THE 3I0RMXG OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, 3IAHCH 5, 191S. m QiTiisTinri ml unn uiiuniiuii unu Grain Men Say It Is Worst Ever Known Here. LOCAL SHIPMENTS STOPPED Tlay Is mine Cp for Lack of Equip turnl to Move It to California, Where II I Vrjcently Nccd eJ for Slock cdcr. Tha ear sttoatloa. aecorrtlnc ta sraln men. I won thaa eT.r befora known In tha ter ritory. Not on y la It practical; impoaalula to ft rara fur tflataat shipment, bat area local shipments cannot ba moved, ateept with ttreiua difficulty. Tha roada decline to .low cara ts I'aia their lines, actios on rqra front tha railroad administration, tat thla baa not Improved tha altuatlon lo ri:jr. aa empties balonirlrs hero bava not Vomn returned from tha Et. aa crals deal ers vera ftvta ta understand would to tha all e.raal shipments, area to boma yt'ftta. ara thna delayed, a rnnffesy-d con- sVtloo has developed In regard to bar. Not amy ara soma of tha warehouses being wampad wtta hay awaiting shipment to California, bat a great number of loaded cara hava accumulated here and no prorreaa la bain niada ta transferrins them. Thla ay ta from Idaho, la : e rn Oreson and tha Yakima country and It la urgently needed or atockmen la tha southern atate. Ho ma of It la billed to Army cam pa In California, but thaaa Government order appear to hava Bo prefcrrance over olhar claaaea st ehlp nenta. la tha appla and potato tradea there la tha aama complaint, but la tha latter case tha slowing dowa of tha demand baa caaad tho aituatloa somewhat. OlTnERX POTATO MARKETS Cbaaga la Local Mtaalloo. With Demaaa Backward. Thar was no chaaga la tha potato altu atlon at tha apenlng of tha week. Tha d anand waa stow at shipping points, wit buyers quoting Kctfl for Burbank V. ! 1 and 1I.:S for seed slack Earl lloae. Tha Jobbing market waa also alow and unchanged. Burbanka wera quoted on tno atreet at l.o9l.:S with averaga price or l 1. tl.m. Early Km were herd 1..9I.3 and Taklma Gems at ll.35vl.43. uestinatioaa of tha latest ahlpments from tha Coast wera given by tha Bureau llarketa aa follows: rrum Oregon .Naw Orleans 3, Sacramento . Stockton i f'rom Montana Minneapolis 1. From California Bakrrsfieid 2. Calveaton S. San Francisco I. Brownsvllla 1. Loa An ge.ea II. Stockton 4. El f'aao 8. Opeiouaa, La . I. Tucson Z. Fort Worth I. sn An tonio 1. unreported 3. Kreeno 1. 9aa Diego 2. rra Washington American Lake I. Kort north 2. Kacramento 1. Iteaumont 1. Kansas City 1. fan Aatonlo 1. Chicago 1. Memphla 1. Ktockion -. m laao S. Mlnneapolla 1 Taroma I. Eterstt 1. Near Orleans 1. unra- ort.d a. iarat conditions la tha couth as re sorted by wire: Xaw Orleans Wisconsin , Colorado 1. Xa ada i. California -. Oregon v arrived. I wiand and movement alow, market weak. 4.ran burbanka. Backed, bast S..?v. Sourer, wtda range la prlcea aad conditions. No sales. Idaho Hound vVhltea. tl M: 1J. lfouatoa, T-a. California J, Colorado I. Oregon 1. Idaho I arrived. Demand and snevaraent moderate, market steady. Idaho. California. Oregon Karbanks. UI01; I la ha Kusaetta. - 20 u ijo. Colorado Round Whites, ti r.j : ; v Fort Worth. Tea. Arkansas 1. Washing tea X. Texaa 1. California J. Colorado 1 Xaeraaka Idaho 2, Utah 1. Oregon 1 ar rived. Inaaad and movement s:ow, mar ket unsettled. Cagradrd Colorado and Idaho allied Whites. 3 2: soma scabby. at.7. Callfarala Burbanka. K.MVllS orthwsstara Whites aad KusMtta. Ii I3'l. LOCAL OATS MARKET I. FIRMER Oats. va xa clipped wblta 6VT3 '"TO. No. yellow Tl INI Cora. No. 3 mUed 70.00 MKAT Buk baale. Fort'and. for ! I i wp niuriirn ' t . A, en, tla gaiua. Martin Amer. -' 01 Coft bra I'aiouaa. biucsrem. fortyfuid. Whlif Valey. Ood Coin, WhilS Kuaalan. fi.nX White club Lltt. a club. Jenkins" c:ub. white hrbrlda. fonura. J ol Ked Waila Ked Ku-Mian. rat hybrid. Jonea. fife. Coppal. tl v No. 3 gnaite. Sc lea. No. S grade. So lea O'her grades handled by sample. KLOL'K raienis. flu: Vally. ; whole ht. 9V: graham. f2". barley f.our. Ilvlt per barrel; rye f ur. Jlo ; f 1.' :.0 per brr;; cornmeal, per bale, rlco .our. Hc par pound. WlLl.rttU Net mill prices, car le'n: Bran. :'. par ton: shorta. per ton; mid dilnaa $3; mlaed cara and Usa than car loads, ae mora; rolled barley. t-. rolled oats 174 CUKN Who's, $77: cracked, $7 per ton. HAT Puymg prices, f. o. b. ronland: Eaaiara Oiegoa timothy, t-7 par ton: Vat ley t.motrv. 2 -'.". allalfa. IJ4l-M."o VaUey grain bay. f J.': clover, 1S; straw, ts Dairy aad Country Produce. BCTTEIl Cube, avtras. rOc: prima nrata. 4lc. Jobbing prl-ea: Prints, extras. J-'c. cartots. la extra; butterfat. No. 1. delivered. KJ(8 Oregon ranch, current receipt. 33jH4: candled. 3m.; aelecta, Uc par doxen. CHEESE Jobbcra' buying prlcea, f. o. b. dock. I'ortland: Tillamook triplet. : Toung AmerUaa. 2oc per pound: longhoma. S4c. Coo and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point Trtpteta. .tSc; Toung America. jc pet pound, lonchorna. l'.'Sc per pound; ke ula- cotint to I'ortland trade. POI UTHV Itoostera. old. :ns;2c: stag, 24wJoc: springs, -7 - ; broiler. 3c durks, Sllu'lric, geese, oiJIe; turkeys. sllve, 21 -7c ; dre. l. 3."tf37c per pound VEAL Fancy. MalV'jc: thin. ltiatSv per pound. PollK. Fancy. Slwlfic per pound. HOG PRICES LIFTED Top Grade Sells at $17.15 a North Portland. HEAVY RUN. AT LOCAL YARD Th F mark-it mm firmer ytiMr In l:n ta tb Catwt ani bl-Js n h lor ml Tb Asirws, ttubl upp.r cemptrti tvj fl:o: Vr-I, I. tl. .......... t J ts m trm X 1"t; 44 :l-t.Mk tr- i, . ...... fr-h . ?'la. ......... .47. fvhl'MM tmrh z. lt iT.v-l.Kn htpmnr pt wSat. Tmr It-Taid. from h rrtnp! ip-rtim muntrlfi: Varrlt J. yH 2.1. X.r n 7 t. ! 'Cnn....;, nm 3 M ,- , 0 A ?-ntir. . . M.'.THi l.ltM..M .',J .v. . . r.4-al a.T,bn V.M1 -aiti4 ' .Msk.Ut-tf T4 IXMI ToL ....aVK.VMlO i 70ii-l ?.)SO (K Mptt.en' for ihm Mttwa to dat cora aVre f.uo; Tott T arinr flam knfr J llV I. I7. lt t". J6 mnif roar1. iim im f-nir I.lf.:iM. 4 U1 tlaAA J.OH :t IHMI I t ihni alfttiia ............. ll.340.mHl .Y7t,'u-0 Taialf rJi.?.ui aV3.nw..n-, T"rrnlnI rcr4prs. la rara. vpr rport4 T lath Jklrcbaata" Kavchanc aa foiiows: What ary t'Tour 0ta Ht Tr:TiHif. Mm. . lstr la h-'-.aXJtt to dat..ll.l -r .c. ... . .4"h Tk 003. (... 3 1 r ..... Ta B i it.4'tA r 4Tr ilH t.... li Ttr aaT 14 etWMl l fJat.3' J r aso l J ITT 1 2 a 14 T4 tnr: 1 Ill I 1414 lar; n coNiMrriox or -u.h ixekwm I-acal Dmu. lm HHif, iMtl hblppias QeraVra Ara Liaaitaat Th ttr ww.H apaal mtmly an 4 rjn cl.aa4 at UifMr. ra cnunt. Latral rn vmpteo k larrvaa4 tinr tha pnea dv. c!nd. kot tha oataitla damaad con tin aa fr Ucht. Tfera ta tlT m brtk laqairy foe. buttr from tho locol rraamvrtoa and on hlppinf arrtMrai and aitrma aaatn anld at C rootA Iriisiit pork rocotpta wara ornatl and tha rnark-t waa firm at IIS aata with Indi rotiooa of aa aivaia todoy. Vaol wa atoodr- Pool try arrtvaia wora Usht aad prvemm wara BJichaacvd. V lawla4TtadC ftMaif Rlvtd. Tho first WtaRtnrotadt cabbaca arrivod yontrdoy from iso Aaoloa and oold at 4) awnta "lt Dutch waa qaotod at S coat A mliod car af aatraeaMoa (tat frvm Lao natoa and anotnor car from Sh fmo Cixa. HofhooM carwmbora ara botna; rorolrod f-ofy from aoarby potato and ara quoted ml fiKfilL a dosvo. accordiag ta otao. Bmm fWritrt. Bonk -irinr of tho ortbwoora cltloa yoatocda wora aa foioo. i ',arirr. 1i ?-- rnrrtlaed V.:n $ .': VW4 OttlO aV.U 1.-11- -I4 Trom. HI I.7.M VV 4 ao4uta 1.410.10a) Fraita aad Yrirrtabtea. I - I jobblnv quototlonn: FKt'ITH nnm . novoin, $39 6 7S; 1am ana. $.Jou 7.i' pr b"a: bananas, jc pr pund ; grapr fruit, $:.7.' O-Ti; apples, $1.5 U i? untrrinri, $2.. per bfx. KOlaTAUKM Traato, 100 3 per at; ntubaic?. 3 u 4c p?r pound; lettuce, allo2.-V per crate; cucumber. tVv--' pvr doira; raullrinwrr. 1.7& v Pr crat arttrhnkva. t $ I . 5 per pound: sarllr. 7 M tSc per pound; celery. $4.'J' ' 4 '0 per rrato; peppera, 4uc per pound; a!routa. 110 1a!Sc per pound; rhubarb. iit? I-'ac per pound; ajparoicuaT. .i Sc Ier pouml. hACK VeOKTAHLKS Crrota. 91.60 per irk; beat. 9I.V)t 2 io; turnips. fl..W&l.bO; pa rn I pa. $ 1 . r 1 . j. rOTATUhs Urea on rfurBankn. v 1.039 1.23 per hundred; Yaktmaa. 91.i1.4 suteet potntoea. Ho per pound. l-NIUaNsi Jobblns prices. lV-o par pound. IS tap) a Croreriea. I-ora! Jobblns; quotations: hL'OAR Hark b-fsia: Fruit and harry, a."., bevt, ST W5: extra C, 7.5.; powdered. in harr:a. $6i: cula. in barreia. a1 NVTS--Walnatn. I'tr; I. rant nut. l"tT :1c; fitoerta. -Jw.'ar; altnonHa. lfl'Jc; pea nuts, 14flAr; rocoiauii, 41.10 per dozen: po an. I7,tl'c; chestnuts, 2e, HKANS California; Jobblns; prices; 8mal white. 13Hc; la rare white. 13c; bayou. I0c; pink. lc. Oron beans, buying prices 1 White. l'U10c: colored. IV. CuKFtE Koaated, In drums. 1702rc. HAL.T 'iranulated. 10.75 per ton; half-rounds. I lj per ton; AOs, 914 per ton; dairy. $1H 75 per ton. I:1CK tMutbern had. 9flflSc per pound; D!uo Ilnne. Sc; Jp.tnm style, 9jiiic; HHIKU FRL'lT Apples. 1-VjC pihe, 11 W Ur; prunes. Italian, 11 :ir raisins. K.V- 7 l per box : Ua left, farrl. $.' SO 3 pel boa; currants, lc; fiara. 9 V - aO pr box. Hide aad Pel I a. HIDES Salted hides. S3 lbs. and up. 12c; salted stairs, o lbs. and up, lOc; salted and green kip. 1; to -1 lbs.. 1-c; salted and greon calf, ltl to 1ft I bo.. Sic; green hUles, lua. and up. lc; grven iUki. lbs. and up. a; dry flint hlUes. -'K-; dry fitnt calf. ' ; borte hides. 9l.v a l.o; suited horse bKies, tut a . PKLsTrt rry Ing-wooi pelts, Sr; dry hort-aool p-lts. H. c ; sailed pelts. January takaf U 9i-o 9 ; - Sixty Loads of All Classes of Stock Kecrlvcd Over Sunday Fall lrlcc Are Tald for Beef Cattle Xo Muttoa Trade. Ilopa. Wool. Ftc. HOPS 191T crop, 14 16o par pound; 1018 crop, nominal. . ouU haiastern tjregon. 44 t aoc per pound ; sl ey, o V per pound ; ailey latntx 4- f c. MOHAlIt teong staple, full year. &0c; six month. 4itaVH'; burrr, 3atf4c CAM'AKA aUAKK .Ntw and old. 8 H fife Dor pound. TALU)wo. x. 2vijc per pound; X J-4 par pound. rrolaloa. Loenl Jobbing quotations: HAVS All sis, choice. 33c; standard. c. kinnad, 2 7 w 1'aK: ; pit n lea, c; cottage rolls, -'hi. LA K l Tlertre basis, standard pur a, STHc conipund. it-i a. ItAi'oN franry. 0tf4Sc; standard. 42 a 44-; enoree. 4JMIC URT f AI.T Short clear harks, r0 93c: expotta, U . plate. .4 ? .bC Oil. OAPOLLVE Bilk. COHc: cane. Oc: naphtha, drum a. 1Sc: rases, rc; angina d. annate, drums lc; caaes. lic. .I.NVKCU OIL Kar. narrela. 1 54 ; caaaSL i iM: holler, barrels. 114; raws. 91 Hd. TLhiJt.MIt in tanks. c; caaea. 75c SAX 1RA(K1) FKOIH (E MARK FT FrVea Carrrat an Fgga. Vegetables, Fraata t rait, fcte.. at Bay City. RAN FRANVloCO. -Warch , Butter Ex traa. .".O-. fx r. k.tfsa k-'roati extras, 3dc; firsts, 54c; fresh extra pulleta. S4 S hrras i nun c Amriraa r nry, Foul try He n. nominal. v hita l-ehorn rooeteia, U -sc; friers. 4 $ 4.c; broilers. abutfW-: mu4trr, '.. piaeona. 91.7;tf; 19auc; iurks. mixed and off sUx. 0s31c VeactahleoAsparacua. No. 1. 1 7 3e ; cream. .W a SI ; hubt.ard. 9!...i I erg p. ant. ftrlJr; pea, small sixes. 1" ' r.'S: elephone. IlTS'fl"'. PPprw. It" .!"-. ; to matoes. 9i ;.! ;:: lettuce, si i'a i :.: rf. ery. 9-0-75. potato, rivr. silo-l-; Salinas. 91 0 tr -. . 9 ' 4 . onions. Auat ra :in broon. 91 "; garlic. - f So ; t u- rum hero. 9 J tt i pumpkins. 91 : be-ira, 91. .-: carrots. 1V I lurutps, $1V1-; hubarb, f . tr J tK Krult AHtaator pear. 92 .T TA dofn: Winter Neuts pears. S Ji 2 .". lentons. V-; grapefruit, 97.7.. :l .'i b ; ornc-s .Nave's. am: eta. ta ncertnea. 2 i lr2; bananas. Ilaiailttn. 4 4 '.: pinea-ple. toy 7: appi-e. .N''nn 1'lppina. 91-5 tl Hplta-noerg. Hay Wheat and wheat anil oat, 9-7 9:9: me oat. 9929; bsrl-r. 25v-7; alfalfa. e 27 : barley atraw. a ar. tillfer 4 rrked corn and feed eorn- meal. 977-4i. alfalfa meal. 4-iotJ'. cocoa- cut meal. 94 &o. Flour 910 "0 n-r barret 1teipf Flour. 7tt-. quarters: hartey. 4 rent a la: beans. 4"40 mrk: potatoep. " sa-ks. ontitt.s. sa"ks; hay, wd tons; hides oiv, wine. 4a gnitnns. rOFF;K RM.IIT-4 AT RKCORD POINT Iewllara Trr Baa raid lurat 9 ram Una ail. TORT LAND NAIKtT Grasav rkor. QtOTATIOXg aadL ttr. "ajareh d- rr Ftid. Tr rv Oo's. No. I white rd...a-....9 9"'T Tr T. stanrlard food 71 ' 4J Jar T. A brrrwtng T4ia) '.4iir taois and cars la bulk: I' d. Caia. .xa 9 wuta ud NKW TORK, March 4 Tho market for rofte futurve was qui' aajain ioly and lu-tuatlns wera trr gular w it hln a rang of a or points. The opening waa 1! points Inner to 4 ilnts loo er under sat lering iulatbn. but thera waa a moderate el-- mjm lrm trade eoiirvea, preauinatsfy aint sale of rot r.ffee, and alter sll ng off to H-dslt-. I Member rallied at slay, on tho other hand, reacted from K.4r to a.S"r and the market closed net A points lower to 1 point higher. No Improvement was reported In the ocean freight sltuctlon, and II was rumored that a rate of gj per bag had been paid. wh!h would lo t he htrheet prlree on rerord. Man'h. H.2;le': May. :..". July. 4-:; tttemb-r. a,IV."e; iM tnner. aic; Ue-rmttrr. Klr. rpot cofleo, steady; Htn 7a. ; Hsnio 4s. HSc No fresh offers tr reported la the coat and freight market. rnc ta) tho holiday, there wero nn of. flrlal quoistfnns from Brastt Kocelpts at Iba two porta, 4 f . TRAVEL FAR TO CELEBRATE General and Mrs. Tlbbctu Married Nearly Fifty Years. PRATTLE. Wash.. March 4. fSpa clal. general Oaorara W. Tlbbetta and wife arrived today from A pop k a. Flu., for tha purposo of celebrating the both anniversary of their wedding;, solem nized March II 199ft. General and Mra. Tlbbetta lived In thla county for 9$ year, where aoma of their children and grmadrhlldren now realda. tieneral Tlbbetta waa long; prominent In Washington affafra. aarvlna; In terri torial and at ate 1-eglslat ures. belnaj a mem ber of tha conatltutlunal conven tion, and having; charge of tha Soldiers' Home at Ortlctf. There wag a good run of about Art loais of st of k at the North I'ortland yards and an active and firm market throughout the day. Strength maa especially no led in the hog dlvlnion where t he top quotation wm lifted to 91. 15 on prima light atm-k. The bulk of the sales were at 9l h3. Cnttle of all classes sold welt with last aeek'a top quotations repeated ami evidences cf stronger demand for the medium grade of offerings. No sheep or lambs were on the market. Receipts were ll!.o cattle. So calves, 14S0 hok's and iMo sheep. Ship pern were: With hogs tleorxe Kohlhagen. Ro!eburg. 1 load; Benty 1 ros., Beaver Creek. 1 load; W. O. Hunter. Lrosttne. 1 load; W. H. 1'ad- berg, Lsexlngton, 1 load; Sol tU kerson. Hunt Inrton, 1 load; A. L.ure. Orlnnd. Cal.. 1 load. With cattle J. Funk, Weiser. 2 loai's; Hanson Ilros., Forest Grove. 1 load ; Nibley A Co, Cs rants FaNs.. 4 loads; U I a. Miller. MlUrd. 2 oadi; H. II. table, California, 1 load; F. Pratt, Centralist, 1 loud : t.. F. Brown. Corvallls. 1 load; Union Meat Co., Lyle. 3 loads direct; . J. lnncson. Red mond. 2 IcmkIs; J. W. Mar hen. Meriaen, Idaho. 1 load; O. Shaw. I'endleton. 1 load: Van Dusen Htewart. Emmett. Idaho, 2 louds; R. I. Cannon, Condon. 1 load: J. C. I-onergan. Ogden, ltah. 4 loads; Charles Wilson. Crane. 1 load; F. Bunn. Milton. 1 load ; W. H. Hutchinson. Union Junction, 1 load; J. C. Smith. BruKan. 2 loads; Smith A MouTton, 2 loads; J. Mr Lend. Kobinette. 1 load: W. J. Welch. Haines. 2 loada; Pendle ton Meat Co., Echo. 1 load. With mixed loads A. Ftenh. Woodland. Wash.. 1 load cattle and hoes; H. L, Mc Fadlen. Harrisburg, 1 load cattle and hoitf ; C. Wood. Redmond, 1 load cattle, calves and hogs; F. B. McCully, Joseph. 1 load cattle hogs; La. H. Morelock. 1 load cuttle and hogs; J. W. Chandler. Klgln. 1 loud cattie and hogs: J. O. Bowker. Payette. Idaho. 1 load cattle and hoes; Orovr Bros.. New Plymouth. 1 load cattle and hots; Sol LMckerson. Welser, 1 load cattle and hoss; H. 1. Cooper, Payette, 1 load cattle and hogs; F. A. Haggerdorn. Grid ley. Cat.. 1 load hogs and sheep; H. Waggoner, Stither lln. 1 load cattle and hogs; J. W. Or burn, H d Bluff. Cat.. 1 load cattle and bogs. The day's sales were aa follows: Wt. Price. Vt. Price. ! t hot.... 3oo ll.YSO' Scows... VKi 9 ."i.r.rt ; IdhoKs... 121 l. im 4 hetfers. r,a. 44has... 1!4 1SS' 1 bull.... l!firt 0'hot... T32 1 .".", 1 bull.... 1 "" dhoKS... 129 1.VhK 3 bulla... 12i l.'thogn... I'.'J 1H.V.I lbull.... lj:tt 2hoKs... 2" lrt.K'i lbull.... i'.M) Mhon... 117 i:. ni( 1 bull l:t:ui .1 hogs... ISss lbull.... 1410 7 h. 1 -rt id..V lbull.... hi hogs. . I'.'l 1. V".: 1 steer. . . yui 7 hoes... 1lrt lrt.s.". 24 steers. . 112 2 hogs. .. 2' . 15 C ateers. . loTl 1 hog... 170 Id 75 1.1 steers.. 111 S bogs. .. .120 l'l..V 1 steer. .. 1210 1 hog... 470 1.. 7, " sLeers. . 1147 Matters.. lOT.T lo 7.V 1 steer... i;o steers. . 1I1 ..o 1 steer... 1 steer... I'l.'o 10 7.1 2.1 steers. . lo trt 21 steera.. in:; 2 10.1.1 2'. steer.-. . 1 1 t:t 1 steer. . . 1 120 Id. 71 1 etecra. . f41 1 steer... 110 1 if 7.1' Ssteera.. 7S 1 steer... loto ll.oV 7s:ecrs.. 1214 2 steers. . 1"11 10 1.1 steers. . lu'l 1 steer. . . 12.10 10.7.1 3 steers. . 7."i;i 2"ta.teers.. inn 10.71' 1 cow . . , . l'iO 27 steers. . H4l lo IO lo cows,. . lt7o II steers.. liCI.'i 1i ".V 9 cows... iXl III steers. . 1 n mj 1117-1' 2sieers.. s'0 Rteers.. 1(M2 l 7.11 Steers. . JoitJ lo steers. . My. 8,M 11 steers. . IC.l 1 steer... MO !.7-1' steers.. ljj:t 1 ster... R.l 7.i'0" 1 steer... 11 Ml lstrer... 740 f no 23 steers. . Is2i Scows... rt ."' .1 steers., lit.i 4 cows... ' 9 9 Steers.. 7i-1 I'rowi., M."i 7.1ol 4 steers.. lol7 2 rows... InO 8 .10 1 steer... 1MO 1 row.., 920 7.1o dateern.. , Icww... 4 Xn 2 steers.. 1 2".1 1 cow.,. S.m 6.RO' 2 steers. 1 7 2 cows.. S7.1 7.1o 1 steer... 1 1 0 lcow... 1im a. 2 V Hcalv-ea.. 27H 4coa... 1MO 00 12 cuves. . lt',2 2 roa s. . . . 1 - ca.ves. . 4 2" lcow.... 11- 7.2"' 9nlves.. 172 1 cow.... MO T.OO" 8 bulls... i:i72 4.-ows... 900 ,1 r.m 7 bulls... 1112 Scows... 9iJ 4 Otll .1 bulls... l4'Vf lo cows... f'H 8 01! ft bulls... 12IO 7 ro a... f75 ft.R'H .Ibujls... 1172 7 0 lcow.... 1lrt 3.I0: lbull.... MO 6 I'll ,1cows... 0 .'it' lbull.... j:;s 7 lCOW.... llHW 8 IK1 lbull.... 14i. 77 2 cows... 111 A 2hoss... 2f.o 1 1 cow.... 1.120 .10 ?o horn. . . lno jr.". 2 vows. .. 14.1 o 2.1 htias. .. TMl jh it 2rowa... lt.t.1 8 oti 14 hogs... 222 17.1 1 row.... i.H It 21' ."iinss... "77 1.1.7 1 cow. . . . 940 4.7.1 o hoic. . . loi in.7 1 cow.... J'Wrfl 8 mi 2 hoifs... 241 17.1 7.M 3 mil Uur.... 2W0 16.03 QUI 9 0( 7..10 6 7.1 7.2-1 ho 7. .10 7. .10 9.oo 7 .10 IO 2.1 10. :t.i 10 2.1 10.2.1 10.7.1 l.nO MJ 10 00 IO 7.1 10.2.1 II. .10 11. 0 !. 7.1 9 HI 8 70 7 OO severe break, demand bills selling at 8 9.m loternatlonala and tractions were heaviest of the bond list, liberty Issues varylufe slightly. Tutsi sales, par value, aggrexated 93.ti.10.OO0. United States bonds, oid tsauea. were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing galea. High. Low. bid. ill Ml aSM 79 S 4bH ol'is 3iS 2.J'M i;.-, 64 a.f'H) K'ti-j 7913 4.vw aoo- lOom Ara Beet Sugar.. Am Can Am Car A Fdry.. Am locomotive. Am ISm Sl Refg. . Am Cugar Heig.. Am Tel Tel.... Am Z I, 4 S Anaconda Cop. .. Atchison A G & W I S S U Bait A Ohio B Sc S Copper.... Calif Petrol Canadian Paclf.. Central Leather. Ches Uhie Chi Mil He Hi P... CM X W C R 1 P ctfs. ... Chino Copper. . . Colo Fu 4t iron.. Corn Prod Heta.. Crucible Steel. . . Cuba Cane Sug.. iMsrlllers' Sueur. Krle General Klect... General Motors.. Gt Nor pfd Gt Nor Ore ctfs.. Illinois Centrat. Inspiration Cop.. lnt M M pfd Int Nickel lnt Paper K C Southern. . . , Kennecott Cop.. Louis & Nash. . . Maxwell Motors. Mexican Petrol. , M lami Copper. .. Missouri Pacific. Montana Power. Nevada Copper.. New Vork Cent.. X V N H 4 H Norfolk Ac West. Northern Pacif.. Paci:ic Mall Pennsylvania. . .. PittKburg Coal . . . Ray Conbol Cop. Reading Rep Ir Steel. .. Shatt Ariz Cup. . . Sout hern Pacif. . Southern Ry . . . . Studebaker Cor., Texaa Company. I'nton Pacific V S Ind Alcohol, K Steel do pfd tah Copper. . . . Wabash pfd B... Wewtern I nlon. . W sting Elect 00 0 SGARG E 4txi .m J.5'X 1.0" HI ;.M) a.4iM IM) &H) 5"0. l.illU 400 i,cH) 1.4INJ 1..VO aw 1.300 1,!MH) ll.aiMl l.TOO 4. bOO 800 B.t 11J 1, I 2t l 144 70 H W 40', 20 , 4-S is',. HI", 14 Va ay 'i'r.H 1'7 h &OO 29 Vi i M 2oO SMK) 1.5"0 700 XI o 1. AOO :too coo "oo 3,100 700 700 1.4110 11.100 2..VI0 2, :nio .-,ih) 66,r-'H 4o 1.700 ai'i 2J, 70 "a 71" 2S-4 Id.t S3 2 '.4 45 24 V 7li". 70- "4 M 24 41 ?i ISO 121 120 .110 t04 61 j, MS llV 1W 1 14Ji tiHVi MS aw-, K2-H !!. as 'ii" an, aw 14H iiik" 28 4."i" l.. 2MSi ai, 'aiii 'isii "aili 70 u i 71 2S 2i 44 vs "ii" 7 -.T4 7tt 2:1 4- 4, 147V, 121 111 '4 ll'!7m 7U" iii" 41 6 13 Jl'S 11 "!, 14 , 111 62 4 3S 15 144 IO 64 20 42-4 as S4i 31 3! 144 13U 121 HI 2S!, 14 45 IT 2S14 82 S 1L4 32 U 112V, 2 :!T4 ai 22 14 711 1U 71 . 2N 101 4 54 24 rt 7ii '.4 ltl S44 2S" 4S4 I.-.O 121s 1H im4 lot'Ts 7: '4 22 i 40 ;i Demand for Better Qualities Strengthens Market. .ton po (-UH 4 1 Total aaica for the day, a 15. 000 shares. BONDS. C S ref 2s res. !7VNor Pacific 4s. M 14 do coupon .. 7ni now V S r-f 3a ree. Pac T T Re.. 2r-4 do coupon .. ilTfnn con " -t S ref 4 res;.,104 I'nlon Pac 4a.. H7'.4 do coupon ..eio4IU S Steel 5s... HS At' h Ken 4r.. 82 , South Pac cv r.a m D & K ii ref 5s 50'i nelo-Krench 5s SH N T C deb 6a.. K2.iU S Lib Cs 87!, Mining Stocks at Boaton. BOSTON. March 4. Cloalna: quotations: llouez B2SIOM Uom 40 riz Com J2H'U-'eo' ChI and Aril! . . 7 IQulncy Cal and Hecla..42 Muptrior ..... entennlal ix sup e do -iui.. on K Con Co... 4,Mhannon B Butto Cop M. V l"tah Con Kranklin .Winona Ile Roy (Cop).. 21 VS I Wolverine Lake Copper .. 4 jliranliy Con Mohawk 11 lUreene Cananaa. North Butte ... 15'il CHICAGO FUTURES HIGHER Xumber of Cars Available Xot Suffi cient to Meet Inral Keeds Im proved Eastern Outlook Leads to Heavier Buying: of Oats. CHICAGO, March 4. Corn prica hard ened today, influenced largely by scarcity of good grade and by reports that the num ber of cars available was inadequate to meet rural needs. Futures closed firm at the same as Saturday's finish to u higher, with March 91.27 and May ll.-ITH. Oati rained Suc to Hc. The outcome In provisions varied from 13c decline to C advance. Despite bl receipts, demand for corn showed urgency for the better dualities and displayed some Improvement as to the less dettlrable kinds. One of the leading Indus tries, which has been out of the market 10 days, became a purchaser again. Complaints of car 5hortage were chiefly from Illinois and Indiana. Persistent buying of oats took place throughout the boss ion. Gossip was current that a better outlet East was likely. Packers support rallied provisions from an early decline. The initial weakness was ascribed to a setback In the value of hogs. Leading Xutures ranged as follows: CORN. Open, High. $ $ . 1.27 1.27 3 OATS. MESS PORK. .47.85 4.r.O 47.S5 LARD. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building1, Portland, Oregon. . THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON Municipal Bonds Yielding from 5.10 to 6.75 Telephone Main 3409. Marcfi May . March May . Mar Low. t 1.27 Close. 1.27i 1.27 .no st .88 48.20 -; l"'i l'.i S3 Mar 26.07 2C.2S 2.0O 'd.l.t July 2M.40 26.o7 20.37 SHORT RIBS. May 2.1. 17 2."i.3". 25.12 2.V2I July 2o.T7 25.70 25.30 25.57 Cash prices wer: Com Xos. 2 and 3 yellow, nominal; Xo. yellow. l.0i1.6.. Oats No. 3 white. 01 i SI 92 V c : standard. 92 ta 2 c. Ba rley $ 1. SO f 2. 24. Rye No. 2. J2.77. Timothy i S. Clover 2Sj31. I.ard LMi.4t. Ribs J4. 75. Primary receipts Wheat. 478.000 vs. 1.07.0(10 bushels: corn. .1.274,000 va. t.!04. (HMi bushels; oats, 1.74U.000 vs. 1,072,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. lfi.1,000 s. 4A4.000 bushels; corn. 1,39.-1,000 vs. 722.000 bushels; oais. ltt.E.tHi vs. u.4.U0O bushels. Clearances Wheat, i:0.00o bushels; oats, Cl.uuo ouslieig; flour. S7.000 barrels. of Bend, Or., and Mrs. Alice O. L Gat, 23. ot .Bend, or. Mrtrrinjre Licenses. . KETCHrM-PEARCE Elial J. Ketchtim, IS, 51 i Union ave. N., and Helen 1. Paarce, IS. 17o Vista ave. SUTTON-MILLER Georee A. Sutton. 41. 26 Eleventh St.. and Mra. Clarissa Miller. 3ti, same address. STANTON-OH 16HOLM Edward Stanton. legal, aop Jefferson St.. and Marararet Cnis. holm, lesal, same address. TALLINGER-BARBVR L. J. Tallinser, 22. ISeasiile, and Vera Barbur, 21. 7b4 laat r ranKlln at. . Buildlne Permits. CONRAD WOLFF Erect fireproof con crete garage. 39;1 Knott, between Union and Last Seventh; S. Simonsen. builder: s.100. MRS. C OLSON Erect frame Karase. 821 Haisey, between Twentj'-pixth. and Twenty- seventh; builder, same: lu. MRS. C. M. SAND1FUR Erect one-storv frame residence, ' Leavitt street, between Princeton and Willamette boulevard George W. Caufleld. builder; $1,100. CITV LIBRARY Erect one-story frame 11 brary, 4420 Sixty-fourth street Southeast, be tween Forty-second and Forty-fifth avenues Southeast; McHolland Bros., builders: J2ii0. EDWARD FA HK Lrect one-story tire proof concre'te garage, i2 East Flanders, 1 etween Floral and Laurelhurst; McHolland Bros., builders: "00. w p. CASSAnv Erect one-storr frame dwelling. ll Delaware, between Terry and V inchell; builder, same: iiu. R. S. WILLIAMS Erect frame, garage. 1244 East Twentieth street North, between Killlngsworth and Alnsworth; builder, same; $50. C. L. COLVIN Repair three-story brick ordinary stores, 113-115 Fourth street North, between Ollsan and Flanders; Jacob Losli, builder: -oo. H. JOHNSON Erect frame, garage. 14"4 Lenore, between and Belleview; builder, same; $79. H. J. SCOTT Erect frame garage, BHO Emerson street, between Eleventh and Twelfth; builder. Mr. Batton: $,.. TRAITORS GET DESERTS SEDITIOX AXD DESERTION SEVERELY PLXISIIED. ARE Short Term Secured Loan Oversubscribed As anticipated, the J500.000 lssu ' of 6 notes of the Pacific Power & Lipht Company, secured by long term first and refunding mortKK 6 bonds of the company, has been oversubscribed. We withdrew from the syndicate a round block of these notes in or der to accommodate intending local subscribers at the original sub scription price of 97.75 and inter-, est, to yield 7.70. Notes mature August 1, 1919 slightly less than, i 17 months to run. (Wb reserve tha privilege of withdrawing from sale with- fl out notice the notes we own). - it Lumber mens Trust Company CAPITAL AMS SURPLUS $600,000 Lumbermen; Bldg. Portland, Ors. 9 : 8 oO 9 oo 1 12. oo 2 roars... 7.'.M 1 row. .. . 810 Quotstlons st tha yards follow: Cattle Prlcea. Meuium to rnolrs steers. ...... ,$10.:i., 11 no ifKd to medium steera......... 9 2.' .-10 .1, Common to good ateera 8009 u.40 Choice coa s sn, heifer. ! Com. to good cows sud heifers.. A 7., 9 a 1.1 Caiiners ...................... 4?.4j 6 'jri ltults Soo $00 Calces ..... 7 .'.tl . IJ.o.j b:o-kr and fesders 6.504 9 50 Hogs Prim- llrht 1SS17 1S prima heavy lt!.H .t IH. I'lcs H (.Hi j 15. ;i Sheep lambs 1." OO 1 r..r.rt Vnllev lambs I4.v13i.noo Vcr:ln 1:1 .'ill Wothera I'-i rnil.t 00 tarca v.uual-Vil Chiracs l.lrtork Market. C1IIA;. March 4 H. c. Receipts. S: 000. unsettled at Snturdav'a average to nc wer. Hulk. $ 1 I .10 ti 1 : light. $t" 4r.i 17; mixed, fid .1.1 (1 17 : heavy. !.-. 7" u li.U5 rough. fl.V75-ll.VKO; plrs. f 11.75 lti.r V 'attle Kecelprs l.tNNl, weak. Native em. f V i5tf 14.15: atockers and feede f 7.:imb lo so; coaa and heifers, $u.&i j 1 1.5; ralvta. I" i5 H A Utieep Receipts. I5.00O. firm, sheep, $10 35 0114o; lamba, f 14 w l7..',o. Omaha LWrstork Market. OMAHA. Marrh 4. Hogs Receipts POO0. arket 5c lower. Heavy. $!. lei ,1 1H.25 mixeii. ll.-.'0: light. l.i.!5ti 1 ...-; P)es, IHKil.l; bulk or sal. .. l lrt.50. attle Krelpta P.'iiH). slo-. to 104 15c lower. Native steers. $94? 1.1: rows and heif- $7. ."uu 11: Western aleers. $v.".0iil' Texas steers, f7.75ft 10.-5: i'owb and heifers. :.0"9'J.": canners, $0.51141 7. 50; stockers and feeders. ft.ViiIl; calvea, fulU; bulla, lima. etc.. f . r 10. Hheep Receipts. Sl.OOO, slow, lower. Tear ing., sl'-'v M aeth-rs, 1 1..'.!) u 1 J : ewes. $9.75vl-; IWiibs. :..uT.. SHORTS ARE CAUTIOUS EFFOItT TO HOLD DOW STOCK rRK KS OT ttl CCESSFl l Matora asd W mr Sharra Rally 1st Latter l'art sit Seaaloa Iorrls;a Boasto Heavy. XEtV TORK. Marrh 4 Ftocks were s' moat In a stata of deadlock todav, leadera muvtiig within reatrlcted limits, though mainly downward. Tha tenor of domestic and foreign advlrea afforded a pretext for further short selling, but this was con ducted with caution. Investment rails. Including Canadian Pa cific. Union Patltlc. grangers and coalers yielded 1 to 2 points, and Induatrlala of the sessoned ciass averaged 1 point lower. Miipplnga. oils, leathers and tha more di versified array of war ahares mada gross derllaea of 1 to f polnta and utllltlea. not ably American Telephone. i'ubUc rarvice of New Jersey and l'vopie'a Gas. loat 1 lo Z polnta Marked heaviness was displayed by tobaccos'. American Sumatra excepted, and Harvester. Continental Can and American Sugar. Reactionary tendencies wera partly neu tralised br the reiatlva strsngth of Baldwin Locomotive. American Car. Mexican Pa tru'vum and tha motera and acceaaortea. 8a!ea amounted to aharea. Call money opened at 8 per cent, a natcral raault of last week's Sdvers bank atate ment, but soon f.ll to 4. Tims loana held al 8 per cent, with a minimum of aupiy. Lire, wr Italian sxchanfe, records saeiaar Money, Exchange. Ftc. NEW TORK. March 4. Mercntile paper, S per cent. Sterling tJO-day bills, $4.7b; commercial o-day bills on hanks, $4.7J: commercial 60-day bills, $4.71 "i; demand $4.75. cables $4,76 7-11. Kranca. demand cables 5.70 9-lti: guilders, demand 44i, csbles 4514; lire, demand S.ys, cables b.Ui: rubles, demand 13, cables 13!4 nominal. Bar silver. Si'tc. Mexican dollars. OSc. Governmeut bonds. hea-y; railroad bonds, Ireeelllnr Time loans, strong: 80 days, 00 days and six months. 6 per cent bid. fall money, easier: high. per cent; low, 4 per cent; ruling rate. per cent; closing bid, 4 per cent: offered at 4 per cent; last loan. per cent. LONDON, March 4. Bar silver, 42V4d P ounce. Money. 3 per cent. Discount rates, short bills and three months, a percent. Record Price, for Cotton Futures. NEW VOKK. March 4. The price of cot ton for future delivery Kiuchu,d a new high record for the season, when rose approx imately fl a bale here today. May deliveries sold at SI. Me. or 61 polnta abova Saturday's closing quotation and 21,c a point above the low level of February. Spot, steady; middling uplands, 33.30c. " Naval Ktorea. SAVANNAH. Ca.. March 4. Turpentine, firm. 4(c; sales, as barrels: receipts, 13 bar rels; shipments, ft barrels; stock, i4.05S barrels. Rosin, firm; sales. SOS bsrrels; receipts. 277 barrels: shipments. 174 barrels: stock. 9l.47:t. Qunte B. L. K, K. G. H. I. $.VM: K. $tf.5U: M, $d.75; N. 7: WG $7.J5: WW. $7.50. Hops. Ktc. at Nesr Vork. NEW YORK, March 4. Hops quiet; state medium to choice 1017, 40'a5nc: linii. nominal; Pacific Coast 191T, i'O'tfl'Uc; 1010. 14 'n lrtc. Hides quiet: Bogota. 3435c; Central America. :i:n.t4c. , Wool firm; domestic fleece XX Ohio and Pennsylvania unwashed. 5'.i title Dried Fruit at New York. NEW VOKK, March 4. Evaporated ap ples dull; California, 14iioic; state, J. 41 lf c. Prunes quiet; Callforntas. i14',ic; Ore gon. I.ltrl4c. Peaches quiet; stanaaru. ituicic, (uuite, USIlllic New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. March 4. Raw sugar eadv. Centrifugal. 6.05c: molaascs. nom inal. Refined. steady. in loar. i.ii..c; rmih.rf. H 7tc: mould A. i.9.c: cuties, .JI VVXV oowdcred. J...c: pnwucron. .ic; fine granulated and diamond A. 7.45c; con fectioner's A. ..n-.c: o. i. 1..1UC, Chicago lalry Produce. CHICAGO, March 4. Butter Creamery, S 45c. Cin steadv. Receipts .r,5i cases: firsts. 34c; ordinary firsts. Ui33c; at mark, cases included, I- 4 no'1. Metal Market. NEW TORK. March 4. Tha mal ex change nuitles lead firm. Spot. 7.5ox 7.75c. Snelter. steady. r.ast au A.ouia utuvtij, pot offered at 7.7Qc. Dulnth Unseed Market. PVUUTII. March 4. Unseed. $4.01 4.1": arrive. $4.01: May.; juijv T-f.uvv ked; October. .i.i,-' oin. Minneaimlis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 4. Barley, i Kiax $4.034.0. 1 Fadern Corn and Oats Market. KANSAS CITY. March 4. Cash corn: X 3 white, fi.n.v: No. 4 white. $1.S3; No. 3 ye low, $1.60frl.72: No. 4 yellow. 1.50l.t: No. 2 mixed. $1.RS; No. 3 mixed. $1.6flffl l.S: Oats: No. 3 white, SMJ&Olc; No. 2 mixed, SOlic; Hay. 8'JSc ST. I.ons. March 4. Cash corn: No. fl.tttfi 1.(53; No. 3, $1.54 1.55: No. 5 whit $1.65il.70. Outs: No. white. iKitsc: N 4 white. 3c: No. 2 mixed, 91 lie; No, mixed, HO 01c. WINNIPEG. March 4. Oats closed: May, U5ic; July, IKJT.c. OMAHA. March 4. Cash corn: No. 5 ye! low. $1.51(S 1.58; No. 0 yellow. $1.40fl 1.41 No. 4 mixed. $1.70; No. 5 mixed. $1.52 ft 1.54. Oats: No. 2 white. OOUc: standard, SOUc No. 3 white, MlJjSO'-ic; No. 4 white. 8S PCLUTH, March 4. Cash oats, 90?4 BOVxC. Itye, $2.60. Barley. $1.90SJ2.23. Crain at San Francisco. PAN FRANCISCO. March 4. Spot quota tions: Feed barley. $3.02 hi .'!..,; white oat: $.l.5ci'o 3.55: bran, $34 'n ::4.50; middlhlgs, $41.5042.50; sttnrts. $37. Sofa ;t.S. OFFICER BACK IfJ I). S COLOXEL BRKES RETfR.YS TRIP TO FRONT, FROM Camp Lewis Man Tells of Experiences la Airplane K0O0 Feet Over Ger man Lines In France. OREGON STOCK IS BOOSTED - YVlIlaiii Pullman, of Baker, Predicts 1'car of Prosperity. BAKER. Or., March 4. CPpecial.) William tollman, local stockman, who has returned from an extensive trip over the Middle and Southwestern live stock raising; -sections of the country. todav said that the stock In Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Is in the beast condition or any section oi tne United States. Mr. Pullman says that In Texas, Ari zona, New jhiexico ana ooutnerii Cali fornia, the long dry spell caused many cattle to die. and others had to De shipped out to be fed. There has been no rain in these sections for almost a year and Mr. Pollman says that never n his experience lias ne Known tocK o be so emaciated as in the districts he visited. Mr. i'ollman predicts a very success ful year In Oregon. Portland Educator to Speak. VANCOUVER, Wash.. March 4. (Spe cial.) Edward Gari Crawford, presl- ent of the Portland University, will lecture on "The Conditions of Civili zation." In the First Mtehodist Episco pal Church here at 8 P. M.. March 6. nder the auspices or the Mens lirotn- rhood. No admission will be charged nd the public is invited to attend. - A fingerprint left on a silver tray when he robbed a Port Chester, N. Y.. ouse sent an ex-convict to prison for life as an habitual criminal. T A COMA, Wash., March 4. (Special.) After flyinp twice over the German lines in an airplane and subject to fire from Roche anti-aircraft Kuns and after also being; shelled by artillery fire, Eieutenant-Colonrl H. J. Iirees, chief of staff of the 91st Division, arrived in Tacoma today after spending three months in France on a tour of obser vation with Mnjor-General H. A. Greene, camp commander. Colonel Brees today told something; of his trip and also of his flight over the German lines once in an American airplane and once in a British machine. "W were about S0O0 feet in the air anad well over the German lines when the Bodies fired on us. "It was the first time that I had been under fire while being In an airplane, andthe sensation was particularly dif Cerent from that under te same cir cumstances on the ground. Fortunately the machine was not hit. Another time we were groins; to a position in an automobile under the protection of a hill, and on the way the Germans started shelling a battery which we would pass. One of the shells fell about -5 yards ahead of us and spattered mud over the car." Colonel iirees returned to camp with a firm belief that in long preparation beforetaki ng their positions will be the success of the American troops. HaRty preparation, with needless sac rifice of life, will result only in Ameri cans losing men and with no apprecia ble gain. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. Vn.LEN' To Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Mullen. 102S Front, February 2S, a son. HAMILTON To Mr. and Mrs. Chester T. Hamilton, hsl East Franklin. February 23, twins, son and daughter. BKNZ To Mr. and Mrs. August George Benz. Jr., 60S Madison, February 25. a son. LUSK To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. X,usk, 844 Knst Twenty-sixth, r eoruary o. it" son. IMETZOLD To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pietzoid. 540 Frederick, February IS, a son. tjCINN To Mr. and Mrs. James P. (Juinn, 123ti Minnesota avenue, February 23, a daughter. Pt.l-ss To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pluss. 6SsC Second street. February 2S. a daughter. FUWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Ora A. Pow ell. H2S East Twnty-Ilrt, February lo, son MARTIN To Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Mar tin, 061 iiast iwentn. reoruary a son. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. CARTER-WINIEOKE Edwin R. Carter, 24, of Vancouver. Wash., and Elizabeth M. Winlecke. 24. of Portland . GKNTRY-SH ANOSE John E. Gentry. 2B. of Portland, and Mra. Julia 8hanse, 26, of Portland. Ml'RRAT-GREEN'WELL Adam C. Mur ray. 2s. of St. Johns, Or., and Ada Green well. 25, of Dayville, Or. NYSTROM -SADLER Edward Nystrom. legal, of Sacramento, Cal., and Ada oadler, legal, of Sacramento, CaU 51 ILLblt-nuuos V. ri. sillier. -f . of I'ortland. and Ruth Hobbs. 25, of Her mlston. Or. NEUSO.V-MOORE Martin H. Nelson. St. ot Salem, Or., and Mra. Opal T. Moore, 82, of Salem. Or. DELONEY-YOCNG John Deloney, 41, of Portland, and Mrs. Nina Lee Young. 87, of Eureka. Mont LE tiAl-LK OAT Ralph J. Ls Cat. 26, , Major-General Greene Approves Gen eral Court-Martial Sentences of 20 and 21 Years at Hard Labor. CAMP LEWIS. Tacoma. March 4. One of the first official acts of Major- j General H. A. Greene, upon resuming i command of the 'division, was to ap-j prove two of the most severe sentences imposed by general court-martial. One was a sentence of 21 years at hard labor for a wilful war time desertion, j and another for 20 years for pro-Ger- i man utterances. ' General Greene resumed command i yesterday morning without any for- malities, and after a short conference j with Brigadier-General Frederick S. Koltz immediately took up routine work. Private Reuben Steve SleConnell, H Company. 166th Depot Brigade, has been sentenced to serve 20 years intlie United States Military Disciplinary Barracks at Alcatraz. Cal., for making seditions remarks. He said in the hear ing of other soldiers: "For my part. I would like to see Germany win. and would just as soon fight for Germany as the United States." He was tried by a general court martial at Camp Lewis, dishonorably discharged from the Army and forfeits all pay and allowances besides receiv ing his sentence. Charged with wilful wartime deser tion and wrongfully disposing of his clothing, William L. McClure, of Com pany L. 363d Infantry, has been dis honorably discharged from the Army, forfeits all pay and allowances, and was sentenced to 21 years hard labor, lie will be confined at McNeil's Island. HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SELL Railroad Public Utility Industrial municipal BONDS YIELDING 5fo to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Elds:. Portland, Or. her missive with ::I saw your ad. in the paper." James went to the Battalion Adju tant with his troubles yesterday, but when he was told by a bupkie how beautiful one of hi.i correhpondents is he returned to the barracks for pelt and ink. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KEPORT. PORTLAND. March 4. Maximum temper- aturfe, :iS degrees; minimum. 34 degrees. Kiver reading. 8 A. M.. 4.4 feet: elianse in last 24 hours, O.T. foot fall. Total rainfall r. P M to & P. M.. .07 inch: total rainfall since September 1, 1917. 32.31 Inches: normal rainfall since September 1, :i2..'l! Inches; de ficiency of rainfall since September 1, .01 inch. Sunrise. H:44 A. M. ; sunset, OMil P. M. Total sunshine, 23 minutes; possible sunshine, 11 hours IS minutes. Moonnse, 12:2.1 A. M. ; moonset. 0:32 A. M. Karomeler (reduced to sea leveli. 5 P. M.. 2!t.!li inches. Relative humidity at noon. So per cent. THE WEATHER. President Makes Nominations. WASHINGTON, March 4. Nomina tions by President Wilson today in clude: lnpenwald C. Thereson. Surveyor-General of Utah, reappointment: Peter Hanson, Register of Land Office of Vernal, Utah, reappointment; Albert F. Youns, of Vernal Utah, Receiver of Public Moneys at Vernal. Utah. j s t 3 w"d I 3 fa. z 3 3 a : STATIONS. f : ? : uZr o o : "2 : ' 1 : 1 : 5. r o 5 i : : h - : a Maker poise Boston a 1 en ry 'hiraxo lenver Jes Moines. . Eureka Galveston . . . Helena Kansas City. Juneuut .... Kansas City. Angeles. . Marshfleid .. Med ford Minneapolis . New Orleans. New York. . . , North Head... North Yakima. hoenlx Pocatello Portland Rose burg Sacramento . . St Louis Sa'lt Lake an IHego San Francisco. attle nokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island ald.'Zt Walla Walla.. Washington ..I Vv lnnipeg 22 3410.201. .SE irioudy 32 4U0.O4 12'V Cloudy ll 4O0.00.14 sw k'laudy - su 2:o.n2l..NE iPt. cloudy no .VJ''ioUv i"luudy :t ti! o.oii. .lNW.Pt. cloudy 4o( .IS 0.021. JSW Iclear 3HI 44 D.2SI. .;sw ICliiuriy KJI 74 0.oo!12!S Clear 2' 2s o.oii,10;NWjSnow 44 02:0.021. . S Clear 14 22;'. JSE Clear Clear l; ,!SW .jSK JsE iSW Hnow Cloudy Cloudy Clear Snow cloudy 441102 0.02 4S 02 tl.OOi. .SW Cloudy 32' 42 0. .W. 2SI 40 0.041. 34 4H0.001. Otii 00.211'. 22! 34 0.00 20 S 321 4o 0.021. .l.-'W 241 40 0. ool. ,v Pt. cloudy 4j 7s,o.00I. .,N l't. cloudy 44l 4i; 0.011 10; W Cloudy S 3S o.o:. .SV jCliiudv 32 440.0S1..1K ICIoudy 4i SO. 0.II0;?S!SW Clear 421 iitl.3ii 10ISW Clear 4)! .1201.00 2 S Cloudy ."ill! O-'o.ooL.jW Icioudy 4N iiti 11. on . w it lear House Adopts Civil Kiglits I5III. WASHINGTON. March 4. The con ference report on the soldiers' and sail ors' civil rights bill, already adopted by the Senate, was adopted by the Houso tortnv and now poos to the President. Facts No. 347 Mil Army Official Experiment Testing- the possibility of m o v i n p troops and (supplies, a number oC Liberty trucks were loaded at the point of construction and sent under their own powor to the tieaboaril. It was a success in time, t;ost and efficiency and would have been more bo if the roads wera paved with BITULITHIC WAR!. EN BROS. CO., Journal KuiidtnK. I'ortlnnd. 4r. TRAVELERS' UL'tlJK. 3 42 0.01 ,v 3o( 3h;o.ooi. .sw 32 42:0. 001. .ISW .. 4III0.4O1 . .)s 0 ISjO.IIOl- .1 341 42!l.02i. . ISW 2SI 41 0.04i. .!E . 24 24;0.0rtllMN Cloudy cloudy cloudy Tt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Rain Snoff tA. M. today. P. M. report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Prnbshly rain or snow: gentle southwesterly winds. Oregon and vvasnington r-rooaoiy ram snow: colder east portion: moderate southwesterly winds. Idaho Rain or snow: comer. EDWARD L. WELLS. Meteorologist. GIRLS WILLING TO WRITE Private E. A. Jam"at Camp Lewis Is Offered Consolation. CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma, March 4. Private E. A. James, of Headquarters Company 322d Field Battalion, whose Red Cross sweater was Knitted oy a rural mail carrier in South Dakota, is to have consolation for his disappoint ment that the knitter was not a beau- uful youne woman. Within the last few days he has received nine letters rom young women in various sections the country, offering- to cheer his oneliness with friendly corre spondence. One wrote: "I feel awfully sorry for you, and anotner, enclosing a newspa per clipping of his experience, began S. S. BEAVER SAILS 3 P. M. THLKSDAY MARCH 7 FOR SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES The San Francisco Portland 8. 8. Co.. Third and Washington streets (with O.-W. R. & Si. Co.). Tel. Uroadway 4500. A 0121. (tl liv7f ?Va. 1 - Tl Third St. AJuln &. " 'l ALASKA Ketcblttan, Wranirell. Juneau. DourI stifcHiVsT, Skagway, Cordova. Val4 &ewru ana Ancborajga. CAL1FOKMA rfa Saattl or baa frranclsco to Anireiea and bai Diego Uirect. Uareas bipa, unqualel aervlce. low ratea. In cludinff brtti aad awift aUak rar atlona. USTRALIA Honolulu, SirvaNaw Zfialiufaj. Reeulnr aalllnc from Vancooer. B. C, by tha . Palatial Pasaecser Mteamera of tha Canadiun-Aiihtraltun Etoyul Mail Ltna. For full Information apply Can. Pac RaaV, ray. 66 Third St.. Portland, or (ieneraj ent. 440 beytnour M.. Vancouver. Ii. C. mmii Fast American S. S. SIERRA. SONOMA. VKNTl It A. Honolulu. C70 1st, td. tiall- ina: dates on application. Oceanic S. S. Co., Sol .Market St., S. Cal.