Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 25, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. L VIII. NO. I7.8iS.
Florize! Hits Near Cape
Race and None Escapes.
He Swipe All Mr Girls," Explana
tion Made by Sojdier When
Taken to Station.
ro fight
Court Martial Imposes
Heavy Penalty.
Doomed Ones Appeal for Aid
to Helpless Watchers on
Shore, Until Engulfed.
Bodies of Few Washed to
Land Many Prominent
Persons Are Passengers.
ST. JOHN'S, N. F, Feb. 24 The
KeJ Cross liner Floriiei. from SL
I Johns for New York by way of Halt
tax, with 140 persons aboard, includ
lag 78 passengers, piled up on the
Mges near Cape Race during a bliz
zard today and it is believed that all
cn board were lost.
Naval gunners sent on a special
train from this city shot a line across
the bow of the partly submerged ship
tonight, but waited in Tain for it to be
bauied aboard.
Men Let Line Hang Loose.
, Just before darkness blotted the
wreck from view, five men, driven
Jrom the forecastle by the giant seas,
were seen to ctimb the forward rig
ging, signaling feebly for help. But
hen they failed to make fast the it was feared they had succumbed
to the cold and exposure.
Those five were the only ones risi
ble on board several hours after the
Hip struck.
Rescue Craft Stand By. -Somewhere
beyond the white mael
strom of breakers two staunch rescue
steamer?, the Terra Nova and the
Home, manned by New Foundland
sailors, lay in waiting for a favorable
moment to send a boat through the
surf, but, though the storm appeared
to be subsiding, it was feared that it
would be daybreak before the sea
moderated enough to make it possi
ble to approach the wreck.
Among the passengers were 1
women and four children. Among the
first cabin passengers were John
Shannon Munn, a managing director
ef the firm of Bowring Brothers, Ltd.,
owners of the liner, and his three-year-old
daughter, Betty. They were
going to New York to meet Mrs.
Munn and Sir Edgar Bowring, one of
the owners of the line, for avisit of
two month-: in Florida.
Six Cadets Aboard.
Six cadets of the Royal Flying
Corps, on their way from New Found
' land to join their com minds, were
aboard. The body of one of the de
tachment, Fred Snow, was among the
six washed ashore tonight. Another
New Foundland officer who, it " is
feared, was lost, was Major Michael
Sullivan, commanding the New Found-
land Forestry Battalion, .eturning to
, bis battalion, which now is in Scot
Captain Joseph F. Kean. one of the
bet commanders of the New Found
land sealing fleet, alsi sjj'ed on the
Florizel for Halifax, where he was to
take over his ship, The Sable, in
readiness for the seal fisheries next
Commercial Travelers Aboard.
I Thomas McNeil, head of the Mc
Murdo Drug Company, one of the
trading pharmacal concerns in the
colony, and Fred Smylhe, manager of
the New Foundland Woolen Mills,
were others in the passenger list.
All but three of the passengers are
natives of New Foundland. Three
commercial travelers, a Mr. Stevens
of New York; W. W. Dauphine, of
Montreal, and O. I Bcllevcau, of To
ronto, were on their way home.
The Florixel was a sister of the
steamer Stephano, which was sunk by
the German submarine U-53 off Nan-
Vii-ket, October 8, 1316-
She had been continued in the
service between St. Johns and New
York, but sines the United States
entered the war her movements had
Hot been given publicity.
Ship Valued at $1,000,000.
The Florirel sailed from here at 8
o'clock last night with a large num
ber of passengers and a cargo which
included 10,500 barrels of dry codfish
and herring for New York and 1200
8 AN RAFAEL, CaL. Feb. 24. (Spe
cial.) Every time Private Andrew Hol
man, of the lth Company. Coast Artil
lery, gets a girl. Private Carl Hansen,
of the same company, takes her away
from him. Holman told the police to
day, after attempting; to end his com-
- r . . . hMrf.hrrakr. on the
min .treet at j odock this morning. Qerman Kindred Held Higher
Holman Used a pint "" ,
for the occasion and. In the presence of I Than NatlVO Land
2S Interested soldiers, stabbed Hansen
eight times before the latter knocked
him out with a blow on the Jaw. Hol
man I In the county Jail and Hansen
la In a hospital.
"I took a girl :o a dance last night
Slid Introduced her to this fellow," Hol
man said today. "Then be up and cut
me out. He took her home, i met mm Daxtd A Menkes, 18th Infantry,
on the way DacK ana iriea 10 argue
with him. and we had a flght. This is
the second time he has palled that stuff.
He swiped a Berkeley girl I was going
to marry, and then kidded me about It."
According to Holman. the eight of
Hansen's "handsome mug" Is too much
trr ..T, that tiiHv. kv inMtrinffl And
v.nok .t.nin nn.liri.. that mav lie NEW YORK. Feb. 24. Captain David
concealed behind rather rough ex- A. Henkes. 16th Infantry. V. S. A.,
terlora. I has been sentenced to dismissal from
Hansen refused to discuss the affair. I service and confinement at hard labor
and said he would not prosecute. Both I for 25 years by a general court martial
men will be turned over to the military I held at Governor's Island,
authorities at Fort Baker. I Menkes, who Is of German descent.
endeavored to resign his commission.
dlUlMUnt llVirUrtlO dNUW relatives and friends.
Captain Henkes. who was stationed at
Two Carload lo Be Brought la for I San Antonio, Tex., last May, wrote to
Sentenced to Dismissal I'roio
Service and Confinement at
Hard Labor for 25 Tears.
Rig fkiclely Circus.
STOCKTON". Cat. Feb. 24. (Special.)
Two carloads of snow will be brought
here from the Feather River Canyon,
In the high Sierras, for a biff society
circus," which will be held during
this week-end.
Opposite the theater where the cir
cus will be staged there will be a row
of sideshows in what will be known! flirt with my relatives and friends,
as the "trenches" and at one of these I although for the time being my legal
there will be a large effigy of the I enemies." Captain Henkes wrote. "My
Kaiser, and snowballs will be aold to I father came from Germany. My mother
all who want to take a "swat at Bill. I waa born here shortly " after the ar
Other features are to be Included in I rival of her parents. We have many
th .festivities, at which the snow willlother relatives and friends there.
be used as a novelty. Enow falls here I -I cannot force myself to the convic
only one la a lifetime.
the Secretary of War, urging him to
accept the resignation, which he had
already submitted and giving reasons
which, he declared, would no longer
allow to him to serve as an officer of
the American Army.
Mtad Kt to Flsbt Geraaas.
"Further service as a commissioned
officer must sooner or later take me
to Europe and there bring me In con
Earl Brassy, Former jfember of
Parliament.. Dies-in London.
t!on that I am capable of making war
on jny kindred upon their soli In a
manner that would become my duty
and station." .
Resignation Agala I'rged.
Captain Henkes soon after he had
submitted his resignation, was ordered
to Francs with the American expedl-
LO.VDO.V. Feb. 24. Ths death of Earl tionary forces, and from his quarters
Braasey la announced. I mere. June z. jn. wrote 10 mo aqju-
tant-uenerai in s asningxon, caning ai-
Kart Brassey was a well-known au-I tention to the fact that he had re-
thority on naval subjects and was a signed, and declared that his battalion
former civil lord of the British Ad- commander, the Department Quarter-
miralty and president of the Institute master and the commanding officer of
of Naval Architects. He was born ths Southern Department had approved
February II, 1134. and was elected to his action.
Parliament In 1S65. la 189S he was Again on October 10, while still on
appointed Governor of Victoria, which duty in France. Captain Henkea wrote
office be held until 1900. another letter to the Adjutant-General
He was ths author of a five-volume in which he urged acceptance of his
work on the British navy, published In I resignation.
1S81. and was founder and first editor
of ths Naval Annual.
Communication .by Telegraph Be
tween Frontier and Las Canas In
terrupted, Nicaragua Reports.
SAN JUAN DEL SUR, Nicaragua,
Feb. 24. A revolution is In progress
in Costa Rica. Telegraphic communi
cation has been interrupted between
the frontier and Las Canas.
It is known that the towns of Ala
jiela. San Mateo and Heredia are in the
hands of revolutionists. It is reported
Las Canas and Punta Arenas probably
will fall shortly.
The present government of Costa
Rica came into power in consequence
of a revolution In January of last year.
President Gonzales was overthrown by
General Tinoco, who assumed the pres
Idcnry. The United States has not
recognized the Tinoco government.
Ex-president Gonzales and Germans
In Costa Rica and the United States
are said to have been concerned In
a plot to overthrow the government.
which was discovered by the Costa
Rican authorities last May.
Sniping by Federal Troops at Border
Patrols Must Cease.
EL . PASO, Tex., Feb. 24. Unless
sniping by Federal troops at American
border patrols ceases at once, retalia
tory measures will be carried out and
United States troops will be ordered
across the 11ns and exterminate the
snipers, who have been firing on Amer
lean patrols recently, it became known
here last night, following the shoot
ing of Captain Joseph N. Marx, of the
border patrol, this afternoon.
Captain Marx was riding along the
border in the eastern suburbs of the
city when he inadvertently crossed the
boundary line, which was not clearly
defined at that point. Mexican snipers
opened fire on the patrol at once, hit
ting Captain Marx in the leg.
Section Used by Tourists for Fark-
. ing Automobiles Obliterated.
HONOLULU. T. H., Feb, 24. Lava
from the bed of Kilauea volcano, on
ttie JsUnd of Hawaii, spread rapidly
Saturday In the main crater and at one
place overflowed and obliterated a sec
ion that had been -used by tourists
for parking automobiles.
Kllauea's lava bed has been fluctu
ating: greatly within the last two
weeks, and the disturbed state of the
volcano has caused tourists In great
numbers to visit the place.
Government Will Not Auempt to I
Control Clip for Year Is 18.
SALT LAKE CITT. Feb. 24. The Fed
eral Government will not tlx the price
of wool, according to information re
ceived here from S. W. McClure. secre
tary of the' National Woolgrowers
Association, who Is in Washington.
A number of reports had reached ths
woolmen of the West to the effect
that the Government, in all probability,
would undertake to establish a price
for the wool clip of 1S1S. and Secretary
McClure went to Washington to Inves
Oath ( Loyalty Violated.
Captain Henkes was then summoned
before a general court martial at Gov
ernor's Island, where he was formally
charged with violation of the 95th ar-
iConrluded on Page 3. Column 8. 1
New Yorker Arrives in California to
Train as Aviator.
SAN DIEGO, CaL. Feb. 24. John Pur
roy Mitchel, ex-Mayor' of New York,
now a Major in the aviation section.
Signal Officers' Reserve Corps, arrived
here yesterday with Mrs. Mitchel. Ma
jor Mitchel came here on orders of the
War Department to report for flight
duty to qualify as reserve military
Herbert Hoover Sends
Welcome Telegram.
Government Vessels Will Carry
. Grain to New York.
ShiDDlnc Board Undertakes to
Transport Excess Production of
Wheat and Flour From Pacific r
Ports to Atlantic Seaboard.
For wheatgrowers of the Pacific
Northwest, after long contention for the
justice of a price on parity with Chi
cago. there is gratifying assurance In
an official message from Herbert
Hoover, received yesterday by W. B.
Ayer, Federal Food Administrator for
Oregon, which definitely announces the
establishment of a 13.50 water rate
from Portland to New York, and an
approximate parity price.
Apparent disparity between the basic
price of 2.05 for Portland wheat, re
cently decreed by proclamation of the
President, and identical with that fixed
last year, will be set aside by the Ship
ping Board's agreement to carry
Northwestern wheat In Government
vessels at the 3.50 rate, which auto
matically insures local growers a basic
compensation of approximately S2.18
per bushel.
Telegram Reada Riddle.
Wheatgrowers of the Northwest, con
fronted with the choice of believing
that their rights and wishes bad bees
disregarded, or that the Administration
was not closely in touch with the aims
of Federal Food Administrator Hoover,
have the key to the riddle in the Hoover
telegram. .
The Shipping Board has undertaken
to transport excess production of wheat
or flour," reads the Hoover message,
from ths Pacific Coast in Government
vessels, and has made a rate of $6 for
flour and $3.50 for wheat. In conse
quence, the Food Administration will
be able to raise the price basis for the
1918 harvest at Pacific Coast ports to
approximately the Chicago basis."
The telegram bears the signature of
Herbert Hoover, as Federal Food Ad
ministrator, and was received by Ad
ministrator Ayer yesterday afternoon.
First Reports Ambiguous.
Ambiguity marked the first reports
of basic price determination when cou
pled with the promised water rate
from Pacific Coast ports. While local
wheatgrowers were told, by the proc
lamation, that the price of wheat was
fixed at $2.05 per bushel, it was ap
parent that, should the water rate of
$3.60 be made,, and tonnage furnished.
Portland wheat could be shipped to
It is lb first visit to Southern Cal-, New Tork for approximately 10 cents.
Grants Pass Denies W.
A. Baker Hearing.
Producer Gives New Angle to Theat
rical War by Hinting He Is to
Form Own Syndicate.
CHICAGO, Feb. 24. (Special.) A
new angle to the thearical war be
tween the rival Cooking firms of Klaw
& Erlanger and the Shuberts was con
tributed today Dy Morris Gest, theat
rical producer, who arrived in Chicago
to make a tour of inspection of the
various theatrical enterprises of his
firm, Elliott, Comstock & Gest. This
firm not only leased the La Salle The
ater here, but also has "The Wanderer"
at the Auditorium Theater.
"The theatrical war that has broken
the last few weeks between the Shu-
berts and Klaw & Erlanger is most ATTEMPT TO ARGUE FAILS
uisastrous, iur. vrest saiu louay a& me
Auditorium Theater.
"Many firms have been forced to de-
rlrlA vrhlnh fh t rlnfl I enmn thpv will I
dwell in. We have received big of f ers iicr xicm curving .Wr
from both sides for the privilege of of I. B. S. A. Arrested in Can-
Categorical Questions Prove
Patriotism Lacking.
ada Prompts Defense Coun
cil to Take Action.
booking? our companies exclusively, but
we will remain absolutely independent
next year. ' We will book with both
parties, playing the best theater we can
get in the different cities where these
rival firms have houses.
We probably will form a small syn- i GRANTS PASS, Or., Feb. 24. (Sre-
dlcate of our own and then we will 1 cial.) Pastor W. A. Baker, of the In-
not have to deal with either faction." I ternatlonal Bible Students' Association
Mr. Gest will remain in Chicago un- of Brooklyn, N. Y., .was advertised to
til Tuesday night. speak in Grants Pass this afternoon
on the subject, "The End of the World
by a committee of the local Council
British Auxiliary Cruiser Captures I of Defense to cancel his date here and
Craft Going to Stettin. avoid any attempt to hold a meeting
in in c vnjr ui iu uiauiuuia inula
COPENHAGEN, Feb. 24. A Trondsj- Newspaper Item Decides.
heim dispatch received here states that A copy of the Philadelphia Public
the steamer Dusseldorf, en route from Ledger, dated February 17. which had
Tromsoe to Stettin, has been captured I just been received here, contained an
Dy a cmisn auxiliary cruiser. ltera referring to the arrest of members
Maritime records show two steam- of tn International Bible Students' As-
ers by the name of Dusseldorf. One sociatlon in Moronto on the charge of
owned in Hamburg is of 6877 gross distributing copies of a prohibited pub-
tonnage, while the other, owned
Bremen, is registered at 901 tons.
James Reed, in Spruce Division,
Falls From Log Boom.
lication. This item was brought be
fore leaders in the Council of Defensa
late last night, and a meeting was
called this morning to discuss the mat
ter fully. It was decided to propound
to the lecturer four questions to be
I answered by "yes" or "no," the ques
tions being substantially as follows:
Are you a member of the Red Cross?
Are you a subscriber to the liberty -
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 2 4.-- Special.) I loan? ,
James Reed, a soldier in the spruce di- Have you purchased thrift stamps or
vision, was drowned last night when he savings certificates?
fell from a log boom at the Oregon Are you whole-heartedly and unre-
Paciflc Mill & Lumber Company's plant I servedly backing the Government's war
His body was recovered a short time I programme?
afterwards. I Mayor Demaray, Sheriff Lewis and
Reed enlisted last September and! Manager Truax, of the Opera-house,
came here from Vancouver. He was were delegated to wait upon the lec
about 23 years of age and lived atlturer and invite him to the meeting.
Dallas. I Pastor Baker, a slight man of about 50.
with pale face and snow-white hair.
Fargo Express agent at Grants Pass,
who is active in the work of the asso-
Alluslon to United States in Cham
ber Brings Members to Feet.
ciation, appeared before the 30 or 40
men at the Courthouse.
Mr. Baker's "good morning" was re-
fAivari with fiilAnOA. "Mr. 1-talcAr wn
ROME, Feb. 24. An allusion to the nrnmtlv ,nM tn th fistirtn.
United States in tho Chamber of Dep- b yes or no wlthout debate. To each
uties brought all the members to their
the reply was "no, and to the last
feet cheering during the debate on the question he attempted to offer debate,
war aims and general policies, which but was told no debate would be tol-
ended.yesterday in a vote of confidence erated and he was asked to leave the
n the government, 340 to 44.
(Concluded on Pace 11, Column 1.)
Com m I loner Corej Asks McAdoo tol t
Divert Km p ties to Eastern Oregon. I
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 24. (Special.) Pub- I
lie service Commissioner Corey tele-1
graphed today to Director-General Mc
Adoo asking that' empty cars reported
to b lying Idle on Southern Pacific
s.d tracks be sent to Baker to relieve
the tension there.
Report was received of 25 empty
ctr at Mapletos. on the Coos Bay
branch and It is expected others may
be found to aid the Baker lumber
jCaarf-.ariil oa Fas Z, rniiims
Paris War Office- Keports Artillery
Action on West Front.
PARIS. Feb. 24. The Wsr Office an
nouncement tonight says:
"Artillery actions of considerable In
tensity occurred tn ths region of Cham-
bretts. Apremont Forest and at several
points In the Vosges and Upper Alsace.
"Eastern theater, Feb. 23. The day
was quirt. The enemy artillery showed
activity In the region of Struma and
Wnt Vardar. On the Serbian front a
Bulgarian detachment was repulsed."
German Vice-chancellor Scheduled
to Address Reichstag.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. 24. The Frank
furter Zrltuna; says the German Vice-
Chancellor, Krirdrlrh von Paypr. will
address the Reichstag tomorrow la re
gard to Inur&ai affairs.
Vote Is rnaiimoiii,
A vote was taken which was unani
mous against the holding of any meet
ing and the men were so notified.
The whole interview lasted not more
than three minutes, but it was long
enough to show the resolute deter
mination of the men who compose the
Council of Defense to prevent any at
tempt at holding meetings of this sort
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 4t
degrees; minimum. 34 degrees.
TODAY'S Probably rain: moderate aouth
easterly winds.
Huns increase fire against Americans north
west of TouU Page 5.
Bolshevik! accept German peace term. 1 in Grants Pass.
.fags a.
Divine right of kings cause of war, says
ueraro. i-age . nmr PT
Liner wrecked near Cape Race and 146. Capsized Vessel Seen About Three
Miles North of Point Arena.
Revolution breaks out in Costa Rica. Page 1.
Labor unrest in England hampers war drive. I
Page 2.
Tuscanla survivors in Irish hospitals are I Michelsen, of the steamer G. C. Lin-
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24Captain
doing well. Page
Capital and labor called to formulate Na
tlonal work policy. Page 3.
Letters published show Berkman and Gold
Idauer, which arrived at this port to
day from Coos Bay, reported that he
had passed at midnight Saturday what
man worked with Hindu spies. Page 8. 1 appeared to him to be & capsized ves-
War Department reports American activity I
at front Increasing. Page a.
The supposed derelict was sighted
Se rl""m,t1HitlcUSAdmin''rtra- about three miles north of Point Arena,
American Captain, of German descent, re
fuses to fight, sentenced to 25 years at
hard labor. Page 1.
Morris Gest refuses to take sides in theatrical
war. Page 1.
Coast Artilleryman slashes comrade because
latter stole his girL Page 1.
Veterans will second fighters in coming
bouts. Page 10. "
Portland marksmen ' score 121 in shoot.
Page 10.
the captain reported.
Systematic Campaign On to Promote
General Walkout.
AMSTERDAM, Feb. 24 There are
numerous indications in Germany of a
systematic campaign to promote a new
Contract for purchase of Seals Is all ready to I general strike, says a Berlin dispatch
sign. Page 10.
Pacific Northwest,
Defense Council refuses to let Pastor Baker
speak at Grants Pass. Page 1.
Irrigation school at Redmond well attended.
Page 3.
Woodsman curses. "Old Glory" and Montana
cowboys take hand. Page 3,
Tacoma's political interests center in bond
issues. Page 4. '
Soldier entitled to day tn court, says Justice
Bean. Page 4.
Draft Appeal Voard Issues statement to pub
lic Page .
Portland and Vicinity.
Good news comes to wheat growers from
Herbert Hoover, fane i.
Boy Scouts to start campaign today to raise
;30,ooo. page .
Church yet Is most vital force in nation's
life, says Dr. btansxield. page 8.
Rev. Paul Radar says God rules in present
war. Page 14.
Wooden steamer Blloxi launched at St. Johns
yards. Page 14.
Portland Chapter Red Cross makes work
room record. Page 7.
Prise winners in recent Cat and Pet Stock
Show mad public Page 8.
Lents pays fine tribute to sons in military
service. Page .
War garden drive to open with big band con
cert at Auditorium. Page 11.
Popular airs win at concert of Symphony Or
chestra. Page 14.
Weather report, data sad forecast. Fags IX,
to the Weser Zeitung, of Bremen.
If you ..ant to know all about
the Navy, so far as Navy life
goes, you may learn much by
sending for the Navy Book, pub
lished by the Government and
furnished free by The Oregonian
through its information and serv
ice bureau at Washington.
If you want to know about
conservation of food in wartime
through proper cookery, send for
the War Cook Book, also printed
by the Government, and furnished
by The Oregonian from Wash
ington. Write to Frederick J. Haskin,
director of Oregonian Informa
tion Bureau, Washington, D. C.
Send 2-cent et-mp,, return post
age on each book.
Do NOT write to The Oregonian
at Portland.