' r Tun aiogyiyG okegoxiax, Saturday, arARcn 2, idis TO L rORTLAXD'S LEADING POINT GETTER. WHO WILL TLAY AGAINST SEATTLE TONIGHT. " BALLTLATEK QUITS SHIPYARD TO PLAY WITH SACRAMENTO TEAM. LEAVE F00 GAMPS BASKETBALL TITLE HI COMMERCE FIVE r National Pastimers Departing for Training Stations in . ' Twos and Threes. 1 t - Columbia Is Downed in Hard Victory Is First for League B Basketball Circuit in Inter ierscholastic Series, v7Xw Contest for Interscholastic . Championship of City, it FIELDER JONES LEADS OFF i VICTORS SHOW FINE: FORM VANQUISHED LACK FIGHT1 PLAYERS BEGIN IflCOLf HIGH WINS WASHINGTON LOSES - ' , - '.. sjz. - - ' "ak lie- jm. - ; " ' - ft - - ' w-t TVotfer Dex-ldeg to Ttepor. to Sacra mrnto Despite Ttnmor That n Was to Manage Corn foot Tram. Many Are to Lea to Soon. BT JA5rT3 J. RrCHAIlDSON. Th local colony of minor anil major league kallplayere will toon fad into vinru 'h Fleldsr Jonas took Ms de parture for tit. Louis last Thursday be started the proce.slon of Nation! pastimers to Ih various training ramp that will end only en th Portland team pull up uk next month and hike for rendleton. where Judge Mc Crd'.'s warrior will condition them selves for the Vclf Coast Interna tional l.ea;u championship season. Ik Wo. far. who II waa rumored would pot report to Sacramento, but InMead would miitin tha Cornfoot t'am In tha Portland Shipyard lacu. haa experienced a chana of heart and will report to Manager Hill Rodger, of tha Senators, at fcacramtruo next wee,. Wolfer ptayd outfield aat season wttri Vancouver. In tha Northwestern l.eacu When that organisation bubola was punctured by war condi tions and tha magnates dMded they rould not mak a go of It. 'Wolfer. with trie other pla)ra In tha league, au tomatically becam a free agent. Tha Portland lad plaved smt-pro t-ll around I'ortUnd Int balance of tha jmi and attached hi ;en-tur to a harramento contract when Fill Kodgers approached him with a P. C. L. docu ment a few months ico. Raawr la rea4. Shortly after Wolfer affixed his John TTnco-ii to a Sacramento contract It waa whispered shout that he would i off eoor t n ih. Nan.lfir. huff I ,.. . .4 would man ona of tha teams In Varsity, Defeated by President Bay a Ship)ard League. Tha Spring fever became too tempt ing to Wolfer. and yesterday he jneandrred down to Charlie danger's railroad office) and accepted transpor tation to Sacramento. iu fisher also wl'l lea re for eiacrarnen to Sunday. The Sacramento training camp opens Best Monday at Sacramento. tron Mourk. St. Louis Browns t wirier, will lae next Tuesday night ia the southern La. Ilouck William st Grants las and tha two former .Heaver players will make thj long Journey together. William, who has been "percolating" arotnd Portland m-ln thoroughfares :X - - IKK WOLrtR. M.A.A.G. TOMEET'U' Clubmen and Collegians Will Clash Here Tonight. OREGON TEAM IMPROVED Multnomah JKarly In Season, Strenetlirnrd and Itrady to Put lp JI Ijrh-C'laos Ball la Tletara Game. The undefeated Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club basketball team w ill play It sixth gain of the year at tha club gymnasium tonUhl. meeting lli fart n rout for Slireveport. M nlverslty of Oregon quintet. Th III be joined by Ken M- A- A- C- basket-tossera defeated, the l iilcrn di i'r,un ir, rn in inrii aw- ond game of the season at Uugeue. by the acore of 34 to 1). but after a month's play In tbe Northwest Conference the U. of O. aquad la In great ahape tnd the last three days. le.Ve, tonight for " Improve I per cent from what irants i'. where be will remain until he nop aboard the rattler next 'Wednesday morning for the trip to I fcbrevtport. Pardee to fie. Ifarry Gardner. Sacramento pitcher. lias been spend. us the Winter at Canby. where he haa a farm, lla ry will climb aboard Ih train at Canby that will carry Wolfer and Pi. her to Sacramento. Ienny Wllte yesterday decided that fi. too. will loin the local contingent bound for Sacrameoto and will leave I Wii.aroett la. Sunday with Wolfer, Fisher and Oard-I In the first game against Willamette, r near the start of the basketball season Bltl Ftampf. rtttsborc Inflelder. has I Multnomah beat them 11 to 10. while ot heard from Hugo Beidek regard!- I in their return game several weeks ago transportation and the time to depart. I Willamette held Multnomah to I points imi says he Is not worrying. The I and scored 1. If the above two games former Portland Infieldcr expects to I are any criterion Multnomah Is In for away to a good start with the I a hot session tonight against Oregon. It waa when tha Winged M hoopots clashed with them earlier In the season. Tonight's contest should be a close and hard-fought one and Manager Clayton Sharp has made arrangements to nan die one of the largest crowds of the season. Following are the games that Multno mah Club baa engaged In and won this year: Mu:taomal fcV Peaalde !: MuTtnomsh 8. (run It. lu':nomati so. il.amrtte 10: Muttrnm.n 14. waabiBs'ioa s; atua&omaa the plate down to tha width of a mh knife's edge and niako him eplit it for a strike. e e The Ft. Louis Cardinals have lost one of its pitching prospects to I'ncle Ssm. He la Bruce llltt. a big rlKht-hmnder secured late Isst season from a club In the Western Association. Ha has en listed In tha vy. e Al Mamaux. who was so enthusiastic over his transfer from Pittsburg to Brooklyn, haa changed his mind since tha Brooklyn club offered him a con tract that amounts to J 'Hun for the sea' eon. lla got iiivO with Plttsburtr, or would have, if he had behaved, and he thinks ho should have at least that mucb from Brooklyn. BOWLIXG LEADEKS CHANGED Sensational Performance Pulled Off at Cincinnati Tournament. Cl.VCl.YXATr. March 1. Numerous changes occurred anion? the leaders of tha American Bowlincr Congress tournament here today. The mo.t sen sational performance on the alloys was that of C Shanks, of Louisville, who by toppling- over C6 pins landed him self In third position In the singles. He is the only man. however, that man aged to disturb the first Id men in tbin event. In the doubles S. Good man and A. Jenks. of Csnton, O.. rolled themselves Into second place with 12S7. while W. Poerhman and F. Firman, of Fort Wayne. Ind, landed In third place with 1259. HUSTLER CARD IS GOOD FARJIF.LL TO MEET 80MMER5 IN MA IX BOUT, MARCH 13. Rallspllttera Get Jump on Opponents nd flay Preppers Off Feet la 1'Irst Half Collegians Como Back Strong la Second. Post Season Game. I.lneela defeated Columbia, for .mninn. HI V. Cumm.rr defeated Washington. Franklin drfealvd Jefferson. ("hriitian Brothers defeated Jamas John. aseasoa oeicaica asiii. league A llnaJs. cviiurnbla- Wasiiinstoa Franklin Christian Brothers ....... Benson ................. League B Finals. Lincoln ................... a 'ommnree .......... s Joffcrson ..................... 'Z James John .................. 1 Hill o W. L. p r. .4 0 lono .3 I .7.i0 .3 2 .ftrtO . 1 2 .I'.'.o . 0 4 .000 u ii K?f j Jy VTk TOMMY DUXDERDALG. lfino . T.'.O .uno . '.'.11 -uo BERRY'S ARE NOT BROKE The Lincoln High School basketball team won the interscholautic chamnlon. snip Jsieraay afternoon at the Wash ngton iligh Kyinnasium. defeating oiumnta i-ffP bi-buol. 27 to 29. in th hardest fought and fastest game of r Sale ef Saa Francisco Clnb Involves MISTAKEN IDEA CLEARED IP BY BASEBALL DEAL. ho year, barrinr- none. Manv of the close followers of the g-ame had flir- urexi mat Lincoln might hold Columbia low score, but never dreamed that Coach Don Urpufa Uailsplitters had a chance to grab off tho title of the Biggest Cash Deal Transacted In W'eat la Years. Transferring- the San Francisco base- nterscholastio League. Lincoln lias I ball club from Hen Berry to Charles led for the champlonshin aenral ,,.. hi. n.ur.nu i a w-r,iiaA n. lines In past years, but has not won he championship since historv has uecn recoraea. biggest actual cash deal transacted in baseball in the West in several years. Tho Lincoln quintet rot off to the The payment of .300 n war tax on the ump yesterday and before Columbia ouia set a breath the first half wi transfer is fairly pood evidence that there was an actual transfer of cash over and the score stood 22 to 8 inland that the newcomers are In there Lincoln a favor. The largest crowd ot I on a basis where they can run the cluo ho season which was on band to wit- Ion an absolutely independent policy, less the championshin strucirln was I But the deal also cleared up some of artoundud by tho rapid-firo basket the mistaken ideas that had been goinK lot sing; of tha winners In the first ,he rounds of tbe sportsmen that the period and could not understand It I Berry brothers are "broke." When Lubinsky. of Lincoln made the first Clarence Berry cut loose from his string iiaia goal alter about 20 seen n, In r of race horses and Hen Berry was playinir. On the toss-up after tha first I crowded out of the Seals the etory went goaj, aicKelrnati, at center for Colum-I0"1 that tno two Droiners naa sunerea la. got the ball and had a clear field I financially. row it develops that the nd only one Lincoln man fruardine I brothers are rated as wealthy. Clar- im and Shipley. Columbia forward ence Berry in particular is recognized hen someone in the crowd set off a among San Francisco and Oakland busi orpedo or blank, shell of some kind. ness men as financially In isplendid Ul of the players stopped stock still" standing, and Henry is not far below iy me lime It was over the Lincoln I mm on ine financial uiuuer. team was on Shipley and McKelrnan so itereree Anderson had to take tin With the Seal management actually transferred to Charlie Graham and his First. Homer Haworth. Birmlnrham catch er, ha not yet been notified when to I lake hi departure for th sunny South. iiawortn baa been a gentleman of leisure this season and ought to have a good season with the pad and mask. I aiofioa . Tbe teams will line up something Ilk this: Oreron. Kowlcr Multaoman Cab. Ptnsoti ..h.?.. Iunwy MIX f hr ........ 1. .. . Me1 Comfort .. Steer . VlMl TAVtOK SUOI LD HD IV LEAD The crack B'nal B'rlth quintet and the fast Sully'a All Stare teama will clash In tha second gam of a sched Vancoavrr Hockey Star Due to Carry I ! three-gam series for tha Inde I pendent basketball championship of th) Off Illsli Point Honor. Cyclone" Taylor. Vancouver's great kockey star, has managed to score one or more points In ry gam except four be has participated In this sea son. II fallod to score In tha first game of th season In this city. Janu ary H. Th demon playr has a nice I .km . rr m.i.rl.Hr f .ii. i 1. . i I Mttrdock. both or w l;LZZ - " " "I " "rra first-team men. were u ..- ....j ... in in. in scoring i . -.. .v . . " I ednesday nlrht s aa ti ; a i.., I lurtos received In TayloFs record for the year compared wiU his team's record Is as follows: tle.re AKruuitr ...... S ......... n.-ou.r ...... rii.nd ....... A i4r .nritav.r ...... r:t.. . ........ as.-uv.r ...... I'urt.and ....... fat:.e aa.'our rrt.04 ........ knrnulfff Tilt m,. OREGON' . M 3 ..i a .3 3 .3 I . 1 a o 4 . 1 1 4 . I 2 a .a l . z 4 .4 i . i i .4 a . t l .4 t .a a l : "a is" tat at the Christian Hi-others' frym naslum tonight. Coach Febre s basket ball aggregation walked away with the first gam Wednesday night on their floor, but Sully's All-stars are conti dent of winning tonight's game. Sulli van and Murdock will start for Sully'a All-Stars tonight, which will strengthen Sullivan and horn are regular nabla to start irr me becsuse of in- prscttce. Denny Will iams, th former Jefferson High School tar. Is In great shape and Manager Sullivan says that the former Interscno laatto all-star haa found his basket eye. Homer Jamison will referee the gam. Baseball Notes. Chicago fana expect to see tha Cubs start off In the lead In tli next National League race. Well, the Cubs started off something like that last )ear but where Jia tney imuui TEAM frEEKS GAME Mike Menoskey. of the Washington team, who baa Joined tha Army, waa I bora In Austria and bis rather is an Austrian subject, but that won t pre vent Hike from doing hla best for I'ncle 8am. Ha I with tbe National V. of O. Want to Play Sh!pballder Army at CampCuster Michigan. llcrv and la Eugrnfr. Jme Pheehr. captain of t?t TTnl er.iry ef Oregon ba.ebatl team. ha wrttt.a C. W. Craig, treasurer ef th recently organised shipbuilders" league. a kins; for a game la 1'ortiend som- time lt. I March preferably the 8o, our tim m nK'fnii an u .a wi Mann a.. la return th shipbuilder era Invited ta go to Kugen In April. Captain r-'e.hr only aska expenses for 14 or li men. It I. thonrht that a game can b Only three pitchers won four raraes from tha Boston Red Hog during last season. Russell, of Chicago: James. of Detroit, and Ehntlre. another 1 trolt pitcher, earri trimmed up tha Sox four times. Mays, of Boston, was tha onlr pitcher to down tha Whit Rt rVhmandt. saruceA or Brook lyn from th I-ineoln Western Lesgue club with th Ida tbst h might suo- reed Jake Daubert as the Iodgers first baseman neat season, probably arranged wlto Ith.r the Foundation nn t chanoe. .port from vwinywu " sava vr in v VI tit v i Aft a tDicftUoA of tb ciJiof b Ms horn In St. Lout ! that h ha V.aae aancV) In V. aa ilMft aafftrt TaTitt he. f caUed befora Hrring- opena. aptam Pheetiy ears that In the avail-1 Tmm ratltltMft eaaftsaae A tha I"'" !. I rillr haa klbernatlna' eioww In catcssr ana inreo iiaeiy youngsters, i ,,.., K, --a ,d th.t Ih. Amartcan iunetatla. e!atftde(t tft Jt.lTIO.M NOT TO IIEAD T1GER.S ban the aplthall aatll he get bark ta elvltlsstlea one ly last weak. When Tetrrao Manager Will Xot Pilot Ta. com Train, la Annoancenl. Tler Raywiond.who bae a msoacertsl fixture In the North w..tere Lea sua for years, will net manage tha pltaher baeoma real praficieat Ik.y ,Tai tea-n aartng l.i. i.aley gat smi kind or a lid on Mat, bca-1 tho TlK.r last saaaoa. "It's alwat soeaathlas; I fcaadiaas Befora going to Tacoeaa Haysaead the sesstrt twirl and brias; kuav caas acted aa manager f ih Reattia club tm the ll ft tha dubs, and alwavs l.aj hi Imid up la Ih ''It was Ike saas way." sa iwa Run Hall, of Tiromi, ha , "with kid Walsh. Whaa ha dvliei4 aned that the choice of masas.r a mot lew Ikai uld kieid fuaar tries fr th Tla'r. d'lrlng the rawtiag ea- first baaa tUey saacludad It at a nj r.t btwen thraa plar wkae bath. work ha la. a lpr..ive la the klaal I If il aaaufit rsi aswiuta goa sv4 West la saaoa Daai. 1 (roi. tkiaka fa-nge JKlka- jkxiL out ta news was broken to hlsa ha ex ploded 1st eharcterieia fashion. "Who's going to Mferoo tho ruUf sskd Jo. "Tha umpirf Hub. aad they will baa one 'sll of a ll'na. "it a tho aass old storr, Kr tlms Staff Broasoa to Defend Lightweight Crowa Against Cbet Nrff Seattle Whirlwind Boxer. Joo Flanagan has been encaged to arrange the bouts for the Hustlers' Club smoker to be held at the Kleventh- Street Playhouse Wednesday. March 13. One of the best fltfht programmes ever offered local fistic enthusiasts is carded for the Hustlers' smoker. Marty Farrell. who made the biggest hit of any boxer that has appeared in a local ring, will meet Al Summers for the middleweight title. Farrell won a home with local fight fans by his won derful cleverness against Pat Bradley last Wednesdsy night, when the New Yorker hit Bradley with everything but the ring posts. There is no arguing; the fact that Farrell ia the niftiest piece of human fighting machinery Portland fans have watched for some time. Bradley landed one glancing punch In the one and three-quarter rounds he stood in the ring in a bewildered condition, trying to figure out where Farrell's next punch waa going to hit him. At first glance It would appear that Sommera seems to be outclassed when pitted against a boxer of Farrell's abll- ty, but when it is considered that Sommers put up a sensational battle against Battling Ortega it Is seen that he ought to make Farrell travel at top speed If the Harmellte expects to win. On th same card with Sommers snd Farrell will be Muff Bronson. Pacific Coast lightweight champion, who will defend his title against Chrt Neff. The Seattle lad haa been going like a house afire the last couple of months, and Is regarded as the most dangerous rival Iironson haa for tha title in the North west. Dan Salt, manager ot Neff. Is confi dent his boy will take Bronson's title. He will have bis protege in the best of condition and there will be no excuses to offer should Neff fall to leave town with the lightweight crown. Outer bouts on the card win be be tween Jo Gorman ofTd Weldon Wing, Abe Gordon and Billy Ryan. Manager rianagan win also arrange two prelim' Inary bouts. INSTRUCTORS TO BE TRAIXED Camp Lrwl Men to Be Maria Ath letlo Larders for Work In France. TACOMA. Wssh, Msreh 1. ( Ppeels.1.) vrricers ana enlisted men at Camp Lewis will have a chanee to train In "play school" soon. It 1 In these play schools tbat men ar trained to act as athletlo leaders and Instructors behind the trenches in France. v. L, Seawrlght. associate seeretarr for physical work In th Western De partment of th T. 'M. C A. National war work council, looked over the ground here and decided that such a school la a necessity. If It Is estab lished, A. M. Urllley, oamn Y. M. C. A. physical dlreeter, will be In charge. He formerly was Identified wlLh th asso ciation la Portland. Pittsburg Fans Watch the -Pirates With Interest. Weaknesses Remedied and Team Is Strengthened by Hugo Besdek. ball back and toss It ov r Brain The I business associates the former Sacra explosion cost Columbia two aura I menlo catcher will head the procession points and evidently put tho jinx ondown to 'resno today. Manager Jerry IIICIU, I L.' u n 1 1 a una iiiai uv i u mi nia v. .1 . iritj- v - I erB to "O on band Monday morning. , " H . . U,J P Jacobberrer. at guard for Columbla. m&do tbe next field goal, tieing the score 2 all in a few minutes. Once they got warmed up. however, the Lin coln squad never stopped In the first period, fchlpley scored three more bas kets for the blue and white warriors In" the first half, tha score ending 1 ' ... o IV o. I - .. . i . i - ii i would have been worth paying for V . . . , . , . to hear what -Tick" Malarkey had to nterest in Hugo Bezdek and his say to his team at the end of the first Pittsburg Pirates. hair, but whatever he said or did had Unlike the Pirates of the last two ! eb i-iT v , and Columbia came or three years. the-Buccos of 1918 ap too irfuch of a learf foe th " Per lo nave ometnine. iney nave come. The Columbia hooDers scored. been atrengthened by trades and pur or rather Shinlev and Sweenev senrxd I chases during the ??g II points In the last half, making tha I Winter, and they oiumma team z. while In the same are -looking up. a X ,a . i , IOUnl 1,Ke ae" In other years the mons and held Lincoln to S points I., v ... Columbia was atale vest.rd.v whii. Pittsburg team has ihft LinfA r team nln f. .u . I beeh vitally weak in fr is form. McKeirnan, of Columbia, and I many of the 'most t : j inff a deer to retain the skin and part of the head bearing the horns dur ing the open season and ten days thereafter, and to produce it upon de mand of any came warden. ... New Mexico places the value of its annual fish and game kill at JS.000,000. ... The Pennsylvania State Game Com mission has offered to buy all the rab bits that sportsmen will furnish for stocking counties where cottontails have been vanishing1 lately and to im prove the strain in other sections. SELAVOOD DEFEATS TITANS V. JL C. A. Team Loses Fast Game by Close Score of 30 to 25. The Sellwood Community House bas ketball team defeated the Y. M. C. A. Titans last Thursday night in a fast and exciting - game on the winners' floor by a score of 30 to 2d. The game was very rough and penalties were fre quent. Joe, one of the Sellwoodguards, received a bad cut over the eye, but he played a star game in spite of it. The winning team displayed the best team work, while the Titans excelled at shooting baskets. Boole was high point setter for the Sellwood team and Serr for the losers. The lineup: (25 Titans. ....F ....... .. (tf Kruuila ,...K il) Merr ' (4) Klau ft (1!) Stein O Joe Sellwood (30) Colt (121 Boole (14) ... Rehstock (4) . Technor ...... Proppe Northwest Steel to Have Team. At an open meeting held at the North west Steel Company yesterday it was decided to take out a franchise in the Shipbuilders' League.. The Northwest Steel Company will positively have a team In the league and the first turn out will be called as soon as the weath er becomes settled. Clayton Sharp has been mentioned as manager of the team- Captain Knudson. of Lincoln, the cen- Important positions. Iw ''s-i,::, ters for their teams, were banished Barney Dreyfuss B-vC'.'. from the game in the last half for un- and Bexdek got f( ' . due roughness at the -expense of each I their heads togeth other, which was delaying the game. I er and decided to t Previous to the suspension both men I remedy these weak- M came to hard words several times, j nesses. They havep They put on the straw that broke the I succeeded adrair- .. camel's back when they both took the I ably. j ; floor diving after the ball. Somehow I The acquisition of or other their fists rot tangled un in 3eorge Cutshaw and Hugo Besdek, arising or falling, which resulted in Casey Stengel will work for the uplift of the team, beyond a doubt. with Max Carey and Stengel sure to fill two Vrw .- tra i PEAS TO SIAMACE VANCOUVER ProenUlnf Bunch ef Flayers to Be Broach West front Toledo, VANCOTfVHR. B. O- March l.fFn- lal. Negotiations between Bob Brown and Hill Speas have progressed ta such aa eatsat that Spaas appoint mnt a tnaaaii of the Vancouver taawi lt tne cvmis; saasao is assured. Bill ha asacd la Mib a bunch of promising Middle Western pUeir with in wbaa he leaves hut ewu al Jn- their being ruled off the course. Game Is Clean. 4 Both teams had to take time eut several times during tho game because of injuries to tho players. On the whole the game was a clean one, al though a little rough at times. Gurian. Knudsen. Wright and Cole were the stars for the champions. Wright and Gurian are tied for high point honors with 10 apiece. The en tire team put up a good game and fought hard from start to finish. Cole, at guard, who has been out of the game because of sickness, was In the lineup again yesterday and played a cool. heady game an" kept Columbia from scoring many a point by his aggressive game. George A. Anderson refereed yesterday's championship contest. Shipley, Jocobberger and Sweeney starred for Columbia. Jacobberser, playlngr one of the guard positions, put up his best game of the year, although handicapped with a bad boil on his neck. Shipley was on the Job as usual and was high man with 10 points to his credit. Sweeney scored eight points and Jacobberger made the other two. Captain Allen fought bard and played a stellar game in the last half. The lineup: Columbia 20). Lincoln rIT Phlpley tio) F... (lO)WrlRht I'.nllips V- (10) Gurian McKeirnan C (2) Knudaen jacobDtrger (.') ...u (5) Dubinakv O Col Alien .......... .... wtlsey Sw..nrS. p Leggait uunmsan bpare Kelar Geonc A. Anderson. Lebanon Wins From Silverton. LEBANON. Or., March I. (Special.) The Lebanon High School basketball team defeated the Silverton tesm in a well-played game In the Ioeal gym riaalum last night by the score of II to IT. A reoeptlon and dance was ten dered the visiting team after the gama In th Knights of Pythias hall, with Mrs, wetsei, sirs, Newport, Mrs. Tur ner and Mrs. li. A- Reeves aa patron esses. Wagner to Meet Mike Pete, ABERDEEN, Wash.. Marsh 1. (Epe. clal.) Mik Pete, of Seattle, and Oeorga Wagner, formerly of Portland, how employed la a shipyard bare, will b tha main attraction at a smokes to he staged Monday evening by tha Moose. It will ba a la-round go, Fulton Meets Deveca March 11, CHICAGO. March 1. Frd Fulton, of Rochester, Minn., and Bob Deverc, of hlsnsas City, were matched today for a 10-round bqxing contest at St. Louis. Mo.. March 11. Davere was to have fouKfat Jack Iwrapsey at Joplin. Mo.. tonight but tbia match was callad off in DrvpataUou tot lka buut ia buXouia. outfield positions, and King, Big-bee, Jackson and Hinchman to battle it out for the third position, Pittsburg Is well fixed. King has shown the earmarks of a terrific"hltter. and he may bloom out just aa Eddie Rousch did last sea son. The Pirate infield candidates repre sent a lot of strength as they now stand. Vic Saier is the leading candi date for first base, but Mollwitz will get a trial. Pitleraand Cutshaw will be the' second base candidates and Boeckel. Caton, Stumpf and Hans Wag ner will be out for the other posi tions. The Pirates are now mourning- the loss of Al Mamaux. The young hurler did not show Bezdek or Callahan any class last year and besides he was dis satisfied. In Cooper the Buccos have one of the best left-handers in the Na tional League, while Bob Steele and Earl Hamilton, complete the south pawed branch of the staff. The right handers are Carlson, . a big, strong youngster with 1917 experience; Evans, Hill, Jacobs and Miller, who should be readv for the rectilar duty on the fir ing line, and Milllsan, Sanders and Ponder. Six catchers will battle for the reg nlar Jobs, with Bill Fischer the lead ing candidate again this year. . The remaining Pirate windpad artists are BlackwelU Schmidt, Shaw, Smith and Bill Wagner. Trap and Field. ISCONSIN has shortened tho open me for deer. Vigorous protests against tho leasing of Stinking Lake, to a shooting club of Eastern sportsmen have been lodged with tha Interior Department by the New Mexico Game Protective Associa tion. 8hn, costs, elk and antelope have been protaoted by Nevada until isao. . . Cireulatlen ef petitions throughout Wisconsin requesting the repeal ef the present rule permitting the killing ef does during th Summer seasen and the return ef the ene-btick law is prediotsd. Nebraska has shortened tha prairie chicken, aagehen and arouse season. e . Oklahoma, under a new statute, fur nishes assistant gardens with resident hunting licenses in books of 2a eauh, e South Dakota has authorized the as-. tablishraant and protection ef game ctugaa upon ptunon ut one of wto land earners ia th locality affected. Lieutenant Don Hawley Safe. ABERDEEN. Wash., March 1. (Spe cial.) First Lieutenant Don Hawley. for several years athletic director of the Aberdeen High School, was among those saved from the Tuscania, accord ing to a letter received here from htm. Hawley won hla commission at the second officers' training campra at the Presidio. Cornell Defeats Crulksirank. Cornell defeated Cruikshank, 30 to 25, at the Waldorf billiard parlors yes terday in the three-cushion billiard championship tournament for the pro fessional title of the city. Cornell ran his game in 63 Innings, with a high run of four. League A BepresentativesT'ail to File' Tp Usual Feppy Brand of Tlay and Give One of Poorest Exlii. liltions of Ganie of Xear. The High School ef Commerce q-uln-v tet of League B broke the League A, teams' winning streak Thursday. de- feating the Washington High basket. tossers by the score of 23 to 17 at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. The Washing ton team was away off color yesterday and did not play like they did in for. mer games against tho best teams in League A, while on the other hand the. Commerce hoopers were in the best of shape and played one of their best games of the season. The thing that tne East Side school lacked moet was "fight." If they hail injected a little more "fight," or "pep," or whatever you want to cnll It into their playing in the last half they might have won tho game, dough, at guard, and L'dlund, at forward, for Washing ton, were the only players that showed any signs of life at all at the time when points were needed. Clough was the Individual star, and had he tried to shoot a few more bas kets instead of intrusting the forward: and feeding them the ball he uoul'l. have been even a bigger star, dough, was fighting every minute and played the best game that was possible with the rest of the team going like they were. Edlund, who usually runs up high scores for his team, could not get started yesterday, but playc4 a good defensive game. Rogaway, Grider and Wagoner fea tured for Commerce, and after a lot of hard luck in their league games pulled out with their biggest victory of tho season over one of the best teams in their rival league. Wagner was high man with 10 points to his credit, whilo Grider came next with eight markers, Rogaway, who was high point man in. this year's interscholastic basketball circles, played a great defensive and passing game yesterday, which mada up for the points that he failed to score. "Hog" puts the "jasz" into the Com merce equad and is all over the floor and in on every play. Grider also played a good game and made coma difficult shots. Coach Fenstermacher, of Washington, had Referee Shaver announce between halves that his Washington High team would meet the Salem High School team at the Washington gymnasium tonight, the game starting at S o'clock. The lineup of yesterday's game: Commerce (-3) Rotw8y (Cl ... flrider 8 Wanner tlO) . . . I'lieeley Tessler (2) itel'eree .f .F .C .a u Spire. ... Fenstermacher. Washington (17). (a) Mann (41 Ertlund 1-) Jenxen ... dough . Heckwilh . La Koclio The championship game this after noon between Columbia and Lincoln will be played at the Washington High gymnasium instead of the Y. M. C. A. Coach "Tick" Malarkey reports that his Columbia quintet la In good con dition for today's contest and will bs fighting for the title every minute. The lineup probably will be some thing like this: Columbia. Sweeney Phillips Shipley Allen Jacobberger .V.. . F. . . . . -li. . . Lincoln. Gurian Wright Knutlsn Dtibuisky Wltsey or Cole JEFF TO MEET MIM SEATTLE BOXERS TO FIGHT PORTLAND MARCH 13. IN Llghtwelght Wins Right to .Contend for Coast Championship Hard Battle Predicted by Fans. PRATTLE, Wash., March 1. (Special. Chester Neff. Seattle lightweight, who won from Young Ketchell the othe night at the Crystal 'Pool Show, will be given the first crack at Muff Bron son, claimant of the Coast lightweight championship. The bout will be held in Portland a week from Wednesday, according to Dan Salt, manager of the Seattle boy, and both men will weigh under 135 pounds ringside. Seattle fans believe that Neff will give the Southerner a hard battle. Chet boxed in good style against Ketchell, and while he spent most of his time chasing the Los Angeles boy he clearly outpointed the visitor. He boxed Bron son on one other occasion, losing a hair-line decision to the Portland boy n Dreamland last Winter in a bout which the fans thought waa a good draw. ALIEN CUSTODIAN NAMED Trent Trust Co., Honolulu, to Han dle Property of Teuton Enemies, HONOLULU, T. H- Feb. 10. (By Mall.) Under telegraphic orders re ceived from A. Mitchell Palmer, alien property custodian at Washington, the Trent Trust Company, of this city, was made alien property custodian and de positary for Hawaii. Although the company is officially designated, its head, Klchard H. Trent, Is the one ac tually chosen. The appointment is of special im portance in Hawaii, as there are in the territory a large number of Germans, individuals and firms, that do a big business. Some ef them are sugar planters, others planters' agents and faetors, and atlll others are engaged in various lines of business. Tear Gas Loosed In Theater. LONDON, Feb, J Ona hundred and fifty persons at a moving cloture show in Bromley, pear London, were ever eema during a performance a few nights age by tear gas, which was lib stated by three saldiers, aa a practtcal Jake. The first ones te be overcome were the operators of the moving pie ture machine, sq that the show waa closed Immediately and mest ef the audience get away before they had in haled enough ef the gas ta suffer serix Qtisly. In the more aggravated, cases, jtow-eVM1, (he effects, di4 H ntireiy CaJIferalw wauire .nyuna MH' jit 6fi fa? pearly eeK, ARMY SOLDIERS ARE JURY Violations of Vice and Liquor Laws to Count Heavily. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 22. Trials of soldiers for drinking Intoxicating liquor and visiting immoral resorts will be held dally hereafter at Western De partment headquarters under the di rection of Captain H. W. Cochran, U. S. A., newly appointed provost marshal for the department. The decision to Inflict punishment upon the soldiers as well as the civil ians participating in violations of laws designed to preserve the efficiency of the man In uniform is part of the cam paign of vice and liquor suppression decided upon at the conference in the office of Mayor James Kolph, Jr.. Mon day afternoon. The daily summary courtmartials will be in the nature of Police Court trials, with maximum sentence of three months' imprisonment. Theodore J. Roche, president of the Police Commis sion, said recently that the police and Army authorities will co-operate In action against cheap lodging-houses, which he declared are the principal of fenders. LADY BUG HARVEST IS ON Government Experts Gather Unique Crop in California. GRASS VALLEY, Cal., Feb. 18. Ona of the most peculiar harvests in the world is taking place in tbe foothills below here at the present time that" of lady bugs. The state of California, through Its insectary department, is doing the harvesting, and the crop Is estimated at from 6u,000,000 to 75,000, 000 bugs. The bugs are found under light cover in sunny nooks in only a few places in Nevada and Placer counties. They are gathered into cases each holding a quart, or about 33,000 bugs, and sent to Sacramento for storage until next Summer. During the growing season these bugs are employed by the state to save the cantaloupe, bean and va rious other crops from enemy Insects, it being the nature of the lady bug to war upon such insects. Agents of the Insectary department watch the lady bugs in their hibernat ing places during the Fall and early Winter, and at the proper time the harvest Is commenced and completed within a few days. ELK SHIPMENTS TO HALT Wyoming Game Warden Opposes Exportation of Animals. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. 20. Ship ments of elk from Wyoming to other tates will be stopped if the State Game Warden, Nate Wilson, has his way. Mr. Wllen recommends that the exporta tion of tbe animals be given up be cause In capturing .them only those which are "ranch broke" are naught. These, he sayn, are the most depen- ent of the herds upon man, because when they find graztnv short on the range where they happen to be, they break: fenced &n4 eat ranchers! feed attBUUea. .