TITE arORXTXG OKEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, 3rAKCn 2, 1918. it ;iTY NEWS IN BRIEF OKCCOMAX TELErtlOJEa. aaafrtf diltae Me Hi TWT. A ... t.ttenv ....M.ia ToT'V A Anoa . ' .... iur'nnl V TwT'K A ,,,:UlwJil lim..lat.Ml HI A Awi AMlaEMOT. IKCA r"adwa With. Wta AK- . , - I k'a.t 4 T h aftr- ,x-4gr I P'Mtr at 'A Man Vea i..a Tl-n anvv aailjr. S IX 1 aaA T-for RVR Mr4 r at Tmhlll !. m m pfct. a i a; i. t r. wwtaj. J.. ao4i .;A : I it r. M. I t i i't wk. aaa uui .TKtC tfwt M4 'ark Maalcal cw - T. U4 Altai. ?: RINK Tc' flrt aa4 Mar!atl A?t.riiMna amt atcfttA THRIFT STAMPS TVAR SAVINOS STAMPS ca Ia1a At Dusts OfflcA, Oracoalaa. 1 --nn tarn.4 far OtT Mw l !r)-f ca ,-" t anlav'a t mit b n l"i lr Tfc lmfwi kailMM antra I .k'At TO Tci.t, Lira Stt. Jimn Is.. Iirn. or -Horn of lh MuanUina. Iwfio tftorrj l-nlsht At Id Au1itoriam tha l"nrt U4 liciua coarw. baa ro!vb!r ilon mar than a other on i-n In Urlr th foH aplrit tmon rof l of tha KDtu-kr mountain n. pa a.-roitipltMnc thla work trough cla-itiorw ft faun!! OnM i.titu'a at n-i'!a. KntQrky. mil nm t-a rIIr''l. that trt tounc r- of Hi 'im brland rnlifht ha I' x0' for ai-iatiex. I n t tf tha dnn A--at"i with Mm. t could a larttn ttirlr o Bam. Today b lnul.rn young mountain topl 11 h' . fool tmroo 1 touch r-nt bouht him befor th rountrr bjr i irkn-lii tt. rr la th American Maca ea III 1. tor tonlsht la andr lb of "Kcoutlnt tha Kentucky Moa- CsrsAtrwja't run Mar Warr. TTrtaattort nr curtail nrcacn plana of County I lrk KrrlJ to l.taMi.N natoU rrtfrt ton booth At "1 artba J'orttani vhlpyard". A bad h-i annouBr4 in firl of th w 1'housn th bnard At a former mm- I'C anthorusail the r icH-nrtttur of motioy r th: purpr. It otrJ yesterday to )4 th auttrr rfrr4 to Ol(rlit Mtomr Ilrans baf'r th booth flnal- l ar utiMhbH. Thy want to nsak 'tr that the rounty ha a ItsI rtaht pnd th trA money In a3!ttnc rM;'yard workers to become Icrj UatLoxs or Wui IsronTia I Multriomatl County rfllrtou oricanil It'ona Import ! ration of win Into I th city ilur'rc r'ebruary for sacra mental parjoe'. Acrordlnc to the monthly win And alcohol report of tputy I-ufrli-t Attorney Imney. Ther wer 241 ration of alcohol tm rorte.f Into th county durtnr tn rnonrn. white ale of 417 rations of I alcohol wer officially reported. WltaUB Meat TO SEtX AT 1 rXT. TVhal meat I to b put on the city's r a ciArkct Monday at 19 cent a pound. City Commlaalonar KelLaher I announced yesterday that he baa closed contract for a tare supply of fresh ha!a from) a Foattle concern, th fish kavinr been caught In Aianka. The price to b pal. I by th city will amount i about cents a pound, express from attle locluct'd. Wo. . t'XDC soocs OrsRaTtox. Mrs. Wary Ilohert. 4 year old. under went a sMccessftl operation Thursday at L Vincent Hospital and yesterday reported rallytn: ul'-ely. Mrs. r.ebert has been a resident of Oregon for about 3 years and Is widely knows. Sri Is th mother of Isaac and J. C Roberts and Mr. Sa ra h Combs. Klmira Apartments, wtth whom she Mr. Ti- Cits Two At to Tst cjts Cn recommendation of Roadmaater Teon. th County Commissioners yes- t-rUr ordered Furchaslnr Anl Nel son t. aderrtls for bid for two llrht asto-trucfe for us tn th road d- rartmenL Mr. Teon told th board that in two truci. urgently ar needed by c.s dcpArtment lmmdlAtly And tit re 4 -. met with ao oppoaltion. tl iLAAcoa: fJTATS i).oeAn estate Ttioed at About waa left by tie Ut C. IL Itolbrook. of Portland. who died January tZ. whll on a Ttstt t r-lativa In IlUnota. This value ' rU'rd on the estate In A petition r.'.'.i yesterday by th eldest son. a.iK;oe trtat be b named Administrator of th 3tAt. Th decASd Is survived by Lhre soe s. IirTtrr Coca-r F5J.IS C1 Cass. A t-tal of (13 cases were filed la th l'tstrict Court during February And the ( om. bAil And fee Amounted to tio tl. Accordmr to th monthly re- pnrt of W. J. Kirhmond. clerk of th court. There wer criminal rase. HI civil CAae And !: smatl claims lnes amounted to St vsiT Etxxiso Ore Foacn A. It Cephart will speak on "The Work of the i-ubtic Welfare Bureau." Sunday at t i; P. M. Cnitartan chapel. BroAdway. betweea Tamhill And Taylor. Kre dis cussion. AH welcome. Morning At II. Ttee. W. . l:tlot. Jr.. "Th Amaslng stupidity of th Well-to-Do in th Pres ent CriAi." AdT. J-Hxi.vxa to OccrrT rrtJiT Th Im perial potentate of Y.l Kalif Temple, of the Ancient Arabic Order of th Mystic t-brtne. will b th first preacher to occupy th Pulpit for Wilbur Methodist Kptscopal Church In th Multnomah Hotel tomorrow morning And evening. II is Rev. K. BL Short And hi home aaia is Spokane. JaxrroBA Ask roa Risk. Janitors em ployed At the Courthouse yesterday ap peared be for th County Commission ers and petitioned for salary Increase, basin- their appeal on th high living cost. T icy nr At present receiving f.i a month. Their petition was "Indefi nitely ptatponed" by the board. Swipmh "LrTtrKga Here. John and Ililma Modrn. Swedish lecturers, will cve two levture in the Llnnea Hall. Irrmc tree!, on tomorrow At 1 o clock And on Tuesday night at f o'clock. Th admUsioct 1 free and no collection will rxi taken. All fcandlna slans Are Invited. foLCtCRA JXVTTKD TO Lt-rCR. All fnited Mate aoldters ar Invited to attend A f re lecture riven by Kobert 1. i.raham at 3Si Yamhill street to night at S o'clock. Th title of th Wtur will be Tha Ancient Cliff dweller of th Southwet." Krit tjixuiiucRS Ktxrn. FriU Fte'.nhaaser was fined t-'J by Municipal Jid( Koasman yesterday morning for rlumpinr ashes In a woooen recepiaci. H waa arrested by Captain Kobe lis. f lh Tir MarshAl staff. StATTt JCTUST TO SFXAK. Judr 'Wilson H. Gav. of Seattle, will speak undA At 11 o'clock In th Divine ctnc Center. 1 Fifth tret. on -Christ la th JShip- And At on "The Law f iSupply." Mtrarcat. ExTcrraoncgjrr Puma A musical And literary entertainment will b riven tonight by ColumbiA r.ebekah Lodg At Oddfellows' Temple, 'trat And Aider. No Admission wiU be caargmi, Rxar. Acre best Oregon Hnd. partry t..v:ered. Fee details under '.-New Today- in classified ad AeeUon of this P pet. Adv. Ue-rr-reb. II. tpa and diamond brocb: f!Bder phou Marshall tTll re ward. Ajlv. aIra. Jotixsow BrailD. Th funeral oi llannan Johnson was held yester day afternoon at th chapel of J. P. r Inlay tt fcon, Kev. E. II. Pence offi elating. Th pallbearers were: F. A. Miles. Jacob rdaughterbark, John Hardy. Captain Jamea Hhaver. George Moyt and Captain George Shaver. In terment was made In Uivervlew Ceme tery. Mrs. Johnson la survived by i granddaughter. Mrs. William KennelL and niece. Mrs. 11 mar Shaver, of this city. HtoacsT Fids Oct Crxrgsto.eA Ice cream, popcorn and other concessions in tha city's parks and playground ar to be awarded to th persons submit. tine th highest bids to th city pur chaslnr department on March II. On th same data bids will be opened for the furnishing of band concerts In the parks nest Summer. Prospects are said to be bright for A rood season this year In th parks And lively com petition Is cspected. At-ronaTto Tsurrsnvu Wru. Pr t'rrrt. J. C. Poller, auditor for lb Home Telephone tVmpany. yesterday received a telegram from OsAald VeL receiver of the company, from Washington. I. C announcing that th I'nited Mates government, through the Poatofflee Itpartmtnt. propose to Install Auto matic telephone equipment throughout the city erf Washington should Congress give U authority to take over fie city telephone system. l:xatixTinf roR Forcst Fgavtrw IX Manr-M. To fill A vacancy In th Port land offices of th foiled States Forest Service, a Civil rtervtc examination for th offlc of forest assistant will be held la tbl city March 11 and 14. The salary to starfl 1 110 per year. Ap plication blanks and detailed Informa tion concerning lb position and exami nation may b bad at the Information window In th Portland Poalofflc IKM-xAax Mbktixo Asxof tcctcd. Th second quarterly meeting of th Dio cesan I'nlon of the Holy Nam Society will be held tomorrow at Z o clock at Christian Fro triers' Pusinesa College. At th conclusion of th business ses sion the men will march to Holy Ilosary Church, wher Rev. Francis Hlack will preach. Archbishop Christie will be present. 4 IiormdeocsRS Fix so $109. M. Kero- Ian. An employ of A poolhAll At 0 North Third a treat, was fined $10 by District Judg J one yesterday aftar pleading guilty to a charg of boot legging. II was caught selling liquor to o Intoxicated person Thursday night by Deputy Sheriff Ueorg Hurl burt. Iltrm FtrxcRat. 1Irij. Th funeral of Nathaniel T. Hauser was beld yester day afternoon at th chapel of J. P. Mnier tt Pon. Rev. J. Mansfield offi ciating. Th pallbearers were: r. a. Nelson. II. IL Cloutler. A. II. Schacht. C J. Iltta and . T. jwajott. inter ment was mad In Mount Scott I"ark Cemetery. Wn-at-R MrTMOptsT Kriscopai. CHfarn. t'ervlce tomorrow, morning ana evening. In the ballroom of Multnomah Hotel. Preaching by I'r. r. Hurrette !hort. of ftnokane. and formerly pastor f th Taylor-Ktreet Methodist Church. of this city. (For further details see display advertisement la this Issue.) Adv. Dr. irt-rciirsoj to Frcar. Rev. A. K. ItuU-heson will lector on Th Pres ent Age and Its Worldwide ipneavai In th story hour room at the Central Library at S o'clock tomorrow after noon. Ther will be no admission fee. All ar Invited. Dr. llutcheson'a lecture will b th first of a series. LArrcRTT 1 Candid ATt A. W. I-af- ferty. several times oandldat for Hep-! raaentatlv In Congr from this dis- rtct. yesterday sent formal notlc of bis candidacy for this office to th Sec retary of Stat at Salem. Mr. Laffcrty will b a candidal for th Republi can nomtration. Uimiii II cd Cross Society. Meeting aturday evenlnr. K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder. Addreaa and rood musical pro- GOOD NEWS for Mothers of BIG BOYS. GOOD NEWS for MEN as wrlL It's about short lines of SHOES on which we are having a season-end clean-up at the SPECIAL PRICE, pair S3.85 Black and tan. button and lace. Some patents. Most of them are "Kals ton's," in large and small sizes, and some sizes between. Compare thrir prices with present-day SHOE prices and you'll read ily see where you can save dollars by taking advantage. You'd better do it today. Open Saturday Evenlnr till 8 MORRISON at FOURTH ST. Gua Kuhn. Pres. 8. ft IL Stamps Given. ' k -V M II A. M Telephones: Marshall 1 Home, A 6281 JONES' SUPERIOR QUALITY MEATS The Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Linked Together i For Special Saturday Snaps We offer: OREGON'S FINEST STEER BEEF Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PARTICILARS CALL. Mr. J.F.Myerslz: BORA ar AOOO. reached th sura of STSS3.01 alnc the driv beran. and th thrift purchases amount to IS14.T&. "BUY THE "THE Prime Twib Koasts, lb 27d Rolled Roasts (boneless), lb. . . .22? Shoulder Pot Roasts, lb 20 Rump Kettle Roasts, lb Tasty Short Ribs, lb 18 Round Steak (choice cuts), lb. . .252 BETTER OUR HAMBURG STEAK is pure prime beef, finely chopped. Costs nrcT less than Porterhouse but can be DEiO I broiled in the same manner. A Deli cious Eating. Lb 22 KIND" SELECTED GENUINE SPRING LAMB Loin or Rack R'sts, lb. 32 Leg Roasts, 5 lbs. up, lb. 32 Shoulders, 5 lbs. up, lb. 25 Lamb Cutlets, lb 28c? Breasts, to stew or roast, lb........ ...''..SSd CREAM WHITE VEAL , EXTRA FANCY Loin or Rump R'sts, lb. 30 Leg Roasts, lb 28 Loin or Rib Chops, lb. .30 Shoulder Cutlets, lb 25 Breasts or Shoulders, lb 25d ramme. Invitation esienaea 10 who ar Interested. Adv. ME LB A SEAT SALE. all ) t V This mornlnr at 10 o'clock, at th Heklir Theater, th aeat sale opens for th MelbA And Company concert next Thuriv vnln:. Floor. 12.50, i:: EaL. 12. ILiO. $1; Gal. re. U adm. Tic. Adv. Clackamas Stamp Sales Jump. OP.EGOV CITT. Or, March 1. (Spe cial,) Count v Sdiool Superintendent Calavaa reports tha thrift stamp sal amonr school children ana teacnera procressinr nicely. Keporta maae A few dars d to th slate neaaquariera how that th "hatr bond" ale have VANITY FAIR" AT ORPHEUM Mo.IcaI ComrfTy Ilradllne Attraction Open I nc Here Tomorrow. TAnltjr Fair of IMS." A music comedy in several elaborate scene will bo th beadlln Attraction of the Orpheum show opening At the HcIliR TheAter tomorrow Afternoon. This is Ike second musical comedy sent West o-er th Orpheum circuit this season. Th star of th act are Jack Trainer, n eccentric comedian, and OIk De llAurh. An Actress praised for her beauty and versatility. A dozen rlrls take part In th vivacious act And there la a costume chance for ejtch of the etpht featured musicAl numbers. "Vanity fair" 1 produced under di rectinn of Itoyle Woolfolk. and U Is declared to be the masterpiece of that musical comody chieftain. CITT WORKERS SEEK RISE Laborers Ask That Pay Be Increased From $3.25 to $3.50 a Day. VEAL SAUSAGE, lb..25 I VEAL LOAF, lb 25 City laborers want another increase In pay. Petitions have been filed with mcmbezs of th City Council asking that the pay for all men now employed At I2.: a day b Increased tcf I3.&0 day. Laborers wer granted an Increase of la cent a day on December 1. Re quest tVr Increases in salary sJko have been made by others sine the council at Its last meeting- voted to Increase the pay of mechanics in the municipal shop la order to keep them in the serv- ice. THIRD-TERMERS WIN OUT Pol technic Girls Compete for War. Stamp-Selling Honors. In a' thrift stamp contest last week the third-term pupils of tha Girls' Poly technic! School sold I186.56 worth of th stamps and- th senior girls sold H4SI worth. Miss Anna K. Arnold, principal of th school, declared yes terday that she -waa proud of her girls and that they had don a good work Next week tha aecond-tenn girls will start their part of the contest and they ar planning to bring every effort into play and. If possible, take tha laurels from the third-termers. Then it will be th turn of tha first-term girls. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? You can find it by coming to our market. A glance of the eye will reveal the scores of surprises that await you. BETTER Tins WEEK THAN LAST Shop Early WhileSeIections Are the Best COLLIER IS WARNED Deputy District Attorney Gets "Black Hand' Message.' JOKE AT FIRST SUSPECTED Card Bearing Skull and Crossbones and Menacing Word "Bewalr" on Ere of Trial of Italian May Be Significant. Visions of the mafia and the vendetta, dreaded societies of Italian vengeance, floated before Chief Deputy District Attorney Collier yesterday morning when he opened his desk and found staring him in the face A real reminder of the "Black Hand." A two-edged file was buried in the desk. On the top of it was stuck A card bearing a crudely drawn skull and crossbonfs, a gibbet and A tombstone. On the latter was written "In Memory." Between the gibbet and the crossbones was a darkly penciled "black hand." Below all was the misspelled word "Bewair." Mr. Collier was inclined to look upon the combination as the work of a prac- - AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL TEACH lor IV THIIKU LKSSOXS. 707 Lewis Bldg. Low Rates. Call or Write. tun m:. "J v. '-l Hazelwood 50 Cent Dinner Served 5 to 8:30 Menu Changed Daily. t Plantation Bean or Vegetable Soup y; Fried Smelt Sauce Tartar Potted Beef, Jardiniere or Roast Veal, Currant Jelly Lima Beans Spinach Egg Roast or Mashed Potatoes Bread and Butter Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream Coffee Tea Milk Special Steak Dinners No. 10 Small Steak, Country Gravy, Potatoes, Bread, Butter and Coffee 45c No. 11 Hazelwood Old-Fashioned Steak, Pota toes, Bread, Butter and Coffee 50c No. 12 Special Sirloin Steak, Potatoes, Bread, Butter and Coffee 75c tlcal joker, but the fact that he Is to begin trying Frank Gauido, an Italian, for the alleged murder of Lucy Carter early next weeK suggested precaution. He called in City Detective Joe Morale, who has specialized in cases involving Italians, and asked him to look into the matter. Morak has interviewed Gauido, Au qulno, William Patterson and others supposed to know something about the Lucy Carter case, but so far has been unable to throw any light on what Col lier thinks is either a joke or a signifi cant warning. Lucy Carter was either thrown or fell from a window at the Cadillac Ho tel December 22, last. Gaudlo and Aquino both have been accused. Pat terson, said to be the main witness against the two men, was in hiding sev eral weeks because of threats against his life, it is said. When he surren dered himself to District Attorney Evans' office several days ago he was locked up for safe keeping. Easterners Tako Option on Coe Mine CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. March 1. (Special.) Eastern parties are out ex- pertlng the Denmark and Sweden mine at Fplrlt Lake. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, of Portland, is the present owner and LAD SELLS $1000 STAMPS a a " James) G. Uptliegrovc, 14, PnplI In Fernwood School, Competes. James G. Vpthegreve. 14 years old. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. IL Upthegrove, 144 East Forty-first street North, had the record of selling $1000 worth of war savings stamps yesterday. James Is A pupil In tha Fernwood School. He Is competing for tha selling prise. He Is a member -of Boy Scout troop No. ii. By his sales of yester day he has demonstrated himself to be a real huntler. . ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiu THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR GOOD JUDGMENT Examine into tlae success of any great financial institution. You will find it is founded on the broad experience and seasoned judgment of the concern's officers. The conservative handling of millions of dollars is nowhere better reflected than in the wjnderfully strong financial standing of HEW WORLD IJFE today. We have splendid underwriters "agents" in your neighborhood. Let one of them explain the features of a "Monthly Income" policy backed by the great strength of NEW WORLD LIFE Stevens Building, Portland. John J. CacUgan, President. ninuiimiiiiiiniiiiHiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiirfiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin PARICE1I S MAP K VT 1 vJl A K $k JH Jl 169 Fourth Street Near Yamhill, Across Street From Fire Department OFFERS THESE PRIME MEAT SPECIALS FOR ALL THIS SATURDAY Fmember. Parker has been rn the business for years and is acknowl edged among the trade as an RtPEHT JIDGE of first quality Steer Meat. Parker makes personal selection of every piece of Steer Meat that comes to the Parker Market. When you buy meats from Parker's Market you can be assured of the best Prime Meats that money can buy at the lowest possible prices. WE SAVE 20 ON OVERHEAD No Charge Accounts No Deliveries Therefore, these reasonable prices, considering the state of the whole sale market and the times. PORK FOR BLXDAY DIXXER Loin Roast of Pork, lb 30d Choice Leg Roasts, lb 2Sc Shoulder Pork Steaks, lb.. 25e Shoulder Pork Roasts, lb 'iA.il- LAMB Leg of Lamb, lb...... Lolas of Lamb, lb..-.. Lola Lamb Chops, lb. Rib Lamb Chops, lb. . Shoalder of Lamb, lb. 4I2 320 35 35 23C VEAL Leg Roasts, lb 26e Ramp Roasts. Ib 28c Shoalder Roasts, Ib 25e Veal Cutlets, lb....... 25C Breast of Veal, lb 20e BEEF Rolled Roasts, Absols boaeless, Ib Choice Pot Roasts, lb Plate Beef, lb Short Riba, lb Porterhouse Steak, lb..v., Strlola Steak, Ib Tenderloin, lb Prime Rib Roaat of Beef, tely ....20C 20C - X6c 17C a "30 ....25C ....25 lb. 26C , Butter and Egg Depts. Oregold Creamery Batter, roll ... .81.05 Good Creamery Batter, roll 99c Fresh Ranch Eggs, dosea 33C Tillamook Fall Cream Cheese, lb 29c FARMERS Hisfceat prices paid for Veal, Pork, Dressed Beef. We promptly. Yoa don't bare to wait a moath for yonr money. I FARM f Hazelwood Sunday Dinners I Are a Real Pleasure We Serve a Generous Table d'Hote Dinner 12 to 8:30 P.M. $1.00 Per Plata Also a Complete a la Carte Menu. EiiuiUimuauiiMmimHmiMWiliiaiwumNiiunaMiMWHiiiHimiwiiiiiiinmHHimifiw The Hazelwood 388 Washington St. Broadway Hazelwood 127 Broadway. Instant Service in the Coffee Shop, 126 Park St. these parties have an option on the mine, which is quite rich in copper and some sliver. Over 11.000,000 has been spent developing this mine. The en trance -to the mine is only about 10 rods from Spirit Lake. mniniiimimMiittimtimuimiiiiiiiinniriJiimiiiiMiimuniwnramiaiiHiMmiiHmjnifliHMif' Morning Service at 10:30 Some Large Values of Religion "HEALTHFULNESS OF SPIRITUAL CLIMATE" Pre-Easter Services During., March First Presbyterian Church 12th and Alder Sts. Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D., Pastor Sunday School for All Ages At 12:10 Evening Service at 7:30 Great Questions Concerning Jesus Christ "WAS HE MANLY?" unutiHiniuiimmuMiHiMuujiuiMuw Wilbur Methodist Episcopal Church SUCCESSOR TO TAYLOR-STREET METHODIST CHURCH DR. W. T. KERR, Pastor in Charge The services tomorrow, March 3, 1918, will mark a Most Unique Departure and will be conducted in the ballroom of the Multnomah Hotel In the morning at 10:30 A. M. and in the evening at 7:30 P. M. The preacher on these occasions will be Dr. Francis Burgette Short Now of Spokane, Wash., but formerly Pastor of the Taylor-Street Church of This City It is expected that a great crowd of Dr. Short's old friends and ad mirers will attend these services. WESTMINSTER Irvington's Community Church EDWARD H. PENCE, Minister Sunday Services at 10:30 and 7:30 Morning Subject, "The Query of the Stricken Man." Evening Discourse in Series on Life's Metaphors "THE ATHLETE" A Cordial Welcome