Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 23, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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aMi urrT inn
To Kill Officers and Deliver
Army to Huns Alleged
Aim of Designers.
Be she as chaste as Diana and
as white as snow, she cannot
escape calumny.
. . ..wui l"L if"""" l
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All Face Iath Penally t Acc-n.
tion Ar SoMalned Arre.ts Are
Made In Conrae of General
Clran-Cp of Enemy Aliens.
CAMP LEWIS. Taeoma, Vuh. Feb.
::. The arrest of four soldiers against-
whom srlou charges mar he filed
t as announced today at the office of
the division Judge-Advocate, who with
held thetr nimri. What action In re
' sard to their cas In to be taken the
Jud Advocate would not say beyond
the fart that Instructions were awaited
from Washington.
According; to the Judge-Advocate's
office, the men are accused of haTlnjc
entered Into a plot to shoot their offi
cers as soon as they were placed on
the battle front In France, and to de
liver the men of their organisation. If
possible. Into the hands of the Hermans
as prisoners. ,
If tha accusations are sustained the
men face death as the extreme penalty
and In anjr case discharge from the
Army and internment as enemy aliens,
the Judge-Advocate said.
. t ! s Brlaaa Arrests.
Tha arrests were made In connection
with the clean-up of Camp Lewis of
enemy alien soldiers, which already
has resulted in about 209 men being
dropped from service. A total of 34
men were discharged today. What dls
ronltlon Is to be made of them when
they leave the Army la for tha civil au
thorttles to decide.
Private T. J. Tampanes. of head
quarters company at Camp Lewis, is In
the division headquarters guardhouse.
charged with having sold discharges
from tha Army to Camp Lewis soldiers
a: IS each.
Tampanes. according to officials, ob
tained the blanks from some unknown
source and found a number of victims,
the men thinking they were getting out
of Army service with a clean bill.
Aaatriaa la Ii-Gera .
Another alien enemy. Mike Bellan,
an Austrian drafted from Butte, where
he was working In the copper mines as
an expert powder man. was credited
with having aald all Americans were
f exits and ho hoped Oerrrnny would give
them a good licking, lie will be dis
charged and arrested on a Presidential
A number of unusual rases have de
veloped In the weedlng-out process.
One Austrian who was 111 In the hos
pital, when told he would be dis
charged, was pleased until told ha
would be classed as an enemy alien.
Ha said he had hoped to bo discharged
so he could go back and support his
family, but that he would rather be
shot than discharged as an enemy alien.
A number of Poles. Serbs and Bohe
mians, technically enemy aliens, are to
remain In the service because of their
loyalty to the I'nited States. The
Army Intelligence department and mil
itary police are watching the aliens
closely, and aa fast as they show sus
picious Indications of favoring this
country's enemies they are called up
for examination Into thetr past.
WASHINGTON. Feb. . Officers of
the Judge-Advocate-Oeneral's office
said today that any National Army sol
diers charged with plotting treason
would be tried by military courtmar
tlal and If found guilty would be liable
to the death penalty. No report on the
arrests at Camp Lewis had reached the
Judge-Advocate General.
iBTearlgatlaa Casaea First.
In the ordinary course tha division
commander would make no report on
such cases until the matter had been
carefully Investigated, and. In case
definite charges were filed, not until
the actual trial of those concerned had
been completed.
Action to be taken depends entirely
upon whether the men under arrest
were apprehended while still In the
military service or after they had been
discharged previously on grounds of
holding enemy sympathy. If still In
the service, they would ba dealt with
under military law.
If. however, the plotter were dis
charged from the Army and then ar
rested, tha military authorities would
simply report tha case to the Depart
ment of Justice and then hold the pris
oners for tha disposition of that tri
bunal. a
Secret rle Assists.
Tha War Department recently or
dered ateps taken to weed out of the
service not only every alien suspected
of holding allegiance to the enemies
of this country, but those also
whose affiliations before the entry
of tha United Statea Into the
war led to a suspicion of their loy
alty. In this work the secret service
and other branches of the Department
of Justice have co-operated with the
War Department. Upon the dismissal
of a suspect from the Army, his name,
description and place of residence are
sent to tha Department of Justice, or.
If tha man comes within the classifi
cation of "dangerous enerrjy alien. ha
Is held for tranafer to a detention
No statistics have been made public
as to the number of men discharged
as a result of this campaign.
Army officers do not believe, how
ever, that the total of 2i)0 reported
from Camp Lewis would ba a fair
average for ail camps. Discharges
from the National Army, they pointed
out. catura. ly would be- larger than
from tha National Guard.
A' n "A "
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-Zc ry Vi7 'T'tTS' SsneSf Stir &G&r sfrtS'Z)fo &bou
Liberty Alma Rubens, "I Love
Majestic Constance Talmadge.
Peoples Mae Marsh, "Tha Be
loved Traitor."
Columbia Jack Plckford. "Huck
and Tom.
Btar Mary Miles Mlnter. "Beauty
and the Rogue"; Toto comedy.
Sunset Maclste. "The Warrior";
Fatty Arbuckle, "Coney Is
land." Globe Ann Pennington. "Susie
Yamhill Workers Pledge Best Ef
forts In Campaign.
MrMINNVILLE. Or, Feb. J2 (Spe
cial.) Chairman E. C. A p person, of the
Yamhill County liberty loan committee,
presided at a railed meeting of the
members of the third liberty loan com
mittee from each of the towns In the
county held In this city today, at which
there war present about (i) commit
teemen. The meeting was addressed
by Robert E. Smith, executive com
mltteman from Portland.
The local men pledved their loyalty
to the work In line for them, and a
plan was adopted whereby every sec
tion of the county will be systematic
ally canvassed In the Interest of the
coming liberty loan and every family
and Individual will be given an op
portunity to aid.
British Steamer Aground.
AX ATLANTIC PORT. Feb. I! Forty-seven
men. the crew of tha British
tramp steamer Etrurla. a total loss,
aground off this coast, were landed here
today by a United State Coast Guard
Constance Talmadge, younger sister
of Norma and the famed "mountain
girl" of the Griffith spectacle, "Intol'
erance." will make her debut as a real
star of the celluloid drama at the Ma
jestic Theater today In "Scandal. a
plcturlsatlon of the well-known Cosmo
Hamilton story. A funny Sunshine
comedy and Hearst-Pathe News are
also billed for presentation.
As a headstrong, willful daughter of
a wealthy New York family Miss Tal
madge la said to score an unqualified
success In "ScandaL" The story deals
with tha danger attendant on buck
ing tha old conventional standards of
society and shows bow one small lie
will beget thousands.
Ignored by the members of her fam
ily and flattered by attentions of Torke,
Beatrix, the heroine, visits bis studio.
To square herself with her horrified
family and to save herself from Iso
lation in the West, the girl Involves
an eligible young bachelor In the af
fair, swears that she has been visiting
his rooms and further says that they
have been secretly married. This pre
cipitates a situation which leads to all
sorts of complications, with the shadqw
of scandal hovering over her until a
real love affair with her victim clears
the borlxon.
Mae Marsh, famous cinema star, who
has been called the "Ellen Terry" of
pictures" and many other flattering
things by her many admirers, la the
headline attraction at the Peoples
Theater on the new photoplay pro
gramme opening this morning. Miss
Marsh, the "whim girl." Is the star of
"The Beloved Traitor," the latest
Goldwyn production.
The flsherfolks of Maine and the
Bohemians of New Tork's artistic col
ony are pictured In this riimation of
the story by Frank L. Packard. Miss
Marsh is supported by such players as
E. K. Lincoln, now the star of the
Christy Cabanne productions. and
George Fawcett, one of the best char
acter actors of stage and screen.
Whimsical Mae plays the role of
Mary Garland, a flshermald. In The
Beloved Traitor." Her Influence on
Judd Mlnot, an ambitious fisherman
who shows a high talent for sculpture,
arouses his ambitions and he soon In
vades New Tork In search of fame and
fortune. There he Is engulfed In the
fast artistic set, forgets the forlorn
little girl who awaits him at home,
and spends his time In revelry.
His interesting adventures in Gotham
and his rescue by his "beacon" furnish
material for a picture which Is said
to give Miss Marsh an opportunity for
unusual dramatic display.
Mary Miles Mlnter. clever and charm
ing little Ingenue of the motion picture
hall of fame, has been given a delight
ful role In her latest production.
"Beauty and the Rogue." This comedy
drama, together with the first two-reel
comedy featuring Toto. the famous
clown of the New York. Hippodrome,
comprise the new Star bill opening
In "Beauty and the Rogue" Miss
Mlnter plays the part of the daughter
of a wealthy man who Indulges her
every whim her obsession beirg to do
good among the poor and criminal
classes. She becomes Interested fn i
burglar Just released from the Pen!
tentiary and Insists that he be hired as
a gardener. "Slippery Bill" repays by
robbing the house of his benefactor
and planning to kidnap the child. This
starts a series of amusing and dramatic
Incidents which bring the burglar to
grief and win for the girl a husband.
'Something entirely new In comedies
Is promised In "The Movie - Dummy,
Toto's first Pathe two-reeler. Critics
predict that Toto Is destined to become
as popular as some of tha best-known
comedies of the day.
Screen Gossip.
Barbara "astleton, one of the stars of
"For the Freedom of the World" and
"Parentage," two pictures which en
joyed successful runs at the Majestic
Theater, has been signed by World
Film. She'a a cousin of Louise Gun
ning, famous comic opera star. She
waa In the prologue to "A Daughter 'of
the Gods."
For tha lfth time Charlie Chaplin's
well-known super dreadnought shoes
have been soled and patched. Charlie
still retains the same shoes that helped
him to leap into the limelight.
e e
A broker broke the Mack Bennett
studio corps recently with a tip on some
oil stock sure to skyrocket.
e e - e
When Fred Stone takes tha count for
this season In "Jack-CLantern" ha will
ba shipped to California to make his
first motion picture.
Mary Plckford'a newest Artcraft pic
ture, "Amarllly of Clothesline Alley.'
has just been finished. She will begin
In a few days on the next to be called
Elsie Ferguson is the next Artcraft
star who will come to the West Coast
to make motion pictures.
Following on- the heels of the suc
cessful Wild West Rodeo which Doug
las Fairbanks staged in Los Angeles,
with a profit of 118.000 to the Red
Cross fund, the Artcraft star haa re
peated the show In San Francisco for
tha benefit of the war camp recreation
The real sensation of. the past week
among acandal mongers at the Lasky
studio In California has been the fact
that old bad BUI Hart was seen In the
act of pouring tea at a Red Cross
benefit. Great fear waa expressed that
this famous exponent of Western char
acters jrlll degenerate Into a lounge
lizard and run around with a rose in
his buttonhole and wearing lavender
kjd gloves to adorn his trigger finger.
In keeping with the elimination of
German language from public schools
comes the news that Douglas Fair
banks has disposed of his automobile
made specially for him In Germany
three years aso.
The Artcraft star's patriotism runs
o extremes, demanding that everv
member of his film company be a nat
uralized American. In tha motlon-Die-
ture profession one finds a melting pot
of nationalities, and the Fairbanks or
ganisation Includes representatives of
almost every nation.- '
e e e
For the Hollywood Studio Club, that
organisation where the girls of the stu
dio live and hold their teaa and recep
tions. Helen Jerome Eddy is getting up
a benefit to be held at the Lasky Studio
Theater, where she is to present John
Masefleld's "Tragery of Nan." This will
be directed by Horace Carpenter, the
noted stage artist and Lasky player. In
the cast are Helen Jerome Eddy. Hor
ace Carpenter, Raymond Hatton, Lil
lian Lelghton, Mabel Van Buren. Cecil
Irish and other Paramount players.
Helen Holmes Is 'tired of dodging
locomotives and wants to go In for the
more thouchtful stuff. In five or six
reels. So Mr. and Mrs. J. P. ilcGowan,
are now at liberty.
The star of "Intolerance'
scores an overwhelming suc
cess in one of the biggest plays
of the season. From Cosmo
Hamilton's great serial in the
Green Book.
' ' ' '
In its frankness, its display of delicate
situations for sensational purposes, it
follows the course laid down in many of
Mr. Hamilton's previous writings, yet
it cannot possibly offend. Miss Tal
madgebe cause she acts her role so well,
obscures any such possibility. She is
foolish virgin playing with fire and not
realizing that fire burns, but her actions
are free from any , passionate feeling
which would spoil the suspenseful aid
humorously delicate situations. .
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Herd of 94 Shorthorns Feature
' of Northwest Show.
Livestock Men Go on Record XTrglng
Extension of Price-Fixing to
Mutton and Beef Woman
Is Interested. Spectator.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Feb. 22. (Spe
cial.) Expressing confidence In Presi
dent Wilson, pledging support for the
Increased production programme of the
Food Administration, and urging the
extension of price fixing to mutton and
beef, the resolutions committee of the
Northwest Livestock Conference ap
peared with a comprehensive set of
resolutions beneficial to the Industry
before the conference this afternoon.
The Food Administration waa asked
to raise the minimum pork price In the
Northwest from 14.50 to il&.bu a hun
dred pounds.
The resolutions aiso recommenaea
that a county agricultural agent be
named for every county In the North
west: that animal husbandry courses
be offered In agricultural high schools
and courses for herdsmen and feeders
In agricultural colleges, also that states
exact a high tax on useless dogs and
devote the revenus to compensating
losses of sheep killed by dogs.
Appointment of practical and experi
enced farmers and stockmen to re
sponsible place In the Federal Food Ad
ministration; extension of predatory
animal extermination work of the De
partment of Agriculture; permission by
cities for keeping small pens of hogs
within the corporate limits, and an ap
propriation by the Washington Legis
lature for the proposed Irrigation ex
periment station in the Yakima Valley
were asked. ' -
A. herd of 94 Shorthorns, on exhibition
at the Union Stockyards, was the cen
ter of interest at the Northwestern
Livestock Conference today.
The Exchange National Bank silver
trophies, offered by E. E. - Flood, for
President E. T. Coman, of the bank,
were won by the two best animals -at
the show, as follows: Best bull. Royal
Champion, owned by Day & Rothrock;
best female. Bonnie Lone IV, owned by
J. H. McCroskey & Sons, of Sprague. ..
More than 300 stockmen and their
friends inspected the exhibit this morn
ing. During that time the different
classes appeared In the prize ring for
the awarding of J500 in cash, distrib
uted in J5 lots by the American Short
horn Breeders' Association.
One of the most Interested spectators
of the Judging was Mrs. J. E. McCauley.
of Lewiston, Mont., proprietor of a large
stock ranch and the only woman identi
fied with the industry at the conference.
She Is the owner . of the -1916 grand
International champion Shorthorn bull.
for which she paid J9906- '
The conference voted to meet here
again next February, and favored hold
ing of all regular livestock shows dur
ing the coming season.
Funeral Service Ileld at Eugene for
PJpneer Oregon Resident.
pUGEXE. Or., Feb. 22 (Special.)
Funeral services were held here this
afternoon for Mrs. David Thompson,
pioneer resident of Oregon, who died In
Portland Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Thompson crossed the plains
and came to Oregon In 1852. She was
a resident of this city for over 30 years.
until four years ago, when she went to
I'&rtland to make her home with her.
daughter. Miss Ella Thompson, a teach
er In the Portland schools. She was 79
years of age and is survived by two
sons and four daughters: Oren and
Grant Tnompson, of Eastern Oregon;
Mrs. M. S. Wallace, of Eugene, and Miss
Ella Thompson, Mrs. Marie Pazley and
Mrs. J. E. Easton, all of Portland.
Newly Appointed Research Assistant
. Formerly Employed by XT. S.
Corvallls, Feb. 22. (Special.) The
position of research assistant in the
department 'of horticulture at Oregon
Agricultural Cortege has been ac
cepted by Dr. F. E. Denny, who will
assume his duties April ,1. Dr. Denny
has been assistant In the United States
bureau of '.chemistry at Los Angeles.
He is a graduate of the University of
Nebraska, and took his doctor's degree
in the University of Chicago. .
At Oregon Agricultural College his
special work will be investigations of
effects of pruning on orchard trees
and the relation of pollination to fruit
setting and development. Much of Dr.
Denny's work will be along researcn
lines and will be done in the field and .
Woodman's Skull Crushed.
PE ELL. Wash., Feb. 22. (Special.)
John Hamrick, an employe of the
Doty Lumber Company, was taken
through here last evening on, his way
to South Bend Hospital. Hamrick was
struck on the head by a brake stick
while working in the woods and his
skull was crushed. His injuries are
such that he cannot live.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.
Your troubled, unsettled mind, your inability to concen
trate, or your fatigue from ordinary work simply shows you
that the drain on your strength is greater than your system 13
supplying and you need the powerful, nourishing force in
w m h mu mm
to speedily replenish the deficiency and avoid a breakdown.1
Scott 3 is all nourishment and so skilfully emul
sified that it is quickly assimilated without taxing
digestion and sets up strength in place of weakness.
Mo Drugs No AJaohol No Opiate .