TTTE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 191S. SEED S1QGK WANTED Demand Develops for Early . Rose Potatoes. MARKET NOW S1.50SS1.75 Slotrnaeal In Darbanks Continue I'naaliifarfory and Undertone of I'rlcei I WeakTrade Slow at Juilwra CoDsamloj rolot. TS.r. t nm. deaaa4 for Eartr Rm y-a-1 1 to (w ! at II 9 MX bat dmii Hat t tiur.ah. as wrr .law. la I h. Jian.ea esafk.c w.:i-rad4 stock l u-t.d I !- VCV viih ; mi:r at fl.iaaf 12. A l.nit..J .ajiaaattty af laktm Netted Crass. Ua at 1 1 U 'f 1 II aat aa ar- (wi.a.1 s: f a linr lot M aot.d at ft V TH shlppta market continue- lctl. X1 ',J r quota frooa 9i cant to ft aa l". l. o. I Pur bank la loads at country pota-a. ' Tli.r. a a ia4 whatever for ?. la. Tv ahtpraaat as? at' ana ear f Oran a raorti by tba Hiaraaa at Marketa. Thia t . t aac ta Fcl Wnrra. Waahlngioa mo.'! f car aa4 - - vara alppeai from til gnvl. Taa o.tiutt.aa (allow: frem California Kbrfil4 I. IJtll. Hea I. llvr City. Na, L Baratow. Tl . iMnaani. I. etocktoa 2a I'aaa a. Mi J.rnardloa . Tisrwaaart. N. M.xlco. 1. 1'raaaa t: by boat 8aa Francis-, a. Frum Waaalnatoa Cklcaa. L Kaaaaa City X. Mmaaapoite 1. Paa Fraaelsca L autksrw potato markets ara Tala atraa,ae raaorta rae.lvwd yvartarday wara aaa rraactawa Damaa4 aad movement (atoderata. tuck taa Dalta Bnrbanka, fancy, t at5A: choice. II ll)DI.:J: Otoh Uur- kka It 4" 4 1.71. ll.0l.aS. Naa Oi"..ana Main 1. Mississippi 1. In a ana a. Ovoa V C.lorade S. arrlv!. t- miad aad movemaat lw. anarkat steady. rator4a aad Idaho round wbltaa. $.: SS: O.aoa 1140; Minnesota Hur- , $iA Wavtr Fror Orealy atletrtct af Cole- awdca a. (ram Weetaea a!apa Colorado a. I iafto li. uMiM a. Total af on broken aad J aabrok.a car aa track. Receipt Incraaalac sllshtly. Ucnii4 and movement very .low. market weak. A'.I ungraded ;r?j d:afrlct white. Barked, ft. 40 a ISO: a:.ra a.opa McClore. fl.T5tJ: Bur baaka. fl.TSO:; faar Uaha Burbaoka, moat. It im rct Wart b Colorado S. Haho 3. TTaah tito 1. California C N.braaka 1. anivad. Nmud and movamant fnodarata. tnarkat fair. Canaidarab'o poor. Vnrradod Colorado and ll.Ko mliad whitaa. tZIS:.:3: Rua. atta. f2I3. Ca-lf .-wia tVirhanka, tlJoaS lontR rke rittcra ake rxrrnrn arplaa la to aad rat ta QaaHatWoa la IMa la Masla. ta r rtro prt ara Uoa la tba Eaatara avarkata aboat April 1 aad thia ahauld affort f ru. aa Itila roaat. Tba anaoancam.nt af lha pranpac-flTo dacTtna la Iba Eaat waa ta by tba Toad Admtn tat ration. Tha ad.aara la dmaat:e fia prtraa la raraal niantba ta aetnbatad to tba fact that aaoat rtro mi:ia bava twaa nxanina ta fa!l rapacity ta ortlar ta oappty tho demand for J atta.OiM) baca for aur ftahctna forraa anl tha a;:taa. Aa a rvaa:t tba aormai aupp:y for borna coaaupmptiaa baa bra a temporarily atad. Tlla fart a (traa riaa ta th arroaaaoo r-aort mat tbara ta a aaortaaa af rlca ta -a t'attad Ptaf-a. Kaa-d oa tba dtatrt- batloa flora for tba BiM'bi af r.bnsary ta Jta:y. and tlia ava:ab!a fiPPlr of roar aad rl.aaad nca aa baad l aurnary 1. m. after ddarttBC tha l.eno.Oiia bat Tsrrkaaod for aaport ta runtp. thara ta alll aa apparaat varplaa of 1. 4 j7 4'a basa. TMa aBrpina af approamataly 13o.anu.mjo Posada la amp. a fr aur dumaaue rtulra auata. t'armara" offanasa hava bacoraa very amai At thia tlma la.t tbcra waa a iiarp dmaa4 for aaad. but moat of tha vrowara lh:a aaaia baa thair owa aadL It la ' timatad by aoma af tha daal.ra that Iba Or.aoa urutt mill ba doubla tttal of laat Xaar. tkaak trartaaa. Ttank rlarinaa of tha Northwutara cltlra TaatarUay aaia aa fulloa.: fl-arln llalancaa. Portland 2 n-i.TlS f t.4TI r.oma .V.t 4J4 ). 1 1 I 1 fjl.iii rumUU MARKET Ql OT.1TION9 r.rala.' rrrd. ITawr. rtr. Itrrrhanr KichtnKt, aooa aCJlon. trary dailvary; uii T'l.t Tr tr N- 3 hlta frad ............ .iAiO fti.1 tiarloe KtanlArd f 1 &KQ Ktaajard 'A" bran IOC (J-W'r da n.ia. .so. 3 ra'i-. td v.. lUrWi. bcaalnr tJ-W :ra oata and corn la bal oi. a hit t as on .-IIK cllLpal whlfa at"' t orn. N'lw 1 yailow Crn. No. 3 ml. ad .. oMiU Thirty d.a fala. No. 3 ' lata, clippo tK j I nra, ya.iow m I Cocn. w'-i Com. kiia dry WHEAT Hoik baa la. Portland, for No. 1 (rada: Hard whlta liluaatara. rarly Hart. Allan. r..i.lia. Mania Ambar. - oj; rott a hlta-aPlouaa. bluaatarn. f.wtjrfol.1. Whlla Vallr. tiaid r-oln. Wun. Ku.ilan. f i Whit, rlao l.ltil. club, Jankina club, whlta hybrlda. tanota. il. I-1 Walla Had Rua.iaa. rod hr'-rui Jon.a flla. Coppal. fLva. So. 3 tra.lo. o Ua. No. S rad. ac l.aa. CHhar fradra handlad by aampla. ELOL'R Patent flO; ValUjt.; wheat. U. arraham. tvjn. barley flour. IW'alJ per bariel: rta flour. HouiVUM barrel, corn m. I, v.. ,j par ua.e; nca nour, fr jr pound. Jklll.l.rTtr Net mttt prlcea. rar lata: ftran. ID) f-r ton: aborxa. f 12 per ton: tnlrldllnaa. J: muted cara and leaa than carloana. e3 mora, rolled barley, t.roieu aaia. :. cuR.N Wbola. fTT: cracked. ITS par ton. HAT fluelna prlrea. t. o. b Portland: Pa.tera Orirun timothy. f2T par ton: Val-l-y timothy. f:t:S; alfalfa. 1:4 : ; a.ley c'ala hay. flS; atraa. . STOCK LIST HIGHER Gains Are Recorded in Nearly All Divisions. POOL OPERATORS ACTIVE Dividend Increae and Iietter In duMrlal Conditions Are Factors In AdTnce RalU Are Vp One to Two Points. L IOC At OAT BIM ARE RICHER llftr-Craa Adraaea to Offer a Mrrcbaata" Eacbaaaaa. Flda far local oata wara ralae4 f eota to to SO at tba Verehania" Erhan yea-t-r4ay. Tkara waa alao aa adttanc of fo naia la Eaatarw oata. Ilarlay etf.ra wara backapfei. W.ataar eaa4!tlaa ta tha MM lta Weal, aa artrad from CtUcaca: "Wlnnlpec clear. aro l oneapo la. Dnlulh. clear. SJ. Chlcaao Peorta Davenport, clear. cooL PL 1-outa. Kaaau Cttr. Totw ka. ft. Joaepb cloudy. tOi Omaha eloadr. 3. Ohio Valley clear. 4X. Tarmloal raratpta. la car, wara reported ay th. otercbaata Cccaaflia aa follow. : Wheat ll.rley piour C-"a 1 Tortland. Wad. 1 ear aa. 3 Ke.eoa to data..v4f ar af. 44t r.-oaoa. Taea. .... af aaa 4 tWeuB t. dat...To-M ear af OOii f-.itla. Taea. . ? Year aao t'J Peaaoa ta atata.3?"a Iter ao Tt in n 1 T-. 101TJ 4 4 T-4 s .... ;i -. .Ta tv:--. 11 I Itir. 1TI ... . 37 ll ITOftidC fhU T(XKS ARE lRCtR A Caanparrw Ttltb irar Ara, lloldlaa taaw larreana of IX. I Per t cat. Th. moatbty r. port of tha Purejta of )far ihil Daoartment of Acrtculture. .how ator. aca boldanca of flak oa February I'jis, aa folio a. Tba 13 .toraaea that reported showed total stock of :l.7t.IVi3 pounds of froaen f'.h. cured berrlna and mild cured aalmon. Tba ld atoraa.a that reported for February 11 of thta year and taat show present hold t-ia of 2 IIX'' poianda. aa compared with :t.3Ptm pound last year, aa Increaa of ? Via.'Xi pountla. or 12 1 per rent. Tha IM Coraceo that reported for both January 11 and February 11. ll'. shnwrd a decrsa. of 11. tT.;i pouoda. or ;5 I per cent, wbtla th. 1.1 storaae. reportlna their holdtnara for both January IS and Pehmarr u last year e hewed a decrease of li !'.$ pounds or Jil par cant. 0 CHANCE IN ECiO rSrTCATlON Market la Mewrly at Keewirt Uarllaa Laval Hay lac Larger. Thera waa a chase ta lb rta situation wtarday. bale, wara mad. at lof34 centa. rasa count. Receipt era laraa. but there waa a aomaehat better local demand and thia. toaether with tha shlpplna ardara oa tha market, cleaned up th supply. Thara was a aood demand for batter and couairp creamery e&lrae war firm at 43 cent. Iiraaaed mut and pooltrr were r.rm and aorbanaed. Bfwrewll ta Fraea Raaabarg. Phlpwieota af broccoli from Roaebora har bean reaumed. A tale quantity came la yea. awdar aad sold at fl.Tl. A car af California cauliflower waa oa tho market and quote! at fl.aVJ la half crataa. A full aaaoruncat at ataaobar -t.ab!ra ts duo today. Plewa Market la Fl rawer. Itaaa prlcea ara firmlna up aa tha eeaeoa draw tw a cloaa, whlta beana ara bow osotad by buyer at 10 cent, with occasion. a 14 eanta aeo foe a art-T'e rrf-r tot WE Bin' RAW MOLESKINS Wo rp 17 ptee anal Eiprea Cmmrgrm. Ship by farewt Kwat or tl.prssa. Kohn & Baer lla-l I 1 West Tblrf T-Seewad gf, wear terk Hp. 7ttfraoca .National City fitnV. N. T. 'Atloaal l ark lianas, .N T. Palry aad Caw a Icy prediaca. rrTTKR Cubes, extra. 4He: prim firsta, 4HO. Jobbtnc price.: Print. -tr. Sic: cartons, lo; bultar.'at. No. I. fie dellTered. EGOS Oreaon ranch, current raratpta. Jlavtr; candled. Sv-; evlacta. 4oc per dnsen. CHKESK Jot. bare- buylna prlcea. f. a. b. dock. Portland: Tlllamouk triplet. :.c; Touna America. :e per pound: lonahorna, tie. Coo. and Curry f. o. b. Myrtle t'olnt: Triplet. 24SC Touna America. I'iSn per pound; lonshoma. nsc par pound; dl. Count to I'ortland trade. PUCLTHI Kooater. old. ?"c; youna. If; prlnara -c: brofena. laraa. -4c: amall. Stiff -V. ducks. lttXlc; aeesa. SutaSlr: turkeys, alive. ;jc: dree. ad. fo per pound. VKAL lane j. MoM'sts: tbin. l019c per pound. rUHK raney. lrr?m per pound. Fruit, aad Vegetable. Local jobblna quotation: Fltt'lTS ih-nnaea, av.l. fjaiTl: lem- ana. par box: banana. 4e par Pound: (rapafrulu f4K.:a; applas, fLSltf VKOETABUES Tomatoe. ft 7301 per crate, t.httaf. f 1, 41 4c Per pound: lettuce. ltt(42.10 tr crate: cucumber, fl.fltf 11 per doKeo; cauliflower. !.,. I per crate, artti hoKea. IM-r pound. a.r He THHI.C ier poun.i. celery, ii.jvi . ar crala. p-ppera. 4uc per pounn:: pprouta. ilrlCSo per pound; rhubarb, luullo par BOUhll. ' ... .' w- . . nt . .. A l .( IV tr.lir. I nni.r i ,rnt rr k: beeta liwai: turnipa. aarinlca. 11 loot iVTATUI.a 'rcon liucoenaa. r.MTvai..i per hundred: Taklraaa. fl.fltfl-41; B.tcl bolalora. ?stta K-r pound. 1 a jaaaini frrir-a. , i w irr pound. PtaptO ,racerea. tewl Jobblna quotatlona: Kt'GAR fack baels: Fruit and berry, 17. u. b"t. t; aC. a lira C. tr.l; powdered. In berrr-aa. o: cuh-a. In barrela, f Sj. .NL'TS Walnuta. SIS'! irastl nuta. ISO 2tc: ti.oerta. :;tlc; Utf.c: pea nut. 14U11W-; cocoanuta. fl.lO par doaan; sac. rta. Waul'ac. rheatnuta. 3e. HKAN California jobblna price. : pmsn hue. IJSiC. Una while. 10c. bayou, H'kc p i n a. liac. Or . n aaana. DU In a pneva: white, ll'lluc. cnlerol. lac. . l nl't' L 1 UMalad. la alrrtma. 1T491a. ALT airanuialed. fluT par ton; half araon'ta. I ""a. f II per toa: 4e, f 1 per too; dairy. tlt.Tl per ton. KICK Xouttier bead. PObHo per pound; Hlua Roae. h4r; Japanee. style. awVSc UHlt-U Fill. IT AtfP .a. USc: peachea. II I.e. prune, Italian. II l ie; ralaina. alcajfl per bov: dates, farcl. f.VMtqS par bo, current, lac: tla. t-'-a-K par box. II Idea aad Pell. HIDES Hailed hides, 21 I'-a. and up. 13c: sailed aiata. AO Iba. and up. 1:; .ailed and ireri kip. II to 21 llax. Uc; aelled and .reen ca.f. 1 to li Iba.. 21c: aran hi.!. 21 it. nd up. ac; arecn taa. eO lb. iid up, be: dry flint bl-lea. 2c: dry flint calf. Zr: boraa bide. 1.U(LM; aalt.4 bora, bi.l-.. i u I. PELTS Dry lona-wool pelt. 8c: dry short-wool pell. 21k; ealled pell. January taaeolf. f Hi II a. 5". II ape. Hawi. Etc. HOP 1IT crop, JIulOc per pound; 1919 crop, nominal. WUOL lrlara Oreaon, 44 0 aio par pound; Va.ley. JojMO par pound; Valley lamb. 410.VK-. MotlAIll Ukf stpl. full year, 60c: el month. 4offr; burry. 11 a 4uc. CAM'ARA il.VKK Maw and old. 840c par pound TALLoW No. 1. 14 a lie par pound; So. 2. l-o pc.r pour I rrwvtaloaa. v Local Johbtna quotatlona: HAMrV All elsee. choice. ZZ". standard, lc; aklnnad, Uiuvc; picnic. 2Jc; coliags loll.. LA II l Tlrrr basis, standard pure, 27V,c; Coin pound, -l.c HAi .-N i .ni ). 41J4c; stand. rd. 42 tf 44. choice. S.IMtlr. RI MALT Mhort cler bark. 2l u 13c ; aiporta. liable: plalea. -'4 at -tic. Otla. OASOI.TNE Rulk. Xusc: case. 2c; naph. tha. tlrurca. I'JSc, caaea. 2o; auam. d uit il ia te. drum, lolc; caaea. liar. LINfKKU 11L-Ruw. Irjrrcl. fl.49: cases. fl boi.cit. barrel., ft IT: i. fl.l. TLHl'l..Ml.fc ia tana, ooc; cases, ale 8 AX 1UMKO I'KllllUE MARKET. Price. Carrrat aw Ftsa, V earl ah lea. 1'reab rait, at Bay City. PAN FRANCISCO. Feb. ST. llutler Ex traa. JSii-c. Eaai Fresb extra. 3c; flrsl, SSc; freah axlrm puliat. Srlr. Cheeaw Vouna America, new Oreaon, 27c. Poultry H -!, nominal. Whlta Laahorn rooater. 21v2Tc; fnrra. 40ra41c: broiler. loerUc: squab. 3bJ: piaeons, ft. 7162; ae-e. Is y ivc; turkcs, mixed aud ulx slock, OafUc Veastahlea- Asparacus. J.l4jr21r: aquash, cream, TVtaft; bubbard. f 1.21 ti 1.1; tKg plant. 1UtK'c: peaa. small .!-. luul-c; telelrhone. lie: pepper, bell, emull stxe, llu2or; llextcan arean chllra, ITS 'JtK: tumalitc.; lattuc.. fl.2otr 1 .V: eelery. f J-lo ti .i.j; poutoea, river. f 1 .". 0 I. II; Salluae. f,2.21f2.: cinluna. Auatrallao broa n. 42.10. aarllc. 2 1c : cu. cumber. f.221VOi: pumpkin, f 1 : beets, tl. .';. c.tmia. flatt.l: turnips, flat 1.1; rulsbaaa. fl2it)1.3J. rhubarb, -n2..'.o. Fruit Alliaalor beara. fJtfXIO Uoaen; paara. Winter ellla, f2.31ai2.Il; culil tor : lemons. fl.toerS; arapa fruit. f-VTr. 3.1o. crania naval, fltio. amall alxcs; tauKartuea. fJ.lotr3 2l; banana. Hawaiian, 4pS pineapples, 24. f0T; apple. Maw town Pippin, fl.219l.fl. II. y Wheat and wheat and oat. f2T2!; tame oat. -.: barley. f'-'lta-I; a.falfa. f 1 fr 27 : arley trw. om ti aor. Mtlifeed cracked corn and feed corn nail. 177 e Ml: alfalfa meat, fJtlSfS; cocua nut maal. 444 1. Klour f lt per barrel. Renelpta Flour. ftu quarters; barley. TOT 7 cental: bean. Told aarka; potatoe. hrtril aacka: bay, 2o4 ton; hide, 210; wine, aallona. thirasa Usury Praduee. CTTTfAOO. P'eb. ST. Butter, lower. Creamer-. 43 4Tc. Easa. hlxher. Racelft. Sof.t caaea: flrata, 40c; ordinary firsts. 15 '.-; at mark, caaea Included, btfwlec per doacn. Metal Market. JfETP TORK. Fab, T. Metal Exchani quote led ptruna. rpot. T.3Tie bid. fipelrar dull. East fit. Loula tlellvary, spot oriausd at T.Iic- New lawk Paaar Market. !trw YORK.' Pb. 27 Raw suaar. steady. Centrlfusal. b.tlc; molaruK-e. nominal, ilm (mad. atcady. tin. sr.nulaled. T. lie XEW TOn K. Feb. Tt. Aided hr seven.: Increard dlvldenda and stimulated by poo'. and related prufeMlonal Interest totlav's sick market umented recent advance In a number of special Issues. Continental Can director Increased the common dividend from & to 8 par cent an nually, and Chandler Motor advanced from a M to 12 per rent baala. Intimations that oiher Industrial companies are urn lempUtlna similar action wara credited be cause of recent laraa return. Additional factora of favorable Import In cluded the Improved arata of th. Iron and stel Industry. Indicated by the marked Increa. of capacity reported by tha United rotate steal Corporation, and advices from W-iir-o ahlch (ava Impetus to th. oil ui VI. .on. Transeontlnentsla and coalers war. the foremoat feature of tha railway division at aalns of 1 to 2 oolnl. minor lsu. such Missouri Pacific preferred. a-I ba.h and Lrtea ao reaponalna to a mod erate Inqujry. L'tilliies war mora sctlve than usual. In terest centarlna In People's Gus. Consol idated Csa and American Telephone, Mo tors nd tobacco war heavy at all times, th latter yleldina 2 to & points la con nection with proposed stock Issue. Tnlted Slate, steel's hrp reaction with copper brouaht som. Irrwaularity In the la.t hour, leaders forfeltlna 1 lo 3 points. Steel closed at a net loaa of I lo IS point. Total aaies Amounted lo 721.OO0 ehsres. Honds war. Irregular, speculative rails showing hevlne.s. Liberty Issues also eased. Total sales, par value, aaareanted f t.olO.onu. Old United tttale Its declined ' per rent on cll. but the veral finanu lue ro. fa la 1 per cent. CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. a-non. 1 load cattle, boas and sheep; Frsnk Wann, Mount Anel. 1 load cattle And boars: R. H. Myers, Weal Sclo. 1 load bus and ilep. Tho day s ssle were as followr wt. Price. I ? cow. .... T.Vi f 6.75:1 cow . 1 heilor .'. . T2a 7 1 bull .. 1 bull 17TO T.ROil bull . . 1 hoir .ii ll.M'7 heifers 1 steer .... Tlu ti..V2hoss .. 1 ster-r .... r0 9.-1 .'ihos .. 1 f.w wo T.:."2hoit .. co .... r..t:l H.tro .1 hoK B. 2 coa .... HH Mud boss . . 1 cow l.MI 7.MitlhoRs.. 2 cows .... I'.'-o 7 71 hos ., 2cos .... H(ai,1 hoaa ., 1 in ..... 2t T.l'i 2 hoaa ., 1 cows 02 MKhoirs . . : rr.l ....111! 7 7 bo J coma .... POO ?.Sr-Nho (.'notations at lha yard follow: Cattle Prlcea Medium to rholre steer 1 1 00 Cood to medium steer......... P.2.". fr 10.3.t Common to aood ateer. ....... . cholr-e cow end heifer Cc-m. to aood cow and nelfer. . Pulls Caivea Mockers and fedex. ......... . Hot Wt. Price. . son f .: .1210 n imi .l'i a. no . 7."1 T.'JO . si 15.10 . 1X7 Id.KS . .10 1.1. 1 . m li j.i . i::i is.'u . las l.s". . 22S ltif-l , 1S7 10 . 7.-.0 U.S.-. . 1S lll.S.-. . sno lrt 7" 21)2 lu-bl 8 00 9 40 6.7.1 f 8.11 4 2.1 1 0 2.1 O.OOf 8.IKI, 1 J.U0 6. !. ALL GRAINS RALLY Cessation of Peace Talk Is Cause of Firmness. FEBRUARY CORN DEALS END Prime liKht ... rlrne heavy . . !: feheep - We-tern lambs Valley lambs .. Yearling ...... Wrrhcra ...... Eat ......... 1T.O0 l.HOfr lrt. SI 14. 00 1 11.21 1.1 nOM.1..1A 14 SO ft 11.00 1.1. rx 1.1. Hi 12.VI0 l.'l lxi U.OOIU 12.00 DESTINATIONS OF STOCK LOADED Shipment En Route t Leading- Livestock Marketa of tha Country. Destlnatlona of livestock loaded February 21. (Carload, reported we.t of Allegheny Mountain; doubla decks counted a two car;; Cattle. Horses. Mixed Calves. Uogr. Sheep. Mulra. block. Clonlns Palea. Hlan. Tw. bl.l '. 7.iM( M hJs M1H . 4.20 4-"i 41 41 . M.iHtri 77 V, 7.1V T'l1. . 11 - n tins tw'i . IT. '' M1 "'. yjt 7.ia iih 107 ii; - . 1.4KO lio-H HH'4 1"7 2' .'ii 11 ' J"'li . 10.:nw r..i tat, mil, IHHI MIS S4 . 3." lltl 114 Ills . 7.f MS Ml H .KM I 2"'i 2'j 17S 17 1H tloo 11S, 144 14M . 11.1'MI 71, 71 v 71 . at il Ml .1.1 ."..I i, . 4 Hihi 4otJ, H" 4im (at H4 l't-, . l.oO 21 H 21 2o :. .1.NI 41'.', 4ii 4 IS Si SM 4H Kit . 4.7IMI a4S 3:4 MS . 5i.aiN oi" m -v . O.TuO 33 52 2a ' . .l.reW MS 1H 111, . l.Ooo 14111 J4JK, 142 . b 123S Hol-i Hl'i 1MMI H.'l., 1I . S.iVO ZU 2:Ml i''a l" . l.lUO 414 41 44 . 51.1ial lorrm im. Pta . Xl..1i 2"4 21 2- :mhi Kl Hit . 1.hni 17s 174 17, b0 4 S3 3.1 lit , HoO 2M 2t 27 . 60,.1i i 1'4'i ! .-." Rl SI 'a li . ;.iio 2.1 22 22s 400 n is- i--, . 2.TOO 72S 71 S 71S , ItrMl 2I V 1' 1, , 1.2m l"a 1"4-, li'.-. , l.rM.a Mi M1 Ms tuna r.o 2l"i 2'.' l..V0 41 44' 41, '-""orie "a. H "uni :,i . 14 2t 7"1 77 77v. 3 ui sn 7s 7i 1-'- 17 17 17i 4 r-" i74 S7 T." 24 24 Il , -.4'N Rl 47 111, .1"0 1.14', l.VJ 1.1.1 Ma 12S 12 J 14 122 H S.'N J24i 3 -1 '- 1-M 10LHKI l IMt Hal V, I'"1! l,Sir gsr, 2Va ---'S &UO 23 V. 23 !'" 7O0 42 41 41 Arn peat Pufar Am Can Am Car A Fdy Am l.eo Am rim tt Rfs Am Hut Kfc. . Am Tvl ar Tel. Am Z I. as 8.. Anacnnla Cop Af. hi. in A o a w 1 a S L.. II A l R H Con... Calif Petrol... Can Parlf .... Cent Leather . flie A Ohio.. M alt P Chi a N W C II 1 P ctfs Ch Ino Cop .... era I Corn Prod Rre Crucible Hteel. Cuba Cane tua Tl. rk-curtilea. Ena r.-n Elec t.n Motors ... t:t Nor pfl. t Nor ora ctfs III Cent Inn 1 'op . . . . . I M M pfd...., Int Nickel .... Int I'arer ..... K C ektu , Kennet-nlt Cr.p., Iula a Nash.., Max Motors Hex Petrol .... Miami Cop .... Ml I'arlf Nov Cop ....... N T Cent N T N H A II.. Nor We.t ... Nor Pacif ..... Paclf Mall P.'iinatvtvaiuk .. Pitt. Coal ..... Mar fM tjop . . Iteadlna Ilp Ic A Hteel. Shat Arlx Cop.. H-.u Paclf aMi p.altway . . . Stuclebaker Cor. Tesaa f . . . .. l'nlun laclf ... f S In.l Alco... L B P-erl do pM ftah 'P Wall "If Pfd. .. West t'nlon .... We.llrur Elee .. Total aaia. for th. day, T-i.oOO share. HONDS. C R ref 2a r. WS Nottb Pe 4... f do coupon... ".1 si ao a V rt 3 re.... Pc T T ."... I do eouoon ts'i'l'mn eon s-.. t TJ M 4 re. . . .l,fc4 Si t'nlon Par ref 4s do coupon. ..! tail o r.teei .... . 1 Alrh sen 4a... .S ISouth Par cv r I l R li ref Ha 4 V Anxlo-Frem h .1. Atlanta Austin ...... Hi ti more . . . . KriNlhlwuod .. Boston ....... Buffalo Cedar rtaplds.. 1. aicaao Cinclnnutl .... r levuianu . . . 'udahy ...... iMllaa ....... lrenver ....... Ketrolt tla.t Ht. Louis. Kort Worth .. Indianapolis . Jersey City .. Kansas City .. Kearney Los Anaeles . Louisville .... M.iaon City .. Mllwauke ... Nashville Neorka City. New Haven .. New York ..... ' 'Kdcn Oklahoma City Onmlia (Jttumwa Penrla ....... 1'ittsliura Portland. Or. .. SL Joseph ..... St. Paul Mn Francisco.. Si-atlle ........ Sioux . City .. .. ioux Kails ... Spokane ... Wheellna Wichita Worcester . . . . . Various Totals 12 11 4'iii J.I d 1 2U 11 144 !l 10 2DII S 11 1 1 14 61 4.i 17 .1 3 U 1 12l 47 21 "go "'r 1 7 6 Kl ;; 17 412 :::! ill 3.1 il 14 21 174 32 b . 1!'5 10 21 til A 13 10 HO 2 24 H'.J 21 12 42 3 ins tit 7 21 1(12 20 Directors of Exchange Prohibit Fur ther Trading; in Future Delivery of Current Blontli Shortage la Oats Receipts Expected. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. . Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON WE OWN AND OFFER: Kate. Maturity. $ 2,000 West Linn, 0r Water 5 A&0 1942 6,000 West Linn, Or., Water 5 A&O 31,500 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Rfdg 6 M&S 5,000 Tillamook, Of., Imp 6 M&N 5,000 Tillamook, Or., Imp 6 M&N 35,000 Central Point, Or., Rfdg.. 6 M&N 2,000 Newdale, Idaho, Water 6 J&J 1943 Prlce.Tleli. 98.62 5.10 98.60 5.10 1927-33 To Net 5.25 1919 100.12 5.40 1920 101.64 5.40 1920-30 100.00 6.00 1927-37 100.00 6.00 TELEPHONE MALN 3409 14 4 14 3 23 2 'J es 84 471 21.1 One week &RO..-Hi'7 Four weeks atro.JlMU 1H .-.I ... 1 3 10 147 40 171 9 .1211 24fl 452 3110 .'12H 4111 4.1U 24l 330 22t3 24e UHI suite origins of livestock loaded Febru arv Cattle, Horses.Mlxed Clve.Hogs.Sheep.Mu!cs.Siock. For Portland California ... ... OrvKon 1- 3 Tfl Portland One week aao- Four weeks aato For Seattle Idaho Washington ... Montana Pt'l Peattla.. One week aj;o. . Four weeks aao in 1 1 21 N T Cen deb a Hid. Boatoa M ioloa Mock. BOSTON, Feb. 27. Cloelna Uttlons Alloues 12 INorth Butte.... Calumet Arls. IH old nonunion... Calumet A liec. 4-1.1 -eola Centennial ISS'Oulncy Cop K Con Co.. 4-1 ISup A Boston M w'vsnannnn ....... 54'1'tah Con. 22 'Winona a JWolverln. .... 62 7.1 K Butte Cop 11 . KranHlIn IU Roy Cop) laike Copper. . . Mohaak 11i 41 v, r. 7.1 .1 1 Jl l"a 31 Moaey, Exrhaace. Etc. NEW TORK. Feb. 27. Mercantile paper. SStilS Per cent. strrllnr. atn-day bills. f4.72m rnmmer elnl alO-rlsy bills In banks, ft.72: commer rlal tu-itar blila. f-LTlts; demand. fl.Tl1,; cables, f4.T T-lrt. Francs .demanrl. n.i2Va; cnoies, b.". Oullilera, rlemand. 44'a I cables. 44. Lire, d-msnd. 8.T2: cable. M 71. Rubles, demand. 11: cables, lit1., nominal. Par silver. Mc per ounra. dollsr. Bsc. Government and railroad bonds lrreaular. Time loans, strona; "0 days, on. days and ate montha. 6 per cent bid. Call money firm: blah. 5 per cent; low. 4 per cent; rullna rate. 6 per Cent: rloslna bid. 31 per cent; offered at 4 per cent; last lon, 4 per cent, T.ONDON. Feb. 21. Rr silver. 42d per ounce. Money, o par cent. iMseount rates short ana tnrcc-montns bills. Si per cent. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga, Feb. 27. Turrtentlne. firm. 4lc: sales. 119 barrela: receipts. 174 barrels; shipments. It barrels: stuck, 2.1.UT1 barrels. Hoeln. firm. Sales. jo barrels: receipts. 77.4 barrels: shipment. 171 barrels: stork. Ou.Illl batrels. Quota. Ft. D, K, F. t;. It. I. frt.os: K. fit. 21: M, fu.7J; H, f7.20; WG, f7.40; WW, fT.ifl. Hope, Ete at er Tork. NEW TORK. Feb. 27. Hops, hide wool unchansed. and 1TT0N BAN IS LIFTED MEAT RESTRICTION IS SUSPENDED FOR SIX WEEKS. Food Adaalal.rratloa laanea Nolle to Bnrfas af Marketa Trade at Tarda Qalet. Tha fnlted State. Food Administration baa notified th. Portland off!';, of the bu reau of markets that th. restrictions on the estlna of lamb and mutton on lneatle dava have been suspended nnill April 11. IfeMft. In Illinois and Wisconsin and ail State we.t of the Manalaalppl Rlvar. Gnncrai trade at th. yarda taa quiet ye ferdv. Amona tho re--elpts were 11 loads of feeder cttie and two load of breeding ewe from California. Price throuxhout th list were etearty at tha ranae current on tha preceding day. Receipt, wcr. 3'sJ rattle, 2 ralvea, 472 tioarM and 621 sheep. Phtpper were: With boas O. W. Evre. Salem. 1 roS. With cattle A- F. Knox, tlordon. Cal., 11 loarle: A. I.rli. Mount Anal. I load. With aheep BoLrtn A Clark. Arbuckle. Ca!.. 1 load: F. A. Hawkln. 1 load. With mixed load. Lebanon Maiket, Leb- Eastera Meat Trade Condition, Report on Eastern meat trade conditions February 27 tb:J0 A. M., Eastern time): Ileef. Boston Reef, fresh: Receipts heavy, al though movement to freeser continues lib eral, msrket Is bsreiy steady, demand rair. Kosher beef: Receipts moderate, market in a healthy condition at aieady to airong prires, demsnd aood. New York lieef. rresn: supply normal. nrnrln-t flrmt-r on fresh meaL orices steady. .ii-mand only fair. Kosher chucks and plalea: Supply lltreral, market weak, demand light. Hinds and ribs: Supply liberal, market dull, demand fair. Phlladelphl Reef, fresh: Receipt mod erate, market dull, demand rather llght. Kosrrr beef; Supply Uahl, market tiulel, de mand llxht. Washington Beef, fresh: Receipts heavy, market steady, demand slow. Pork. Boston Supply heavy, demand slow, mar ket dull and draaKV- N-'W York Supply moderate, demand lim ited, market steady to firmer on fresh slock. Philadelphia Herelpi light, demand fair, msrket burajiy steady. Waahlngton Receipts moderate, cars con tinue to arrive In off condition, demand fair, market unchanged. Lamb. Boston Todsy" unloads moderate, very few cars arriving in strictly fresh condi tion, demsnd slow, market dull and draggy. Now York Receipt light, demand pour, market about r.o cent to f 1 lower than Mon day on heavywelghta. Phlladelphl Kecelpta normal, demand slow-, market steady. k Washington Receipts light, demand fair, maikc-t strona. Omaba Livestock Market. OM VHA, Feb. 27. Hoes Receipts, 14.m. ;r.o. lower. Heavy. flit.40irl6.bO: mixed. $ 16. fin H 10.7.1: light. 1.J5u; pig. flO 10: bulk tl8.fkHTia.T-1- Cattle Receipt, 4oOO. steady. Native al.ra Sll'rr 111.2.1: COWS STld heifers. f7.."al'l loT.1: Wentem steers, f S..H-ra 1 2.2.i 1 ir'XHS .t..r-. 7 .lu4i lf fro: cowa and heifers, flat l lu; canners,- $11,1011.60: stocker and feed ers. I H .'hi v 1 1 -r'i'l calves, Wj lU; bulls, stags, etc.. fT.IVowlo.lui. Sheep Receipts. 8HA0. slow, steady. Fed muttimri. fl2vl': wethers. fllwlU; .vac. flO.!l'a 12.21; iHtnba. f l-t.-IOjl itf-oa. Cliirago JJveatork Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 2T. Hogs Receipts. 5.1.- . weak, 1.1c to 2nc under yesterday' av erage. Hulk, flit.2)17.25; lllcht. l.70's 17.2.1; mixed. 17.2.1: heavy, fl6.50'tf 17 .2: ruugh, f Mi.M o lo.ou; pies, i-auj 1U.0O Cattle Receipts. 7"00. ateady. native steers. fK.SoU 14.11; stockers and Teeners, f 7 5J 1 W: cows and belfors, f6.71t12; calvee. M 756 14.25. Sheep Receipts. 8000, steady. Sheep, f 1".20' 13.H0; lambs, fill. 7.1 tt 17.11. Corfee Future Market Steady. NEW YORK. Feb. 27. Th. market for coffee future continued quiet but generally steady, with prices showing further ad vances on covering and a moderate demand from trade sources. It is supposed that re cent liquidation baa left a firmer techni cal position, and that part of tiie demand reflects covering of hedges against sales of spot coffee from stock or afloat. The opening today wa 2 to ft points nigner, witn May selling up to 8.4.1c and September 8.U-1C during the late trading, or about 11 to 12 points net higher. Last prices were a point or two off from the best under realizing but showed a net gnin of to 9 points. March. 8.21c; May. 8.41c; July, 8..11c; Sep tember, 8.611c; October, 8.67c; December, 0.7.1c. Spot coffea firmer. Rio 7s. H4c; Santos 4s. JO.. No fresh offers were reported in tho cost ntl freight market. Pales of cof fee float were reported to jobber aggre gating between 1.1.00O and 20.0tm bags, but no details were given as to grades or prices. The official cables reported change in Brazil except In Santos future, which were ur.ehanged to 2.1 reis lower. Jdrazlllan port receipt, 42.000 bsgs. Dulnth Linseed Market. DrU'TH. Feb. 27. Linseed. I.l.fll r4.n3: arrive. t3.Pl: May. 1.1 asked; July, f 3.8714 asked; October, f.l.tJO bid. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 27. Spot cotton quiet Middling. 32.40c. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. Feb. 27. Evaporated ap ples, dull; prunes, firm: peaches, quiet. War Garden Work Prospers. CHEITALIS. "Wash.. Feb. 27. (Spe cial.; Misa Alice Klbbe, principal of the Adna echools, who Is active in pro moting; the club work in her district, reports that there are now 30 members in the hlsjh school and grammar grades in a trarden club, 15 in the intermediate crades, and nearly all the primary students are to join In the war garden movement. There is also an active pitr club in the high school and grades and also In the intermediate grades. CHICAGO, Feb. 27. Hardening of grain values today accompanied a cessation of peace reports. Corn closed closed Vsteady at a net advance of a shade, with -March f 1.27 and May f 1.26 t 1.27. Oat gained s?Hc. Provisions finished 20 lo 27c down. Values were strengthened by notice from the director of the exchange that further trading In the February delivery had been prohibited, and that aettlement would have to be made at tha maximum price allowed tor tutures, si. 23 a bushel. Likelihood of a falling off In receipts tended to stimulate demand for oats. It was said producers and railroads were both giving preference to th. handling of corn. Sharp breaks in the price of hogs weak ened provisions. Much selling was also caused by a report that the Government ul lotment of March contract had been of less volume than expected. Leading futures ranged as follows CORN. Open. High, March .... f May L26;i 1.27 OATS. March R9 9H May .S74 .bSli MESS PORE. May 48.20 48.00 LARD. May 2C.0S 20.12 3.87 July SHORT RIBS. May 25.31 2.1.42 25.12 July 21.71 25.80 20.13 Cash prices were: Corn Nos. 2 and 3 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, fl.60frl.70. Oats No. a white, 81H62!4c; standard. Rye No. 2. nominal; No. 3, 2.46 (3 2.48. Hurley fi.3ff2.ia. Timothy f 5 u S.21. Clover f 22 33. Pork Nominal. Lard 20.37. Ribs Primary receipts Wheat. 24!t,000 vs. 1,040,000 bushels; corn. 2.412,000 vs. 2.017. 000 bushels; oats, 1.4H8.000 vs. 1.46,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 169.000 vs. 774.000 bushels: corn. 1,079.000 vs. 1,104.000 bushels oats. 71I0.0H0 vs. 1.4-14,000 bushels. Clearances W heat. 140,000 bushels: corn, Low. 1.26-tf .89 .8754 Close. fl-27. 1.2634 .87 48.02 2.1.87 26.03 25.15 21.51 INTEREST BEGINS IMMEDIATELY Ask Us About Buying MUNICIPAL BONDS On Our i PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN Tour Money Earns Interest From the Day Each Payment Is Made, LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY , Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS BUILDING FIFTH ANtX STARK elevated to the position of assistant banking examiner. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. DITTL.ER To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dittler. 1)80 East Eighteenth street, February 24, a son. SLAVSETH To Mr. and Mrs. Martin K. Slavseth, 4i Weidler. February 16, a daugh ter. WORTHINGTON To Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Worthlngton, 3.14 Sixty-sixth street South east, February 1.1, a son. WHITE To Mr. and Mrs. John J. White. 288. Beech. February 18. a son. LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Lewis, ,15 Mall, February 15. a daughter. LARSES To Mr. and Mrs. James W, Larsen. 770 Osage, February 13, a son. PRIDNOW To Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Pridnow. 1220 East Seventeenth. February IOiiO bushels; oats, 4000 bushels; flour, 3700 23, a daughter. LAXOLET To Mr. and Mrs. Lotus L. Langley, 1170 Clinton, February 19, a daugh ter. SARGENT To Mr. and Mm. Frederick William Sargent, 1063 East Twenty-ninth. February IS. a son. FREDRIC'H To Mr. and Mrs. Emlle L. Fred rich, 42 Division, February 13. sous i twins). BEKil To BIr. and Mrs. John Anderson No. 2 feed, ROc. Flax, No. 1 Northwest, Berg. 661 East r'irteenth, f-eoniary ia, , a son. rr.Cijioir.ri iu ii. auu hud. ,,ow, w . Feemster, 1036 Hancock street, February 19, a son. SODERSTROM To Mr. and Mrs. Olef R. barrel. Eastern Cash Grain Market. OMAHA. Feb. 27. Cash corn. No. 4. white, tl.M&l.uo; Ka. S white. $1.75(6 1-82; No. 6 white, fl.60. WINNIPEG. Feb. 27. Cash oats: No. white, "ec; extra feed. 924c; No. 1 feed. 8c fo.54),; No. 2 Northwest. $3.504. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 17. Cash corn: No. 3 yellow, f 1.78 a 1.8.1. Oats. No. 2 white goderstrom. 6D7 East Eightieth, February Montana. Po tr wo y c ; stanaara, tti (a kuc; i it. a daughter. No. 3 w hite. U0 a 111 4 c: No. 4 white, &S!4 tJlUUC. Kye, No. 2, f 2.502.52. DULl'TH, Feb. 27. Cash oats. 90491iC. Rye, f2.40. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 27. Cash com: No. 3 white, IlH.1fll.97; No. 3 yellow, fl.71 1.73: No. 2 mixed, fl.75: No. S mixed. fl.70. Oata, No. 2 mixed. 87-5c. Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 27. Barley, fXTSS? 2.06; flax; 13.913.94. - - Oraataa at fatt jTraanctsco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 27. Spot quota tions: Feed barley, t3.62S ? 3.6.1. White oats, fit .lofr 3.5.1. Bran. f34f 34.50. Mid dlings, 41.Mr4'.!.R0. Shorts. f.'tS'ifiU. i, a naugnter. , BOWMAN! To Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bowman. 1501 East Sixth. February IS, a daughter. UHUWN To Mr. and airs, james v. Brown. Lively street, February 15, a daugh ter. McDOWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Rollln c. McDowell. 1892 Syracuse. February 10, a daughter. KNUTSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Knut Knut- sen. 1.121 Aster. February 17. a daughter. CASti To Mr. and Mrs. Claude N. Case, 16NO Hodge, February 24. a son. MEK To Mr. and Mrs. Ling Her. wuy. Second, February 17. a son. CLARK To Mr. and Mrs. Forest E. Clark, 112.1 Fifty-fourth avenue, February 22, a daughter. lacenek To Mr. ana Mrs. uincn Lauener, 711 East Eightieth, February 22, twins (oii and daughter). BROMBERGER To Mr. and Mrs. Max Bromberger. 540 East Twenty-first, Febru ary 13, a daughter. thokmun To Mr. and Mrs. t-rnnic l. Thornton. 274 North Twenty-first, Febru ary 1. a daughter. SKINNER To Air. and Mrs. tieorge r. Skinner. 32 Mill, February IS, a son. BOND To Mr. and Mrs. rlenry iona. iu2 East Thirtieth, February 17, a son. I-lSHBUrlN To 3lr. and Mrs. William A. Flshburn, 1114 East Market, February 17, a son. BISH To Mr. and Mrs. Amos A. Blsh. 1605 E. Eleventh street. February 19. a son. PRIBERNOW To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Prlbemow. 1.19 East Seventieth, Febru ary 2.1, a daughter. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller. 465 East Flanders. February 24. a son. GILLIAM To Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. COUMTY FAIR PLANS LAID Premiums for Exhibits of War Work Will Bo Dallas Feature. DALLAS, Or.. Feb. 27. fl Special.) Plans are under way for the seventh annual Polk County Fair. Superintend ents of the various "woman's work" departments met with Winnie Braden, secretary, today - and many radical changes were made In the premium list, amiam. 871. Cleveland avenue, February 25, All classes for hand-painted china, a daughter. v paintings and domestic art were elim- I Marriage License. inated: the committee! deciding that no TONKR-RTILLWELI. w. A. Tonks. 22. mtrlnllc woman in dnintr this work dtir- Vancouver Barracks, and Paulina Stlllwell. ing the war. A department of made- 1SRYDEN-MtcCREA Alvin over garments was suDstuurea. iien erous premiums were offered for ex hibits from Ked Cross auxiliaries, awards to be placed on a score-card basis. All classes in home economics were "Hooverized." One of the especially in teresting features will be a class for "war menu" for a family of four for . ... . , . - . I ur.r.' one weeK. auss tana u. juiun, iiumu i of Vancouver, Wi demonstrator, win nave cnurKe o exhibit of home-made "laborsavers1 women and the Federal Food Adm tratlon will have a graphic exhibit on food conservation. C. Ryrlen. 19. 305 Pkldmore street, and Dorothy McCrea, 19, 399 Fargo street. SKIDMORE-JOHNBOX J. Arthur Skid more. 27. 1076 East Morrison street, and Charlotte Johnson. 19, 1088 East Alder street. McCARL-GUSSETT Andrew Mccari. 27. 305 Grand avenue and Helen Gussett, 26, 146 Vermont streel Vaneonver tarriage Llcenam. GEROW-METCVi-F Jesse H. Gerow. St. h., and Helen C. Metcalf, half-story frame residence, 904 Alblna ave nue, betneen Masou and Skldinore; builder, same; $250. C. E. ALTORFER Erect frame garage. 9i0 Brooklyn, between Thlrtv-thlrd and Richmond; Robert Hardwlck,. builder; flirt. C F, PEP'LEY Repair one-story frame residence, 10::3 East Salmon, between Thlrtv fourtb and Thlrty-liith: builder, same; fldo. MR. JOHNSON Erect frame garage, 131.1 East Harrison, between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth; Foresman & lluyal, builders; $ 1.10. KATE E. SLEMMONS Repair two-story frame residence, 774 East Couch, between Twenty-second and Twenty-fourth ; builder, same. $200. MRS. FRANCIS ELLIS Erect frame ga rage. 7.14 Michigan avenue, between Fre mont and Beech streets; builder, L. Langos: J30. J. VESTEL Wreck one-and-one-hnir-story residence, 353 Thirteenth street, be- ' tween Market and Montgomery: O. K. and Rose City Wrecking Companies, wreckers: flO. ED. HOT.MAN Wreck two-storv frame residence, 3S7 Third street, between Mont gomery and Harrison; O. K. and Rose City Wrecking companies, wreckers; fltoii. L. KNUTSON Erect frame garage, 170 W. Wiuchell street, between Aubrey and unaware; ounar, same; s-io. FRANK H. DAVIS -Erect frame garage, 828 Commercial, between Falling and Sh:tver; builder, same; fTl. FOSTER & KLElSElt CO. Erect semi fireproof billboard. Goldsmith, between Al blna and Borthwiok: builders, same; f.10. FOSTER & KLEISER CO. Erect seml flreproof billboard. Corbett street, between Terwilliger and boundary; builders, same; $.10. FOSTER & KLEISER CO. Erect semi fireproof billboard. Lombard street, between Exeter and Portsmouth avenues; builders, same; $.1rt. FOSTER A KLEISER CO, Erect semi fireproof billboard. 116 South Jersey, be tween Burlington and Leavltt streets; builders, same: $.10. NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. Erect one-story fireproof concrete gener ator and boiler building, foot 01' Lincoln street; builders, same: $1.1,000. EDWARD A. RE I NECK. Erect frame pa rage. 78 East Sixty-fifth street North, be tween Davia' and Flanders; builder, same; $50. JAMES J. WINTERS Erect frame ga rage, 1116 South Gresham, between Burr and Ida; builder, same; $.10. NATIONAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Alter one-story brick ordinary boiler-room. 16-18 East Water, between East Wasntns tnn and East Stark; BiUKhajii-McClellaud Co.. builders: $:ou. M. D. WALSH Alter one-story frame residence. 4421 Eighty-third avenue South east, between Forty-t'ourtli and Lance ave nue; builder, same: $7.1. L. THERKEI.SEN ESTATE Repair two story brick ordinary stores and rooms, 1tt Third street, between Taylor and Salmon; H. W. Garland, builder; f.10. J. Z. WHITE Alter three-story frame stores and rooms, Ms North Third street, between Everett and Davis; A. D. Muodie, builder; $100. J. LOG1E RICHARDSON Erect frsm. garage, 1190 East Tenth street North, be tween Jarrett and Church; builder, same; $.10. ELLEN A. FRAI.EY Erect frame gars era. 485 Harrison, between Fourteenth and fiix teenth: W. D. Fralev. builder: $4nn. pf Vancouver, Wa.' h., ant of an 21. of Vancouver. Wash, rs" for K ELTON-LYON ? Frai minis- J' Ellensburg VYish., ar Frank B. Helton. 26. and Ethel L. Lyons, 17. of Portland. ' MASTERS-CLARK Fred Master. 85,- of Battle Ground, VS ash., and Eva May work, 21, of Brush Prairie. Wash. v WILLIS-HAMILTON Ira L. Willis, 21. or Portland, and Bertha A. Hamilton, 17, of Wheeler. Or. NICHOLS-SCHMEI.ZER Harold 8. Nlch- nla. 24. of Coeur d Alf na. Idaho, and tlma Raymond Sini Dies of I'ncumonia e. sciumeizer. n, 01 nana nana, itu. 1 jsuliaing fermits. at iort Stevens Sunday. I mrs. d. s. tobias Repair one-story brick ordinary store. 104 jsortn four teenth street, between Gllsan and Flanders VT-niTJCI? nr. TTeh 27. fSneeift.1.1 I Gnorire Kinnear. builder: $300. rr-, j.u e c.v-mnnil Slmc of Rat- FLEISCHNEK KSTATb Alter one ana EUGENE TWINS SEPARATED two-etory brick ordiuary atoree. 144 Third iP. XI. tery C, 5th Artillery, at J-on ftievens, str;et . between Morrison and Alder last Sunday nrougnt. to iiuianii oima, Brandes. builder; $85. his twin brother, tne separation wnicn the boys feared would result from Army service. Kaymond Sims' death resulted from J H PENNY Erect frame garage, 5B5 East Morrison, between East Thirteenth and East Fourteenth streets; J. H. Neuman, builder; $6.1. A. D. MOOIJIrJ rtepair two-story irame pneumonia. He is survived by his I residence. 37 East Twenty-second street, be mother, Mrs. Dora Sims; live Drotners, J. K. Sirni, of Eugene: Leo Sims, of Bel- lingham. Wash.; Robert Sims, of Peoria tween Pine and Ash streets; J. H. Neuman, builder; $600. GAY LOMBARD Alter six-story fire nrnnf reinforced concrete bank and office J. V. Sims, Portland; Roland Sims, of building, Fifth street, between Oak a.nd Fort Stevens; two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Nicholson, of Donna, and Mrs. "William Nutter, of Medford. i ' RECEIVER IS APPOINTED stark! fills Elevator Company, builder; $600. J. N. ATTE RBI-TRY Wreck one-and-one-half-story frame barn, 3I16 East Thirty-second street, between East Harrison and East Grant; wrecker, same: $25. - - . - . . OUREN ESTATE Alter seven-story brick ordinary store building. 2S6-2S8 Washing ton street, between Fourth and Fifth; L. t. Horn, builder; $fi"0. MR ELLING Erect frame garage, 48 Western Condensed Milk Corupani Bat Ninth .irty etf To,ri Lark of Market. EDWARD M. RElNfc-K trect irame ga- u. . rage.'OSO East Twenty-elgntn srreet jortn. between Going and Wygant; builder, same; NEWBEr.G, Or., Feb. 27. (Special.) Soj a. STROWBRTDGE Repair three-story The Western Condensed Milk Com- brink ordinary market and rooms. 227 Yani- pany, owned by the Logan Commercial ."Jj',,"" . Company, of Seattle, went Into the X'buRG Repair one-story frame dwell hands of a receiver today. Archie Seely, in(. Dekum. between East Fifteenth and local capitalist, was appointed receiver East Seventeenth streets; builder, same: $12.1. local. pi ii.oi' xu F. TH I B A IT Erect frame garage, 26.1 Go by Circuit Judge Bell. , . ing street, between Williams and Vancou Proceedings were brought against ver East Side Carpenter Shop, the company by the Oregon Dairymen's builders; $00. . Leaarue for unpaid milk claims and E. J. CLAYSON Repair one-story frame asking that a receiver be appointed. and Morri: builder, same: $.10. R. O. Van OsdaL, manager, says the l. J. DeKEATER Erect frame residence. delav in the Payment Of milk claims Ur.9 East Forty-first street North, between .....r ioo i,u- havlntr their canned Tillamook and Thompson; builder, same; waa ui;vaoivv j 1 VMaTiowal. cif y faHK ! Safety and Yield In Investments TVTANY short-term notes of ample security offer, ' at present prices, an un usually liberal yield. Well-known issues of such securities can now be bought at prices to yield from 5.60 to well above 7. Send for Circular OR-1S6 The National City Company CtrwpinAtnt Ofictt in Cities Portland, Hallway Ex. Bldg. Bonts-Short J erm notem-Aceaptmncn . TRAVELERS' ODIDE. stock tied up. owing to congestion In freight shipments. Stewart's Reappointment Favored. SALEM, Or., 'Feb. 27. (Special.) The State Banking Board has con firmed the reappointment of Charles H. Stewart aa state .banking examiner. The appointment was made today by the newly-elected superintendent Will H. Bennett. Mr. Stewart was a candi date for the place of superintendent in opposition to Mr. Bennett. A. A. Schramm, who has been clerk in the officu of the superintendent, was also 1:1.100. R. TRACEY Erect frame garaget 922 Missouri avenue, near Skidmore; builder, same; $40. IRWIfX-HODSON CO. Repair two-story brick ordinary factory. 520-526 Olisan. be tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth; N. CY Paul sen, builder: $200. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT & POW ER COMPANY Erect two-story frame ma chine shop. Front street, between Nlcolai and Colton; builder, same: $s0. CARRIE MEYERS HERRMAN Repair one-story frame residence, 366 Tillamook, between t'nlon avenue and Rodney; builder. Mr. Loumillder: $.10. CARRIE MEYERS HERRMAN Repair one-story frame residence, 862 Tillamook, between Union avenue and Rodney; builder, Mr. Loumillder: $-10. It. E. AIE.N'EFEE Repair one-and-one- leamshjp Gk ?l IX Third St. Main . 11 ALASKA .T .. wnniall. Juneau. Douglas. Slinks. Sk.away. Cordova. Vald. feaward and Anchorage. CALIFORNIA via Seattle or ban Francisco to taea Angeles and baa Diego direct. Largest ahips. unequaied service, low rate In cluding basrla and meal, alak reservation S. S. ROSE CITY SAILS 3 P. M. FRIDAY. MARCH 1. FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles The Ran Francisco A Portland S. S. Co.. Third and Washington Si. (with O.-W. K. N. Co.) TeL Broadway 45C0. A 612L Ay STRALIA Regular sailing frsm Vaneonver. B. C, by tba Palatial Passenger Steamer of th Canadian-Australuan Royal Mull Line. For full Information apply Can. Pac Rail way. 65 Third St.. Portland, or General Agent, 449 bej muur St.. amcouvcr. li. C