusrct Sound Navy-yard. Va,hlnaton. at IJ.Ii per diem. .May 1. 1M. eot accountinir supervisor (male) in the ordnance department of the War J'epartment. for duty In AVashlna:ton. i. I . or elsewhere, at aalarlea nnr Jtir irom :iOS to lilO'X) a rear. Kurthe information and application forma may B obtained from M. K. la-ton. lnca 'cretary. "board of I'nlted f tatea Civil rvlca examlnera, Postoffica bulldlr.6, t on. ana. or. Uttlm ilATca Ptat Pt-rit Mra. J. 1 Jmtor. of ll Eaat Sixty-ninth atree Xortn. llhtd her itaa atova prepara tory to rooklnaj luncheon yesterday ronrhalantly toaaed the match Into the wood lift and went out. locklna; the aoor behlnd-her. to call on a nelahbor. V'hlle ehe il j;one the flame of the titatrh licked up a few odd papers lying in the bottom of the lift and then be- on the lift Itself. Firemen from nclne company No. 1 axtlnau!hed tie blase after It had dona about f?00 fiimif to the house. MME. MELBA MASTER OF ART OF AUSTRALIAN BOOMERANG orld-Famous Singer Describe Conditions in Native Country and Tells 1 or olunteennr of Cream of Land to Fight for Democracy in Europe. f 4 f . I "naaaa Tn. Poto to Tax.: os Pt. Jonx. To- r.!ht at 7:4 Kev. John It Boyd. D. D. TAStor of the First Prenbyterlan Church, corner Twelfth and Alder treeta. will (l-e a talk on the Oonpel ey St. John. Thla la a continuation of a. course of study which he has been ITIna; for aome weeks and has aroused Treat lntereat. The lecture la held In the chapel, to which entrance Is gained at No. 4S Alder street- All Interested In Blbla study are welcome at this errlce. ExTEJWjcir Ltcr-rritES Toxtaitr. Uni versity of Oreiton extension lectures In Torlland thla even In c include the fol lowing: "The Ieradenr of Turkish Tower." Professor J. P. o'ilara, north arallery. Central Library, at I o'clock; "Investment Fanklnc Terme and Their t'ses." y. A. Freeman, fourth floor of the Oresjon building. 7 o'clock; "French Industrial Centera and Mediterranean Ports of Africa," H. F. Bovce. elahth floor of the Oregon building, at I p clock. Prrnsj J. TOT-sro. IS. Tii:a refer J. Touna;. son of Jlr. and Mrs. Joe Younsr. rf this city, died at the General Hos pital In Seattle. Sunday, at the ace of 21 years. Interment was In the take view Cemetery at Seattle. Tuesday. He la aunrlved by a widow, tots Vounr. two children. Jamaa and Bennl Younx, f this city; also a brother. Herman loom, and three sisters. Kleanora and Valentine Youna and Mrs. A. It treniser. all of this city. r-HEZZL.EKCXT la ClIAaCED. O. W. Townsend. aecretary of local union No. 3 9. painters, paperhana-ers and decora tors, was arrested yesterday by Con table Petersen on a Plstrlct Court warrant rharctnr him with the em- tzxlcraent of ii from the onion. It Is alleeed he has appropriated various sums to Ms own use durlnir recent months. He Is In the County sum in default or ;oo cash ball. Jno: Asscitm.T Sirr ron Toxoaaow. William O. Kliot, Jr, will speak and tto wedemeyer will sine at the Frl ay noon assembly tomorrow. i; :o to al.ee. at the I'hurch of Our Father, atroadway at TamhllL The meetings are under the auspices of ministers of Portland s oldest churches. The loca t!on la chosen for the convenience of the downtown public and the meetings are open to alL BRinstt r.iD Cross. A number of eaa nave oeen reserveu at t0 centa each for the lecture by the soldiers who were Interned in German camps, to be riven at the Lincoln HlKh School auditorium. Saturday evening-. These can be had from Sealy-Dresser A Co., J Irth and Stark streets, or K. K. Baxter, aecretary. 704 Spaldlna building. Uen- rwl admission. Zic Adv. II. E. McGtx to Speak. Henry E. McGinn will speak tomorrow night In the Woodlawn Schoolhouse. on "The rilx-Cent Fare and Jitneys." Elton Watklna wtll be chairman. All axa In VI ted. Tax T. 'W. c. A. Is furnlshlna; a c!ub- foom for their new branch In St Johns. Vho has a uaed txl! rug In (rood con- Cltton they would like to donate for this work? Phone Main 7374. Adv. Nira fresh Columbia F.lver smelt. 80 TV. boxes, tl. Whale steak. 10c a lb. Fend postoff Ice or express order. Munic ipal Fish Market 187 Third at Adv. Da. J. C. Tamiese. extractions, re. turned to 7X Morgan bids. Adv. M. G. n ocdwud. X-ray, moved to auite 474 Moron bldar Adv. WE MAKE ii,vsSt-'ri rv T- r Ai- RING SUITS JM It's part of the . complete service of this store, and a part of the splendid KL'P PEXHEIMER service to make clothes to the order of those who desire them. We have a complete line of fab rics, both imported and do mestic to choose from and they're no ordinary patterns either all right for the man who wants something new, or in and let as get a line on you a tape line. You will be glad you made the ac quaintance of this "made-to-order" service of America's greatest tailoring organiza tion KUFrEX II ELMER. Tke Kappenhelmer Bouse la Portland. 3I0RRIS0N at FOURTH ST. Gus Kuhn. Pres. S. & H. Stamps Given The Easiest Way to End Dandruff There) la one sure way that sever falls to remove Dandruff completely and that la to dissolve It Thla destroys H entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it In gently with the finger tips. By moraine moat, if not alt of you; dandruff will be gone, and three or 11T mora appllcatlona will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every Ingle alga and trace) of It no matter flow much dandruff you may have .You will t.nd. loo. that all Itching nd digging of the scalp will atop In terMy. and your hair will be fluffy, listrous. glawy. silky and soft, and look and fel a hundred time twitter. Too can gt liquid arvon at any drug tor. It ta Inexpensive, and four ounces le ail yon will ne-xt This simple femed fca aerac feeoa kasva to fill, Jiir MME. MELBA. BT BEJf lien I.AMTMAN. 0 SOMU the high gods -give spar ingly of their prifts. To others they deal largess with a lavish hand. So It befell that to Mclba they decreed the gift of superb sonc, and yet another the last Ruardcd Jealous ly. Many are they who have striven to achieve It Their names are written on the scroll of failure. But Nellie Mclba, of Australia and tho world, varlousy and properly known aa the superlative aonestress of all land mapped, can throw tho boom- era n sr. 'Ah. yes, the boomerangW she cauEht up the question, with a flirt of ex pressive shoulders, yesterday at the Hotel Benson. "I cannot say bow It la done, yet I ran throw one myself. Indeed. I can! Not always, but some times. It cornea faithfully back to me. "The blacks they era a wretched and abominable people wtll send the weapon whirling; from here to that building? acrosa the way. And thf Doomerinx returns id inem uninumx ly. In a slow curve, to drop submissive lv at their feet aieaer Aaatrallaa Barn. "I am Australian born." Rapidly now. vivaciously, but with an ocean'a depth of sentiment "You believe that my country Is one of bushmen and boomerang-, and kanreroos? It Is not so! The Island continent Is a great country. It la larger than your own United States, and It la not all desert ytu have your own desert Inland. So have we. What of ItT We crowd close to Ita borders, aa do you. "If the labor party will let down the barricade to Immigration, at the clcse of this war. my Australia will see mlKhtr development It baa Its beautiful many-rtvered seacoasts, and there la room for all. But they have party cry for a whlte' Australia. "What shall we aay to the men of Ir.dia and of Japan, comrades of ours In the world war. when this war is overt Shall wo bid them stay awayT They are our comrades. flRhtlns; with us side by side. I cannot see bow they can be forbidden the privileges of Immigration." When the young men of Australia, hard riders, keen, sportsmen, typical sons of a new continent boarded the transports for a share In the flRht of Mother Kncland. some portion ot Melba's heart went with them. Unless this be true. It Is strange that quick teara should come to her eyea when she speaka of them. Many Prleada Leat "I have lost so many, many splendid friends In the war." she said. "ho many fine fellows have Rone. It was the cream of the country that answered the call for volunteers, great-hearted ycung Rentlemen. Conscription failed in Australia, It was voiea aown. a am ashamed for my country. Why? "Because Australia Is Riven over to W. W.lsm. to labor strife and dis sension. Nothing save the scum stayed at home when our fine boys went away. And that Is why conscription failed. feel dlscraced. And. yet I do not think that our fine fellows at the front would choose to have the scum with them holding it far best to fiht and die alone. "I have Rone Into the streets of Mel bourne, and appealed to them to vol unteer. And many recruits have Joined the colors because I asked tiiem. They ao not Know that it is tnelr war, many of these, until they are told. One of them aal.1, 'Well, what do they wsnt o- me.- i told him, aa best I could, and he went across. "I saw Australia mnkirft: ready for war. I have seen your preparations here. They are splendid. We have but one word to Rive you 'hurry.' Do hurry up, please. Get things through, Let thero be no quarrelings or bicker ings now. Unity la force. Is it not? That was the secret of Germany's strength. Let It be oura unity unity unity I" Melha Net Idle. Nor has Mclba been Idle on her own account, in the cause of the allies. Through benefit concerts, through the sale of souvenir f.irthlng.t. In scores of ways, she has added her vigorous per sonallty and Rift to crusades for the ited Cross, until the total of her ben efactions reaches 1360,000. And her excursion In the field of letters, through tho publication of "Melba's Gift Book." for the Belgian relief fund, has brought a flood of dollar-reckoned sunlis-ht to the darkness of the Belgian people. "They have called you the empress of song, the queen of song.' my pastor told me," related Madame .Mclba, "And he said he had a new royal title for me to completely eclipse the old. "What la It Dr. Marshall T I asked? " 'I call you the empress of Dick- pockets! was his reply. c "That droll good man! Tet perhaps he waa right For when I sold the farthings at auction, the first one went for 100 pounds about 1500, you know. am Scotch of birth, and as I told my daddy, he frowned at that farthing sale. But c-urll. It lsna legal!' he said to me." Co a cert at Ilelllg. Madame Mlba will appear In con cert at the Heilig tonight beginning her new tour with this city. She has been In America since October.- and during the Intervening period has ap peared with Campanlni's grand opera. and at a score or more of concerts. Her home Is at Lilydale. near Mel bourne, In "a darling bungalow among the hills" as she describes It And one gathers, aa Nellie Melba speaks of Australia, that her heart is there as well, though she sparkle ever ao raptly over the beauties of Western sctnery. As for scenery, the "empress of song" waa afforded ample opportunity for comparison yesterday afternoon, when she was taken on a tour of the Colum bia Highway, accompaniel by Mis Lois Steers. And Melba was all a-llut- ter as the expedition set out "Such waterfalls, magnif iclent cliffs and mountains!' nt enthused. "Ah, one knows it well when one an proaches the Coast country. And this day. they tell me, I am to see the best of all!" hurt but the two men in the Auto were arreattd by Motorcycle Patrol men Crane ind Russel, who were sent to investigate the accident Ewing was charged with driving an auto while intoxicated. His companion Frank Gilson, was fined $60 Monday on a charge of simple drunkenness. Kwlng waa allowed his liberty on a bond of $1000, 'pending an appeal to the Circuit Court A Jail sentence of eight hours end a fine of $15 were imposed by Judge Rossman yesterday upon K. Himmers, a young man who was arrested for speeding his automobile. Other speed era were fined as follows: Dr. J. Carle Rinehart, $15, and F. A. Dillon, TL A. Adams and C. F. Olaon, $5 each. B. It Wolfe, arrested for running with an open cut-out was fined 15. 'Arthur Clark was fined $3.50 on the same, charge. For other violations of the traffic ordinance, J. Kami, K. Obata and C. L. Boddy were fined $3.50, and V. M. Blaskey, $3. Pennies Count in Sheriff's Tax Returns. Total of S441 Kerned" by County la Excess Payments. "A PENNT saved Is two pence clear." So said Benjamin Franklin, but Sheriff Hurlburt Roes him one better. Tho Sheriff yesterday turned over to County Treasurer Lewis his check for $441, which represents the amount earned" by Multnomah County In ex cess tax payments, no one payment of which amounted to as much as 1 cent In receiving the annual taxes from property owners, the bheriff a office is unable to make exact change when mills are concerned. Any taxpayer who owes a fraction ol a cent and more than a half cent is required to pay the extra cent while those whose bills are brought down to less than a half cent are permitted to Ret the best of the county for the 2 or 3 mills. For Instance. If John Jones owes the county $7.65 2-3 cents in tai'es, he must pay $7.56. . The Sheriff Is Issuing 139,000 separate tax reclepts and this small difference of few mills on many of the bills ag gregates a total of $441. by which Mult nomah County Is benefited. Special Announcement! Believing in giving our employes the short' est hours consistent with the demands of the public and in accordance with the request of the UNIONS' OF PORTLAND that all merchandise stores close at that hour, SHANAHAN'S store will hereafter close at urday We respectfully ask our customers to ar range to do their shopping before eight, and as early in the day as possible. Y,eo6P.zs. SHANAHAN'S .TpT The Store That Saves You Money Entrance 264-266 Washington 123 Third St. WORKERS TO U. S. Red Cross to Open Insti tute at Reed. EXPERTS NEEDED IN WORK Call Issued to Women of State to t Attend Six 'Weeks Course to Be Given for Instruction, In Duties of Homo Service Workers. city's Bureau of Street-Cleaning, one night recently. Commissioner Bigelow recommended against the claim, saying the city had no moral or legal responsibility there. Considerable time was taken and Com missioner Barbur Inquired the amount of the claim and, when Informed, ridi culed the Idea of tho Council spending so much time. All of the Commissioners but Bige low voted to pay the claim. Stajton High to Give Play. FTAYTOX, Or.. March 6. (Special.) The Stayton High School will put ' on Its annual play Friday night at the Hiffh School auditorium. The returns will be used on tho gymnasium which was built here last year. Ban Is Placed by Council on Noisy Autoist. Ordinance Passed Yesterday Aimed at Night Dlaturbancea. rpAKB warning, you autoist) In fu A ture you can't make "loud and of fensive noises In garages In residen tial districts between 11 P. M. and 7 o'clock A. M.," without subjecting yourselves to the penalties attached to an ordinance passed yesterday morn ing by the City Council. -Residential district" Is defined as any place within 100 feet of a residence, "How about the fellow who geta out In a neighborhood and toota his horn and makes other unseemly noises?" queried Commissioner Barbur. "Pinch him for disorderly conduct" replied Commissioner Bigelow. Assistant City Attorney Tomllnson assured the members of the council that the horn footers are "covered" already by ordinance provisions. STAGE SEATS SELLING. Mme. Melba and Assisting Artists at tho Hellls Tonigbt, 8:15. Ftao to B Dedtcattcd. Ben Butler Post Grand Army of the Republic, and Women's Relief Corps No. 61 will dedi cate a service flag bearing z stars at their session . this afternoon in Dawlev'a Halt Bast Thirty-fifth and Yamhill, at. 2 o clock. Twenty-iour boys have gone to the service of their country and In their honor this dedi cation service la held. Visitors from other posts and corps are invited to meet , ' SALAKT F.TQrTSTS A WAIT DEFINITE Datb. Applications for Increases In salary for various city employes are to be laid on the table by the Connr-U and. when a date for a meeting Is fixed. will be discussed by the members and all conditions will be considered. This s decided at the meeting of the Council yesterday morning when Com missioner Kellaher submitted an out line of the wage situation in the various departments. ExTcxstoK Is Grvxx. An extension of six months time waa given the Pearson Contract Company on Its contract for filling and construction work on the 0.-W. R. A N. re grade work, upon rec ommendation of the City Engineer to the Council, yesterday. It waa stated that the progress now being made Is good and that much of the delay la due to war conditions. Dr. Schwabts to LrcTtms Today. Dr. It Kohwarts will deliver his fifth lecture ot his series on proper selection of foods at Central Library, room G at I It o'clock thla afternoon. Ilia topic will be "teguminoua Vegetables and "Whi Meat" Is Topic. ""tVhale Meat and How to Cook It" will be the topic of discussion at a meeting this afternoon at t:30 o'clock In the Powers building. Mra. J. D. Spencer will tell how to use whale meat and demon strate methods of cooking the unique food. On Tuesday Mrs. Spencer showed her class how to make a whale pot roast Today the demonstration will be equally interesting. The lecture is free and Is held under Commissioner Kellahera department of the city ad ministration. ' "JOY RIDE" EXPENSIVE LESTER EWIXO FIXED $150 AND SETEXCED TO T DAYS IX JAIL. Liberty AUowed cs flOOO Boa Pend tag Appeal Other Traffic Violat ors Paalahed by Judge Rossmaa. Aa an aftermath of an alleged "joy ride" early last Sunday morning which ended In an accident at 5 A. when Lester Kwlng and Frank Gilson. riding in an automobile, ran over Dewey Ber nard, a messenger boy, at Broadway and Washington street. Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday fined Ewlng flSO and sentenced him to serve seven days In Jail. XOm naaaanxac v &ot mttiouMXf The seat sale for the Melba. concert opened last Saturday morning. Owing to the big demand for 11.50 seats, they are now being sold on the stage. Floor, 12.60, $2; balcony. $2, L50, l; gallery, reserved SI. admission 75c Gallery doors open at 7. stage doors 7:15. Adv. A CORRECTION. In yesterday's announcement of Eilers Music- House an error occurred by enumerating 17 double-stded records included with their special offer as Edison records with the particular make of talking machines upon which they coiiM not be use Adv. Under the auspices of the American Red Cross thera will begin at Reed College Monday a six weeks' institute for home service workers. It will be intensive training and will be con ducted by Protessor Paul It Doug las, consisting of 25 hours' field work and four hours of lecture each week. F. P. Folsio, divlsonal director civ ilian relief American National Red Cross, was In Portland yesterday' con ferring with Professor Douglas re garding the opening of the class. The registration fee la $3 and ror out-of-town attendants at the Institute Reed College will provide board and lodging at a very low rate. Mr. Foisle Is today Issuing a call to all chapters of the American Red Cross In Oregon to be represented at this Institute by at least one worker, while he is asking every city In Ore gon of any size whatsoever1 lor at least' one woman to attend that she may have the experience necessary to han dle problems that 'confront the lied Cross home workers. "In the past." said Mr. Foisie. "any one could be a home service worker if she could pack a basket of groceries, pat a child on tho head and inquire condescendingly after the need for coal and blankets. "But the needs of dependents of sol diers and sailors are often not quite as material. Maybe they will need a small loan now and again; maybe Its some thing quite different. "So the Red Cross must go to them, but not with amateurs. The Red Cross is mado up of experts. AVe accomplish results because we know how, and we must have people who 'know how In our home service work. "The necessity for diplomacy and tact Is Implanted above everything else. In fact our best home service workers are diplomatic enough, to be ambassadors. They have to be. That is why this work calls for the best women In Oregon." Among tho registrants will be Mrs. F. A. Greatwood. Mallory Hotel, Port land, whose husband is in France with the Canadian reserves; one of her sons la In India with a British troop, an other la on board the U. S. S. Lincoln and her third eon in the Fourth Con pany. Seventh Canadian Regiment All her husband's six brothers are. or were, in the service, and three of them have been killed. Enrollment may be made at Reed College or with Mrs. J. N. Davis at the office of the Portland chapter of the Red Cross. ' UCKMECHT "I Just Love It 99 "It Has the Argument' "It drives dumps." away the "It makes me feel just '0 so good."' Any time any place anywhere give me a drink of "Blitz." For sale at any grocery, cafe or fountain. Portland Brewing; Co. Distributors. ItEC U.3 KUkT. OF. ARMY SHOE The moment you put it on you say "Hello" to comfort and " Good bye" to cramped toes, crowded feet and the other foot troubles that mar your comfort and your peace of mind. Here it is take a good look at it: Calf IVW DAMAGE CLAIM ALLOWED Commissioners Vote to Pay Miss Miller for Anto Repairs. T win spend seven days. If neces sary, to do Justice to any person," said Mayor Baker, during a session of the City Council yesterday morning, when the Commissioners were discussing the claim of Miss Bernice Miller for pay ment of damages amounting to $1G. These were caused by her automobile colliding with a flushing tank of the Hazelwood Dinners leave nothing to be desired, as evidenced by this, one of our 12 special every-day-in-the-w'eek -menus, which range in price from 25c to 65c DINNER No. 1 at 50c' u. Beef Broth With Noodles or Vegetable Soup Baked Halibut Roast Veal or Baked Short Ribs of Beef Stewed Corn Buttered Beets Roast Potatoes Bread and Butter Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream Coffee . Tea Milk ' Dinners S to 8:30 Join the happy, enthusiastic crowds always to be found here. 388 Washington 127 Broadway $6.50 to $7.50 Sturdy and serviceable and substantial isn't it? And every bit as good as it looks. Made on the famous Munsort last specified by the U. S. Army worn by all our sol diers and thousands of men in civil life. Our registered trade mark BUCKHECHT is stamped on every pair for your pro tection. Buckingham & Hecht Manufacturers San Francisco The Uockhecht Armj Shoe Im Hold In Portland by C H. Baker. Jn ojher towns hy principal The Multnomah Hotel Puts Its Guests in fine trim for a day of Business It serves a Fine 50c Luncheon EARN MORE A Few Months Spent at Will Fit You for inciter Par and PoaiUon. Larseat Biuilnrsa College la the Northwest. ANY TIME. Write for Free Catalogue. A PoMitlon When Competent. The SEWARD Is a new, modern and elegantly appointed hotel, posseisin one of the most beautiful corner lob bies In the Northwest. Located at 10th and Alder sta. opposite Olds, Wortman & King's big: department store. In heart ot retail and tbenter district. Kates, fl and up. Bus meets all trains. "W" car also runs from Union Depot direct to Hotel bE WARD. W. M. BE WARD, Prop. AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL TEACH TOTT IX THREE LESSOR'S. 707 Lewis Bldg;. Low Rates. Call or 'Write. iitiiite' . j 8 Visiting Buyers g in Portland Should First Find Their Way to Hotel Cornelius RATES 1 A DAY AND VP C W. C'omeHim, President. If. E. I'letcber, Manafcer. Park and Alder, Portland, Or. Special rates by tue week or month Hill Palace Hotel 448 WASHIVfiTOX STREET. FREE BUS. Rates From 75c to S3.0O Per Dnr. Near Shopping and Theater District. Absolute Cleanliness Throng-bout. ti 'lin t 't.iiJ:i:i.'irt'BM rai.i A Moderate-Prieed Hotel ot Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St. and East Sixth. S1.00 Per Day. VU0 a Week and TTp. TVanted Chairs to Cane, by School for Blind FOR PARTTCTTXiARS CALL