TTTC MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, TIITJRSDAY, FEBKUART 2S, 191S. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OUCONUX TELEPHONES. VnIn Editor .......... Vln TTO, A enO'l l' fcunor ................Mala lorn. A f'mj.i Editor ! 7'T. A '" A4vrcisn lprt m.a I . .Mela ToTO. A tu(iututut butxiins.Mia Ix;a. A awe AMISEMEXTS. Va.c'. ead le- CBPHCTV Braiw.s el Taylor: vil.e. TB: aXlesevoa al SJO Ml at S.ii. BAKER Broadway ar Sixth. katwMa Al r .ae Mamswa Alcaaar h.ocfc Coin pair la "t'r-.aauac CbMUn" TuaKtit al PaNTAOM Braa4wev at AI4ar Vaa1o We. Tax. iUi tfall. 2i. T aad i- BTPrODROMB (Broadway at Tamhlll Vaadovula aad avtni pictures. 3 ta ft: a i ta II P. M. katardaja, fcuDJajs, boa eaja, aoauniwua. 1;1 la 11 P. M. f TR A V D (WaaMaston nm. batwaaa Park and VTast f ark VauU.slUe and meTin( ptctorsa. Conila.ooa, LTRIC irawna aad Fiark) Maalcal com ady. daily, aderaawe u4 alchk ICr kink (Twoatv.rirM aad Meraball) Aftaraooaa aad alahta. TUP. ITT TAiIPS and WAR SAVING 3 STAMPS OO Sale at Business Of flea. Or ron la a. hoary loggias; o pa rat or, of Hoqulam. Wuh, la at tha Benson. J. B. Franklin, of Loa Angeles, la at tba Rita. IL L. Snider, of Clalakanle. la at tha Cornelius. A. C Wllbar, of Albany, la at tha Multnomah. William Smith, ,of Chicago, 111, la at the Carlton. F. L. Hurley, of Wasco, la registered at tha Rita. F. H Newto. of Saa Francisco, la at tha Portland. L. S. Murray, of Tacoma. Wash, la at tha Portland. Dal Wood, of Vaaeouver, 'Waeh.. la at tha Eaton. O. C Setber. of Glendale. la reglatered at tha Oregon. J. L. Dougherty, of Seattle, Waah, la al tne sienaou. WlUlam B. Burna. of Spokane, Waah la at tba Eaton. Jullu. Parker, of Seattle. Wash, la at tha Portland. IL H. Mingle, of New Tork City. la at tha Washington. Hmutl Gal Land, of Spokana, Waih. la at tha Banaon. OREGON IS PHASED Rev. J. S. Lowe Lauds Part State Is Taking in War. "Caaa Wtn Orpk OiautDca In response to a request for a set of the California motor registration book, whfch be wished to hare for assistance In ruanicg down stolen automobiles from that e'ate. Sergeant of I'ollce Krvia yesterday race i rod word from tha state Printer there that be might bare a aat for ft. "Cash with order" was atamped on tha postal. Just to Im the sergeant with the need of tna coin, which, however, will not be ent. Tha police will adopt a w should worry" poller regarding Cali fornia cara that may h stolen. Saw FaAwciaCAW to Srcas. Rev. II. IL Kelaer. of Han Franelco, will apeak oa the war and missions at tha Atkln og Memorial Church. Eaat Everett and Twentr-alnlh street, thla evening at T 41 o'clock. L)r. Kelaer. aa tha coast representative of the oldest foreign sntsaionarr board In tha eoantry. baa unusual facilities for vettins; facts from forelcn lands and from a larae etperteace will dtscuae the outlook for aniaalona aad the effecta of the war upon protaataat effort la many coun ters. AajrrwiAW to Uaru "Armonlan education and Utarature" will be tha subject for the third of tha serlaa of lectures gtven at the T. W. C. A. to-a:.-ht from T ta T.J4. Mrs. IL X Car toiian. wbo la a native of Armenia, will be tba speaker. These lectures are Informal aad are developing much In forest. Last week's talk waa upon "Armenian Customs and Home Ldfe. fives by Mlsa Ilaael Cartaalan who ably deaenbed tha marrlaara customs and ceremonies of her native land. IJExirrr Cowcaar Naaa. Aa anticl pate4 event la the grand concert to be given Frl.lav ntght In tha White Temple for the British Red Cross. Tha entire affair ta planned by the Cambrian So ciety. aa organisation of the Welah people of Portland. 8omi of Port land a leading singera will participate. Tha addresa will ba made by Dr. K. IL Pence and Ilopkla Jen klna will welcome an Important patriotic affair and tba AUTO DRIVERS UNDER BAN Farnaa CIU Tfl - r Toxioht BB,llleM of Certain 3Icn la Prohlb Itav. Father E. V. O Kara will speak on I , "InduatrUl Ptare" al a meeting under I th ansplcea o tha Portland Chapter! Intercoiletafe Socialist Society to be held In room A of the Publio Library tonight, lie la tha third speaker In cura of I'Cturta oa different phases of world democracy. Others who have lectured In the course are: Rabhl Jonah K Wise and Prfeesor J. K. Hart, of Heed College. Toalght'a meeting be- gtaa at o'clock. Owtwij to war demanda tha T. M C. A. department of education will pen Ita school of automobile engi aeering to women by conducting even ing classes, for women only. In the con ' ruction and operation of automobiles. All women wbo own cars and all wbo drive, or are desirous of driving them. sFiould avail themselves of this op portunity. Claasea will atart March Riater now al tie T. M. C. A., aa O. Rosa and Mra. Koaa, of Dnfur, are at tha Cornelius. Dr. W. A. Raymond, of Pendleton, ta at lha Multnomah. Adlm Dtehl. of Chicago. CL, la regis tered at the Perkins. rr. A. H. Chapman, of Washington. D. C. la at tha .aton. Htnry C Bender, of Astoria, la regie tered at tba Cornelius. Herbert Wttherspoon, of Spokana. ffuli, la at the Benson. Mrs. M. H. Hurt her. of Minneapolis, Minn Is at tha Nortonia. W. O, Mills and Mra. Mills, of Hood River, are at tha Seward. Mrs. A. W. rtencer. of Gardiner, la reentered at the rieward. Thomas Copeland. of Walla Walla, Wash., la at tha ImperlaL ' A. Evert and Mrs. Evert, of Seattle, Wash., are at the Carlton. F. H. Flnley. of Spokane. Wash, Is registered at tha Multnomah. C H. Kopp and Mrs. Kopp, of Mc- Mlnnt Uie. are at tha Washington. P. Brents and Mra. Brents, of Belling- bam. Wash, are at tha Nortonla. C A. Taylor and Mra Taylor, of Camas, Wah. are at tha ImperlaL & n. Klngsley and Mra. Klngsley, of Seattle. ash, ara at tha ImperlaL C. S. Jackson and Mra. Jackson, of Tacoma, ash, ara at tba Perkins. IL O. Burns and Mra Burns, of Brooks, ara registered at tha Eaton. State Senator E. D. Cualck. a banker of Albany, la regletered at tha ImperlaL J. T. Williamson and Mrs. William son, of La Grande, are at tha Cornellua. Jamea Schurg and family, of Enter prise, ara reglatered at tha Washing ion. E. W. Hansen and Mra. Hansen, ef Jtnokane. WaslL, ara registered at the Nortonla. James K Wright and Mra Wright, of Minneapolis. Minn, ara registered at tha Portland. W. I". Dooglaa and Mrs. Douglas, of Marshfleld. ara at tha Carlton. Mr. iKJuglaa la a prominent attorney of tha coos bay section. Lieutenant C. C Jeremiah and M Jeremiah, of Eugene, are at the Mult nomah. The Lieutenant la Instructor of the ordnance daaa la tha University of Oregon. SPEAKER ON TOUR OF U. S. Prod action of Shlpi Declared to Be Important Step Toward Victory, America Will Xever Succumb to Militarism, Is Belief. Ited br City ConnclL Automobile drivers making a busi ness of carrying men to places occu pied by women of HI fame cama under official ban yesterday when the City Council, at request of Mayor Baker, passed a atrtngent ordinance prohibit ing tba practice. The ordinance waa prepared by Fed eral agents. It has been found that j several diivera In Portland ara doing tha business of transporting men to tnesa Immoral places. Tha Federal Government haa been particularly In terested In prohibiting this practice as f a r a o soldier and draft men ara con- rrrnea. but tna measure covers men and womea both la and out of the Army. On a tour of the Faclflo Coast, In tha Interesta of his denomination and of tha third liberty loan, la Rev. John Smith Lowe, of Boston, field head of tha L'nlversallst Church In America, who la now at the Hotel Benson. "Coming aa I do, from tha heart of New England. said Dr. Lowe yester day, "where patriotism la very intense. am rejoiced to discover that Oregon doing lta part ao gloriously In the mighty atruggle that holda ua In Its grasp. Oregon a sons ara among the best of those who are going 'over there. "Oregon Is producing ships," he con tinued, "and that la what is going count. Every keel laid down brine ua three miles nearer to victory. W can aend 800,000 men across tha wate and, for want of ships, send them to slaughter and defeat. Bnaberw Meaa Victory. Or we can aend over 2,000,000 men and with an adequate fleet of ship send them to victory; and their victory In tba long run will ba a greater bless Ing to Germany than the triumph o her own trmi would bring. Which ball It beT Those who hamper our war Indus tries and hinder the Government by un American utterances, which stop little short of treason, ara firing a volley straight at tha backs of our brave soldiers who ara at tha front. "Wa are fighting to preserve what our forefathers fought to win liberty and tha right to govern ourselves. They left their pulpits and their pews to die for freedom and they were quite aa Christian with their muskets on their soldiers aa they were In their lemplea of worship. MUltaiiaaa e Feared. "I am not obsessed with a fear that wa will ourselves succumb to militar ism. The natural Inclination of democracy la In tha opposite direction. A demoracy can be trusted not to err In this respect. When a people reluo tant to fight ara compelled to make war. there la no danger of militarism In their victory. The danger of mill, tarlsm Ilea In their defeat. Our war Is righteous because It la not for our selves alone but for humanity. "Our flag la no longer Just the American flag It la tho world'a flag. It floata aide by aide with the French trl-color, with the British union Jack, standing not for annexation and In demnity, but for humanity. Soma day It will float beside tha German flag signifying that wa are all free from autocratic rule, and united In a world brotherhood, an International democ racy. Dr. Lowe will speak Sunday morning at tha First L'nlversallst Church, East Twenty-fourth and Broadway, at 11 o'clock. WAR ItTERMS 1PPEI RELIEF OP WIDOWS AXD ORPHANS URGED IPO.X CONGRESS, Step Lively Men Right this way for some genuinely in terestingr SHOE BARGAINS S3.85 It's a season-end clean-up of men's and young men's Shoes HALS TON'S, most of them, in large and small sizes and some in intermediate sizes. Button and lace in black and tan. Some in pat ent leather. Bargains, did you say? Well, just give a thought to present-day Shoe prices and you decide quickly this is an unusual opportun ity. At $3.85 they should lose no time in finding wear ers. See our windows. Items charged today billed April L Tha Kuppenhelmer House In Portland. MORRISON at FOURTH Gus Kuhn, Pres. 8. & H. Stamps Given l.Va' .r." I II li l .'iVC; Inr tlm of train, applicant must remit to cover apace reserved, and upon receipt I of such remittance aleeplny car or parlor! car tickets must be mailed to applicant. Redemption of tickets Sleeping; and par lor car tickets may be surrendered and r- dem(l aa follows: Tickets for redemption must be presented I to seuins; ticket avent and stamped "space I releaj-ed" before tna departure of tha train I for which sold. Tickets so presented may be redeemed by iMrtf ticket event If presented as follows: Lp to 6:30 P. M. of day prior to depar ture of trains leaving before soon the fol-1 lowlnr dsy and three hours before depar ture or all other trains. Otherwise tickets must be forwarded fori redemption, with explanation of non-use to. general ticket agent, Pullman Company. Chi cago, in. Refunds unless space Is relessed as here in provided for no refund will be made, ex cept where tickets are unused on account of I illness of passengers or missing connection. I Tickets sold for trains that are abandoned mar be redeemed as provided in section 4. I v nere toe accommodations covered bv the I ticket are not available ticket will be re deemed Dy the aeillng stent, by the sleep ing car conductor on the train for which so:o. or as provided in section 4. Tickets purchased for resale will not be reaeemea. Hazelwood 50 Cent Dinner Serred 5 to 8:30 Menu Chansied Daily Scotch Mutton Broth or Vegetable Soup Baked Halibut, Spanish Sauce or Boiled Beef, Horseradish Sauce or Breast Veal, Apple Sauce Potatoes in Cream String Beans Sugar Peas Bread and Butter Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream Coffee Tea Milk Special Steak Dinners No. 10 Small Steak, Country Gravy, Potatoes, Bread, Butter and Coffee 45c No. 11 Hazelwood Old-Fashioned Steak, Pota toes, Bread, Butter and Coffee 50c No. 12 Special Sirloin Steak, Potatoes, Bread, Butter and Coffee 75c I The Multnomah Hotel Puts Its Guests in fine trim for a day of Business It serves a Fine 50c Luncheon rr Hazelwood Sunday Dinners Are a Real Pleasure We Serve a Generous Table d'Hote Dinner 12 to 8:30 P. $1.00 Per Plate Also a Complete a la Carte Menu. The S&WARD Is a new, modern and elegantly appointed hotel, possessing one of the most beautiful corner lob btes in the Northwest. Located at 10th and Alder sta. opposite Olds, Wort man A King's big department store. In heart of retail and theater district. Rates. 91 and up. Bus meets all trains. "W" car also runs from Union Depot direct to Hotel 6 E WARD W M. SEWARD. Prop. GARDEN RALLY SUNDAY MEETING TO BE HELD AT ATTDI- TOBICM AT 2:30. The Hazelwood Band of 100 Pleea ta Donate Services aad Prominent Men to Dlacnaa Special Phaaea of Subject a. Seoat Toama- Camp JSm. 2 AaopU ftrvmg Reaalatloaa aaa Farwarda Tkesa to Oregon DelearaUoa. tha class will bo l,m.te4 la number. PLANT FUFL TO RP STflRFD a, .u i 4t snnnthlr minister Mivrsnaa 'ru. Mnrr. Tha reanlar meollns; of lha Comrrecational of the city will be held In tie small parlor of the Toonc Men s ChrMttan AsencUtlon Monday at I JO 1. M. It I TP--ted that Kev. Huah rlley. of MontreaL who la to supply tie pnlptl ef lha First Conrreaatlonal Church for several months, will be the speaker. I -r. rdljr'a church In Mont real haa seal eii of lta men to tha front. Me, TTjra Joamaow Ptaa Mra. Ifanoa Johnson dtl Wednesday morn l- at tba home of her daughter. Mrs. TAlUlam Kennrlt. Hi Hancock street, at the aaa of TI veare. after an Illness of eicbt Binrtths. ha waa bora In an V.'rt. O,. December SO. st. and came t- Porttand In HII. She Is the widow ef the late Jathen P. Johnson and ta sirvtved br a brother. LJifvl Wells, f this city. Crrt ErxT I m'-rcrv Da n C. 0'nly. a cltr employe, was Indicted f r aa alled criminal attack on his l!-yar-old atrpdauabter In a report made yesterday by th crand Jury. His ball was flied, at !). which ba baa fta anabla to obtain. City Coandl Grants Privilege Electric Instil Companies. to Both ef Portland's electrta llrht com panics obtained permi.oslon from tba City Council yesterday to store fuel near their steam electric planta for use during the comlnc Hummer In operat. Ins; these planta durlna tha low. water perioda The foe will consist of sawdust. shsvioas and other waste from lumber mills, which will be hauled Into tha rlty by the companies In carload lot The rompanlea hare made a survey of water conditions and have found that snow la the mountains Is low and streams probably will be Inad'uate lata In the Summer to operate all tha hjdro-electrlc planta. REFUND IS NOT GRANTED Star Rand Company Not to Rrceive 1410 Imposed at Fine for Delay. PERSONAL MENTION. X. O. Cote, ef Molalla. la at the Rita. C L French, of Bead, ta at tba Ore. B. Sears, ef McCoy, la at tha Or. T. con. Fred Jones, ef Albany, la at tha Per kins. F. M Foster, ef Clackamas, la at the Kits. C. . Davis, ef Newport, la at the Or con. F. Av Coffin, ef Monmouth, ta at the Seoard. n. B. Johnson, ef Astoria, la at tha f award. Joita C. Piatt, ef Enterprise, Is at the F.rhtna. Harry Asbahr. ef Corral: Is. la at the Coritoo. Alex Poison. Ftate Kenator and a Tha Ftar Fend Company failed yes terday to g't a refund of IIH0, the amount of flnee Imposed against tha company for delays In completing pav. lag contracts several years ago. The vote oa th refund question waa four to one. Commissioner Kellaher alone voting for the measure. Mayor Baker previously had sup ported the claim ef the company, stal ing thst he considered an Injustice had hern done In Imposing the penalties. However, be failed to aupport tho or dinance yesterday. Oout Toung Camp No. S. of tha Cnlted Spanish War Veterans, has adopted resolutions and forwarded the same to the Oregon delegation In Con gress. urging the passage of the Key bill for tha relief of wldowa and orphans of Spanish-American war veterans. Tha resolutions were drawn by a committee of three. John C. Shll lock. Jamea McCarren and Elmer Lund burg, and were approved by Richard Deich. commander. "We. the undersigned committee on resolutions. reada the appeal to the Oregon delegation, "appointed by Scout young Comp No. Z. Lnited Spanish War Veterans, which camp comprises a membership of approximately 600 vet- eras s who volunteered tneir services to the country at tha lima of the Spanlsh-American War, believe that the unnecessary hardships endured by lha eoldlera at that time were caused by tha criminal negligence of tha War Department by reason of the lneftl clency In not providing sanitary con (11- tlona and proper food and abetter lor the protection of these men. As a re suit of this inefficiency In not provid ing sanitary conditions many of these soldiers died prematurely, leaving wldowa and orphans who ara today ex Istlng In dire distress and ara In need of aid and protection. "Therefore, tha members of Ecout Toung Camp No. 3 agree that It la your patriotic duty to use your utmost en deavora and energlea to enact at this sVn of Congress tha Key bill In order that tha wronga of these wldowa and orphans may. In a measure, be righted." Arrangements are now complete for he big war garden rally, to be held n the Auditorium on Sunday after noon, opening at Z:30. with a concert by a band of 100 pieces, volunteers from the Milcians Union, led by Dud ley nuntintrion Mcuosn. Among the speakers announced for the rally, each of whom will discuss some special phase of war gardening, re oeorge u. JJaKer. Mayor of Port land; W. K. Newell, assistant Federal food administrator for Oregon: John E. Cooter, garden supervisor of Port land schools; C Lv. Smith, agrlculturis for the Union Pacific, and Rev. Oswald Taylor, secretary of the Patriotic Con servation League. Judge R. G. Mor row will preside at the rally. Features of tha programme will ba the congregational singing of "Amer ica and "Tha Star-Spangled Banner,' led by a chorua of several hundred voices, with band and pipe organ ac companlment. Mra. Jane Burns Albert and John Claire Montieth will give vocai solos. The Importance of this rally cannot be over-estimated," asserts Ferdinand E. Reed, director of the drive, under authority of the War Emergency Coun ciL "Every cltisen of Portland who will be able to cultivate a war garden or who Is at all Interested in this pa triotic work, should be present." 388 Washington St, Broadway Hazelwood 127 Broadway. Instant Service in the Coffee Shop, 126 Park St S Visiting Buyers o in Portland Should First Find . Their Way to Hotel r Cornelius RATES. A DAY AND I P C. ,W. Corneliiits President, tf. . 1-let tier, Manager. Park and Alder, 1'wrUaiid, Or. , Special rates by the week or month - Mm A Professor of Medicine On Internal Batbs huvl Horace T Dodge. M D. Profeaaor ef i 'tria Med:ra. writes Dr. Cheriee A. lirr.ll. of rw lark, as follows. "1 ua tru'hfuKy say inal 1 have had tr very bsl raaulta la my experience Eth tne M. H. I "aacade lou car tainly have etruc the keynote of many a . . Br meana ef the "J. R. t Cascade" S'mpl. warm water cleanses the lower tnteatine the entire length, remove, ail t... potaonoua waste and keep. It ciaan and pare, as Nature demands it shall t for perfect hoalth. Vuti will lv astonl.ihed at your feel- Ing the morning axt.r taking an In t'rual bath with the "J. B. L. Cascade." Ton will feel bright, brisk, confident and aa though everything la working feat and It la. It remove, constipation and prevent. Aato-lotoxtcaiion. Woo.lard. Clarke A Co. Portland. Or, will show and eiplaln the J. U. L. aa cade" to you. and will alao rive you T on riuet a mo.t Inter. ting bookl.t. "Why Man of Today 1. only & 4 K.ticlent." by L'r. Chaa A. TyrrelL of Vew York. spc!alit on Internal IdaLb Inf. Ask for It today. Adv. SEWING MACHINES NEEDED The nnlt cf the Patriotic Conserva tion Lea cue. which has been meeting In the Pre.byteriaa Church, haa been of fered, throurh the courtesy of the University Club, the use of the Millard room. The next meeting in Tuesday evening will be held at the University Club room. We are In urgent need of sewing machines, and ladlea who will donate the use of their machines will kindly telephone Mra. IL T. Tlatt. Broadway Itll. mornings. Tha clvll- armente to be made are to be d over to the American Fund for the French Wounded, co-partners of the Red Cross la France. Adv. NEW ORDERS ARE OUT SLEEFIXO AND PARLOR CARS ARE AFFECTF.D Br RULING. MELBA MAIL ORDERS. Malt orders are now being received by Steers at Corns n, Columbia Bldg.. for Mm. Melba concert, at Helllg. next Thursday. Floor $1 SO. II; BaL IS. S1.S0. II: GaL. res.. II. plus 101 war tax. Seat sale opena at Helllg Satur day morning 10 o'clock. Adv. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our frlanda for their kindness and sympathy In our recent sad loss, the death of our nephew and Cou.ln. Chas. Rrewlck: alao for the many beautiful flowers. 3kIRS.NKUl.IF CAFKAtO MRS. JOHN HAKT. MKS. HAHRT AVERT. RAY rAKk'AIJ. Ada. REX CAFF ALL atloaa Hereafter Meat Be Paid ..for Whsi Made, tlxce.tlag Where Tickets Caaaet Be scared. New rulea and regulatlona affecting sleeping-car and parlor-car reserva tions will become effective for the Pa cific Coast Statea on March L according to orders lasued Tueaday by all roads to their agents. Identical regulations are already In force In the East, where they became effective on February 20. Railway lines which are members of the Trans- continental Passenger Association, comprising practically all roads west of the Missouri River, elected to place the new rulea In effect on Friday of this week. Notifications- sent by William Mc- Murray. general passenger agent of the O.-W. RAN. Company, to ticket agenta of that line, embrace the re quirements of the new regulations, and are aa followa: The following rules and regulations re garding sleeping car and parlor car rrserva- lions will govern, errrrtive aiarcn l. mis: Ks.rvatioos fe.eepins and parlor car rwrvatloaa must be paid for wh.n made. excepting reservation, mane by telegraph. telephone or mall rrom outalue points where tickets cannot be secured. When reaerva- tlon. .r. mad. by teleirraph. telephone or mall for persons at out. id. point, and ther. la .ufflcl.nt tim. between to. tim. appltca uoa la made aad received aad the depart. Game Warden Shoemaker of Forgiving Disposition. State Official Advlaea Penitent One te "(. aad Sta JVe More." OTATB Game Warden Shoemaker la O becoming quite accustomed to visits and correspondence from penitent law breakers. Hla latest aeeker after abso lution writes from an Eastern Oregon town to state his offense and aslc that he be put right with the world: "You may think me somewhat pecu liar as you reaa tnis letter, but I feel that I must write it. I wanted to see you personally, but am obliged to write Instead. "I have become a Christian and have been straightening up the past aa new light cornea along my pathway. I ex pect, by the grace of God. to keep true, so whatever the charges are agalnat me, I'll try in aome way to square them up. "I killed a couple of China pheasanta on our place and Oregon quail on an other man's place about Ave or elx years ago. Have run deer a few times with a dog three to six years ago. Don't remember how many times, but not over four times, I'm quite sure. I fished some without a license four or five years ago. Don t remember what I caught or whether I caught any. Tours truly. ." "What did you aay In answer?" the warden was asked. For answer the official presented a copy of a letter. typewritten sheet were the words, and sin no more." At the bottom of the I and Montana who had never seen a big Go, Ich ARMY CALLS FOR MINERS Experts Desired for Regiment Help. In France. to Jlinera of the Northwest and those who have had experience aa miners are sought aa recruits by the 319th Engl neers. an Army unit now forming. The 319th Engineers is organizing at Camp Fremont, In California: Volun teers and eligible men of draft age wishing to enter the contingent should communicate with Major J. A. Dorst. room 1012, Santa Fe building, San Fran cisco. Cal. In addition to the miners tnere is special need for draftsmen, workers skilled In concrete, instrumental sur veyors, topographical sketchers and electricians. PICTURES INTEREST BOYS Finley Lectures Are Popular With Camp Lewis Soldiers. The T. M. C. A. huts at Camp Lewis have had an added attraction this week in the series of moving picture lectures by William L. Finley. of the Oregon Fish and Game Commission. The lec tures were Illustrated by remarkable pictures of wild bird and animal life as well aa angling and hunting scenes. In the first reel Mr. Flnley showed a lively scene of a sportsman who had Just hooked a 40-pound Chinook? salmon in the swift waters below the falls at Oregon City. 'Hold him! Hold him!" yelled an ex cited soldier In the audience. Most of the listeners were boys from Wyoming Chinook salmon on a hook. "It all goes to show what the boys want." said the T. M. C. A. man In charge. "They ought to have more wholesome outdoor moving pictures and less of the ordinary stuff they see. Mr. Flnley's lecture and moving pictures ought to go to every camp in the coun try Ui Victrolas and Records J a s c h a Helfetz, the young Russian violinist who nas created a ver itable sensation in New Tork. has made records for the Victor. "Ave Maria. No. 74503. "Valae Bluette".. . . . No. 64758 "Chorus of Der- vishea"....No. 64759 We Also Have Todays "Long, Long: Trail," "Keep the Home Fire Burning," "It's Nice to Get l p In the Mornln By Harry Lauder. "Aloha Land," "Hawaii, I Love You." MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FORWARDED. VICTROLAS AXD RECORDS. G.F.JohnsonPmoCo. 140 Sixth, Near Morrison, Portlnnd. MEHLIN PACKARD BOND PIANOS. "Forging Ahead in Business" This free 112-page book 1. the one mentioned in all of our 'National ad vertising. It tella all about the Modem Busl aeaa Course aad Service sod what prominent men among 70.000 aubscrlb rs My about It. our Western Renreaentstlve, 8. D. Parker, eo N. W. Bank B;1(. Main V74. or ALFXAXDrTlt HAMIL TON INST1TTTK. Atr Place. New York. Write for this -Free Book today. Fancy Potatoes AND ONIONS $1.00 Per Sack 110 SECOND STREET Paoae Mala 6 HOTPOINT HEDLITE HEATERS Take the chill off the bedroom, bathroom or office. JOst press the button and you have instantaneous radiation whenever and wherever you want it. They are portable; can be used on any socket. Price $7.50 COMPLETE WITH CORD AND PLUG an aV ft wsjkjsbw- aa ELECTRIC CO SIXTH AT PINE. WE DELIYER- Palace Hotel 446 WASwrfOTOX STREET free: bus Rates From 75c to S3.00 Per Day. Near Shopping and Theater District. Absolute Cleanliness Throughout. A Moderate - Priced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD Eaat Morrison St. aad East Sixth. il.OO Per Day, S4-U0 a Week and TJp. iv PENCIL THE standard by P which all pencils are judged. 17 black degrees and 2 copy- j wg all perfect: xJM Anericaa Lead Pencil Co., N. T. -. EARN MORE A Few Months Spent at FOR1WAKD. Will Fit Von for Bigger Pay and Poaltloa. Lars-eat Business College la the Northweat, ENROLL ANY TIME. Write for Free Catalogue. A Poaitlon When Competent. tVERYTHINO rOPt THS OFFICE Office Furniture a Appliances Printing s Engra ving Bookbinding SUHSHAU. 60SO A654S riPTM OAK ST.CKT. POftTLANO. 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