11 TIIE 3I0RXIXG OltEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, 3iARCIT 2, 1918. RAPID WORK ASKED nil fiiTVf n niiTnni(ar " '" o t. un.r ho mr I I f J I I I I I I I II fl I I I K I s'c' Ihla morning from Aln.worth dock. III! III! I II r V U I I I I I I 8n m.4 Thund.r ni'ht and th Inward Ull Ul I I LLL I 11 I Ul I I outward cargoea hav been handled Builder Promising the Earliest ComDletion Will Be Favored in MakmO Award. LARGE BONUS PROMISED Cowiul-ron d Public Docks) Will Advertl.- for Bids Monday, Allow Inr l'le Weeks Time la Order to Permit Eastern Competition. In asrardioic a contract for the erec tion of th municipal train elevator on tb St. Johns terminal all. It has been Indicated by the Commission of Public Iucks that th bidder promising the tarll.st completion, so long- as his proposals are consistent and he can mako a ihonlnr a to standing- and ability to perform the work, will re tctv the award. Also, a bonus of $20 a day. not to exceed I ao. . In all. will b paid for th completion of the elevator In ad vance of th date guaranteed. Whit refra-uardlns; th Interest of th public in ex, tine bond, th commission la of th opinion that th prim feature at the present stage of the project Is as surance that It will be mad available as near rail as possible. , Five txerka Alleweel BldaVrrs. One estlmat as to the outsid tim the work should reiuire Is nine months, but it is earnestly hoped to lower that by a considerable maraln. I'lans and specifications nav now been approved. Ther were only a few minor changes, one of which was Increasing th dally bonus from l-"' to lioo and that If machinery delays are met with they will not mitlcate asrainst th con tractor, so lone as he advises th Com- ' mission tn writlna; of the facts. Th concrete work Is to be carried on In three shifts and other work will be hurried with two or three shifts, as I the romnluion may de-lsnate. In order to s-uard against loss of time. liids will be advertised for Monday, and it l planned to open proposals nt more than fix weeks later, that tim being allowed so firms In the Kajt. experienced In elevator construc tion, may has opportunity to bid. as well as t " on the Pacific slope. In stead of hating a capacity of I. . bujh: of wheat, as w a at first planned, the working out of the details hn.a the elevator will accommodate l.H. ! bu.hes. Itaae t re .taae-asbled. The s-ale of wages here, as well as that paid thrri the machinery I fabrt ated. also the bast" prl of raw ma terial at the tim the contrail Is exe cuted will be et forth, and the com mission is to meet any Increase In freight rates affecting the movement ef machiner. llkewlw pay th war tax. One re-i-.on for holding off until Mon day was to Insure all sets of plans be ing a.ieemhiei and ready to be given contractors. Ka-fi set has III sheets or puc. and thev represent many tire some hours of labor liar and niaht. The drafting-room force has been keyed to a high pitch In order to finish that work, so bid. ro ild be sought, and from now on It is hoped to keep ahead f the building programme, so far as blueprint and the Ilk are concerned. iKRiiY m.ii rou TflM;K.s Willamette to Hate Tlilrd itcrtli; ItaM-k No. I I'srd at !rr-nt. Dls ontinuanc of the ferry Lionel R. tVebster, landing; at the foot of Sev enteenth street, and orders by the t'ounty Commissioners for her to use the t'pper Albina Slip ,in conjunction with the ferry W. S. Mason, clears the way ror the Willamette Iron 4k Steel Works to provide a slip at the aban doned ferry Undtng for outfitting 00 ton steamers, building jointly by that plant and the Northwest fteel Com pany. Th Commission of Public Docks has approved th us of the slip, pro 1ilng a yearly rental Is paid, amount ing to J per cent of th valu of th trip, and the council la expected formally to vacate th foot of th street la a few days. As a means of assisting th Wlllam ett Interests In getting machinery aboard the new carriers, th dock com mission has permitted a steamer to be berthed on the river side of Municipal Itock No. 1. The West Hampton goes ther today. While th slip at th north end of the dock la more desirable for fitting out. It is not available. At present the Willamette can accommo date two big steamers, one on the fac of Its dork and another In the slip th lrgon drydork formerly occupied. skitpkKs r::ul siurs Seven Kivcr Ma-tcr Turn To at oat Yard on t'rtlrral Carlrrr. ?even master of Inland vessels making this their home port ar num bered with the big yard fore, of the Coast Shipbuilding Company, among them being Captain A. W. Graham, manager of tha Oregon City Trans portation Company, who -Is directing th rigging work on th wooden ves sels, four of which ar on the ways, the first to be launched before March ends. As th Oregon City Transporta tion Company la operating only one steamer thes days. Captain tiraham decided to take up deepwater w -S again. In his youthful days on last t oast h was concerned wooden ship and sailed the seas In th "down eaatess." winning his ticket bfore he migrated to the Willamette. Captain Chris Biuhm. also with th Oregon City tin. Is In th yard and other Include Captains Oliver. Her man Fries, Fred Lundy. I. B. Uray and .1 Krus. Also ther ar about two ti o e e n, former policemen at the plant and men as well from other vocations, who r, either taking up th work or returning to If. Marine Note. Ieek and ea-fneront officers sf th attvll la rr BKtnnoT Poetlaad. who war examined forw Vattvd Stat. teameal laepactora 9i4wanla and VVjra. V 1 alar, a com liei with a fir that 4atr,4 the vi nal t JtsiMrv. mhmm an. waa ff IN twaac mt Pvew. wre esoaerated yesterday from all rpes! bliitr. F-sek llo'ism. Port'snd a-at af th Pacifl.: Steamsnt Compasv. left ystroay foe aartie ott a Saviaeaa trip If w: re turn ewrlv la ta week. ptaii Bo Mrlatnah. pioneer shlp-w-Mi. I In nr gsing tne echooaar Owklsd. Iym at AiSors Unca. and wiakla r.lr en dc ir 4 aawhr to flnaliv fit r f " r aew, aft'r ; mt tw vaara snt w th sewn aawr Nhain Hav. A of f-r S nwt, t parrs, a t h I and If la at n,4 It I nt-e.tao4 ah will load lambar kr tr a fac if .0 part, "omine hefw fv eomp:. her care which Will k rlB.laal:r a - oe at Itaibr. tn rtr.i 1 . f4a:,etrand waa rPAeT4 leaving Ten Tto,bI at T I'riqrk Vwiter4ay morn, l-ng. Sh haa aSoartt aneral rrg as w:l mm soma limr and wt: flhah St Irmaa- p.:aa's Tn veaael wi.l cleared for aa r Paetf ptrt. lrsrar allow were s: ceoip:u4 yesterday te permit tbe steamer Poquill to depart for Knappion. hh wae purrhu4 Thursday by Ida Knppfq Mill at Lumber Company from th tihavar Transportation Com pony and It 1 inteoceJ to start her down stream today. rajMear reservations have been brisk with dispatch. iaacgioate TEX-norit pay sPiic.iui!inor.iiimiion speeding lp on "p I March opened Ilk a lion at the I Surrl"Ballln yard, alright, and Uwr I trill b a. rrMlr allr tAmorrav. for th corporation ha decided to put Into effect a 10-hour schedule, which will extend from T o'clock In the morn In until 5:?0 o'clock. Latter double shifts will ba used, in ail prob ability, but for, the present the crew can make appreciable trains through laboring- the extra two hour earn day. Also there will be Rains In the pay envelope thereby. More than 40 frame were in place yesterday on bull No, 1. the keel of which went down Tuesday, and all of the full framlna- will be finished in a day or two. Machinery Is be Ins; assem bled for the steamer Harney, wblch was launched last week, and that fos the following; vessels Is brine worked on. so there will be as little delay as posstblo when once ther are floated, Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or.. Msrch 1. Spectal. The tumbr-ladn schooner For-at -Home shifted trnm West port to th. local harbor at 10 o'clock last night. She win sail for tfydnsy as soon as stie secure a crew. llrmcing a rargu of fu'-l oil for Portland the tank steamer Wm. P. tlerrin arrlttd at T.30 ibis morning from California. Bringing coat oil for Astoria and Portland the tank steamer Oleum arrived at 3:40 this afternoon from California. HAV FRANCISCO. March 1. 'Special. shipping men are filing apsllcatloa for pas to San Kranci.ro wharves by tluadre1s at the branch office of tn. I'nlted 5'ates Marshal la th orrics of ths Chief Wharflnssr. Every ens having bu.lneis on th waterfront is showing anxl.iy for th oeceaeary little cardboards, as more drastic measures may be Put Into force aooa by the Government. Government officials said today they would not be surprised If regulations similar t those at New York were enforced here. In lb Kastern harbor marines sr stationed along th bulkheads, preventing alt persons not holding pa.ses from spproarlilng sh lo l"o rei or in piers. The Mwriltab bark 111 ma. which was cap lured by the Germans during the war and released. Is to leave Honolulu soon with i cargo of sugar for tbts port. The lllm was formerly tha bark Andrew Welch. Hh eel.ed last yesr from this port with s cargo of beans for Sweden. A German gunboat raptured ths veeael and took her to Ger mane. The ship was turned back to th Hwedlah government by tbe Germans after tbe confiscation ef th beana. Af'er being In tbe stream since January 14. th Ianl.h motorshlp Jutlandls is load Ing for a voyage to tb Orient. The long delay at this port was caused by th refusal of th owners of the ship to promise t re turn te th lotted states wl:h a car to. SEATTLE. Wash. Msrch 1. (Special.) Oeceral merchandise snd railway equip ment have commenced arriving at this port for shipment to the Anchorage terminal of the Alaska Railroad. Today a big motor truck specially bulit for passengers snd possessing f.aaged wheels for operation over rei.e. arrived and now awaits shipment I the North as soon ss the Ice in Anchorage harbor warrants tb safe operation of vrs- els. Preparations also ar going en. on a lively scale, by the fisherie f.ets. a.) or wnicn are being repaired for th coming fishing season In norther waters. The Northwestern fineries ship penjs' mm F. Packard was towed her from Kagie Harbor today, and will start loading sup plies for th. north within s few das. The LJbbv. McNeill A Llbbr fleet, moored In l.aa t'nion. looks spick snd span, with new coats of paint snd new rlgslng. Iock Ing of these vessels has been rendered un necessary, due to rleening of the hulls by th action of fresh water of th lake on the marln growths Tha Mn.ul freighter YoahMa Mara ar rived here today with a large cargo of Client a) freight, which la being discharged at th Mmlth Cot terminals. COOit FAT. Or.. March 1. .-pecll) rurse C. A Un ill armed lo tow of tug Samson at II A. M. Notlrc to Mariners. Information has been received from tlie maater of an American schooner, that on January lull, when In latitude 19 de gree 42 minute north snd longitude 14 degrees 2 minutes sr. at. sighted psrt of s modern vessel, about luo f "el long, with part of frame snd poop showing sbout six feet sbove the wster, spparentlr burned. E. K. ECKHARPT. Commander V. - Navy, Ret d, Pee OSCAR W. HCHWARZ. Nautical Eipert. P. ft X. JUROR MAKES PROTEST TIMK LOUT 1 C.F. TRML OP TRIVIAL DP.PLORF.D. Baalaeaa Mesi Ceaspelled t Lose Nearly Half Day a Matter f Utile I aa porta are. After a Jury in the Municipal Court yesterday returned a verdict of guilty against W. L Harrington for violating; the traffic ordinance. H. C. Carrlngton, one of a trio who tried the case, con demned the practice of certain attor neys In demanding; Jury trials In trivial cases. He declared that he and two other busless men bad to lose nearly half a day In court In the trial of an unimportant case. When the Jury was about to return Its verdict tho foreman asked that leniency be shown, as the violation was not serious. Judge Kossman replied that he would Re triad to do so. as he had never yet fined anyone for so trivial an offense. Mr. Parker, however, after the ver dict of guilty had been read. Insisted upon a fine sufficiently large to enable him to appeal the case. "I could not do so." replied Judge Rnsaman. I would not be in keeping with the nature of the offense and would only consume time that should be occupied with 'better business." LEAGUE LEADERS FREE C. TOW LEY AXD JO-EPH GIL BERT FtR.MMI BAIL. M-Partlaasj Chief Charged With e dltbaw Will Appear fr Trial at Flraa. Mlaau, Marrk II. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. March 1. t Special.) A. C Townley, president of th Non-Partisan Usrue, and Joseph ii I belt, manager of the organisation, who wer arrested two days ago charged with sedition, were at liberty again today on 13000 bond each. They will appear at Fairmont. Minn., for trial on March II. Th charges against the pair are based on pamphlets Issued by the leag-ue last June and which are said to hav bean given to Federal officers at tb time for their approval. Alien R. Albert. County Attorney of Martin County, today declared: "Xo man In this county can publish and dis tribute such statements and escape ar- rest. Th leagu cannot advocate here any such stuff aa this. We are prose cuting farmers and farm boys for teaching this same doctrine that the league is spreading. Ft. Louts Is vxperlmentlnv with sur rounding traffic policemen at niaht with lifht thrown from sarchil(hts mouat4 oa asaxbr buildings. HEW SHIP LOADING Steamer Point Loma Begins Taking on Cargo. COASTWISE TRADE IS PLAN Vessel Is to B Operated by Shipping Hoard and Sister Ship. Point Arena, Is Expected to Into Same Service, Go Cargo la to eo aboard the new 3300- ton steamer Point Loma today at the Fifteenth-street Municipal terminal, the first she Is to work, and It will be made up of (00 tone, measurement, of box shook. The vessel Is to be operated In the coastwise trade by the Shippinfr Board and it la expected that the Point Arena, a sister ship, not yet completed. will be used in the unit business. It has been known from the time the Federal authorities requisitioned those ships that they would not be placed In the same service as The largo steamers of MOO tons capacity, and It was nat urally supposed they would be retained In the Pacific trade. It was reported that at one time a strong; effort was made to have them operated between Portland and th Orient, eo as to clean up gome of the freight on the Coast and provide a means of bringing here direct consignments awaiting shipment at ear Kastern ports. The Shipping Board woifld not con sent to the arrangement. The Point Loma. Point Arena and Point Bonita, the last-named being of 3S00 tons and yet to be launched, were suggested for the trans-Pacific service, and the un- llllngness of the Government to sanc tion the plan was thought to be due to the fact that they were' slated to re place tonnage in the coastwise fleet that had been withdrawn for war pur poses. The vessels were originally Intended by A. O. Anderson & Co. for Scandina vian interests. The Albina Kngine & Machine Works began operations with six contracts, others besides the Point ,oma and Point Arena being 2S00-ton steamers. The Point Loma was launched November 3 and the Point Arena No vember 29, and all of the principal equipment was turned out here, the boilers by the Willamette Iron & Steel Works and the engines by the Albina plant. Inspectors of Steam Vessels Kdwards and Wynn have ordered the boiler tests to be made on the Point Loma today and the last details of her Inspection j win be disposed or shortly. Her trial trip will be held as soon as a ballast cargo is aboard. . Tup; Traveler Is Sold. ABERDEEN'. Wash.. March 1 (Spe cial.) The tug- Traveler has been sold to E. C. McGlaughlnn. of Seattle, bv the Grays Harbor Tugboat Company, and the sale of thr tug Cudahy Is said to be under consideration. Ship Caulkers Still Out. ABERDEEN. Wash.. March 1. fSoe- cial.) The 33 caulkers who walked out at the Grays Harbor Motorship yard yesterday for higher wages are still cut. Movement of Vessels. PORTLAND. Msrch 1. Arrived Steamer . F. llerrln. from Cavlota. Salled- Schooner Forest Home, from Wcstport. for fanej. ASTORIA. March I. Arrived st 7:3 and left up at 10:30 A- M., steamer W. p. ller rln. from Gavlota. Arrived Steamer Oleum, from Port ban Luis. SAX FRANCISCO. March 1. Arrived at 10 A. M, stesmer Johsn Poulsen. from Portland. PORT TOWNSEND. March 1. Sailed at 7 A. M . auxiliary schooner Ralestrand. from Seattle, for Columbia River. SAN PEDRO. Feb. SS. Sailed Steamer bant lam, for Columbia River. SEATTLE. Wash.. March I. Arrived ftamer Admiral Parragut. from Fan Pedro. jaiii rtearoera nainiar. I or Nin l-ranclsco; Lyman Stewart, for Port San Lais. SAN FRANCISCO. Msrch 1. Arrived Steamer Johan Poulsen. from Aatoxia: Rich. mond. from Seattle. Sailed Steamer Brook lyn, lor llandon. Tldr at Astoria (Saturday. I-ow. Itljth. 5 m A. M 2 fet9:.p7 A. M 1 3:43 P. M ft a fet;:il p. M....2 o foot Z feet Parts has estaultshed a museum of the horse, presenting a complete his tory of the animal from the earliest known period to the present day. r I N E RAIs X OT ICES. MBANET March 1. Margaret G. Meaner, !! 29 year, beloved wife of John Meaney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jane I Kiroy. sister 01 Mrm. j. .Maney. Mrs. 1 . I. iaue. Mary. Anna and James J. Klroy. Funeral will take place from th roatdmre. 4o East Davis street. Jlondav, March 4. at 9 A. M., thence to St. Francis Churrh. corner East Twelfih and Pine s:rets. where mass will be offered at o ciock. r riends invited. Interment Mount! Calvary Cemetery. Pan Francisco papers pleas copy, uuodidc At aicintee. direc tors. WII.PER In this rlty. February 28. Charles W liber, ased 4 years H months 20 days. The funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Wilson 4 Rosa. Multnomah at East Severn h street, tod.iv (Saturday). March 2. at 2 P. M. 8ervlcea will be held at the grve under the auspices of Spanish American War Veterans. In'.erment Klv- t-rview Cemeiery. Hm'SER Marl Houvr. St Hood street. February -N aged yerai 9 months 18 drtvs: beloved wife of Jnmet w. Hour, Friends Invited to attend funeral s"r--es. whlrh will l held at Hulmnn i funernl purlors. Third and Halmon streets, at 2SiO P. M.. Monday March 4. Interment Rose City Cemetery. BRCNNER At th homo of her daughter. M rs. It- ! ?a m peon. t ani e n Home. Fe b. 2. Mary Ann Brunner. aad 7h years. 7 months, 7 dn. Funeral wervtcen will be hld Monday. March 4, at 1 P. M at th tiew rhapel of Breeze A Snook. Helmont at 3-'(h. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. HMAV Charles A. Horn an. horn IWm ber 17, 147. died at his home. Vancouver. Wnjh.. February 2H. Funeral services will be held from Knapp's chapel. Vancouver, at 30 P. M. today fSnturday). March Interment In tbe Vancouver Barracks Military Cemetery. HIXZ At the family residence, 72 Bel mont at . rebruary 2. r red G. Iltnz. age .H years. J mon inn. uayn. t uneral eervtcea will be held from the residence to-lay ( Saturday). March 2. at 2 P. M Interment Hlvervlew Cemetery. Breeze A Snook in charge. trmii ria RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Taylor's Ferry Kal. Knd Riverrfew f arlute. The only clrIlsi method ef burial, hnow-white. always dry. sanitary tombs. Permanent tlfie and endowment: $''5o up. CJtf l'Utock Ulociu Phone Broadway ZJl. IXORI9TS. MARTIN VORBJCS CO.. Plorlsta. Vaahiagtosu Mala K0, A Vl Flowers lor an occasions at 1st leal ly arranged. w4Aniva anv-.. e lor.aia, Morrutoa su I ataia er a ib. eioe riowsra aad XsoraJ eesiena jno oranct stores. luNbtlH FLORAL CO., IM Waablnartoa St.. bat. Sta aad tth. Main Sloi, A 11S1. MAX M. SMITM. MalaT2IS, :4f , ch and Aid.r eta A 2L1L Sailing ri.ufUa FLORAL SHOP. 244 A;d.r. JTlawara aal du-sna, Pi.es Maraaau esa. AMCSEMKVTS. I BAKER SKsiE j Mat. Todny Least Time Tonlg-ht g Greatest crook play ever written. S "CIIKAT1NG CHEATERS." 1 F,rntnrK. 25c. !Oe. 7,c Mats.. liSe. RO42, 9 xt Mk, Martin Tomorrow Mat.: -Miio-a-.Minute Kendall." fl TAMTY'FAIR OF 1918 Zenith of Magnificence in Musical Comedy McDonald 4b Rowland; Harry Hotmail g: Co. j Basil & Allen; Harry and Utta, Conleyj Kegel a Bender; Cycling Bru nettes; Trav. Weekly; Concert Orchestra. DANTAGE (C" j XL MAT. DAILY 2:30 fc. CRl'BER'S ANIMALS. Tb 8ong and Dance Revue. Childhood's Best Production. Six Other Big Acts. Three Performances Dally. Might Curtain at 7 and 8. r -7- o T g- strsicA I X JTV. X STOCK Slat. Daily at 2:30. Nights start 7:30. Today and Tonight "THE UK ART BREAKERS." New Faces New Songs. Next Week, starting Tomorrow Matinee: "BARGAIN HUNTERS." PORTLAND LYCEUM COURSE u Burns of the Mountains" James A. Burns, president Onei da Institute, TONIGHT, AUDITORIUM, Seat Sale Sherman-Clay & Co. today. I Prize DANCE TONIGHT Beautiful New Arbor Garden 2d and Morrison Streets DANCING! TosiGirr Cotillion Hall Fonrtrrath Off Washlng-toa. Portland's Finest Amusement Palace. Ball-Dearioa; Sprlns; Floor. Sv-PIc Orchestra. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 1. R. A. iL Called convocation! this (Saturday) evening. Last Klirhth nnd Burnslde streets, at 7:30 o"clock. K. A. degree. Vis itors welcome. By order of E. H. I. KOY QUACKENBUiSH, Sec. LECTURES will be given by Brother Robert u. oraham. in tha Grand Lodgeroom, rihS Yam hill street, as follows: At 8 o'clock. Sat.. March "The Ancient Cliff Owellers of the Southwest." for Maater Masons nit all TTniled States soldiers. At i':o f. xi Knnriav M.rcn a. "rne Aiission anci rur f Kreemaaonrr." for Master Masons. their wives snd Invited friends. OREGON LODOE. NO.101. A F. AND A. M. Stated commun ication tills (Saturday) even- st 8 o ciock. v isittnit oretn- rcn cordially Invited. By ordet of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER. Secretary. OREGON1 COUNCIL holds regular meetins tonlsht (Saturday), at . Masonio Temple. All TJ. C. T. men Invited. OREGON SHRINE. NO. 1. O. W. B. of J. Stated communication this (Baturday) evening. March 2, st 8 P. M. ceremonial. -By order of W. 1L P. CLARA B. GRAHAM. w. Scribe. EMBLEM Jewel rv. buttons, charms, nlna New dcslcns. Jaesrr Bros.. 131-3 dth sU FRIEDLANDER'S for lode emblems. class pins snd medals. S10 Washlnstoa su I)1KI. McNAMARA In this city, at his late resi dence. HH hmsgo st., March 1, Alexander A. McNamara. agett 58 years, husband of Airs. Nettie McNamara. father of Mrs. Ben ule Callamore. Mrs. Rein Khners, Haxel. Margaret. Roy, tiorge and Ward McNa mara. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Mont gomery at wth. Notice of funeral here after. STOREY In this city. March 1. 191, at the residence or her aunt, Mrs. J. C oltring. lor. K. l'Jth st. .S'., Little Dixie Luclle Storey, daughter of Mm. Dixie Irene Sto rey and granddaughter of Mrs. Dlrkje and the late W. A. Storey, age 9 years. 2 nos.. 1 day. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking Co.. cor. Third and Clay. Funeral notice later. VANDKR KEI-KX In this city, at Ms late residence. Ivon St., K. Peter J. Vander Kelen. aged 3 years, husband of Mrs. Harbara Vander Kelen. father of Charles Vander Kelen and brother of Ixibls Van der Kelen, of Tacoma. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Klnley A Son. Montgomery at 5th. No tice of funeral hereafter. GARLAND In thl city, at Ma late resi dence. HH5 E. 17th st. N.. Feb. iltt. Robert I'aggit iarland. aged 52 years, husband ef Mrs. Clara Countisa Garland and broth er of Sue M. Garland, of St. Paul. Minn. The remains are at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Finley A Son. Mont gomery at 5th. Notice of funeral here after. St. Paul. Minn., papers pleaae copy. MOTZ In this city. February 27, Eleanor Klisabeth Mots, aged years, beloved wife of Frank Motx. mother of Mrs, T. Joneph!on, of Astoria, Or.: Mrs. C. A. JAn quint. New York; Mrs. i. Res-sell, of this city: Charles I. and Frederick T. Lid berg. Services will be held today (Saturday) at 2 P. M. at the residential parlors of Miller fc Trace y. FRAZE In this city. February 28. Philip G. Krase, age 23 years, beloved husband of Pearl Frase and father of William Fraxe. ana of Mr. and Mrs. George- Frase, brother of Mrm. Lena Tarnawky, of this city, and two sisters, one brother In Canada. No tice of funeral later. Ar ran cements in care of Miller Trace y. MOVCMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 24-28 4th St.. oppo.it. city nan. si am una Philip Nu A Sons for memorials. cfBLAC5iM 5AKliTCC0.l mTMPp MADISON TRfErrl mmm A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month, or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. v ACCOK1UON PLEATING. HEMSIITCH1XG, 60 A YARD. PLEATING. ALL LATEST STYLES. EASTEKN NOV ELTY CO., bSM 6TH ST.. BETWEEN OAK AND STARK STS. BROADWAY 2000. K. STEPIiAV hemstitching- acallODing. ac cordion side pleat, bullous covered; mail orders 21V Pittock blk. Broadway 1UU9. AGAl'K CUTTER. I AGATES cut and polished: Jewelry and watch repairing. Miller's 343 H .Wash, at. AS8AVKH3 AX1 AN All yl 8. kO.VIANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second anver and platinum Dougnt. BABBEK BlFPLICS. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We Duy uu aeu ail kind, harper supplies. 5i nc CAA'CLit. ' L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. " Morgan fildg. Marshall 613. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A 12S4. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM. Eslelle and William, Jr., De- veny, tbe only scientific chiropodists ana arch specialists In ths city. Parlors 3UK oernnger bldg., southwest corner lid and jijucc. x-nones, stain 13UI, A. 33U. DRS. ELIZABETH MANION and B. Louise vox, cniropoulsts. now located at 60o-7 N. uiug. suns, ana evgs. by up. Main S4ao. CHIROPRACTIC PHVSIC1ANS. SICK PEOPLE: Or. McMahon, Portland. 100 !rr cent cniropractic specialist. mats wny 1 never have to employ drugs, oper ations, vibrators, violet rays, electricity, neat, light and other Josh house stunts. i remove tho cautie of disease quickly. surely and less expensively. Tickets. 31 adjustments, 13; seven, ti. Call, phone or write. Daily convincing the doubting i jiuiiiaHer, CIKCILAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. B10 N. W. bldg. Mar, xu letters multlgrapnea, Jl.ou. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1716. No collections, no charge; established 1000. DANCING. I MANCHESTER DANC1NO ACADEMY, 85 IA i-uta. Under new mauagemenl. Latest dances taught, 10 private lessona $5. Hours iu a. ai. to s:30. Broaaway 37. THE BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOL Dan cing taught iu all Its branches; private, day or eve. classes. Tues. and Frl., 8-10, assembly after. 3S6H Wash. Mala 3205. J MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private Instruction; classes Mon., Thurs., 8 to 10. 109 2d St., beu Wash, and stark. Main 2100. ELECTRIC MOTORS. FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT. L. A. WALKER ELECTRICAL WORK9L 413 Burnslde. Broadway 5674. EVE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Cassedy, specialist; glasses titted. 700 E. Burnslde, cor. 20th. B 13K3, B. 4734. FI.IFF KIGS AND KAG KIGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrains, Brussels, Smyrna, Axmlnster raj ruem. all sizes: mail orders nromnt: bnnkUr. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. xI3 rugs cleaned and steamed si. OS WESTERN FLIFF KIG CO. S4-56 Union Ave N. East 8516. B 1473. FERTILIZERS. ROTTED cow and horse manure. East 181. C 21'T4. WHOLESALERS AND ALTO AND BIGGY TOPS. DUBRU1L.LE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak CHAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bide. DRY rOOD NOTIONS. lock room 0 I nililfCl CDICI Oft Stockroom and office Li UlILLOriLL. UUi 47 North 5th street. GROCERIES. & CO.. 65-67 Front st. WADHAM3 HATH AND CAPS. I THANHOCSER, HAT CO.. 63-05 Front St. KAHN Br6s.. 191 Front St. PAINTS AND LI BRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. l-'th and Davis sta FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Edward Holman. Pres. W. J. Holman, Sec. J. E. Werleln. Treas. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1877. THIRD ST.. CORNER OF SALMON. A Modern, Spacious Family Room With Private Entrance LADY ASSISTANT. Phones Main EOT. A 1311. Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash St.. bet. SOth & 21st. West Side. Main -6111. Lady Assistant. A 7880. J. P. FINLEY & SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main 9. A 15B". 4. Lady Assistant. WILSON & ROSSv Funeral Directors. Inc. Multnomah at Seventh Street. I 1153. WILSON & WILSON. Wdln. 4940. Successors to PIEDMONT UNDERTAKING CO., Killlngsworth snd Kerby Sts KR1CSON Residence Undertaking- Parlors, 12th and Morrison sts. Main B133. A l!2o5. DUNNINO & McENTEE. funeral direct ors Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 430. A 4.'i5S. Lady attendant. K. S. DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDKN RULE UNDERTAKERS., 414 East Alder street. East 6-. I 235. BREEZE & SNOOK Bf at 3rth B 2546 MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu- nral service. lW:t r.. Ulisan. Taoor 4dl.t. I'. L. LERCH. East ltth and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 7S1. B 13SS. A. R. ZELLER CO. 592 Williams ave. East I08S. c I0SS SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd Lady assistant. and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK , v CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service. No expense after interment. Prices lower than other ceme teries. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Room 1S3 Cotirthoue, 5th St. Kn trance. Phone from A to S. Muin 37. Home Phone A Night call after office hours. Main 70 Kepori ail caeea oi cruelty io tne aooe addresa. Klectric lethal chamber for small animals. ' Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moments notice. Any nnn desfrinr a. dor or other Det communi cate with ul Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all Impounding. There Is no more city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. NEW TODAT. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSI.YESSS AXD residence: PROPERTY. ROBERTSON A EWI.VG, 207 1- 8 Northwestern Rank Bids;. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds 301 IVILCOX BLDG. Mala 70S. A. 3702. FLORISTS. All kinds of Flowers. Bedding and Vegetable .Plains, Japanese goods ana plants. Special sale, bargain. J-A-TAJM iliUrtliii, 1U3 4th si. bet. Yamhill and Tay lor. Moose Temple building. JINK. JUNK AND HARDWARE. The Oregon Junk Co., 1174 Front st. Main We buy all kinds Junk, metals, pay highest price. See us before you sell. AlLblCAL. MRS. EDITH M. bUli'THE. piano and French; European teacher; classes $i month; highest references. I06 Lownadals. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music, floor Kuauel bids, lover tho Lion ) Entrance lodta 4th St., cor. of Morrison. PARKER School of Popular Music. Terms. S ' to '20 lessons. 401-a Eiiera oiug- EMIL TH1KLHOKN, violin Sevlck, 2U1 Fliedner blUg. teacher, pupil Bdwy. lJt OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORE 7 A SAVING from 30 to 50 percent. Promptly fitted glasses as low as 11.50. 40OU satisfied customers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W. Good man, optometrlat, 2oy Morrison. Main 124. PATENTS. R. G. WRIGHT 22 years1 experience, U. and foreign patents. tiOl Dekum bldg. 1'HYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 105 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, Uver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. DR. FLORA A. BROWN, goitre and diseases of women. 700 E. Burnslde. cor. HUlh su PLUMBING SLPPL1ES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 2Vi 3d St. Main 7M7. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. -iuu' iroui st., corner btark. Main or A 1418. THE IVY PRESS. 8S2 Stark St. Broadway 408. A 4088. PRIMINGS, W. BALTES & COMPANY. 1st and Oak sta. Main 165, A 1165. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES, 404 Wilcox bldg. RLGS. NORTHWEST RUG CO., established lt)03. r luff rut;s and rag rugs woven all sixes. East 8th and Tayior. East 3580, B 1280. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving, home and auto vans. special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO., 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 506. A lUOtf. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gliaan corner 13th. Telephone. Broadway 1281 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks lowest Insurance rates in the city. MAU1SON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE. Office 180 Madison, uenerai merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 10OI. CUT freight rates to all points on household goods. Manning warenouse sc iransxer Co.. ttth and Hoyt- Broadway 703. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 105 Park St. Main 6105. A 1051. GREEN AND DRY SLAB WOOD, blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. East 72. a 2S0V. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. E. 2d and Oregon sts. Dry block wood. $0 load. 1MANUFACTURERS PAINTS, OILS AND CLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO., 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L KLINE, bi-hH Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L KLINE, 84-Stf Front at. PRODI CE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1XO & FARKBLL, 1-10 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrop. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sta WALLPAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co., 172 1st at MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. NEW TODAT. MORTGAGE LOANS Funds on hand for good farm and city loans at clcse Interest rates, j Prompt, Reliable Service. j A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS Oy FARM AXD IlKSIDEXCK PKOFKRTV. NO COMMISSION. ' Wm. MacMaster 701 COKBETT BLDG., PORTLAND, OR. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. A REAL SNAP. Owner in Seattle forced to make quick sale of lot, 50.100, on Flint St., near Til lamook; price cut to $1500. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into income. We design and build anything, furnish the money if desired; eight years In Portland. L. M. Bailey Co.. contract ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE Large lot, near business sec tion, growing city. Roundup. Mont. You are sure to double your money on this In next few years: $200; easy terms. L. L. Cutler, Berlin. N. H. VACANT lots pay nothing; build and get an Income; all kinds of buildings designed and built; furnish money if desired. Chaa. W. Erts. Pittock blk. For Sale Houws. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 1 block from car; nice lawn and shrubbery, spicnnia garage: price under $3000; no agents. 533 Webster. 7-ROOM house, desirable location, furnace, fireplace and washtrays: no incumbrance against property, one block from car. call 630 E. 57th N. FriR sA I.K S-room modern plastered house. comparatively new. imisnea complete; house lived In some, but by owner; flue residence locality. G 29, Oregonian. CHANCE FOR SOME ONE 100x100 and mn 1 house on jarreit si., i-i" feet east of Union ave., worth $2250; make me offer. Owner, phone last GOOD modern 3-room bungalow, $8S5; $100 cash and $2U per moniu; near glutton, achoo). church. Inquire G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth St. THOROUGHLY modern. 7-room house, witl rmiihpi1 ftttic. double garage, nice yard will sell furniture if wanted. 265 E. 15th, corner Madison. Phone h.ast auus. jj,-,0 t-ROO.M box house, nice yard, near Piedmont car barn; terms. Owner. Wood- lawn 120; a FOR SALE Pleasing house. 247 North 24th st. near Marshall. S rooms. 2 baths. Office pnone Main 3037. Mr. King. IRVINGTON Modern 8-room residence, hot water heat sleeping porch and garage; at a bargain. Call Main 176'J. FOR SALE, CHEAP By owner, any one of three good houses on the East Side. Phone East 24S6. FOR SALE Cheap. 6-room cottage. East St. Johns. See owner. 423 Pittock block Terms HUBBELL & SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first! Tabor 21B1. FOR SALE 3-room bungalow at 22:t E. 70th st, partly furnished, or for rent. Ad dress Box 91, Sherwood, Oregon. FOR SALE 100x105 with good 7-room home, double garage, Mst and Hawthorne. Price $327.1. Terms. Owner. Main 3503. 5-ROOM house, lot 50x272 ft., easy terms. Mowrey, 54d Spokane ave. Call Sell. 2479. SUNNYSIDE 5-rm. cottage. $2250; can bor row $1400 on It. Main 8199. 7-ROOM house and 4 lots on Denver ave., near lililngsworth. Phone Mar. 4261. TWO houses, close in. Inquire at 882 Al bina ave. wooumttii -o i v. FINE 7 -room house, beat locality in Laurel take $2500 for equity. Wdln. 3S32. hurst LAl.'RELHl'RST S-room modern horns; price $5500. 1249 n,. landers. alODERN Richmond bungalow, paved, aew- r, ,3000; Unas, owner, nx i,ast 6HLb N. n REAL ESTATE For Sale Houses. modern. 2S.".0; 6-room. J "i'.f,; 0 concreto basement, wash tB-?;'detai!. rnnm OunffaiOW comply V r SS:ino. These and others wo ""'","': special bargains nd will retiuno " to J.-xmi cash. I.V.'"" Tabor I10t. 4th and Hawthorne. 7000 NEW 9-KM. COLONIAL, dc LOW (NOB HILL). EXCLLSPV E DIST, d CARLINES. EVERY MODERN CONVEN IENCE: GARAGE. .,r T3T mi FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDU, Sf:E MY HOME. thoroughly modern home, furnished, . consisting ot o rooms: I must leave roruanu w " . . in nnd wtl nacrlflce: east iroi-i, two blocks of Glencoo School, 1 block 01 Bel- mont St.. all Imp. paid, no mis.; make terms to responsible parlies. E. 5th St. Tabor 'S.l'20. will 1D7 SACRIFICE SALE. Good modern, colonial. West Side home. 7 rooms, full lot, well located, near 21st street carllne: can t beat it; terms but no trade. Call early. E. S. JACKSON, 207 Ry Exchange bldg. FINEST bungalow in R. C. Park, built be fore the rise: oeaumui uvinR room, pan eled dininp room, two bedrooms, attic, about IHlxlOO corner, lawn, flowers and shrubbery in. $3850 on terms; discount for one-third cash. See it today. 5511 E. 49th N. 2d corner N. of Sandy. Owner, 658 E. 48th N. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Will give big bargain, 1 lot. cottage snd garage. 12500. 1140 E. Sherman St.; take Richmond car to S2d M.. walk 3 blocks east; easy terms. Owner will be at hous Saturday afternoon to show property. P. O, Box 6!)S. NewbcrB. Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Superior, almost new 9-room residence, close In, wonueriui location and view; hardwood floors, white enamel and mahogany throughout, sleep ing porch, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, plenty closets, large grounds, tine trees. BHOOiLb Marshall 4827, A 3830. Call mornings. "550lJ $2500 $2500 512 E. 4Utli St. N. Only one-half block N. Rose City car, choicest possible location, good, warm, well-built 6-room house, cement basement, fine furnace, plumbing and fixtures. A moderate-priced home, desirably located. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGaIX)7. 5 rooms, bath. fireplace. hsdwood floors, beamed ceilings, built-in bookcases and buffet, house would cost $.1750 to buiid. lot Is worth $S(Hl; can sell f r $2500. Geo. T. Moore Co., Abington bldg. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes for sale on easy terms In Laurelhurst. the show place of Port land. LAUR15LHURST CO.. 270'j Stark St. Main 1700. A 1515. ALBERTA DISTRICT. For sale, a nice tl-room modern hiinjra. low, price $2."0U, term?. 10H2 K. J.'lth st North; paved street, full basement, electric light, gas. all st. improvements paid. Set owner, 144 Gantenbeln ave. FIRST-CLASS home. 7 rooms, cost Sll.'iOO, take $o0uu; hardwood floors throughout. Extra fine, new 7-room home. $7000. Irvington. choice location, buns-ilow, 6 rooms, Hawthorne Addition, $ouuu. East 273. W. H. Hcrdman. HOUSE AND ACRE ONLY S0. Mostly in cultivation, water, light, soma fruit, 3-room house, close to electric sta tion, only 30 minutes out; easy terms. Call at 500 Concord bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 59th, Sandy, one 5-room, one 6-rioom, new modern bungalow, low price, easy terms, look them over. Owner and BuJ:dcr. Ta bor u4M. i TWO lots, SOxlOO feet, 6-rooin bungalow, furnace, gas and electricity, garage and chicken house, $2500, easy terms; 04th st. and 45th ave. close to Mt. Scott carlina. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, 50x100 corner lot, street Imps, paid; prico $22o0; lot alone worth $1500. Geo. T. ilooru Co.. Abington bldg. RESIDENCE of 15 rooms In Nob Hill dis trict, suitable for furnished rooms, board ing or private sanitarium; in firat-class condition and good neighborhood; luust be sold. AK 640, Oregonian. FOR SALE Good 7-room house, 100x100 corner, Portsmouth Add.; fine garden; if you have $500 cash, come and see me; it's a snap. M. H. Becker. 401 McKay bldg. ST. JOHN'S 1-rra. house. No. 718 N. Hayes st., $14ii0; Installments If desired. Geo. W. Watt, 633 Cham, of Com. bide. Mala 2051. For Kale Business Froperty. 10 PER CENT income property, equity $30. 000, for 1-3 cash, balance to suit. Thom sssen, Y. M. C A. Suburban Home Property. GARDEN HOME SACRIFICE. Full acre and modern C-room house with bath and sleeping porch, close to station, gas, -water, phone, etc., small fruits, fruit trees, lies fine; 7o commutation fare, Ore gon Electric line, 15 minutes from Port land. Come today, ask at station for Mc cormick. Phone Main 9318. Good terms. Price only $2700. VIEW HOME SITE ONLY $400. On 9c commutation fare, close to sta tion; fine view of Mt. Hood, overlooking nice body of water; swimming, boating, fishing, dogwood and cedar grove. Lights, phones, water. Can you beat It? Easy terms. Call at 50O Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. . UNIQUES stone bungalow, about 4 acre. Ore gon City canine, oetween Oliver urutKa and Courtney, $1850, terms. AG gonlan. Ore- For Sale Acreage. BEAUTJFUL suburban home of 4- acres. house oi i rooms, strictiy mouern. t ieciu lights, city water, phone, etc. This is at car station, 0-cent fare and 20 min. from center of town: 200 fruit trees 8 yrs. old, berries, grapes, etc., worth $ 0,000. A bargain for $U50n. H ;'.4, Oregonian. HALF ACRE AND HOUSE. ONLY $000. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, wired, close t electric station. 35 minutes out; very easy terms. Call at BOO Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. GARDEN HOME ACRE only $750; others $SO0 to $l00O. good terms. Come today. Take Oregon Electric. Aak for McCorinlc Phone Main 931W. City conveniences. ACRES, near Portland, good huuge, or chard, outbuildings, onion ground. Tak Portland house and lot to $2000; terms. Sellwood 2S.'.6. TUALATIN VALLEY. 16 acres, cultivated young apple orchard, berries, part beaver dam, good tldgs., near electric line; lit tle cash, terms; bargain. Owner. Main 5133. 32') ACRES good wheat land near Lind. Wash., all in crop, lor per ana waa share; Investigate. Write '. D. Watts. Weston, Or. hou?e. cios u-cent canine, unnuie Cafe, Lents. 10 ACRES, close lu bargain. U P. M. Owner, 200 Whlltaker St., arte For Sale Fruit I ands. BEST orchard offer on the market 20 acres. 0 acres 12-year-old apples, 3 acres 4-year peaches; good buildings, and Irrigated. Has had best of care. Investigation desired. Price $ii00. B 15. Oregonian. For hale Farms. BIG CUT IN" PRICE OF FARM LANDS: In the best agricultural part of SnohomisQ County: $25 per acre, 10 yearly payments; railways, schools, factories, plenty of la bor. The best proposition on the market for the man who wants a farm. Send for Illustrated literature. Brownell Land Co 904 3d ave., Seattle. Wash. 1F YOU-KNOWr WASHOUGAL you will know that this 120-acre dairy and stock ranch at $0 per acre is an un usual bargain. It la all fine soli with better than 00 acres In cultivation. Th other 60 are used for pasture. If you want something for dairy stock and hogs, let me tell you of this property. Maciu nos. 210 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE 40, 00 or lio acres on Salmon Creek, Paciiic Highway, miles norm oi Columbia Kivcr from foot of Main at., Vancouver. Good garden or fruit land, or dairying. Fine for Summer rtsort or park. Geo. Goddard, K. 3. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Choice farm. 230 acres: to closa estate this tine rami, near wooauurn, .r., is offered for sale; price $100 per acre, part trade; no equities considered. This place is all plattt-d lu 5-acre tracts: good buildings. C. M. Crittenden. Hubbard, Or. 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers oniy. upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Writ for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY'. Tacoma Bldg Tacoma. Wash. r.H ICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near portlana; $i5 to $200 per acre; easy terms: best soil: farms for sale. an sizes. McFarland, 003 Yeon bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE 16 acres close In. Italian prunes, apples, cherries, good buildings, electric light, city water. Prlc SSUU0 R. D. No. 1. box 115. Newberg, Or. 640 A., well. eO improved, plentv ranee Quick sale. $323. 33d nmall house. Glisan st. 5 ACRES for sale by owner; good Boll. ,fi uit trees, outsiae nunaing. goon well, close to town. Tabor 1X78. ACRES level, fenced, cleared, good soil. iioubk, BiiiifiuiJiioui, itur vviuamlaa $2a cash, $10 Wk Jess R. Sharp, 83 ij 3d