9 1918. IS THE 3I0RXING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, MARCH : . &mkhym mm d ( Wit. XXPCRIFNT D t!mekpr and commlwary rub; ndrtad trpewrlnn and ofttr work' -i ywns X if 4, marrtL rfftnrt, cu Vood,4a 4Js or wrtte Ns co- XOCNO m would 11V position In office. m bookkptr or office boy; rt:iins to mtmrt fmm bottom; ukrQ book pin oirM In L C. l!ns li. U. Donta. gnr I butne tpnnc; high t rvmualiHna moderate MtAiy. 111 mri sc. North. JiCNG m tooirphr tta ie turn br xpfinc. ni poeitloa either la r uC f etLjr, sot suoji t draft, Y 4'A JolNS nun ks pt:ioii auto driving or la iDop, som t perl nee: no ob ject V permanent and rhir.it fur ad tnmni. frhne Kst 7V r drft ag. d-trr (mmiiioo, ctr- 1 lOMTlOV wanted mm miBirv mr foreman oa goeral or fruit farm by marri miA, C X: mttt h fMl hnttH. g'd to-ctL Mihly efficient In diversified e fruit farmluf ; bt of references, ti SI. rtnoUn. A I To M K ' M NI fc.-(- tHrUa. wants tmtorni:. la or out of cit. g-od rfr.e. wia must b food. AV lt'L. miO waata to I-ar to b- mtrninle li auto iiri. wti.in 10 work aooul W kur. i trs o.ft 2 yera' apriaee la r:i4chin aaop K 'V trfinuia. Th it HLT cumpvtwnt crdenr waata ttitiu . Urf iwntncr la lAtnc out nw irwuftdi. 2kot;h; aiut. ti i.tw l'n4ii. i'VIN' Ktur orf-rator rLh pultton, yvara prtfD t . A-Nx-1 rf'torr, will ro)ibrri, cuarrwd. AU t.r Kuua. A.XTKI Jiy a miidi-asd man. plrfon fir niaik. watt.nnan. or Jtnilor I'na a ti f rvf. J. . arra, WatuiO Hofel Uhl'K.rt.H want poai.tion In ctl; bnrb tr bouNi carptr. eara or t tprrimc. al )l4riti.l JIS Wfur 1 A- l. Of afr i J I'. M I iK.T-t IjIM M JMf mkr ai I-i rs n n:. K. w. : an at . Knon. 1 I but ho-r obrt. el orebtrtlixt ti work p runt 11 a. rK -! lit citv ir country. AV CH4I IITl H wanu ton. prttat rar pre frrd. can gi refrncaa. All 3V. Vr- k A NT .it tM(in by el.Jr;y mart, tare p-rbn-a to farm, rgetablea aad fruta K.-r i. A."" ( wrutl. UuUid nrt trrbrd!t w tntt pal:lt aaritnr f .(at-caaa Ji. lc I iii.N. Kl )un man w au'.o ( work In gic. Ca.i t ph.ne VJn ta drte -il lata id A K Ki p. I w irli man iter nan inliur . kikmI r-frnc. AC C t- '"et'i" rattr rpi. ' r expert. A Tears mx prfene rwt ( T-trrnr, Hroadwa) ta, 4 f-.r M A l--(r V n r Kl iit.r. -Mnoe boy wan portrr r ;iitr l" 1 t 'room's uatton as first-claaa X H KI if'. l man. t draft ae. A - No - I rf . oxf m-rfm. . tin'.l rcapwnlbi po it). m l Hrnnm-! JAM ri'h. - Ui And mit. want p.:iou a j n.-ior . r-rmca g.wa. i'hona X .purler w or k ' furnitur Hawo 11 ftuMhr wiahea ork in t.ie ntmc. AN ri'.lfc l-t and wwl a ra to p. lt N.j e irin floruit. J xl'A NK- durma II 4" w rk f'- I HI U.I HV CtMKACT. tn worn or tool m kna Ik laawAaewporw aod M eawai ra pa era. ,! ..nib i-.rntrf bk ke pr ! - - r. position fc j e dy. good e f -e rr t " II IT r- !' f Cfu, . 1 a a f . w poa;tka in f fn. h-.e had biin fipr.rBfl but i.r "t ! 1 w. a Ki nt rrtvv- r ad a::y dun: oor ff and dcierd. AJ 1. r in .4 : 1, A Vf; h 1 fcN rri .rt-pLr and rr i-.r-a m.t'ir.f p ;ion, Virtha I Vi t, l'i;f lti t in a a .iwi itt Mk k p e ! firV e 1 in-rn" r Tf oma n w r:;H r m r. h - eperieo-ed. :a f.,r g-ne work, sma.i arv H rfi..ihat-r. rln VI7 S'enographer. f l III p; tr-iMa' Ii i.r.e j W.n ji and coona. y 4H. St i wrt 'n,-r. tlf-tit:ikf . di HaMsaebaw'sral i.L with crown no sm. ranch whee t ri ra n other woman. Room ns work . d "np'-nw U-.if.r.l li roiik,epr, r old p-opre wants r:t Mo LAN . I'llil.F. ! a wi-fte p.. t in hot- --per f..r rr,t.( t j k p rt T . ba Kir I of te V,rti m. I ' "I ("" w-site houa ke-plBC fC g Bl 7K, e,rjnt il M hrr llawew. I -la. I- taka P n Mil rare of c bild la away; refe I I I r.'n'l. in a p. r irlaint- .-rtei- ei. i men. I'h'n ant Mam r-fkinf f r "i; I r-1 Mr, m V'W wjn pf-.-t.u an'. C:i IIomiI ; ft-- ruooa eoeis. m iii' rr. wn Sunday T and c(e. . r. r. " . -d P.1' nan . of.-- K p refercne o" prt T-r cfrter Wnrk guaranteed. . stir ti-n K r-n-Mtn doo up. drl cUu w or a. Kot Uaii V PA fi t iv a n s Jk r-, ne ; I I 'N Sir! W k in a - in:t pia,lei f r rl-a- i Copyright. 191S. by Nw,ppr Ftitan Srr U. !. Crttt Bri WANTH) TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT SfRfRBAX. Wanted, to rent Immediately, by rrspon coupe with io girls, furntsbed or unlumithtd modern rnruk with plenty of ground spite, located on Or-gon Ei me tric or Southern Pact I Ic tuburutn lines, not over 3d minutes out. Address fully. 31 1 j Oregonian bid., or phone M-ln 070. local 2 IF yu aro In the real estate buiin? and h bouaea and f .ats to rent list them with POWER FURNITURE CO.. Uental Department. Third and YimtiiiL WAVTKU TO LEASE Want S or -roin ptrttiy modern bungalow, prefer garage; will pay 4 mouth' rent In advance; car fuL responsible )uung couple; no children. Tabor l7. TO l.KASK or 'rnl, ti to -rooiil md-rn noma, unfurnished, within M"k of fttrono wnT or Irmngtun car. Reliable party. Mtm "I'Kf WA.NTKU TO m.x!rn : giv 1 rerntan RrlNT 1 r location or j-rootn and rent. Y 4S. V ANT I.U to rent, ainai! furniahed houae. S--rUn apr. - preferrrd. rlo in. V I recT,niiri. or Tahwr J7l7 UATr;h To Tent fnred ahe wlthlu rlty timlta. nun lot with small AC Orego lf:S nr. to leao tnmlrrn " room houa r Irving ton. o--upt ma beforo J una 1 ; ga rag preferrel. A H 3. rfontan. T IlKNT lloctr. 1; and rouraa. furnlaned. HVe-at Hide dirr1t ; moderate rent: per manent't; ran gle refrrn-e. K 7T?". Apartmrnta W A VTKH To rent -roorr modern brick apt. by couple with bahy; not to ei-l pr inn h : mut be cloaw In. Call room lultnmah Hotel. ... -d. wan:a I t rail K. or 2 I(. ll. Hooana WitH Hoard. UANTKO By ou:iaT lady, employed, boartl and roorn in private family, room with ipirt; porch preferrel. in L,urelhurt ; reference. 3 J, irregonian. rog HLNT. I ursUKed How me. A Jdode-at Priced nf Menu IH.. KL ( LIKKmKU Kat Morr oi tt. ant t:t Mivth. Hotal '.if ford t ha principal Kaat til Ha hntei and la a hotel of dignity and re finement. Rooine with private bath, f j- r rnorh w eea:y rfa. and up. NuKToMA hiTbU I'ortland'a downtown, hiac;ae family hot-i: rooms en auit air;;, with or without board, for famirtra and bustnraa ntrii and women. We glva you an tho comfort of a bo ma. Keaaon A.NHu.MA IHTKL 121 14th at., at Washington. Fireproof. tar. at tractive. spot less rom indivtdnal iihon. runt'nuout hea and hot w ater -rr. 7c day up. $ I O'l wk. Up. UTANHIMI HOTKU 4S Withlnrun St . Cor. 17th. Modern. Ste m - he 4 fed rooms. wek and up. f rre ptiotit and bath. TM MKI.VIV. Trns'eni room and up: $2 pe w eea and up II K. room. -. 'a V bi t MariSi I t ;.'' AMi .t-eiwrn suae eteam h-at, rold Wa'er. telephone. inoalrr vr-nt II te. '."7 1 'j lirind ave. hot and 1 price. PAl.A'K iTKk 41 Wash. St.: downio location, rcspectsb.e ami strictly modern sem ha: . roo-ns lav"j;e. clean. HoTKl. l'I'MniVA. ".;- 11th l. :rU modern, prtv' baths tn suite; room a Up. Vain P4 7,V A 4iV IliTKl. (M Kl.l'J, M.rriui atreet ai l;h flairs io per flay tip. w e k . g.I UP running wafer: frfe -hne and o.tth. IIOTKI. HIUAIVVAY. N. Broadway. Uw i'r pe rmanertt g u e a 8 a m Ilea t. phtH' rsiofd at 00 an a ta Prlvato r anally. , t;i. V furnUhed rtm in pf I vat o homr wakm 1 1st a !" t.ll St.. al -In one b o--k porth of W asiiUigton. t shaH "7" Vtl Ni couple hae a Ure a.ry front roiu, hot water h' meals optional, on thr rarlln.'i. i o.d:awn ! ItKAtTIKt l.l. furmnid rooms in cood home, refereoie. .Nob lllll. i-1 John ri'RNI-ltr.l room. I'kmc or two gtria, h distance, suit r; for one Marshall .'.I line privilege. u.NU or '1 rooma In beautiful home, running him rr ta t th a-.i J.ven r!t H- -A rTHACTU K room In nice home f pnt.rmm. wa king atanre. Mar. l I ITII. ner Jeffer.ri. choice rooms. w alking dlvtauca; modern conveniences. Nllr:t.r furnished room a. team he at Oj llnn a. K ferencea M K. -lean front rMm. S'nab'e Tirlnf nemences. rca II- I.AKdK f-ont room, uiodrrn residence, ONK r !. I per eek. 4 1 I Stark. Room With IVoard. Lm and mixlffn I . er barl for bom-s gtr a. a'l mwntcnen: walktnr iiiurirt week K. 4T- YZ K. 7:h at. 'Al;k 1'; r m; hotel. r.l Montcontery at. in routh l"arkwa. wa'ktna n.stsn n-r!m tioie. 'onahie rt'-. l. a7".l. TUK W VltTMA H MiHIViToN. Ter'h st For buatneas atrls and atu nente Ke j.n he rai a. .Marshall U-M. 40 1 R 111 SiN. corner 1 jth. choice room a aad Uord. walking diatattve modern coa- TUT. VIAMI.' with -M 1 ith K'H.mt. doubie or iwiM aw Wllh Boar la Prlvale I a salty. pleaan I. fiirnac. healed front lar clo- rf a. auitable for two. to rarllne. go-x very reanrl homo owhlni; will make rales to mar rte, couple. 7 your ledlee or two gentlemen. J'hon ! 3111 N r rniim, aulfab: decireil. e--ei,eit board. , cor. otri Main for four men. o4 Columbia LAI.;K front ro.t. hy windows. fire p. ace. hot w a r benf. mi'i opt tonal ; oa h r ef i fi-s V oot 'wn oo. i and Utd. -c er i o eO""n.-e. Mnrr,rn M at 'i r7 letuHii pf f.-rr-d. in alkmc di.lai;cc. Z ATTH TU K Ur.e r.-.m f.ir 1 or J. In beauttfit hoTie. aitoM from Multnomah -iiio Main 77.rt FK Kr.NT Thr. in private fiTi' fM. .n.ji, 7 J t.'utnny d l-.jr-l m ina: fan in a. Ca.l n nrnii nc-e. odiaw a i I ltT HI.K r.n fr 1 or 'J -ntienen. r"lm ronvcnlences. be?t of tMarl. Main 41 M lltMiU ami boar. I. . per k XI 1 B-h f . between In Ion and Willlarttt nrklnf or e-hi horn p-f I'ege, rf a K ) V. . epuig porch. NIKI.T foenlabed room. eicellnt I r." r Jefferson. Mln wT lt l.-ri r.l wr h "7 i l :: v; iM- for w men emp'oed cr n'miihta onie l on ,y . Modern. itala FOR RKNt t urn lulled A pari men t. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia S:a. Flv minute" walk to Meier 4b Frank'a store: good aurroumllnfrn; atrict modern 2 and 3-room furnished apart men ta. all outside, wi: h French dcr and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATKS. PFRMANKNT Oit TRANSIENT. VIM. A ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Moat modem apartment oa the Pacific Coaai; rurnlaheI complete. Koof t;rden la Connection. Walktnic dtitanre. Rferencea PTELWYN. HHJIi-CLASS. fteautifully and coin pie t el furnished outside front apt., with aiceping porch a -ao tachelor'a aulte and atnx.e room r-f eren required. Marshall vto. JAKfJER APTS. King and Wash., one 3-rm. furulahed apt. LrM It A lil.K J-nu. apartmni. front porch aud aicepina: porch. 4 Hodney ive. ; no children, I'uona II. E. croaa. Oregon City. Main V. CuMI'l.KTKLY furnished 4 room, wa.klng disianrx. no children; SoO. lmptr.al Arms. Main .till. UUNNIK BRAK. 3 rooms, newly furnished apartment. Irvtngton. 11th and IUnmk UKN'N' IMX. Jlh and Helmont. one ..-room apt., arrant h'(. private bath. lndepndent phone; price g M Kl.V f urn tailed J-room pt.. ali modern conveniences: gamge If desired. 6Xf- Ah. cor. ;mh. TW front rooms, sleeping por-h. 2 closets. Drhl and clean. 001 K. Yamhill at. Kaat IT I". CA HI. TT A CoL'KT. Kverett and 1 th( modern, wa.klng distance. TilK liKRK KI-K V One fur-r. ment. 0! Trinity Place. .Van;i i apart- 1 VKKY desirable on room and kitchenette. walktn; distance; adults, j.-t .vim. 1 nf umUhed A port ment s. Kii'K rooms, hardwood floors, walking die- tan-e. Portnomah. r. I3ih. Fl'K roomie hardwood floor. curfield. abl Failing, one block aouth I nion ave. THt II A K 1- Hi iHUl'OM. 21st and Mai K-a riders; 1 7 .MB. 5 and H-rom. rejsonanie. KurnUhetl or I nfumsdied A part ment a. LLCUKTI.V COL'HT Al'AHTMENTS, High -class, perfect lucretta at. Marshall fn all dotal;. I.mx A :;v;7. 43 KlN'iSBCRY APTS., 11 Vista, ave.. "3d and Washington; very desirable 3 aad 4 -room with outside balcony. , ;;.ROoM beaullfullv furnished outside rooms, steam heated. Mo1 Mississippi ave. c 2h4. . 1 Wo -4 -room apartments. Flats, IX rooms. unfurnUheil. modern, clean, fur nace, haeerncnt. laundry, lurxe yard; save n carfare : -3 minutes bui nc center Mrr, r'srlotta onrt. 17th and Kverett. Kii. L 4 - nom Taior 1.11. CaU 1001 K. iorrison mU $ ji -FLAT, ae in. 0-roorn and bat It. Phone f roadway 11 Wcat Side. Housekeeping Boom. THI-: BKAVKR. ICth end Marshall. Walklnr distance, f unit shed for housekeeplnc. including gas range, electric liRht. hot water, bath, laundry, all free. ilO a month up. Take S- or IHtb-atreet car north, get oft at MnrshaM t. Broadway 5M. .SKAT, larce. pleaaant front rom. comfort ab'y furnished, w tth privilege of using gas plate for very light housekeeping, suitable for one or two bustnc girls; walking distance. Marshall 1133. 167 I'Oto st.. near Washington. ON K room with kitchenette, completely fur nisncd. steam heat, running ho: and cold water, phone In every room. 7 blocks from Fifth and Morrison at.. $lt up. Co lumbia st.. near Flft h. NKW IIOTKL MKYKRS. Housekeeping and transient rooms, mod erate rate. 112 N. 4tU St.. tor. Giisun. Phone Broadway 17! THI7 III'.-11 MA KK 1 -room atl. Urge and Hrht. .l Oo and $3 week, including elec tricity, hcSI.gas.565 W ash. Pi;ONT rooms and kitchenette: - smulj rooms, very convenient; reasonable. 606 Flanders. . 1ITII The Lender kMin rooms. Hh J p.iMnt house ric kitchenette. T II AND Morrison, Stout t., bachelor houkeplng rooms, cheap. It.l F. A T M!lRISON m mpl tely fur- d II. K. nKitn. $?.." prr w. Housekeeping Rooene in Pris-f Fssaily. Nl:l,V furntehed 3 -room apartment, out- ile rxm 4. line pisr ana nice ro, hii mxWn conveniences; garage if drired. J Kast Ash, corner i'oth. East Ankeny rar. TH Ft KK front II. K. rooms, r; no thlldren; iiSllL rjs. nar it l.lnrft'n S?. 10 E. X H'E suite of housrkrrptng rooms, running trr. prixate rtn. r. uunuiue, rr. lth. K. P1t. . Tttu roomi and sle.plns porch, suitable for Its ht liouck-pinc. hoi itm ota tier. in l.i. Mfintgmry drive. ONE iln fr-mt liuui keeping room. sml ri $ :u er meek ; walking distance. 4". S Wenhtngton. 1'E two-Tonn houkcepitig suite, modern (-nenirnces. walking distance. 44 Jef rrufn. ltt IitiMM end kitt-hn. f u rni.hc d ; gas iiiigc, bjth; 91- month. T. K. Davis t. FR RENT Smifle hitusrkerping room. eiy .-ir..l. rn N. -'uth st. IUM aad klt bene? lr ; gas Lib. elec .. bat h. hot Yambill st. -ater. ', Mk. 1'ubllc lleaiae. WHKN Vot; MKVK" I NORTH W LSlLKtV fcULCTKIL' light scr ! e. Broadwav r.A A 747. $1'J. - - l ' DE RN 5-rMm bum.", va ant A nr. I. tit leaee tr one pjr to re -en.naibie part v. Ltnl Kmt Morriiwin. I'lirie Tbnr - Kd. KMM houe. arrnEeil fine f fftiMin. walking distance. 47 Nri h let;ing out East Uth Gih 7-room. modern. $.V. Inquire G. F. Jnhnoon Piano 4 o. 119 Sixth M. iH RKNT--7 rootiip. '2 sleeping porches. rirsi. Wentnioreland. SeMwmvl I'loo. i-K. om house f- r rent. Ci:; Horthwiik. hf wner. M-'I'KKS a. room h ue. rorner Atnaworlh rnt .1V Col. 112. and WtHiania ave.. pin 1 r ire-a. 4M n. l.i rge Rrhw irk. ard. 5-toom boo.e. l m M h.l Rrt $to. u. netaiy papeied. ti.Y K. JOlli. Tabor 511. 1 li Kr.NT Ni'ithrup st. A-room modern lnue, ''5 - R M mderii house, 450 E. Sherman st. Y.t 4114. 1 iimlaheI Houae. I KMMI Kl iie. Hro": roniplet. ; ba-e. , mde, Tal.t- !; It fur:itii d huraL. $5V Trt hnr hi no 21 '2. f'r ren:. Laurel- POLLY $)mo.ti Qcrs MoJtfus, K.jhU Faserr md. RwuW U. OMLTIME) (.HOD KORTIWE IS 5TR THE ROUTE OF YOUR WANT AD Few persons realize the number of hands through which a want ad must pass after it is brought in or telephoned to The Oregonian office. 1 The telephone or counter clerk receives the ad; 2 Checker goes over the ad to correct any errors in spelling or classification; 3 Copy boy carries it to composing-room; 4 Foreman of classified sorts by classifications and dis tributes to linotype operators; 5 Linotype operator sets ad into type; 6 Printed proof of ad goe to proofreader to be read for typographical errors; 7 If any errors, ad goes back to machine for correction; 8 Goes back to proofreader; 9 When "OK," goes to make-up man for distribution into form under proper classification; 10 Page, when made up, goes to stereotypers, who cast it into solid plate; 11 To pressmen, where papers are run; 12 To carriers, newsboys, newsdealers and mail, for distri bution. If YOUR ad for The Sunday Oregonian is received LATE Saturday evening you are making it very difficult for every one of these workmen to give perfect service by forcing them to work under a heavy strain and at high tension, for besides your ad there will be hundreds of others received at the last minute. It is the desire of The Oregonian to render PERFECT SERVICE, but, with a heavy volume of business passing through so many hands, some errors are unavoidable. How ever, with YOUR co-operation in the matter of furnishing EARLY copy, the percentage of error can be reduced to a minimum. THE CLOSING HOUR FOR WANT ADS FOR THE SUN DAY OREGONIAN IS 6 P. M. Saturday (For other issues than Sunday the closing hour is 8:00 P. M.) USE YOUR PHONE! AND USE IT EARLY! Bell, Main 7070 Home, A 6093 Ask for '"Want Ads" FOR KKXT. Furnisoetl Houses. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. lO-ROOM MODERN HOI SE. REAL TI FH.LI FUR N ISM ED. THREE BATHS. FIVE BElKOOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. HOT WATER HEAT. OPEN FIREPLACE AND TWO GAS LOGS. ALL LARGE ROOMS. GARAGE. OR FOR SALE. MARSHALL 4U0 OK BROADWAY 10. 1 YOU want to Hooverixe. have good health and fine view Reut a tent cot tajre. sleeping porches, rms, shower and tub baths, walking distance, lowest rent In rltv. Cull n'J4 Heights Terrace, corner of lHtli and Hall st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, exclusive i-room house. SfWii mahuKunv furniture. Orienta rue, sun room, fine sard en. cared 'for by owner. See today. Marshall 277. FOR RENT Cheap, to irood tenant, i-room house with basement, turntsneu; one acre fruit.. 2 blocks carline. chicken house. Mrs. Griffiths. Main 143 or Tabor FoR RENT o-roorn modern house, com pletely furnished. garage. baurcmurai. phone Broadway Utt 4 ROOMS. re-enilv renovated, double cottage. East "1st t. ; considerable fur- nlture. yard. Mrs. Hobson. Main tiorto. FURNISHED trie, .laundry Woodstock cs room bunaa low. sas. clec trav. lot for garden, take r. t;0 K. 2th st. 40 HOK CIT V home, strictly modern, compktolv furnished. M I TH-WAGN E R "Q.. STOCK EX. SMALL partly furnished house, no bath. Apply !. Woodward ave. MODERN 7-rooni furnished house; must board owner. Main 4 11. morning. Store. TO RENT Small bulidiug suitable for shoe shop, near ehlpyards ut ancouver. T. J. Iickrtff. ,Vrt Wiiili. ut. FINE trad tore, dome fine hualncss; fa le Kranels. Wash. Mar. 1P.i. Offlr OFFR'ES. Ktnre rooms and halls, also rooms full aW for light manufacturing; office building nccommodations;' rnt reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co.. .;I0 UeKum bldg.. Third and Wanhington sis. HALF newly furnished office, phone, etc., regonisn bhlg.. reasonable. Main 60. FoR RENT Furnished offices and desks, cheap. Chamber of Commerce bldg. BlINFS OPPORTUNITIES. CASH MEAT MARKET, good business; have owned this for 15 years; other business lukea me away. AB ", Oregonian. AI'TO garage for sale; a fine paying pla at ores 14m now, ran be Increased; ca mnk -"0 month. ':ill :tQ4' ok t. WILL exchange Ictrola and records for vour uned piano. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. "OKNER grMery. good propostt Ion, 1 irrgotilan. and Sandy Mvd ; Invoi'-e. A H ftO, sell WANTED A partner to act as manager in w ell eat ahllshed bimincss, by ow 11 er. Call Main 7IH or A 24'kI. PARTNER wanted to deliver goods and col-e-t ; pay $25 week and tan be Increased; $tiM requited. Call room 4".'J Iokuni bldg. A CASH grocery for sale cheap; net prof its nearly $''oOj rnont Ii ; a bargain. Call room 4".'l Dekum bldg. THKEE hydra 11 lie enamel baths. $' Refd. Sandy. Or. chair barber shop, two too; $100 cash. If. B. FOR SALE Blacksmith and machine shop In Willamette Valley town; snap; look this up. Add rem A V 371. Oregonian. MOTKN picture theater, best location, fine equipment, netting good returns; must sell, going East. II 25, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, liB,,! Kr-eries. etc.; has 4 living-rooms: a bargain at $550; ran clear $lo month. Kvm 403 Iekum bldg. Fl ItST-CLASS restaurant for Washington St., Vancouver. sale. 310 $1500 HARDWARE stock for sale, low rent, lerwa if wanted. C 7. Oregonian. 'TAI'HAXT, r man and eat location, money-maker ife. V 52. Orejconian. AND HER PALS AUTOMATA Last ifr piOiiaD S. Ptu Offlt A.Xitl.V CAHOIPUGED. BV tXIFF r'l rc y$ 1 -rr-:tJ r v :.: 11 1 cr muininfMuimmtmiuMHmHiMiiHmnmimjiuuM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SA LE Shoe repair outfit, consist in g or r leminp nait soling machine, rinisner, half-horsepower motor, belts, one Politype patrh machine: above outfit In j?oori con dition, $:t.".o rash : good opportunity to start repair shop here ; easily clear $10o per month, or will ship machines f. o. b. Grants Pass. R. L. Bartlett, Grants Pass, .Or. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. $12,500 invested in an old established business will yield IS per cent on the money. This is a Portland concern, estab lished In 170; $100 per montli as a salary goes with the investment; close investiga tion invited. A. X. ANDERSON. 110 10th St. Phone Broadway L'4.i. Portland, Or. WANTED Firat-cla-3.s physician and sura-eon to occupy suite of offices in new modern building, steam heat, electric light and janitor service. Present occupant railed to war. Pavroll town. Eastern Ore gun, OOtH) population, with only five regu lar doctors, three of whom have office: in tliis block. A C. Oregonian. DRUG! store for sale; substantial, paying business; only drugstore in richest little town In Oregon; center of best wheat sec tion In Northwest. Price, $rt000, or in voice. Consider cash only. Am In next draft. T. H. O norm ley. owner. Helix. Or. FOR SA LE Waterfront property for wood shipbuilding plant, largo sawmill close at hand, near Knappton, Wash., 3000 ft. wa terfront. 13 acres upland aud DO acres tfdeland: also 1st and 2d growth timber on the property. B 17. Oregonian. WILL pay $0 M. and furnish all necessary equipment except livestock on easy log ging contract; 40 to u0 M. daily to experi enced horse or auto truck logger aud guar antee against loss. Pay monthly; must fi nance own camp. 400 Multnomah Hotel. 2-STORY bldg. and lot. best location In city. X housekeeping rooms upstairs, storeroom and living rooms lower floor, with stock, grocery and fixtures, doing cash business, all for $5500. to W. Mh St., Vancouver, Wash. ON E of t ho finest paying restaurants and lunchrooms In the heart of the city; rea sonable rent: want to retire on account of III health ; anyone interested should not overlook this good opportunitq. X 30, Oregon Inn. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realtv Board. PAUL COWGILU Secretary. MEAT MARKET, established 15 years, worth $iOi, w ill take $450; terms If desired ; soics a nou r yiuoo month; ir looking for good market, investigate. Phone Sellwood 1 -c. , IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sll or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see A. J. DEFOREST. 2o:i-20."-207 Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERY STORE, on Mt. Scott, with first- class fixtures: invoice about $Oo; two living-rooms In store: alt for $90'i; agents neen not answer. 2u oth ave. Take Mt. Scott car. GREENHOUSE business; owner called to war. will sell : ran make $2O0 mont h if willing to work, $500 required. Call 30I'-. Qak st. 7-TABLE billiard room, cigar store and bar ber shop, on ground floor; doing good business. Owners under present draft, anxious to sell. AG SC. Oregonian. $I'75 TAKES fine grocery stock and fix tures; Invoice about $1100; doing $J5uo a month. Business must be seen to be ap preciated. No triflers. 4Io E. Burnside. FOR SALE Clam cannery, capacity 5o eases per day : a Iso 5-room Summer home and outbuildings. W. H. Link Canning Co.. Copal is. Wash. RESTAURANT, good location, in good Mdg. Have nice trade ; very reasonable. C 10, Oregonian. GOol blacksmith business for sale, cheap: good lease building: stock, tools, cheap for c.tsh if sold soon. 1745 E. 17th sr. 4-CHA1R barber shop, fixtures complete, for sale cheap. Apply at 121 4th st. Foresters Hall. E. Barnickel. F. Secty. FOR SALE 2-cliair barber shop, cheap. Ad dress 211 "d at., Mc.MlnnvtHc. Oregon. BARBER chairs and fixtures at t flee. Kemp Barbers' Supply Co.. big sacrl- il Wash. Si moaTThs At aSdj Sh aA' rkPFJSJ; j w t-"7 e SlKHREtT, BUSINESS OPPORTCXmES WANTED- WANTED To lease modern apt. house. Ad dress box 857, Portland, Or. HOTELS AX D ROOM IXG-HOCSES. $400XET INCOME PER MONTH, on a small Investment, brick bldff., steam heat, hot and cold water in every room. This Is one of our best buy. Geo. T. Moore Co., Ablngton bldg. IP YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a hotel, rooming' or apt. -house, se A. J. De FOREST, 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bid jr. " 27 ROOMS. ALDER ST. Clearing over $100 month; can be handled with $600 cash. Geo. T. Moore Co.. Ablnsrton bldfr. MARY E. LENT sells hotels. rooming and apartment houses at the best prices and terms. 52 NT. W. Bank bid g. Main 8 60. FOR best bargain In rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st. $00,000 APARTMENT-HOUSE. Income $1000 per month: $10,ooo cash, balance to suit; leaving city. oai. y. m. c. a. LOST AND FOUND. THE following' articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., February 2S, 1918: 1 watch, 1 bunch keys, 2 purses, 1 brooch, 3 um brellas, 6 packages, 1 pipe, 1 book city tickets, 1 pr. gloves, 1 hat, 2 books, 1 coat. 1 cane. 1 ice cream freezer. 5 lunch boxes, 4 hand grips. 1 suitcase, money, 1 piece currency, 1 glove. Owners may ob tain property at First and Alder street station. WILL the lady who took black silk. India shape umbrella with silver knob, at Lip man & Wolfe restroom at 10 o'clock Fri day morning, please return same to LIp- mun & Wolfe office and avoid further trouble ? LOST Feb. 27, gold brooch, with garnet stone, on Thurman 'st., bet. 21-26 St., or on lilst between Thurman and Irving sts. Return to 800 Thurman st. Liberal re ward. LOST Shorthand notebook, on Portland Heights car yesterday, or on West Park st., bet. Morrison and Alder. Return to Oregonian. Reward. LOST Thursday, between Olds & King's, Board of Trade and loth and College sts., roll of bills containing approximately $150. Finder please phone Main" ;i200. LOST Small black purse. currency and small change Hazelwood or 10th and Al der sts. Return Lion Clothing Store of fice. LOST Small gold brooch, with pearls, bet. American Laundry and Second and Mult nomah. 24 E. Second. Reward. LOST 2 yearlings, 1 black heifer and 1 whlte-and-black steer. Notify 11. inici sen. Hillsdale, R. 2. Box 1T.5. LOST Silk bag, black, blue; gold knitting inside; near Portland Hotel. East 4002, or Rave at Oregonian office. LOST Masonic past master's jewel, name and number on back; notify Sellwood J01J. 867 Clinton st. LOST Dark green umbrella, in cover. Phone SU Oregon City. LOST Antique cameo brooch. Return AK :., Oregonian. Reward. SPECLL NOTICES. PiopoMls Invited. SEALED BIDS for school and lanltor sup plies will be received at the oft ice of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. 401 Courthouse, Portland, Or., until U P. M.. March 7, l'.18. and will be opened at a regular meeting of t he board of directors to be held in room 3o4 Courthouse, at 4 I. M., same date. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Certified check for ten Oil) per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to 11. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accom pany each proposal. The board of direct ors reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or divide the award. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk, and Business Mgr. Feb. 2S, 1918. FINANCIAL. LOANS, notes, contracts, mlgs. purchased. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bldg- Main NS. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a Joan. $:2.20 per month for :i6 months, or $21.24 per month for 00 months, or $13.1 lor no monins pays a luuu loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commissions charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A- LOAN ASS'X. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOAN S ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON, WASHlMiTO.N AND IDAHO LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES NO COMMISSION. WM. .Mac MASTER, 701 COUBETT BLDG., PORT LAND. . MORTGAi SE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. ' FARM LOANS. ' Any amount, current rutes; five and seven-year loans with privilege to repay part or all any time. VERMONT LOAN & TRUST CO., 314 Masonic Bldg., Sal'Mii, Or. QUICK loans made on real estate security; have money on hand in amounts of $2u0, $500. $10imj and $.oOO: will split if de sired. Multnomah Development Company, 404 Piatt bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5"o rfl 7fr UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbet t Bldg. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., 2d Floor United States Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and Dona issues, espe cially in large amounts, o per cent up $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rat;s. W. G. Beck, 215-210 Failing bldg. Phone, 4Ui. $3oi, $4 on. $500. $750, $1000 and up at low est rates, quick action. Fred W. German 'o., 7;J2 Ch. of Com. Main t445. $5ini. $louO AND upward on improved real estate, favorable terms; no delay; no bro kerage. John Bain. 5o7 Spalding bldg. PRIVATE party will loan $150 on Portland residence, first mortgage, 3 per cent. E (. Oregonian. $2000. $::ono. $5000, private money, loan im proved city property. Billings, 509 McKay bldg. PLENTY of money good rei estate 6 t 0 and 7 per cent, curity. S Stark st. MORTGAGE LOANS, R and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO. 4S Selling bldg. SEE US today; loans CELLARS-M URTON any amount. ti-7'i CO., 825 Yeon bids LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 ''ham, of Com. MONEY to loan on farm and improved rity property. K. K. Baxter. 7u4 Spalding bldg. $1UU0 TO $40,000 TO LOAN, property; no commission. P. farm or city O. box 873. Money to lyoan -Chattels and Salaries. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelrv; legal rates; all articles held 1 year; established since 1 SSS. Dan Marx. 2S3 Washington. Jess Thai u5 ,j FIX AN CI AX. Money to Loan Chattels and B1ri- s. c a r. x w v LOAN'S. CHA'i T. on short notice to salaried or wtrklnff men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. kadi transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSKR. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture., pianos, etc., without removal. CAM AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 317 Failing Bulldinff. - FURNITURE , AtT LOANS. jv WE LOAN MONET to salaried people on their own notes: easy pavments. strictly confidentiaL ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal Call and see us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 317 Falling Bldg IF YOU NEED MONEY, SEE USL SALARIES CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds aud other personal prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential; private offlce. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 300-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. Carrie Myers Herman, mgr., 394 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds, .jewelry, pianos, household furniture. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office. 84 Third, near Oak. tuans n anted. $22.000 On Oregon wheat ranch worth four times amount asKea; also sjooo one year on bankable security. Thomassen, Y. M. C. A. $10,000 WANTED on modern store and apartment oiug. ; vaiua $jo,uuo. tilo cnam- ber of Commerce bldg. $0000 AT 0 per cent, 110 commission, term or years, iirst mortgage on business prop crty in city. F 20, oregonian. WANT loan from private party. $450, on two lots and 6-V. house, value $1200. Ad dress owner, AH 37, Oregonian. WANTED S2:.00 and $12,500 at 7 per cent in farms. F. Fuchs, -t2i Ch. of Cora. $1100 WANTED at 7 per cent on $3000 home; no commission. D 32, Oregonian. PERSONAL. M A DA ME OR FE A N. PHRENOLOGIST AND PALMIST. Do you know OS per cent of the success ful men and women of today consult a phrenologist on the affairs of life, in busi ness, ana what you are best adapu-d for? This lady reads your head like au open book. Readings dally and Sunday, 9 A.' M. to 8 P. M. VjI . MORRISON. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICEd. t 80-inch wavy switch, 2 sep $1.60 24-lnch wavy switch, 3 sep 1.00 All-around transformation 1.46 Hairdressing, shampoolug, face uidssage. naii bt)bblug, manicuring. 25c. Ii4ilr re moved by eiciuic nee J 18, switch made of combings, Hoc We buy your combings. Sanltaiy Pirlors, 400-412 Dekum bidg., 3d and Washington. Ma rsuall 17o2. LADlUS, TAKABA ANT1&EPTIC POVVDUR is a soothing, cooUug, cleansing aiiuseptlo wusn. '1 easuoomui uissoiveu in yuan 01 water for catarrhal troubles, tt'iiuio dis orders, and is essential to personal h -giene; Is indurseu by physicians; oOO and $1 packages. Sola by Portland Hotel rnarmacy. A CABINET bath and massago energizes and vitalizes me whole system, restores youth ami vigor, cures rhcuamtism Why uelay ? Pa in less chiropouy. M i s. Carvel, 204 Rothchiut ouig., 25 1 lr Washington si.. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MA It, 25 5th at., cor. Main, teaches palmlauy aad card reading; also leasous iu science uC health and success. FEB VET & 11AXEBUT, leading w ig and toupee makers, tinest stock iiuimm hair goods, hairdressiug, manicuring, tuce and scalp treatment. Alder. Main 54 o. DR. LA MONTE, painless chirupudist aud arch specialist. " Lady assistant. Mam 5100; residence, Wdlu. 2'J2o. 3UO-7-S Swei lund bldg. ELECTHO-HVDUOPATI1IC INSTITUTE, ;i7-20 Pittoek block. Nurse attendants. Electric caumet and mineral baths. Scien tilic massage. Open 0 to 7. Sunday 10 to 4. SWEDISH massage, magnetic blanket sweat given by graduate munseuse. iioOVi Mor., r. -04. Open Sua, and ce.. 10 A. M. iu P. M. ASK YOUR druggist for ' chugoit," a harm less, scientitiu ointment tor reuuciiig en larged glands and goiters. SCALP treatments and facial treatments for acne and wrinkles; permanent bleach ing. Electrolysis Co., 504 S w e 1 1 a n d b 1 d g . FACE and 1 iug scalp, rchi-jt ed. calp t real ment s, dandruff, itcli superl'luous hair, moles, warts ::;o i-'Uedner bldg. Broadway 10S5. ADVICE 011 perplexing ordeals; afternoons; Natural Science. 311 Morgan bldg. Mar shail 1212. MILDRED CLARK, massage, baths and electric treatment. Roth' hi Id bldg., 2S7 l Wash Olfice 211. Open Sundays and eve. BODi MASSAGE, stomach and intestinal trouble, chronic constipation, treated by trained nurj,e. M 1040. Flat C. 3u 3d. REV " MiTanT) .MRS. J. C. SCFIORI teach truth. Readings dally, circle Sun.. Tucs., Thurs., 1. M. 4 1 )(. Jctff'rsoit st. Main 51it. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed uy 10-needie metnud; tnai free. Josiu Fiu iey, 011 Ellers bldg. Main 0J0t. BEST steam bath and massage m ci'y. chlro- nrHCtic. VI oration aim eiecu le. . mi garet Haynic 517 Sweiland bldg. &i. 1705. yUAKlAN GOSPEL, regeneration, .'Uilty oouks sold. Natural science taught. 341 Morgan bldg. ELECTRIC treatments lor poor circulation, rheumatism. )umbao, lace, scalp sulphur team and salt oaths. 420 Clay. Mam bJ50. DR. MARIE JOHNSON, chiropody, sweats, bath and masseuse. 513 N. V. bldg. uptu Sundays and evenings. Main 504. ilKS. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's re nowned palmist and spiritual reader. 37ft T a y Idr St.. cor. West Park. syi'HlA B. SE1P, mental, spiritual science. Daily, 405 Tourney bldg., 2d and Taylor sis Circles Wednesdays a P. M. Alar. It04. PRIMED A BALM, formerly called Balm of Pias. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings. MASSAGE 11th st. and electric treatments. 113' MANICURING 25 cents; Fiiedner bldg. bring this ad. 32 MARIE DE HA RR. .medicated steam bath; graduate masseuse. Off. 0, 291 ',8 Morrison. MAY IRWIN, elect 1 ic and vibratory nas- eage, 291 Morrison st., office 1. FRANCIS DE MAYO, SCALP SPECIAL! ALMA S. JOHNSON, facial, scalp, F" American toilet articles. Main 145j SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by Multiple Needle Method. 504 Swetland b 'ig. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology card reading. 282 Park. Main 7548. and MOLES, sunref luous hair removed. Mrs. D. HIM, 429 Fiiedner bldg. Bdwy. 3473. WALTER J. COSGROVK. write to V. Florence, learn something your advantage. MARIE XEVINS, massage and elecuic treat ments. 401 rsortnwest mag. aiatn OOOS.t . - - ',- il ft zBW "