THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1918. 17 HIDE UST NOMINAL Prices Fall Sharply in All Parts of Country. RUYERS HAVE WITHDRAWN Fliarp Hrt-ak. ia IacLrr at Chicago lraioralli Value In All Sec tion lKmcilc Storks Too I-ar;:c for Irnaod. T b :! mik:i ef th country r mp t;y,r:r&. Loc;:y t.ars art i: ef tb mrkrt aa tuyere aad tn taking rare tbeur regular coB.s; pri A 12 cat qaotaEt prv::s hr. tie pr e i h:;y aoroia!. Tb Tort Xmnd mitk't. I: la f.frd. 1 fully 3 ot:i ak?s th I' pmriif at thia t:m. la f-:. 'uatry fcM.s la ins Ess!. acniin t .r.e r-,i4 trUy. hot so:d In twfi-!: t a: 1 . ca:a wlto im s ef J'vmi. ,!.: h a aa lw mm m car. Tht mmrmn k.r la is mnlr a cane bov wht It a bfr lb air. T b; a:urnp baa Vm la tb saat fir aaoatba. In thai no-l aarkar t'l at tba lMjm( Eaatrra tBiatrntt Dennis baa lrppd It cm:, whu cosry bMa ara ana o:y ba'f wnet thy war ta Ortaatvr. Aa ot,rupn!y f b!Sa la taa avaatrr la tuti aa tba iw a( In tt.mra!u4 aaarktc la tba iir trait nrti ara e! mmmint eff. and If thia cand'tioa eoatlasre It wi:t sooner ar Iar affct afu am ra. Aakart!!a la tka trada f far thai tr arht an I aiav la rtxxtmm. It la fcop,i. hw.vr. tbat price will att!a doaa t mnmm !vl hrt:y. aa that eler may r. i. apraiiaba wlta aaera confident. m alvwra tram Cblcata tar at tba alt--'4 tb,r: Tna naruat was featured tb f. ret ef tba k by a prnoeacft break la do nettle psrk.r takeafr. tha frct of oblrb trmd.nt baa ba ta damaralls tb eatir b.da aitaat.on. bocb mm domatl aad foreia-a erwrk. T prerataeat WeBtena prt.r r.'Ner thaa tha cbaaca cf rim ins fa-tit annrcr quality hldaa ttr. accepted er dee.tncs an tba anara dalrab:a hay a.a'tt aauva an-l sraad.4 ataar. aad e.ta.r tnved aat --J.OO ebnry aallv ara daara ta Zte aad abaat 1.ihm bra ry au:t bpuoda aad (a:aradaa at aad r. rraprc!y. ablca prtcaa vtpraarnt a ra f 4- p r pouad ao aal:va and :c aa tAa braadl a:ra frana rataa prvtnua:y tari far January takfr. WM!t tba aibar ftlrr aarnlaa: r laik tbat Ibay al!l a at ciaai'lff aa" firurva. tba anartat baa krr th.a b-t' a aatablrfbad. Utbar Itaa baa t ..-!. but aatara::y ara irt-t:y aonuaal a t arcaad. Ituyara talk of a bis braak ta cam la i'chtw!ht atacfc aa account af ta man dairnbia baavy atar bnla !! tnc a aax h lr. hat It la I laaibia tba : ihfrr articbt bda aaay aot aatfar mm maca In prport-a aa tha aakncaa la tba ttxbt at. cm ad of tb market baa dlacaunttd n-a ar la. Cna packar prtlvlpatiac In af htarjaviiM atoMrk pniy offara rjajd coat doae la lie. with butr a ainrcrmtad. aa tbty y ky coa.d aaal.'y au-'thaaa at inc. v'auatry bid aaturalTy. balnaT prrvloua'y wjk and bpaat. ara ntrt aaacttlol tban var. follawtac .tba ahackinaT a!ump In pack ara. aad It ta timtat aavitaa ta atlampt ia aaatatlaaa. Puffa, bravy coaa and f I trtmta ara a'l nominal, aitb anywbrra from t3a ta 17c talked, according 19 aaJtlnrf qua. r. ate., but thar la aa atabiiatit-d raarktu It ta yeportod tbat km4 quality Ivmnn taaatry ukoff braaded bldta sold doaa t i: f:L- mwikim Bta rmn to be a.hkf.u 1 d AdatlalMraaWti I likely ta Acre tte-alaea Offrr. T:i ttplc af cbl-f Intereat ta tba cram trada ?eaterday ai tha arrangement eo- trrd Inta at Vaaehtactnai between tha Ta efli aaat anea ana tha t'oa-d Admin fftraia ceacarnlaf l"ta rcratn be V prtcea It aiaa tb saaeral ballaf tbat tna prt-a aat dirftrential aacaeatM will b finally ac- cepteil by tb Admin lairal ion. It aai alo ConeMere.1 Itbely tbat aaty tba ma&traura prtca arl ba aeked by tba dealer. i.r a t'a at tba rirbantca er an Civaacd frera tba prareetlal dar. tt'eaiber eaaJiiloaa la tha lMia tfaet. aa alrad from Cbb aao: "j lnnlpe(. cloady, A; tXtlutb. Mlnneapolle, rtear. S; t hWrnga, rrta. el.nrtr. ro; ft. Iala, fit. Juaepn, elear. IA; T"Pla. Iluteblnea, Grantl f.ap- bi. clear, u; Kanaaa ly. clo-niy laaanart. clear, uhta tal.ry, ciuudr. raia l.t a t. li.- Ara-alln ahlpment af rbeat tMa taeek er - aoanela 1 tha t'altad Klnfi. dnen. a '- buahela ta tba Continent and l.vvta boaheia ta aon.lluropvaa porta. Tarminal rx-eipra. la rara. a ere reporteil y tb Mercbaata" Rtrtiaact aa fo:;oa: Wheat. Ba'ler. yir. Oaia liar retan. rt.. .... a II 3 i? tear ar ... T I II 1 ". i-llola. Sl : 7.M J.T inll ir ... t;i lout iif hit ft """ rhara - .... Jl Irarnt ... 17 - aaamlotila ..-"- T :i Jtll iwiii.... ; i .... liij Veette, 1 hiar. Z .... til ltrlr ... 1 1 1 1 9 eaarn to data. t7 iH Tr.4 17l "t learafa.... "M ; lilt losj Zv4 ytn ct.incATiojf or milu atUiadi rtiaanflaae Abaat baaall riaata Ar teraaaal 1 . Tb f laainc bulletla baa b'en Uaued by T. K. litl. chairman af tb North Pet If It Caaat au;:ia diviaiaa af tba Food lntiaioa: -t:;:a ar a c ataad aa ft:;owa: Caaa A .If -ttenent mil! af 72 barn' a I aiar. 'Caaa C Atrra-traent mliU af leva lhaa 73 arra:a X:aa C Noo-armeot anil ef 73 bar. p:a and tr. 'Via 1 Noaaa;rnint mi::a cf leaa thea T1 barrel. "Kwla la a:aaaea A. B and C ara to ma t'nn reportlad t tbi afflc oa form 51 1 laix txb week Mil' la claea l ar ta report t thia efflre anea a month an form It.I?l Milta la : K trhirb ara frtnaal mill af leaa tbaa T3 barrela dally capacity, mill rontlna I make Weekly re porta aa f-ie-m M t-1 1 1 0. bat wilt be relieved af m.iklnc aat tba former coat report form m.iiJM-. bat mutt make a monthly report ta thia e.'ric aa form 1 ZWZ- Mm in r'a 1. whxta ara aoa-aaraement ml!! af a dally rapacity cf leaa tbaa 73 barrela hoar report an! oa form 122. tV truat tb abov atatament will cteqr p many patata ahout wblra tba amail miila aaam la dotiht. Mllla which ara required to aend monthly reparta aa form MD-1J5. ar notified tbat they moat aend aam Bat Intar thaa tba texh of eaci tmanth. 11TATO M.lRaVET I) BABCLT STCAUT Aaiere Ar IIlUa bat Heataad far AO faraataa la blow. f;ata abtpaar report alsar demand. Firhaak ara aathned at IV 911 aacked. V. N. 1 trade, aad Earty Raa. aacaad. ar bel.l at tX.Zi at ahippinc !aL la tha jebbinf. market wall traded Huraaaka arw !.at-1 at llbiSISJ. Ker'.y Ito for e.4 at $I ol 7i. aad Waahlnctaa Melted Uema at tliil3. IMatiaaiioaa af tha lateet aMpmenra from tha Caaat ara eleaa by lb Btnmm af Mar ker aa fnilowt: j rrara lallfomfa Balen, N. M.. 1. flretf t. Fratl 1. t'aietlr. (il, 1. Im Aat.lea a. Red Itiutf I. r.l Taao a. I'aitoa. tat. . Tartaa '.a:a:oa I. yr'n trei ell l'i I. New OrVi re 7. tat tnf:K 1. I'ort Warth 1. Tortland 1. aa Aatoaia I. la Anfe'e 1. Iieddiat a v k loa II. Mampbi I. Pacraaaal S. braaa iiaataaa Craat J)ai!a Ijlaat 1, Market caadltiaaa ara report ad by 11 trapa aa Itllaei: llouatoa. Tea. Idaha 4. Colorado 1: d mand aad BAoveravnt maderata. market eteady. Idaho. California. Orrton rtarbanka. llOtfS.U: Idaho Hnaartta. .l-OrjiJt). Col arada Koaad U kltea. J 1 0 - 7 V IJallaa. Tea. California U Idaho 1. Ore Co a 1 arrived; demand and movement mod erate, anaraal fair. I'aaradrd Colorado aad Idaha Mixed White, aarhrd. 1 li; Idaho Ruaaetta aad Hurbanka. Waehinltton Netted Geraa. i Si g -50; CatlfornU Uur banka. 2 -Zu ?. e. Near urieavaa. La. Heine 1. 'U lacaaala 1. M.noeeota 1. Nevada 1. Idaba 1. Colorado 2. orecoa i. California 1. Waahlnatoa 1 arnred. demand and movement slow, mar ket Birady. Oregon. Burbanka. lacked. U 14"; Idaho hound White. '.'.:0. rew hlc her. poorer tl.hi: Colorado Burbanka. IU; Nevada Barbank. few aalra Kirtlat City. Mo. Colorado 3. Oregon 1. M:nntaota 1. North Dakota . Nebraika 3 arrived. Total of SO cars, on track. Fuppiiee moderate, movement and demand alow, mar ket fair. Few aalra. Hananae Ara Iaa Tatlay. Aaothar hipmnt af aaparagua wa re ceived yeaterday and sold a shade lower at 7Hv0 cent a pound. Tb fteamer braajgrtt a fair aupply af vexctablea. aleo a ahipmeat of tangerines, whlen were quoted at 1.73 a box. Ill hi cara of banana and a car of Flor ida a?rapfrult ar tin tnrlny. Igg MarVrt at lewrr. Tba tit market waa weak yeaterday and about a cant lower, la view of further de cline at Van Kranciero and la tha tut, lower prtcea ar looked for today. Butter continues firm with a etroeg de mand for country creamery extraa, j lrea4 meat and poultry wcr un changed. 1 laarrd Oil Advaam-a .galn. Another advanc of 6 cania a gallon In Unseed oil araa announced yeaterday. Tb total advance ainre the flrat of the year haa been 17 cents. Currant prices are: Kaw. la barrela. (1.34; la caeea. 3LS4; boiled, la barrela 11 Ml: In caaaa. 1.C4. Rank Irarlag. Itank rlearinga of tha Noribwcstera cities yeeterday were aa follow I'karlnrt. Bntancea rorttand J: wr: i 4.t.VM Seattle 4 147 l 74i77 Tirana .;4 Kt :..l.".7 Spvkaae 1.3a. 04..4J rORTLAMt XAKKKT Ol OTATIONS brala. 1 lamr. I red. Kir. March delivery iMte - ltirt Yr aro. Oaea. No. S wblt fxed tm HO T." Harler. etandard fee tna ol os Bariev. "A" brtaing 7i.0u latra oale and com la bulk rwia, r. 3 whit ". Ort i. a-ll clipped wblta v i Mn. N. 3 .... .IMMI I'arw. No. 3 mlico in tarn. No. 3 kila dry um WHEAT Hulk baaia. I'ortland. f-r No. 1 grade: Hard white tllutstem. klarly Bart. Alien. Gaigalua. Martin Anihr. SJ 03. bof wbltt Pelouae. blaesietn. foriyfoid. Whit VaiT.v. tMild Cola. While Nuaalan. .' Whit, club L.lttle flub. Jrnklna rluK whll hvtfcflrt. tonora. U l. lied W al.a Ited Ituaafcan. rl bybrtde. Jonte. fife. Coppel, $1 S. No. 3 craie. JU- e. No. 3 aratle. lew. O'her gra.le handled by eemple. . M.4l'K Palrnla. !; Valley. U.MO; who! wheat. t0tO: graham. $ JO; ber'ey f.ntir. tl'-Vl3 p.-r barrel; rye flnur. tlo r.ii4j 1J.3V pwr aarre4: rornmnl, 43.73 Pr bale; rice our. Se per pund. MIl.l.KKKIl Net mill price, car lot Bran. X '.it per ton: short, tui: per too; mid rtllnxe. S.I9: mixd ears and Irea than car load. mure; roiled bartey. ft.; rolled oat. T I. i onv-Whole. $77: cra.ked. 7 per ton. MAI fluing prlree, f. o. b. ronland F.aMern regon timothy, t-7 per ton; Val ley limotbv. t-ln-'3; alfalfa. 174 ir 24 Valley grain har. clover. tl.; alraw. f Hairy aad 4 .aatry rrwalar. TtfTTKR 4ihe. extra. 4! i .".Oe : prinn first. 4lc JnblMna prlvea: I'rlotn. extraa. 5Jc: cartor.a. lo e&trs; butieriat. ro. j. de leered. t:ti8 Oreaon rant h. current receipts. St!": cantlied. lew; selet-ta. 3V per doita. "IttUSK Jobber' buylns prlree. f. o. n. lie. b. Portland: Tillamook triplets. :r: lavlif Americas. per pounl ; lonchoms. t'otM anil Curry, f. o. t. Myrtle t'otni: Tnpleia. :iSr: aounc Amerlrw. :Sc pel Pound: lonchorna. . t e per pound; Uc die taunt to I'ortand trade. Pot'LTIll llnnalara. old. ?oe; Jnont. ?to; nrinii, l4c: broilers, larse. .lr: anaii, .M'lf dil. ..; eee. lo.f.Mi-; urke)a all. 'J.'hc: llrraaed. !!." per pound. KAI. Fancy, VOtSO'iC; thin, IlfI3 per pound. I'UKK Fancy. 71 71 u e poun.i. 1'rwlta aad eartable. I.orjit tobblna quotatlona: Fltl'IT ransea. natrle. .". 7": lem ana. 95.7547 7.50 per not; banana. 4'e? per pound. srpfruit. slwrt...: applca. el.-tr :5: tanirrlner f' ,5 per box. K:t:TABl.r T.imalia, l.i5tf3 per rrat: rabbase. 8 ' 4r 4r per pound: lettu. $ J. I a (I - jd r erale: toiumarii, 91...otrl.. oer dnii: cauliflower. SI. per crate artichokes. V5cVfl 15 per pound: sarllr. . t S per pound: calery. 14 :iil 4 5 per rrate; pepper. 4'c per poutiit; aprouta. HtlsC per pnutiil: rhubarb. 1 w. pr pounn. eoun.l: apararue. r7-iJ3ne per pound. t.CK r.t ir. I m.r.e. i armw. e i p- ark: beet. II llw;. tuinlia, I 50tfl.liU. Darwntp. II 5nar 7a IUTATOKS ireon Fitirnank.. i ..r -i per bu4lred. Takimaa. ft.35tyl.50; weet potatoes 7 S 4 be per pound. oMO.g Jabbln prUea, l4f:c per pouad. atapla t.rocerle. laeal Jobblra quotations HI il.tll-eark baal.: .Fruit and bar IM. bl. ?!J: extra V. $7.55: powdand. la barrela $ A5: cahea. In barrels. I' Vi. ni ts Walneia. I4He; Hresil mala, isty tic: fuberta -'Jw-J-'; almeniia. lJJc: pea nuta, 141-: eoceanuta. $1.10 per ttosen; IJWWPV: cheatnuta. .oc. nKA?4 California joouina pnrea; rmau whit. Ilci larae whit, lfo; bayou. 10e: pink. li'c. orecoa Deans. Buying price; WhU. l'I10.e; colored. tV. inirei: Hoaeled. In drums. 17ff7jC. k ALT aJraauiated. $10.71 par ton: half rounds lOa. $1$ per loa; 50s. $1 pr4on; ilrr. $17& per ton. Itli-; rloutbern hesd. tfrbHe per pound; Blue lt-, Vr: Jap. nee at vie. tttSc: iKIKL FHL IT Applea. 13-c; pearnea. IIWIVc; prunes, Italian. llayl-U; ralaina 45c if M Per box: d.tee. far.t. $.15083 pel box; currants, lac: flaa. $.'tfi5o pr box. Hide aad rrtla. limri Salted bid. ;s Ib-u and up. 12c: ailed e'.ai. 50 lb. nd up. 10c; aalled and en bl;. I- to iba., 1'Jc; aalted and reea calf. I to lb Iba.. Sir: green hide. i. and op. Uc: aren ataar. 5U Iba. and up. e; dry filnt bi'le.. "tN-: dry flint eatf. e; ti.r bide. $; aallea horse bl.le. imi. PKLTrt irr Inni.snol pelts 5: dry hort-wool pelte, :5c; salted pell. January akoff. $.V-l."-i Hep. rVt. lie. 1IUP9 1917 crop. 14 8 lac per pound: 11S crop, nominal. v i ml. rlstem Oretett, 44 l 65c pr twandi V.liey, a 55 per pound; Valley lamb. 45w5er. unllAlK lonr taM. full year. 50c; six mnntba. 4' burrr. 35 t 4c. CAih'AKA DA UK Nw and old. 8 '4,19c per pountl. T V l.l.tjv .o. i. jeuic per pound, n o. 3. led per pounl. Prwi ieloa. Local Jobblnr quotation: II.IM4 Ail eltea. choi.-e. s.Tc; standard. --: aalnned. -T t Jtc ; picnics. Jc; cotlaa rolle. i"o. U- R t Tlere basis, standard pure, 27Vje: Compound, CI 1. BACON Fancy. 40G4k'; standard. 4IO 44-: rholr. 33tr4tr. IRT PAI.T Short clear barks. "TSfi 13c: exports, 3oi4Uc: plates, -4 U JbV. Olla. oboLINK Bulb. SOHe: !c: aphtha, drum. se; rases, sac; ds1b lettn.fe. drum, liic: ral, lic. MNKKF-D OIU Raw. barrel. $1 54; rases. fl : boile.1. barrel. 9 1. on; raaea. 91.66. Tl KPtNTlN K la tanka. 65c; cases. 75c Kutmatb t'atlla fetr bsrramenla. KLAMATH FALLS. March I. Jl. T. flow, ard. of thia cltr, ehlpped nine carloade of cbe ce beef eattl ta tb 'wanson Company, of Sacramento, tbta mornlna. The cattle were purchased from th Hrookvala atock farm, east of bar, owned by Loula Oerber. lt October, and have been kept since tbat Urn fur Hi company by Fred MukcL nalath liaitri Market. nrLUTH. blareh 1. Linseed. 1M44 10: rrtv. $i4: Way. $194 aa.edl July, CKtebar, $0.C2 asked. POOL STOCKS GAIN Short Selling Tends to Give Market Irregularity. TOTAL DEALINGS LIGHTER Railway Shares Not Affected by Passage or Administration Bill by House-aLiberty lion da Are Firm and Other Issues AVcak. NEW YORK. March 1. TraU.nj In atocki tcxlay tu quiet, price Chang, except in certain of the more speculative Issues, being limited to fraction. The few Isolated fu tures of strength again included shares that receive their propu.aaon from pool operators. A moderate degree of short selling waa In duced during the morning on the further complications in the foreign situation, not ab:y la Extern Europe, but the market for ferelgn remittances mas unaltered, a.d from another break in Italian exchange. Adoption by the House of the Administra tion's railroad bill evoked no response In transportation sbarea. dealings In that divis ion bl.g the lightest of any recent day. The puor earnings of the 1'ennyUama sys tem for January, lines west of littslurg showing large deficits in net Income. duuM les hsd their origins In the unfavorable Industrial conditions pnvaient at that PrttKl. k I'taH copper's dividend cut f rorrt $3 50 to ? CrO occasioned ro surprise such action hav ing been foreshadowed In the recent down ward trrnd of metal shares. New .ork Airbrakes decline of almost 3 points followed publication of the com pany's annual report, disclosing a Urge shrinkage In net profits. Tobaccos. General Xotora. t'tltittcet. IVet J5 near, hrrs-Ku4ouck, Industrial Alcohol and llttsOurg Coal embraced the heat ler miafcel.Aeous shares, offset in a measure ty 4 .Lackawanna Me!, shippings, oils and American Car. United States Meel forfeiteil a large fraction, haics amounted to iij,W(J aaarea. lionds eased again. Liberty Issues display lug f irmnKj. Total sales, par value. agre sated $J.o;i.lMX. I ntted tStattes uld coupo: m gained H per ccul on call. CI.OSI.XU STOCK QUOTATIONS. Clos:n ftlee. .4. l HI 10.U4MI -.-IMI llllh. Ixiw. bul Am Heet Sugar. Am I an Am far 4b Fdry.. Am Locomotive. Atu bin ax rt-fa.. Am bluer llelg. . Am In Til... A m V. I. A f Anaconda Cop.. Alcblaon A li a IV I d b L. II. t A Cihlo It t-opier. .. i "al Pr iro.eum . . Canadian Pacif. . Centra! Leather. Che A Ohio Chi Mil hi V.. VIA AS X W C It 1 P ells. . . I'hlno Copper. . . Colo Fu Iron . . 41 7S 7 Ma jo7W "taii iii" ' .VI 4 ro. i4V," 71'. I'll 4J. 4tl' 41 till'. Mi. b MS 1"4 . 17 l.r II 1 3.50O l.ioi !! 11 Ml .TK) I.ti! 1.4O0 ll-'i 5.1 'a l-o S ir.ii', 70S 55 S J''x 1 14 7 55 S 41S rl Corn Prod itelc. J IMI Crni-lbl btel. .. Cuba Cue Suae. . .7imi WIS :i 1 4 141 Jl'3 1-1 -7 45 S liU "sis 113 -a 115 M.lllMI .'HHI rut I r.i mi 2.0M! 5oo I.4IMJ 1 .MMI t. 4MI 7MI 1.50O ".8IMI ;iM 1 4. Ill Ml CHJ " "too KIM Kecurllli a. . Krle l."i 141 lll "id " im'-i 14 141 117 tlcneral Fleet. . . tleneral Motors.. tit North pfd . HI ' ;t Nor Ore rtra. . llllnul (Vuiral .. II neptratlf-n Cop. 45 H lnt M M prd lot MrW lot Paper K C bivulhern. . . Kcnnei ot l t'tip. . im :ii :i . in 5: Louia : Na.h ... Maxwell Motor. 114 li:i Mexican Tetrol.. Miami Copper. . . 31 x Mirsnur! Parlflc. Montana Power. Nevada Copper.. New Vork t'ent.. IS". 71 l"-. N V N II t II... Norfolk A Wept. ;oi 5imi !.5'mi IMI SOU MM jot 8'i .HI ;, 45 1-4 3l 85', !!' 71 45 "4 7rt 7S 17 85 it VI 4.1 "i 15 i 1 IIM. Ill lio Hil'i -3 Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall.... ISO Tel Tel... 45 .-.1 I'rnmvhanla.. .. 44 V4 Kay Con.ol Cop.. It. .dinar Flep Ir A- Steel. , . 7.: V-'i 77', 17', 8(1 L4U 1531. 1 iji: Bl-'i 1KI 81 H :3'. 74 8iM Hhatt Arlx Cop. . boulhern Paclfn. Southern Ity. . . . b'lndehnker Cnr., Texas fompany. I'lMl :iixi ?,1IMI lll.X'MI 4iMI 7I.KMI 1.1HO 0.7im 500 4.000 500 11 8. 24 4S 15S rtilon Pscific. . , i:;H ui H Ind Alcohol. U ft hi eel i 3 oil t, do pfd t"lnh Copper. . .. vVahaeh pfd B.. 8H , J.I tVeet I'nlnn..... 80 i West Klecl 70O 4.'Ua 41H 4Hx Total sale, for th day, 335.000 .hares BONDS. U S ref S. rec..TsN 1' 4s 87 tlo i-ouon . "i.i:. i a llsaJPMC T It t a. res... T 5a...!M S lio coupon .... I'ia-t i::o ''i IT S 4. res eiMII' ! 4s do coupon ,..-J"-'l cieei u. i""i Al-h en 4. ... 8-l.iH I cv Iks !'l , A- It II ref n. at mnyio-rr .... i-7a NYC deb a.. 93 117 B LIB S'.i V3 Hid; toffered. Money. Ksrhantrr., NEW TORS, March 1. Mcrcaiitil paper, '. tier cent. bterlinr 60-d.y bill. $4.72'i: commercial m-d.T bill on banks. $4.72; commercial o- o.r bill.. $4.71 v.: demand, xt cables. $4,76 7-16. banca. demand 0.7- S. cables b.70i: aulMers. demand 444. cable 451,: lire, demand caoiea; ruoies, ue- mand 18. cable lla, pominsL Iter ellr. 8Jt4e. Mexican dollars. 6SC. tioternment bonds, firm; railroad bonds, SV. Tim loans, itrnnf: 60 day. 00 days and all montba. 6 per cent. Call money, strong; hlgn. ti per cent; low. 6: ruling rat. 6; dialog bid. -'.xl of fered at ; laat loan. 8. LONDON, March 1. Bar silver. 4Hid per OUnc. Money. 3 per cnt: discount ratea: Short bill and three tnontha. a4j per cent. Mining fltocke a Boston. BOSTON, Mar. 1 Closing tiuotutions: Alloues MVOI.I Horn 41 Aria Com . . 12i"reola 5I .. 67 H Qulncy 7ti'.. . ,4.'io Superior 4 'i "alu A Arlx. . . alu A llecla. rentennlal ... ,. 13 'Sup A Boston... 1' n Itnnga . . . Putt ..... .. 4.v Miannnn b .. H'Ctah Con 1H ranklln . . 54 'Wltinna 1 al Itnyalla .. .. Sl'Si'Vi-olverln S'.'i jike Cop . .. a rtiranby i on ..... t.v . 62H'ilreen Can 40 5 . . 13tl Mohawk N Butte C'hicas Dairy Produce. CHTCAfJO. March 1. Butter, unchanged. Frc. lower: receipts. 11-- cases; firxts. S5ti35tc; ordinary firsts, Hoc; at mark. cases Included. a3H4i34c. ALL LINES HOLD STEADY HIADIXO IS QVIET AT OEm $ roRTI.A.VD YARD?. Day's Iartlp4a Are Liberal. I.arcrs- Part Gars Direct raekers. bat Th llreatock market was quiet yesterday and steady In all Its department. There waa a good ran. particularly of aheep. but moat of them went direct to a packer. The hog market waa quiet. In the hog price ar tending lower, but previous quo tations ara maintained here, though no sales haxw been reported In th past two days at over 15. The cattle transactions yes terday were within the going range of quo tations. Receipts were: 80 cattle. 2 calves 3f0 bog. and l-rtl! sheep. Shippers were: P. J. Ilrnwn. linker. 1 load cattle; S. 1 nvcrton. Hrownavlll. 1 load hog; II. A. French. Alrlle, 1 load hoge; Vmon Meat Company, I.yle, T loada sheep; C. YV. Toner. Walla Walla. 1 load rattia and hoga; Davis At Pug a. Sbedd. 1 load cattle, calve bad boex; F. B. Zecker. Silver ton. 1 load cattle, calves. hoprs nd sheep: J. E. Proffitt, Dayton. load rattle and hors; C. P. Hembree, Mon mouth. 1 load cattle and hogs. The dsy's sales were as follows: Weight Prtcw. Weight Prlre a cows. . fi-.'S tVSil! 1 heifer. S.-.0 5.on 11 COW-8. . .. 8 cowa. . .. 1 cow 1 cow. . .. 1 COW. . . ., 4 cow a. . .. 4 cowa. . .. 2 cowa. . .. 1 cow. . . .. 1 cow. . . .. 1 cow. . .. 1 cow. 8 cowa. . .. 1 bow 1 cow. 1 cow 5 cowa. .. 1 cow ViO 6.,-,l 1 heifer WHO 4.75 1 heifer 4:w .itu lltM linn 80 S0 1130 J440 X0 7.50 7 !MI 8. .10 70 4.7."i 1 heifer... 810 T.SO 1 heifer... P70 7.S0 1 bull 77 r. 1 bull 80 ft.Hb 1 bull -'.- 7.r.c 1 bull 111'! 8 50 1 steer.... 8.IO 6 50 lhoK..... Mini 7.75 1 hoc 7SO 7.00 Sboirs.... o'O It 15 10 lambs. . . Jo.-.o 7""i! 1 lamb 810 S.iki e lambs. .. R 7.75t 1 lamb 70S 'J.-i 5 latnbs... B.7.V B .00 7.:s s no B.O0 470 15.8J 100 10 85 197 16.85 78 14.O0 HO 13.00 SO 14.50 150 10.50 51! 14. MO 6.501 Quotations at tb yards follow: Cult le Prlcea Medium to choirs steers $10.3511.00 Good to medium steers......... V.L'.i''! It). Common to food steers......... 8.009 9.40 Choice cowa and heifers 8 u.50 Com. to good cowa and heifers.. 6.75 3fe 8.15 Cannera Mulls Calves Stokra and feeders 4 25 . BOO 8.00 i.oo ti l.liu 6.50 iy 9.50 Mora Prime llcht . prime heuvy 1'iire 16.S5el7.O0 lt!.0'.rl.8.' 14. 00'a 15.-5 KheeD Western Iambi 1." OO15.r.0 Valley lambs J4.50ejil5.00 Yearllncs 3.0otfl3.5O Wethers J 2. 50 IS 1 3. 00 Ewes D.lHuHt.00 DESTINATIONS OF STOCK LOADED Shiprueuts F.n Koute Is leadias; Livestock .Markets af tb lotratry. Destlnstions of lirertock loaded February lOarloB'la reported WCBt of Alleghenv Mountains; double decks counted aa two cars; : t'attte Horses. Mxrl. calves lIo(? Sheep mule stock. Atlanta 1 1 .... 9 .... IioMon Id Buffalo 11 bl 8 1' SO Cedar Rapid... 14 .... II .... Chicago 361 old 69 11 4s Cincinnati 11 -I 1 10 Cleveland I 51 12 Cudahy 7 ti4 1 Iienier ........ S3 7 2 2 .... Ie Moines.... 3 H Iiftrolt 7 45 18 K. St. Louis 4'J 155 6 1 7 1 7 Ft. Worth 55 14 8 6 Indianapolis ... -'1 7' .... .... 27 Jer.ey City.... 1'7 8 8 .... 1 Kansaa City... 143 UK! 33 s u Lo. Angeles.... 11 L' .... 1 .... Ixiulavllle 11 7 .... 1 4 Mitson City.... I 15 . . ., .... .... Milwaukee .... 11 4 .... .... 19 igilen 1 3 New Tork HI." 44 14 .... 3 Oklahoma Cily -5 '. Otiialia I.".- I"-' 114 .... 35 Ottumwa 1 11 Peoria IS 1 I'liHvtlelphla ..11 1' 8 .... 1 Pittsburg 6 30 J . . . . 1 Portland - 'J 10 .... 2 St. Joseph r.8 Ml 53 .... 8 St. Paul 51 51 2 53 sa n Francisco. H 1 .... 3 .... Seattle 4 1 -J Sioux City 45 117 3 1 5 Spokane ...... 1 1 .... .... 1 Wichita 1 I Various 415 154 61 l-'il IS Total 17:i' -oo ,-..t ros :;:;:; One werk ag.14n2 Hi4 1141 .14 l'7s Four w'ka ago. 1717 175- 3-11 1711 Slate origins of livestock loaded Febru ary Jl: For Portland California 2 .... Oregon 2 .... - .... 2 Washington 8 Totala - 2 1 2 One. week co. 3 6 12 I 2 Four w'ka at;o. 4 b 4 1 1 For Seattle Washington ... 4 1 2 Totals Seattle 4 1 2 On week aso. 1 .... 4 .... .... Four v ks ago. 3 2 Kaetern Meat Trade t'enriitiwaa. Report on Eastern meat trade conditions March 1 (8:30 A. 51., Fa-stern lime): Boston. tecf. fresh: Receipts liberal, move ment to freexer continues heavy, unusually low demand for steers of good to choice quality, market generally good, demand light. Kosher beef: Receipts liberal, market In a healthy condition, demand about equal to supply. New lork Beef, fresh: Home cara will not arrive In time for thia week's business, mar ket very quiet, demand light. Kosher chucks and plates: Supply moderate, market steady. demand fair. Hinds and rlhs: Supply lib eral, market dull, demand poor. Philadelphia Beef, fresh: Supply liberal. market weak, demand alow. Kosher chucks and plates: Supply liberal, market dull, de mand fair. lllnils and rtlis: Supply light. market steady, demand just fair. Washington Iteesl. fresh: Receipts light. market atrong. demand lair. Tork. Boston Today' unloads light, but heavj accumulation has resulted Bince early iu the week, demnnd slow, market dull. New Vork Kerelpta moderate, demand fair, market steady on light loins. Philadelphia Supply light, demand fair. market firm on fresh Block. Washington Receipts heavy, demand Just fair, market steady. Lamb. Boston Receipt moderate, demand light. market steady to firm on light handy weights, heavy weights dull and drsggy. a considerable accumulation of state lambs being sold at a wide range of prires. New lork Receipts light, very little de maud, market steady at yesterday's prices. Philadelphia Receipts normal, demand dull, market about steady. Washington Receipts: extremely light market about $1 higher, demand exceeds supply, some froxen latnbs are being offered. hiraro Livewtock Market. flllCAUil, Mar. 1. Hoae Receipts 42. OOi), unsettled bt yesterday's average to loc. lower. Bulk ot sales. Jlfr 16.40: light. $ f 16.75; mixed, $l5.85(frl6.tlO; heavy, $15.70 l.35; rough, f 15.70xT15.90; pigs, $11,500) JO Cattle Receipt 9000. steady. Native steers. $8 856 14.00: Blockers and feeile $7.601085: cowa and heifers, $6.704211.90; calves. $utr 14.50. . Sheen Receipt 10.000. steady. Sheep. $10.25 13.25; lambs. $ 1 3.15 tj 17.33. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Mar. 1. Hoirs Rerelpta 18.000, market steady. Heavy. $l.V70fi 13.95; mixed, $15.75 13.V0; light. 15.5rl6; pigs, $10tf 15; bulk of sale. x.i.Tuul.VHO. Cattle Receipts flsoo, market steady. Na irn steers, tiff 13.2o; cows and heifers. 7.50WI1; Western steers. $S.G0913.S5: Tex an steers. $7.5o 10 GO; rows and heifers, $7 kiv.iiO: cannen. bvtf stockera ana eeders. tt.3'"u 11. 50; calves, $013; bulls, stars, etc.. $7.50 10 .25. IS beep Receipts .O0. market strong. Tearlinirn, 9l2tt 15; wethers. Slltf 13: ewes. $10.30 12.&0; lambs. lj.2a.gI7. MAY IT ANT BAULKY 1TEAD WHEAT Ilfferroees la I'rire Are Being Considered By VniatlllA Farmers. PENDLETON. Or.. March 1. 6peclal. With barley quoted at $o a ton, U ma till County farmers are apeeulafing as to whether it Is not a more satisfactory crop to plant Ms Spring than wheat. At the ruling price wheat will bring about $60 a ton. That there will be some Increase In the acreage of barley In this part of the coun try U certain. Whether that Increase will mount to much is a question that will be nswered only when time comes for Spring owing, but many farmers have been fig uring on the change. It la known. There Is a considerable area of farm land n this county to be planted to Spring grain. The yield of barley In this section is alto gether satisfactory for the reason that it matures more rapidly than wheat and Is more likely to be beyond the danger point when the hot wind of late Summer arrive. The queetlon of feeding barley In prefer- ence to wheat also la Interesting the ranch ers. At present prices, wheat held for seed l much -better Investment as feed than is the barley that la now being fed and here la possibility that the barley will be e.d as seed and the wheat used by farmers who are ftjedlng stock. Coffee Future Quiet and Lower. NEW YORK. March 1. The market for coffee futures was quiet again today with prices easing' off under scattered realizing. There was further talk of a bullish sltua- lon as to ocean freights and a moderate emand was reported from trade Interests, but otherwise there was very little support. nd after opening unchanged to 3 points Igher the market closed at a net decline of to 8 points. May so. a oir irom e.4-tc to SSa and September from 8.65c to 8.57c, with last prices at the low point of the ay on reports of increased offering In the cost and frelaht market. March; 8.15c; May. 6.87c; July, 8.45c j September, 8.35c; October, 8.60c; lecember. 8.67c Spot coffee, firm; Rio 7a. r HC; Santos 4s, OSiC. Sales of Santos 3s were reported at 0.4Oc and of 4s at 10. oc In the cost and freight market. London credits, prompt earner shipment. The official cable reported an advance of 50 rels in the Santos market, with 8an- and Rio spots unchanged. Santos re ported a clearance of $3,000 bags for New ork. Uraxiiiai port receipts 47,000. tl COi TO GO ABROAD Food Administration Will Buy Liberally for Export. CHICAGO MARKET STRONGER With Prices Already at Maximum Limit for 1'ulurcs, Bulls Have Xo Opportunity to Speculate.. Oats Arrivals Small. CHICAGO. March 1. Virtual certainty of a liberal and sustained export demand gave firmneas today to th corn market. From the outset, prices showed a slight advance and there was a steady cloao at the umt as yesterday's finish to a shade higher, with March $1.27 and' May $1.27. The outcome In oats ranged from a shade off to gains of fec. Provisions rose. 6 ft 7c to 22c net. Corn- traders devoted chief attention to notices that until March 10 the Food Ad ministration would take 600.000 to 750.000 bushels daily for export. The fact, how ever, that the market for future deliveriea waa already at the maximum limit on values left but little Incentive to speculate by the bulls. Oats averaged hlcher as a result of con tinued scantiness of arrivals. Bearish e- tlmates of farm reserve led at times thouith to considerable eiiin!t. especially of the May option. Commission-house buvlncr lifted nrnvt.- lons. despite weakness "in the hotr market. Offerings were light throughout the day. i-eauiug iutures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. Close. March $1.27V May 1.27 t.oj 1.26?, 1.27 OATS. March ... .SS. .80 .SS7, .SOS, M !7S .87 i, .S7fc .87 H MESS PORK. May 4S.10 4S.10 47.S0 47.S0 LARD. May ..... 25.00 26.00 25.S7 25 87 Jul 20.20 20.20 26.10 26.10 SHORT RIBS. May 25.12 25.17 23.00 25.52 J-y 25.47 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow, nominal: No. 3 low. $1.87: No. 4 yellow. $1.6191.6.4. jel- Oats No. 3 w hite, HI u Si 02c; standard, hi in Rye No. 2. $2.72. Barley $l.0 'i 2 20. Timothy $5.imii 8.25. Clover $20,00 4! 30. 00, Pork Nominal. Lard $20,117. l;ib $24.I2Sj 24.02. Fa tern Cawli (.rain Markets. KANSAS CITY. March 1. Caih corn. No. 3 white. $1.:7; No. 4 white, Jl.KliSr 1.84; No. white. $1.80: No. 3 yellow, $1.701.71; No, 4 yellow, $1. 60i l.61; No. 4 mixed, $l.r7? 3.60; No. 3 mixed, $1.69. Oats. No. 3 white, lc; Jso. 4 white, 1HJ ' c ; No. 2 mixed, b6c. OMAHA, March 1. No. ? white corn, $l.s: t I. o; No. 4 white. Sl.TUti l.M: No. 5 while. $1.70; No. 6 whiter $1.0't 1.65; No. 3 yM low. $1.05? 1.67; No. 4 yellow, $1.50 1.0J No. 5 yellow, $1.501.53; No. 4 mixed, $1.58 ii 1.60; No. 5 mixed. $1.30&1.65; No. , mixed, $ l.3Sf 1.40. WINNIPEG, March 1. Cash oats. N white, 7Hc; No. a white, !H4fcc; extra feed, -c: No. 'J feed, SOUc. Flax. No. 1 North western, $3.U5Vk; No. 1 CW, $3.61. PULt'TH, March 1 Cash oats. 90i tf? vic. ye, x.uo. Hariey. $i.S9 MlnneaMl9 iruiu Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. March 1. Flax, $4'(H.03. Harley. $ 1.83 tjf 2.21. ;rain at Shu Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. March 1. Spot: Feed ba r ley, $3. 61' u ftr 3. 6.3. W h i te on ta, $3. 50 3.53. Bran. $341 34.1. Middlings. $41.50.1) ci juris, mf.ifyy a.. GENERAL TRABK VOLUME BROADER Freer Movement With. Belter Weather and Improvement In Transportation. NEW YORK, Mar. 1. Bradstreefs tonior row will ay: Freer movements, superinduced by better weaiuer, larger nunpliea ox coal and im provement in transportation facilities, both on land ana water, winch, however, are still not by any means free from conges lion, hare given birth to inuru cheerful feelinga. It is true that preferences as to Govern mental requirements operate to circumscribe ctivitics iti certain civilian enterprises, and this factor, coupled with the conceded shortage of many kinds of manufactured goods, tletera ordinary trading from rising to lUi fulleat height; but even so, the gen era I tendency is toward broader develop metitfl, except where ultra non-essentials an concerned. Winter wheat vrop news Is more favora ble, propaganda to increase the growing ot foodstuftH is being transformed into action, industrial outputs, give evidence of being undamped, labor disturbances are negligible, war production Is ahead of schedule, trade In staple goods is ex pant ling and marked by considerable inter-den ling between job bers, this being especially true of textile. paucity ot which la noteworthy and demand for which looms large, notwithstanding up ward bounding arices. In fact, dearth of textile creates fears ot a famine later on and causes retail merchants, many of whom vial ted the larger markets thia week, to bur more freely than they should like to do. On the other hand, so-called luxuries are comparatively neglected, but even in this re spect, odd incidents are numerous enough to develop exceptions to the rule, and in a general way buying ot spring goods by the ultimate consumer ia still held in leash awaiting Spring weather. Weekly bank clearings were $3,301.368.000. SAN FRANCISCO FRODL'CK MARKET, Trices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit. Etc.. at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, March 2. Butter Extras, GO fr-fti G2U. Eggs Fresh extras. 35c; firsts, 54c; fresh extra pullets, 34c. Cheese Young Americas, new Oregon. 27VaC. Poultry Hens, nominal. White Leghorn roosters, 2iii:; iryers, 40-W.c; broilers. ttOu.joc: equaos, 4ia-.uu: pigeons, i.,t(a2 geese. lSfc-iOc; turkeys, mixed and off stock. 3033c Vegetables Asparagus, iiuy mJ.c; squash, cream, Tocwii; nuouard, 1.50; egg plant. lO'tf l-c; reus, small sizes, 10&15c; telephone, lav loc; peppers, bell, small. sixes. 15f-0c; Mexican green chiles, 17H yoc; tomatoes, $1..0H 1.73; lettuce. $1.1.5 to 1.50; celery, $2.1.5 3.50; potatoes, river. $1.00 1.60; Salinas, $1.00 trli.OO; onions. Australian Drown, 91.10: garlic. .it3c; cu cumbers. $2.1.53? 3.0o; pumpkins. $1; beets. $1.50; carrots, $lfrl.25: turnips. $l(t1.35: rutabagas, $1.2541 1.35; rhubarb, $2 &!. 50. Fruit Alligator pears. $2 93.50 dozen; pears. Winter iseins, y.J.t?a '; cold stor age; lemons. $5.506; grape fruit, $2.75 3.50; oranges, navels, $5t&6. small sizes; tangarlnea, $2.&04Mt; bananas, Hawaiian, 4fe4Vic; pineapples. 24s. $6&7; apples, New town Pippins, $l.'a L3a; bpitzenbergs, $2 2.50. Hay Wheat and wheat and oat, $27(fr20; tame oat, $2S&29; barley, $2527; alfalfa. $25r27; barley straw, 60 90c. Mill feed Cracked corn and feed corn- meal. $7780; aifaifa meal. $36&3S; cocoa nut meal, $44 30. Flour $10.80 per barrel. Receipts Flour, 4618 quarters: barley. 1505 centals; beans, 13,079 sacks; potatoes. 7590 sacks; onions, 735 sacks, hay, 161 tons; hides, 325; wine, 20.0"0 gallons. GOVERNMENT WILL EXERCISE OPTION Imported Wools to Be Taken Over at Prices ft Per Cent Vnder July 30 Values. BOSTON, March 1. The Commercial Bul letin will say tomorrow: Demand for wool suitable for military uses has been of fair proportions this week and the market has been firm for wools of this type. Business proceeded smoothly until the announcement of Acting Quarter mast er-Oeneral Goethals on Thursday that the Government would exercise the option on all foreign importations, grading low quarter-blood to three-eighths, both comb ing and clothing, at prices 5 per cent under July 30, where the wools were bought De cember 13 or suosequentiy. rms announce ment unsettled the trade momentarily. Manufacturers are finding a steady civilian de aiana. but Ara avoiding over-commit- MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building. Portland, Oregon. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON Municipal Bonds Yielding from 5.10 to 6J5?0 Telephone Main 3409. ments, owing to the expectation of large tinvtrnTTint ord?rs. .S coil red basis Texas fine, 12 months, ?1.68 fiJl 11: fine, eiirht months. Sl.ojltt'l.OO. California Northern. $L70Si 1.75; Middle rnnniv. 11 ir si -1.60 : Southern. S1.45&1.50. OreKon East, No. 1 staple. $1.S01.S2; Eastern clothing, $1.30 1.60; Valley No. 1, si rt.-(o 1.70. Territory Fine utanle. SI. S3: half-blood combine. Sl.704tl.75: three-eighths blood combing, $1.30; fine clothing, $1.00$?!. 03; fine medium ciothinsr. $1.35 to 1.60. Pulled Extra. $1.806 "1.83; A, $1.S01.S5; A supers. $1.60i 1.65. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga., March 1. Turpentine, dull. 41c: sales, none: receipts. 4S barrela; shipments. 6 barrels; stock. i.4,6:t7 barrels. Rosin Steady; sales, none; receipts. -! barrels; shipments. 106 barrels; stock, barrels. Quota b, P. K. F. G. H. I, $6.03; K. S6.23; M. $6.75; N. $7.23; W.l. $7.40; WW. $7.50. New York Sugar Market. NEW ToKk. March 1. Raw sugar. steady; centrifugal, 6.003c; molasses, nomi nal. Refined sugar, steady; fine granu lated, 7.45c. Metal Market. NEW TORK, March 1. Metal Exchange quotes lead strong; spot. 7.35c bid. Spelter, quiet; Last St. l,ouis, spot, $.0c asked. Chino Quarterly Dividend I-ower. NEW YORK. March 1. Chino Copper di rectors todav declared a quarterly dividend of $1.50, against $1! three months ago. Iried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. March 1. Evaporated ap ples, nominal. Irunes firm. Apricots and peaches quiet. Raisinn steady. Hop. Ete., at New York. NEW YORK. March 1. Hops, hides and wool, unchanged. CONTRACT BASIS OF SUIT City's Agreement Willi American 1.H France Company Under I'irc. Suit is to be brought against the City Council to determine the legality of tho recent transaction whereby the city leased six new automobile fire engines for a period of two years with the un derstanding that at the end of that time the machines would be purchased. Kepresentatives of companies that com peted against tile American Le France Company, which received the contract. have retained George Shepherd as at torney in a suit to test the legality of the action. The city advertised for bids for the machines, and then, instead of buying mem outright, took a lease on them. This was done in order that payment might be extended over a period of two years instead of the entire sum having to be paid at once. ' DAILY CITY STATISTICS Birth. INOUYE To Mr. and Inouye. 5f5 Union avenue, da ughter. Mrs. Yasurzo 1 ebruary 0. KAY To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas II a v. r.747 Eighty-seventh. February L'.'t, a daughter DAXlEI'ti To Mr. ami Mrs. Hansom Daniels. Z.yj'J Kast ifty-fifth, February a daughter. ELIalNGSOX To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. ElliriKson, 4SU'j Belmont. February ''i. a daughter. Mi'KK.VZIK To tjfr. and Mrs. IClmore McKenjsie, i'Ji Killings worth. February VJ, a son. KALVKLAfiB To Mr. and Mrs. Henry F Ka!velaro. 7HJ Siskiyou. February lit. twins. daughter and son. N KLSON To Mr. and Mm. Frank Dedrick Nelson, 400 Holland, February IS. a daugh ter. FM'.s'KKS To Mr. and Mrs. John Thea- dore Flcskcs, 5-1 Kkidinore, February iiu, a son. UAY To Mr. and Mrs. William Pinker- ton Day, I'C't Kast Fourteenth, February '20, son. . KACHERON To Mr. and Mrs. Morley M. Eacheron, l.'ttill Omaha. February a son. f'Al.l.iHV-To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cal low, 4til I Forty-fourth avenue, . February a sou. KKLI.Y-Tfi Mr. and Mm. John W. Kelly. 08 Laurel It u is t avenue, February 24. a son. VI11TEI To Mr. and Mrs. .John T. Whlted, oSV Yamhill, February 17, a daugh ter. AMMSDEX To Mr. and Mrs. A. Annus- den, Kast Twentieth, February il, a son. M:irriBKe I.irenaet) FTlASr.rt-BCTI.r-R Donald A. Fraser. TMch I liver, Albert a, rn.-iia. and Alpha May Butler, ."i, Nortonla Hotel. TAY LOlt-W A LuA it Henry li. Taylor. :u. 28 Mason street, and Willie Alae Wallar. 24. same address. 1 HA RR.IS-SIMONH samuei Harris. 1. i.a ; Grande. Or., and Tillio tiimons. It, 441 j tiixth Street. 1 1 A I.Ij-H UNTEFl La Jft II. Hall. 21. East Eighteenth street, and Florence Hunter, 21, same address. Building Permits. MRS. 1: 1). COX -Move two-story frame store. tJlrt3 Seventy-second street, between Sixty-first and Hlxty-second avenues; C. r ppderscn. builder: SI "(). .1 v. it a k A 1 ja n Kenai r iour-storv mm factory, iH East Sixth street, between Kast Couch and East Davis; John liinsham. builder: S200. TROY LAUM'Kl A.lier xwo-siory irame sheet iron works. 201 East ater, corner EiLst Taylor street; Purdin Bros., buildem JAMES Bt'RRELL Erect one-story frame residence. Olympla street, between Ore- Konian and Midway avenue; G. W. Oraneer, builder: $1000. DORR K. KKASK 1 Kepair one-siory frame tent-houae. 10".1 Santinita, between Kinjjs elllshts and 1'inetta Place; W. Kied er. builder; $5". MARTHA E. HORNER Repair one- story frame residence, it"-'.7 KelloR;;. between ;JolK and uucnanan; "uiiun. FOKD 3JOTUK tAK u.r.i. 1 1 ctK one-story frame storenouse, ':,- ai Eleventh street. Between uiviaum uu r. r. H. R.; American Wrecking Company, wreck ers; SK.o 1- I'bTfcKMli rareri limine ttxinm,, ....i. Wheeler street, between ilcMUlen and Hai- aey; builder, same; brick ordinary stores and oliires. o Washington street. between Sixth and Broadway; U. xu wammeiw uiiipu.j. s: So. MR. BROWN Repair two-story frame residence. 703 Johnson, between iweniy- rst and Twenty-seconu ; i-euuu wiuu, builders; $M. . , KRK1) LUTHbK rrect name B'"."-'.'. !27 Ninety-second streeL. oetween oixiy- iBhth and seveuiy-nrst cuut:, am: w- . .M, LOUIS E-im fe" East Flanders. betXveen East t ifty- iphth and East Sixtieth; nuimer. same; .m. It. H l rvv. n cicil iin.xw - East Twenty-ninth street worm, rescott and uoing; uuuuci, '- . rT'i?r -Cno 1 nn.tnrv fpamft residence, 144S Leonore street, oeiween i fif teenth and Belleview; builder, same; !. tore. 17 Jfourin sutei, "7,";,,,"""' and Taylor; R. A. Davis, nuiioer; tory frame residence, JT' ,T ,1 ,1 i ween Sixty-niri auu builder same:?lo. ,,TW, t ta MRS. HKKXHA n. Vwl V , tp. 14 inano , -v, , builder, same; ?4 . W. IT. li l r,i n-trprtix . J o lVfVu store, 1-.S0 Ollsan street, ue wwu and S Xtv-rirst Btreein, uuiivx., LeviHee; 42000. Coast Federal Oil Director Named. WASHIXGTOX. March 1. D. JL Fol- som, of San Francisco, was made Fed eral oil director today for the Pacific Coast. He will serve under Mark U Rcaua. chief of the oil division of tne fuel administration. Swift & Company Union Stock Yards. Chicago. March 2. mis. Dividend No. 128 Dividend of TWO DOLLARS (S2.00) per ihar on the capital stock of Swift A Company, will be paid on April 1st, 191Sw to stockholders of record, March 9, IMS. mm snown sn tha books of tha Company. . s. uaihaiu;, secretary WAV. LAW DESIRED Municipal Judgs Wants Ordir nance to Cover Cases. PRESENT STATUTE LACKING Court Toints Out to Mayor That Convictions of Many AVobblies Xow Impossible Under Sim ple Cliarge of Vagrancy. Municipal Judge riossman yesterday directed an appeal to Mayor Baker for n ordinance definitely defining: the particular offenses usually committed by members of the Industrial Workers of the World, which, he says, should be provided in order that they may readily be found guilty of that specific offense: Heretofore, Uiey have been charged with vagrancy, but, as a matter of fact, many of them are not. in the strict legal sense, guilty of that, it is pointed out by the judge. In few, if any instances. Judge Ross man says, have his decisions on mem bers of this organization been upheld when carried to the Circuit Court and many times Juries of business men have freed them. Cases Arc Cited. His request to the Mayor follows; Since I have been occunvlnsr thia office, we have frequently had cases in this court in which the defendant was accused of being vagrant that is, "an idle and dissolute person without visible means of support. At the time of the trial tho minelnal evi dence against him has been that he wan a member of the 1. W. V. Ot the 20 1. W. Ws. recently bet ore this court, one owned a live-acre tract of land in orpRoii. Another hud $200 cash; others had employment, etc. When William Ford appealed his case to' the Circuit Court on a charge of vafiiancy, the Circuit Court released hlin on tho ground that the case presented apalnst him did not constitute vaprancy; and .mrles com posed of collie of Portland's best business men havo acquitted 1. W. W.h on this rhartin I u this court because no case under t b vapiancy ordinance had been made out against the defendant. M e s ti re J s S ti p ce t ed . We are all loath to do this, anil however much we may dislike the defend tint's dis loyalty to the United States, nevertheless it is really Infrequent that the defendant it brought within tho definition of the va grancy ordinance us it has been enacted into law. However, after a considerable amount of experience with members of thia organiza tion, 1 have found that a Rood many of them have In their possession hooka i "sabot a k" and also atickeretteri advocating tho destruction of their blankets, beddinfi, etc. A member of the 1. W. W. who ia idle and dissolute is generally not a very destructive individual, but those who am employed or who are organlzcra for tho or; ganlxutton. liko William Ford, and are dis tributing books on .sabotage or paRshiK around atickers advocating the destruction of property are had individuals, who should be dealt w ith severely. I would, therefore, respectfully Mipset that an ordinance be passed making it possible to deal with these Individual along these lines. i belie vo It would be appro priate to pass an ordinance making" it un lawful for any person to ndvocato the de struct ion of property and to find in one's possession literature advocating- such de struction he made prima facie evidence of the. violation of the ordinance. I believe that this would ninkn It possi ble to reach the very element that the pros ecution seeks to lay Us hands upon fa th cases that have been brought boforo this court. INDUSTRIES TO BE AIDED Organization f .Securities Company Will Jto VniierlaUcn. Several riticns conspicuous in Port land's business ami finaiicuil circles have begun fhe preliminary considera tion of ii plan or 01 (trtniJsinir a securi ties company. The purposes ot tnc proposed orKanization will be to secure and finance new industries and to ex tend financial aid to other industries already established in this community which may bo in need of temporary assistance. ? "When a plan of organization has been tentatively outlined, probably in the next 10 days, business men of the city generally will be asked to join in tho incorporation of a company. I.W.W.S ARRESTED AT BEND Men. Say Tlicy Will Spread Gospel When They Can Find listeners. BEND, Or., 5Iarch 1. (Special.) Sheriff Roberts today arrested Mika Katzie and ltaymond Jlartin, Industrial Workers of the World members, who say they are ready to spread their g-ospel wherever there were listeners. The two men were deported from Prine ville yesterday, where they were sup posed to be trying to influence the mea on the Ochoco irrigation project. Katzie said today that before lie joined the Industrial Workers of the World he was kicked in. the head by a mule, but is still willing to work for the ideals of the organization which he represents. TRAVELERS' OlIIIK. i2 Third ft. main . A LAM K A tlmZLT Bkawy. Cordova V1U, t8War,i nd Anchoragfc CAUFUK.NU via Battle or sr rauclsco t Lo, Aureus and Sai Hiego irecu Laraeat ship, unequaled asrvloe. low rate. In cluding axsrin. and weal alak rsr t a lion. CHANGE OF SAILING S. S. ROSE CITY SAILS 8 A. M. HATtKDAY. MARCH a, San Francisco and Los Angeles The Snn l-'ranciwo I'ortland S. P. Co., Third and Washington Sts. (with O.-W. K. i N". Co.) Tel. liroadnay 4500, A 612 1. AUSTRALIA JfEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tahiti and Karatonga. Mall and pas senger servic Iroru Ban Francisco every 20 days UNION S. 8. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND. 230 California St., San Francisco, or local ateatiudiiD and railroad agencies. llll